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Countries with their own postage stamps. If phips refuses to register a trademark, is the duty refunded or not? Basic terms and concepts

registration brand in other countries it is possible in several ways. We will offer you the most the best option taking into account your wishes and needs

The legal protection of a trade mark is limited to the territory of the country in which it is registered, therefore, for those companies that operate outside Ukraine, it is necessary to register their trade mark in other countries. Before starting the international registration procedure, it is highly advisable to file an application for registration of the same trade mark in Ukraine, and in some cases it will be necessary to wait for the issuance of the Certificate.

Registration of a trade mark abroad is possible:

  • by submitting separate applications to each country;
  • by filing an application in accordance with the Madrid Protocol or the Madrid Agreement;
  • by filing an application for registration of the EU trade mark.

Consider possible options registration of a trade mark.

Registration of a trade mark separately in each country

Trademark applications are filed with the patent offices of each country separately. Accordingly, for each country it is necessary to pay its own duties. In most cases, in each of the countries it will be necessary to use the services of foreign patent attorneys and pay for their work.


  • relatively small amount of expenses for registering a trade mark in one or two countries;
  • you can register a trade mark in another country without registering it in Ukraine (i.e. no link to national registration);
  • if there is a similar application filed in Ukraine, you can use the 6-month priority under the Paris Convention.


  • if you need to register a trademark with a large number countries, the cost of registration is greatly increased by the fees of patent attorneys in each of these countries.

Registration of a trade mark under the Madrid Agreement (Madrid Protocol)

In this case, you first need to apply for the registration of a trade mark in Ukraine, and in some cases wait for the issuance of the Certificate. Then, one application for the registration of a trademark is submitted to the International Bureau in Switzerland, which indicates the list of countries for which registration is required. When submitting this application, one set of fees is payable in one currency (Swiss francs).


  • there is no need to file several applications at the same time to different patent offices, since only one application is filed, in which all the necessary countries are indicated;
  • the list of countries you need can always be supplemented by paying the necessary fees;
  • the cost of international registration of a trade mark is significantly reduced, since there is no need to pay the fees of foreign patent attorneys either at the stage of filing an application or at the stage of issuing a decision on registration in a particular country;
  • the number of fees paid for the registration of a trade mark is reduced.


  • not all countries have signed the Madrid Agreement (Madrid Protocol);
  • registration under the Madrid Agreement (Madrid Protocol) is not always beneficial if you need to register a trade mark in one or two countries;
  • in the event of a refusal to register a trade mark in any country, in order to protest this refusal, it will be necessary to apply to a patent attorney in that country.

The cost of registering a trade mark under the Madrid Agreement (Madrid Protocol) is as follows:

1. State fee for filing an application for international registration- 600 UAH

2. An international fee, which is payable to the account of the International Bureau in Switzerland in Swiss francs and in turn consists of:

2.1 Basic fee - CHF 653 francs when filing for registration of a black and white trademark or 903 CHF. francs when filing for registration of a color trade mark.
2.2 Complementary fee, the amount of which depends on the number of countries indicated in the application - CHF 100 each. francs for each country.
Some countries have set up individual fees that differ from an additional fee. For example, UK - CHF 295. CHF, USA - CHF 337. francs, Uzbekistan - CHF 1254 francs.
2.3. Additional duty (supplementary fee), which is CHF 100. francs and is paid for each class of goods and services in excess of three.

3. Services of our agency for the preparation of all required documents, their submission to Ukrpatent and support of the procedure - 5000 UAH.

Registration of a trade mark in the countries of the European Union
(Community Trade Mark)

You can register a trade mark in the European Union (EU) by submitting one application. This opportunity is provided not only to citizens of the European Union, but also to citizens of other countries (including Ukraine).

Currently, the European Union includes 27 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Finland, France, Czech Republic, Sweden and Estonia.

An application for registration of a trade mark (mark) of the European Union is submitted to the Single Administrative Center for the registration of the European Community Trademark - The Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market, located in Spain. The trade mark valid in all countries of the European Union is called the Community Trade Mark (CTM).

Any physical or entity who has a permanent residence in one of the member states of the European Union, a permanent establishment in one of the EU countries, or is a resident of a member state of the Paris Convention. Since Ukraine is a party to the Paris Convention, any citizen (or company) of Ukraine can register a trade mark in the EU countries.


  • An application for registration of a trade mark of the European Union is submitted through a single centralized body;
  • One application allows you to obtain trademark protection in all 27 EU countries;
  • An application for registration of an EU trade mark is drawn up only in one of the official languages ​​of the European Union and does not require translation into other languages, which allows you to save on payment for translation services;
  • Not only a resident of the EU, but also a resident of one of the countries participating in the Paris Convention (including Ukraine) can register a trade mark of the European Union.


  • Refusal to register a trade mark in at least one EU country means a refusal to register a trade mark in all other EU countries (we recommend using the procedure for registering a trade mark under the Madrid Agreement)

The cost of registering a trademark of the European Union is the following payments:

1. Services of our agency - 150 EUR
2. Fee of a European patent attorney - from 200 EUR
3. Fee for filing an application for registration of the EU trade mark for 3 classes of the ICGS - 900 EUR

As there are more territories with their own brands, the volume of the annual production of marks has increased. postage ... Therefore, no one can collect all the stamps of the world, as it was fashionable to do before the Second World War.

A surprising number of philatelists still maintain worldwide collections, but the criteria that guide them have changed over the years. For example, instead of subscribing to the mailing list of all new issues of the British Commonwealth, some of them limit their interests to used stamps from their own correspondence. This is not at all a manifestation of a narrow outlook, as it might seem: after all, it is interesting which brands are actively used.

Other collectors specialize in stamps from related states. Interestingly, Irish stamps were once not popular with the British, partly for political reasons, but mainly because of their strange script (monastic uncial) and Gaelic inscriptions. However, in last years Irish stamps are printed in English and have won the interest of collectors, who now regard the British Isles as a compact group large enough for a philatelist to have something to do.

Currently, collectors around the world tend to collect stamps from their country and its immediate neighbors. So, American philatelists add to their collections stamps from Canada, the UN and the former trust territories - the Marshall Islands, Micronesia and Palau. The Italians focus on the numerous editions of San Marino and the Vatican, while the French specialize in the stamps of Andorra and Morocco and perhaps their country's few remaining overseas colonies - Pacific, Caribbean and Antarctic.

Collecting according to such natural groups of countries often facilitates or even encourages the marketing policy of philatelic bureaus, which currently work with stamps from neighboring countries, not limited to domestic ones. Under a bilateral agreement between the People's Republic of China and Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau, these "Special Administrative Regions" postage stamps can be bought in China, and they have Chinese ones. So, ordering stamps from a French group is no more difficult than just French ones. For this, the same order form is used. Alternatively, you can buy them online.

Editorial response

In 1840, the world's first postage stamps appeared in England.

Today there are more than two hundred thousand stamps. In almost all countries, a significant proportion of stamps are issued with the original purpose of selling them to collectors. First of all, philatelists try to get extremely rare stamps. Stamps without glue on back side are not in great demand and can be bought relatively inexpensively. The price of a stamp also falls if it has damaged or missing teeth, or if the stamp is difficult to make out behind the stamp.

Stamps that have a small circulation, or those of which very few have survived, or some mistakes were made during printing, have a high price.

Many states receive significant revenues from the sale of stamps. For example, Liechtenstein, Trinidad and Tobago and others are considering means of payment postal items(stamps, envelopes, postcards) as one of the tools in the formation of the revenue side of the budget.

Uncanceled stamps are often more expensive than canceled ones, with the exception of two cases: if there is a commemorative stamp on the canceled stamp and if the mark was placed on the first day of circulation. A canceled stamp has certain markings, postage signs that prevent further use of stamps for payment postal services... The stamp may have a special cancellation. It is carried out in connection with a memorable date. The special postmark also excludes the possibility of accepting and processing postal items with such a stamp, they have only collection value. collected 10 interesting facts from the history of a postage stamp.

How much can you buy the first Russian brand?

Stamp of the Russian Empire, First issue, 1857, 10 kopecks. Photo: public domain

Depending on the catalog and the type of cancellation, the cost of the first Russian stamp ranges from $ 275 to $ 700 for a canceled stamp and from $ 12.5 to $ 20 thousand for a clean one. After entering into circulation, the postal department ordered to extinguish stamps with pen and ink, following the example of cancellation of stamped envelopes, since at that time not all post offices had postmarks.

Why is there no country name on UK postage stamps?

Any postage stamp bears the name of the country that issued it. with Latin letters... If there is no name, then it is a UK brand. Today the UK is the only country in the world that does not print its name on postage stamps. Universal Postal Union, setting requirements for stamps in different countries, obliged all countries to indicate the name of the issuing country on a postage stamp. Great Britain, as the first country to issue a stamp in circulation, was exempted from this obligation.

What was the first official postage stamp?

Postage stamp "Black Penny". Photo: public domain

The first stamp was issued in England in 1840 and was named "Black Penny". It is considered one of the first official postage stamps to have an adhesive back. The stamp features Queen Victoria of England. In total, about 68 million of these stamps were printed; a significant number of them have survived to this day. Although this brand is by no means rare, its value comes from the fact that it is simply the first brand. If a canceled "Black Penny" can be purchased from 10 to 200 dollars, then an unredeemed stamp costs tens of thousands.

Which brand is considered the rarest?

Postage stamp "Holy Grail". Photo: public domain

The Holy Grail (Z-Grill) is a 1 cent postage stamp depicting the first postmaster of the United States, Benjamin Franklin, made in 1868. To date, there are only two copies of this brand. The first one is in public library New York, and the second belongs to the famous American collector Bill Gross. In 1988, the brand was sold for $ 1.5 million.

Who has collected the largest stamp collection in history?

Philip Ferrari has collected the largest collection of stamps. He was called the King of Postage Stamps. He began collecting them at the age of 10, in 1859. After his death, the famous collection was sold in Paris and Zurich in 1921-1925. The proceeds from the sale amounted to over 23 million French francs. Today, the largest collection of postage stamps is held by the American Philatelic Society, which has a special museum. The total collection still cannot be definitively counted, as the exhibitions and temporary exhibitions of the society are constantly replenished.

Which brand is considered the most expensive in the world?

Postage stamp "Yellow Treskilling". Photo: public domain

"Yellow Treskilling" is considered one of the most expensive and rare brands worldwide. This is the first stamp to be published and issued by the Swedish government back in 1855. During the production of the stamp, a mistake was made, from which the blue stamp turned yellow. There were only a few of these brands, so they became the rarest. The last quoted price was $ 4.6 million, but the brand was redeemed for $ 2.3 million. The brand's insurance is 15 million.

Which Russian brand is considered the most expensive?

One of the well-known variants of the image of the Tiflis stamp, which appeared in the Mikhel catalog in 1934. Photo: public domain

"Tiflis Unique" is considered the most expensive Russian brand. It was issued for the city post of Tiflis back in 1857. The stamp cost 6 kopecks. The stamp depicts the coat of arms of Tiflis, above which a two-headed eagle is located with lowered wings. The brand was in circulation for only about 10 years. By the beginning of the First World War, only three such stamps had been found. Agafon Faberge became their owner, then the Unics often changed their owners during auctions. At one of them, this brand was valued at 700 thousand dollars, the deal took place in 2008.

What non-standard brands are there?

Postage stamp "Blue Alexandria". Photo: public domain

Blue Alexandria was in restricted circulation in 1847. This round stamp cost 5 cents. Mark was found on a letter that a loving city dweller sent to his beloved. Discovered a unique item by their daughter 28 years later. In 1907, she was able to sell the rarity for $ 3,000 to a collector. Currently, there are seven known stamps in Alexandria, six of them are printed on yellow paper and only one on blue.

An unusual round stamp made from the same material as a soccer ball appeared in Austria in March 2008. The brand has a logo famous company Adidas. In total, about 490 thousand special stamps were issued with a par value of 3.75 euros.

Why is "Inverted Jenny" of particular interest to philatelists?

Inverted Jenny postage stamp. Photo: public domain

The “defective” brand “Inverted Jenny” is considered rare and expensive. This American brand was released with a marriage - an inverted image of the Curtis-Jenny airplane. Thanks to this, the block of four stamps became unique, and now its cost is about three million dollars.

Who makes the delicious stamps?

1960s in France, the so-called "tasty" brands were released, where lemon juice, mint, vanillin were added to the glue. And even a brand was released with the addition of pepper. And in 2013, a series of postage stamps went on sale in Belgium that depict chocolate in different types- from chocolate cream to praline. They give off the smell of a sweet treat, and if you lick them with reverse side then you can feel the chocolate flavor.

The address must be written legibly.

The recipient's address must be written in the lower right corner of the shipment. The sender's address is in the upper left.

The address indicates:

  • Full name recipient (in the format "Surname First Name Patronymic") or the name of the organization (short or full)
  • Street name, house number, apartment number
  • Name settlement
  • Name of the district, region, territory or republic
  • The name of the country
  • PO Box number, if any (in the format "PO Box 15")
  • Postcode by sample:

Stamps must be glued to the right top corner address side of the envelope, postcard, packaging. If this corner is occupied, stick the stamps just below.

Sometimes a stamp can be printed directly onto an envelope or postcard.

Letter A printed on the envelope allows you to send a simple letter within Russia weighing up to 20 g without attaching additional stamps.

Printed on the envelope letter D allows you to send ordered letter in Russia, weighing up to 20 g without gluing additional stamps.

Applied to the postcard letter B allows you to send this postcard across Russia without adding additional stamps.

After gluing the stamps for the required amount, you can send postcards and envelopes with the letters A, B and D and abroad.

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