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Remote Administration Tool. Remote Administration Programs - A Hidden Security Threat

Ivanov Sergey

Remote Administration Programs - A Hidden Security Threat

Information today is one of the most important resources in the world, so its security and privacy are given special attention even at the state level. The more valuable and significant the information, the greater the damage from its loss.

The threat to the integrity of information always exists, it can be a simple failure of equipment with the loss of all information or malicious penetration and theft or damage to information by an attacker. In the first case, there are many means of protection to save information, such as regular duplication or archiving of information, while in the second case, things are much more complicated.

There are many ways to infiltrate someone else's computer to gain access to confidential information, and each case has its own means of protecting against these threats.

In this article, I will review the threats posed by remote administration programs, find out the cause and source of threats, and then consider methods of protection against this type of threat.

Remote administration programs

Remote Administration Programs are powerful tools that give you near-total control over a remote computer. If an attacker manages to gain access through such a program, then he will be able to do anything with the information on this computer. The most famous remote administration programs are RDP, VNC, DameWare, TeamViewer, Remote Office Manager, Hamachi, etc. All these programs provide the ability to remotely control the computer desktop, the ability to copy or delete files, and much more, which is very convenient for system administration. In principle, the remote administration program is an ideal "trojan" for an attacker, the only question is in whose hands the remote control will be. Of course, not one system administrator will voluntarily open access to a computer through such a program. Where does the threat come from then? How can an attacker gain illegal remote access to a computer?

Source of danger

The threat comes from people who want to remotely access a specific computer. To do this, they want to use the remote administration program. Of course, if a remote administration program is installed on a computer and a simple access password is set, for example, 111111 or 123456, without any security settings, then anyone can get into such a computer, you just have to want to. In practice, this rarely happens, in serious organizations they approach information protection and security with special attention, set complex passwords, additional information protection tools, antiviruses and firewalls.

But even with such a serious approach, you still will not be completely safe! The most serious danger is posed by former employees who, for some reason, want to penetrate the internal network of the enterprise and harm or steal confidential data. Who knows what a dismissed employee might have in mind? What resentment has settled in him, and who does he want to annoy ...

Former employees are the most dangerous because they already know the password to access the computer through the remote administration program, and it will not be difficult to connect remotely. Even if the information is encrypted, full access will provide an opportunity to simply corrupt it, or decrypt it, stealing the access password to it.

Let's consider this problem and its solutions, using the example of the most common remote administration program, although other similar programs are also susceptible to this threat of a name that I will not mention.

What is the complexity of the problem

The fact is that in a large company, under the control of the IT department, there are up to a hundred machines, or even more, each of these computers has a program that provides remote access. When there is a change of staff in the staff of the IT department, it is necessary to change the access password on all machines through this program, since in order to work through the remote administration program, you need to know the access password, and enter it each time you connect.

It is possible to set a varied, complex password on a hundred machines, but no one does this, because the system administrator himself can get confused and forget it. Therefore, in most cases, either the same or a monotonous complex password is set, for example: SHOP01, SHOP02, etc. Sometimes the keyboard layout changes when typing, i.e. the password “flvbybcnhfnjh” is typed, which corresponds to “administrator”, instead of the word administrator, the name of the company or the surname of the director is used. All this makes it possible for a former employee to pick up a password and connect to some company computer on the Internet, where he can already steal or corrupt information, and it is possible to use the received computer as a platform for infiltrating other computers.
Of course, remote administration programs provide their own protection tools, such as IP filtering, NT authorization, password guessing protection. It is not always possible to use IP filtering on a computer, since it can be accessed by an employee from a computer that has a dynamic IP or from another region when he is on vacation. Windows NT security authorization is not often used in practice, because it also requires knowledge of the username on the remote computer and its password, and loses its power against an attacker who already knows the access password.

So, the essence of the problem is that the attacker already knows the password for accessing the computer, or can quickly pick it up.

How can you protect yourself?

Solutions to the problem

The first thing that comes to mind is changing the access passwords on all computers when one of the employees leaves. But it is simply impossible to perform such an operation every time on hundreds of machines; in fact, not a single system administrator will do this. Even if you change the password on all computers, then after that you need to inform all interested parties about the new passwords, this will cause great inconvenience, although it will solve our problem.

The second way is to change the approach to the remote control tool itself. Employees working through the remote management program are not provided with a clear password. One way or another, many programs require an open password, so you can use additional developments or another remote administration program. A good solution in this situation is the Remote Office Manager program ( Remote Office Manager is a remote administration program that provides almost all the basic remote administration features, but with the ability to save a password for accessing a remote computer. That is, we can set any passwords on hundreds of computers that only one person will know, the rest of the employees will be able to remotely connect and work without knowing the access password. Thus, an employee who quits will not know the passwords for accessing remote computers and will not be able to use them to penetrate. Unfortunately, in this case there is one very unpleasant moment, the fact is that most programs provide the ability to export the address book with all the settings as a file and then load it on another computer. In order to completely eliminate the possibility of penetration, it is necessary as a preventive measure to regularly change the main access passwords, especially since it will not be difficult to do this with the password save function.

Summing up

In my practice, there were many cases when former employees, using a remote administration program, penetrated the computers of their organization and made a real house. Moreover, it can be any employee who knows the password for remote access, even if he worked for a couple of months in the sales department and has nothing to do with system administration. It is better to prevent the latent threat coming from remote administration programs and quit employees in advance. I just described the problem and gave an example of its solution, perhaps it will not affect you, or you will find another way to solve it that is more suitable for you.


Protecting confidentiality and maintaining the integrity of information is a priority for the IT department and its management, so you should pay attention to the hidden threat posed by remote administration programs and take measures in advance to prevent possible danger, as they say "God saves the safe."

Hello to all readers of the site site! Please advise computer remote control software. I want to manage a computer at work from home or manage a home computer from work. Still sometimes there is a desire to help friends in solving computer problems remotely, for example, without leaving home, install an antivirus program for a friend (who lives on the other side of the city), set up Skype, remove a virus, and so on. It is desirable that the program be free, and it was not necessary to register anywhere, that is, download, run and work. Sergey.

Program for remote control of a computer

Hello, friends! Without a doubt, such programs are free, and TeamViewer, today's article is about the latter, it is free for personal use, works without installation, you can wear it on a USB flash drive, and register if you wish, now see for yourself everything.
I will give you two instructions.
1) How to use the TeamViewer program quickly and without registration.

2) In the second part of the article, we will consider what registration in the TeamViewer program will give us. Registration in the program will help us connect to a remote computer from anywhere and we won't even need a partner.

The TeamViewer program is so easy to use that all my friends, even very far from computer affairs, also got used to using it. When, for example, something does not work properly in their operating system, they immediately launch a “blue program with arrows” and call me. They say come on, help, your program has already been launched, the ID is such and such, the password is such and such.

There was such an interesting case in my life. A friend of mine asked me to install several free programs on his laptop with Windows 7, he himself was in another country at that time, using computer remote control software TeamViewer has come true. Any experienced user can give you hundreds of similar cases when, using TeamViewer, he helped his friends fix some kind of problem in the operating system. So it's your turn to get acquainted with this program, if you are not already familiar.

We go to the program website and click "Free full version"

The program installer is downloaded to our computer,

Let's launch it. We mark the item "Run only" and "Personal / non-commercial use". Accept - run.

Pay attention to the main window of the program. TeamViewer assigned our computer an ID number and a password. If you tell them to your partner, he can easily connect to your computer.

How will he do it? Yes, very easy! On the remote computer, you need to do the same, namely, launch the TeamViewer program and check the items "Run only" and Personal / non-commercial use. Accept - run.

The TeamViewer program will also start on the remote computer with its own ID and password.
Then your partner will enter your identification number ID - 394032155 and click on the button Connect to partner,

The Password field will appear immediately. Your partner enters the password 2917 and clicks Login.

That's all, your partner has connected to your computer and sees your desktop, he can work in the same way as at his desktop. In exactly the same way, you can also get to your partner's computer. Enter his ID and password in the program, and help your friend remotely.

What gives registration in the TeamViewer program and how to set up uncontrolled access

If you register in the TeamViewer program, it will be much more convenient for you to use the program. You will have your own account (permanent ID and password) and with it you can very easily set up permanent access to the computers you need. For example, from your home you can go to your work computer, and from your work computer to your home computer, for this you need to simply turn on the computer. There is no need to launch TeamViewer on a remote computer, after installing the program, the TeamViewer service will constantly work in the operating system.
Install the TeamViewer program, for example, on a home desktop computer. We launch the installer. When installing, select "Install so I can remotely control this computer later" and "Personal/non-commercial use". Check "Show advanced settings". Accept - next.


The one I installed (a cool program, I recommend it) signaled that the TeamViewer service went into autoload.

Set up uncontrolled access.

We enter the invented Computer Name (account) and password. Further.

Create a TeamViewer account for free. Enter your name, email and password. Further.


We go to our mailbox, find a letter from TeamViewer and confirm our account, click on the link.

Now, when you start the TeamViewer program, this computer will have a permanent ID and password for the account.

Let's say this is our home computer. You can connect to it like this. On any other computer (for example, we have a laptop and it is at work), we launch TeamViewer, and simply check the items “Run only” and Personal / non-commercial use. Accept - complete. Enter the ID code. As you can see, the program keeps a log, so just select our account and click "Connect to partner",

Enter account password

And we can control the home computer.
In the same way, you can manage your work computer from home.

Work processes in a modern office do not stop for a minute. Requirements for data processing and output force local networks to work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. And of course, not a single person can withstand such a schedule. The tasks that modern computer systems and networks solve are enough to dismiss failures and breakdowns. Therefore, developers back in the early 90s of the last century came up with tools for remote control of processes on a local network and on specific computers. The administrator does not have to be in the office day and night, in order to diagnose and monitor the network, it is enough to have access to it from a home computer. This is how the term remote administration appeared, which is now widely used by our company in ensuring the operation of customer networks.

Remote administration tools are divided into two categories - hardware and software. Already based on the name, it becomes clear that the first remote administration tools are equipment with which you can manage a remote server or computer. These devices include the most common KVM switches that have Internet controllers and allow the administrator to remotely enter the local network via the Internet. Or combined external remote control boards, with the help of which full system administration is carried out with the ability to control via the same Internet or via FTP protocol. The meaning of hardware management is physical intervention in regulating failed processes, up to reinstalling operating systems on a computer or server. The second group, which allows remote administration of computers, includes specialized software, with its help, remote diagnostics and network management are carried out.

We have already noted that remote administration via the Internet is most often used, such opportunities are already provided in the server operating systems themselves, such as, for example, windows server and the like. In fact, today there is a huge variety of software that allows you to perform the functions of remote administration of local networks. As a specific job, remote administration performed by our company is included in the package of subscriber services for office local area networks.

How does the remote administration system work? Our specialist, having launched a special software environment, goes to the server of the client's company and tests the equipment of the local network. Noticing the presence of errors or failed processes in the reports, he immediately, using hardware control, corrects the situation or reports information about the error to the duty team for immediate departure and fixing the problem directly at the client's office. Thus, it is possible to prevent a failure or even shutdown of the system at an early stage, which undoubtedly saves running processes from destruction and saves the "life" of the local network.

Remote system administration is widely used by us to perform specific tasks set by the client, such as, for example, monitoring production discipline and compliance with the work schedule at the enterprise and, which is very important, to ensure the information security of partners. Timely detection of malicious processes caused by outside interference, or omissions of anti-virus software, is also possible in the process of remote administration of the local network.

A separate option of the services provided by our company is the administration of the web server.

Thus, thanks to the possibility of remote administration of the local network, we manage to influence a number of negative factors that can cause damage to the client's enterprise. By concluding an agreement with our company for remote administration of the office local network, you thereby secure your IT park from sudden failures and other unpleasant problems. The terms and price of the issue are reflected on our website, in addition, you can clarify the nuances you are interested in with the customer service manager by calling the contact number provided there. Remote administration is a modern and complete scheme for monitoring the quality of your local network and the equipment installed in it.

In combination with scheduled routine maintenance of the computer park, you will receive a very effective tool for influencing the situation on the network, close to 100%. We provide support for networks running on a wide variety of hardware and operating systems. The specialists of our company are competent in all matters related to remote administration and protection of networks. In addition, we will help you select and install equipment and software, if necessary, for example, when expanding the technopark, develop options for arranging several remote workplaces. An integrated approach to working in the IT field allows us to offer our clients a full cycle of IT services - from installing equipment and organizing local networks to painstakingly monitoring the continuity of their work. Importantly, we use a very flexible pricing system and a large list of discounts and bonuses for our customers. An individual approach allows us to analyze your needs and offer the most effective scheme of interaction and provision of our services.

At the present time building a local grid in the office or at the enterprise - a necessary event that allows the team to function as a single organism.

Our experts in multitasking will perfectly cope with any emerging problems. They will timely and reliably, without interfering with the work of the office, carry out a set of measures to maintain the technopark in a normal working condition. Quality assurance is our business card in the world of IT technologies. And we achieve success only thanks to the successful work and prosperity of our clients.

Remote administration programs

At the moment, a large variety of software has been created in the IT space for the remote administration of local networks and computers. Such programs are provided by developers of service software for server stations, for example, the well-known Remote Desktop (remote desktop control) program for remote administration of computers from Microsoft. The most popular among specialists are such programs as: Anyplace Control, VNC Personal Edition, Radmin, Hamachi - a free program for remote administration. It is unlikely that any of the system administrators will undertake to argue that this or that program is the best remote administration program. This would be unfair to other developers. All of them strive to make the most effective product. The solution for obtaining remote access via the Internet, in our opinion, lies in a combination of a virtual network (VPN) and remote administration utilities. A virtual network, for example, is very easy to create using the free Hamachi program. Wireless Internet has opened up additional opportunities for remote administration and control over the local network as a whole. Powerful wireless controllers can create up to 100 network access points. For such schemes, special software applications are also being prepared today.

Remote administration in a WINDOWS environment

The lion's share of server software in Russia is occupied by Microsoft with the windows server product. Windows Remote Administration will allow IT administrators to manage roles and features from a remote computer, monitor and update the operating system, and test hardware. It is necessary to set up remote administration of Windows 7 already at the stage of including a computer unit in a local network managed by the Windows server package. On Windows Server 2008, remote administration is performed using Server Manager. It allows you to support three main scenarios: server-server, server-server core, client-server. Server Manager's remote management capabilities are provided by Windows PowerShell technology. Using the manager, administrators get the ability to configure the server and manage system information, receive information about the current state of the server, detect failures in configuring server roles, and maintain the system in real time. In addition, security features are traditionally enhanced in Windows server, which allows you to pay special attention to information protection.

Remote administration over LAN

Carrying out remote network administration on the Windows server platform, today it allows you to control the local networks of remote offices. In the implementation of this model, scenarios are thought out in advance with the possibility of the least use of Internet communication channels due to their weak bandwidth. Particular attention is paid to the security of branch servers. The system provides IT professionals with the ability to perform remote administration on the local network, using more flexible options to meet the specific needs of organizations. The developers have implemented a number of tools that have simplified the process of remote administration. The changes affected the Active Directory directory service, which implements read-only domain controller mode, BitLocker encryption, role differentiation, and installation of server core components.

The main benefits for branch offices implemented in Windows Server 2008 are due to increased efficiency of server administration in remote offices, reduced vulnerability, and fine-tuning of the channel bandwidth for Internet connections.

Remote administration of servers

Windows Server 2008 gives IT professionals the tools they need to remotely administer a server or group of servers from a central location. Here is a new version of the Server Manager Console that greatly simplifies the task of managing and securing many server roles. The console allows you to configure the server and manage system information, obtain information about the current state of the server, detect problems in configuring server roles, and manage all the roles installed on the server. The Server Manager Wizard greatly simplifies server deployment tasks while reducing the overall process time compared to previous versions of the Windows Server OS. Most common configuration tasks, such as configuring or removing server roles, defining multiple roles and their services, are completed in a single session using the Manage Server Wizard. Remote Server Administration Tools make extensive use of the Windows PowerShel environment.l Administrators automate frequently performed tasks, which greatly reduces the process of analyzing and processing information.

Remote administration of Linux and Ubuntu

Remote administration functions are also implemented in other operating systems. So we carry out remote administration of Linux using OpenSSH tools. This is a whole set of programs that allows you to implement remote administration. To further configure the network and system services in this operating environment, a number of programs are used, such as YaST or Nomad, which provides access to the remote desktop (analogue of Remote Desktop). Remote administration of Ubuntu is carried out thanks to a specially developed set of Ubuntu Server. It uses the popular OpenSSH applications, as well as the cross-platform Puppet framework, the Linux small business server Zentyal, which can be configured as a communication server, just like Linux.

In addition to the above models of remote maintenance of servers and local networks, we use multi-system solutions in our work. Due to the fact that most remote administration software solutions are also designed to work in different environments, we can choose an individual and relevant administration scheme for your office.

Ever since my work as a laboratory assistant in the information center, I have learned one important truth: the less you work, the better you work. Any human activity can be improved and even the most hated work can be made enjoyable. Imagine for a moment that you have one computer lab at your disposal. Its maintenance takes relatively little time. All the problems that have arisen can be eliminated on the spot simply by going to the appropriate computer.

But one fine day, the state of technology increases dramatically from the already familiar fifteen PCs in your class to hundreds of computers scattered across several buildings. And now everyone, the newly minted owner of a miracle box under his desk, is calling with the question “how to align the tablet in Excel?”. After talking with such an individual for a couple of minutes and realizing that you need help, you trudge up the stairs to the poor man's office. Most likely, the first time there will be waiting not only for a sign that has moved out on the monitor screen, but also for a kilo of gingerbread with an invigorating mug of tea. But soon the gingerbread will not be able to sweeten the constant running around, and the calls will cause an involuntary sigh. In such a situation, there are only two options. Find a person who will run for you or come up with a way to deal with the egregious computer illiteracy of employees, while remaining within the walls of their office.

Download Radmin Server and Viewer

Remote Administrator is one of the remote PC administration programs. Such softins work on the already familiar client-server technology. The product is Russian-made and is distributed conditionally free of charge. That is, we have the opportunity to download the full version without limiting functionality, which will work for 30 days. Then it should be purchased. You can also use torrents. In their open spaces, a repack from Alker will definitely come across, it works as stably as the licensed version. And I, perhaps, within the framework of this material, will use the official trial version.

Step 1. To get started, go to the site and click the big green button "Download 30-day trial".

Step 2 Then on the page that opens, click "Download Server + Viewer" in one archive.

Step 3 After the download is complete, the installation files from the archive will be unpacked into a separate folder for convenience.

Installing and configuring Radmin Server

First, let's deal with the server part of the program. It is its installation on client PCs that allows us to manage them remotely.

Step 1. On the computer we are going to manage, run the rserv35ru.msi file and click "Next" in the first installation window.

Step 2 We carefully read the license agreement, accept it and click "Next".

Step 3 And finally, the cherished "Install" button. Click on it and wait for the installation process to complete. During this process, the screen may flicker intermittently. Do not be afraid, this is normal, drivers for video capture are just being installed.

Step 4 After the installation is completed, we will not uncheck the box "Configure user access rights". Click "Finish" and go directly to the program settings.

Step 5 In the new window, select "Startup mode" and set the value to "Automatic". This is necessary so that the program starts itself, at the moment the operating system is turned on.

Step 6 Then go to "Settings" and in the first tab "General settings" do not change anything. We just remember the port that is set by the program by default. We'll need it soon.

Step 7 In the "Miscellaneous" tab, check the box "Load Mirror Driver at startup". This is necessary so that the screen of the remote computer does not blink every time we connect and the user does not know about our presence. A very useful feature for those who like to watch employees and do not want unnecessary suspicions on their part.

Step 8 Finished with the settings. Now let's move on to changing permissions. To do this, in the main menu, click "Permissions" and repeat the command in the window that opens.

Step 9 Until users are created, you cannot connect to this computer. In order to create users, click "Add" and enter the name under which we will log into the computer. As an example, I'll create an "admin" user.

Step 10 Now we need to give our user certain rights. And since this is an admin, we will give him full access to the remote computer. Click "OK" in this and the next window.

Step 11 If you purchased the program from the developers or downloaded it from a torrent, then it will have another interesting feature. Namely, the "Advanced" button, which allows you to configure the hiding of the tray icon. When there is no tray icon, the user may not even know that this product is installed on the computer.

Step 12 This was the last step in configuring Radmin Server. Now we will restart the computer for our settings to take effect. After the reboot, go to "START-Control Panel-Network and Sharing Center-Change adapter settings" and right-click on the adapter with which the network connection is made. In the drop-down list, click on the "Status" item.

Step 13 In the next window, click "Details" and look at the IP address of the computer. It will come in handy for us to enter this PC using Radmin. But only if this IP is permanently assigned to this computer, otherwise it is better to look at the DNS name.

Step 14 To view the name of the computer, let's go to "Start" and right-click on the shortcut "Computer". In the window that opens, in the line "Full name" we see the name of our PC.

Excellent. Let's recap the information we'll need shortly:

  • Port for connecting to a remote computer: 4899
  • Computer IP address:
  • Computer DNS name: win7

All these data, except for the port, will be different from mine. We have finished manipulations with the remote machine. Let's start setting up the client part of the program (Radmin Viewer).

If Radmin Server is to be installed on remote computers to which you are going to connect, Radmin Viewer, on the contrary, is installed on your computer. It allows you to connect to all computers on your network that have the application's server module installed and configured. Let's not waste time. Let's proceed with the installation.


Step 1. On the administrator's computer from which connections will be made, run the rview35ru.msi file and click "Next" in the first installation window.

Step 2 We accept the license agreement and click "Next". In the next window, select "Install the application for all users of this computer."

Step 3 Click "Install" and wait for the installation of Radmin Viewer to complete.

Step 4 Good. Now we need to make sure that our computer is on the same subnet as the remote PC. To do this, go to the already familiar path "Start - Control Panel - Network and Sharing Center - Change adapter settings" and right-click on the adapter. In the drop-down list, click on "Status-Details" and look at the IP address. The third digit of our and the remote computer must match, this is the subnet number. If everything is correct, then we move on.

Connecting in Control mode

In this mode, all your mouse and keyboard manipulations are transferred to the remote computer. You get the ability to remotely control your desktop as if it were right in front of you.

Step 1. Go to "Start" and launch "Radmin Viewer 3". In the main window of the program, click "Connect - Connect to ...".

Step 2 In the line "IP address or DNS name" enter the IP address of the remote computer (in my case and by clicking "OK" we will try to connect to the computer in the "Management" mode.

Step 3 In the window that appears, enter the username and password (those that were set on the remote station). And with bated breath, click on "OK".

Step 4 The next moment we get access to the desktop of the remote computer. We can perform any actions on it using the mouse and keyboard.

Connecting in View mode

In this mode, you can observe all user actions, but not interfere with the work process. Personally, I often use this mode. He excelled in the educational process. When students work on their computers, they often have various questions. In order not to run to each of them, I simply open five Radmin windows on my laptop at the same time and move between them and give advice on how to complete the task.

Step 1. In the main window of the program, click on the already beloved tab "Connection-Connect with ...".

Step 2 Enter the usual username and password combination.

Step 3 And we see the screen of the remote computer. But remember that this mode allows us only to look, but not to touch.

Connecting in File Transfer Mode

This mode is convenient because by connecting to a remote computer you get the opportunity to download any file from it or transfer your own. In this case, the user will not even feel any manipulation on your part. Another interesting feature is that files can be downloaded from any folders, not just public ones. After all, we get access to all PC disks (except network unfortunately).

Create an address book

The Radmin address book allows us to save the computers we connect to in a convenient format. Connections can be distributed into convenient folders based on the structural divisions of the organization. We will not dwell on the address book in more detail. Let me just say that after you have created all the necessary connections and distributed them in the folder tree (on the left in the main window of Radmin Viewer). We need to export our settings to a separate file that we can open on any computer with Radmin Viewer.

Step 1. Click "Service-Export Address Book ...".

Step 2Give the file a name and select its location.

Step 3 We drop the file on a USB flash drive and run Radmin Viewer on another computer. Open "Service-Import Address Book ...".

Step 4 We select the address book and in a second we see that all our computers created earlier have loaded. By the way, one more trick, if you click on the “Scanning servers in the current folder” icon of the same name (or the hot key F5), then on those PCs that are now turned on, a check mark will appear indicating that the connection is ready.

A spoon of tar

Of the shortcomings noticed during the operation of this product, only three main ones can be distinguished. Although they are more likely not shortcomings, but rather wishes for developers to improve the program:

  • When connected, the Aero style is reset to classic, which immediately tells an experienced user that someone is following him (decided by forcing the classic Windows theme);
  • There is no way to block the keyboard and mouse on a remote computer (and sometimes you really want to catch a student or employee on something curious);
  • Unfortunately, the program is only available for Windows.

Let's summarize. Radmin is great for managing computers remotely. The program is successfully used both to help employees and to modernize the educational process. It is also very convenient to administer the server with its help. After all, if a remote access program is installed on the server, then there is no need for a standard monitor. As part of this article, it was originally planned to talk about how to configure Radmin to connect to the Internet. Namely, to do this through port forwarding on the router. But then it was decided to make a separate article on this topic. So wait friends.

For those who are interested in improving their professional skills, I recommend taking a free online test on the developers' website. This will allow you to get a certificate of a specialist in working with the Radmin software product, which can be printed out and hung in a beautiful frame above the table.

Denis Kurets was with you and the release of the information technology blog. Subscribe to updates. Write your comments and wishes. And may your path of knowledge be fast and successful!



Today, almost every device has access to the global network. It is very convenient and opens up huge opportunities that some do not even know about. Professionals use many of the features of operating systems and software, but the average user may not be aware that they can control their home computer from a distance.

A feature such as remote access will be useful to everyone. Wherever you are: on the road or at work, at home or on a trip, you can always connect to the necessary computer. This function may be needed in a thousand cases, here are some of them:

  • If necessary, connect to your home computer while at work to send forgotten documents to yourself or vice versa;
  • Helping a friend with a non-working program or setting it up;
  • Connecting to use a remote machine. Often necessary when there is a need to work under different operating systems;
  • Serving a large local network, connecting to client computers to update or install software;
  • Connecting to the server to make changes to the settings;
  • Using the software, connecting to any fragment of multi-rank networks or organizing access to files via the Internet;
  • Holding conferences and presentations.

As you can see, there are many solutions and opportunities that remote access to a computer opens up. Among the unnamed little things, you can still add the functions of taking pictures of the screen or rebooting and shutting down the computer from a distance.

How to organize remote computer control

To do this, you need to prepare the system in advance. The fact is that this service is disabled by default for security reasons and because most users do not use it. Depending on the purpose for which you need remote access to a computer, there are several options to configure it:

  • By installing a specialized program AeroAdmin, Radmin or Team Viewer;
  • Standard means of OS Windows (remote access service).

In order to organize remote control of a computer, you need to understand that two systems are needed to connect. One of them must be configured as a server, and the second one must have a client program or service running to organize the connection.

Remote Access with AeroAdmin

Main functions of AeroAdmin:

  • Connects to computers behind NAT
  • Built-in support messages
  • File transfer
  • Voice chat
  • contact book
  • Uncontrolled access
  • Total AES + RSA encryption
  • Two-factor authentication.
  • Unlimited parallel sessions

Connection is possible by a unique computer ID (in this case, it does not matter if the computers are on the same local network or different ones), or directly by IP address.

AeroAdmin provides 2-factor authentication. In addition to the manual acceptance mode, incoming connections can be accepted by ID and password, which is a big plus for security. AeroAdmin also blocks attempts to guess a password or computer ID.

AeroAdmin is ideal for spontaneous and regular support cases, as it allows you to connect with a minimum number of steps. It is very similar in functionality and appearance to Team Viewer, but it is completely free for both corporate users and individuals. persons in the starting function.

Remote access to a computer using standard Windows tools

In order to be able to connect to a computer running the Windows operating system, you must perform the following steps:

  • First you need to check if the service required for the remote connection function is enabled. To do this, go to the "Start" menu and select "Control Panel". In the panel that opens, look for the item "Administration", and in it "Services".

Find "Remote Desktop Services" in the list.

This service must be set to Enabled or Automatic. If the status is "Disabled", you need to go to the service settings and change the status. After that, you should restart your computer and proceed to the next step.

  • After making sure that the service is running and there are no problems with the server, you need to allow remote connection in the settings. To do this, open the "Control Panel" again and look for the "System" setting in it.

In the menu on the right, you need to find the item "Remote access settings".

Now you should select one of the items shown in the figure below.

The choice depends on the version of the operating system with which you are going to connect to your computer. If you are unsure, or the version is below 7th, be sure to choose the 1st option. However, for security reasons, it is recommended to use the second one.

  • It is very important not to forget to assign users who are allowed to remotely control the computer. The administrator has this right by default. But you need to remember that remote access is allowed only to users with a password. If a password is not set, the Windows operating system will not allow the connection.

That's all! The system is configured and ready to grant access to the remote user.

To connect from another computer to a pre-prepared server, you do not need to install anything. To connect, the service described in Point 1 must only be started. The client program for organizing the connection is in os windows by default.

To start it, you need to open the "Start" menu, select "All Programs" and find "Accessories" among them. From the standard programs, select the one we need: "Remote Desktop Connection".

Now we have a client program ready for connection. It has a lot of settings. With the help of them, you can adjust the quality of the display on your screen: degrading it when the signal is poor, as well as to save traffic, or vice versa, improving it to get a brighter and clearer picture.

The main thing you need to connect is to enter the "Computer name" or its ip-address, as well as identification data. If the network address and username were entered correctly, then the next step will be authorization on the remote computer (entering the connection password for the selected username).

Remote control of a computer using Team Viewer

Team Viewer is a specialized program for organizing remote access networks. Of its advantages among analogues, including Windows tools, it is worth noting the ability of the software to connect to absolutely any network behind any protections and firewalls. Some administrators of large networks block the ability to install Team Viewer due to its capabilities.

For this program to work, you need to install on both sides. That is, a client program on one computer and a server program on another. What is especially interesting is that the software can be used absolutely free of charge for personal and home use.

In order to be able to connect remotely, you need to do the following:

  • Download the server and client from the official site.

  • Installing the program is simple and intuitive. But to use it, you need to register. Registration is non-binding. But in this way, the Team Viewer team will record the number of connections and the frequency of using the program in order to be able to block you if you violate the license agreement and use the software for commercial purposes.

After installing the server, you need to configure it. There are many connection settings:

  • Ability to limit connection speed;
  • Selection of used ports and Team Viewer servers;
  • The ability to hide the program or close its reconfiguration with a password;
  • Choice of graphic and sound parameters;
  • And the most important thing is to enter a username and password.

To connect via Team Viewer, there is no need to have a dedicated ip address, as is the case with standard Windows tools, because the connection is made using a special code that the server generates. This is very convenient, especially for those who do not have a static or white address. In addition to this code, you will need a password, which is also generated.

Among the advantages of the program it is worth noting:

  • The ability to connect to the server from absolutely any device using a client for Android, Mac and Linux;
  • Establishing a secure connection from anywhere in the world without installing a client using a regular Web browser;
  • Excellent speed without any brakes at any distance, thanks to intermediate servers;
  • High functionality, including the organization of a secure vpn tunnel.

Remote access to a computer using Radmin

The Radmin program is a kind of simplified analogue of Team Viewer. It is easy to set up and manage. According to the developers, a program that provides remote access to a computer should not contain anything superfluous. Its installation is simple and accessible to every user. It is provided as a demo version for 30 days, after which it requires registration.

Radmin among similar programs is characterized by high speed and low requirements. In the background, it is almost invisible and does not display any extra messages when connected. To monitor a remote screen, this is perhaps the best software that has no analogues.

In addition, I would like to note the level of security. By remotely managing your computer with Radmin, you don't have to worry about problems with unauthorized connections.

Also, speaking about the advantages of software, do not forget about stability. Both server and client software can work 24 hours a day without failures and problems.


Remote access to a computer is a great way to work with clients and servers, and everyone can choose the connection method that suits them best to achieve their goals. Any of them is useful for its functionality and will be indispensable for both work and home use.

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