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ACPI standard. Reasons for "falling asleep" and "waking up" the PC

Using a laptop

Partial stop mode

In power saving and sleep modes, the processor clock generator is turned off and a large
some of the computer devices are switched to the minimum activity mode. Partial stop mode
- This is the minimum power consumption mode for the computer. The computer enters this mode when
the system is idle for a certain amount of time or after key presses. When the computer
is in STR mode, the power indicator blinks. When the computer is in STD mode, the indicator
power is off. Exit STR mode by pressing any key on the keyboard
except Fn. The exit from the STD mode is carried out by the power switch, in the same way as
turning on the computer.

Energy saving

In addition to disabling the processor clock generator, this mode puts devices
computer, including the backlight of the monitor, to a state of minimal activity. The computer goes into
power saving mode (low priority) when the system is idle for a certain time. Temporal
the interval is set through the corresponding item (Power supply) of the operating system
Windows (high priority). To restore the system, press any key.

Power management modes

The laptop has several auto-adjustable saving features
electricity designed to maximize battery life and reduce
user operating costs (TCO). Some of these functions are configured through the Power menu in
BIOS setup program. ACPI power management is configured from within the operating system.
The power management features are designed to save as much power as possible by
putting components into low power mode as often as possible, but still
allow, if necessary, to work with full power. These low power modes
called Power Save Mode (or Suspend-to-RAM) and Sleep Mode or Suspend-to-Disk (STD).
The power saving mode function is implemented by the operating system. When the computer is in
one of the low power modes, its status is defined as follows:
power saving mode, the power indicator flashes, in the “sleep” mode, the power indicator is off.

Full power and maximum performance mode

The laptop is in full power mode when the power management feature is disabled
in the Windows Power Management and Speedstep settings (see the Drivers and Utilities Installation Guide).
When the computer is in full power mode, the power indicator is on. If you are concerned about how
system performance and power consumption, do not disable all power management features, but
select the "Maximum performance" function.

The ACPI configuration and power management system was developed by Intel, Microsoft and Toshiba
specifically for power management and Plug and Play functions in Windows system. ACPI Presents
represents a new standard for laptop power management. ACPI system installed
automatically when installing Windows 98 with BIOS dated 1/12/1999 or later.

NOTE: Older operating systems such as Windows NT4 and Windows 98 used
ARM system. Because newer operating systems such as Windows XP and Windows 2000 and
Windows ME use ACPI system, APM system is not supported by this notebook

It is difficult for Linuxoids who do not have DE, but sit exclusively on WM - everything that is in the full-fledged Desktop Environment (desktop environment or how is it better to designate it on the great and mighty?) is supplied and works out of the box in WM you need to select and configure. So the author of this post previously used xfce elements for things like power management, sound volume control and screen brightness. But something came to my mind: after all, acpi and laptop-mode-tools are always installed on my system, so why not train them to do their immediate duties: to do everything that xfce4-volumed and xfce4-power were previously needed for -manager?

For training, we need laptop-mode-tools , acpi , acpid packages. Acpid must be running.

Screen brightness level

Add the following lines to /etc/default/grub:


We climb into acpi

Create files with the following content:

To increase brightness:

# /etc/acpi/actions/ # #!/bin/sh bl_device = /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness echo $(($(cat $bl_device ) + 200 )) >$bl_device

and to decrease the brightness

# /etc/acpi/actions/ #!/bin/sh bl_device = /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness echo $(($(cat $bl_device ) - 200 )) >$bl_device

In bl_device, replace inel_backlight with your own value depending on the video card you are using. It is also worth finding out the value that suits you, on the basis of which the screen brightness will increase or decrease. The author has this value = 200.

How to find the right value? Look at what number is now. If you haven't configured anything yet, it should reflect the maximum allowed value:

# cat /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness 4882

Now play with the values ​​to find the step you want:

# echo 1000 > /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness # echo 1010 > /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness # echo 1100 > /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness

See how the screen brightness will change with different values, if adding 10 units you practically do not feel the difference, add another 50-100 units. Whatever step seems optimal, leave it.

Now let's tell acpi to use our scripts:

# /etc/acpi/events/bl_up # event = video[ /]brightnessup action = /etc/acpi/actions/ # /etc/acpi/events/bl_down # event = video[ /]brightnessdown action = /etc /acpi/actions/

and make these scripts executable:

# chmod +x /etc/acpi/actions/(,

To automatically adjust the brightness when running on battery or mains, install laptop-mode-tools:

# pacman -S laptop-mode-tools

and change its settings a bit:

# /etc/laptop-mode/conf.d/lcd-brightness.conf#CONTROL_BRIGHTNESS = 1 # Commands to execute to set the brightness on your LCD # #BATT_BRIGHTNESS_COMMAND="echo" BATT_BRIGHTNESS_COMMAND = "echo 700" LM_AC_BRIGHTNESS_COMMAND = "echo 2000" NOLM_AC_BRIGHTNESS_COMMAND = "echo 3000" BRIGHTNESS_OUTPUT = "/sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness"

Of course, the values ​​700/2000/3000 and the path /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness should be replaced with your own values.

Auto-hibernation at a critical battery level

Quite often it happens that when working on battery power, you forget to look at the level of its charge, as a result of which you get the car turning off when the battery is completely discharged. Sudden - like a pop - shutdown and all unsaved data is lost. It's a shame, isn't it? Therefore, it would be a good idea to take timely precautionary measures.

For these purposes, we will also use the laptop-mode functionality.

# /etc/laptop-mode/conf.d/auto-hibernate.conf:# ENABLE_AUTO_HIBERNATION = 1 # # The hibernation command that is to be executed when auto-hibernation# is triggered. # HIBERNATE_COMMAND = /usr/share/laptop-mode-tools/module-helpers/pm-hibernate # # Auto-hibernation battery level threshold, in percentage of the battery"s# total capacity. # AUTO_HIBERNATION_BATTERY_CHARGE_PERCENT= 4 # # Enable this to auto-hibernate if the battery reports that its level is# "critical". # AUTO_HIBERNATION_ON_CRITICAL_BATTERY_LEVEL= 1

If you are not satisfied with the default values, you can also change them. If up to this point you have not specified a swap partition, specify it in grub2, these settings have already been given above:

# /etc/default/grub # GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT = "acpi_backlight=vendor resume=/dev/sda5"

where /dev/sda5 is your swap partition Also, in the case of archlinux, add the suspend hook to /etc/mkinitcpio.conf:

HOOKS= "base udev autodetect modconf block filesystems usbinput fsck resume"

and rebuild initrd:

# mkinitcpio -p linux

Sound adjustment

To do this, we will again turn to acpi scripts, as in the case of controlling the brightness of the display.

# /etc/acpi/actions/ #!/bin/bash /usr/bin/amixer set Master 5%+ # /etc/acpi/actions/ #!/bin/bash /usr/bin/amixer set Master 5%- # /etc/acpi/events/volume_up # event = button[ /]volumeup action = /etc/acpi/actions/ # /etc/acpi/events/volume_down# event = button[ /]volumedown action = /etc/acpi/actions/

Making scripts in actions executable:

# chmod +x /etc/acpi/actions/(,

For correct recognition of multimedia keys, it is better to use the xmodmap utility.

$ xmodmap -pke > ~/.xmodmap $ vim .xinitrc: xmodmap ~/.xmodmap

Acpi and key events

To be honest, I'm satisfied with the default behavior, so this issue was not considered with prejudice. When you close the laptop lid, the machine enters hibernation mode. When you press the power button - correctly turns off the system. It is good.

It looks like laptop-mode-tools also manages these events (but it's not yet clear which module/script these settings are in), since /etc/acpi/ doesn't assign any actions to events.

But let's consider how to set up this or that event.

The aforementioned (or depending on the distribution kit used) is responsible for these shamanistic actions, where the settings are written. If you want to use not a command, but a script, place it in a separate file, similar to how the display brightness and volume control was configured above.

Default example:

button/lid) case " $3 " in close) logger "LID closed" ;; open) logger "LID opened" ;; * ) logger "ACPI action undefined: $3" ;; esac ;;

button/lid indicates to control the closing/opening of the laptop's lid, nothing interesting here yet.

An example with playing a sound file when closing / opening the laptop lid:

button/lid) case " $3 " in close) logger "LID closed" aplay /home/redvi/.scripts/message.wav ;; open) logger "LID opened" aplay /home/redvi/.scripts/message.wav ;; * ) logger "ACPI action undefined: $3" ;; esac ;;

That is, to set up an event, you need to add its command to the appropriate field (here after logger "LID closed"). So, the action to open the lid would need to be written after logger "LID opened" .

button/power - events associated with the power button

logger "PowerButton pressed" - when the key is pressed

button/sleep - sleep if there is a similar button/key

ac_adapter - events related to connecting/disconnecting the power adapter

logger "AC unpluged" - when the adapter is unplugged

logger "AC pluged" - when the adapter is plugged in

battery - laptop battery

button/lid - laptop lid

You can use the laptop-mode-tools scripts from /usr/share/laptop-mode-tools/module-helpers to hibernate/hibernate: pm-hibernate and pm-suspend .

To turn off the power when the lid is closed, just add the following line to /etc/acpi/actions/

[ " $3 " = "close" ] && poweroff

In addition to all of the above, we can control the parking of the hard disk heads. In order to disable parking completely write in /etc/laptop-mode/laptop-mode.conf:


Perhaps we should stop here and give the reader the opportunity to experiment on their own with the settings for power saving and acpi events.

Power management settings in BIOS (Power Management Settings)

This article will help you reduce the amount of electricity consumption by a laptop, netbook and desktop computer (regular PC or system unit).

Please note the owners of laptops and netbooks, this article is just for you. By disabling certain functions, you can extend the operating time of your device by an hour or more.

And so let's start analyzing the power consumption settings in the BIOS SETUP. In particular, for settings, the tab in the BIOS is called " Power management settings".

In the picture below you will see a tab"Power management settings" workingmicrocode chip Phoenix/Award.

Users often experience confusion in this area of ​​the BIOS. If the correct settings are not set, the system will no longer shut down properly, and will not exit the Standby or Hibernate states correctly. Windows is already equipped with built-in power management, all relevant options in the BIOS can be turned off. Otherwise they will conflict with each other and neither will work correctly. Motherboard manufacturers understand that not everyone uses Windows, so most of the settings are intended for users of other operating systems.

And so let's move on to the analysis of the main options in the "Power Management Settings" tab.

ACPI Suspend to RAM: ACPI stands for Advanced Configuration and Power Interface - do not confuse it with APIC or IPCA, which are also available as options in some BIOSes. The Suspend to RAM feature, also called S3/STR, allows the computer to save more power in Standby mode, but all devices connected to the computer must be ACPI-compliant. Some BIOSes have an S1/POS option for this scenario. If you enable this feature and you have problems with standby mode, then go back to the BIOS and disable it.

Video Off Method (video off method): DPMS stands for Display Power Management System (DPMS). This option allows the BIOS to manage a graphics card that supports the DPMS function. The Blank Screen option produces a blank black screen - this should be used for those monitors that do not support green options or power saving mode. The V / H SYNC Blank option not only produces a black screen, but also turns off vertical and horizontal scanning. If your computer and monitor are manufactured within the last five years, then we recommend the DPMS option.

HDD Down In Suspend (shutdown HDD in Suspend mode): the function determines whether the hard disk will automatically turn off in Suspend mode. Most of these settings are managed by Windows, but if your hard drive does not turn off when the computer enters Suspend, then enable this option. Otherwise, it's better to leave it disabled (Disabled).

PWR Button< 4 Secs (клавиша питания): By default, all ATX computers turn off if you hold down the power key for more than four seconds. This setting tells the computer what to do if the power key is held down for less than four seconds. You can either turn off the system or put it into Suspend mode. So decide for yourself.

Power Up On PCI Device (power up by PCI device): if you use Wake-On-LAN - this option is often used in large office environments to remotely turn on computers - then leave the option enabled (Enabled). Otherwise, we recommend turning this option off (Disabled).

Wake/Power Up on Ext. Modem (power on via external modem): this feature allows the computer to turn on automatically when the modem's telephone line is activated. Again, a handy feature for remote control. In other environments, that is, for most users, it is better to turn it off (Disabled).

Automatic Power Up: this function allows you to set the time when your computer will automatically turn on. If you need such a function, then turn it on (Enabled). Otherwise, turn off (Disabled).

AC Power Loss Restart (power on after power loss): this option tells the computer what to do after an unexpected power loss and restore it. If the option is disabled (Disabled), then the system will not start. If enabled (Enabled) - the system will be rebooted. We recommend turning this option off (Disabled).

Power On By PS / 2 Mouse (power on by PS / 2 mouse): if this option is enabled, a PS/2 mouse (not USB) can be used to turn on the PC. Turn off (Disabled) this option to not turn on the computer by accidentally touching the mouse.

Power On By PS/2 Keyboard (power on by PS/2 keyboard): By activating this function, you can turn on the system using special keys. It is better to turn off the function (Disabled) so as not to accidentally make a mistake with the key.

Attention: If you have a Windows operating system on your laptop, you need to disable all options in the "Power Management Settings" section in the BIOS SETUP.

ACPI standard.Reasons for "falling asleep" and "waking up" the PC.

The main purpose of any power management system is to automatically transfer the computer or its individual devices to one of the modes (states) of low power consumption. APM's power management system focuses on the power consumption of the processor, hard drive, and monitor. The ACPI standard is based on support for both software and BIOS control functions. In an ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface - advanced configuration and power interface) not only power consumption is controlled, but Plug and Play device configuration is also supported. In this case, Plug and Play devices are configured and power managed at the operating system level, not the BIOS. Devices are connected and configured by the system as they are used. If any of the devices is not supported by the ACPI system, then the computer is switched to use the APM (Advanced Power Management) system.

In a modern computer, software support for power management is provided by the ACPI system, and hardware support is assigned to the following components of the motherboard:

1. A connector for connecting the main power supply cable and connectors for connecting fans.

2. System of awakening on signals from the network.

3. Technologies of "instant readiness of the computer".

4. Technologies of "resumption of work on a call".

5. Wake-up on USB port.

6. Wake-ups from PS/2 devices.

7. Support wake up on receiving power management signal (PME#).

8. Support for Intel Quick Resume Technology Drivers (QRTD).

As mentioned above, two hardware-software control technologies APM and ACPI are used to automate processes related to the power supply of a computer. To quickly change the settings of the power management system, use the sections of the Setup BIOS program related to the power supply and energy saving of the computer. ACPI technology is more advanced and feature rich than APM. It allows you to automate completely different types of system resource allocation functions using the operating system and the choice of power management states. PMS (Power Management State). One of the main purposes of the ACPI system is to automatically put PC components into one of the low power states.

In order to transition various PC devices from one power mode to another, ACPI has a special place in the concept of functional readiness or shutdown states of devices that are directly related to power consumption levels and energy savings. In the ACPI standard, there is a specific set of states for each control group. The status levels differ in power consumption, load current, system and processor clock speeds, and how fast the system devices wake up. ACPI relies on Windows and BIOS management features. If the motherboard BIOS supports ACPI, power management is passed to the operating system. This simplifies the configuration of system parameters because the automatic adjustments are in one place in the operating system. ACPI has an interface that supports the following features on the motherboard:

1. Plug and Play technology, including bus and device numbering.

2. Power management of individual devices and expansion cards.

3. Support standby power less than 15W.

4. Soft Off Components.

5. Support components for various events to wake up the system.

6. Turn on the power and sleep mode on the front panel of the computer.

The ACPI system consists of a sequence of tables. They define the devices available in the system, as well as their characteristics in terms of system configuration and power management. The tables are created by the BIOS during the boot process of the computer. To determine the ACPI-compliance of the system, during the boot process, the BIOS looks at special entries in two tables FADT (Fixed ACPI Description Table) and RSDT (Root System Description Table). The entries found are called descriptors, among them: OEM ID, OEM TABLE ID, OEM REVISION and CREATOR REVISION.

If the tables are missing or the information in the descriptors is invalid, the BIOS is considered incompatible with the ACPI interface, in which case the hardware abstraction layer, or ACPI HAL, is set.

Error messages may appear during ACPI initialization. Messages with a red background indicate problems with the hardware and BIOS, those with a blue background indicate problems with the software. Most often, these errors indicate partial or complete support of ACPI functions by the BIOS system or I/O drivers.

ACPI system provides transmission to the power supply control signals designed to implement alternative ways to turn the computer on and off. Power supplies of the ATX12V family have control lines for turning on and off the power of the computer and contain the automatic system power off described below. When this system receives the appropriate command, the power supply cuts off the supply of all voltages that are not related to powering devices in the standby mode. When you resume operation after a network failure, the computer returns to the power mode it was in before (on or off). You can adjust the response of the computer in menuBoot Setup BIOS using the option Last« power" State.

ACPI has memory to return states. For example, in the mode of instant turning on the computer On Now computer status codes are stored in RAM or on the hard disk. Below are the features supported by this type of power supply for controlling the on / off of the computer.

Thanks to ACPI, the computer can be put into a state software shutdown soft off. With this feature, the computer can use constant power sources with minimal power consumption.

Putting the computer into power mode soft off carried out in the following ways:

1. By pressing the Power button on the front of the computer, which is connected to the system board and does not cause a power outage.

2. By shutting down using the operating system (one of the three options for shutting down the computer is selected on the panel to turn off the computer).

3. During the absence and appearance of power supply in the network, which depends on the installation

options in the Setup BIOS menu.

You can use the following steps to bring the hardware from Soft Off to Fully Active in the Setup BIOS menu:

1. Use the Power button on the front panel of the computer or on the keyboard (if any).

2. Double-click the left or right button of the PS/2 computer mouse.

3. Use the programmed key or keyboard command.

4. Apply the signal through the modem over the telephone line.

5. Use the Magic Packet software package, as well as the local interface board

computer network (LAN) and special LAN software.

6. Activate the interval timer on signals.

7. Set up the automatic switching on of the PC in the event of a power failure.

ACPI technology allows you to automate the process of allocating system resources using the operating system and selecting PMS power management states. In order to transition various PC devices from one power mode to another, ACPI has a special place in the concept of functional readiness or shutdown states of devices that are directly related to power consumption levels and energy savings.

To access PMS features, select the command Propertiescontext menu desktop. In the dialog box Properties:Screen select tab Screensaver and click on the button Food. In the dialog box Properties:Power supply select tab Power plans. From the section menu Power plans select an available control scheme. In the settings menu, set the period of inactivity of the display and hard drives, after which the computer turns them off. Adjust standby and hibernation settings. In the ACPI standard, computer power is controlled by setting states, or power modes.

The motherboard and hard drives go into low power mode, which can affect the performance of the power supply, for which a reduction in load rating may not be sufficient. This problem may be relevant for a computer that uses a very powerful power supply and equipment that consumes little power. Due to the possibility of this load mode, the PC power supply must support the minimum load currents on the DC power lines? 12V1,? 12V2,? 5V,? 3.3V, -12V and? fees. The absence of a circuit to close the currents through the load will start a power switching cycle, and this, in turn, will activate the system, so power supplies for computers should be selected based not only on the criterion of the maximum allowable power, but also on the minimum load current.

AT modern motherboards a number of companies use a unique energy-efficient solution based on dual drivers control and MOSFETs greatly improved cooling. In addition, the arrangement of components in a larger area speeds up cooling, increasing the reliability and stability of the board. The dual control driver and MOSFET solution provides two power supply circuits processor with two complete conversion stages. This provides a significant better load current distribution by phases, as a result of which the processor always receives the required supply voltage, increased performance and excellent overclocking potential without any delay. Digital Power System DIGI+ is a new standard in power management of key system components. The unique ASUS Dual Intelligent Processors technology uses two special chips: energy processor Energy Processing Unit (EPU) and overclocking - TurboV Processing Unit (TPU) to effectively manage the power consumption and performance of the entire system. Second generation technologies Dual Intelligent Processors uses the DIGI+ processor's all-digital power system to manage the power of key system components. ASUS DIGI+ monitors VRM temperature, providing intelligent power management and load balancing for each power phase for longer electronic component life and improved cooling. TPU - overclocking processor ASUS - it with A special chip installed on the motherboard provides hardware support for system overclocking using Auto Tuning and TurboV functions. Enthusiasts can overclock their system either using a special button or switch on the board, or using the AI ​​Suite II interface. The TPU controller provides fine-tuning of overclocking parameters and advanced system monitoring tools using Auto Tuning and TurboV functions. The Auto Tuning function enables dynamic overclocking to a high but absolutely stable level, and TurboV gives the user infinite freedom in adjusting the parameters of the processor to achieve the desired performance in various situations. Special Energy Processor (EPU) by ASUS automatically detects system load and optimizes system power consumption in real time. This helps reduce fan noise and prolongs the life of your computer components. This world's first energy processor is designed to save energy consumption and is powered by switch on the board or using AI Suite II utilities. It optimizes power consumption by monitoring the load in real time and adjusting the power settings of the board components according to current needs. In addition, the EPU improves the durability of system components and reduces computer noise.

System and Device Power State Transitions. With an ACPI interface, the operating system manages all system and device power state transitions. The operating system turns Low Power Mode on and off based on how much applications are being used. In addition, information comes from user settings entered using the Setup BIOS program. Computer (motherboard) ACPI supports the following basic states:

1. G0 - working state ( Normal), the normal operation of the computer.

2. G1 - sleep state ( Doze). Characterizes the first stage of energy consumption reduction. The current states of the processor and RAM are retained, but the system clock is reduced. From the user's point of view, the computer is already turned off in this state.

3. G2 - deep sleep state ( Standby). Characterizes the second stage of energy consumption reduction. The current states of the processor and the contents of registers, cache memory, RAM, operating mode settings in the chipset, etc. lost. The hard drives and monitor are waiting to be turned on.

4. G3 - disconnecting the computer from the AC mains ( Suspend). Characterizes the third stage of energy consumption reduction. The computer's power is turned off and its operation has completely stopped. You can safely open the computer case for repairs or upgrades. The computer exits G1 faster than G2. Returning from G2 to G0 requires a reboot of the operating system, which is not necessary in the case of a transition from G1 to G0. The power levels for states G0-G3 are inversely related to the wakeup rate.

Within the main group of system power states, there are states of sleep, or standby ( Sleeping States) from S0 to S5:

1. S0 - operating state of the system. Sleep is missing.

2. S1 - sleep state supported by the technology POS(Power_On Suspend). In this state, the computer retains the lowest possible percentage of power, which allows it to quickly return to operating mode. Only the data from the L1 cache is lost, since the processor completely stops the exchange and computation process. The operating system takes care of storing data in RAM.

3. S2 - differs from the S1 state in that the power from the processor is turned off. Almost all the main clock generators stop, but the RAM refresh does not stop.

4. S3 - supported by technology STR(Suspend to RAM). In this state, power is turned off from all systems and subsystems of the computer, with the exception of RAM. The BIOS is responsible for restoring the current state of the memory controller, system memory, and L2 cache. After power is applied, the device discovery process on all buses (enumeration) takes place. In this way, devices with hot plug technology will also be detected.

5. S4 - supported by technology STD(Suspend to Disk). In this state, all systems and subsystems are effectively powered off. However, the current state as well as the RAM image is stored on the hard drives. Recovery from S4, as in the previous case, involves the process of discovering the computer's tires.

6. S5 - the most economical state of completely turning off the computer, which, in fact, is not a sleep state. This state is supported by software shutdown technology soft off. In this case, the contents of memory and register states are not saved. No events ( Wake Events) is unable to wake system components from sleep. To turn on the computer, you will need to press the Power button.

CPU The PC can also be in a "sleep" state (there are processor states from C0 to C3):

1. C0 - working state of the processor. In this state, the processor performs normal computing and exchange functions without restrictions.

2. C1 - the initial state of sleep. In this state, the power consumption of the processor is slightly reduced, which does not give a serious reason for the statement about the introduction of functional restrictions on the execution of programs. The recovery of the processor from this state is carried out so quickly that the operating system is not able to respond to the time delays associated with this process.

3. C2 is an optional (optional) processor state. The processor is set to an even lower power state than in C1. The exit time from state C2 is recorded in a special table FADT and then taken into account by the operating system. In this state, the processor continues to manage the cache.

4. C3 - state of deep sleep. In this state, the processor stops managing the L1 and L2 caches. If the device seizes the bus in Bus Master mode for DMA exchange, the processor is transferred from the state C3 to C2 or C1. In normal DMA mode, with frequent requests to capture the bus, the operating system puts the processor into a sleep state that is less deep than C3.

State C3 offers even more economical power consumption than states C1 and C2. An unfavorable hardware timeout for this state is provided through the ACPI system firmware and operating software, which can use this information to determine when the C2 state should be used instead of the C3 state. In the C3 state, the processor's cache maintains the data storage mode, but ignores any access to it. The operating software provides support for cache connectivity. Deeper Sleep(C4) includes a Deeper Sleep state and an Intel Enhanced Deeper Sleep state.

Intel processors have a group of input contacts, when control signals are applied to them, the processor switches to special states:

The signal at the input STPCLK# causes the processor to switch from the operating mode to the STOP GRANT state (the processor works with suspensions and consumes less power). Upon removal of the signal, the processor returns to the operating mode;

The signal at the SLP# input switches the processor from the STOP GRANT state to the Sleep state (sleep), it consumes even less power, does not select or execute program commands. Upon withdrawal, the processor returns to STOP GRANT mode;

The signal at the DPSLP# input causes the processor to transition from Sleep mode to Deep Sleep mode.

(deep sleep). Upon removal of the signal, the processor returns to sleep mode (Sleep).

The signal at the DPRSTP# input causes the processor to switch from Deep Sleep mode to Deep Sleep mode. When the signal is removed, the processor returns to Deep Sleep mode.

The signal at the DPWR# input is a control signal for powering up the processor's data bus buffers.

One of the main ways to regulate the power consumption of the processor is to alternate its work and non-work cycles. This uses the values Duty Width and duty value. The first of these values ​​determines the time about th cycle, and the second ratio of periods of work and periods of rest. Stopping the processor is carried out by stopping the supply of clock signals.

In Nehalem architecture processors there is a special PCU (Power Control Unit) designed for for monitoring and managing processor power(essentially, a PCU is a whole microcontroller, i.e. a processor within a processor). The PCU, based on sensor and sensor data, can completely shut down individual cores and CPU blocks. With this functionality, Intel engineers were able to introduce Turbo Boost technology into the Core i7. The relative energy efficiency of the Core i7 is due to the low operating voltage (1.20 V) and the placement of a special PCU microcontroller in the processor body, whose functional duties include monitoring and regulating the voltage, current (and temperature) indicators of the cores. In addition, the PCU is able to completely disconnect one or more cores from the power supply. Depending on the situation, when running applications that do not (fully) utilize Nehalem's multitasking capabilities, some of the cores are disabled, and the frequency of the remaining ones rises (while the central processor as a whole does not go beyond its TDP).

For example, in a quad-core Core i7, two or three cores can be completely disabled, and in the second case, the frequency of the remaining single core will be raised even more. Let's take the case of a dual-core processor. Since there is little effect of multi-core in single-threaded applications, the performance of a single core plays a major role here. Therefore, Intel provided for an increase in the frequency of the working core (non-idle core), while the second (idle core) is in one of the idle states C3-C6 (Fig. 1) and its heat dissipation is sharply reduced. This difference is used by the running core and increases its frequency until the processor reaches the TDP boundary level. The main states of the kernel, automatically determined by the processor, are shown in Table. one.

Rice. 1. Core i7 processor power states

Table 1


Thread1 State

Note: 1 If allowed by the conditions, then the state will be C1E.

The meaning of dynamic scaling is that any core can be completely disabled if it is not currently involved in operation (gate transistors - power gates-transistors, in the off mode provide a real power cut).

Since the choice of Turbo mode refers to the level of a single core, various combinational solutions arise with the inclusion (disabling) of one or several cores. Turbo Mode does not affect the overall system stability when overclocking the CPU. In any case, this technology can be easily disabled through the BIOS of the motherboard.

In the processors of the Sandy Bridge family, each of the four cores can be independently switched to the minimum power mode if necessary, the graphics core can also be switched to a very economical mode. The ring bus and L3 cache, due to their distribution among other resources, cannot be disabled, however, the ring bus has a special economical standby mode when it is not loaded, and the traditional technology for disabling unused transistors, already known to us, is used for the L3 cache on previous microarchitectures.

Table FADT(Fixed ACPI Description Table) is designed to coordinate work between the operating system and the BIOS. It contains detailed information about the state of the hardware, links to other sources of information, and records the type of system that prompts a specific power management strategy. In addition to the noted processor states C0 - C3, there are other states, the number and capabilities of which depend on the offers of computer component manufacturers. Thus, about 256 levels can be used, the parameters of which (power consumption and latency (time s e delays) of the wake-up process) are stored in the FADT table, from which the operating system receives all the information it needs to make decisions.

Separate devices PCs can also be switched to one of the possible states for them:

1. D0 - operating state of the device. This state ( Normal) indicates that the device is turned on and maintains the functional readiness of work in the system.

2. D1 - state of waiting for switching on, or standby mode ( Standby). The latency to wake up the device when exiting this state is 5 seconds.

3. D2 - device suspended state ( Suspend). State D2 differs from D1 in that the wake-up latency from this state is 10 seconds. Accordingly, the levels of energy consumption also differ. States D2 and D1 are implemented by reducing the clock frequency, supply voltage, as well as turning off individual device modules.

4. D3 - the state is a complete power off ( Off). This mode has several states, starting from power off from the device, with the exception of the wake-up logic bus, to the complete removal of power supply from all modules of the device.

depending on device type each state D may represent a group of several levels of power states that are enforced by the operating system. By default, the operating system uses only two levels D0 and D3. If there are no requests to the device, it is put into the most economical power state. When accessing the device, it is transferred to the working state.

Devices and certain events that can trigger wake up computer, which is in the suspended or waiting state:

1. Local area network (LAN) S1, S3, S4, S5.

2. Modem plugged into serial port A on the rear panel of I/O ports S1, S3.

3. Signal PME# S1, S3, S4, S5.

4. Computer power button S1, S3, S4, S5.

5. Devices with PS/2 connector S1, S3.

6. Real time clock alarm PRC CMOS RAM S1, S3, S4, S5.

7. USB port S1, S3.

8. WAKE signal# S1, S3, S4, S5.

B about Most of these settings can be enabled/disabled in the Setup BIOS menu.

Technology of instant computer readiness for awakening. PC Instant Ready technology allows motherboard devices to enter S3 (Suspend to RAM) standby state. While in the S3 state, the computer will appear to be off (power is off and the LED on the front of the case flashes amber if it is dual-color, or off at all if it is single-color). When signaled by a wake-up device or a wake-up event, the system quickly returns to the last state before waiting.

Technology Compliant Expansion CardsPCI Bus Power Management Interface. If your computer uses expansion cards that comply with PCI Bus Power Management Interface technology, they can be used to wake up the computer. If your computer uses PCI 2.3 or PCI Express expansion cards, then the device drivers, BIOS, and operating system must support Instantly Available PC technology, which is also required for ACPI compatibility.

Technologyresuming work by phone call. Phone call resume requires phone devices that access the computer when it is in the ACPI state. Correct operation requires that the modem interrupt address be unmasked. To use this feature, you must enable Setup BIOS menu option Resume on Ring. The method depends on the type of telephone device (external or internal device) and allows you to perform the following actions:

Bring the computer out of states S1 or S3;

Detect incoming call in the same way for external and internal modems.

Wake-up system via USB port. This feature requires an operating system that fully supports ACPI technology. USB bus operation brings the PC out of S1 or S3 states.

System of awakening through the keyboard with the PS/2 interface. Operation of PS/2 devices brings the computer out of S1 or S3 states.

Support wake-up on PME# signal. When the PME# signal appears on the standard PCI bus, the computer exits S1, S3, S4, or S5 states. To use this feature, enable menuSetup BIOS option Wake on PME.

Support for wake-up signals WAKE#. When a WAKE# signal is applied to the PCI Express bus, the computer exits S1, S3, S4, or S5 states.

Technology driver supportIntel Quick Summary (Intel QRTD) . Intel Quick Resume Technology drivers control the power on/off functions of a computer built on Intel Viiv technology and provide the user with the following options:

Quick shutdown of the computer by pressing the Power button;

Quickly turn on the computer by moving the mouse, pressing a key on the keyboard, or pressing the Power button.

Turning off the system of this technology leads to the following:

The video controller stops transmitting a signal to the display;

The sound is turned off;

Power is supplied only to the essential components of the system (such as the processor, RAM, and fans).

The disabled state allows tasks that do not require user input to continue running in the background.

Interoperates with Microsoft Away Mode to provide full ACPI power management and system standby and hibernation.

The recovery time is zero to five seconds (approximately the time it takes for the display to warm up).

Fan connector lines. The fan connector lines have the following features:

Fans run when system is in S0 or S1 state;

The fans are off when the system is off or in state S3, S4, or S5;

Each fan connector is connected to the fan tachometer input of the hardware monitoring and fan control ASIC chip;

All fan headers use closed-loop control to turn the fan on and off as needed;

All fan connectors are connected to the +12 VDC power rail.

GOST provides for 10 nominal modes for electric motors, which are designated as S 1-S 10, their description is given below.

S 1 - continuous operation of the electric motor , is characterized by the operation of the electric motor at a constant load (P) and losses (P V) for a long time, until all parts of the machine reach a constant temperature (Ɵ max \u003d Ɵ load).

In the above figure, Ɵ 0 is the ambient temperature.

S 2 - short-term operation of the electric motor - this is the operation of the electric motor for a short period of time (Δ t p) at a constant load (P). When working for a certain time (Δ t p), the engine components do not have time to heat up to a steady temperature (Ɵ max), after which the machine is stopped and it cools down to the ambient temperature (exceeding no more than 2 0 C).

S 3 - periodic intermittent operation of the electric motor , is a sequence of identical cycles, in which work occurs at a constant, unchanged load. During this time, the electric motor does not have time to heat up to the maximum temperature and, when stopped, does not cool down to the ambient temperature. Losses that occur when starting the motor are not taken into account (the starting current does not have much effect), that is, they do not heat the machine parts. The duration of the cycle does not exceed ten minutes.

Where Δ t p - engine operation time; Δ t R - downtime, cooling; Ɵ load1 - engine temperature at maximum cooling during the cycle; Ɵ load2 - maximum heating temperature.

The duration of inclusion (PV) characterizes this mode of operation and is found by the formula:

There are normalized PV values: 60%, 40%, 25%, 15%.

The capacities indicated in the catalogs are given for "Continuous duty (S 1)". If the engine operates in other modes, for example, S 2 or S 3, then it will heat up more slowly, which will increase the load for a while. For mode S 2, an increase in load by 50% for a period of time of 10 minutes, 25% - 30 minutes, 10% - 90 minutes is allowed. To operate the mechanism in S 3 mode, it is best to use an asynchronous drive motor with increased slip.

S 1 - S 3 are the main modes of operation, and S 4 - S 10 were introduced to expand the possibilities of the former, and provide a wider range of electric motors for specific tasks.

S 4 - intermittent operation of the electric motor with the influence of starting processes , is represented as a cyclic sequence, in each cycle the engine is started in time (Δ t d), the engine is operated at a constant load during (Δ t p), during these periods the machine does not have time to reach the maximum temperature (settled), and during the pause (Δ t R) does not cool down to the environment.

S 5 - Intermittent operation of the electric motor with electric braking and the influence of starting processes includes the same characteristics of the mode as S 4, with the implementation of the braking of the motor in time (Δ t F).

This mode of operation is typical for the electric drive of elevators.

S 6 - intermittent operation of the motor - sequence of cycles , at which the work takes place during the time (Δ t p) with the load, and the time (Δ t V) is idling. The engine does not heat up to the limit temperature.

S 7 - Intermittent operation of the electric motor with the influence of starting currents and electric braking , a feature is the absence of pauses in work, which ensures 100% switching on frequency. The operation in this mode is described by sequential cycles with a sufficiently long start-up (Δ t d), normal operation at a constant load and engine braking.

. Just like the previous mode, this one does not contain pauses, respectively, PV = 100%. The implementation of this S 8 mode occurs in asynchronous motors when switching pairs of poles. Each successive cycle consists of acceleration time (Δ t d), work (Δ t p) and deceleration (Δ t F), but at different loads, and accordingly at different rotor speeds (n).

. A mode in which the load and speed normally change non-periodically within the allowable operating range. This mode often includes overloads that can significantly exceed the base load. For this type of duty, a permanent load, suitably selected and based on the typical S1 duty, is taken as the base load (see figure below) to determine the overload.

A mode consisting of a limited number of discrete loads (or equivalent loads) and, if possible, speeds, with each load/speed combination maintaining sufficient time for the machine to reach a near thermal steady state (figure below). The minimum load during the working cycle can also have a zero value (idle, rest or no current). For this typical mode, the constant load selected in accordance with the typical mode S1 is taken as the base load for discrete loads. Discrete loads are usually equivalent loads integrated over a certain period of time. It is not necessary that each load cycle exactly repeats the previous one, however, each load within a cycle must be maintained for a sufficient time to reach a thermal steady state, and each load cycle must integrate the same probability relative to the expected thermal life of the machine insulation.

The duration of the operating cycle, the nature of the current load, its magnitude, losses during start-up, braking and during the steady state operation, cooling method - all these parameters describe the operating modes of electric motors. Possible combinations of the above characteristics have a huge variety and therefore the manufacture of engines for each of them is not advisable. According to the most frequently used and demanded types of work, nominal modes were identified, for which serial electric motors are actually manufactured. The parameters of the electric machine, which are indicated in the passport, characterize its operation in one of the nominal modes. The manufacturer guarantees the normal, trouble-free operation of the email. engine in rated mode at rated load. It is necessary to take into account the operating mode of the electric drive when choosing a motor, this will ensure reliable operation of the mechanism.

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