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Multiplication table simulator online. Children's games

Many parents whose children graduated from the first grade ask themselves the question: how can you help your child quickly learn the multiplication table. For the summer, children are asked to learn this table, and the child does not always show a desire to engage in cramming in the summer. Moreover, if you just memorize mechanically and do not consolidate the result, then you can later forget some examples.

In this article, read the ways how to quickly learn the multiplication table. Of course, this cannot be done in 5 minutes, but in a few sessions it is quite possible to achieve a good result.

Also read the article

At the very beginning, you need to explain to the child what multiplication is (if he does not already know). Show the meaning of multiplication with a simple example. For example, 3 * 2 - this means that the number 3 needs to be added 2 times. That is 3*2=3+3. And 3 * 3 means that the number 3 must be added 3 times. That is 3*3=3+3+3. And so on. Understanding the essence of the multiplication table, it will be easier for a child to learn it.

It will be easier for children to perceive the multiplication table not in the form of columns, but in the form of a Pythagorean table. She looks like this:

Explain that the numbers at the intersection of the column and row are the result of multiplication. It is much more interesting for a child to study such a table, because here you can find certain patterns. And, when you look closely at this table, you can see that the numbers highlighted in one color are repeated.

From this, the child will even be able to draw the conclusion himself (and this will already be the development of the brain) that when multiplying when changing factors, the product does not change in places. That is, he will understand that 6*4=24 and 4*6=24 and so on. That is, it is necessary to learn not the whole table, but half! Believe me, when you see the whole table for the first time (wow, how much you need to learn!), the child will become sad. But, realizing that you need to learn half, he will noticeably cheer up.

Print out the Pythagorean table and hang it in a conspicuous place. Each time, looking at it, the child will memorize and repeat some examples. This moment is very important.

You need to start studying the table from simple to complex: first learn multiplication by 2, 3, and then by other numbers.

For easy memorization, tables use various tools: poems, cards, online simulators, small secrets of multiplication.

Flashcards are one of the best ways to quickly learn the multiplication table.

The multiplication table must be learned gradually: one column can be taken per day for memorization. When multiplication by any number is learned, you need to fix the result with the help of cards.

You can make cards yourself, or you can print ready-made ones. You can download the cards from the link below.

Download flashcards for learning multiplication tables.

The numbers to be multiplied are written on one side of the card, and the answer on the other. All cards are stacked face down. The student draws cards from the deck one by one, answering the given example. If the answer is correct, the card is put aside, if the student made a mistake, the card is returned to the general deck.

Thus, memory is trained, and the multiplication table learns faster. After all, playing is always more interesting to learn. In the game with cards, both visual memory and auditory memory work (you need to voice the equation). And also the student wants to quickly “deal with” all the cards.

When they learned a little multiplication by 2, they played cards multiplied by 2. They learned multiplication by 3, played cards multiplied by 2 and 3. And so on.

Multiplication by 1 and 10

These are the easiest examples. Here you don’t even need to memorize anything, just understand how numbers are multiplied by 1 and 10. Start studying the table by multiplying by these numbers. Explain to the child that when multiplied by 1, the same multiplied number will be obtained. To multiply by one means to take some number once. There should be no difficulty here.

Multiply by 10 means to add the number 10 times. And you will always get a number 10 times larger than the multiplied. That is, to get an answer, you just need to add zero to the multiplied number! A child can easily turn units into tens by adding zero. Play flashcards with the student so that he remembers all the answers better.

Multiply by 2

A child can learn multiplication by 2 in 5 minutes. After all, at school he had already learned to add units. And multiplication by 2 is nothing but the addition of two identical numbers. When a child knows that 2*2 = 2+2, and 5*2 = 5+5 and so on, this column will never become a stumbling block for him.

Multiply by 4

After you have learned multiplication by 2, move on to multiplying by 4. This column will be easier for the child to remember than multiplying by 3. To easily learn multiplication by 4, write to the child that multiplying by 4 is multiplying by 2, only twice . That is, first multiply by two, and then the result by another 2.

For example, 5 * 4 = 5 * 2 * 2 = 5 + 5 (as when multiplying by 2, you need to add the same numbers, we get 10) + 10 = 20.

Multiply by 3

If there are difficulties with the study of this column, you can turn to verses for help. Poems can be taken ready-made, or you can come up with your own. Children have a well-developed associative memory. If a child is shown a clear example of multiplication on any objects from his environment, then he will more easily remember the answer that he will associate with any object.

For example, arrange pencils in 3 piles of 4 (or 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 - depending on which example the child forgets) pieces. Think of a problem: you have 4 pencils, dad has 4 pencils and mom has 4 pencils. How many pencils are there? Count the pencils and conclude that 3 * 4 = 12. Sometimes this visualization is very helpful in remembering a “complex” example.

Multiply by 5

I remember that for me this column was the easiest to remember. Because every next product increases by 5. If you multiply an even number by 5, the answer will also be an even number ending in 0. Children easily remember this: 5 * 2 = 10, 5 * 4 = 20, 5 * 6 = 30 and etc. If you multiply an odd number, then the answer will be an odd number ending in 5: 5*3 = 15, 5*5 = 25, etc.

Multiply by 9

I write immediately after 5 9, because in multiplying by 9 there is a little secret that will help you quickly learn this column. You can learn multiplication by 9 with your fingers!

To do this, place your hands palms up, straighten your fingers. Mentally number your fingers from left to right from 1 to 10. Bend the finger by which number you need to multiply 9. For example, you need 9 * 5. Bend your 5th finger. All fingers on the left (there are 4 of them are tens), fingers on the right (there are 5 of them) are ones. We connect tens and ones, we get - 45.

One more example. How much will 9*7 be? We bend the seventh finger. 6 fingers remain on the left, 3 on the right. We connect, we get - 63!

To better understand this easy way to learn multiplication by 9, watch the video.

Another interesting fact about multiplying by 9. Look at the picture below. If you write down the multiplication by 9 from 1 to 10 in a column, you will notice that the products will have a certain pattern. The first digits will be from 0 to 9 from top to bottom, the second digits will be from 0 to 9 from bottom to top.

Also, if you look closely at the resulting column, you will notice that the sum of the numbers in the product is 9. For example, 18 is 1+8=9, 27 is 2+7=9, 36 is 3+6=9 and etc.

The second interesting observation is this: the first digit of the answer is always 1 less than the number by which 9 is multiplied. That is, 9 × 5 \u003d 4 5 - 4 is one less than 5; 9 × 9 \u003d 8 1 - 8 is one less than 9. Knowing this, it is easy to remember which digit the answer begins with when multiplied by 9. If you forgot the second digit, then you can easily calculate it, knowing that the sum of the numbers in the answer is 9.

For example, how much is 9×6? We immediately understand that the answer will begin with the number 5 (one less than 6). Second digit: 9-5=4 (because the sum of the numbers is 4+5=9). It turns out 54!

Multiply by 6,7,8

When you and your child begin to learn multiplication by these numbers, he will already know the multiplication by 2, 3, 4, 5, 9. From the very beginning, you explained to him that 5 × 6 is the same as 6 × 5. This means that he already knows some answers, they do not need to be taught first.

The rest of the equations need to be learned. Use the Pythagorean table and the flashcard game for better memorization.

There is one way how to calculate the answer when multiplying by 6, 7, 8 on the fingers. But it is more complicated than when multiplying by 9, it will take time to calculate. But, if some example does not want to be remembered in any way, try counting on your fingers with your child, perhaps it will be easier for him to learn these most difficult columns.

To make it easier to remember the most complex examples from the multiplication table, solve simple problems with the necessary numbers with your child, give an example from life. All children love to go shopping with their parents. Think of a problem for him on this topic. For example, a student cannot remember how much 7 × 8 will be. Then simulate the situation: he has a birthday. He invited 7 friends to visit. Each friend needs to be treated with 8 sweets. How many candies will he buy at the store for his friends? Answer 56 he will remember much faster, knowing that this is the number of treats for friends.

You can memorize the multiplication table not only at home. If you are with a child on the street, then you can solve problems based on what you see. For example, 4 dogs ran past you. Ask the child how many paws, ears, tails do dogs have?

Children also love to play on the computer. So let them play well. Turn on the online simulator for the student to memorize the multiplication table.

Engage in the study of the multiplication table when the child has good mood. If he is tired, began to act up, then it is better to leave further training for another time.

Use the methods that work best for your child and you'll be fine!

I wish you easy and quick memorization of the multiplication table!

Multiply by 2 #1

5 8 10 14 7 18 19 15 12 2

2 Fill in the missing numbers.

2 * __ = 10 2 * ___= 6 16: __ = 2 8: __ = 2

__* 2 = 18 __* 2 = 14 ___ : 2 = 6 __ : 2 = 10

Arithmetic dictation .

18 reduce by 2 times

5 increase by 2 times

Find the quotient of numbers 16 and 2

Multiply by 2 #2

1 Cross out the numbers that are not the result of multiplication by 2.

3 6 12 16 9 20 11 19 14 4

2 Fill in the missing numbers.

2 * __ = 6 2 * ___= 8 14: __ = 2 6: __ = 2

__* 2 = 20 __* 2 = 4 ___ : 2 = 69 __ : 2 = 5

Arithmetic dictation .

18 reduce by 2 times

5 increase by 2 times

Find the product of numbers 7 and 2

Find the quotient of numbers 16 and 2

What number is halved to get 10

What number is doubled to get 6

What number is twice the number 6

What number is 2 times less than the number 6

The first multiplier is 2. The product is -20. Find the second factor.

Divisible 18. Private - 2. Find the divisor.

Multiply by 3 #3

5 15 25 27 21 20 9 15 24 11

10 = __ * ___ 18 = __ * ___ 8 = __* ___ 14 = __* __

27 = __* ____ 18 = __ * ___ 9 = __ *___ 21 = __ * ___

3 Fill in the missing numbers.

3 * __ = 18 2 * __ = 16 12: __ = 2 24: __ = 3

__ * 2 = 18 __ - 3 = 21 __ : 2 = 10 __ : 3 = 4

2 * __ = 6 3 * __ = 30 9: __ = 3 8: __ = 2

__ * 3 = 15 __ * 2 = 14 _ _ : 3 = 9 __ : 2 = 6

10 14 16 20 24 28

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 4 3 2

Arithmetic dictation

15 is 3 times smaller.

8 increase by 3 times

Find the quotient of numbers 27 and 3

Multiply by 3 #4

1 Cross out the numbers that are not the result of multiplication by 3

13 8 18 23 24 10 6 12 14 15

2 What single digit numbers must be multiplied to get the following answers?

9 = __ * ___ 12 = __ * ___ 14 = __* ___ 27 = __* __

21 = __* ____ 12 = __ * ___ 6 = __ *___ 15 = __ * ___

3. Write in the missing numbers.

2 * __ = 8 3 * __ = 30 6: ___ = 2 18: ___ = 3

__ * 2 = 16 __ * 3 = 12 __ : 3 = 7 __ : 2 = 5

3 * __ = 27 2 * ___ = 4 9: _ _ = 3 14: ___ = 2

__ * 3 = 15 __ * 2 = 18 __ : 2 = 6 __ : 3 = 8

(If some product can be obtained in two ways, then circle one pair of factors and circle the other with a square)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 4 3 2

12 15 18 21 27 32

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 4 3 2

Arithmetic dictation

15 is 3 times smaller.

8 increase by 3 times

Find the product of numbers 9 and 2

Find the quotient of numbers 27 and 3

What number is multiplied by 3 to get 6

What number is multiplied by 3 to get 6

What number is twice the number 7

What number is 3 times less than 12

The first factor is 3. The product is 21. Find the second factor.

Divisible 30. Private - 3. Find the divisor.

Multiply by 4 №5

8 18 28 24 16 32 38 20 30 40

20 = __ * ___ 16 = __ * ___ 28 = __* ___ 18 = __* __

15 = __* ___ 16 = __ * ___ 27 = __ *___ 18 = __ * ___

10 = __ * ___ 32 = ___*___ 8 = ___ * ___ 14 = __ * ___

3 Fill in the missing numbers.

4 * __ = 4 4 * __ = 40 16: __ = 4 8: __ = 2

__ * 2 = 18 __ * 4 = 20 __ : 4 = 6 __ : 3 = 12

3 * __ = 21 2 * __ = 6 6: __ = 3 28: __ = 4

__ * 4 = 36 __ * 3 = 9 ___ : 2 = 6 _ _ : 4 = 7

2 * __ = 10 4 * __ = 8 18: ___ = 3 15: ___ = 3

__ * 4 = 12 __ * 3 = 27 __ : 4 = 8 __ : 3 = 8

4. Connect two-valued products with single-valued factors with lines.

(If some product can be obtained in two ways, then circle one pair of factors and circle the other with a square)

9 12 15 18 21 25 28 32 45

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 4 3 9

Arithmetic dictation

36 is 4 times smaller.

3 increase by 4 times

Find the quotient of numbers 20 and 4

Multiply by 4 №6

1 Cross out the numbers that are not the result of multiplication by 4

10 20 30 24 34 12 22 32 18 28

2 What single digit numbers must be multiplied to get the following answers?

12 = __ * ___ 32 = __ * ___ 28 = __* ___ 24 = __* __

15 = __* ___ 20 = __ * ___ 27 = __ *___ 24 = __ * ___

14 = __ * ___ 21 = ___*___ 9 = ___ * ___ 15 = __ * ___

3 Fill in the missing numbers.

2 * __ = 12 4 * __ = 40 15: __ = 3 18: __ = 3

__ * 4 = 32 __ - 4 = 20 __ : 4 = 2 __ : 3 = 7

2 * __ = 18 3 * __ = 6 16: __ = 2 28: __ = 4

__ * 3 = 27 __ * 2 = 10 _ __ : 3 = 8 _ _ : 4 = 4

4 * __ = 4 4 * __ = 16 36: ___ = 4 12: ___ = 4

__ * 4 = 12 __ * 3 = 9 __ : 4 = 6 __ : 2 = 8

Connect two-digit products with single-digit factors with lines.

(If some product can be obtained in two ways, then circle one pair of factors and circle the other with a square)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 4 5 4

10 14 16 20 24 27 30 35 40

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 4 8 9

Arithmetic dictation

36 is 4 times smaller.

3 increase by 4 times

Find the product of numbers 4 and 7

Find the quotient of numbers 20 and 4

What number is multiplied by 4 to get 8

What number is multiplied by 4 to get 8

What number is 3 times the number 21

What number is 4 times less than the number 28

The first factor is 4. The product is 24. Find the second factor.

Divisible 16. Private - 4. Find the divisor.

Multiply by 5 #7

10 22 35 5 30 8 45 50 43 34

2 What single digit numbers must be multiplied to get the following answers?

15 = __ * ___ 14 = __ * ___ 20 = __* ___ 16 = __* __

30 = __* ___ 32 = __ * ___ 18 = __ *___ 16 = __ * ___

21 = __ * ___ 45 = ___*___ 18 = ___ * ___ 40 = __ * ___

25 = __ * ___ 28 = __ * ___ 35 = ___ * ___ 9 = ___ * ___

3 Fill in the missing numbers.

5 * __ = 20 3 * __ = 27 32: __ = 4 30: __ = 5

__ * 3 = 21 __ - 4 = 28 __ : 5 = 5 __ : 4 = 4

4 * __ = 24 2 * __ = 10 18: __ = 3 14: __ = 2

__ * 5 = 45 __ * 2 = 12 ___ : 4 = 3 _ _ : 5 = 7

2 * __ = 16 4 * __ = 40 40: ___ = 5 35: ___ = 4

__ * 4 = 8 __ * 5 = 15 __ : 2 = 9 __ : 3 = 8

Arithmetic dictation

32 is 4 times smaller.

5 increase 5 times

Find the quotient of numbers 15 and 5

Multiply by 5 #8

1 Cross out the numbers that are not the result of multiplication by 5

15 40 34 28 10 6 35 21 25 45

2 What single digit numbers must be multiplied to get the following answers?

12 = __ * ___ 10 = __ * ___ 35 = __* ___ 30 = __* __

12 = __* ___ 24 = __ * ___ 28 = __ *___ 6 = __ * ___

20 = __ * ___ 24 = ___*___ 14 = ___ * ___ 15 = __ * ___

40 = __ * ___ 27 = __ * ___ 25 = ___ * ___ 45 = __ * ___

3 Fill in the missing numbers.

4 * __ = 8 5 * __ = 10 28: __ = 4 30: __ = 5

__ * 5 = 35 __ - 4 = 36 __ : 5 = 8 __ : 4 = 8

2 * __ = 18 4 * __ = 24 16: __ = 2 24: __ = 3

__ * 3 = 18 __ * 2 = 14 ___ : 3 = 9 _ _ : 5 = 4

5 * __ = 25 3 * __ = 21 15: ___ = 5 20: ___ = 4

__ * 4 = 16 __ * 5 = 45 __ : 4 = 10 __ : 2 = 6

Arithmetic dictation

32 is 4 times smaller.

5 increase 5 times

Find the product of numbers 8 and 5

Find the quotient of numbers 15 and 5

What number is multiplied by 3 to get 7

What number is multiplied by 5 to get 35

What number is 6 times the number 5

What number is 4 times less than the number 20

The first factor is 4. The product is 36. Find the second factor.

Divisible 45. Private - 5. Find the divisor.

Multiply by 6 No. 9

1. Cross out the numbers that are not the result of multiplication by 6

16 26 36 42 40 8 52 54 60 48

2. What single digit numbers need to be multiplied to get the following answers?

36 = __ * ___ 12 = __ * ___ 54 = __* ___ 42 = __* __

36 = __* ___ 12 = __ * ___ 45 = __ *___ 30 = __ * ___

48 = __ * ___ 24 = ___*___ 28 = ___ * ___ 32 = __ * ___

21 = __ * ___ 24 = __ * ___ 35 = ___ * ___ 15 = ___ * ___

3. Fill in the missing numbers.

2 * __ = 16 5 * __ = 15 24: __ = 3 12: __ = 4

__ * 5 = 20 __ - 4 = 24 __ : 2 = 7 __ : 6 = 5

6 * _ = 42 3 * __ = 27 36: __ = 4 45: __ = 5

__ * 4 = 16 __ * 5 = 35 ___ : 6 = 8 _ _ : 3 = 7

5 * __ = 40 6 * __ = 54 16: ___ = 2 24: ___ = 6

__ * 3 = 9 __ * 6 = 12 __ : 6 = 6 __ : 5 = 5

4 * __ = 32 4 * ___ = 8 30: __ = 5 18: __ = 2

4 Connect the two-digit products with single-digit factors with lines.

(If some product can be obtained in two ways, then circle one pair of factors and circle the other with a square)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 3 8 6 6

24 48 12 21 36 42 54 30 45 40

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 4 6 6

Arithmetic dictation

12 is 6 times smaller.

6 increase 6 times

Find the product of numbers 8 and 6

Find the quotient of numbers 24 and 3

What number is multiplied by 6 to get 5

What number is multiplied by 3 to get 27

What number is 6 times the number 4

What number is 6 times less than the number 54

The first factor is 3. The product is 18. Find the second factor.

Divisible 42. Private - 7. Find the divisor.

Multiply by 6 №10

1 Cross out the numbers that are not the result of multiplication by 6

9 28 24 32 36 42 45 48 49 15

2 What single digit numbers must be multiplied to get the following answers?

48 = __ * ___ 42 = __ * ___ 16 = __* ___ 27 = __* __

54 = __* ___ 30 = __ * ___ 16 = __ *___ 45 = __ * ___

25 = __ * ___ 32 = ___*___ 18 = ___ * ___ 36 = __ * ___

21 = __ * ___ 35 = __ * ___ 18 = ___ * ___ 36 = __ * ___

3 Fill in the missing numbers.

5 * __ = 10 6 * __ = 36 30: __ = 6 24: __ = 6

__ * 4 = 32 __ - 4 = 8 __ : 5 = 9 __ : 5 = 8

6 * __ = 18 3 * __ = 24 24: __ = 4 16: __ = 4

__ * 3 = 9 __ * 2 = 16 ___ : 4 = 9 _ _ : 6 = 7

2 * __ = 12 5 * __ = 30 35: ___ = 5 20: ___ = 5

__ * 5 = 15 __ * 6 = 54 __ : 2 = 7 __ : 4 = 7

4 * __ = 12 4 * __ = 20 27: ___ = 3 18: ___ = 2

__ * 6 = 48 __ * 5 = 40 __ : 6 = 2 __ : 3 = 7

Connect two-digit products with single-digit factors with lines.

(If some product can be obtained in two ways, then circle one pair of factors and circle the other with a square)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 3 9

18 14 16 32 36 42 54 35 45 27 40

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 9 9

Arithmetic dictation

48 reduce by 6 times.

2 increase 6 times

Find the product of numbers 5 and 8

Find the quotient of numbers 54 and 6

What number is multiplied by 6 to get 4

What number is 4 times the number 36

What number is 6 times less than the number 36

The first factor is 6. The product is 18. Find the second factor.

Dividend 30. Private - 6. Find the divisor.

Multiply by 7 #11

14 17 63 35 37 49 56 54 58

2 What single digit numbers must be multiplied to get the following answers?

49 = __ * ___ 14 = __ * ___ 15 = __* ___ 35 = __* __

45 = __* ___ 28 = __ * ___ 16 = __ *___ 56 = __ * ___

42 = __ * ___ 24 = ___*___ 16 = ___ * ___ 32 = __ * ___

10 = __ * ___ 24 = __ * ___ 63 = ___ * ___ 27 = ___ * ___

3. Fill in the missing numbers.

7 * __ = 14 6 * __ = 30 63: __ = 7 45: __ = 5

__ * 4 = 24 __ - 2 = 18 __ : 6 = 24 __ : 6 = 9

3 * _ = 27 7 * __ = 21 32: __ = 4 24: __ = 3

__ * 6 = 18 __ * 5 = 40 ___ : 7 = 8 _ _ : 7 = 6

5 * __ = 15 4 * __ = 12 46: ___ = 6 36: ___ = 6

__ * 7 = 35 __ * 6 = 12 __ : 5 = 5 __ : 4 = 9

6 * __ = 42 3 * ___ = 6 16: __ = 2 28: __ = 7

__ * 2 = 8 __ * 7 = 49 ___ : 3 = 3 __ : 2 = 7

Connect two-digit products with single-digit factors with lines.

(If some product can be obtained in two ways, then circle one pair of factors and circle the other with a square)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 7 5 4 3 5

15 18 35 49 36 63 28 56 14 20

7 7 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 7 4 5 7 8 6

Arithmetic dictation

21 decrease by 7 times.

7 increase 9 times

Find the product of numbers 7 and 4

Find the quotient of numbers 54 and 6

What number is multiplied by 7 to get 6?

What number is 7 times the number 5

The first factor is 7. The product is 49. Find the second factor.

Divisible 56. Private - 7. Find the divisor.

Multiply by 7 #12

1 Cross out the numbers that are not the result of multiplication by 7

28 27 25 21 63 49 17 14 56

2 What single digit numbers must be multiplied to get the following answers?

35 = __ * ___ 40 = __ * ___ 12 = __* ___ 14 = __* __

36 = __* ___ 30 = __ * ___ 12 = __ *___ 25 = __ * ___

36 = __ * ___ 48 = ___*___ 56 = ___ * ___ 21 = __ * ___

63 = __ * ___ 49 = __ * ___ 28 = ___ * ___ 9 = ___ * ___

3. Fill in the missing numbers.

7 * __ = 49 5 * __ = 25 28: __ = 4 24: __ = 6

__ * 4 = 32 __ - 2 = 18 __ : 6 = 8 __ : 7 = 6

3 * _ = 12 4 * __ = 16 14: __ = 2 36: __ = 4

__ * 5 = 40 __ * 6 = 18 ___ : 5 = 3 _ _ : 3 = 3

3 * __ = 24 7 * __ = 14 12: ___ = 4 45: ___= 5

__ * 7 = 21 __ * 3 = 6 __ : 7 = 56 __ : 2 = 8

2 * __ = 18 6 * ___ = 54 36: __ = 6 63: _ = 9

__ * 6 = 30 __ * 7 = 35 ___ : 3 = 9 __ : 6 = 7

Connect two-digit products with single-digit factors with lines.

(If some product can be obtained in two ways, then circle one pair of factors and circle the other with a square)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 8 8 3 2

12 28 49 32 63 24 56 21 35 48

7 7 6 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 4 7 7

Arithmetic dictation

42 reduce by 7 times.

3 increase 7 times

Find the quotient of numbers 32 and 4

What number is multiplied by 7 to get 7

What number is multiplied by 7 to get 14

What number is 6 times the number 48

What number is 7 times less than the number 63

The first factor is 7. The product is 28. Find the second factor.

Divisible 35. Private - 7. Find the divisor.

Multiply by 8 #13

52 54 56 40 42 48 63 64 72 28

2 What single digit numbers must be multiplied to get the following answers?

32 = __ * ___ 40 = __ * ___ 54 = __* ___ 30 = __* __

42 = __* ___ 45 = __ * ___ 56 = __ *___ 35 = __ * ___

72 = __ * ___ 48 = ___*___ 63 = ___ * ___ 36 = __ * ___

27 = __ * ___ 49 = __ * ___ 64 = ___ * ___ 36 = ___ * ___

3. Fill in the missing numbers.

7 * __ = 14 7 * __ = 49 56: __ = 7 63: __ = 7

__ * 8 = 32 __ - 6 = 54 __ : 8 = 9 __ : 8 = 7

6 * _ = 42 8 * __ = 48 24: __ = 6 12: _ = 4

__ * 7 = 28 __ * 3 = 6 ___ : 3 = 9 _ _ : 5 = 8

8 * __ = 64 4 * __ = 16 24: ___ = 4 27: _= 3

__ * 5 = 20 __ * 8 = 16 __ : 7 = 3 __ : 7 = 6

3 * __ = 24 5 * ___ = 45 25: __ = 5 40: _ = 8

__ * 4 = 36 __ * 7 = 35 ___ : 4 = 4 __ : 6 = 8

Connect two-digit products with single-digit factors with lines.

(If some product can be obtained in two ways, then circle one pair of factors and circle the other with a square)

2 5 4 5 6 7 8 6 8 7 4 5 4 3 9

40 28 56 32 48 72 30 64 35 21

8 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 7 4 8 8

Arithmetic dictation

72 reduce by 8 times.

6 increase by 3 times

Find the product of numbers 6 and 9

Find the quotient of numbers 64 and 8

What number is multiplied by 8 to get 4

What number is multiplied by 8 to get 40

What number is 4 times the number 8

What number is 8 times less than the number 48

The first factor is 8. The product is 16. Find the second factor.

Divisible 56. Private - 8. Find the divisor.

Multiply by 8 #14

1 Cross out the numbers that are not the result of multiplication by 8

2 What single digit numbers must be multiplied to get the following answers?

3. Fill in the missing numbers.

Connect two-digit products with single-digit factors with lines.

(If some product can be obtained in two ways, then circle one pair of factors and circle the other with a square)

25 35 72 54 56 42 63 64 48 20

Arithmetic dictation

24 is 8 times smaller.

8 increase 9 times

Find the product of numbers 7 and 8

Find the quotient of numbers 21 and 3

What number is multiplied by 6 to get 42

What number is 8 times less than the number 32

Multiply by 8 #15

1 Cross out the numbers that are not the result of multiplication by 8

56 58 32 36 42 48 62 64 72 38

2 What single digit numbers must be multiplied to get the following answers?

14 = __ * ___ 20 = __ * ___ 54 = __* ___ 72 = __* __

15 = __* ___ 21 = __ * ___ 64 = __ *___ 30 = __ * ___

16 = __ * ___ 24 = ___*___ 56 = ___ * ___ 40 = __ * ___

16 = __ * ___ 24 = __ * ___ 63 = ___ * ___ 49 = ___ * ___

3. Fill in the missing numbers.

7 * __ = 21 8 * __ = 16 49: __ = 7 56: __ = 8

__ * 5 = 25 __ - 7 = 35 __ : 8 = 6 __ : 7 = 4

8 * _ = 40 5 * __ = 45 24: __ = 6 36: _ = 4

__ * 7 = 56 __ * 6 = 42 ___ : 7 = 2 _ _ : 2 = 10

6 * __ = 48 7 * __ = 63 20: ___ = 5 42: _= 7

__ * 4 = 16 __ * 8 = 64 __ : 4 = 3 __ : 6 = 9

3 * __ = 27 4 * ___ = 32 32: __ = 8 6: _ = 2

__ * 8 = 24 __ * 3 = 9 ___ : 3 = 8 __ : 5 = 8

Connect two-digit products with single-digit factors with lines.

(If some product can be obtained in two ways, then circle one pair of factors and circle the other with a square)

2 3 4 5 5 7 8 5 9 3 9 5 4 7 6

25 35 72 54 56 42 63 64 48 20

8 8 8 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 6 7 5 3 8

Arithmetic dictation

24 is 8 times smaller.

8 increase 9 times

Find the product of numbers 7 and 8

Find the quotient of numbers 21 and 3

What number is multiplied by 8 to get 8

What number is multiplied by 6 to get 42

What number is 8 times the number 2

What number is 8 times less than the number 32

The first factor is 8. The product is 40. Find the second factor.

Divisible 48. Private - 8. Find the divisor.

Multiply by 9 #16

18 81 42 24 72 27 29 49 36 42

2 What single digit numbers must be multiplied to get the following answers?

72 = __ * ___ 27 = __ * ___ 64 = __* ___ 54 = __* __

56 = __* ___ 40 = __ * ___ 63 = __ *___ 21 = __ * ___

51 = __ * ___ 28 = ___*___ 48 = ___ * ___ 15 = __ * ___

32 = __ * ___ 27 = __ * ___ 49 = ___ * ___ 35 = ___ * ___

3. Fill in the missing numbers.

9 * __ = 18 5 * __ = 10 16: __ =4 42: __ = 6

__ * 7 = 42 __ ; 8 = 72 __ : 8 = 5 __ : 8 = 7

4 * _ = 20 9 * __ = 63 15: __ = 5 81: _ = 9

__ * 8 = 16 __ * 4 = 16 ___ : 9 = 8 ___ : 4 = 8

6 * __ = 24 8 * __ = 48 36: ___ = 9 24: __ = 8

__ * 9 = 54 __ * 9 = 27 __ : 7 = 5 __ : 9 = 5

8 * __ = 32 7 * ___ = 21 64: __ = 8 28: _ = 7

__ * 5 = 25 __ * 6 = 18 ___ : 6 = 6 __ : 5 = 6

Connect two-digit products with single-digit factors with lines.

(If some product can be obtained in two ways, then circle one pair of factors and circle the other with a square)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 9 6 4 9 2 7 6

81 21 12 32 42 72 64 14 24 54

9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 8 8 4 8 8 3

Arithmetic dictation

81 decrease by 9 times.

7 increase 8 times

Find the product of numbers 2 and 9

Find the quotient of numbers 36 and 9

What number is reduced by 9 to get 5

What number is multiplied by 9 to get 72

What number is 9 times the number 6

What number is 9 times less than the number 63

The first factor is 4. The product is 32. Find the second factor.

Divisible 27. Private - 9. Find the divisor.

Multiply by 9 #17

1 Cross out the numbers that are not the result of multiplication by 9

63 36 21 12 42 45 19 54 18 28

2 What single digit numbers must be multiplied to get the following answers?

54 = __ * ___ 49 = __ * ___ 14 = __* ___ 40 = __* __

56 = __* ___ 81 = __ * ___ 63 = __ *___ 20 = __ * ___

45 = __ * ___ 42 = ___*___ 28 = ___ * ___ 21 = __ * ___

48 = __ * ___ 72 = __ * ___ 27 = ___ * ___ 15 = ___ * ___

3. Fill in the missing numbers.

8 * __ = 64 6 * __ = 42 18: __ =6 28: __ = 7

__ * 7 = 21 __ * 8 = 16 __ : 9 = 7 __ : 9 = 6

9 * _ = 18 4 * __ = 8 81: __ = 9 12: _ = 4

__ * 6 = 36 __ * 7 = 35 ___ : 8 = 5 ___ : 6 = 4

5 * __ = 10 9 * __ = 45 15: ___ = 5 32: __ = 8

__ * 8 = 24 __ * 5= 30 __ : 7 = 6 __ : 5 = 5

4 * __ = 16 8 * ___ = 48 56: __ = 8 27: _ = 9

__ * 9 = 72 __ * 9 = 36 ___ :4 = 5 __ : 8 = 9

Connect two-digit products with single-digit factors with lines.

(If some product can be obtained in two ways, then circle one pair of factors and circle the other with a square)

2 3 4 9 6 7 8 2 6 3 7 6 9 7 8

16 36 56 27 18 28 48 49 81 72

2 3 4 4 9 7 8 9 6 3 4 7 8 9 9

Arithmetic dictation

54 decrease by 9 times.

9 increase 7 times

Find the product of numbers 4 and 9

Find the quotient of numbers 28 and 7

What number is reduced by 9 to get 8

What number is multiplied by 9 to get 45

What number is 9 times the number 9

What number is 8 times less than 64

The first factor is 9. The product is 27. Find the second factor.

Divisible 18. Private - 9. Find the divisor.

Work on the formation of the concept of speech type in grade 4.

Description, narration, reasoning - the concept is not new to the school. As methodical terms, partly logical and philological, they have long been used in the literature, and with different interpretations. In the methodology, they are also used as synonyms for the genre of school essays (compositions - descriptions, compositions - reasoning, compositions - narratives), in which the indicated type of speech, as a rule, is the leading one, and not the only one, and in a narrower sense - to designate a fragment of text with the typical meaning of description, narration, reasoning.

At school, they can be defined as follows:

Description - a type of speech that lists the simultaneous or permanent features of an object.

Narration is a type of speech that reports on successive actions or changing states of an object.

Reasoning is a type of speech that talks about the causes and consequences of properties and phenomena.

The goal of learning is to use the concept for teaching coherent speech, as a guideline for building correct texts of the same typical meaning.

We will show what kind of work on the formation of these concepts can and should be carried out in the 4th grade.

In grade 4, a general concept of speech types is formed - description, narration, reasoning - and description varieties are considered - description of the subject, narration and reasoning.

Description, narrative, reasoning. (general concepts)

Starting to get acquainted with the main types of speech, it is important to reveal to students the idea that our statements are connected with the surrounding reality, reflect it.

There are countless different objects and phenomena around us, they have their own signs, they perform actions. We all see it (Who is it? What is it? What are they? What are they doing?), Evaluate (what?), Explain (why are they like this? Why did this happen?). All this is the content of our statements.

Direct acquaintance with the narrative, description, reasoning, it is advisable to start by comparing three texts, inviting students to compare them and decide:

    whether they are talking about one subject, which one;

    which of the texts speaks of the signs of a given subject, which - about actions, which - about causes; which of the questions (what subject? what does the subject do? why does the subject do something, and not otherwise?) can be put to each text. Write questions on the board, indicating next to what the text means: signs of the object, the actions of the object, the causes of properties and phenomena.

    and a huge bird swam in the black water. Its plumage shimmered with lemon and pink. Overgrown with curly down, the head was small, the size of an egg. A huge beak with a leather bag seemed to be glued to it.

(According to Paustovsky)

2. The pelican hurriedly climbed ashore and hobbled to our halt. Then he saw the fish, opened his beak, clicked it with a wooden thud, shouted "wek" and began to desperately beat his wings and stamp his duck's paw. (According to Paustovsky)

3. Pelicans can't dive. This is due to the special structure of the bones and the presence of subcutaneous air sacs.

To help accurately determine the meaning of the text, it is useful to use the "photographing" technique. The cognitive task can be formulated as follows:

Imagine that you need to tell about pelicans not with words, but with the help of photographs. What statement could you capture in one picture? Why? In what case would you need to take multiple shots? Why? What is the content of which statement you can't photograph at all? Why?.

In the course of solving the problem, students must draw conclusions: the signs of the subject, which are mentioned in the first text, can be seen at once, all together - these are simultaneous signs; the actions of the objects referred to in the second text cannot be seen all together - these are successive, successive actions; the causes of properties and phenomena, which is mentioned in the third text, cannot be seen at all, they can only be understood.

The observations made prepared students for the following generalization: depending on the content, our statements can represent different types of speech: description, narration, reasoning. The description speaks of simultaneous signs, in the narrative - of successive actions, in the reasoning - of the causes of properties or phenomena.

Here are some exercises that will help consolidate the studied material.

Exercise #1 Listen to the text. Determine the type of speech. To do this, install:

    What is said in each statement - about signs, actions, or causes. 2) Is it possible or not possible to photograph what is being said? Will one or more pictures work?

a) Carlo entered the closet, sat down on the only chair and, turning the log this way and that, began to cut a doll out of it with a knife. First of all, he cut out the hair on the log, then the forehead, then the eyes ... He made the doll a chin, neck, shoulders, torso, arms .... (According to AN Tolstoy)

b) A cheerful fox terrier was sitting on the left hand of the seller. He is extremely cute and small. His eyes sparkle fervently, miniature paws are in constant motion. The fox terrier is made of some kind of white matter, and its eyes are made of molded glass. It's like he's alive. (According to A. Kuprin

c) games are not only children's fun and entertainment. It is in games that dexterity, flexibility are developed, the mind develops, ingenuity develops, the character of a person is formed.

Exercise number 2 Determine whether each of the texts is a narrative or description. In order not to be mistaken, do not forget to use the photographic technique.

a) What is happening in the room! There are toys on the floor under the Christmas tree: stars, balls, half of them are beaten. Jack is running around the tree, looking up. And a squirrel jumps along the branches. (According to G. Skrebitsky)

b) Suddenly, at the very shore of the side of the boat, a huge humpbacked back of a black fish with a sharp dorsal fin emerged. I hit the water with the oar. The fish lashed its tail with terrible force. (According to Paustovsky).

The meaning of this exercise is to warn students from a formal approach to determining the type of speech: if there are many adjectives, then a description, if there are verbs, a narrative. In this case, the first text, despite the presence of expressive verbs, is a description, and the second is a narrative.

In all such exercises, students will not only have to establish the type of speech to which the text refers, but also prove the correctness of their decision. Consequently, they will have to build scientific-style reasoning. The construction of such texts must be specially taught. it is desirable in a practical way - through a sample - to acquaint with the ways of expressing causal and effect relationships, various synonymous constructions that are possible in statements of this type.

Here are examples of answers that are fashionable to offer students. It is advisable to write the highlighted instructions on the board or in the form of a poster.

I think... I think

It seems to me,…

In my opinion,…

To my mind, …





In this way;

That's why,

I believe that this statement - the narrative it says ... All these actions cannot be conveyed in one photograph, because .... So these are sequential steps.

It seems to me that this is a statement of reasoning. It explains .... what is said cannot be conveyed in a photograph.

The text says, reports on the signs (actions) of the subject, explains, proves that ... ..

The text indicates, names, gives, signs of the subject;

The program for the development of coherent speech in the 4th grade provides for the preparation of essays of such types as descriptions of inanimate objects, animals, narration, reasoning. Each of these types of essays involves the use of some type of speech as a leader. So, for the description of inanimate objects, an animal, the leading type of speech is the description of the object, for writings of a narrative nature - narration. That is why, in order to successfully complete the program for the development of coherent speech, it is necessary to specifically teach schoolchildren how to create a certain type of speech.

Description of the item.

The description of an item is created in order to report its attributes; in the Lana type of speech, the signs of an object are the new information, due to which the text is created.

When demonstrating to students how a description of an object is built, it is important to show: the starting points in the statement: i.e. data is the name of the object itself or its parts, and new is an indication of the signs; the development of thought occurs due to the fact that each next sentence adds new signs to what has been said.

Exercise. Among the two texts, find the description of the item. Prove it. Name the subject that is being described, as well as those parts of it that the author draws our attention to; indicate signs. Observe how the thought develops in the text, for this, highlight the given and the new in the sentences.

a) A small gray cat Murka trustingly jumped off the windowsill. she headed towards me and suddenly stopped - she saw a hare in the corner of the room. Murka mistook the hare for her kitten. She meowed happily, ran up to him and began to lick him. (According to G. Skrebitsky)

b) I have a cat - gray with black spots, like beads. His name is Vasily Vasilyevich. The cat is fat. His ears are round. Each foot has five curved claws. Yes, teeth are sharp as needles. (According to E Charushin)

Comparing the proposed texts, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that in the first, narrative, signs of the subject are also reported, but they are not the purpose of the message, they are only additional information that helps to create an image of the subject, the actions of which are discussed. It is no coincidence that the message about them is not highlighted in a separate sentence.

To consolidate information about the features of the description of an object as a type of speech, you can, for example, propose to determine whether the description of the object is the following text:What a wonderful puppy I have! Just a miracle! I love him so much. a leading question can be this: is the text about the features of the subject reported or only its assessment is given.

Social work should be provided to prevent those typical difficulties that fourth-graders have when creating descriptions of the subject.

First of all, they do not know how to consider an object, to single out in it those details, parts, from the description of which a general picture will be formed; secondly, they do not know how to select features taking into account the requirements of style (accurate, objective characteristics in the scientific and emotional specifically - figurative in the artistic), as well as choose the appropriate means of the language.

In helping students overcome these difficulties, it is important to keep the following in mind. In artistic and scientific styles, the very approach to highlighting the sides in the subject, the details to be described, is different. In the scientific field, the description of the object should be as complete as possible, and in the artistic field, the emphasis is only on the brightest details that allow creating an image of the object.

In the artistic style, the language means for designating features are much more diverse than in the scientific one. If in a scientific description they are expressed mainly by adjectives and nouns, moreover, bookish, with a direct, often abstract meaning, then in an artistic one, adjectives, nouns with a specific meaning, verbs are used, comparisons are very common, various figurative uses of words, etc. From choice these tools largely depends on the quality of the description.

Here are a few tests that can be used to observe with students on the construction of descriptions of the subject of artistic and scientific styles - on the "dismemberment" of the whole into parts, on the choice of features and methods of their imagination.

1) The wolf is narrow-bodied, sharp-faced. His paws are thin. Wool - light gray with a dark stripe along the ridge. In the middle of the back there is a light crossbar. (ByAT . Kolchin )

2) Our shepherd there is an assistant - a small dog. She is all black, as if she crawled out of a chimney. One ear up, the other down. Tail bagel. (E. Shim )

3) And suddenly .... rack! The body is like a string. The head is extended, the tail is an arrow. The bent front paw is slightly raised ... (According to A. Starostin).

4) The apple tree will wound a purple, frost-resistant variety. The fruits are rounded, 2.5 - 3 cm in diameter. Fruit weight 17 - 23 g. Medium juiciness, with a characteristic sweet, slightly astringent taste.

5) Linden apples were large and transparent yellow. If you look through an apple in the sun, it shone through like a glass of fresh linden honey. There were grains in the middle. You used to shake a ripe apple near your ear, you could hear the seeds rattling. (ByV. Soloukhin ).

6) Russula - a genus of cap mushrooms, a family of lamellar. The fruiting bodies of most russula are brittle. The cap is usually brightly colored with a white or pinkish stem. Milky juice is absent. (TSB. )

7) Next to the stump in the green lingonberry, a russula blushed, such a huge one that I had never seen in my life. It was so old that the edges were curled up. And from this, the whole russula was exactly like a large deep plate filled with an ode. (ByM. Prishvin ).

To consolidate the information obtained in the course of observations, you can use such tasks.

Tasks 1. What is wrong with excerpts from essays - descriptions on the topic "My favorite thing"? Before answering the question, decide what style the topic suggests.

a) My favorite thing is skis. They are brown. Their length is 2 meters.

b) My favorite thing is horse-drawn carriages. They are designed for riding. The skates are made of steel. They are well sharpened.

Tasks 2. What dog breeds do you know? Choose one of them and decide what external features and what signs should be reported in the business description of this breed. Set up work materials.

Tasks 3. Prepare working materials and come up with a title for an essay about a birch (or any tree, flower, animal): a) scientific style, b) artistic. At the same time, in the first case, show knowledge of the features of birch as a tree species, and in the second, the ability to see surrounding objects, unusual in them.

- As already mentioned, in all sentences that make up the description of an object, the object itself or part of it is called. This objectively determines the possibility of the appearance of a certainspeech deficiency - repetition of words denoting an object. That is why it is necessary to provide for special work to prevent this shortcoming.

Another "described place" in the description of an object is a word - a link between the name of the object and its attributes. In children's speech, the verb is most often used as such a copula.was.

Here are some exercises to prevent bugs.

Exercise 1. Find the speech defect in the text. What does it consist of? Eliminate it using one of the following methods: a) replacement with a pronoun; b) replacement of synonyms for a given text by a word; c) the exception of the word.

My favorite tree is birch. The birch has a slender trunk. The birch bark is thin, white, with dark lines. Birch branches hang down.

Exercise 2. In your opinion, did the students successfully complete the previous task if the text they edited looks like this:

My favorite tree is birch. She has a slender trunk. Her bark is thin, white, with dark lines. Its branches hang down.

Exercise 3 Edit texts.

a) Santa Claus's sleigh was beautiful, light. The staff was shiny, Christmas trees were drawn on the staff.

b) Vaska was black, fluffy, and Vaska's paws were white, like in slippers. Vaska's tail was also white at the tip, as if stained with chalk. His eyes were green, and the pupils were narrow—narrow.

All of the above exercises prepare students to perform tasks of a productive type. Before essays - descriptions of the subject, it is advisable to train students on the appropriate presentations. Possibly the following task.

Read the text. Do you like it? What type of speech did the author create? What means of language helped him draw his "hero"? Retell the text, try to keep the imagery and emotionality of the passage; title the text, conveying the main idea.

To complete the task (orally or in writing), you can use such texts.

a) There was a rooster in the middle of the yard. In the bright sunlight, the gold of his uniform shone almost blindingly. The green and blue tints of his armor shone. Satin ribbons fluttered: red, black and white (According toA. Kuprin )

b) A cat has grown for all cats. Dark chestnut with fiery spots. On the chest is a fluffy white shirt-front. Mustache a quarter of an arshin. The coat is long and shiny. Hind legs in wide pants, tail like a lamp ruff. (ByA. Kuprin. )

It is advisable to present not only a literary text, but also a scientific and business one. At the same time, it is important to draw the attention of students to the specific selection of features, to the choice of language means. Here is an example text to present.

Building for other essays.

1. Imagine that your dog (cat, parrot, canary, etc.) is missing. You really want to find her. To do this, you need to inform everyone about the signs, signs of your dog (cats, etc.). What chairs and type of speech do you need to compose the text? Write such a text.

After completing the task, re-read the text and decide whether you are satisfied with them: whether all the information and language means correspond to steel, whether they missed something important, whether they provided the development of thought, the necessary sequence of sentences, whether they made a repetition - a flaw.

To work on the description in the textbook of the Russian language, it is planned to conduct a fairly large number of essays on the painting. Here are some examples of tasks to create based on the description of the item.

1. Look at the picture of I. I. Mashkov “Strawberries and a white jug”. What objects depicted in the still life do the artists admire? Which of them did he especially highlight, how did he do it? Choose one of these objects and draw it with words.

2. With the words “draw” a dog - a detail of the painting by F. P. Reshetnikov “Again a deuce”. It must be an artistic description.

3. Consider the "hero" of the painting by A. N. Komarov "Flood". Create an artistic description of this hare.


The essays provided for by the program on the topic “How I once ...”, etc., involve teaching fourth-graders to build this type of speech as narration.

Getting started, it is necessary first of all to remember with students: the peculiarity of this type of rhea is that it talks about actions following one after another. The message about changing actions is the “new” in the sentences of such a text, that is, the main information due to which the statement is created. The "data" in the sentences of the narrative is an indication of the person performing the action, for a time.

such a conversation can be held with students.

Get to know two texts; one of them is storytelling; which? Prove it. Name the type of speech the other text belongs to. Test yourself with the photography technique. Underline “new” in each sentence of the narrative. What does it mean? What means of language denote actions? Do all sentences name the object that performs the action? Why is this possible? What words does the author emphasize the sequence of actions?

a) A family of hedgehogs went to help Artemon. Thick black-velvet bumblebees in golden cloaks flew and buzzed. Fierce hornets hissed their wings. Pozli ground beetles and biting beetles with long whiskers. (ByA. N. Tolstoy. )

b) Here the starling, apparently, became interested in jam. He jumped to the edge of the vases. Then he launched his long beak into the vase and pulled out a berry. And, finally, for convenience - jumping right into the jam, and stuck. (ByG. Skrebitsky. )

When teaching the construction of a narrative, it is important to take into account the difficulties that fourth-graders experience in their speech practice. In most cases, these difficulties are objectively determined - they are hidden in the very structure of the narrative. So, the very fact that in the "given" one and the same object that performs actions should be called, predisposes to the appearance of a repetition - a defect. Also, repetition is inevitable, if special training is not carried out, when using in “given” words emphasizing the sequence of actions (then, then ), as well as verbs with the meaning of the beginning of actions (started, started ).

The poverty of the language of children's narratives is usually due to the fact that students do not know how to detail actions, do not know how to "dismember" them into component parts - this must be specially taught.

Fourth-graders, according to the program, have to build mainly artistic (or colloquial) narratives. The quality of these texts largely depends on the ability to choose means for naming actions. And this is quite a difficult task.

In the narrative of artistic and colloquial styles, verb forms are most often used.past perfect tense kind - they allow you to name sequential actions. However, in order to give the text expressiveness, along with these forms, others can be used. Yes, verbspast imperfect make it possible to single out one of the actions, emphasizing its duration. Usually, the meaning of duration is enhanced by the word “long”. Verbspresent time allow you to imagine the action as if taking place in front of the reader or listener.Forms of the future perfect with a particle how (how to jump) as well as type forms clap, jump help to emphasize the swiftness, surprise of this or that action.

Thus, teaching storytelling inIVclass includes:

Work on the correct construction of texts of this type: "given" - an indication of the person performing the actions, for a while, "new" - a message about successive actions;

Prevention of unjustified repetitions in the "given";

Teaching the details of the actions in question, and the choice of the necessary means of the language.

Here are some exercises to solve these problems.

Exercise 1. Determine the type of speech. Prove it. Find in each sentence "given" and new, while remembering that "given" can be omitted. Pay attention to how the author of the heroine’s action is chosen, what does this give the reader? Try in sentences where there is no indication of a person, restore it. Is the text better or worse? Why?

a) Zhenya put down the key and the telegram, touched the saber, took it out of its scabbard, raised the blade above her head and looked in the mirror. She took the revolver in her left hand, knitted her eyebrows, pursed her lips, and pulled the trigger. Stunned, Zhenya flew out of the room and rushed away from this strange and described house.

Exercise 2. Read an excerpt from a student's essay. Find the speech defect. What did the student not learn? Improve the text by explaining the edit.

Taking skis, we went out of town. We took the train to the Ilyinskaya station. Then we skied through the forest for a very long time.

Exercise 3 Here are two texts on a related topic. Find the narrative in these texts. In which text is the boy's actions conveyed in more detail? What does the author achieve by this? What means are called actions, what words help us to better present the picture?

a) I went up the hill. The hill was icy, steep and long. I found a cardboard box and started to ride. Good to ride. It's just hard to get up the hill.

b) Nikita lowered the bench onto the snow, sat on it, firmly grabbed the rope, kicked off with his feet twice, and ... Down, all down.

Finally the bench became. Nikita laughed, climbed down from the bench and dragged it up the hill, bogging down to the knee. (ByA. N. Tolstoy.)

Exercise 7 Luckily whether the time of action is indicated in the text. Eliminate the repetition - the defect ...

On Sunday I get up at nine o'clock in the morning, wash my face, do exercises, comb my hair. Then I have breakfast and watch TV. Then I, dad and mom go skiing into the forest. Returning home, we have dinner, wash dishes and rest. When we get up, mom goes to cook dinner, and dad and I play checkers. Then we watch TV and have dinner. Then we go to bed.

Exercise 8 Get acquainted with a small sketch "How I once hung a birdhouse." Improve text. To do this, resolve it into an artistic narrative, show more of the hero’s actions, choose the necessary forms for their designation, use the characteristics of the actions that would help to show more vividly how everything happened.

Dad and I made a birdhouse. And so I decided to hang it myself. I chose a tree, quickly climbed it. Then I hit the nail with a hammer, but missed and hit my finger.

Exercise 9 What is wrong with the essay below? Correct it using not only the earthly synonym, but also the restructuring of the sentence.

On Sunday I went to the forest. There he climbed the trees, looked at the woodpecker, fed the beca. I met a friend in the forest. Together with him we went to the pond to ride a boat. And then we went to school to play table tennis. In the evening we went home in a good mood.

Exercise 10 What type of speech will you create in essays on the topic: “How I trained a dog”, “How we helped the elders”, “How I once did my homework”, “How we baked potatoes”, “How we once kindled a fire”, etc. n. Recall which places in the narrative need special control. Create an essay on one of the named (or similar) topics.

Exercise 11 Come up with 1 - 2 topics for essays that require the creation of a narrative. Write an essay, remember all the ore "places" of the story.


AT IVin the classroom in Russian language lessons, students quite often use statements such as reasoning. They resort to them in oral answers, when it is necessary to substantiate their judgment, bring this or that linguistic phenomenon under the concept, explain the spelling of words, punctuation marks, etc. which contains a value judgment, and in essays - reasoning like "who do I want to be and why?".

Working on reasoning, in particular teaching the structure of the text of this type of speech, develops and disciplines the thinking of children: it teaches them the ability to reveal their point of view, substantiate their value judgments, and build evidence logically consistent. The success of their teaching in other school subjects also depends to a large extent on how well students master the structure of reasoning in the Russian language lessons, since the ability to reason and reason contributes to the assimilation of the content of any science and the formation of teaching and scientific speech skills.

In modern methodological literature, three types of reasoning are distinguished: reasoning - evidence (the central part of the statement answers the question why?), reasoning - explanations (the question is what is it?) reasoning - reflections (the thoughts of the heroes of the work, designed in the form of direct or improperly - direct speech ).

AT IVIn the classroom, students get acquainted with the structure of reasoning - evidence. They learn what parts the complete structural diagram of the reasoning consists of, what words connect the parts of the reasoning; in a practical way, they get acquainted with the features of constructing reasoning in colloquial, scientific and artistic styles of speech. Based on this knowledge, they learn to recognize, analyze and create reasoning texts. As didactic material, mainly reasoning of the educational and scientific style (language analyzes deployed in a connected monologue statement) and reasoning with the justification of the evaluation thesis (I love reading and listening to stories. This sparrow is an amazing bird! and under.).

Starting to work on the structure of reasoning, one must remember what students already know about this type of speech (it is said about the causes of properties and phenomena; the content of the statement cannot be photographed, because the causes of phenomena, their connection cannot be taken away, it can only be understood). Attention is drawn to the fact that we use reasoning in those cases of life when it is necessary to explain or prove something. Pupils are invited to name several such speech situations from life, including school.

Then, on the basis of one of these speech situations, a learning task is formulated, for example:

Of course, you all know the fairy tale "Vasilisa the Wise." Now imagine that you told this fairy tale to the kids, but they did not understand why Vasilisa was called Wise. How do you explain it to them? Make up an answer to the question: “Why was Vasilisa called Wise?”

What type of speech did you use? Prove it.

What is reasoning? When, in what situation do we use it? (Name the speech task.)

To move on to the structure of the reasoning, we summarize the students' statements to the question “Why was Vasilisa called Wise?” and write this test:

Vasilisa was called Wise, because she knew how to do everything: she baked a magnificent and beautiful loaf, wove a wonderful carpet overnight, with one wave of her hand turned the room into a lake with white swans. In a word, the hands of a master of all trades. That's why it got that nickname.

The teacher reports that three parts are usually distinguished in the reasoning: 1) the thesis, or statement that must be proved; 2) substantiation of the expressed thought, first in a general form (argument), then in the form of examples; 3) output.

Then, reading the written text, we find the parts of the reasoning, separate them with vertical lines and put the corresponding number at the beginning of each part. The work ends with the compilation or consideration of a ready-made reasoning scheme that fixes parts, reasoning, semantic questions to them (Why? - to justification; What follows from this? - to the conclusion) and words to connect the parts.

Scheme of full reasoning:

( enter data)

Attention is drawn to the fact that instead of unionsbecause Other conjunctions may be used:as well as , but instead therefore, therefore, thus, consequently.

Then the sequence in which it is recommended to analyze the text of the reasoning type is reported:

Read the thesis;

Put from him a question of the 2nd part - substantiation; - find in the justification the general position (argument) and examples;

Put a question to the 3rd part - the conclusion;

Read the output;

Specify how the parts are connected to each other.

The following exercises and tasks can be offered to form the appropriate skills.

Exercise 1. Parse the text - reasoning according to the scheme in the specified sequence, are all reasoning built in full outline?

1) Playing chess together is the last thing, because only two can play, and the third one sits and prompts one or the other. Nothing good ever comes of it. If you win, they tell you that you won because you were helped. And if you lose, then they laugh at you and say that you lost, despite the fact that you were prompted. No, it's best to play chess together when no one interferes

(N. Nosov.)

2) The heroes of the fairy tale helped. Ivan - Tsarevich, because he was kind: he spared the bear, spared the drake and the hare, lowered the pike into the sea.

3) Some fairy tales are called magical, as they tell about the extraordinary adventures and exploits of heroes - brave, resourceful and kind people. They rise above the clouds, fall into the underworld, get dead and living water. They are helped by carpets - planes, tablecloths - self-assemblies, talking animals and plants. Therefore, the heroes of fairy tales will have lunch of everything.

Task 1. The last argument, as you have seen, is built according to the complete scheme. Can it be shortened? Try to remove those parts of the reasoning that are not required. Shorten the argument in several ways:Insert diagram on page 132

Task 2. Look at the diagram and draw a conclusion:

There must be at least ... (how many parts?) Mandatory parts are ... (which ones?)

Exercise 2 . How many arguments are in this text? What style are they? Is this complete or abbreviated? With or without an alliance?

"I'll kill that rabbit! - thinks the prince. “I really want to eat.” He pulled on his tight bow, began to aim, and the hare said to him in a human voice:

Do not destroy me, Ivan - Tsarevich! There will be time - I'll come in handy.

Task 1. Complete the sentence by choosing the right one from the words in brackets. Remember this rule.

In colloquial speech, (full, abbreviated) reasoning (with a union, without unions) is usually used.

Task 2. Return to the texts of exercise 1, find scientific style reasoning among them; compare its structure with the structure of reasoning from colloquial speech. Make and write down the conclusion, remember it. In scientific speech, as a rule, are used ... (what kind?) reasoning.. (with what?).

Exercise 3 . Determine the type of speech. Disassemble the text-reasoning according to the scheme.

1) Sharks are dangerous predatory fish. They are called sea robbers: they scare away and destroy fish, tear the nets, sometimes attack people.

2) (No one has ever attacked me in the water. Even big toothy pikes.) And suddenly a baby pounced - a stickleback, as tall as a finger. His body is protected by wide shiny plates, like a knight chained in paws. On the hump is a trident - three thorns. There are two more on the chest, like two daggers. His back was blue, his sides were like silver, and his cheeks were crimson. The knight was brave and handsome!

(By N. Sladkov .)

The meaning of this exercise is to teach to distinguish between reasoning, in which the thesis contains an assessment of any attribute of an object (animal), from the usual description of an object, in which its attributes are reported. In the first text, the evaluative thesis (dangerous, predatory fish, sea robbers) is substantiated, confirmed by examples that answer the question why they are called robbers.

Exercise 4 . Determine the style and type of speech. Orally build a complete reasoning of the scientific style of speech, proving the correctness of your condemnation.

They also say: stupid as a goose ... And there is no smarter bird in the world. The goose knows the owners by their gait. For example, you come home in the middle of the night. You walk down the street, you open the gate, you pass through the yard - the geese are silent, as if they were not there. And the stranger entered the yard - now goose commotion: “Gaga ha! Ha ha ha! Who is this wandering around other people's houses?

Exercise 5. Explain this reasoning according to the diagram. compare it with the text from exercise 4. What do these two arguments have in common?

This sparrow is an amazing bird, and everywhere it is the same - in the north of Norway and in the Azores: nimble, rogue, thief, bully, fighter, gossip and famous impudent. He will spend the whole winter ruffled under buildings or in the depths of a dense spruce, eating what he finds on the road, and a little vein climbs into someone else's nest, which is closer to home - in a starling or a swallow. and to expel him - he is as if nothing had happened ... Ruffles, jumps, shines with his eyes and shouts to the whole universe: “Alive, alive, alive! Alive, alive, alive! Please tell me what good news for the world! (A. I. Kuprin.)

Working with the text of the last two exercises makes it possible to show children the features of the structure of reasoning in artistic speech. And here, in another text, a rationale is given for evaluative signs (a smart goose, a sparrow is a rogue, a thief, a bully ...). Signs of animals are revealed in their behavior. For this purpose, in the second part of the reasoning (in justification), a narrative is used as a type of speech, in which (artistic style!) The actions of the characters are depicted.

In addition to the narrative, in the argument with the evaluation thesis in the 2nd part of it, a description can also be used.

Such texts (see exercises 4-5) provide an opportunity to show students how different types of speech are combined in an utterance. In this case, reasoning includes narrative or description.

Attention should also be paid to such a feature of reasoning in the artistic style of speech as the absence in the text of conjunctions connecting parts of the reasoning (because, therefore, etc.)

Observations on the features of the structure of reasoning in artistic speech can be made by the student on their own (of course, in the course of a heuristic conversation between the teacher and the class) and formed in the following way:

In the reasoning of the artistic style of speech, there are usually no unions connecting its parts.

In the 2nd part of the reasoning (in justification) narratives or descriptions are often used.

A careful consideration of the features of the structure of reasoning with the justification of an evaluative attribute is of great importance for preparing students for compositions of an artistic style of speech, in which the main idea is usually associated with an assessment of the content of the statement, and as practice shows, insufficient attention to the justification of a value judgment prevents students from realizing the main idea in the essay. .

Work on the structure of all stages of speech described in the articles should be considered as a preparatory stage for related statements (essays, presentations, oral answers), which will help students master the “technique” of constructing a text, which creates more favorable conditions for creative writing, for the free expression of their thoughts and feelings.

Learning the multiplication table is easy if you use a game learning methodology.

It is difficult for a primary school student to immediately master such a mathematical operation as multiplication. Persistent classes will certainly bear fruit, but first you need to understand the reasons for the difficulties of the baby.

It often happens that a child who successfully masters the elementary school program experiences difficulties in completing the topic "Multiplication". Parents do not need to panic and do not scold the baby.

Tip: Do extra activities to help your son or daughter remember these simple steps.

How to teach a child to multiply, how to explain?

Second grade students have difficulty memorizing the multiplication table, as children do not understand the essence of the mathematical operation "multiplication". How to teach a child to multiply, how to explain:

  • Take counting sticks and place them on the table in pairs. For example, 4 pairs. The child must count how many sticks are on the table
  • Let the kid write down the addition as an example: 2+2+2+2=8. Explain to the child the features of this action: the same numbers are added
  • Continue the series of terms and place two or three more pairs of sticks on the table. Write down an example on paper: 2+2+2+2+2+2= 12
  • Explain to the child that this action can be written as a multiplication: 2x6 = 12
  • Now invite the child to perform one more action. Lay out on the table, for example, 8, 9 or 10 pairs of counting sticks. Let the kid independently compose the multiplication action. You will see with what interest he will do it.

Important: When the multiplication "by 2" is mastered, you can move on to more complex actions.

Multiplication table simulator

Important: It is good for children's memory when a child sees a visual mathematical action. Buy posters with the multiplication table or draw it yourself on a piece of A1 paper.

Explain to the child that he only needs to memorize 36 combinations. Other steps are repetitive or very simple.

When the baby understands the peculiarity of these actions, the entire multiplication table will seem easy for him. The simulator will help the memory to remember complex actions and memorize simple actions without spending a lot of time on them.

Video: Multiplication table

Video: Teaching a child the multiplication table is very easy and simple

Video: Visual multiplication table. Video clip counting.

It is easy to multiply any number by "2", since this is the addition of this number twice.

2x1=2(2 is repeated 1 time - it turns out 2)

2x2=4(2 is repeated 2 times - it turns out 4)

2x3=6(2 repeated 3 times = 6)

2x4=8(2 repeated 4 times = 8)

2x5=10(2 repeated 5 times = 10)

2x6=12(2 repeated 6 times = 12)

2x7=14(2 repeated 7 times = 14)

2x8=16(2 repeated 8 times = 16)

2x9=18(2 repeated 9 times = 18)

2x10=20(2 repeated 10 times = 20)

Explain to the child with a good example how the multiplication by "3" takes place, so that he understands. Then he will be able to quickly remember this action.

3x1=3(3 is repeated 1 time - it turns out 3)

3x2=6(3 is repeated 2 times - it turns out 6)

3x3=9(3 repeated 3 times = 9)

3x4=12(3 repeated 4 times = 12)

3x5=15(3 repeated 5 times = 15)

3x6=18(3 repeated 6 times = 18)

3x7=21(3 repeated 7 times = 21)

3x8=24(3 repeated 8 times = 24)

3x9=27(3 repeated 9 times = 27)

3x10=30(3 repeated 10 times = 30)

The fourth column of the multiplication table is still easy and the child will easily remember it. Help the baby with your tips and support in the form of words of encouragement and praise, and he will definitely be able to do everything.

4x1=4(4 is repeated 1 time - it turns out 4)

4x2=8(4 is repeated 2 times - it turns out 8)

4x3=12(4 repeated 3 times = 12)

4x4=16(4 repeated 4 times = 16)

4x5=20(4 repeated 5 times = 20)

4x6=24(4 repeated 6 times = 24)

4x7=28(4 repeated 7 times = 28)

4x8=32(4 repeated 8 times = 32)

4x9=36(4 repeated 9 times = 36)

4x10=40(4 repeated 10 times = 40)

The fifth column of the multiplication table is easy mathematical operations. To get the result, you need the number by which "5" is multiplied, first multiply by "10", and then divide in half.

Important: When the child understands how numbers are multiplied by “5”, a logical chain of each action from this column will appear in his head over time. Thanks to this, he will already be able to multiply by "5" instantly.

5x1=5(5 is repeated 1 time - it turns out 5)

5x2=10(5 is repeated 2 times - it turns out 10)

5x3=15(5 repeated 3 times = 15)

5x4=20(5 repeated 4 times = 20)

5x5=25(5 repeated 5 times = 25)

5x6=30(5 repeated 6 times = 30)

5x7=35(5 repeated 7 times = 35)

5x8=40(5 repeated 8 times = 40)

5x9=45(5 repeated 9 times = 45)

5x10=50(5 repeated 10 times = 50)

With multiplication by "6" the first difficulties appear: actions are difficult to remember, and the numbers are large.

Important: Explain to the child that the row "6x6" is a repetition of the works from the previous columns that have already been learned. It remains to learn only four complex actions.

6x1=6(6 is repeated 1 time - it turns out 6)

6x2=12(6 is repeated 2 times - it turns out 12)

6x3=18(6 repeated 3 times = 18)

6x4=24(6 repeated 4 times = 24)

6x5=30(6 repeated 5 times = 30)

6x6=36(6 repeated 6 times = 36)

6x7=42(6 repeated 7 times = 42)

6x8=48(6 repeated 8 times = 48)

6x9=54(6 repeated 9 times = 54)

6x10=60(6 repeated 10 times = 60)

The seventh column of the multiplication table is usually easier to remember than subsequent ones. It has a couple of complex actions that need to be memorized.

7x1=7(7 is repeated 1 time - it turns out 7)

7x2=14(7 is repeated 2 times - it turns out 14)

7x3=21(7 repeated 3 times = 21)

7x4=28(7 repeated 4 times = 28)

7x5=35(7 repeated 5 times = 35)

7x6=42(7 repeated 6 times = 42)

7x7=49(7 repeated 7 times = 49)

7x8=56(7 repeated 8 times = 56)

7x9=63(7 repeated 9 times = 63)

7x10=70(7 repeated 10 times = 70)

The last complex column of the multiplication table. If the child remembers the previous columns well, then it will not be difficult for him to learn the multiplication by "8". It has only two new actions: 8x8 and 8x9

8x1=8(8 is repeated 1 time - it turns out 8)

8x2=16(8 is repeated 2 times - it turns out 16)

8x3=24(8 is repeated 3 times - it turns out 24)

8x4=32(8 is repeated 4 times - it turns out 32)

8x5=40(8 repeated 5 times = 40)

8x6=48(8 repeated 6 times = 48)

8x7=56(8 repeated 7 times = 56)

8x8=64(8 repeated 8 times = 64)

8x9=72(8 repeated 9 times = 72)

8x10=80(8 repeated 10 times = 80)

The ninth column is one of the easiest. By "9" we have already multiplied all the numbers. Therefore, the baby will have to learn only one action: 9x9

9x1=9(9 repeated 1 time = 9)

9x2=18(9 is repeated 2 times - it turns out 18)

9x3=27(9 repeated 3 times = 27)

9x4=36(9 repeated 4 times = 36)

9x5=45(9 repeated 5 times = 45)

9x6=54(9 repeated 6 times = 54)

9x7=63(9 repeated 7 times = 63)

9x8=72(9 repeated 8 times = 72)

9x9=81(9 repeated 9 times = 81)

9x10=90(9 repeated 10 times = 90)

Multiplication table - game for kids

Multiplication table - game for kids

To date, you can find many different methods for memorizing the multiplication table. Mathematics is a difficult science, but for a child it should not be so. If classes are carried out correctly with the baby, then he will easily perceive and remember any information.

The easiest way to learn the multiplication table is a game for kids. If the kid will willingly go to classes, then he will be able to remember everything that will be offered to him in these classes.

Important: If you see that the child is not in the mood to engage, for example, he is naughty. Postpone the lesson until a more appropriate time.

Games for kids to learn the multiplication table quickly:

Video: Educational online game for children to quickly learn multiplication tables


Video: Educational lessons and cartoons for children. Arithmetic. Multiplication table

As mentioned above, the main rule for teaching a child the multiplication table is a playful form of lessons. You can use multiplication in verses for children.

Important: Poems are well remembered because of the rhyme, which means that the multiplication table will also be perfectly stored in the baby's mind.

Parents can invent poems on their own or together with the child. It's interesting and exciting. Here are some verses on the operation of the multiplication table:

Multiplying by 5 - verses

Multiplying by 8 - verses

Video: Verse Multiplication table in verse

To make classes not boring, buy your child books with multiplication tables. Read them with him, and positive emotions will help you quickly memorize mathematical operations that are difficult for the baby.

Video: We improve the child's performance in mathematics - Everything will be kind - Issue 481 -10.20.14-Everything will be fine

Multiplication table.
How to learn the multiplication table - thousands of schoolchildren and their parents puzzle over this question year after year.
The games from this section are designed for children to learn the multiplication table with pleasure, willingly and without any coercion. Games will introduce the multiplication table, the material is given in a simple, exciting and fun way. Solving fun tasks, multiplication examples, children will not only gain the necessary knowledge, but also find something to fill their leisure time with. Learning by playing!

It just so happens that the multiplication table is very important. It helps in various calculations, without mastering it, it is not possible to study well in school in the future. And as an adult, you will often use it. Its importance is understood not only by people, but also by unusual creatures from our new game. They will check how well you know the multiplication table. Play >>

Tigers also learn the multiplication table by playing an educational game on a tablet. We invite you to play with them and find out how well you can multiply.

And in this game, you will have to dive into the depths of the ocean, where many beautiful fish live. And again, not an easy task awaits you, but a very interesting one - learning the multiplication table! If you are ready to go on an underwater adventure, then go ahead!

Puzzles with examples from the multiplication table.
Our puzzles will help you learn the multiplication table better. On the playing field there are examples for tabular multiplication, you need to solve them and pick up a piece of the puzzle with the correct answer. If you decide everything correctly, then you will have a colorful picture from the fragments.

Cosmic multiplication table
Here you can go on an unusual journey. Plow the expanses of the universe on a space ship and study the multiplication table.

Accurate shooter
Here they shoot from a bow at targets. Choose the one that will answer the example using the multiplication table. Be smart and hit the bull's-eye!

Multiplication table tests
You can use the game data to test yourself if you have learned the multiplication table well.
Solve examples, test your knowledge.

Game "Multiplication Table"

Use this code to enable the multiplication table game. to your blog or website.

Multiplication and division problems

Do you want your child to study mathematics with pleasure, willingly and without any coercion? Then you can't do without these tasks. They introduce arithmetic operations - multiplication and division, and the material itself is given in a very simple and funny way. Those who are still learning the multiplication table with these fun tasks will be able to easily master its basics, and those who are already familiar with it will consolidate their knowledge. By solving fun tasks, examples and puzzles, children will not only gain the necessary knowledge, but also find something to fill their leisure time with. We play and learn!

Where did the multiplication table come from?

The oldest multiplication tables in the world were found during excavations of the cities of Ancient Mesopotamia. They were inscribed in cuneiform on clay tablets that are 5,000 years old. So, most likely, the multiplication table appeared somewhere in those parts.
Although it is also possible that this system of oral counting appeared independently in different places.
The multiplication table has another name - the Pythagorean table. Pythagoras - the famous Greek mathematician (570-490 BC). In European culture, the authorship of the multiplication table is attributed to him. But there is no documentary or any other clear evidence of this, as well as many other things that are attributed to Pythagoras. The fact is that during his long and fruitful life (80 years), Pythagoras did not leave any works or treatises to his descendants (or they simply did not survive). This is one of the main reasons why the authorship of Pythagoras' great discoveries and achievements is being questioned.

Where and how to study the multiplication table.

For the first time, the multiplication table was introduced into the school curriculum in England at the end of the Middle Ages. True, it was a multiplication table up to 12, which, by the way, young Britons go through to this day. , which is connected, among other things, with units of the English system of measures of length (1 foot = 12 inches) and monetary circulation (existing before 1971: 1 pound sterling = 20 shillings, 1 shilling = 12 pence).
But in India, students are still cramming the original version of the table - up to 20.
In Russia, the multiplication table is usually studied at the age of 8. But in English schools, the multiplication table must be learned by the age of 11.

The multiplication table trains memory well!

Yes, this is true: the multiplication table is a great memory training. But, like any other workout, it must be regular in order to achieve a good result. Learn the table gradually and do not try to cover all the numbers at once. If you want to learn the multiplication table quickly, do a little bit every day with your child.

Multiplication table in verse

To make it easier to remember the table, you can use verses.

A. Usachev. Multiplication table in verse.
What is Multiplication?
This is smart addition.
After all, smarter - multiply times,
Than to add up everything for an hour.
One penguin walked among the ice floes.
Once one - one.
There is safety in numbers.
Once two two.
Two athletes took kettlebells.
It is: two times two is four.
The rooster sat before dawn
On a high pole:
- Crow! .. Twice three,
Two times three is six!
A pair of forks stuck into the pie:
Two by four - eight holes.
They decided to weigh two elephants:
Twice five, we get ten.
That is, each elephant weighs
Approximately five tons.
Met cancer crab:
Twice six - twelve paws.
Twice seven mice -
Fourteen ears!
Octopuses went for a swim:
Twice eight legs is sixteen.
Have you seen such a miracle?
Two humps on the back of a camel.
Nine camels began to be counted:
Twice nine humps is eighteen.
Twice ten is two tens!
Twenty, to put it briefly.
Two bugs drinking coffee
And they broke three cups.
What is broken, do not glue ...
three times three - comes out nine.
He keeps repeating in the apartment all day
Talking cockatoo:
- Three times four,
Three times four...
twelve months of the year.
The student began to write in a notebook:
What is "three times five"?
He was terribly careful:
Three times five - fifteen spots!
Thomas began to eat pancakes:
Eighteen is three times six.
Three times seven is twenty one:
Hot pancake on the nose.
Mice gnawed holes in cheese:
Three times eight is twenty-four.
Three times nine is twenty-seven.
Everyone needs to remember this.
Three maidens by the window
Dressed up in the evening.
The girls measured the rings:
Three times ten is thirty.
Four cute pigs
danced without boots:
Four times four is sixteen bare legs.
Four scientist monkeys
Flipping through books...
Each foot has five toes:
Four times five is twenty.
Went to the parade
Four times six is ​​twenty-four!
Chickens are counted in autumn:
Four times seven is twenty-eight!
Baba Yaga's stupa broke:
"Four times eight" - thirty-two teeth! -
Bezh zhubov she has nothing to eat:
- Four times nine - "thirty six"!
Walked forty forty,
We found cottage cheese.
And divide the cottage cheese into parts:
Four times ten is forty.
The hares went out for a walk:
Five five - twenty five.
The fox ran into the forest:
Five six - thirty comes out.
Five bears from the den
We walked through the forest without a road -
For seven miles jelly slurp:
Five seven - thirty five!
climb centipede
Difficulty on a hillock:
Tired legs -
Five eight - forty.
Cannons stood on a hillock:
Five eight - came out forty.
The guns started firing:
Five nine - forty five.
If you slurp cabbage soup with bast shoes:
Five nine - forty five ...
There will be this bast
Drip everyone on your trousers!
Digging a bed of zucchini
Five dozen patches.
And piglets' tails:
Five ten - fifty!
Six old women spun wool:
Six six - thirty six.
Six networks of six ruffs -
This is also thirty-six.
And caught in the net of a roach:
Six seven - forty two.
Hippo buns ask:
Six eight - forty eight ...
We do not feel sorry for the rolls.
Mouth open wider:
Six nine will be -
Fifty four.
Six geese lead goslings:
Six ten is sixty.
Fools do not reap, do not sow,
They themselves are born:
Family seven - forty nine ...
Let them not be offended!
Once the deer asked the elk:
- How much will seven eight? -
The moose did not climb into the textbook:
- Fifty, of course, six!
At seven nesting dolls
Whole family inside:
Seven nine crumbs -
Sixty three.
Seven fox cubs are taught at school:
A family of ten - seventy!
Vacuuming the nose
Elephant carpets in the apartment:
Eight by eight -
Sixty four.
Eight bears were chopping wood.
Eight nine - seventy two
The best account in the world
New Year is coming...
Toys hang in eight rows:
Eight ten - eighty!
Pig pig decided to check:
- How much will it be "nine by nine"?
- Eighty - oink - one! -
So answered the young pig.
The sandpiper is small, but the nose is:
Nine ten is ninety.
There are ten moles in the meadow,
Each digs ten beds.
And ten ten - one hundred:
The whole earth is like a sieve!

Secrets of the multiplication table of the number 9.

9 * 2 = 1 8
9 * 3 = 2 7
9 * 4 = 3 6
9 * 5 = 4 5
9 * 6 = 5 4
9 * 7 = 6 3
9 * 8 = 7 2
9 * 9 = 8 1

On fingers:
Place both hands on the table, palms down. Then let the little finger of the left hand be the first finger, the ring finger the second, the middle finger the third, etc., the thumb of the right hand the sixth, etc., the little finger of the right hand the tenth finger of both hands.
These fingers are the unmistakable counter
9 * 5 = 45
To solve this on your fingers, you only have to look at how many fingers from the 5th finger to the left and how many to the right: 4 fingers to the left is 4 tens, 5 to the right is 5 units, which means the answer will be 45.
9 * 7 = 63
From the 7th finger to the left 6, to the right 3 fingers, which means 63.

From childhood, the familiar song “2x2 = 4” makes adults smile. I immediately remember my school years and the multiplication table, which was given to many with great difficulty. Now nothing has changed and the children also have to learn the table. There are many methods for learning the multiplication table, some even promise to learn the tablet in a few minutes.

How to learn the multiplication table in 5 minutes - a competent approach

Where do we start studying the table? From the basics and first you have to explain to the child how to multiply a number by a number. That is, before you start cramming the table, you need to understand the principle of multiplication.

We explain to the child that a simple example 2 multiplied by 3 means that the number 2 must be added 3 times. And we show an example that is understandable to him, we write it down like this: 2+2+2=6. Explaining the essence of multiplication. If it is difficult for a child to understand why this example is written as 2x3 = 6, then we take counting sticks, seeds, sweets, cherries, etc. and with the help of these objects we show an example of multiplication.

If the child has learned this, then you can proceed to the next stage, in fact, studying the table.

Which multiplication table is easier to learn?

Teachers of the old school argue that the table, which is now presented on the back of the notebook in the form of columns, is not suitable for a first acquaintance. You can just learn it, but not understand how to use it. And the real table, which opens up all the possibilities of multiplication, is the Pythagorean table. It was placed on every notebook in the Soviet years. This table was used by our mothers and grandmothers.

The numbers in the plate are arranged symmetrically and the child, without even thinking, will look for symmetry and quickly find the right answer.

And yet, if the child saw and understood the principle of how to use the hint sign, then he will need to learn only half of the table. Because the rest is a repetition of the learned material. And yet, the columns and examples of a regular table are sometimes distracting and the student can get confused why extra information is needed. He can learn the table in order, but using the learned material randomly is not an easy task.

How to learn the multiplication table in 5 minutes

The table for 2 and 10 is easy to learn even in 5 minutes! Here it is important to show the child so that he understands the principle of multiplication, and then simple mathematics. For example, to multiply a number by 10, you need to add it the same number of times, that is, 10 times. And so on. And to get an answer, you just need to add 0 to the received number and say the received answer. Children who have completed the first grade already perfectly count within 100 and will be able to convert one to tens.

How easy is it to learn a table for 2? You can do it in literally 5 minutes. The child already knows how to add the same numbers, you just need to explain the principle to him and work out the learned material.

Learned the sign for 2? Feel free to move on to the number 4, and put the table for 3 aside for later. A child will remember a table for 4 faster if he is explained that this is the same tablet as for 2, only all answers need to be doubled. If 2x2=4, then 2x4=8, and so on. Multiplied by 2, got the answer, then the result was multiplied again by 2.

Multiplication by 3 is sometimes harder than the whole table, so a simple counter will help:

How to learn the multiplication table. easy way

The multiplication table for 5 is just as easy to learn as for 2 and 10. Simple answers, counting within 5. A little hint: if you multiply even by odd, the answer is always odd by 0. For example, 5 times 2 will be 10, by 4 will be 20, 6 will be 30. And vice versa, if an even number is multiplied by 5, we get a number ending in this digit in the answer: 5 by 3 \u003d 15, etc.

After the table at 5, immediately jump to the study of the tablet at 9. And learning the table is easy with your fingers. When you master this number, all the rest will be easy: the table for 6.7 and 8. You just need to explain to the child that he already knows the answers to these examples, only they are written the other way around. If 2 times 8 is 16, then 8 times 2 is also 16.

Now you know how to quickly learn the multiplication table, and we advise you not to rush, not to force the child to do what he does not want, to have fun always and everywhere, even on vacation and transport, turning lessons into a game. Good luck!

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