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  • Light magenta code. Color in styles can be set in different ways: by hexadecimal value, by name, in RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSLA format

Light magenta code. Color in styles can be set in different ways: by hexadecimal value, by name, in RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSLA format

Vlad Merzhevich

In HTML, the color is specified in one of two ways: using a hexadecimal code and by the name of some colors. The most commonly used method is based on the hexadecimal system, as the most universal.

Hexadecimal colors

HTML uses hexadecimal numbers to specify colors. The hexadecimal system, unlike the decimal system, is based, as its name implies, on the number 16. The numbers will be the following: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C , D, E, F. Numbers from 10 to 15 are replaced by Latin letters. In table. 6.1 shows the correspondence between decimal and hexadecimal numbers.

Numbers greater than 15 in the hexadecimal system are formed by combining two numbers into one (Table 6.2). For example, the number 255 in decimal corresponds to the number FF in hexadecimal.

To avoid confusion in the definition of the number system, the hexadecimal number is preceded by the pound sign #, for example #aa69cc. In this case, the case does not matter, so it is permissible to write #F0F0F0 or #f0f0f0.

A typical color used in HTML is as follows.

Here, the background color of the web page is set to #FA8E47. The pound sign # in front of a number means it is in hexadecimal. The first two digits (FA) define the red component of the color, the third to fourth digits (8E) the green component, and the last two digits (47) the blue component. The end result is this color.

FA + 8E + 47 = FA8E47

Each of the three colors - red, green and blue - can take values ​​from 00 to FF, which eventually forms 256 shades. Thus, the total number of colors can be 256x256x256 = 16.777.216 combinations. The color model based on the red, green and blue components is called RGB (red, green, blue; red, green, blue). This model is additive (from add - add), in which the addition of all three components forms white.

To make it easier to navigate in hexadecimal colors, take into account some rules.

  • If the values ​​of the color components are the same (for example: #D6D6D6), then a gray tint will be obtained. The higher the number, the lighter the color, and the values ​​change from #000000 (black) to #FFFFFF (white).
  • A bright red color is formed if the red component is made maximum (FF), and the rest of the components are set to zero. The color with the value #FF0000 is the reddest possible red tint. The same is true for green (#00FF00) and blue (#0000FF).
  • Yellow (#FFFF00) is obtained by mixing red with green. This is clearly seen on the color wheel (Fig. 6.1), which presents the primary colors (red, green, blue) and complementary or complementary. These include yellow, cyan, and violet (also called magenta). In general, any color can be obtained by mixing colors adjacent to it. So, cyan (#00FFFF) is obtained by combining blue and green.

Rice. 6.1. Color circle

Colors based on hexadecimal values ​​do not have to be empirically selected. For this purpose, a graphic editor that can work with different color models, such as Adobe Photoshop, is suitable. On fig. 6.2 shows a window for choosing a color in this program, the line circles the resulting hexadecimal value of the current color. You can copy and paste it into your code.

Rice. 6.2. Color picker in Photoshop

Web Colors

If you set the color quality of the monitor to 8 bits (256 colors), then the same color can be displayed differently in different browsers. This has to do with the way graphics are rendered when the browser is working with its own palette and cannot show a color that it doesn't have in the palette. In this case, the color is replaced by a combination of pixels of other, close to it, colors that imitate the given one. In order for the color to remain the same in different browsers, a palette of so-called web colors was introduced. Web colors are those colors, for each component of which - red, green and blue - one of six values ​​\u200b\u200bis set - 0 (00), 51 (33), 102 (66), 153 (99), 204 (CC), 255 (FF). The hexadecimal value of this component is indicated in brackets. The total number of colors from all possible combinations gives 6x6x6 - 216 colors. An example web color is #33FF66.

The main feature of web color is that it is displayed the same in all browsers. At the moment, the relevance of web colors is very small due to the improvement in the quality of monitors and the expansion of their capabilities.

Colors by name

In order not to remember a collection of numbers, you can use the names of commonly used colors instead. In table. 6.3 shows the names of popular color names.

Tab. 6.3. Names of some colors
Color name Color Description Hex value
black Black #000000
blue Blue #0000FF
fuchsia Light purple #FF00FF
gray Dark grey #808080
green Green #008000
lime light green #00FF00
maroon Dark red #800000
navy Dark blue #000080
olive Olive #808000
purple Dark violet #800080
red Red #FF0000
silver light gray #C0C0C0
teal blue green #008080
white White #FFFFFF
yellow Yellow #FFFF00

It doesn't matter how you specify the color - by its name or by using hexadecimal numbers. In their effect, these methods are equal. Example 6-1 shows how to set the background and text colors of a web page.

Example 6.1. Background and text color


Sample text

In this example, the background color is set using the bgcolor attribute of the tag , and the color of the text through the text attribute. For variety, the value of the text attribute is set to a hexadecimal number, and bgcolor is set to the reserved keyword teal .

Hexadecimal numbers are used to specify colors. The hexadecimal system, unlike the decimal system, is based, as its name implies, on the number 16. The numbers will be the following: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C , D, E, F. Numbers from 10 to 15 are replaced by Latin letters. Numbers greater than 15 in the hexadecimal system are formed by combining two numbers into one. For example, the number 255 in decimal corresponds to the number FF in hexadecimal. To avoid confusion in the definition of the number system, the hexadecimal number is preceded by the hash symbol #, for example #666999. Each of the three colors - red, green and blue - can take values ​​from 00 to FF. Thus, the designation of the color is divided into three components #rrggbb, where the first two characters mark the red component of the color, the two middle ones mark green, and the last two mark blue. It is allowed to use the abbreviated form #rgb, where each character should be doubled. Thus, the entry #fe0 should be regarded as #ffee00.

by name

Internet Explorer Chrome Opera safari Firefox Android iOS
4.0+ 1.0+ 3.5+ 1.3+ 1.0+ 1.0+ 1.0+

Browsers support some colors by name. In table. 1 shows the names, hex code, values ​​in RGB, HSL format and description.

Tab. 1. Color names
Name Color The code RGB HSL Description
white #fffff or #fff rgb(255,255,255) hsl(0.0%,100%) White
silver #c0c0c0 rgb(192,192,192) hsl(0.0%,75%) Grey
gray #808080 rgb(128,128,128) hsl(0.0%,50%) Dark grey
black #000000 or #000 rgb(0,0,0) hsl(0,0%,0%) Black
maroon #800000 rgb(128,0,0) hsl(0,100%,25%) Dark red
red #ff0000 or #f00 rgb(255,0,0) hsl(0,100%,50%) Red
orange #ffa500 rgb(255,165,0) hsl(38.8,100%,50%) Orange
yellow #ffff00 or #ff0 rgb(255,255,0) hsl(60,100%,50%) Yellow
olive #808000 rgb(128,128,0) hsl(60,100%,25%) Olive
lime #00ff00 or #0f0 rgb(0,255,0) hsl(120,100%,50%) light green
green #008000 rgb(0,128,0) hsl(120,100%,25%) Green
aqua #00ffff or #0ff rgb(0,255,255) hsl(180,100%,50%) Blue
blue #0000ff or #00f rgb(0,0,255) hsl(240,100%,50%) Blue
navy #000080 rgb(0,0,128) hsl(240,100%,25%) Dark blue
teal #008080 rgb(0,128,128) hsl(180,100%,25%) blue green
fuchsia #ff00ff or #f0f rgb(255,0,255) hsl(300,100%,50%) Pink
purple #800080 rgb(128,0,128) hsl(300,100%,25%) Violet

With RGB

Internet Explorer Chrome Opera safari Firefox Android iOS
5.0+ 1.0+ 3.5+ 1.3+ 1.0+ 1.0+ 1.0+

You can define a color using the red, green, and blue values ​​in decimal terms. Each of the three color components takes a value from 0 to 255. It is also acceptable to set the color as a percentage, while 100% will correspond to the number 255. First, the rgb keyword is specified, and then the color components are specified in brackets, separated by commas, for example rgb(255 , 128, 128) or rgb(100%, 50%, 50%).


Internet Explorer Chrome Opera safari Firefox Android iOS
9.0+ 1.0+ 10.0+ 3.1+ 3.0+ 2.1+ 2.0+

The RGBA format is similar in syntax to RGB, but includes an alpha channel that sets the element's transparency. A value of 0 is fully transparent, 1 is opaque, and an intermediate value like 0.5 is translucent.

RGBA is added to CSS3, so validation of CSS code should be carried out according to this version. It should be noted that the CSS3 standard is still under development and some of its features may change. For example, an RGB color added to the background-color property passes validation, but one added to the background property does not. At the same time, browsers quite correctly understand the color for both properties.


Internet Explorer Chrome Opera safari Firefox Android iOS
9.0+ 1.0+ 9.6+ 3.1+ 3.0+ 2.1+ 2.0+

The name of the HSL format is formed from a combination of the first letters Hue (hue), Saturate (saturation) and Lightness (lightness). Hue is the color value on the color wheel (Fig. 1) and is specified in degrees. 0° is red, 120° is green, and 240° is blue. Hue value can vary from 0 to 359.

Rice. 1. Color wheel

Saturation is the intensity of a color, measured as a percentage from 0% to 100%. A value of 0% indicates no color and a shade of gray, 100% is the maximum saturation value.

Lightness sets how bright the color is and is specified as a percentage from 0% to 100%. Small values ​​make the color darker, while high values ​​make it lighter, extreme values ​​of 0% and 100% correspond to black and white.


Internet Explorer Chrome Opera safari Firefox Android iOS
9.0+ 1.0+ 10.0+ 3.1+ 3.0+ 2.1+ 2.0+

The HSLA format is similar in syntax to HSL, but includes an alpha channel that sets the element's transparency. A value of 0 is fully transparent, 1 is opaque, and an intermediate value like 0.5 is translucent.

Color values ​​in RGBA, HSL and HSLA formats are added to CSS3, so when using these formats, check the code for validity against the version.

HTML5 CSS2.1 CSS3 IE Cr Op Sa Fx



All methods of catching a lion listed on the site are theoretical and based on computational methods. The authors do not guarantee your safety when using them and disclaim any responsibility for the result. Remember, the lion is a predator and a dangerous animal!


The result of this example is shown in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Colors on the web page

Color codes in CSS are used to specify colors. Typically, color codes or color values ​​are used to set a color for either the foreground of an element (eg, text, link color) or the element's background (background, block color). They can also be used to change button color, borders, marker, hover and other decorative effects.

You can set your color values ​​in various formats. The following table lists all possible formats:

These formats are described in more detail below.

CSS Colors - Hex Codes

Hexadecimal color code is a six-digit color representation. The first two digits (RR) are the red value, the next two are the green value (GG) and the last two are the blue value (BB).

CSS Colors - Short Hex Codes

Short hexadecimal color code is a shorter form of six-character notation. In this format, each digit is repeated to produce the equivalent six-digit color value. For example: #0F0 becomes #00FF00.

The hexadecimal value can be taken from any graphics software such as Adobe Photoshop, Core Draw, etc.

Each hexadecimal color code in CSS will be preceded by a "#" hash sign. The following are examples of the use of hexadecimal notation.

CSS Colors - RGB Values

RGB value is a color code that is set using the rgb() property. This property takes three values: one each for red, green, and blue. The value can be an integer, from 0 to 255, or a percentage.

Note: Not all browsers support the rgb() color property, so it's not recommended to use it.

Below is an example showing multiple colors using RGB values.

Color code generator

You can create millions of color codes with our service.

Safe Browser Colors

Below is a table of 216 colors that are the most secure and computer independent. These colors in CSS range from 000000 to FFFFFF hex code. They are safe to use as they ensure that all computers will display color correctly when working with the 256 color palette.

Table of "safe" colors in CSS
#000000 #000033 #000066 #000099 #0000CC#0000FF
#003300 #003333 #003366 #003399 #0033CC#0033FF
#006600 #006633 #006666 #006699 #0066CC#0066FF
#009900 #009933 #009966 #009999 #0099CC#0099FF
#330000 #330033 #330066 #330099 #3300CC#3300FF
#333300 #333333 #333366 #333399 #3333CC#3333FF
#336600 #336633 #336666 #336699 #3366CC#3366FF
#339900 #339933 #339966 #339999 #3399CC#3399FF
#660000 #660033 #660066 #660099 #6600CC#6600FF
#663300 #663333 #663366 #663399 #6633CC#6633FF
#666600 #666633 #666666 #666699 #6666CC#6666FF
#669900 #669933 #669966 #669999 #6699CC#6699FF
#990000 #990033 #990066 #990099 #9900CC#9900FF
#993300 #993333 #993366 #993399 #9933CC#9933FF
#996600 #996633 #996666 #996699 #9966CC#9966FF
#999900 #999933 #999966 #999999 #9999CC#9999FF

>>Color Management

Hexadecimal RGB color values

Methods for describing and processing colors differ from each other in what final representation they are intended for. Let's compare, for example, representations of colors for polygraphy and for computer monitors. In the first case, the basis is white the color of the paper on which the three primary colors are subsequently applied: blue, purple and yellow. Mixing with each other and with the white color of paper in different proportions, these three primary colors give different color shades, except for pure black, or in the complete absence of colors they give white paper. If we add black to them, we get CMYK- a method of color transfer when the required color is obtained by subtracting the missing colors from white.

In the second case, the basis is black the color of the monitor screen, each cell of which glows in one of three colors: red-red, green-green and blue-blue. Then, in the complete absence of any glow, we get a pure black color of the screen, and any of the required colors is given by the ratio of each of the three colors. In this case we will get RGB- Color transfer method. Primary colors can have meanings from 0 before 255 , or from 0% before 100% , or can be represented as a hexadecimal value. In the figure below you can see the results of mixing primary colors.

The hexadecimal number system, unlike the decimal number system, has not ten digits in its series of digits, but sixteen - hence the name. Accordingly, non-repeating variants of combinations of two digits can only be - 256 , to continue the series of digits after 9 letters from A before F, so the row will look like this -

To convert numbers from one number system to another and vice versa, use the calculator below. The maximum value here can be FF - 255 .

In this case, the color is given by three hexadecimal numbers, each consisting of two digits. The first number determines the intensity red colors, average green, last thing- blue colors. All numbers can take values ​​ranging from 00 before FF(from 0 to 255). For example: green color is given as #00FF00, red - like #FF0000, blue - like #0000FF, white - like #FFFFFF, complete absence of color or black is given as #000000 .

In the form below, you can set any hexadecimal values ​​for each of the three colors and see the result of their mixing by clicking in the output field.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f here

Examples of some hexadecimal RGB color values: red, blue, and green gradations.

view the code view the code view the code view the code view the code view the code
#010000 #800000 #000100 #008000 #000001 #000080
#100000 #900000 #001000 #009000 #000010 #000090
#200000 #A00000 #002000 #00A000 #000020 #0000A0
#300000 #B00000 #003000 #00B000 #000030 #0000B0
#400000 #C00000 #004000 #00C000 #000040 #0000C0
#500000 #D00000 #005000 #00D000 #000050 #0000D0
#600000 #E00000 #006000 #00E000 #000060 #0000E0
#700000 #FF0000 #007000 #00FF00 #000070 #0000FF

Specifying a Color with String Literals

For ease of use, some colors and their combinations were given names that are recognized by all browsers and it became possible to set many of them by name. The table below shows some of the color names:

view name view name view name view name
White Red Orange Yellow
Green Blue Purple Black
Alice blue antique white Aqua aquamarine
Azure Beige Bisque blanchedalmond
Blueviolet Brown Burlywood Cadet blue
chartreuse Chocolate Coral Cornflowerblue
Cornsilk Crimson cyan dark blue
Darkcyan darkgoldenrod darkgray dark green
Darkkhaki Darkmagenta Darkolivegreen darkorange
Darkorchid dark red darksalmon Darkseagreen
darkslate blue darkslate gray darkturquoise Darkviolet
Deeppink deep sky blue Dimgray dodger blue
Firebrick Floral white forest green Fuschia
Gainsboro ghost white Gold Goldenrod
Gray Greenyellow Honeydew hotpink
Indian Red Indigo Ivory Khaki
Lavender Lavenderblush Lemonchiffon light blue
light coral lightcyan lightcoldenrodyellow light green
lightgray Lightpink light salmon Lightsea green
Lightskyblue Lightslate gray light steel blue lightyellow
lime Limegreen linen Magenta
maroon mediumaquamarine medium blue Medium orchid
Medium purple Mediumseagreen Mediumslateblue Mediumspringgreen
medium turquoise mediumvioletred midnight blue mintcream
mistyrose Navajowhite Navy oldlace
Olive Olivedrab orange red Orchid
palegoldenrod Palegreen paleturquoise palevioletred
papayawhip Peachpuff Peru Pink
Plum Powder blue Rosybrown royal blue
saddlebrown seagreen Seashell Sienna
Silver sky blue Slate blue Slategray
Snow Springgreen steel blue Tan
Teal Thistle Tomato Turquoise
violet Wheat Whitesmoke yellowgreen
The list of lowercase literals with color names is quite extensive and more than sufficient. If you want to set a background color so unusual that it doesn't even have a name, you can use a hexadecimal value.

Using a Safe Color Picker

Unfortunately, on different platforms, with different system settings, correct color reproduction is a problem. The thing is that the browser always tries to adjust the color palette of the document to the system settings and monitor capabilities, by mixing and replacing colors on its own. As a result, sometimes the user sees not quite what the webmaster wanted to show him. The way out of this situation was found in the use of a palette, each color of which is guaranteed to be rendered the same by all browsers on different platforms. This so-called guaranteed palette, also known as safe palette. This palette includes colors whose color components take on the following values: 00 ,33 ,66 ,99 , CC,FF, in all possible 216 their combinations.

FFFFFF CCCCCC 999999 666666 333333 000000 CCCC66 CCCC33 999966 999933 999900 666600 CCFF66 CCFF00 CCFF33 CCCC99 666633 333300 99FF00 99FF33 99CC66 99CC00 99CC33 669900 CCFF99 99FF99 66CC00 66CC33 669933 336600 66FF00 66FF33 33FF00 33CC00 339900 009900 33FF33 00FF33 00FF00 00CC00 33CC33 00CC33 CCFFCC 99CC99 66CC66 669966 336633 003300 99FF99 66FF66 33FF66 00FF66 339933 006600 66FF99 33FF99 00FF99 33CC66 00CC66 009933 66CC99 33CC99 00CC99 339966 009966 006633 99FFCC 66FFCC 33FFCC 00FFCC 33CCCC 009999 CCFFFF 99FFFF 66FFFF 33FFFF 00FFFF 00CCCC 99CCCC 66CCCC 339999 669999 006666 336666 66CCFF 33CCFF 00CCFF 3399CC 0099CC 003333 99CCFF 3399FF 0099FF 6699CC 336699 006699 0066FF 3366CC 0066CC 0033FF 003399 003366 6699FF 3366FF 0000FF 0000CC 0033CC 000033 3333FF 3300FF 3300CC 3333CC 000099 000066 9999CC 6666FF 6666CC 666699 333399 333366 CCCCFF 9999FF 6666FF 6600FF 330099 330066 9966CC 9966FF 6600CC 6633CC 663399 330033 CC99FF CC66FF 9933FF 9900FF 660099 663366 CC66FF CC33FF CC00FF 9900CC 996699 660066 CC99CC CC66CC CC33CC CC00CC 990099 993399 FFCCFF FF99FF FF66FF FF33FF FF00FF CC3399 FF66CC FF00CC FF33CC CC6699 CC0099 990066 FF99CC FF3399 FF0099 CC0066 993366 660033 FF6699 FF3399 FF0066 CC3366 996666 663333 CC9999 CC6666 CC3333 CC0000 990033 330000 FFCCCC FF9999 FF6666 FF3333 FF0000 CC0033 FF6633 CC3300 FF3300 FF0000 CC0000 990000 FFCC99 FFCC66 FF6600 CC6633 993300 660000 FF9900 FF9933 CC9966 CC6600 996633 663300 FFCC66 FFCC00 FFCC33 CC9900 CC9933 996600 FFFFCC FFFF99 FFFF66 FFFF33 FFFF00 CCCC00
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11/28/14 11.1K

Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to display taste sensations on the site. But this can be fully compensated with the help of colors. After all, html colors allow you to display any of the millions of shades. So that " colored pencils” in his set is much more than seven.

color scheme in html

In html, color can be specified in several formats:

1. As a hexadecimal value - the code specified in the hexadecimal system is used. Such color codes in html consist of three pairs of hexadecimal numbers. Each pair is responsible for the saturation of the hue with its primary color:

  • The first numeric pair is responsible for the red color;
  • The second pair is for the content of the green color;
  • The latter is for the content of the blue color.

At the beginning of the code (before the numbers), a hash mark is placed. This is the hexadecimal color code. In addition to numbers from 1 to 9, this number system uses letters of the Latin alphabet (A, B, C, D, E, F).

For example, white color code in html would look like #FFFFFF:

2. Keyword - Right now html supports about 147 keywords. But not all of these words are unique. Some of them refer to the same color shade.

Gray is represented by two keywords: gray and gray . Their hexadecimal code (HEX ) is given by the same value #808080 .

Example :


3. In RGB format - this color encoding in html is based on the use of three values ​​​​set in the range from 0 to 255. Each of them determines the saturation of the hue with one of the primary colors:
  • R - red (red);
  • G - green (green);
  • B - blue (blue).

The color number in RGB format is written as follows: rgb(0, 210, 100).


4. In RGBA format - it is an advanced RGB format, where the fourth value specifies the transparency of the color in the form of a decimal fraction from 0 to 1.

Usage example:





html color tables and color generators

With such a wide range of color setting formats, it is easy to get confused. Therefore, a special color table was invented. In it, to 147 key names of color shades, codes of correspondence are given in all major standards for color representation. Additionally, each field is equipped with a bar for visual color matching. One of these tables is presented on the site

But even with the help of such a structuring of correspondence, the selection of the desired shade can be difficult. And it’s not a fact that there is the right one in the color code table.

To get around this barrier and make it as easy as possible to select the right shade, interactive web services have been developed. Their user interface may differ slightly from each other.

On the site, the color generator looks like this:

And within the service, this tool is implemented a little differently:

The saturation of each color in the generator is set using special sliders. Visually, the hue is displayed by the color of the frame and rectangle on the left side. At the bottom, 3 fields display the color code in the main formats.

But the color generator is available not only on specialized sites. Almost all graphic editors are equipped with a similar tool. For example, Photoshop:

Color Safety

And it was a long time ago, back in the era of video cards that support only 256 colors. In those days, operating systems could display only a certain number of eight-bit shades without distortion.

Then the great table of safe colors was bred. It indicated 216 shades that could be displayed without distortion in any of the browsers of that time. And to this day this great manuscript» is still available on some resources:

Everything has changed in our time. Therefore, all safety rules when working with color in html are completely canceled. After all, modern computer hardware supports more than 16 million different shades. And 216 safe colors have sunk into oblivion.

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