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The table of conception of a child by the age of the mother is Chinese. Modern medical methods for diagnosing the sex of the fetus

Conceive a child of a certain gender according to the Chinese table? Yes Easy! Do not take it for nonsense, but a certain percentage of women quite seriously believe in this theory. Ask, what did the chromosomes cancel? Probably, couples who give birth to boys three or more times in a row, and are waiting for a princess, or, on the contrary, do not really think about how crazy the idea of ​​​​determining the sex of an unborn child using the ancient Chinese method looks in the 21st century. It seems to me that the Chinese table for determining the sex of a child sounds quite scientific in comparison, for example, with visualization, with the help of which, too, they say, you can give birth to a boy or a girl. I will give a rating of medieval signs about conception according to plan.

10th place. Chinese sex chart.

Someone considers this nonsense, but when you want certainty! Any methods are good. Christina M.
We managed to conceive and give birth to a daughter according to the ancient Chinese table. I don’t know what helped us, maybe a desire, maybe a table or all together, but it’s worth a try. Why not??? Jeanne Z.
According to the ancient Chinese table, after four boys I gave birth to a girl. Might be a coincidence. But, three of them already have an exact hit. Gulnar A.
I also gave birth according to the ancient Chinese calculation, and that's right - we have 2 boys. Victoria P.

(The Chinese consider the age of a person from the moment of conception. Therefore, add another 9 months to yours).

9th place. Japanese sex chart.

The Internet is a very sensitive substance. If half of the people who are expecting a baby will persistently look for ways to conceive a boy or girl, then the Internet will surely offer them ways. I give 9th place to the Japanese conception table. It differs from the Chinese significantly. In Chinese, everything is simpler - only the age of the mother and the month of conception matter. The Japanese are also worried about these men - it's already good.

How to calculate? To do this, use the two tables below. In the first of them, the months of birth of the parents are used as initial data. For example, the future father was born in December, and the mother - in June, in the corresponding columns of the table you need to find them and draw lines perpendicular to each other. This is how the family figure is determined. In this case, it is the number "6".

Next, in the second table, you need to find the family figure and see in which months the chance of having a boy is higher. The more crosses are drawn, the higher the probability of the birth of one or another gender. In this case, the couple will be able to conceive a boy in February and October, with a higher probability in October.

7th place. Determination of the sex of the child by blood.

One site that is called upon to calculate and convert everything - of course, offered and

a calculator with which you can calculate the sex of the unborn child based on the blood renewal cycles of the father and mother. Of course, compared with the ancient Chinese table, the calculation of sex by blood renewal looks like a squeeze from a doctoral one. If not for the phrase from this site. I quote:

“Doctors believe that in our body, blood, cells, soul, and thoughts are subject to renewal: once every 3 years for women, and every 4 years for men.” What kind of doctors are and why they specialize in renewing the soul, among other things, is not clear. Next, the calculator offers to enter data - the dates of birth of the parents and the date of blood renewal. Including forced (operations and abortions).

We count from the date of birth to the date of conception, adjusted for: - operations, blood transfusion from the father and mother; - miscarriage or abortion in the mother. In these cases, we enter into the calculation not the date of birth, but the date of the forced renewal of the blood.

It is a pity there is no calculation of the renewal of the soul. I'd be happy to upgrade.)

6th place. The weight of the expectant mother and the sex of the child.

Further, the floor is given to British scientists. According to their data, women who weigh less than 54 kg are more likely to give birth to girls, ladies who are larger are more likely to give birth to boys. What is the reason for this particular weight, and how each kilogram affects certain chances, scientists are silent.

5th place. Smoking and gender of the child

The author of the following theory is clearly from the fighters for a healthy lifestyle. I don’t know how they justify it, but there is a story that boys appear much less often in smoking parents. The theory seems to confirm the stereotype that women are more tenacious than men. Rave? Undoubtedly! But, if you want boys, just in case, quit smoking and go skiing! At least it's healthy!

4th place. Leader in the family and the gender of the child

This is where it's completely absurd. “In those families where the leadership position belongs to the father, most often, sons are born. It is believed that such activity is associated with the hormonal background of the spouse. And I'll give the same place of honor to another folk nonsense. How do you like that? There is a theory that the longer a woman tries to get pregnant, the more likely it is to have a son.

I won't even comment.

3rd place. Nutrition and gender of the child

I will give this position to nutritionists. Here are the ingredients for the menu. If you want a son to be born, eat the following:

  • any kind of meat and fish, sausages;
  • egg white;
  • coffee, tea, fruit juices, soda;
  • rice, semolina, biscuits, bread, cookies;
  • mushrooms, potatoes, lentils, dried peas, white beans;
  • dates, prunes, bananas, oranges, cherries, apricots, peaches;
  • black chocolate;
  • canned food, salty food, yeast

2nd place. The gender of the child and the influence of the moon

The crazy ideas are endless. But in our rating of nonsense about determining the sex of a child, we came to the most interesting. So, the orientation is the Moon! According to this theory, the most favorable time for conceiving a boy is when the Moon is in the first or last quarter.

1st place. Sex and gender of the child

The leader in my subjective rating of crazy ideas about planning the sex of the unborn child is the most important and pleasant argument! It turns out that in order to have a boy, you need to have sex more often - before ovulation. This time. Eliminate the missionary position - diversify positions for sex and ensure deep penetration. This is two. Be sure to experience the strongest orgasm!! Both!! For men, preferably earlier!

I wish good health to all future parents! Successfully get pregnant, endure and give birth! Oh, and when you read various Chinese and other methods of conception, do not forget about what you learned at school in a biology lesson. Still, the combination of natural sciences and divine providence looks more worthy than the medieval crap. After all, we are smart people.

Agree, I would like to know for sure whom you will give birth to - a boy or a girl? They say that nothing is impossible. The wisdom of the East will help you - just use the Chinese conception table. Who knows, perhaps it is you who will be able to plan the birth of the long-awaited heir to the family name or a beloved daughter.

It's just a legend. No scientific justification by Chinese conception tables does not exist. But if you take a critical look at the process itself, you can say with confidence that it is the moment of connection of the sperm and the egg that largely determine the sex of the unborn child.

If you suddenly fail, you do not need to blame anyone. Children are the flowers of life, they need to be loved by everyone, regardless of sexual signs.

For calculations, the age of the mother at the time of conception and the month in which she decided to conceive are used. Please note that the table is primarily focused on the birth of a boy. For many millennia, the Chinese wanted to strengthen the nation, so they engaged in sexual selection, with an emphasis on males.

Today, the conception table flaunts in the Beijing Institute of Science, but before getting on public display, she had to go through many adventures.

According to legend, 700 years ago, the tablet was buried in a grave near Beijing, and only by chance was found to the delight of millions of families around the world.

Let's move on to the calculations. You will need data on your lunar age. Where to get them is written in the article about. Alternatively, you can order an astrological consultation on the Internet.

Determination of the sex of the child according to the Chinese table of conception:

  1. The age of the mother at the time of conception (horizontally) is from 18 to 31 months according to the lunar calendar.
  2. Month of conception (vertically).
  3. Intersection point - information about what gender your unborn child will be.

Here, in fact, is the Chinese conception table itself:

Month of conception 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
January D M D M D M M D M D M D M M M D M M D M D M D M D M M D
February M D M D M M D M D M D M D D D M D M M D M D M D M D M M
March D M D D M D M M M D M D D M M M M D M M D M D M D M D M
April M D M D D M M D D M D D D D D M D M D M M M M D M D M D
May M D M D M M D D D D D M D D D D D D M D M M D M D M M D
June M M M D D D M M M D D M D D D D D D D M D D M D M D M D
July M M M D D M M D D M M M D D D D D D D D M D M M D M D M
August M M M D M D D M M M M M D D D M D M D M D M D M M D M D
September M M M D D M D M D M M M D D D D D D M D M D M D M M D M
October M M D D D M D M D M M D D D D D D D M M D M D M D M M D
November M D M D D M D M D D D D M D D D M M M D M D M D M M D M
December M D M D D D D M D M D D M M M M M M M M D D D M D M D M

Note. The table is presented for entertainment purposes. The author of the article does not accept any claims and is not responsible for the results of any experiments. The chances of correctly determining the sex of the child are regarded as 50/50.

I wish you success in conceiving a child!

Almost all parents ask themselves the question: who will be born - a boy or a girl? And some even try to conceive a child of a certain gender in advance. And what is most interesting is that this was true even in ancient times. In this article, we will analyze the centuries-old wisdom and dwell in more detail on recognizing the sex of a child before birth using various tables.

In China, such a table was invented in ancient times. Moreover, the Chinese consider it 100% accurate. But according to the reviews of mothers who gave birth to babies, this forecast is not always true. Perhaps because in the Middle Kingdom it is customary to consider the age of a person from the moment of conception. Therefore, when determining the sex of the baby, add another 9 months to your real age.

Using the scheme is simple, for this:

  • at first count how old you are by Chinese standards, add 7-9 months to your full years;
  • Then find the number vertically, relevant your full age, and horizontally birth month;
  • Draw imaginary lines, crossing them and indicate who you will have: D - girl, M - boy.

Table of the sex of the child by month of conception

It was in China that it was believed that the phase of the moon has an impact on the sex of the unborn child. Therefore, scientists have suggested that the table takes into account the lunar phases. Others believe that the scheme is based on studies of the effect of a woman's age and date of birth on the sex of the baby. As mentioned above, to determine who you will have a boy or a girl, you need to know not only the age of the mother, but also the month of conception of the baby.

IMPORTANT: However, it is a pity that the assumptions do not always come true. The predictions are 78.9% reliable out of 100% possible.

Video: Gender of the child by date of conception - table

How to determine the sex of the child according to the Vanga table?

Most mothers use the table of the great blind soothsayer Vanga in order to recognize who will be born a boy or a girl. The scheme bears only the name of the soothsayer Vanga, but in fact it was compiled by her follower and student, Lyudmila Kim.

Women's opinions about this table vary. Some get what they write, and some don't. Moms, using this method of prediction, noticed a certain peculiarity that if a woman in labor has a negative Rh factor, then everything should be interpreted the other way around. More precisely, if it fell out according to the scheme that a boy will be born, then you will most likely have a girl.

Gender of the child according to the Vanga table

Everyone can understand this scheme. Dark green means that you will have a boy in a few months, and light green means a girl. For gender recognition you will need:

  • at the top, select the month of conception of the baby
  • vertically find the number indicating the full age of mom
  • find their intersection point - this color of the rectangle will indicate the gender of the crumbs

Determination of the sex of the child by age

Even according to the tables, the sex of the crumbs is guessed by the age of the woman in labor, by the age of both parents, or by the age of the father. I must say that the assumptions often come true, almost 96% out of 100 possible.

Gender of the child by date of birth of parents (table)

This method of determination has been known for a long time. And based on the testimony of two tables. You need to work with diagrams in the following way:

  1. Select woman's birth month
  2. Then select the man's birth month
  3. At the intersection of lines (horizontal and vertical), find the number
  4. Remember this number

Now let's move on to the second table:

  1. We are looking for the number that you dropped out in the first table
  2. Then we draw a line vertically down to the intersection with the month of conception of the baby
  3. Now we draw a strictly horizontal line to the intersection with the middle, where the crosses are located
  4. If there are more crosses in the column - M, then a boy will appear, if vice versa, then it will be - a girl

Table for determining the sex of a child by the age of the father

There are many cases when only girls or boys are born in one family. And parents dream of a baby or a baby. It is said that this is a predisposition of the father's genetics. Scientists have compiled a table to determine the sex of the crumbs by the age of the pope. How to use the scheme, read on:

  1. Select father's age (vertically)
  2. Find the month of conception horizontally
  3. If there is no month for the conception of a baby, then there will be a girl, if there is a month in the column, there will be a boy

Table of the sex of the child by the age of the mother

There are dozens of such tables. However, their basis is an ancient Chinese scheme for recognizing the sex of babies even before they are born.

Pregnancy table: gender of the child by mother's age

We have already considered above how to use such a scheme for such a determination of the sex of a baby. It is enough to find the age of the mother and the date of conception itself (more precisely, a month). And at the intersection of the parameters, find the cherished: M or D.

Japanese table for determining the sex of a child

The Japanese scheme has long gained great popularity among mothers who want to know who will be - a girl or a boy, not only in Japan, but throughout the world. The most interesting thing is that 93% of the result is reliable.

The schema consists of two tables. One at a time, you determine the code number (we considered this table in paragraph: Gender of the child by date of birth of the parents). And on the other - already codenumber, month of conception learn gender.

Sex of the child according to the renewal of the blood of the parents: table

According to the observations of specialists, the sex of the baby depends on the date of the last cyclic blood renewal. Moreover, it is believed that for mothers it is updated once every three calendar years, and for fathers - once every four years. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that with large blood loss, a blood renewal cycle also occurs (for example, during operations, etc.). Then the table below will not be relevant.

How to calculate the gender of the child 100 percent?

  • You will need a sheet of paper. Write on it your father's full name, your first name and maiden name
  • Write the month of conception crumbs
  • Convert all letters to numbers
  • Add up the numbers
  • Then divide the sum by seven
  • If you get an even number, then you will have a girl, an odd number - a boy

Table of conception of the sex of the child one hundred percent

We have considered many variants of schemes for guessing the sex of crumbs even before birth. According to experimental research, the most accurate is the "Chinese ancient table". It must indicate the age of the future mother, the exact month of conception. Based on these data, you can see what gender your child will be.

How to calculate the sex of a child by ovulation: a table of the sex of a child in percent

Most often, women have a 28-month cycle. The period of ovulation can then occur between the 11th and 21st days of this cyclic system. If conception occurs before ovulation, then you need to expect a girl, if on the 14-17th day, then you will have a boy.

Video: Test for determining the sex of the child

The pregnancy period is fraught with many questions. One of the aspects that concern future parents is the gender of the child. The most accurate results can be obtained after the 20-week period. Up to this point, the Chinese table for determining the sex of the unborn child comes to the rescue.

In contact with

Historical aspect

The ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of a child is presented in calendar form. The document allows predict the sex of the unborn child.

Potential parents can determine whether the baby will be a boy or a girl.

The Chinese table of planning the sex of the child is the result of the intellectual work of Beijing scientists.

The original source of the document can be found at the Beijing Institute of Sciences. Anyone can read its content.

Chinese table for determining the sex of the unborn child was discovered over 7 centuries ago. As a result of archaeological research, the document was found in the monk's tomb.

An ancient Chinese legend says that the table allows you to accurately calculate the sex of the child. This belief is shared by Chinese scientists. According to them, the Chinese child planning chart gives a reliable result in 97 percent of its application.

Experts agree that the ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of a child was designed for the imperial household. This hypothesis is a consequence of the interest of the Chinese in the birth of boys. This trend has a simple explanation. The male representatives were the successors of the clan.

They created a new family, where they were responsible for its provision. With girls, the situation was different. Until the age of 17, girls were in the care of their parents. This involved a number of costs associated with their maintenance. Only after marriage, the parents were released from this obligation. That is why between the choice of "boy or girl" the Chinese preferred males.

Gender Prediction

When wondering how to determine the gender of the future heir, parents begin to doubt. They think about the possibility of error in the results. Such thoughts are natural. In order to prevent inaccuracies, you should first study the features of the calculation process.

according to the Chinese calendar is carried out by calculation. This approach takes into account rotation of the moon around the earth's axis.

A similar feature is also characteristic of eastern countries. Within the European space, the rotation of the Earth around the Sun is assumed.

Success in how to determine the sex of the future heir depends on taking into account the lunar cycle. The Chinese calendar uses the new moon as the beginning of the New Year.

It is important to remember that the period of the Sun in Aquarius follows the new moon. Such a benchmark is considered to be a relative measure. It falls on the January-February period.

Note! According to the Chinese, the date of conception is the date of birth of a person. It is this feature that determines the difficulty of how to determine the sex of the unborn child according to the table.

The answer to how to accurately determine the sex of the unborn child lies in comparing lunar age in relation to the age parameter of a woman. Such a calculation should be carried out exclusively according to the lunar calendar.

How to calculate the gender of the child

In order to reliably identify the sex of a child according to the ancient Chinese tabular system, several aspects should be taken into account. First of all, it is important focus on the accuracy of the age of the expectant mother. Without the correct calculation of this indicator, the rest of the process will be a failure.

The calculation of the age parameter of a woman depends on the period of the year. If the expectant mother was born in any month of the year, except for the January-February period, then the calculation process is greatly simplified. The original day of the month in the form of a date of birth must be increased by a 9-month parameter. So, the woman's birthday falls on May 12, 1990.

In December 2017, she turned 27 years and 7 months old. Then she and her husband began to plan replenishment. If you add the 9-month value, you get an age parameter of 28 years and 4 months. The resulting number is the desired result. This age indicator will serve as the basis for further calculations according to the table.

If a woman was born in the January period, one clarification needs to be made. Of interest is the appearance of the expectant mother before the new lunar year or much later than this stage.

So, the woman’s birthday is January 16, 1974. In that time period, the beginning of the year in the Chinese version fell on January 23rd.

As a result, the birth of the future mother dates back to 1973. To this number 9 month parameter should be added.

It is important to understand that the first calculations according to the table may be incorrect. No need to despair. Subsequent attempts will allow you to find the desired value. To simplify the process, you can increase the age indicator by one.

Rules for applying the table

The Chinese way of determining the sex of the future heir is presented in a tabular version. The information is supposed to be square. Organized data contains columns and rows. The left area of ​​the Chinese calendar contains the woman's age parameter. The right side includes the monthly parameter. Available months take into account the period of the new moon.

Accurate information can be obtained based on the following mechanism of action:

  • The left side of the table is studied for the presence of a female age parameter (one should take into account the features of its preliminary definition).
  • The upper part of the table is analyzed for the presence of potential or exact fertilization (the category of input data determines the effectiveness of the calculations).
  • At the intersection of the selected values, the literal value is determined.
  • The resulting parameter indicates the gender of the child being born.

In case if pregnancy only at the planning stage, a different algorithm is assumed. The procedure includes:

  1. The age parameter of the potential mother is determined.
  2. Due to the horizontal movement along the tabular values, the letter parameter corresponding to the desired gender of the baby is selected.
  3. The vertical direction creates a point representing the optimal month for fertilization.

For example, a 21-year-old woman thought about the birth of her first child. Together with her husband, they plan to give birth to an heir over the next year. The family dreams of a successor to the family. In accordance with the data of the ancient Chinese calendar, January is a favorable period. With other time parameters, a girl will appear.

Analysis of table values ​​allows you to identify a trend. For the birth of boys, 18-19 years of age is more suitable.

In the event that the table is used for pregnancy planning, extreme months should be excluded.

These values ​​can distort the probability of the forecast. Knowledge of this feature allows one to increase the reliability of calculations.

It is important to keep in mind that using a spreadsheet comes with a number of risks.

In China, all men use this calendar (table) to plan the gender of the baby, as the famous Institute of Sciences of Beijing says that this simple calendar (table) makes it possible to know gender of the child with maximum accuracy, which is about 98%. Wonderful? Then we recommend using Chinese calendar (table) for determining the sex of the child.

This method makes it possible not only to gender of the child before birth, but also allows predict the gender of your baby while still in the preparation stage.

A plus Chinese calendar (table) planning the sex of the unborn child in that it allows early determine gender future baby, calculate the date conception and approach it correctly. So use this method floor planning future baby.

"Who will nature give me?" - this is a question often asked by pregnant women. For families who are just planning to have child, this issue is also of great importance. It is known that 100% accuracy in sex determination the baby now can give only ultrasound.

However, various folk remedies are also good. They have helped parents from different countries for many centuries. Take, for example, Chinese calendar (table) of conception.

How to determine the gender of the child using this calendar (table)?

To find out floor future child, you need to know the month in which you are expecting a baby and the age of the woman.

Applying this calendar (table), You can plan the desired floor baby in advance. If this was not possible, then at least you will find the answer to this burning question after conception.

Calendar (table) based on maternal age at time conception, as well as the month itself conception. According to the Chinese sages, whose advice was listened to in antiquity, only a woman has an influence on gender of future baby.
At the top tables(horizontally) numbers from 1 to 12 are located. These are the months that correspond to the Chinese lunar year. The vertical lines show numbers from 18 to 45. This is the age of the woman at the time conception.

Cell with color that shows gender of the child, is at the intersection of the horizontal value (mother's age at conception) and vertical value (months conception). If the color is blue, then it will be born boy if pink then girl. In fact, color shading is a European invention. In the original Chinese table there were hieroglyphs that meant " male gender" and " female».

Using this method, it should be remembered that the Chinese consider the age of a woman differently. At the same time, many sites publishing the presented table, forget to point out this crucial detail. Inaccurate forecasts in most cases take place precisely because of this.

How to correctly determine the age of the mother?

In China, babies are born as early as 9 months old. Thus, children who were born on the same day in China and Russia have a different age. Our one-year-old baby in China would be called a 2-year-old. To use correctly Chinese table, you need to know your Chinese" age.

Thus, when calculating your age, simply add 1 year. The figure that turned out should be looked for in the "Age" column.

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