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Keyboard shortcut table for windows 10. More keyboard shortcuts

Learning to work with windows hotkeys

Keyboard shortcuts can speed up work with operating system. It is much easier to hold down the desired key combination than to look for desired option in settings. If the user learns the tens hotkeys, then working with the OS will be a pleasure. On the other hand, the slightest mistake in the keyboard shortcut can launch unexpected process. And not always it will positively affect the overall performance of the operating system. Therefore, you need to learn hotkeys and their effect on the OS before use.

Hotkey types

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All key combinations described are only suitable for the Windows operating system version 10 and in some cases earlier editions. The Linux OS has its own hotkeys. The same goes for laptop owners. macOS control from Apple. Using the commands listed here on other operating systems can lead to unexpected (and not always pleasant) consequences.

No matter how strange it may sound, but in Windows 10 there are certain groups of hot keys that are designed to control certain functions of the operating system. This allows users to quickly navigate in the right combinations.

  • Windows and program management. This group includes keyboard shortcuts that help you perform actions in a specific program window.
  • Explorer functions. « Windows Explorer» is a built-in OS file manager with a fairly rich functionality. And for him there own group hot keys
  • Virtual desktop management. In the "top ten" it became possible to create an alternative workspace(in the manner of Ubuntu). Naturally, the corresponding control keys for this functionality also appeared.
  • Windows features. This group of hotkeys allows you to control the operating system more efficiently.
  • Screenshots, games. Functional groups of keys responsible for creating screenshots during the game

All of the above groups contain an impressive number of keyboard shortcuts. For the most effective work with Windows 10 it is recommended to learn them all. Although it is quite difficult. And even more difficult to bring the process of using these buttons to automatism. But it is possible.

To explore all combinations Win keys dows 10 you need to constantly use them. Only in this case can success be achieved. At first, the memorization process will be tedious. But over time, everything will change.

1. Manage windows and programs

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These are just those hotkeys that can be used quite often. They work with open windows of some applications (mostly system ones). These combinations increase the speed of working with programs and save the user's time.

It is worth noting that not all programs support the control function using hot keys. For example, Photoshop or Magix Music Maker windows refuse to respond to combinations. But this is not a reason not to use them with other applications.

Team attaches active window to the left side of the screen. It is possible to choose additional program, which will be displayed on the right side of the display. The combination of this function key with other arrow buttons will launch other options (maximize the window to full screen, minimize it).

The keyboard shortcut displays or hides the user's desktop.

Maximizes all minimized windows to full screen. True, if you do this, then you can get confused in the windows.

The keyboard shortcut minimizes all windows. In addition, with which the user works in a given period of time.

This combination is designed to move the window to another monitor(right and left respectively). Only works if additional displays are present.

Command to switch between running programs. Press several times to select the desired window. TAB while pressing the button Win.

Quickly close the current window. Or termination of the program. If you press this combination on an empty desktop, the options to turn off the computer will appear.

Selects applications in the panel quick launch. For selection desired program press the combination several times. To launch the selected application, press Enter.

Another combination for working with the quick launch bar. Depending on the selected number, a program will start that has the corresponding serial number in the panel.

The above hotkeys are used exclusively when working with programs and utilities. They are able to speed up the call of one or another software product and help to quickly manage the windows of running applications.

2. Manage "Windows Explorer"

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The regular file manager from Microsoft has a fairly rich functionality. But managing it in mode GUI may take a long time. That is why special hotkeys for Explorer have been integrated into Windows.

The first combination launches Windows Explorer itself. No need to click on the computer icon on the desktop. Very comfortably.

This command opens a new window. Useful option in the event that you need to copy something from one disk to another.

This keyboard shortcut allows you to change the view of folders in the file manager(large thumbnails, list, table, and so on). The choice is made by turning the mouse wheel in the desired direction.

The combination allows you to return to the previous directory. Often used instead of a graphic button "Back" in the interface "Conductor".

Starts viewing the previous folder. Differs from the above action in that technically the user is not returned to the previous directory.

The command allows you to view the next folder in the hierarchy. If the current directory is the final directory, then nothing will happen.

Using these hotkeys will allow you to work more productively with the system file manager (if at least someone uses it). Of course, these are not all combinations. But the rest are so specific that ordinary user they are unnecessary.

3. Manage virtual desktops

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It was the tenth version of Windows that learned how to create virtual spaces for work. The bottom line is that on one desktop (for example) there is an open Word, and on the other - mail program. And the user switches between them. This option has been around for a long time in Linux.

The first command is used to create a new virtual desktop. By the way, it is not possible to do this using the graphical interface in Windows. Therefore, the user must remember this keyboard shortcut.

Option to switch between desktops from right to left.

The same, but in reverse order.

The command closes the desktop that is currently active.

In this case, the keyboard shortcut displays all virtual spaces along with the programs running in them.

In fact, very few users use virtual desktops. Therefore, the value of the above hot keys is a big question. But they are. And so they had to be considered at all costs.

4. Operating system management

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This group of hotkeys is probably the most useful. Still would. These combinations allow you to control the basic functions of the operating system. No more need to look for them in the menu "Start" spending a lot of time on it.

It should be noted that the ability to control system options using hotkeys is available in almost any operating system. It is well known that Linux distributions and MacOS also have their own keyboard shortcut management features.

This combination launches the well-known "Task Manager". It is worth noting that users access this component of the OS quite often. Therefore, this keyboard shortcut is extremely useful.

Team launches system component"Execute". With it, you can run some specific applications or information utilities. A very useful component.

And this keyboard shortcut is familiar to many advanced users. Using these buttons, you can delete the file completely. Without use "Baskets". But use this option should be done with a certain degree of caution. After all, you can remove completely what is required. And it is not possible to return the removed components.

Shows the properties of the selected file or directory. This is much easier than clicking on the element right click mouse and select further items.

Alternative keys for switching keyboard layouts. However, few people use them. Users prefer the standard option.

The team launches the Support Center. Although it is used by a few. Advanced users do not rely on this component at all, preferring to search necessary information in the Internet.

The action launches a search box. Although for "tens" the usefulness of this combination is questionable. The search tool is already displayed in the toolbar.

The command calls the "Options" window. This is an alternative "Control Panels" in Windows You can use this feature to configure key settings for your computer.

Without a doubt, this group hotkeys are quite useful. With its help, you can quickly manage the main parameters of the operating system without wasting time searching for the necessary components in the bowels of the OS.

5. Games and screenshots

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Very useful keyboard shortcuts for gamers. Allows you to control some of the "tens" options that implement the functionality of creating multimedia content during the game. However, there are still no particularly advanced features here.

The command takes a screenshot (usually of the entire desktop or game in full screen mode) and saves it in a folder "Images" on the system drive.

The combination creates a screenshot of the game screen only. Even if the toy is launched in windowed mode, only what is in the window will be saved.

After pressing these buttons, the game bar is launched ( Windows innovation 10), allowing you to record the process of passing a particular toy.

Activates the recording of the last 30 seconds gameplay. Everything is saved to a file. standard format and is located in the system directory "Video".

Keyboard shortcut to activate the recording process or stop it.

If your computer has two monitors, then given command will help you switch between them in game mode.

Of course, the above commands are relevant only for those who are engaged in streaming gameplay and subsequent publication of videos on YouTube. Although professionals use more advanced programs

Even if the mouse makes navigation and interaction easier, many users prefer using the keyboard. Why? Hotkeys allow you to perform actions faster, without the need to constantly keep your hand on the manipulator. If you're a keyboard enthusiast like us, then you'll love the new keyboard shortcuts introduced in Windows 10 for easy access to new features. Take a look at the list below and you will surely find a few. useful combinations that will help you with your daily activities.

Windows 10 hotkeys

1. Win+I- Using this simple keyboard shortcut allows you to quickly open the Settings application, this is one of the most useful combinations in Windows 10.

2. Win+A- One of the best innovations in Windows 10 is the universal notification center. Use the combination "Win + A" to quick access to current notifications in the panel. There is no more need to click on the small icon in the taskbar.

3. Win+S- Personal digital Cortana Assistant is one of the big additions in Windows 10. To quickly launch Cortana, you can use this hot key. When you press “Win ​​+ S”, Cortana starts in keyboard input mode, which means that you can enter a search query, and Cortana will search not only on the computer, but also on the Internet.

4. Win+C- This combination also launches Cortana, but already in listening mode, and not in mode keyboard input. This combination will be especially useful if you use the “Hey, Cortana” feature.

5. Windows + Ctrl + D- The addition of virtual desktops is one of the most anticipated Windows improvements 10. With this keybinding you can create a new virtual desktop.

6. Win + Ctrl + left arrow or right arrow- If you use several virtual desktops at the same time, these combinations will make it easier to navigate between them.

7. Windows + Ctrl + F4- You can use this combination to quickly close the virtual desktop. Don't worry, any open in virtual desk programs will be moved to the main workspace.

8. Win+Tab– This combination allows you to access the Task View or “Task View” function, which displays all open programs and virtual desktops.

9. Ctrl+Alt+Tab- this key combination allows you to view all applications that are open in the current desktop. Very similar to "Alt + Tab", but in this case you need to use the mouse or arrows to switch.

10. Win + arrows- Aero Snap has greatly improved the window snapping capabilities in Windows 10. You can use the “Win ​​+ Arrow” shortcuts to quickly place a window on the appropriate part of the screen.

11. Win+G- The Game DVR feature is less known but is useful tool to capture video. Using this hot key, you can quickly open the Game DVR and start recording. Although given function primarily intended for gamers, it can be used to record other programs. However, you cannot record the entire screen, only separate window programs.

12. Win+Alt+G- If you want to quickly record activity current program or games, use this combination. Clicking will open Game DVR and start recording the active window.

13. Win+Alt+R- After launching Game DVR, you can use this combination to stop recording activity in the current program window.

With Windows 10, Microsoft has made some small but useful improvements to the old Command Prompt. Here are some combinations that will be useful in everyday activities.

14. Ctrl+A(in command line) - Most of you use this keyboard shortcut to select all text in the active window. Now this feature is supported by the command line.

15. ctrl+c(on the command line) - As opposed to previous versions You can use the well-known "Ctrl + C" shortcut to copy text or output data on the command line. Alternatively, you can use the "Ctrl + Insert" shortcut.

16. Ctrl+V(on the command line) - As with copying, you can paste text on the command line with “Ctrl + V”. Alternatively, you can use the “Shift + Insert” shortcut.

17. Ctrl+M(on the command line) - Using this combination, you can enter Marker mode so that you can select text or output data using Shift and the arrow keys.

If you think we've missed any important keyboard shortcuts coming to Windows 10, write in the comments below.

Found a typo? Press Ctrl+Enter

Let's analyze everything in detail Windows 10 hotkeys. The WINDOWS key (box in the form of four squares) on most keyboards is located between Ctrl buttons and alt. Just pressing it once opens the menu for the user -\u003e Start.

And here various combinations this key with other buttons, the so-called "hot" keys, can make life easier for many users, eliminating unnecessary actions and numerous mouse clicks around the screen in search of the desired function.

Some of the features were active in previous Windows shells, but there are also new combinations that were introduced only in Windows 10.

Let's go through only some of the hot combinations in which the key is involved. Win and which users may like.

Win+ TAB– Convenient scrolling and flipping of all active windows. At any time, you can stop at the desired window and go to full screen mode releasing the keys.

Win + S– activation and opening of the automatic search query. Using a word, phrase, link saved in advance in the clipboard (hot keys Ctrl + C or Copy), you can immediately go to the page with search results.

Win+ D- all open windows are minimized and you have a clean desktop in front of you. Useful feature for those who like to do "non-working" things at work. Pressing again returns all active windows to their original position.

Combination Win + M minimizes all windows in the same way, but does not allow you to return it by pressing it again.

WIN+ L– instantaneous transition to the screen with the login password for the user. The second way to quickly hide the work screen from prying eyes.

WIN+ E- a useful combination for those who are used to using Explorer and do not want to look for the "My Computer" icon on the desktop for a long time

WIN+ R– opening the “Run” command to enter the corresponding command in the query string.

WIN+ X- go to the window with the choice of shutting down or restarting the computer.

WIN+ G– in Windows 10, this keyboard shortcut activates additional application X games. If you delve into the settings, you can set up video recording of games for later saving the video and uploading it to third-party resources.

WIN + I- go to the settings menu Windows shells 10.

Win+ arrow(left or right) - snaps the window to the left or right area of ​​the screen.

Win+ arrow(down) – Minimizes the active window.

Win+arrow(up) - allows you to expand the active window to full screen.

Win+ numbers(1,2,3, etc.) - to activate applications in the order they are located on the taskbar.

Win + P– Open the Projector menu. Convenient feature to switch between screens and select the display method when connecting external devices to the laptop or computer.

Win+ T- Sequential switching between the icons that are located on the taskbar.

Win+ A- in the Win 10 shell, this combination opens all active notifications from Windows.

This is far from full list useful keyboard shortcuts in Windows 10. There are shortcuts consisting of three keys (in addition to letters, auxiliary Ctrl, Alt, Shift, etc. are also used), but not every user will have enough free time to remember them, so a small cheat sheet in the form of a simple table It can be useful.

Continuing the theme of working with Windows 10 hotkeys (the first part of the topic, dedicated to the list of keyboard shortcuts, is located), it is worth mentioning how you can change them in your own way. We will assume that you are already familiar with the main ones and imagine what it is. For example, you are familiar with system keys quick access to functions, found for themselves that some of them are not very convenient for you to use. You have a desire to customize some of the functions in a way that is convenient for you.

Unfortunately, this is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. By default, the system has keyboard shortcuts that allow you to quickly perform some actions without the need to navigate through a multi-level context menu. The developer simply did not provide an easy way to remap hotkeys in Windows 10 and older versions. In this article we will tell you possible options change keys for quick access to some operations of the operating system.

How to find the list of hotkeys

In fact, there are enough hot keys in Windows 10 to scare away inexperienced users. In the last article on this topic, we published the main list of abbreviations that work in system applications. But the problem is that some third party applications, for example, in Microsoft Office, browsers, or other products may have their own keyboard shortcuts that do not match the system shortcuts. How to be in that case?

There are several ways to get help for each software product:

  1. Press the F1 key and read the help information built into the application. But for this you need the developer of the program to take care of it. In this case, you do not need an Internet connection to use the help section. Practice shows that this option is not always available. Then you can go to the "Help" section in the program menu.
  2. Regardless of which application you have running, you can press the key combination Win + F1, after which the browser installed as the main one is launched, with a link to the help section of the Microsoft website. Some programs may lead to a web resource of their own content. Accordingly, in this case, you will need to connect to world wide web because all information is not embedded in programming code, but stored on a remote server.
  3. can be called the most in a simple way; using context menu using the right mouse button, note that almost every action has information about which hot keys are responsible for it. Usually, users in each program use the same functions and over time, you can remember keyboard shortcuts to speed up the workflow.

How to change Windows hotkeys

Unfortunately, as mentioned above, Windows developers did not provide for the ability to change any system hotkeys using the built-in functionality of the operating system. The only combination that can be changed is switching languages ​​and keyboard layouts. This operation is possible in any Windows versions, both the newest 10 and the older 7 or 8.

After installing the operating system, languages ​​can be switched using the Alt + Shift combination, and already in Windows 8 and 10, the Win + space combination was added. But habit is a serious matter, and for many users it is much more convenient to switch languages, for example, Ctrl key combination+ Shift or Ctrl + Alt. What is the setting of their hotkeys for switching the language?

  • Open Control Panel - Languages ​​- Extra options- Change language bar keyboard shortcuts.
  • In the small window that opens, select "Change keyboard shortcut" and select one option from the many offered.
  • Save your changes and start using the familiar button combination.

Nothing complicated, right?

How to assign application launcher hotkeys

If it is impossible to change hotkeys for performing system actions, then assigning them to launch almost any application is very simple. To do this, after installing the program, right-click on the shortcut on the desktop, select "Properties" - "Shortcut" - " Quick call” and click on the button or a combination of them, with which you will start the program. Please note that if hotkeys are already in use by the system, they will be reset. Be careful!

Hotkey Managers

The simplest and accessible way changing hotkeys on windows 10 is to use special utilities for this. We will look at the two most popular of them.

Key Remapper

A great program with rich functionality that allows you to reassign almost any button on the keyboard, mouse using even the scroll wheel. Utility features:

  • Redefining almost any keyboard and mouse key, as well as intercepting the action of the mouse wheel.
  • Redefining existing keys to those that are physically missing.
  • Change the location of the buttons.
  • Emulation of keyboard shortcuts, mouse clicks.
  • Restricting the program to a specific application.
  • Ability to assign multiple key profiles.

The program does not pollute the computer's registry and does not require a reboot for your new assignments to take effect. You can download the program from the link


The original purpose of this utility is to use additional keys on multimedia keyboards. These are those keyboards on which, in addition to alphabetic and number buttons, there are many additional ones to run some applications and functions. First of all, you can use them, but if you have regular keyboard, without all these buttons, the program can also be used to reassign ordinary keys.


  1. Media control
  • Support for almost all the most popular audio and video players: start, play, stop.
  • Volume control, rewind music or video file.
  • Drive control for laser discs: open, close, start disc playback.
  • The ability to run any application installed on the computer.
  • Launch any explorer folders.
  • All functions with files and folders: insert, copy, move.
  • Control open windows: Collapse, Maximize, Close, Move, Lock.
  • Power management: turn off, hibernate, reboot, lock; timer setting.
  • Change desktop background.
  • Change language and keyboard layout.
  • Network connection management.
  1. Working with Applications
  • Manage any installed browser.
  • Document management: open, save, create a new one, print, undo and redo an action.
  • Control email: reply, forward, send.
  • Emulation of almost any key in program windows.

  1. Additional functions
  • The finest customization, great customization options.
  • Notifications in the system tray.
  • Insert text, date and time according to a given template.
  • Ability to create a screenshot.
  • 10 clipboards, enhanced ability to manage their content.
  • Multiple parameter profiles, customization of each one.
  • Create your own combination in each individual application.
  • Emulation of absolutely any keyboard or mouse button.
  • Macro recording.
  • Additional external plugins.
  • Minimum resource usage.
  • You do not need to restart your device for the changes to take effect.


Initially, the hot keys are thought out conveniently and you can use them without changing them at all. But if you still want to change them, use one of the tips in our article.

In the comments, please tell us if you have changed the keyboard shortcuts on your Windows 10. If so, how.

Experienced users know keyboard shortcuts that help them in their work and save time. To help those who do not yet use, we offer this article. Many keyboard shortcuts work the same in Windows 7, 8, and XP builds.

Keyboard Shortcuts in Windows 10

If it is not possible to use computer mouse, the ability to give commands on the keyboard will become a useful skill. Hotkeys have been successfully used in previous builds. But new combinations appeared, created only in this system. Popular keys are still: Winkey, Alt and Ctrl, Shift and Tab, arrows, numbers and letters in cross combinations.

Fig 1. Combinations with Ctrl key

New Windows 10 hotkeys

Among the useful and functional key combinations, experimental combinations stand out to increase the efficiency of your work at the computer.

Automatic window alignment

Can be done with the mouse or keyboard shortcuts in Windows and arrows. Depending on the direction of the arrows, the window used will move in the corresponding direction.

Fig 2. Button with Windows icon Fig 3. Arrow control

Virtual Desktop

A practical feature when creating multiple projects at once. It becomes even more convenient to use when combined with keyboard buttons:

#WINd+Ctrl+D creates another desktop

#WINd+Ctrl+← jumps to the desktop located on the left side

#WINd+Ctrl+→ jumps to the desktop located with right side

#WINd+Ctrl+F4 ends the desktop

#WINd+Tab view actively used applications.

Fig 4. Location on Windows keyboard or win

Working with the command line

To work with this element in Windows 10, key combinations are used:

shift+← select text on the left side

shift +→ select text to the right of the cursor

shift +Ctrl+→(←) block selection

Ctrl+ C duplicating information to the clipboard

Ctrl+V paste saved information from clipboard

Ctrl+A select all text in a line.

Fig 5. Using Shift and Arrows

Screen, shooting photo and video materials

With the presence of the GameDVR program, it is possible to produce. To do this, use keyboard shortcuts

WIN+PrintScreen takes a screenshot and saves it to the Pictures folder

WIN+G launches GameDVR (if your graphics card has sufficient capabilities)

WIN+Alt+G records what is happening in the active window

WIN+Alt+R will stop the recording in progress

WIN + P when the second monitor is on, switches screen modes

WIN+Plus (Minus) zoom in or out using the Magnifier utility.

Other Useful Windows Hotkeys

Along with the novelty, operating Windows system 10, many still use others, more early versions Windows. They have no less list quick combinations. The most popular of them:

#WINd+ shows the desktop, temporarily hiding active applications

#WINd+D minimizes applications and opens the desktop

#WINd+Home leaves the actively used window, minimizes the others.

#WINd+L exit the operating system

#WINd+E starts Explorer (WindowsExplorer)

Alt+F4 ends the active window

Ctrl+Shift+M restore minimized apps

Alt+Ctrl+Del launches the Task Manager window.

Most often, in a combination of quick keyboard shortcuts, the WIN key is used.

Combining this key with the ones below, we get the following result:

A support center opens

S opens a search box

B focus is set in the notification area

I opens the "Options" window

K fast connection

o fix device orientation

U accessibility center

V toggle notifications

Z shows commands running in full screen mode

P ause displays the System Properties window

+ / IME reconversion.

Some keys in all versions of Windows are used as hot keys on their own:

SPACE - set or clear the active parameter

BACKSPACE - opening a file

END - Displays the bottom edge of the active window.


The number of possible hotkey combinations can be a bit confusing inexperienced user. It seems that it is impossible to remember them all and use them effectively in working with a computer. But I can assure you, with a little practice and getting used to this method, you will be able to appreciate its functional advantages and time savings. Using this knowledge, you untie your hands. Now the lack of a mouse will not be able to prevent you from setting tasks for your computer.

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