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OS standard programs. What computer programs to include in the resume

Windows 7 Standard Programs

With the Windows 7 operating system, you get a set of applications that will come in handy for everyday work. Although their capabilities are weaker than specialized software packages, they will most likely be sufficient for most cases.

At your disposal there is a graphic editor Paint, a text editor WordPad, an editor for working with simple text files Notepad, Calculator, a program for recording sound from a microphone, and some others (see Fig. 2.54).

Rice. 2.54. Program group Standard All of them are located in the Standard folder. To get to it, you need to enter the Main

menu (click on the Start button), click on All Programs, and then find among the folders that appear a folder called Accessories and click on it.

A. N. Lebedev. “Windows 7 and Office 2010. Computer for beginners. I have to go to work tomorrow"

Graphic editor Paint

The Paint graphics editor allows you to create simple color and black and white drawings, as well as perform some image processing operations. Compared to previous versions of Windows, which also included Paint, its appearance has changed a lot. On fig. 2.55 shows the window view of the graphical editor Paint.

Rice. 2.55. View of the Paint window

To launch it, you need to enter the Main Menu, find the Standard folder (see Fig. 2.54) and click on the Paint item in it.

At the top of the window is the Paint icon.

Next to it is a button to save the image in a file.

The moment you click this button, the current state of the picture will be written to a file. If you draw something else, and at that time the computer's power is turned off, all changes since the last write to the file will be lost. For this reason, do not forget to periodically click the save button with the mouse, even if you have not yet completed the drawing. When you first click on this button, Paint does not yet know in which folder and with what name you want to save your drawing. For this reason, the standard file save window will open, shown in Fig. 2.56.

A. N. Lebedev. “Windows 7 and Office 2010. Computer for beginners. I have to go to work tomorrow"

Rice. 2.56. Standard file save window Find the folder where you want to save the picture file, enter in the File name field

file name of your choice (instead of the default name of Untitled), select the format in which the image will be stored in the File type drop-down list, then click the Save button.

When you later save changes to the image by clicking the button

the standard save file window will not appear, because Paint already knows which file to save the picture to.

Following the save button are two buttons responsible for undoing and redoing actions -

What are we talking about? The fact is that in many programs, several of your last actions can be undone. For example, you drew a beautiful image, and then added a detail that looks completely unnecessary. What to do? Redraw everything again? For such cases, a cancel button is provided.

A. N. Lebedev. “Windows 7 and Office 2010. Computer for beginners. I have to go to work tomorrow"

Click on it with the mouse, and the last change you made will disappear as if it never happened. But what to do if you suddenly decide that you got excited and unnecessarily canceled the last changes? The repeat action button will come to your aid

Click on it with the mouse, and the undone changes will reappear.

Below the window title is the ribbon area. What is this? The ribbon is a strip made in the form of tabs with buttons and other controls on them. Tabs are visible at the top (Home, View), by clicking on which you can switch from one tab to another. Initially, the Home tab is visible. But you can click on the name of another tab, View, and see its elements. And then you can return to the Home tab again by clicking on the word Home.

The status bar is located at the bottom of the window. It displays various supporting information. To the right of the icon

shows the location of the mouse pointer in the picture. It is shown in points, counting from the upper left corner of the image. The horizontal coordinate is shown first, and then the vertical coordinate. To the right of the icon

the total size of the image is displayed.

In the lower right corner of the Paint window is a scale

It is used to change the scale of the image. The current scale value itself is shown to the left of this scale. It is set to 100% by default. To change the scale, you can either drag the slider with the mouse

left (decrease) or right (increase), or click on the round buttons - (decrease) and + (increase). What does "drag" mean? This means that you need to move the mouse pointer over the slider, press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, move the mouse in the desired direction. When you move the slider to the desired value, release the mouse button.

It should be noted that, By changing the scale, you do not change the size of the image.

niya. It only seems to be approaching you or moving away from you. Usually they change the scale when they want to view or edit some small detail.

We all beat around the bush, but how do you start drawing? The Pencil tool is enabled by default. You can draw with the mouse just as you would draw on paper with a pencil. To draw a line, place the mouse pointer

A. N. Lebedev. “Windows 7 and Office 2010. Computer for beginners. I have to go to work tomorrow"

to the right place on the white sheet in the central part of the Paint window, press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, move the mouse pointer where the line should go.

Of course, the color of the line can be chosen. To do this, a color palette is located on the right side of the Home tab. By clicking the left mouse button on the corresponding colored square, you can select the current color of the line. If the set of colors in the palette does not suit you, you can click on the Change colors button and in the dialog box that opens, add a color from a wider range to the palette.

In addition to the color, we can also change the line thickness. To do this, click on the Size button. A list with example lines opens. Click on the desired sample.

You can set not only the width of the line, but also the way it is drawn. To do this, click on the Brushes button (on the word itself). A list of brush types will open (Fig. 2.57).

Rice. 2.57. Types of brushes The pictures show how each brush works, but it's better to experiment

on one's own.

You can not only draw lines by hand, but also use ready-made figures. To do this, click on the Shapes button. This will display a list of available shapes.

A. N. Lebedev. “Windows 7 and Office 2010. Computer for beginners. I have to go to work tomorrow"

Rice. 2.58. List of Available Shapes Let's look at some shapes.

Line - draws a line segment. To do this, place the mouse pointer in the place where the line should begin, press the left mouse button and move the mouse pointer to the place where the line should end, then release the mouse button.

You can choose the line thickness as we discussed earlier.

Drawing a line while holding down the Shift key creates vertical, horizontal, or 45° inclined lines.

Drawing with the right mouse button paints the line in the background color.

Curve - designed to draw curves with smooth bends. Drawing is done as follows:

A straight line is drawn.

An inflection point is selected on the straight line and dragged to the side. The straight line turns into a curve passing through the inflection point from the start point to the end point.

Another inflection point is selected on the curve and dragged to the side. The curve bends again.

Rectangle - Draws a rectangle. To do this, place the mouse pointer in the place where the upper left corner of the rectangle should be, press the left mouse button and move the mouse pointer to the place where the lower right corner of the rectangle should be, then release the mouse button. The rectangle is filled in according to the selected scheme:

outline only;

contour and background;

background only.

Drawing a shape while holding down the Shift key results in a square.

A. N. Lebedev. “Windows 7 and Office 2010. Computer for beginners. I have to go to work tomorrow"

Polygon - used to draw a sequence of line segments, in which the beginning of the next segment is at the end of the previous one, and the end of the last one falls into the beginning of the first. Such a sequence forms a polygon, which, upon completion of construction, is painted over as a rectangle.

Ellipse - draws an ellipse. For drawing, imagine that the future ellipse will be inscribed in a rectangle. Then proceed as described for the Rectangle tool.

Drawing a shape while holding down the Shift key results in a circle.

Rounded Rectangle - Draws a rectangle with rounded corners. Additional figures can be seen by clicking on the button

In addition to the tools we mentioned, there are others. For example, you can fill a limited area of ​​the picture with the selected color.

Fill - fills the closed area with the line color when working with the left mouse button and the background color when working with the right mouse button. If the area is not closed, then all areas up to the closed border will be painted over. If you see an unexpected painting of another area, undo the action using the button

and find the break in the border. Zooming in (the scale in the lower right corner of the Paint window) can help with this.

If you need to erase part of the lines, you can use the Eraser tool.

Eraser - erases objects in the path of the mouse pointer, painting over the trace with the current background color. The width of the footprint is determined by the selection in the Size drop-down list. When working with the right mouse button, the eraser will replace the background color with the color of only those points for which it coincides with the current line color.

In addition to lines and shapes, the image can be decorated with text. To do this, click on the button

After selecting this tool, click in the place on the sheet where you want to place the text. A rectangular fragment will appear, defining the area where the text will be placed.

A. N. Lebedev. “Windows 7 and Office 2010. Computer for beginners. I have to go to work tomorrow"

This will bring up the text attribute panel (Font), in which you can select the font, size and style (change the boldness, slant and underline).

After setting the text attributes, click inside the area you selected and type your text. As long as the text selection frame exists, you can make any changes to the text: choose a different color, position, size, style, and font.

Clicking outside the selection turns the text into part of the drawing.

In addition to choosing a color for drawing from the palette, you can specify the desired color directly on the drawing. To do this, click on the button

and then move the mouse pointer to the element of the picture whose color you want to make current, and click the left mouse button.

You can perform some useful actions on areas of the image. To do this, the fragment must first be selected. To select a rectangular fragment of the image, click the button

In the menu that appears, click Select, and in the submenu that opens, click Rectangular Area. Then move the mouse pointer to the place where the upper left corner of the selection area should be, press the left mouse button and move the mouse pointer to the place where the lower right corner of the selection area should be, then release the mouse button. This creates a dotted frame with squares in the corners and in the middle of each side, allowing you to resize the selection in the same way as resizing a window (by dragging the squares).

The selected fragment can be dragged to another place in the picture. In this case, the former place of the fragment is filled with the background color. If you drag while pressing the Ctrl key on the keyboard, a copy of the fragment is created.

The selected fragment can be placed in the Clipboard using buttons, the list of which appears when you click on the Clipboard button (Fig. 2.59).

A. N. Lebedev. “Windows 7 and Office 2010. Computer for beginners. I have to go to work tomorrow"

Rice. 2.59. Buttons for working with the Clipboard Cut – moves the selected fragment of the picture to the Clipboard.

Copy - creates a copy of the selected fragment of the picture in the Clipboard. Paste - pastes a fragment from the Clipboard into the picture. Fragment

appears in the figure as if on top of it and must be moved to the right place. The fragment pasted from the Clipboard appears in the upper left corner of the picture and

remains selected, allowing you to drag it to the desired location in the drawing. Clicking outside the selection removes it.

We mentioned Clipboard. What is this? This is such a "pocket" in Windows, where you can temporarily put part of an image or text. This "pocket" is common to all applications. Thus, you can put something on the Clipboard in one application and retrieve it in another. For example, you can put a fragment of an image that you drew in Paint into the Clipboard, and get this fragment from the Clipboard when working with the Microsoft Word word processor (we'll talk about it later) and place it as an illustration for the text.

So, we can select a fragment. What additional actions can we do with it? For example, you can rotate a fragment by a certain angle. To do this, click on the Image button. In the menu that appears, select Rotate. A submenu will open where you can choose how to rotate the selection.

For more accurate and convenient creation of images, you can enable some additional elements of the Paint window. To do this, go to the View tab. There are Rulers and Gridlines checkboxes. When the Rulers check box is enabled, horizontal and vertical rulers appear, along which you can precisely position the mouse pointer.

Turning on grid lines will help you draw small drawings. To do this, it is convenient to enable the Grid lines checkbox and zoom in on the picture using the scale in the lower right corner of the Paint window.

We have dealt with various tools for creating an image. We also know how to save a drawn picture in a file. But how do you open a previously saved image?

A. N. Lebedev. “Windows 7 and Office 2010. Computer for beginners. I have to go to work tomorrow"

Click on the button to open the image file.

located to the left of the Home tab. This will open the menu. Select Open from this menu. The standard file open window will appear, familiar to you from the section where we discussed setting background images for the Desktop. Find the folder where the file with your drawing is located, click on the file name, and then on the Open button.

If you need to start the drawing again from scratch, click on the button

and select Create from the menu that appears.

And the fact that the next time you click on this button, the file save window will no longer appear, but what if you need to save the image with some changes in a file with a different name? To do this, click on the button

And select Save As from the menu that appears. The standard save file window will be displayed again, where you can specify a different name for the image file.

The commands responsible for setting up the printing of an image are collected in a submenu that appears when you click on the button.

And selecting the Print item (Fig. 2.60).

A. N. Lebedev. “Windows 7 and Office 2010. Computer for beginners. I have to go to work tomorrow"

Rice. 2.60. Commands for Printing an Image When you select the Page Setup command, a dialog box appears where you can

adjust print settings such as the size of the paper you are using, its orientation, and margins from the edges of the paper to the pattern. When you select portrait orientation, the sheet is displayed vertically, and when landscape is selected, it is displayed horizontally.

The flags of the Centering group allow you to automatically align the image to the center of the sheet.

When all parameters are set, click the OK button.

Before printing a drawing on a printer, you can see on the screen how it will look on a sheet. To do this, click on the button

and select the Print item, and in the submenu that appears, the Preview command. The main part of the window will display your drawing as it will be printed later. You can zoom in or out of the image by clicking on the buttons

A. N. Lebedev. “Windows 7 and Office 2010. Computer for beginners. I have to go to work tomorrow"

When you want to exit the preview mode, click the Close Preview Window button.

When you decide to print the image on the printer, click on the button

in the menu that appears, select Print, and in the submenu that opens, select Print. A window similar to the one shown in Fig. 2.61.

Rice. 2.61. Pattern printing window

IN In the Select Printer list, you need to click on the name of the printer on which you want to print your picture.

IN The Page Range group lets you choose which pages to print if your image is too large to fit on one sheet. If you want to print not the entire image, but only part of it, you must first select a fragment and select Selection in the print window.

Click the Print button to start the printing process.

To finish working with the Paint graphic editor, you need to click on the standard button to close the window


1. The main programs of the application……………………………………………….3

2. Standard programs of the Windows operating system………………….4

2.1. Notepad…...………………………………………………………………….4

2.2. Calculator…………………………………………………………………………………………………..5

2.3. Text editor WordPad…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2.4. Graphic editor Paint……………………………………………..6

3. Description of the composition of the Microsoft Office package……………………………………………… 8

3.1. Large application programs……………………………………….9

3.2. Assistant programs………………………………………………...10


Application- a set of interconnected programs for creating and modifying objects (documents), as well as for managing objects of a certain type.

All programs can be conditionally divided into two groups - standard (or built-in) and additional.

Standard programs of the Windows operating system

Standard programs are part of the Windows operating system itself (WordPad text editor, Paint graphics editor, virtual calculator, and much more). They are very diverse and allow you to work with texts, images, music and sounds, scan, print and even play, as well as test your computer and optimize its performance.

Additional programs - these are programs that are bought and installed independently, in addition to the standard Windows package.

To enter the standard programs, run the command Start/Programs/Accessories, and then specify the name of the desired program:

Paint word pad The address book Notebook Calculator Command line
Synchronization Conductor Program Compatibility Wizard

Program Notebook is a fairly simple text editor for working with small files (up to 40 KB), usually in the format *.txt. Text editor - a program designed to create, edit and view text documents. Text editor Notepad takes up little RAM, and therefore it is convenient to use it for keeping short notes, notes, editing batch files, as well as for exchanging text fragments between separate applications using the clipboard. Notepad provides limited means for document design; for example, this program cannot apply different fonts to individual parts of a text document, but you can change the font type, size, and style of the entire document. Save Notepad document, like a document of any other Windows application, you can use the menu command FILE = Save or FILE = Save as. It is convenient to use the Notepad program for logging records with automatic indication of the date of their creation.


The Windows Calculator is used to perform relatively simple calculations and works in much the same way as a regular pocket calculator. The Windows Calculator has memory for storing intermediate results of calculations. Windows has two calculator options: Normal and Engineering. Switching between these modes is carried out using menu commands. VIEW in the program window Calculator .

Engineering the calculator, in addition, allows you to calculate typical mathematical functions and perform quite complex, for example, statistical calculations. Calculator results can be copied to the Clipboard. In addition, you can paste numerical data from the clipboard into the display line (scoreboard) of the calculator for use in subsequent calculations using the calculator. You can perform calculations using the mouse by clicking on the corresponding buttons on the calculator panel - numbers, operators, etc., or using the keyboard by pressing the keys that match the calculator buttons shown on the screen. Detailed help about all the functions of a conventional and engineering calculators can be obtained using the item "?" in the horizontal menu bar of the calculator window.

Word processor

WordPad program is a modern, relatively simple word processor. The WordPad word processor has many more features than the Notepad editor. WordPad replaced the Write editor that came with earlier versions of Windows. Word processors, in addition to performing the basic functions of text editors for creating and editing text documents, perform one more function - formatting documents. Formatting is the processing of documents using several font sets, using text alignment methods, embedding objects of a different nature in a text document, such as drawings, and also controlling text flow around graphics.

The WordPad program supports the technology of inserting and embedding objects, and when exchanging data between WordPad applications, it can be either server(source) and client(receiver). Although WordPad is noticeably inferior to the more powerful word processor Word, it can be widely used to create documents containing formatted text, clipboard-pasted graphics, spreadsheets, and charts created in Excel. In addition, WordPad allows you to design presentations with multimedia elements, including audio connection, slide shows, and even short videos.

The program allows you to set automatic word wrapping, drag and drop selected fragments in a document with the mouse, use context menus, provides a variety of options for formatting text and improving the appearance of a document, for example, the ability to set not only the font type and size, but also the color of any character or entire text fragment and others. WordPad allows you to open and save files in three main formats:

1 in text format MS DOS- without formatting;

2 in text format RTF- with separate formatting elements;

3 in format word 6.0- with a wide range of formatting elements. WordPad also allows you to open .wri files, which are documents created with the Windows Write legacy text editor. The WordPad word processor and the Paint program discussed below are single-window applications.

Graphic editor Paint

Program Paint- a relatively simple graphics editor that is included with Windows 95/98 and Windows NT. The Paint program allows you to create and edit arbitrary drawings, diagrams, drawings, diagrams, inscriptions, insert and edit ready-made objects created in other applications. Objects created in Paint can be saved as desktop wallpaper. Paint is an editor raster type: a graphic image in it is built from individual dots - pixels. In addition to raster editors, graphic editors are also used to create graphic objects. vector type. Vector images exist as a set of mathematical formulas (graphic primitives) that describe individual elements of a drawing. Vector graphics are easily scaled without loss of image quality, while when a bitmap image is enlarged, the outlines can take on a rough stepped character due to the increase in the size of its constituent dots. Vector-type editors include a graphics editor built into Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel), a program CorelDRAW! and others. Some programs, for example Adobe Photoshop, when processing images, allow you to combine raster and vector methods.

Pictures created with Paint can be:

1 save as files of various formats (see below);

2 print (using the menu command FILE= Print);

3 insert into documents created with other applications, such as Word-Pad, Word, Excel, etc.;

4 use as Windows wallpaper (background for the desktop surface) - using the appropriate menu commands FILE .

Pictures can be saved in one of four formats (*.bmp):

as a black and white image;

as a 16 color pattern. This format has an extremely limited color gamut, but the file takes up little disk space;

in the form of a 256-color pattern. The file takes up twice as much disk space as when saved in 16-color format;

as a 24-bit drawing. This format provides the highest color quality, but the files take up a lot of disk space. For more information about drawing techniques, the purpose and capabilities of individual tools of the graphic editor, you can familiarize yourself with the help subsystem of the Paint program.

The address book

The Address Book is a convenient place to store contact information so you can easily query it from programs such as Outlook, Outlook Express, Internet Explorer, and NetMeeting. Here you can search for people and organizations, create contact groups for mail distribution, and send and receive electronic business cards.

To open the address book, press the button Start and select commands All programs , Standard And The address book .

Using the command line

Using the command line

MS-DOS (stands for Microsoft Disk Operating System) is a command-line operating system used on personal computers. As with other operating systems such as OS/2, MS-DOS translates keyboard input into commands, organizes actions such as writing to and reading from disks, outputting to the screen, keyboard control, and many other internal operations that provide programs and file organization.

MS-DOS commands are entered in a command prompt window. To end an MS-DOS session, type exit in the command line window at the position of the blinking cursor.

MS-DOS mode is a shell that emulates the MS-DOS environment on 32-bit systems such as Windows. MS-DOS programs can run under Windows and also create a Program Description File (PIF) that appears as a shortcut on the desktop.


To sync offline items:

1.Start the Synchronization Manager.

2.Select the checkboxes next to the offline items you want to sync, such as a mapped network drive or a web page that is available offline in Internet Explorer.

3.Click the button Synchronization .

Program Compatibility Wizard

With this wizard, you can configure compatibility settings that can resolve problems with programs that work correctly in previous versions of Windows Warning: It is not recommended to use this wizard for older anti-virus, backup, and system programs.

Description of the contents of the package of programs "entertainment"


The volume control adjusts the volume, balance, and timbre of the sounds played from your computer or multimedia applications. In addition, the volume control can be used to control the level of system sounds, microphones, CDs, line-in, synthesizer, and wave-out.

"Sound Recorder"

The Sound Recorder program is used to record, overdub, play, and edit sound recordings. In addition, audio recordings can be linked to or inserted into other documents.

Windows Media Player

With Windows Media Player, you can play CDs and DVDs, create your own CDs, listen to Internet radio, play movie clips or watch music videos on the Web, find and organize your digital media files, and copy files to a portable device. With Windows Media Player, you can play various types of audio and video files.

Description of the composition of the communication software package

To select the desired program, run the following command:

"Network connections"

The Network Connections component connects a local computer to the Internet, a local network, or another computer. This tool allows you to access network resources and functionality whether the user is connected to the network directly or through remote access services. The operations of creating, configuring, saving and monitoring connections are performed in the Network Connections folder.

"New Connection Wizard"

end-of-formbeginning-of-formSpecial new connection wizard helps you create Internet connections using a dial-up modem, ISDN adapter, DSL line, or cable modem. With this wizard, you can create incoming connections, direct connections, and virtual private network (VPN) connections. If a network adapter is installed on the computer, a LAN connection is automatically created.

"Remote Desktop Connection"

Remote Desktop Connection provides the ability to easily connect to a terminal server or other computer running Windows. All you need is network access permission to connect to another computer. If necessary, it is possible to specify the parameters of each connection and save them in a file for later use

Description of the composition of the software package "utilities"

"character tables"

The character table is used to insert special characters into documents, such as trademark marks, mathematical symbols, or characters from other language character sets.

end of form start of form Using the private character editor

The personal symbol editor is used to create unique letters and emblems for the font library.

Using Windows Media Player

Using the Shared Folders component

The Shared Folders component contains the following three categories.

· Resources: Shared folders of this computer.

· Sessions: User connections to this computer.

· Open Files: Files on this computer currently opened by users.

The Shared Folders component allows you to create, view shared files and folders, and set permissions for accessing them.

To open the Shared Folders component, do the following:

1.Open the Computer Management (Local) node.

2.In the console tree, click the component "Shared Folders"

General information about the control panel

The Control Panel contains customization tools designed to change the appearance and characteristics of various Windows components.

Some of these tools allow you to choose options that make working with your computer more fun. For example, the Mouse component lets you replace the default mouse pointers with animated icons that move around the screen, while the Sounds and Audio Devices component lets you replace the default system sounds with audio recordings of your choice. Other components help you customize Windows to make your computer easier to manage. For example, a left-hander can use the Mouse component to toggle mouse buttons so that the right button can perform basic selection and drag operations.

To open the control panel, click the button Start and select command Control Panel. When classic menu style is selected Start, press the button Start, point to the command Setting and choose Control Panel .

The first time you open the Control Panel, it will display the most frequently used items, grouped by category. For more information about Control Panel items in Category View, hover over the category icon or name and read the tooltip text. To open an item, click its icon or category name. Some of these items open a list of tasks that the user can perform, and also allow you to select individual components of the control panel. For example, if you select the category Design and themes, a list of tasks opens, such as Screen saver selection, along with individual Control Panel components.

If you don't see the component you want when you open the Control Panel, select Switch to Classic View. To open a component, double-click its icon. For more information about Classic View Control Panel items, hover over the icon and read the tooltip text.

For more information about any item in Control Panel, select Help and Support.


Using a backup program

The backup utility helps you create a copy of the data on your hard drive. If the original data is accidentally deleted, replaced, or becomes inaccessible due to hard drive failure, you can use a backup to restore it.

Using Disk Defragmenter

Some tasks may require you to log on with an Administrator account or a member of the Administrators group.

The defragmenter combines fragmented files and folders on a computer's hard drive, after which each file or folder on the volume occupies a single contiguous space. As a result, access to files and folders is more efficient. By consolidating separate parts of files and folders, the defragmenter also consolidates free disk space into a single whole, making it less likely to fragment new files.

Disk defragmentation can also be run from the command line using the defrag command.

Overview of scheduled tasks

With the help of the task scheduler, you can schedule the execution of a script, the launch of a program, or the opening of a document at the most convenient time. The Task Scheduler starts every time you start Windows XP and runs in the background.

Task Scheduler allows you to:

assign a task to be executed daily, weekly, monthly or at certain times (for example, at system startup);

change the schedule for a task;

stop the execution of the assigned task;

· set the task launch mode at the appointed time.

end of form start of form Working with the System Information component

The System Information component collects and displays system configuration information. Technical support staff requires certain information about the computer to troubleshoot the system. The System Information component allows you to quickly find the information you need.

Using the Transfer Files and Settings Wizard

The Files and Settings Transfer Wizard helps you move data files and personal settings from your old computer to your new computer without having to repeat the setup steps on the old computer on the new computer. For example, you can transfer personal display properties, folder and taskbar settings, Internet browser settings, and e-mail settings from an old computer to a new one. This wizard also moves some files or entire folders such as My Documents, My Pictures, and Favorites. When you move program properties using the File Transfer Wizard and settings, passwords are not migrated. This functionality of the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard helps you keep your passwords private.

It is recommended that you install an antivirus program on the new computer before moving files from the old computer. This will help protect the new computer from viruses that may be contained in files transferred from the old computer.


Accessibility Wizard

The Accessibility Wizard guides you through the process of customizing your computer for your individual needs. Accessibility modes (such as Sticky Keys, subtitles, and keyboard pointer control) help users with disabilities to fully use the computer. Some of these features, such as keyboard pointer control, may be of interest to a wider range of users. Once the accessibility features have been set up, they are accessed through the control panel and menu Special abilities .

Understanding the On-Screen Keyboard

The on-screen keyboard is an application that displays a virtual keyboard on the screen and allows people with limited mobility to type on the screen using the mouse pointer or joystick. The on-screen keyboard is designed to facilitate the work of people with reduced mobility.

The on-screen keyboard supports three input modes.

· The mode of using mouse buttons, in which you need to click the selected keys with the mouse button.

· A scan mode that highlights areas on the on-screen keyboard where characters can be entered by pressing a keyboard shortcut or using a keypad.

· Waiting mode, in which during the waiting time the character is selected by the mouse pointer or joystick and after this time is printed automatically.

The on-screen keyboard also provides the following features.

· Display an extended keyboard with a numeric part, or display a standard keyboard without a numeric part.

· Display a normal keyboard layout or a block layout in which the keys are grouped into rectangular blocks. The block layout of the keyboard is convenient in scanning mode.

· Display the standard keyboard (101 keys), universal keyboard (102 keys), or keyboard with additional Japanese characters (106 keys).

・Use mode Sound confirmation to issue an audible confirmation when a key is selected.

・Use mode On top of other windows to keep the on-screen keyboard on screen when switching between programs or windows.

Introduction to Magnifier

Magnifier makes it easier for visually impaired users to view the screen. It displays a separate window that displays an enlarged part of the screen. It's also easy to change the color scheme in the magnifier window to make it easier to see. You can move or resize the magnifier window, or drag it to the edge of the screen and dock it there. A screen magnifier will certainly come in handy for people with low vision.

When using Magnifier, you can do the following:

change the degree of magnification;

change the size of the magnifying glass window;

change the position of the magnifying glass window on the desktop;

· reverse screen colors.

In addition, the magnifier has a number of tracking options that provide the following modes:

following the movements of the mouse pointer on the screen;

following the input focus (cursor position);

following text input.

When the Magnifier window is open, you can right-click it to change Magnifier settings or exit the program.

end of form start of form Understanding Utility Manager

The Utility Manager lets you check the status of accessibility programs and start and stop them. Users with administrator-level access can set programs to run when the Utility Manager starts. Users can also run utility programs before they log on to the computer by pressing the Windows key + UEndFormStartForm on the Welcome screen.

Using the Utility Manager, you can configure Windows to automatically launch accessibility programs every time you log on, pin desktop items, or start the Utility Manager. For example, you can set Magnifier to launch automatically when you log in. This will allow you to skip all the steps to open the Magnifier program each time you log in.

The built-in programs available from the Utility Manager are Magnifier, Narrator, and On-Screen Keyboard. Narrator is a text-to-speech program that starts when you start the Utility Manager. This provides visually impaired or visually impaired users with immediate access to the Utility Manager.


Today, almost every computer user needs general-purpose applications, which include: text editors and graphic editors, spreadsheets, database management systems, and applications for creating multimedia presentations. The most common general purpose application package today is Microsoft Office.

It is simply impossible to imagine modern life without modern technology. No company can do without the help of computers. Storing data, writing documents, drawing up graphs, tables, schedules, creating presentations - the computer helps us in all this, and it helps us successfully.

We briefly reviewed the standard Windows application, which consists of a Word text editor, an Excel spreadsheet, a PowerPoint presentation program, and an Access database with which you can achieve all of the above.


1. Alexander Starshinin Microsoft Office at a glance., St. Petersburg, 2003

2. A. Levin. Self-instruction manual of useful programs. - M .: "Knowledge", 2000. - 496 p., ill.

3. Volkov V.I. "An easy-to-understand tutorial for working with Windows." Publishing house "Piter", St. Petersburg. 2001

4. Ed Bott Microsoft XP., BINOM, Moscow, 2003.

The Windows operating system has a whole arsenal of simple and not only built-in programs that are not a sin to use in the absence of more professional analogues, and for novice PC users who have just started their journey in the world of high computer technology, they will be a good platform to start and learn. Using standard programs, you can draw, type text documents, communicate by e-mail, watch movies and listen to music.

1. Task Manager

Task Manager is used to display the main performance indicators of the computer. It displays information about programs and processes running on the computer. For running programs, you can view their status and terminate programs that stop responding. In addition, if your computer is connected to a network, you can view the network status and settings.

In order to launch the Windows Task Manager, you need to press three buttons at the same time - Ctrl + Alt + Del. This will bring up the program window.

2. Check disk

During the operation of the PC, sometimes failures in the operation of both software (including the operating system) and hardware (for example, during a banal power outage) can occur. As a result, errors may occur in the file system - this is when information about a particular file or directory ceases to correspond to reality.

3. Disk Cleanup

Free space tends to shrink even on the most capacious hard drives. Therefore, you should ensure that there is always enough free space. This problem is partly solved by the Disk Cleanup program, which quite successfully copes with the obviously unnecessary contents of your hard drive.

A number of programs, in particular Microsoft Internet Explorer, spend a lot of disk space for storing various temporary files. Temporary files are also created when installing new programs, as well as when running already installed ones. As a rule, such files are written to a specially allocated folder for this - TEMP, located in the Windows directory. Theoretically, the program that puts files there should delete them, but in practice this does not always happen.

You can call the Disk Cleanup program from the main Windows menu (All Programs->Accessories->Utilities), or, like a check, from the context menu of the disk. In the first case, you will first be prompted to select the drive you plan to clean up. Then the actual cleaning program window will open.

4. Disk defragmentation

Another way to improve computer performance is to defragment the disk. Since the file subsystem divides the disk into clusters into which files fit, it is quite reasonable to assume that as the file size grows, it will occupy more and more clusters. It is good if there is free space nearby, but often there is none. As a result, different parts of the file are scattered over the entire surface of the disk. Such files are called fragmented. There is nothing wrong with this, in principle, since the system has information about the location of all parts of the file, but the time required to read a fragmented file takes much more.

In order to collect files into a single whole, the defragmentation program is intended. If you run it from the main menu, then first you will have to select a drive from the list for defragmentation. If you use the disk context menu and call the defragmenter program from the Tools tab, the disk will already be selected. Then you can immediately start defragmentation, or analyze the need for it using analysis (it allows you to find out the degree of file fragmentation).

5. Backup disk

One of the ways to protect important information from loss is to regularly archive it, or, as it is more commonly called, back up. To do this, Windows provides a special program - Data Archiving. Like the two previous utilities, it can be called from the Tools tab of the disk properties or found in the main menu among utilities.

The backup program in Windows is made in the form of a wizard. After the welcome screen, the user will be prompted to choose an action - archiving or restoring from an archive. Leaving archiving checked, you should click next to select the objects to archive. Since copying the entire contents of a disk is usually not advisable, you should select specific files and directories for this important procedure. Most often, the main candidates for backup are the My Documents folder and possibly some others where the user saves his work. It is this option - archiving a folder with documents, a desktop and files related to working on the Internet, that the archiving wizard offers.

6. System recovery

Another utility for recovering lost information is the System Restore service. Its fundamental difference from archiving is that it “saves” the settings of the OS itself, including installed device drivers, hardware profiles, etc. To ensure this functionality, Windows regularly creates restore points, starting with the first start of the system after it is installed on the computer. In addition, you can create a checkpoint yourself using the same recovery wizard.

To restore your computer to an earlier state, by running the Restore Wizard, make sure that the correct item is selected. Then you need to click next. After that, in the calendar, select the day on which the system was fully operational (days with restore points are marked in bold) and click next. Now the recovery point is selected, but the recovery process itself has not yet begun: before starting the recovery, you must close all files and programs! After making sure that all programs and files are closed and the desired restore point is selected, click Next. After a while, the computer will restart with the settings that existed at the time the checkpoint was created. In this case, all documents created by the user, of course, will remain in their place.

7. Character table

Sometimes there is a need to enter into a text document a character that is not on the keyboard itself. In this case, a special program is useful - the Symbol Table. With it, you can select any character from those available in the font. To do this, either specify the desired symbol and press Enter, or double-click on it with the mouse. If you click only once or move through the table using the arrows, the currently selected character will be displayed enlarged in its own window.

8. Calculator

The program emulates a real calculator. It has 2 modes of operation - normal and engineering. The first provides the simplest set of operations on numbers. The second one has various mathematical functions. Calculations can be carried out in binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal number systems. In the decimal number system, it works with degrees, radians and gradients. The calculator can calculate trigonometric functions, natural and decimal logarithms, factorial, any degree. There are statistics (Sta) of calculations, which can sometimes be very useful. Of course, there is also ordinary memory (M+, MR, etc.). It can display the exact value of Pi (Pi) on the screen. There are built-in tools to improve accuracy. Thus, if you divide 1 by 3, and then multiply the resulting number by 3, you get exactly one, and not 0.99999 ... In addition, 32-digit numbers can be entered into the calculator! This is not your ordinary calculator with 10 - 18 digits.

9. Notepad

Much has been written about this program. They said that it does not have many necessary functions, such as syntax highlighting of programming languages, translation of encodings, etc. However, so far, many users have not made themselves a replacement for Notepad. Unfortunately, the program has very limited functions, such as word wrapping, inserting work time (to do this, you need to have a .LOG entry in the first line of the file or press F5) and ... that's it. The program can work with files no larger than 64 KB (in Windows, starting with XP, you can work with files of any size). However, it loads even on the weakest machines almost instantly, does not require installation.

A small graphics package included with Windows for handling raster graphics. The program is designed for beginners. It has the following tools: eraser, fill, pencil, brush, sprayer, inscription, line, curve, rectangle, polygon, ellipse, rounded rectangle. There are no filters. It can do minimal technical actions - stretching, scaling, reflection, inverting colors. At a scale of more than 400%, it can display a pixel grid. Can overlay inscriptions without any special effects. The program is not suitable for professional work. To create graphics, they usually use CorelDRAW or Adobe Illustrator, and for processing - Adobe Photoshop.

11. WordPaWordPad is a small editor that, unlike Notepad, is capable of small text formatting, for example, you can make text italic and bold, create lists, set alignment. It is possible to insert objects using other programs (drawings, sound recordings, etc.) Can process files larger than 64 KB. The main big disadvantage of this program is the lack of tables. With Microsoft Word available, users rarely use WordPad.

12. Clipboard

This utility is used to view the contents of the clipboard. You can clean it if necessary. It is possible to save and open clipboard files (*.clp).


The Windows operating system has a whole arsenal of simple and not only built-in programs that are not a sin to use in the absence of more professional analogues, and for novice PC users who have just started their journey in the world of high computer technology, they will be a good platform to start and learn. Using standard programs, you can draw, type text documents, communicate by e-mail, watch movies and listen to music.

1. Task Manager

Task Manager is used to display the main performance indicators of the computer. It displays information about programs and processes running on the computer. For running programs, you can view their status and terminate programs that stop responding. In addition, if your computer is connected to a network, you can view the network status and settings.

In order to launch the Windows Task Manager, you need to press three buttons at the same time - Ctrl + Alt + Del. This will bring up the program window.

2. Check disk

During the operation of the PC, sometimes failures in the operation of both software (including the operating system) and hardware (for example, during a banal power outage) can occur. As a result, errors may occur in the file system - this is when information about a particular file or directory ceases to correspond to reality.

3. Disk Cleanup

Free space tends to shrink even on the most capacious hard drives. Therefore, you should ensure that there is always enough free space. This problem is partly solved by the Disk Cleanup program, which quite successfully copes with the obviously unnecessary contents of your hard drive.

A number of programs, in particular Microsoft Internet Explorer, spend a lot of disk space for storing various temporary files. Temporary files are also created when installing new programs, as well as when running already installed ones. As a rule, such files are written to a specially allocated folder for this - TEMP, located in the Windows directory. Theoretically, the program that puts files there should delete them, but in practice this does not always happen.

You can call the Disk Cleanup program from the main Windows menu (All Programs->Accessories->Utilities), or, like a check, from the context menu of the disk. In the first case, you will first be prompted to select the drive you plan to clean up. Then the actual cleaning program window will open.

4. Disk defragmentation

Another way to improve computer performance is to defragment the disk. Since the file subsystem divides the disk into clusters into which files fit, it is quite reasonable to assume that as the file size grows, it will occupy more and more clusters. It is good if there is free space nearby, but often there is none. As a result, different parts of the file are scattered over the entire surface of the disk. Such files are called fragmented. There is nothing wrong with this, in principle, since the system has information about the location of all parts of the file, but the time required to read a fragmented file takes much more.

In order to collect files into a single whole, the defragmentation program is intended. If you run it from the main menu, then first you will have to select a drive from the list for defragmentation. If you use the disk context menu and call the defragmenter program from the Tools tab, the disk will already be selected. Then you can immediately start defragmentation, or analyze the need for it using analysis (it allows you to find out the degree of file fragmentation).

5. Backup disk

One of the ways to protect important information from loss is to regularly archive it, or, as it is more commonly called, back up. To do this, Windows provides a special program - Data Archiving. Like the two previous utilities, it can be called from the Tools tab of the disk properties or found in the main menu among utilities.

The backup program in Windows is made in the form of a wizard. After the welcome screen, the user will be prompted to choose an action - archiving or restoring from an archive. Leaving archiving checked, you should click next to select the objects to archive. Since copying the entire contents of a disk is usually not advisable, you should select specific files and directories for this important procedure. Most often, the main candidates for backup are the My Documents folder and possibly some others where the user saves his work. It is this option - archiving a folder with documents, a desktop and files related to working on the Internet, that the archiving wizard offers.

6. System recovery

Another utility for recovering lost information is the System Restore service. Its fundamental difference from archiving is that it “saves” the settings of the OS itself, including installed device drivers, hardware profiles, etc. To ensure this functionality, Windows regularly creates restore points, starting with the first start of the system after it is installed on the computer. In addition, you can create a checkpoint yourself using the same recovery wizard.

To restore your computer to an earlier state, by running the Restore Wizard, make sure that the correct item is selected. Then you need to click next. After that, in the calendar, select the day on which the system was fully operational (days with restore points are marked in bold) and click next. Now the recovery point is selected, but the recovery process itself has not yet begun: before starting the recovery, you must close all files and programs! After making sure that all programs and files are closed and the desired restore point is selected, click Next. After a while, the computer will restart with the settings that existed at the time the checkpoint was created. In this case, all documents created by the user, of course, will remain in their place.

7. Character table

Sometimes there is a need to enter into a text document a character that is not on the keyboard itself. In this case, a special program is useful - the Symbol Table. With it, you can select any character from those available in the font. To do this, either specify the desired symbol and press Enter, or double-click on it with the mouse. If you click only once or move through the table using the arrows, the currently selected character will be displayed enlarged in its own window.

8. Calculator

The program emulates a real calculator. It has 2 modes of operation - normal and engineering. The first provides the simplest set of operations on numbers. The second one has various mathematical functions. Calculations can be carried out in binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal number systems. In the decimal number system, it works with degrees, radians and gradients. The calculator can calculate trigonometric functions, natural and decimal logarithms, factorial, any degree. There are statistics (Sta) of calculations, which can sometimes be very useful. Of course, there is also ordinary memory (M+, MR, etc.). It can display the exact value of Pi (Pi) on the screen. There are built-in tools to improve accuracy. Thus, if you divide 1 by 3, and then multiply the resulting number by 3, you get exactly one, and not 0.99999 ... In addition, 32-digit numbers can be entered into the calculator! This is not your ordinary calculator with 10 - 18 digits.

9. Notepad

Much has been written about this program. They said that it does not have many necessary functions, such as syntax highlighting of programming languages, translation of encodings, etc. However, so far, many users have not made themselves a replacement for Notepad. Unfortunately, the program has very limited functions, such as word wrapping, inserting work time (to do this, you need to have a .LOG entry in the first line of the file or press F5) and ... that's it. The program can work with files no larger than 64 KB (in Windows, starting with XP, you can work with files of any size). However, it loads even on the weakest machines almost instantly, does not require installation.

10. Paint

A small graphics package included with Windows for handling raster graphics. The program is designed for beginners. It has the following tools: eraser, fill, pencil, brush, sprayer, inscription, line, curve, rectangle, polygon, ellipse, rounded rectangle. There are no filters. It can do minimal technical actions - stretching, scaling, reflection, inverting colors. At a scale of more than 400%, it can display a pixel grid. Can overlay inscriptions without any special effects. The program is not suitable for professional work. To create graphics, they usually use CorelDRAW or Adobe Illustrator, and for processing - Adobe Photoshop.


WordPad is a small editor that, unlike Notepad, is capable of small text formatting, for example, you can make text italic and bold, create lists, and set alignment. It is possible to insert objects using other programs (drawings, sound recordings, etc.) Can process files larger than 64 KB. The main big disadvantage of this program is the lack of tables. With Microsoft Word available, users rarely use WordPad.

12. Clipboard

This utility is used to view the contents of the clipboard. You can clean it if necessary. It is possible to save and open clipboard files (*.clp).


1. Aliyev V.K. Informatics in tasks, examples, algorithms. - M. : Solon-R, 2001. - 143 p.

1. Baldin K. V., Utkin V. B. Informatics: Textbook for students. universities. - M. : PROJECT, 2003. - 302 p.

2. Bezruchko V. T. Workshop on the course "Informatics". Work in Windows, Word, Excel: Proc. allowance for universities, obuch. in all areas of preparation. bachelors and masters and all special. prepared graduate specialist. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2004. - 272p.

3. McCormick D. Secrets of working in Windows, Word, Excel: A complete guide for beginners / Igor Timonin (translated from English). -- H.: Book Club "Family Leisure Club", 2007. -- 240p.

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