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ICT tools ICT tools and their classification What does ICT mean?

Anastasia Sergeevna Chulkova

Stakhanov GBOU LPR "Stakhanovskaya

specialized school I - III steps

9 im. A. Stakhanova

Application of information and communication technologies in education

Annotation: This work is a description of information and communication technologies (ICT) used in education. The tasks that can be solved through the introduction of ICT into the educational process are outlined. Based on the popularization of this type of technology in training, the advantages and disadvantages of obtaining the necessary knowledge are given.

Keywords: Information, information and communication technologies, computerization, World Wide Web, electronic resources.

Every year modern society develops and progresses in almost all sectors of our life. Thus, provoking the emergence of a huge amount of information that cannot be stored only in your head or written down “by hand” on paper. Information is a certain amount of knowledge that people pass on from generation to generation, to each other, updating, processing and supplementing. It is impossible to imagine a modern person who would not strive to replenish his knowledge and improve what he already has. Nowadays there are a lot of sources for obtaining information and, first of all, the main source, as well as accessible and, perhaps, irreplaceable, today is the Internet. The World Wide Web covers the global space, and computer technologies, which have the strongest influence in our time, make it possible to provide information support to absolutely everyone.

Where does knowledge begin? Of course, from education. As the proverb says: “Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness.” To be educated is to live a full life, it is to be a self-confident, versatile person, and also to be useful to society. Thanks to the development of computerization and the emergence of new technology, information and knowledge have become available to everyone. Accessibility is the main indicator by which we simply must be educated, replenish our “treasury” of knowledge and keep up with the times.

The introduction of the latest technologies, informatization and computerization are currently an integral part of education and the educational process as a whole. Thus, “education” and “information and communication technologies” become one level in acquiring knowledge.

Information and communication technologies (ICT) in education are methods and techniques for collecting, transmitting and storing information, as well as interaction between teacher and student, both forward and backward in the system of the modern educational process.

Each teacher must have at least the simplest skills in the field of ICT and be able to apply them in practice, and in the future strive to master all kinds of knowledge in the use of information and communication technologies in their professional activities.

An important device in the use of ICT is a computer, on which all the necessary software and related equipment must be installed: projector, multimedia board, speakers, etc.

Such equipment allows you to visually provide information and more accessiblely convey to the masses with the help of: presentations, slide shows, tables, video and audio recordings the necessary material, which, with visual perception, will be absorbed much faster and in a larger volume. Using a multimedia board will make the lesson more interesting and colorful, and as we know, the child’s brain perceives information better if it is presented in an entertaining form, so the proposed material will be perceived with ease and will be better remembered.

The educational process should be structured in such a way that information and communication technologies complement, and do not replace, communication and acquisition of new knowledge in the “teacher-student-teacher” chain.

With the development of computerization, education has reached a new level. This involves obtaining information from various sources, from anywhere in the world. Easy access to electronic resources (libraries, storage facilities, archives, databases, etc.) allows you to gain knowledge just by having an Internet connection. The World Wide Web also allows you to use other widespread ICT technologies, such as online lessons, tests, Olympiads, courses, conferences, consultations and much more.

Information and communication technologies are an indispensable assistant for distance learning (interaction between teacher and student at a distance, maintaining all the necessary components of the educational process). Online or via email, information is exchanged and there is a continuous learning process.

Electronic educational publications are a powerful source of knowledge. They are distributed on the global network, and are also stored and transmitted on removable media. An individual approach to such material gives a deep understanding and perception of independently studied material and testing of one’s knowledge.

Thus, from all of the above, information and communication technologies in education can be classified according to the area of ​​methodological purpose into:

    Educational (gaining knowledge, skills, ensuring a sufficient level of mastery of the material).

    Simulators (testing your knowledge, practicing skills, practice).

    Information retrieval and reference (search for necessary information).

    Demonstration (visual perception of the necessary information).

    Simulation (replacement with a model of a real object that quite accurately describes the real system).

    Laboratory (the ability to conduct experiments and experiences).

    Modeling (drawing up a model of an object).

    Calculation (automation of calculations, formulas, etc.).

    Educational and game-based (the educational process is presented in the form of a game).

Problems that a teacher can solve using ICT:

- improve the organization of the lesson and increase your individuality in learning;

Increase interest and productivity in students’ self-training;

Increase motivation to learn;

Practice all the benefits of using ICT;

Increase motivation to learn and gain new knowledge;

Intensify the educational process;

Involve the student in research activities;

Provide learning flexibility.

In conclusion, I would like to say that in addition to the huge number of advantages of using information and communication technologies in education, there are also some disadvantages, and the most important of them is the possibility of using other people's materials, passing them off as their own, so to speak - plagiarism. Borrowing ready-made essays, solved problems, reports and much more reduces the effectiveness of learning. Therefore, ICT must be used thoughtfully and usefully.


    Wikipedia.Free encyclopedia [Electronic resource], -

    Norenkov I.P., Zimin A.M. Information technologies in education. - M.: Publishing house of MSTU im. N.E. Bauman, 2004.

    Yakovlev A.I. Information and communication technologies in education / A.I. Yakovlev // Information society. – 2001. – Issue 2. – pp. 32-37.

The processes of informatization of modern society and the closely related processes of informatization of all forms of educational activity are characterized by processes of improvement and mass distribution of modern information and communication technologies (ICT). Such technologies are actively used to transmit information and ensure interaction between teacher and student in modern open and distance education systems. A modern teacher must not only have knowledge in the field of ICT, but also be a specialist in their application in their professional activities.
The word “technology” has Greek roots and translated means science, a set of methods and techniques for processing or processing raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, products and converting them into consumer goods. The modern understanding of this word also includes the application of scientific and engineering knowledge to solve practical problems. In this case, information and telecommunication technologies can be considered those technologies that are aimed at processing and converting information.
Information and communication technologies (ICT) is a general concept that describes various devices, mechanisms, methods, and algorithms for processing information. The most important modern ICT devices are a computer equipped with appropriate software and telecommunications tools along with the information stored on them.
ICT tools used in education
The main ICT tool for the information environment of any education system is a personal computer, the capabilities of which are determined by the software installed on it. The main categories of software are system programs, application programs, and software development tools. System programs, first of all, include operating systems that ensure the interaction of all other programs with the equipment and the interaction of the user of a personal computer with the programs. This category also includes utility or service programs. Application programs include software that is an information technology toolkit - technologies for working with texts, graphics, tabular data, etc.
In modern education systems, universal office application programs and ICT tools have become widespread: word processors, spreadsheets, presentation preparation programs, database management systems, organizers, graphics packages, etc.
With the advent of computer networks and other similar ICT means, education acquired a new quality, associated primarily with the ability to quickly receive information from anywhere in the world. Through the global computer network Internet, instant access to the world's information resources (electronic libraries, databases, file storages, etc.) is possible. About two billion multimedia documents have been published on the most popular Internet resource, the World Wide Web WWW.
Other common ICT tools available online include email, mailing lists, newsgroups, and chat. Special programs have been developed for communication in real time, allowing, after establishing a connection, to transfer text entered from the keyboard, as well as sound, image and any files. These programs allow you to organize collaboration between remote users and a program running on the local computer.
With the advent of new data compression algorithms, the sound quality available for transmission over a computer network has increased significantly and has begun to approach the sound quality in conventional telephone networks. As a result, a relatively new ICT tool, Internet telephony, began to develop very actively. Using special equipment and software, you can conduct audio and video conferences via the Internet.
To ensure effective search for information in telecommunication networks, there are automated search tools, the purpose of which is to collect data about the information resources of the global computer network and provide users with a quick search service. Using search engines, you can search for World Wide Web documents, multimedia files and software, and address information about organizations and people.
With the help of ICT network tools, it becomes possible to have wide access to educational, methodological and scientific information, organize operational consulting assistance, simulate research activities, and conduct virtual training sessions (seminars, lectures) in real time.
There are several main classes of information and telecommunication technologies that are significant from the point of view of open and distance education systems. Some of these technologies are video recordings and television. Videotapes and associated ICT tools allow large numbers of students to listen to lectures from top teachers. Videotapes with lectures can be used both in special video classes and at home. It is noteworthy that in American and European training courses the main material is presented in printed publications and on video cassettes.
Television, as one of the most common ICTs, plays a very important role in people's lives: almost every family has at least one TV. Educational television programs are widely used throughout the world and are a prime example of distance learning. Thanks to television, it becomes possible to broadcast lectures to a wide audience in order to increase the overall development of this audience without subsequent monitoring of knowledge acquisition, as well as the opportunity to subsequently test knowledge using special tests and exams.
A powerful technology that allows storing and transmitting the bulk of the material being studied is educational electronic publications, both distributed on computer networks and recorded on CD-ROM. Individual work with them gives a deep assimilation and understanding of the material. These technologies make it possible, with appropriate modification, to adapt existing courses for individual use and provide opportunities for self-learning and self-testing of acquired knowledge. Unlike a traditional book, educational electronic publications allow you to present material in a dynamic graphic form.
Classification of ICT tools by area of ​​methodological purpose:

Didactic tasks solved with the help of ICT
Improving the organization of teaching, increasing the individualization of learning;
Increasing the productivity of students’ self-training;
Individualization of the work of the teacher himself;
Accelerating replication and access to the achievements of teaching practice;
Strengthening motivation to learn;
Activation of the learning process, the possibility of involving students in research activities;
Ensuring flexibility in the learning process.
Negative consequences of the impact of ICT tools on students
The use of modern ICT tools in all forms of education can lead to a number of negative consequences, including a number of negative factors of a psychological and pedagogical nature and a range of factors of the negative impact of ICT tools on the physiological state and health of the student.
In particular, most often one of the advantages of learning using ICT tools is the individualization of learning. However, along with the advantages, there are also major disadvantages associated with total individualization. Individualization curtails the live dialogical communication of participants in the educational process, which is already in short supply in the educational process - teachers and students, students among themselves - and offers them a surrogate of communication in the form of a “dialogue with a computer.”
In fact, a student who is active in speech becomes silent for a long time when working with ICT tools, which is especially typical for students of open and distance education. Throughout the entire period of study, the student is mainly engaged in silently consuming information. In general, the organ of objectification of human thinking - speech - turns out to be turned off, immobilized over many years of training. The student does not have sufficient practice of dialogical communication, formation and formulation of thoughts in a professional language. Without a developed practice of dialogic communication, as psychological research shows, monological communication with oneself, what is called independent thinking, is not formed. After all, a question asked to oneself is the most accurate indicator of the presence of independent thinking. If we follow the path of universal individualization of learning with the help of personal computers, we may end up missing the very opportunity to develop creative thinking, which by its very origin is based on dialogue.
The use of information resources published on the Internet often leads to negative consequences. Most often, when using such ICT tools, the principle of saving energy, inherent to all living things, is triggered: ready-made projects, abstracts, reports and solutions to problems borrowed from the Internet have become a common fact today, which does not contribute to increasing the effectiveness of training and education.

Concept of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

Word " technology"has Greek roots and translated means science, a set of methods and techniques for processing or processing raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, products and converting them into consumer goods. The modern understanding of this word includes the application of scientific and engineering knowledge to solve practical problems. In this case Information and telecommunication technologies can be considered technologies that are aimed at processing and converting information.

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is a general concept that describes various devices, mechanisms, methods, and algorithms for processing information. The most important modern ICT devices are a computer equipped with appropriate software and telecommunications tools along with the information stored on them.

ICT tools used in education.

Let us define the concept of “ICT tools,” which is one of the central ones in this section of the encyclopedia.

Information and communication technologies (ICT tools): software, firmware and technical tools and devices operating on the basis of microprocessor, computer technology, as well as modern means and systems for broadcasting information, information exchange, providing operations for collecting, producing, accumulating, storing, processing, transmitting information and the ability to access information resources of local and global computer networks.

ICT tools include:

  2. PC;
  3. sets of terminal equipment for computers of all classes;
  4. information networks;
  5. information input/output devices;
  6. means and devices for manipulating text, graphic, audiovisual information;
  7. means of archival storage of large volumes of information;
  8. devices for converting data from text, graphic or audio forms of data representation into digital and vice versa;
  9. artificial intelligence systems;
  10. computer graphics systems;
  11. software systems (programming languages, translators, compilers, operating systems, application software packages, etc.);
  12. modern means of communication that provide information interaction between users both at the local level (for example, within one organization or several organizations) and at the global level (within the World Wide Web);
  13. electronic educational tools implemented on the basis of multimedia technologies, hypertext, hypermedia, telecommunications.

In modern education systems, universal office applications and ICT tools have become widespread:

  1. word processors,
  2. spreadsheets,
  3. presentation preparation programs,
  4. database management systems,
  5. organizers,
  6. graphics packages and so on.

With the advent of computer networks and other similar ICT means, education acquired a new quality, associated primarily with the ability to quickly receive information from anywhere in the world. Through the global computer network Internet, instant access to the world's information resources (electronic libraries, databases, file storages, etc.) is possible. About two billion multimedia documents have been published on the most popular Internet resource, the World Wide Web WWW.

Other common ICT tools available online include email, mailing lists, newsgroups, and chat. Special programs have been developed for communication in real time, allowing, after establishing a connection, to transfer text entered from the keyboard, as well as sound, image and any files. These programs allow you to organize collaboration between remote users and a program running on the local computer.

With the advent of new data compression algorithms, the sound quality available for transmission over a computer network has increased significantly and has begun to approach the sound quality in conventional telephone networks. As a result, a relatively new ICT tool, Internet telephony, began to develop very actively. Using special equipment and software, you can conduct audio and video conferences via the Internet.


Subject : Classification of ICT tools


Introduction 3

Main part

1. ICT tools used in education. 4

2. Classification of ICT tools by area of ​​methodological purpose. 6

Conclusion 7

List of used literature 8


The processes of informatization of modern society and the closely related processes of informatization of all forms of educational activity are characterized by processes of improvement and mass distribution of modern information and communication technologies (ICT). Such technologies are actively used to transmit information and ensure interaction between teacher and student in modern open and distance education systems. A modern teacher must not only have knowledge in the field of ICT, but also be a specialist in their application in their professional activities.

Word "technology "has Greek roots and translated means science, a set of methods and techniques for processing or processing raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, products and converting them into consumer goods. The modern understanding of this word includes the application of scientific and engineering knowledge to solve practical problems. In this case Information and telecommunication technologies can be considered technologies that are aimed at processing and converting information.

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is a general concept that describes various devices, mechanisms, methods, and algorithms for processing information. The most important modern ICT devices are a computer equipped with appropriate software and telecommunications tools along with the information stored on them.

Main part

1. ICT tools used in education.

The main ICT tool for the information environment of any education system is a personal computer, the capabilities of which are determined by the software installed on it. The main categories of software are system programs, application programs, and software development tools. System programs, first of all, include operating systems that ensure the interaction of all other programs with the equipment and the interaction of the user of a personal computer with the programs. This category also includes utility or service programs. Application programs include software that is an information technology toolkit - technologies for working with texts, graphics, tabular data, etc.

In modern education systems, universal office application programs and ICT tools have become widespread: word processors, spreadsheets, presentation preparation programs, database management systems, organizers, graphics packages, etc.

With the advent of computer networks and other similar ICT means, education acquired a new quality, associated primarily with the ability to quickly receive information from anywhere in the world. Through the global computer network Internet, instant access to the world's information resources (electronic libraries, databases, file storages, etc.) is possible. About two billion multimedia documents have been published on the most popular Internet resource, the World Wide Web WWW.

Other common ICT tools available online include email, mailing lists, newsgroups, and chat. Special programs have been developed for communication in real time, allowing, after establishing a connection, to transfer text entered from the keyboard, as well as sound, image and any files. These programs allow you to organize collaboration between remote users and a program running on the local computer.

With the advent of new data compression algorithms, the sound quality available for transmission over a computer network has increased significantly and has begun to approach the sound quality in conventional telephone networks. As a result, a relatively new ICT tool, Internet telephony, began to develop very actively. Using special equipment and software, you can conduct audio and video conferences via the Internet.

To ensure effective search for information in telecommunication networks, there are automated search tools, the purpose of which is to collect data about the information resources of the global computer network and provide users with a quick search service. Using search engines, you can search for World Wide Web documents, multimedia files and software, and address information about organizations and people.

With the help of ICT network tools, it becomes possible to have wide access to educational, methodological and scientific information, organize operational consulting assistance, simulate research activities, and conduct virtual training sessions (seminars, lectures) in real time.

There are several main classes of information and telecommunication technologies that are significant from the point of view of open and distance education systems. Some of these technologies are video recordings and television. Videotapes and associated ICT tools allow large numbers of students to listen to lectures from top teachers. Videotapes with lectures can be used both in special video classes and at home. It is noteworthy that in American and European training courses the main material is presented in printed publications and on video cassettes.

Television, as one of the most common ICTs, plays a very important role in people's lives: almost every family has at least one TV. Educational television programs are widely used throughout the world and are a prime example of distance learning. Thanks to television, it becomes possible to broadcast lectures to a wide audience in order to increase the overall development of this audience without subsequent monitoring of knowledge acquisition, as well as the opportunity to subsequently test knowledge using special tests and exams.

A powerful technology that allows storing and transmitting the bulk of the material being studied is educational electronic publications, both distributed on computer networks and recorded on CD-ROM. Individual work with them gives a deep assimilation and understanding of the material. These technologies make it possible, with appropriate modification, to adapt existing courses for individual use and provide opportunities for self-learning and self-testing of acquired knowledge. Unlike a traditional book, educational electronic publications allow you to present material in a dynamic graphic form.

2. Classification of ICT tools by area of ​​methodological purpose.

Information and communication technologies in education are classified into the following categories:

    Educational ICT tools - with their help, students are provided with knowledge, develop skills, educational or practical skills, providing the necessary level of training);

    Exercise equipment – are intended for practicing various kinds of skills and abilities, repeating or consolidating the material covered. the simulator must be aimed at some knowledge, questions and correction (the program checks, provides analysis and again trains the necessary areas of knowledge). When creating simulators, it is important to take into account the algorithm for assessing the resulting testing, providing only that information that is poorly understood with the possible clarification of this information;

    Information retrieval and reference ICT tools provide information, develop knowledge and skills for systematizing information;

    Demonstration ICT tools visualize the objects, phenomena, processes being studied for the purpose of their research and study;

    Imitation ICT tools represent a certain aspect of reality to study its structural or functional characteristics;

    Laboratory ICT tools make it possible to conduct remote experiments on real equipment;

    Modeling ICT tools allow you to model objects, phenomena, processes for the purpose of their research and study;

    Calculated ICT tools automate various calculations and other routine operations;

    Educational and game ICT tools are designed to create learning situations in which students’ activities are implemented in a playful way.


The use of modern means of information and communication technologies in education significantly facilitates the work of a teacher in the process of teaching schoolchildren at all stages. ICT tools help withimprove the organization of teaching, increase the individualization of learning, and also increase the productivity of students’ self-training. Thanks to ICT tools, motivation for learning increases and the ability to attract students to creative, search and research activities is activated.

List of used literature

  1. Electronic resource A.V. Goryachev,Program "Informatics and ICT (information and communication technologies)"

The concept of information and communication technologies (ICT) in pedagogy.

The Federal State Educational Standard contains recommendations for the use information and communication technologies(ICT) in teaching in school settings. The transition to the new generation Federal State Educational Standard requires updating the professional and pedagogical training of teachers and increasing their level of work with innovative technologies.

The intensification of measures to introduce information and communication technologies appeared along with the adoption of the “Strategy for the Development of the Information Society”. This document expands the horizons of information availability for all categories of citizens and the organization of access to this information. After this, the Concept of the country’s socio-economic development until 2020 was adopted, according to which all state and municipal institutions must have their own websites, including educational institutions.

However, not all schools and preschool educational institutions approached the implementation of websites responsibly. A lot of institutions chose to create an inconvenient and useless resource, so to speak, for show.

Separately, the interpretation of the term “information and communication technologies” should be highlighted. Currently, the generally accepted definition is the following:

Information and communication technologies represent mastery of the technology of working in an integrated multimedia environment, implementing the further development of the idea of ​​associatively related information received, processed and presented in various forms, taking into account the psychological and pedagogical principles of using ICT tools in the educational process.

Undoubtedly, information technologies have long been used in Russian and foreign education. However, it should be noted that a multi-level system for presenting information on various media is currently emerging, in which traditional and new information technologies closely interact, which serve as a good aid to the teacher in his difficult work.

Information and communication technologies are a necessary element of modern education. Its necessity is due to the following factors:

  1. ICTs are needed to create an information society;
  2. The use of ICT influences qualitative changes in the structure of educational systems and in the content of education.

ICT structure

For a number of domestic teachers, the structure of information and communication technologies in education remains unclear. Currently, many modern educational programs are based on ICT competencies teachers.

ICT competence – the use of various information tools and their effective application in teaching activities.

Teachers must be able to use the basic structural elements of information and communication technologies in their work. The structure of ICT is shown in Figure 2.

Having studied the structure of ICT, we can highlight the following:

  1. The Internet is one of the key elements;
  2. The use of interactive information sources is very important within ICT;
  3. Organizing classes using ICT elements such as teleconferencing will not only broaden the horizons and improve the learning curve of students, but will also improve the ICT competence of the teacher.

Figure 1. Structure of information and communication technologies

It has now been proven through practical experience that information and communication technologies or ICT have a number of important didactic opportunities, which include:

  1. the ability to quickly transmit information of any volume and any form of presentation to any distance;
  2. storing information in the memory of a PC or laptop for the required length of time, the ability to edit, process, print, etc.;
  3. the ability to access various sources of information via the Internet and work with this information;
  4. the ability to organize electronic conferences, including real-time, computer audio conferences and video conferences;
  5. the ability to transfer extracted materials to your own media, print and work with them as and when the user needs it.

ICT functions

Information and communication technologies have a number of functions that determine the role of ICT in the development of modern education. The most important ICT functions are didactic. The didactic functions of ICT are presented in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Didactic functions of ICT

As we see, ICT has very useful didactic functions, each of which allows one to improve the educational process. At the same time, we must not forget that one of the functions of ICT is an incentive for teacher self-development and the opportunity to improve the level of students’ learning skills.

Separately, we should highlight the fact that ICT is important for the implementation of such general educational universal activities as:

  1. searching for information in individual student information archives, the information environment of an educational institution, and in federal repositories of information educational resources;
  2. recording information about the surrounding world and the educational process, including using audio and video recording, digital measurement, digitization for the purpose of further use of what was recorded;
  3. structuring knowledge, organizing it and presenting it in the form of conceptual diagrams, maps, timelines and family trees;
  4. creating hypermedia messages;
  5. preparing a speech with audio-visual support;
  6. building models of objects and processes from structural elements of real and virtual constructors.

Information and communication technologies (ICT)

Information and communication technologies cannot realize their functions without means. Key information and communication technology tools are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. ICT tools

ICT tool

Description of ICT tool

Computer, laptop

Universal information processing device. A PC or laptop allows you to freely process any information. In addition, with the help of the Internet, the computer helps to find and process the information the user needs.

Allows you to record on paper information found and created by students or a teacher for students. For many school applications, a color printer is necessary or desirable.

A device for transferring pictures and photographs to a computer for further processing.


It is necessary for teaching activities, as it increases the level of visibility in the teacher’s work, gives students the opportunity to present the results of their work to the whole class and audience.

interactive board

An interactive whiteboard is a touch screen connected to a computer, the image from which is transmitted to the board by a projector. You just need to touch the surface of the board to start working on your computer. Special software for interactive whiteboards allows you to work with texts and objects, audio and video materials, Internet resources, make handwritten notes directly on top of open documents and save information.

Devices for recording visual and audio information (camera, video camera, phone, tablet)

These devices belong to ICT on the basis that they make it possible to directly include information images of the surrounding world into the educational process.

Storage medium (flash drive, SSD)

Used to store and quickly transfer information from one computer to another.

Having considered the key ICT tools, it is important to note that the very fact of using information and communication technologies makes it possible to optimize the learning process. This is due to the fact that technical support for lessons creates more comfortable psychological conditions, removes psychological barriers, strengthens the role of students in choosing the means, forms and pace of studying various topics of the school curriculum, and improves the quality of education due to the provision of an individual approach to learning.

ICT tools are very important for the full organization of a modern lesson. It is important to emphasize that multimedia teaching aids help clearly structure the lesson and design it aesthetically.

Lesson plan using ICT

A modern lesson plan is unthinkable without the use of information and communication technologies or, in other words, ICT. Currently, teachers use not only lesson plans, but increasingly technological lesson maps.

The lesson plan contains a list of only those information and communication technologies that the teacher used. Below is an example of a plan for a mathematics lesson in the first grade, during which information and communication technologies were used.

Topic: Broken line and its link (grade 1)

Lesson type: a lesson of general methodological orientation.

The purpose of the lesson: Give an idea of ​​the concepts: broken line, broken line link, vertices, closed broken line, open broken line.


  1. introduce students to the broken line, its parts and types.
  2. teach how to distinguish a broken line from other shapes.
  3. develop skills in correctly constructing lines.
  4. develop speech, attention, memory, thinking of students;
  5. develop temporal and spatial concepts.
  6. contribute to the education of a healthy lifestyle, punctuality and love for the subject.

Planned results:

  1. know and understand what a broken line is;
  2. successfully identify a link of a polyline, a vertex;
  3. know what a closed and open broken line is.
  4. compare your conclusions with the textbook text;
  5. check the correctness of the task;
  6. work in pairs.

Equipment: Computer with multimedia projector, presentation, textbook: M.I. Moro, S.I. Volkova, S.V. Stepanova "Mathematics" 1st grade Part 1, typesetting canvases, counting sticks, ruler, pencil.

Lesson structure:

  1. Organizational.
  2. Updating knowledge.
  3. Work on the topic of the lesson.
  4. Physical education minute.
  5. Independent work.
  6. Consolidation of the studied material.
  7. Reflection.
  8. Homework.

During the classes:

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Student activities

Organizational stage

Before the lesson, the class is divided into 3 groups. Since there are 29 people in the class, 2 of 9 and one group of 10 people are formed.

Teacher: Hello guys. Glad to see you at the math lesson on the topic

"Broken line. Broken line." Why didn't you take your seats?

Each group chose a captain in advance. The teams were named: red, yellow and white.

When the bell rings, the groups line up at the door behind the captain, line by line.

From the threshold of the classroom towards the desktop of each group, 3 satin ribbons are laid along the floor: red, yellow, white. The ribbons do not bend, they lie straight, but they are not long enough to reach your table.

Groups are invited to go and take their place of work, stepping only on ribbons of “their” color. They go in single file. Then they stop abruptly.

The students say hello but continue to stand.

Updating knowledge

Why didn't you take your seats?

Teacher: Why wasn’t there enough tape?

Teacher: Can I also stretch each ribbon straight forward and you will follow it further to your table?

Teacher: What should I do? How should we start the lesson?

Teacher: Let's do that.

The teacher gives the captains of each team a new ribbon.

Teacher: Well, here we are seated. Let's look at slide 2. I replaced your ribbons with lines of the same color.

Teacher: Look, this is how you walked at first. What can you say about these lines?

Teacher: How can they be continued? Open your notebooks. Draw your line as you see it on the screen, of arbitrary length.

Continue it. The teacher briefly examines the work.

Teacher: Look at slide 3.

Teacher: What is it called?

Teacher: But if we go like this, we won’t get there, the desks are in the way. I saw lines like this in several students’ notebooks: Slide 4.

Teacher: Tell me, is it possible to choose this path by movement?

Teacher: -Will this be a linear movement?

Teacher: Can such a line then be called a straight line?

Teacher: Let's think about what we will do in class?

Teacher: You almost guessed right. Only this line is called differently.

There are long dry pasta on your table. (For each group member). Take them in your hands and bend them as shown on the slide.

Fright, exclamation, grief.

What's happened?

They're broken.

So we will also break our straight line and call it “broken”.

So, the topic of our lesson: “The broken line and its features.”

Students: The tape ran out, there wasn’t enough of it.

Students: It's short.

Students: No. You will have to climb on desks or under them, jump over desks.

Students consult in groups. After consulting, the captains of each group give answers.

The correct answer is: The tape can be continued, but it needs to be bent and crumpled.

Students bend them and create their own routes for groups.

Students: They are straight. The ends are not limited, they can be continued.

Students: Do it. The teacher briefly examines the work.

Students: Straightforward.

Students: Yes.

Students: No.

Students: No.

The students are conferring. After this, the captain of each team stands up and announces the proposed title of the lesson topic.

Correct answer: We will study an indirect, curved line.

Most of the students break the pasta.

Work on the topic of the lesson.

Teacher: Let's learn to distinguish a straight line from a broken line. Let's look at slide 5.

Teacher: Think in groups and write down in your notebooks:

Group 1: direct line numbers;

Group 2: numbers of broken lines;

Group 3: non-line numbers.

Teacher: Lines No. 2, No. 5, No. 4 remain on the slide. What do you think the abandoned lines have in common?

Teacher: Can we say that broken lines No. 2, No. 5 are not limited in space?

Teacher: Are the broken lines unlimited by points along their entire length?

Teacher: Look at slide 6.

Teacher: What conclusion did you come to?

Students complete the task.

Most likely, this question will cause difficulty for all students.

Students: Yes, because. there are no dots at their ends.

Students consult in groups.

No. In the middle are limited.

Students: Broken lines consist of segments.

Physical education minute

And now a little warm-up:

And now, guys, stand up. They quickly raised their hands up,

To the sides, forward, backward. They turned to the right, to the left, sat down quietly, and got down to business again. (Children show answers in movement (tilts, turns, ki, claps).)

See, the butterfly is flying

You see, the butterfly is flying, (We wave our winged hands.)

Counting flowers in the meadow. (Count with your finger)

One two three four five. (Clap your hands.)

In a day, in two and in a month... (We walk in place.)

Six seven eight nine ten. (Clap your hands.)

Even the wise bee (We wave our winged hands.)

Independent work

Teacher: How is the girl going?

Teacher: Read the text under the picture.

Teacher: What did you learn?

Teacher: Look at the screen on slide 8. Think about how the first group of broken lines differs from the second group?

Teacher: The broken lines of the first group are called open, the broken lines of the second group are called closed. Open the typesetting canvases. Look at the group of open polylines. Put these numbers. How many links does each broken line have?

Teacher: What is the smallest number of links?

Teacher: The largest number of links?

Teacher: How did you arrange the numbers?

Teacher: Arrange the numbers in decreasing order.

Teacher: What is this order called?

Teacher: Look at the group of closed broken lines. On the slide is group No. 2. What shapes did you recognize?

Students: The girl walks along a broken line.

Students: The segments of a broken line do not lie on the same straight line and are called links. The ends of each link are the vertices of the broken line.

Students: Some lines can continue, they can be used to complete links, but others cannot.

Students: On typesetting canvases:

Students: Three.

Students: Six.

Students: By increase, in ascending order.

Students: From the largest number - 6, to the smallest - 3

Students: Descending.

Students: Triangles (3 angles, 3 sides), quadrilaterals (4 angles, 4 sides), pentagons (5 angles, 5 sides.

Reinforcing the material learned

Teacher: Remember how to draw correctly?

(p. 38 of the textbook, below)

Teacher: Read the assignment at the bottom of the page. Complete it in your notebook.

Teacher: Captains, check the task in groups. Who made a mistake? Why?

Students: We lead the pencil, tilting it in different directions, without lifting our hands, to the top. We hold the ruler, pressing it firmly to the sheet of paper, with our left hand. (Completing the task)

Students analyze errors in each team.


The teacher asks questions summarizing the lesson: What new did we learn in class today?

What helped you learn so much about broken lines?

Where will your knowledge be useful?

How did you work in class?

Students respond and evaluate the quality of their work.


Teacher: Thanks for the lesson. Now write down your homework. It's not simple. You need to draw closed and open broken lines at your discretion and determine the number of links.

Students write down the assignment in their notebooks.


  1. Besperstova Irina Vitalievna Organization of the educational process using information computer technologies // URL:
  2. Information and educational environment as a condition for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard In 3 hours. Part 1 / Edited by T.F. Yesenkova, V.V. Zarubina. – Ulyanovsk: UIPKPRO, 2011.
  3. Strategy for the development of the information society in the Russian Federation dated February 7, 2008 N Pr-212 // URL:

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