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  • The concepts of a computer and a computer are connected. Abstract in computer science: "The history of the development of computer technology"

The concepts of a computer and a computer are connected. Abstract in computer science: "The history of the development of computer technology"

Basic terms, definitions and concepts of computers.

Computer (computer)- a device capable of executing a well-defined sequence of operations prescribed by a program.

Personal computer (PC) usually focused on interactive interaction with 1 user, and interaction occurs through a variety of communication media - from alphanumeric and graphical dialogue using a display, keyboard and mouse to virtual reality devices.

When the abbreviation PC (Personal Computer) is used, it means a PC compatible with the mainstream family of IBM PCs and their clones. The PC can also be used collectively: the capabilities of many computers of this family allow them to be used as servers in local networks. Collocation PC server suggests increased power(speed of calculations, the amount of operational and external memory) and a special design (spacious case) of the computer.

File Server is the core local network... This computer (usually a high-performance minicomputer) runs the OS and controls the data flow over the network. Individual workstations and any shared peripherals, such as printers, all connect to a file server.

Work station- is a normal PC running its own OS. However, unlike a stand-alone PC, a workstation contains a board network interface and is physically cabled to the file server. Also, the slave. station launches special program(a network shell), which allows it to exchange information with a file server, other workstations and other devices on the network. The shell allows workstation using files and programs stored on a file server is as easy as those on its own disks.

Super-computer- computers with the most high productivity, and mainly intended for solving complex scientific and technical problems.

computer general purpose - computers designed to solve a wide class of problems with approximately the same technical and economic efficiency.

Mini-computer- computers, developed from the requirement to minimize cost and designed to solve fairly simple problems.

Microcomputer- computers, the central part of which is built on one or more microprocessors and developed based on the requirement to minimize the physical volume.

Specialized computer- a computer with functionality and design features allowing you to use it for effective solution a limited class of tasks in certain environmental conditions.

OS- a set of systems. programs designed to ensure a certain level of efficiency of the information processing system due to automated control its work and a certain set of services provided to the user.

CPU- functional part computing machine or an information processing system designed to interpret programs.

CPU(Cpu)- the processor performing in this subclause. machine or information processing system, the main functions of information processing and control of the work of other parts of the comp. machines or systems.

Architecture Is the most general principles construction of computers that implement software control of the work and interaction of its main functional units.

The main characteristics of the computer.

1) cost / performance ratio 2) reliability 3) fault tolerance 3) speed 5) memory size 6) computational accuracy 7) instruction set 8) scalability; 9) software compatibility 10) software mobility.

Computer performance is determined by the number of operations performed by the processors per unit of time, as well as the amount of memory available in the machine and used for storing and processing information.

Computer cost depends on a large number factors: speed, memory capacity, instruction set, etc. external devices included in the final composition of the machine. Also, software has a rather significant effect on the cost of a computer.

Computer reliability- the ability of a computer to maintain its properties under specified operating conditions for a certain period of time.

fault tolerance- property computing system, which provides it, as a logical machine, the ability to continue actions, set by the program after a malfunction occurs. The introduction of fault tolerance requires redundant hardware and software... Areas related to fault prevention and fault tolerance are central to the problem of reliability.

Computer speed viewed from both sides. On the one hand, it is characterized by the number of elementary operations (any simplest operation such as addition, transfer, shift, etc.) performed by the processor per second. On the other hand, the speed of a computer essentially depends on how its memory is organized. Time required to search the information you need in memory, significantly affects the speed of the computer.

Capacity, or Memory is determined by the limiting amount of information that can be placed in the computer memory. Computer memory is divided into internal and external. Internal, or RAM, in terms of its volume different types machines is different and is determined by the computer addressing system. External storage capacity is virtually limitless thanks to the block structure and removable drive designs.

Calculation accuracy depends on the number of digits used to represent one number. Modern computers are equipped with 32- or 64-bit microprocessors, which is sufficient to provide very high precision settlements in the most various applications... However, if this is not enough, you can use a doubled or tripled grid of discharges.

Command system is a list of commands that the computer processor is capable of executing. The instruction set determines what operations the processor can perform, how many operands must be specified in the instruction, what kind (format) the instruction has for its recognition.

Scalability- the ability to increase the number and capacity of processors, the amount of RAM and external memory and other resources of the computing system. Scalability must be ensured by the architecture and design of the computer, as well as the appropriate software tools.

Concept software compatibility - the ability to run the same programs on different computers with getting the same results.

Software mobility- the ability to run the same software systems on various hardware platforms.

Open System Environment Model - IEEE POSIX Committee.

This article is about the origin and meaning of the terms computer, computer and computer; it reveals classification relationship between terms:computer, computing machine, analogue computing machine (AVM), digital computing machine (TsVM), electronic digital computing machine (ECVM), programmable electronic digital computing machine, universal programmable electronic digital computing machine (PC), personal computer (PC, PC) , stationary personal computer, wearable personal computer, etc .; the article explains the difference between computers and other computers.


Remembering the reduction and translation, we get:

A computer is an electronic computer,

Computer - computer is a calculator.

In other words, both are calculators. The first term only emphasizes that the calculator is (a) a machine, not a person, and (b) electronic machine, and not mechanical, for example, it is not an adding machine. The second term does not carry such clarifications.

Origin, meaning and juxtaposition

The word computer appeared in the English literary language at the beginning of the 17th century, however, then it meant "a person doing calculations." At the end of the nineteenth century, this word acquired a second meaning "computer-calculator", but only in the middle of the XX century the second meaning "computer-calculator" supplanted the first. And now computer means in English language any computer: analog, digital, hybrid, etc.

The word computer (more precisely, EFM, an electronic calculating machine) appeared in the USSR in the forties of the XX century, that is, at the same time when the word computer in English was assigned the meaning of a calculating machine. However, from the very beginning, the reduction of the computer did not mean any machine, but an electronic one.

In those years, the "iron curtain" divided not only states, but also the lexicons of peoples, therefore, until the end of the 80s, only the word "computer" was used in Russian, which with different prefixes designated both "big" computers, and mini- and microcomputers.

After perestroika, mass deliveries of personal computers (ie, personal computers) began in the USSR; Along with the deliveries, the word “computer” took root in the Russian language. Therefore, in our everyday life - but not in science and technology - "computer" means only "personal computer". Unlike everyday language, in modern scientific, legal and technical Russian, a computer and a computer are one and the same.

A computer and a computer is a calculating machine, which differs from other calculators:

Discrete (digital) computing units, not analog;

Electronic (not mechanical) device of computing units;

Automatic data processing according to a given program;

Versatility of appointment;

Change of programs.

Discreteness of the calculator means that operands in computational operations are numbers, which naturally consist of digits, therefore the second name of a discrete calculator is "digital".

The electronic device of computing units implies that the main arithmetic and logical units of the calculator consist of electronic component ov ( vacuum tubes, transistors, microcircuits, etc.). In particular, a computer based on a relay, that is, based on electrical and not electronic components, made by Konrad Zuse in 1941, today is not called a computer in Russian, but in the English sentence it is referred to as a computer.

Automatic data processing implies non-human intervention in the processing until it is completed. It is also clear that the processing is quite "long", that is, it consists of several operations, otherwise it makes no sense to arrange automatic processing... Switching from one operation to the next is controlled by software, not human.

The universality of appointment is understood in each era in its own way, in accordance with human imagination and capabilities. technical means... In the forties, the versatility of the computer consisted in the fact that the result of the work of its programs was a variety of mathematical calculations: ballistic, aerodynamic, etc. In the fifties and sixties, programs universal computer had to be able to do scientific, economic, financial calculations, manage complex technological processes... In the seventies, in addition to the already mentioned, - to plan transportation, reserve tickets for transport, forward email; in the eighties - showing pictures, helping to design buildings, electronic devices, but in the nineties - to play and entertain.

Today, universal computer programs should, as before, be able to do any calculations, carry out numerical simulations of physical processes, decode DNA, process pictures, geographical maps, texts, show movies, play music, etc. the listed possibilities programs are outward manifestations of the internal capabilities of a computer. It goes without saying that external manifestations are based on the internal abilities of algebraic, arithmetic and logical blocks, which remain exclusively computational. The computer simply does not have other internal abilities.

A non-universal, specialized computer and its programs can do one thing: either process pictures, or plot a route along a geographic map, or show a movie. A specialized computer is called a controller. Controllers, not computers, are computers built into communicators, navigators, video recorders, washing machines and others Appliances... Controllers built into moving mechanisms (airplanes, cars, tanks) are called onboard controllers.

Changing programs in a computer means that its owner, and not the manufacturer, can easily choose for execution any of the programs installed on the computer or install new program, which appeared even later than this computer was released.

Classification relations

The ancestors of all computers can be considered computers, which are of three types: analog, discrete or digital, hybrid. Digital computers can be mechanical (adding machine), electrical (Konrad Zuse's machine on a relay), electronic. The latter are called computers or computers. Once again, it should be noted that in English the word computer refers to any computing machine.

The classification scheme (Figure 1) shows quite fully that branch of computers, which leads from computers to computers and their varieties. Other classification branches are incomplete. The diagram also shows the location of several English concepts.

In the diagram, only the computer branch is fully shown (and highlighted in color).

Figure 1 - Computer = computer = kind of computers

This diagram is intended to show first and foremost:

The place of computers in the family of computers;

Classification equivalence of the terms "computer" and "computer";

The division of personal computers into two types: stationary (for example, desktop) and wearable (for example, laptops and tablets).

It is possible that after the appearance and mass distribution optical or biological computers, the term "computer" will become much broader than the term "electronic computer". It is possible that then the term "optical computing machine, OBM" or, rather, " optical computer"Then the classification scheme will change.

By the way, derivative concepts: PC ("personal computer") and "personal computer" converged in the Russian everyday language much closer to each other than the original ones.

The words “computer” and “computer” cannot be opposed. In modern Russian, in scientific, legal and technical terms, they mean the same thing.

When in everyday life they say "computer", they often mean "personal computer" only because they are not very familiar with other computers.

The word "computer" is gradually replacing the word "computer". It is possible that soon the term "computer" will mean not only electronic (perhaps not electronic at all), but the optical or biological basis of a computer, that is, it will become much broader in meaning than the term "electronic computer". Then the concepts of a computer and a computer will diverge in meanings.

1 The Iron Curtain, however, was of some use. Isolation forced translators transfer foreign language terms into Russian, and not just try to pronounce them in the Russian way. For example, I recently discovered a translation of the word gadget in a scientific book from the 60s; it sounded like a gizmo. 2 This concept justifies a certain eclecticity of the scheme, which resulted from the confusion of several classification features. 1 ... Wikipedia. .

What is a computer?

Computer (English computer - calculator) - a programmable electronic computing device for data processing, transmission and storage of information. That is, a computer is a complex of software-controlled electronic devices.

The term " computer" (or " Personal Computer") Is synonymous with the abbreviation" computer"(Electronic computer) or" PC "( personal computer). After the appearance of personal computers (from the English personal computer, PC), the term computer was subsequently practically supplanted from use and replaced by the borrowed term "computer", "PC" or "PC". The fact is that if the designations "PC" and "PC" characterize a computer as a "single-user universal computer", then the term "PC" means exactly an IBM PC-compatible computer.

With the help of calculations, a computer is able to process information according to a predetermined algorithm. In addition, a computer using software is able to receive, store and search for information, display information on different kinds output devices. Computers got their name from their main function - carrying out calculations. Currently, in addition to the direct functions of computing, computers are used to process and manage information, as well as games.

The scheme of a computer was proposed by the famous mathematician John von Neumann in 1946; its principles of operation are largely preserved in modern computers.

First of all, a computer, according to the principles of von Neumann, must have following devices:

* arithmetic logic unit (ALU) that performs arithmetic and logical operations;
* control device (UU), which organizes the process of executing programs;
* storage device (memory), or memory for storing programs and data;
* external devices for input-output of information.

Computer memory must consist of a number of numbered cells, each of which can contain either processed data or program instructions. All memory cells should be equally easily accessible to other computer devices.

In addition to the computer architecture, Neumann proposed the fundamental principles of the logical device of a computer.

John von Neumann's principles:

1. Principle program control(the program consists of a set of instructions that are executed by the processor one after another in a certain sequence);

2. The principle of memory homogeneity (programs and data are stored in the same memory);

3. The principle of addressing (the main memory consists of numbered cells, and any cell is available to the processor at any time).

Computers built on these principles are classified as "von Neumann". Today these are the overwhelming majority of computers, including IBM PC-compatible ones. But there are also computer systems with a different architecture - for example, systems for parallel computing.

Typically, a computer is designed based on the principle of open architecture:
* Description of the principle of operation of the PC and its configuration, which allows you to assemble a PC from individual assemblies and parts;
* Availability of internal expansion slots in the PC, into which the user can insert various devices that meet the specified standard.

Most modern computers the problem is first described in a form that they understand, while the whole the necessary information is represented in binary form (in the form of ones and zeros), after which the actions for its processing are reduced to the application of simple algebra of logic. Since almost all mathematics can be reduced to performing Boolean operations, a fairly fast electronic computer can be used to solve most mathematical problems (as well as most information processing problems that can be easily reduced to mathematical ones).

The result of the completed task can be presented to the user using various devices output information such as lamp indicators, monitors, printers, projectors, etc.

It was found that computers still cannot solve any math problem... For the first time, problems that cannot be solved by computers were described by the English mathematician Alan Turing.

Application of computers

The first computers were created directly for computing (which is reflected in the names "computer" and "computer"). It is no coincidence that the first high-level language programming was Fortran, designed exclusively for performing mathematical calculations.

The second major application was databases. First of all, they were needed by governments and banks. Databases require more complex computers with developed systems of input-output and information storage. For these purposes, the Cobol language was developed. Later, DBMS (database management systems) appeared with their own programming languages.

The third application was the control of all kinds of devices. Here development went from highly specialized devices (often analog) to the gradual introduction of standard computer systems on which control programs are launched. In addition, more and more technology begins to include a control computer.

Finally, computers have evolved so much that the computer has become the main information tool in the office and at home. That is, now almost any work with information is carried out through a computer - be it typing or watching movies. This also applies to the storage of information, and to its transfer through communication channels.

Modern supercomputers are used to simulate complex physical and biological processes, such as nuclear reactions or climate change. Some projects are carried out using distributed computing when big number relatively weak computers works on small parts at the same time common task thus forming a very powerful computer.

The most complex and underdeveloped application of computers is Artificial Intelligence- the use of computers for solving problems where there is no clearly defined, more or less simple algorithm... Examples of such tasks are games, Machine translate text, expert systems.

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