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ICT tools. Information and communication technologies


The article discusses the theoretical and practical foundations for the implementation of information and communication technologies in the educational process. The analysis of theoretical and methodological approaches to the implementation of information and communication technologies was carried out, on the basis of which expert and constructive problems were solved. The expert problem describes the initial prerequisites for the use of new information and communication technologies. Solving the design problem, a descriptive model was proposed. The descriptive model presents the learning process using technical means created on the basis of information and communication technologies, considers the principles of its functioning, development trends of the world educational process, types of programs used in the educational process. The tasks arising from the requirements of information training are formulated. A model of the use of modern technical teaching aids is described, in which direct (teacher-student) and reverse (student-teacher) relationships are established. The advantages and disadvantages of the introduction of information and communication technologies are shown.

distance learning process

means of education

information and communication technology

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3. Prikhodko V. Training of teachers of technical disciplines in accordance with international requirements / V. Prikhodko, A. Soloviev // Higher education in Russia. - 2008. - No. 10. - P. 43–49.

5. Kholodkova I.V. Didactic conditions for the integration of full-time and distance learning: dis. ... Cand. ped. Sciences: 13.00.01 / GOU VPO Mosk. state region un-t. - M., 2009 .-- 169 p.

Today, the processes of change in the education system are associated with the introduction of new educational technologies. Along with the traditional education system, a new form of education is also successfully developing - distance learning. Distance learning, while preserving educational technologies, methods, forms and means of traditional education, makes extensive use of the educational massifs of the Internet, information and communication technologies.

Equipping the educational system with information and communication technologies is one of the tasks of modernizing the Russian education system. The education system is being integrated into the networked world, approaching the growing needs of the country's economic development. The processes of creating a common economic space for European countries have intensified the processes of globalization and modernization of the education system in Russia; This is evidenced by the Bologna process, the development of which has acquired a certain strength in the Russian educational space.

The variability of content, organizational forms, teaching methods depending on the cognitive needs, interests and abilities of students is important at all stages of education. Therefore, in order to achieve the quality of education, it is necessary to introduce new forms of education in basic, secondary and higher schools. In this regard, distance learning and its technologies are of particular relevance.

Information and communication technologies are technologies designed for the joint implementation of information and communication processes.

Information technology is a set of processes and methods for searching, collecting, storing, processing, presenting, disseminating information and ways to implement such processes and methods.

Communication technologies are the processes and methods of transferring information and the ways of their implementation.

The use of modern information and communication technologies allows you to organize optimal interaction between a student and a teacher in order to achieve a learning result and involves the simultaneous use of:

  • means of visualization of problematic content,
  • means of programmed learning and control.

The means of visualization of the problematic content is the establishment of a direct teaching connection between the teacher and the student (Fig. 1). Means of programmed teaching and control - establishing a feedback control connection between a student and a teacher (Fig. 2).

Rice. 1. Means of visualization of problematic content.

Rice. 2. Means of programmed learning and control

When introducing information and communication technologies, the following problems arise:

    Organization of the educational process using a computer;

    By what means and how to monitor knowledge, assess the level of consolidation of skills and abilities;

    What information and communication technologies to use for the implementation of the set pedagogical and didactic tasks.

To transform a curriculum into information and communication technology in a distance learning environment, a teacher must have an idea of ​​the subject area, be able to systematize knowledge, use teaching methods correctly, be well informed about the possibilities of information and communication technologies, know the computer tools that can be used to achieve one or another didactic device. In addition, the teacher must have an idea of ​​the technical and software tools that he will use to create an educational and methodological complex (TMC), and with what technical and software tools he will support the educational process as a whole.

The use of modern information and communication technologies meets the most important trends in the development of the world educational process. To meet educational needs, the teacher is required not only knowledge and skills to apply modern pedagogical technologies, but also possession of progressive methods and means of modern science. Therefore, to increase the efficiency of the learning process, it is necessary to master modern information and communication technologies not only for students, but also for teachers.

The teacher implements the educational process with the help of materials, which are usually called teaching aids. The teaching aids include technical, communication, information teaching aids, didactic material, etc. In connection with the widespread introduction of broadband Internet, teaching aids have changed significantly. The modern learning process is unthinkable without such technical means as: educational electronic publications; computer training systems; educational audio and video materials, virtual laboratory and practical work and much more.

In the conditions of an avalanche-like information flow that has poured into a person, it is necessary to maximally use all the channels of students' perception. For this, more attention should be paid to the visual component of the theoretical and practical course, and the auditory component (the lecturer's voice) is of secondary importance.

Electronic study guides contribute to the most detailed and detailed presentation of the studied material, breaking it into small blocks with optimal information richness and clarity, as well as to combine the specified division into small blocks with structuring. In addition, electronic tutorials allow you to use features that are not available for ordinary posters - animation of individual elements, the use of audio and video elements.

With the integrated application and use of information and communication technologies in the environment of distance education, an important aspect is the use of information and communication tools for the development of teaching materials and complexes on all topics of the course. Educational and methodological materials and complexes created in this way help students to correctly understand the essence of the problem and find ways to solve it, and not be just a means of transmitting educational information.

The introduction of electronic educational, methodological and video materials into the educational process contributes to the emergence of new educational methods and forms of classes based on electronic means of processing and transmitting information. But, despite the variety of technical means and technologies used in the educational process, it should be noted that the quality of training depends, first of all, on the perfection of the educational material, the form of its presentation and the organization of the educational process.

So, for example, when developing a model of e-learning materials, it is necessary to take into account:

1) the training manual should set the rhythm of the passage of the material and have special audiovisual controls for the perception of the material;

2) the dynamics of the presentation of the text is set by the teacher (this happens either in advance during the development of educational material, or during the demonstration);

Currently, several types of computer programs are used in teaching:

    Test programs;

    Training programs;

    Control and training programs;

    Multimedia textbooks;

    Multimedia encyclopedias.

The use of computer programs allows the creation of interactive teaching aids with a high degree of visibility, for example, the use of an audio marker to indicate fundamental educational questions. This contributes to the strengthening of the emotional background of education, the expansion of the potential for the individualization of education, the provision of a wide area of ​​contacts with students, and provides a wide field for active independent activity of students. Practice shows that the use of such teaching aids helps to increase the motivation of students.

We have formulated some tasks that follow from the requirement of informatization of education.

1. The student must master a complex of knowledge, skills and abilities, develop such personal qualities that will ensure the successful fulfillment of professional tasks and comfortable functioning in an information society, in which information is a decisive factor in labor efficiency.

2. Increasing the level of training of specialists by improving teaching technologies and widespread introduction of electronic teaching aids and technologies into the educational process.

Teaching with the help of technical means created on the basis of information and communication technologies allows you to visualize educational material, increase the interactivity of learning, provide access to new sources of knowledge and conduct operational control of the student's assimilation of the material.

A new situation arises when the student himself selects the most ergonomic characteristics of the studied material for him personally. He has the ability to independently recreate any text obtained from the database of electronic educational video materials, illustrating it, selecting the necessary arguments, building them into a certain logic of evidence, reflecting his own point of view, the way of his thought.

Today, modern education can no longer be imagined without such information technologies as e-courses, electronic libraries, the latest teaching aids and knowledge transfer technologies.

Our empirical experience shows that the diversity of the educational environment improves the efficiency of the learning process, taking into account the individual capabilities of each student, his interests, inclinations, subjective experience accumulated in the process of life and learning. Highlighting two main ideas: the need for a variety of learning environments; the requirement to individualize learning, adapt it to the cognitive needs and interests of students - it becomes clear that both the first and second ideas can be effectively solved using information and communication technologies (ICT).

It should be remembered that the introduction of information and communication technologies in education has its drawbacks (Table 1), the solution of which requires a special approach to minimize psychological and physiological factors.

Despite the shortcomings described in the table, I would like to note that computer teaching tools create an environment that motivates students to more intensively analyze the subject under study, put forward their ideas and offer their own vision of the problems under consideration. In addition, computer-based teaching aids are tools that help students not only form their own ideas, but also transform them. Educational environments based on computer teaching aids initiate activities in which students construct their own knowledge, and do not perceive the world as the textbook and teacher interpret it for them.

For the development of these areas, modern information technologies are used, with the help of which information and educational environments are created, on the basis of which the distance learning process and education management in general are carried out. An information and educational environment created on the basis of information and communication technologies (ICT), including on the basis of training systems, has a number of advantages over traditional means:

    The ability to organize the educational process on the basis of an individually oriented approach;

    It is possible to implement both level (basic, professional, advanced levels of mastering educational programs) and profile differentiation;

Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of the implementation of information and communication technologies



1. Using computers to intensify the educational process

Deterioration of the health of students (deterioration of vision, cardiovascular diseases, scoliosis, etc.)

2. Solving the problem of employment of children and youth (computer games, Internet)

Internet addiction with consequences in the form of deterioration in health and mental disorders

3. The ability to communicate with peers and with residents of the entire planet (sites "Vkontakte", "Odnoklassniki", "My World", etc.)

The opportunity to find yourself in a dysfunctional Internet environment (dangerous blogs, dating sites, etc.)

4. Unlimited Internet Communications

The problem of social infantility in the native society, maladaptiveness to life, social immaturity

5. More democratic, open, "clean" forms and technologies of training and knowledge control (testing, online training, etc.)

One-sided control and limited opportunities to identify personal qualities and level of knowledge in the learning process

6. The need for widespread introduction of distance learning technologies

Lack of legal and regulatory framework for distance learning.

Distance learning is based on the following regulations, many of which are outdated today.

1. Order of the State Committee for Higher Education of the Russian Federation of June 17, 1996 No. 1062 "On the establishment of a center for information and analytical support of the distance education system."

2. Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated August 26, 2003 No. 985-24 "On the calculation of the maximum number of students using distance learning technologies" (outdated).

3. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 06.05.2005 No. 137 "On the procedure for using distance educational technologies" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 02.08. 2005 No. 6862).

The use of information and communication technologies in a distance learning environment for the professional training of future specialists allows to improve the quality of education, develop the creative abilities of students, as well as teach them to think independently and work with educational material, which contributes to their further continuous improvement throughout their lives.

The student ceases to be a passive listener and is involved in active cognitive activity, and the teacher becomes the coordinator of the educational process.

Thus, didactic assessments of these new and unusual teaching aids are contradictory - from enthusiastic claims about the revolution in education to the dismal statement of low performance and uselessness. It can be expected that video tutorials will be useful where a figurative, emotional presentation of factual material is required, but with their help it is difficult to develop skills, therefore it is advisable to use them in combination with traditional material.


Pomelov VB, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Vyatka State Humanitarian University, Kirov.

Alexandrova N.S., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Pedagogy, NOU VPO "Vyatka Socio-Economic Institute", Kirov.

Bibliographic reference

Yamenko O.P. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN THE ENVIRONMENT OF DISTANCE EDUCATION // Modern problems of science and education. - 2013. - No. 4 .;
URL: (date of access: 03/31/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the "Academy of Natural Sciences"

A closer combination and interaction of technical and natural constituent elements is becoming a modern guiding idea of ​​the educational process. Informatization and computerization of the educational process in the subjects of the natural cycle acts as an interacting integrating phenomenon. Such a connection, i.e. the use of computer technology, in comparison with traditional education, has a number of advantages:

1. A computer is a connecting link that establishes the natural interaction of all forms of educational and cognitive activity of students.

2. Computer technology helps to activate the cognitive and mental activity of students.

3. The introduction of computers into natural disciplines contributes to the deepening of the democratization of teaching methods, since computer technologies are based on weakening the subjective factor in the control of knowledge and allows to remove social and psychological restrictions.

4. Computer technology contains tremendous motivational opportunities. An important motivational factor is the gaming nature of computer technology. The game elements of computer testing are adversarial, extreme situations that require the user to make extraordinary decisions.

The introduction of a computer into the structure of natural knowledge expands the possibilities of independent learning of students. The use of computer programs significantly increases the proportion of independent work as a basic constituent element of the entire cognitive process.

What is information and communication technology?

Information and communication technologies are those technologies that use computer technologies (information processes) and communication means (communication means - the Internet).

Computer technologies include software and hardware and devices operating on the basis of microprocessor, computer technology, as well as modern means and systems of information exchange, providing operations for the collection, accumulation, storage, processing, transmission of information.

The means of information computer technologies include: computers, personal computers; sets of terminal equipment for computers of all classes, local area networks, information input-output devices, means of input and manipulation of text and graphic information, means of archival storage of large amounts of information and other peripheral equipment of modern computers; devices for converting data from graphic or sound forms of data presentation to digital and vice versa; means and devices for manipulating audiovisual information; modern means of communication; artificial intelligence systems; computer graphics systems, software complexes (programming languages, translators, compilers, operating systems, application packages, etc.).

With the help of ICT, the basic principles of teaching are effectively implemented:

· The principle of scientific character;

· The principle of systematicity and consistency;

· The principle of activity;

· The principle of accessibility;

· Connection of theory with practice;

· Taking into account the individual characteristics of students;

· Clarity.

The use of ICT allows to optimize the work of the teacher, to somewhat facilitate his functions:

1. Control. The teacher is freed from the routine work of interviewing students. In addition, the position of the teacher becomes more attractive because control functions are transferred to the machine, and this contributes to conflict-free communication.

2. Feedback. The use of a computer allows you to evaluate each stage of the student's work: the computer corrects errors, comments if necessary, providing the necessary information. Thus, the student gets the opportunity to correct his mistakes in time.

The use of information computer technologies in geography lessons not only facilitates the assimilation of new educational material, but also provides opportunities for the development of students' creative abilities:

Increases student motivation to learn;

Activates cognitive activity;

Develops the thinking and creativity of the child;

Forms an active life position in modern society.

ICT can be used at all stages of the educational process.

Depending on the goals and objectives of the lesson, information technology can be used in the lesson to study new material, to generalize and systematize knowledge, when performing practical work, creative assignments, when monitoring knowledge and skills.

When studying new material, a demo program is most often used - an electronic textbook or electronic presentation, which present theoretical material to students in an accessible, vivid, visual form.

Educated programs, i.e. electronic textbooks, contain video fragments that allow you to demonstrate a video in the lesson, representing the phenomenon under study with the commentary of the speaker.

At the lesson of consolidating educational material, you can use a tester program or testing devices Activote, which allow you to monitor the assimilation of the studied material.

There are various types of computer programs that a teacher can use in their activities:

1. curricula focused primarily on the assimilation of new knowledge. Many of them work in a mode close to programmed learning with a branched program. Problem-based learning programs that indirectly manage student activities can also be included in this group.

2. simulator programs designed for the formation and consolidation of skills and abilities, as well as for self-training of students. The use of these programs assumes that the theoretical material has already been mastered by the trainees.

3. control programs designed to control a certain level of knowledge and skills. This type of programs is represented by a variety of test tasks, including in test form.

4. Demonstration programs designed for visual demonstration of educational material of a descriptive nature, a variety of visual aids (pictures, photographs, video clips). Geographic interactive atlases can be considered a variety of them, the maps of which can be used not only as visualization, but also "superimposed" on each other, compose, use interactive and interactive graphics. This type can also include presentation programs that have the ability to graphically edit and are used for the creative work of students.

5. simulation and modeling programs designed to “simulate” objects and phenomena. These programs are especially important for geography, when the studied material is difficult to show or is abstract in nature.

6. information and reference programs designed to display the necessary information with a connection to the educational resources of the Internet.

7. multimedia textbooks - complex programs that combine most of the elements of the listed types of programs.

Multimedia textbooks, or as they are also called - electronic textbooks, are performed in a format that allows hyperlinks, graphics, animation, announcer's speech, registration forms, interactive tasks, multimedia effects.

Electronic textbooks have significant advantages over their paper predecessors. A teacher who has educational information on his subject can quickly structure it in a new way or simply place the material on a website for simultaneous access to all: his students.

Electronic textbooks are practically eternal, they are not afraid of wear and tear, take up little space and are very mobile. The electronic textbook is variable in execution: you can give it any form that is convenient for reading (change the color of the background, text, font size); if necessary, using the printer, you can print out part of the textbook, arranging it at your discretion.

The inclusion of elements of animation and computer games in the textbook enhances its interactivity and attractiveness. The hypertext structure of the textbook allows for an individual learning path. However, the hypertext navigation system should be built in such a way that the logic and systematicity in the development of the content are preserved, and gaps in the assimilation of educational standards are not allowed.

The electronic textbook provides great opportunities for creative work. The teacher and students can participate in the compilation of their own electronic textbook, add materials or assignments to it without significant costs for reprinting. “Paper” textbooks do not provide such an opportunity, and when using them, it is difficult for schoolchildren to construct the personal content of education. The most that a student can do is to make notes on the margins of a "paper" textbook.

Interactive and audiovisual teaching aids in geography lessons can be used in lessons to study new and consolidate the material learned, requiring illustrations of the patterns of development of nature and society on specific material of regional content, and as independent work with a computer in the framework of integrated lessons in informatics and geography. In such lessons, the students directly on the computer perform programmatic practical work. Let's consider in more detail the various aspects of using a computer in geography lessons.

A computer lecture, developed by means of MS Power Point, is a thematically and logically related sequence of information objects displayed on a screen or monitor. The main task of a computer lecture is to explain new material. But unlike traditional lectures, computer lectures have great opportunities in attracting illustrative materials. Therefore, a computer lecture should be considered as a new tool in the work of a teacher, allowing you to create visual and information-rich lessons.

Information objects demonstrated during a computer lecture are images (slides), sound and video fragments. Images (slides) are photographs, drawings, graphs, diagrams, diagrams. Video fragments are films included in the lecture in whole or in part, or animations that clearly show processes and phenomena that are often inaccessible to observation. Sound fragments - narration, musical or other recordings (voices of birds, animals, etc.), accompanying the demonstration of images and video fragments.

Many geographic objects studied, such as plains and mountain ranges, seas and oceans, gigantic industrial enterprises and vast agricultural lands, cannot be shown directly to students. Therefore, the use of demonstration means (slides, pictures, animations, videos) in the lesson contributes to the formation of figurative representations by children, and on their basis - concepts. Moreover, the efficiency of working with slides, pictures and other demonstration materials will be much higher if they are supplemented by showing diagrams, tables, etc.

The Power Point Presentation Development Program allows you to prepare materials for the lesson, combining the difference in visualization tools, maximizing the advantages of each and leveling the disadvantages.

Excel spreadsheets will help the teacher to use cartograms and cartograms built according to the latest statistical data in the lesson, when explaining new material, organize practical work in the class to analyze statistical data with the construction of graphs, cartograms. In this case, graphs, cartograms and cartodiagrams perform the functions of not only a means of visualization, but also a source of geographic knowledge.

The Microsoft Word text editor is designed to prepare educational and methodological documentation (thematic and lesson plans) and handouts (task cards, control tests, crosswords, etc.) quickly and efficiently, create high-quality documents that satisfy high aesthetic requirements.

Slides with diagrams, diagrams, tables are especially important when studying economic geography, when considering the essence of geographical phenomena and processes, their qualitative and quantitative characteristics.

Videos, displaying geographic processes or phenomena, and animations are considered as a form of modeling real events, facts, scientific data. The individual frames collected in the video make up a figurative model that gives a certain idea of ​​the original. Like any model, videos and animations do not reveal all the elements of the studied phenomenon or process, but only the main, most essential, revealing the essence of the object to be studied. This simplification facilitates the search for essential features, highlighting its features, originality and originality of the object.

It is necessary to pay attention to a special category of media objects contained in the library - interactive maps and schematic maps. Interactive maps are a new type of interactive geography teaching tools. Interactive maps have the properties of a geographic map, i.e. are a scaled down image of the earth's surface using a special language - conventional signs, at the same time, they have a new property that brings them closer to geographic information systems - the ability to change the content of the map.

In addition to all of the above, the specificity of geography as an academic subject is such that it contains a large amount of material. In order to prepare the most complete, interesting and modern lesson in geography, the teacher needs to process a large number of different sources, from encyclopedias to newspapers and magazines.

The use of a computer and the Internet makes it possible to reduce the amount of literature used to prepare and reduce the time it takes to find the information you need. The more often you use a computer in the educational process, the deeper you become aware of the almost limitless range of its application.

Thus, the use of information and communication technologies in the classroom allows you to make each lesson non-traditional and productive. And working with a computer arouses an increased interest in students and enhances the motivation for learning. The use of computer technology and the Internet creates opportunities for access to large masses of modern and fresh information. And the interconnection of animation, music, sound and interactive models expands the possibilities of presenting educational information.

Information and communication technology (ICT) concept

Word " technology"has Greek roots and in translation means science, a set of methods and techniques for processing or processing raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, products and converting them into consumer goods. The modern understanding of this word also includes the application of scientific and engineering knowledge to solve practical problems. information and telecommunication technologies can be considered such technologies that are aimed at processing and transforming information.

Information and communication technology (ICT) Is a generalizing concept that describes various devices, mechanisms, methods, algorithms for information processing. The most important modern ICT devices are a computer equipped with appropriate software and telecommunication facilities, along with information posted on them.

ICT tools used in education.

Let's give a definition of the concept of "ICT tools", which is one of the central in this section of the encyclopedia.

Information and communication technology tools (ICT tools): software, software and hardware and technical means and devices operating on the basis of microprocessor, computer technology, as well as modern means and systems for broadcasting information, information exchange, providing operations for the collection, production, accumulation, storage, processing, transmission of information and the ability to access information resources of local and global computer networks.

ICT tools include:

  2. PC;
  3. sets of terminal equipment for computers of all classes;
  4. information networks;
  5. information input-output devices;
  6. means and devices for manipulating text, graphic, audiovisual information;
  7. means of archival storage of large volumes of information;
  8. devices for converting data from, text, graphic or sound forms of data presentation to digital and vice versa;
  9. artificial intelligence systems;
  10. computer graphics systems;
  11. software systems (programming languages, translators, compilers, operating systems, application packages, etc.);
  12. modern means of communication that provide informational interaction of users both at the local level (for example, within one organization or several organizations) and globally (within the framework of the World Information Network Internet);
  13. electronic means of educational purpose, implemented on the basis of multimedia technologies, hypertext, hypermedia, telecommunications.

In modern education systems, universal office applications and ICT tools are widely used:

  1. word processors,
  2. spreadsheets,
  3. presentation preparation programs,
  4. database management systems,
  5. organizers,
  6. graphics packages etc.

With the advent of computer networks and other ICT tools similar to them, education has acquired a new quality associated primarily with the ability to quickly receive information from anywhere in the world. Through the global computer network Internet, instant access to world information resources (electronic libraries, databases, file storages, etc.) is possible. The most popular resource on the Internet - the World Wide Web, has published about two billion multimedia documents.

Other common ICT tools are available on the web, including e-mail, mailing lists, newsgroups, chat. Special programs have been developed for real-time communication, allowing, after establishing a connection, to transmit text entered from the keyboard, as well as sound, images and any files. These programs allow remote users to work together with a program running on a local computer.

With the advent of new data compression algorithms, the sound quality available for transmission over a computer network has significantly increased and began to approach the sound quality in conventional telephone networks. As a result, a relatively new ICT tool - Internet telephony - began to develop very actively. With the help of special equipment and software, audio and video conferencing can be carried out via the Internet.

Theoretical foundations of teaching English using information and communication technologies

1.1 The concept of information and communication technology

Information and communication technologies in the learning process imply the interaction (dialogue, discussion) of any subjects with each other using the means and methods available to them, involving active participation in the dialogue of both parties - exchange of questions and answers, management of the dialogue, monitoring the implementation of decisions and etc.

Information and communication technologies are designed to communicate with billions of people, both at long and short distances. In the educational process using information and communication technologies, the subjects are teachers and students, and the means of implementing such training are e-mail, blogs, teleconferences, real-time dialogues, social networks, chats, etc.

Communication is the main activity in the Internet space. Communication refers to the processes of recoding verbal into non-verbal and non-verbal into verbal spheres. For communication, the transition from saying “One” to the actions of the “Other” is essential. For the sake of this, the transfer of values ​​between two different autonomous systems, which are two people, is realized. It can also be noted that we are talking about a mismatch between input and output, which is characteristic of communication systems (G.G. Pocheptsov).

To transfer information between different communities "Students", "Teachers" ie between the participants of the educational process and organizations that support the educational process with information material (S. N. Pozdnyakov), educational materials are created and used on the basis of information and communication technologies.

The use of information and communication technologies in education requires the use of pedagogical methods based on many-to-many communications. These are methods that are characterized by active interaction between all participants in the educational process.

Information and communication technologies make it possible to actively develop such methods in innovative education as blogs, which allow all participants to exchange written messages, both synchronously and asynchronously, which is of great didactic value, using portal technologies to create educational resources in an interactive communication mode ...

Computer-mediated communications (human-computer-human interaction) make it possible to more actively use such teaching methods as on-line debates, modeling, role-playing games, discussion groups, brainstorming, nominal group methods, forums and others.

The modern concept of the development of technologies for using computers and networks not only for processing, storing, integrating or moving information resources, but also as a learning environment originates from the first computer network (D. Lickleader, R. Taylor). On the Internet, mediated interaction can be represented as an exchange of messages using Internet technologies (A.D. Hannanov), in the form of the following interaction models: exchange of electronic messages between two blog users (one to one); exchanging emails on the thematic blog mailing list (many-to-many); exchange of messages between users and blog authors (many-to-one and one-to-many). There are also many other methods of communication over the Internet, such as newsgroups, chats, forums and other communication technologies that allow interacting in the network space in a dialogue mode. The study of Internet communication allows you to divide the methods of communication on the network according to the degree of their interactivity. The most interactive communication media are chat rooms, social networks and forums, the least interactive are e-mail and blogs. When communicating via e-mail, communication takes place off-line, unlike chat, where people communicate on-line, that is, a person, having received a message, instantly responds to it and receives an answer. It is worth noting that in blogs communication takes place around a certain subject or topic, while chat does not have its own topic. However, in chats, communication is mostly practiced for the sake of communication itself, while blogs are most often devoted to a specific subject, they are more cognitive in an educational direction.

It is necessary to note a number of characteristic features of communication using computer networks, in our case, using blogs:

firstly, the possibility of simultaneous communication of a large number of people located in different parts of the world, and, therefore, living in different cultures;

secondly, the impossibility of using most of the non-verbal means of communication and self-presentation;

third, the impoverishment of the emotional component of communication;

fourthly, anonymity and reduction of psychological risk in the process of communication.

These characteristics lead to the development of new forms and styles of interaction and the emergence of a kind of Internet etiquette, special rules of communication.

Recently, there has been an accelerated update of educational technologies. Information technologies are rapidly entering the education system, and they have a significant impact on the methodology of the educational process. For example, one of the most striking manifestations of this penetration is open education based on distance learning technology. Open education is formed as a flexible, accessible system without strict regulation of the frequency and duration of the study of a separate course, a program that develops on the basis of formalization, structuring, algorithmization of educational information, its automated transfer and control of knowledge based on distance learning technologies. This is a continuous, flexible, modular, distributed learning with full or partially mediated interaction of the teacher and the student with the dominant of controlled independent work of the student (A.N. Panskikh).

Cognition through blogs is based on the indirect and direct interactive interaction of the teacher with the audience. Direct interactive interaction between teacher and students, realizing the idea of ​​expanding the audience, creates a virtual classroom that helps to virtually reduce the distance between teacher and student. There is no need at the same time, at a single point in space, to gather the trainees and the teacher together. It is enough to create a blog and have access to the Internet.

The second way to ensure the interactivity of the educational process is the indirect interaction of the teacher with the students, using electronic educational and methodological complexes, e-mail. The transformation of the traditional classroom is taking place, creating the preconditions for the reengineering of the educational process.

Teaching should be where students spend the most time. In today's environment - online. And given that social networks are very popular among students, it is logical to use them as a platform for educational work.

One of the definitions of the concept of "social network" in Wikipedia is as follows: a social network - an interactive multi-user website, the content of which is filled by the network participants themselves. The site is an automated social environment that allows a group of users united by a common interest to communicate. Some principles are inherent in the social network:

1. Identification - the ability to specify information about yourself. For example, participants indicate school, college, date of birth, favorite activities, books, movies, skills, etc.

2. Presence on the site - the ability to see who is currently on the site and enter into a dialogue with other participants.

3. Relationship - the ability to describe the relationship between two users. For example, members can be designated as friends, family members, friends of friends, etc.

4. Communication - the ability to communicate with other network members. For example, send them private messages, comment on materials that they post on the social network.

5. Groups - an opportunity to form within the social network of a community of interests.

6. Reputation - the ability to find out the status of another participant, to track his behavior within the social network.

The above principles allow the teacher to create their own virtual classroom. To organize work, it is possible to use any existing social network (for example, Facebook, VKontakte) or build your own. (I will talk about the constructors of the social network a little later, in my next post).

Wiki technology allows all members of the network to create online learning content;

The ability to work together;

The presence of a forum, wall, chat;

Each student - participant can create his own blog, like an electronic notebook;

The activity of the participants is tracked through the friends' feed;

Convenient to use for project implementation;

Suitable as a portfolio for both student and teacher.

Of course, there are a number of problems associated with the use of the social network in teaching. For example, the lack of a network of participants, a low level of motivation and ICT - the competence of the teacher. And, of course, the teacher must intuitively feel the audience being taught and it is advisable to select a training platform and tools for it.

In the process of teaching foreign language written communication using information and communication technologies, the following series of tasks is implemented:

The potential of the best teaching staff and effective technical teaching aids is concentrated;

Purposeful creation, development and consistent implementation of author's training programs is ensured;

Conditions are created for the student to be able to freely get acquainted with all types of general knowledge and with special knowledge of scientific disciplines, while acquiring the necessary practical skills;

Diversified interaction, exchange of knowledge and opinions in the educational environment is organized.

We were able to identify the following approaches in scientific research of domestic and foreign authors in the understanding of teaching a foreign language using information and communication technologies: system-integral, target, network, distance, information-analytical, system-activity, hermeneutic, communicative, which are of undoubted theoretical value to build a methodological basis for our research.

A systemic and holistic approach to the study of information technologies in education allows us to identify favorable conditions for the creation of new teaching aids and methods. The undoubted advantage of the technology of the educational blog is the individual pace of learning and the variability of the presentation of educational material. The modern practice of using information technologies in education shows the presence of large contradictions between the systemic nature of the pedagogical process and scattered, often methodologically and methodologically unjustified attempts to develop and implement information technology tools in the educational process, which do not take into account the issues of ensuring the integrity and continuity of this process.

A targeted approach involves the formulation of specific learning objectives and subsequent verification of their achievement. A clear definition of training objectives (what trainees should know and be able to do upon completion of training) allows bringing the competence of personnel to the required level in the shortest possible time.

The program-targeted approach is an approach in which the developer is guided by the achievement of the final result in the logic of phased actions: the formation of a tree of goals, the development of an adequate executing program, the implementation of the control program.

Network approach. "The network is what allows you to combine, in principle, dissimilar things: the structure of a closed institution and free forms of communication and communication." Network - a set of institutional organizations or entities engaged in a similar type of activity and not directly related to the hierarchy of subordination (administrative ties). The meaning of the network approach, from our point of view, is as follows: there is no rigid hierarchy of subjects of educational activity. The definition of the functional is carried out by each subject independently, based on their own preferences (motivation for its subsequent implementation is determined mainly by the responsibility for the assumed obligations to oneself and the community), mechanisms of the internal concept of movement are launched. The desire to enter into cooperation is determined by an increase in the resource of activity for each subject (intellectual, organizational, communication, material resource).

System-activity approach. The most developed in pedagogical science is the system-activity approach. Its description and functioning is presented in the works of V.P. Bespalko, V.A. Dmitrienko, M.B. Rakitov, V.M.Sagatovsky, V.N.Sadovsky, A.I. Uemov, V.G. Yudin and others The system-activity approach requires the separation of methodological culture from the general one.

For many years, the implementation and improvement of information technologies in education has been carried out in the following areas: scientific support of the educational process on the basis of new information and communication technologies, organizational and methodological support of the learning process, methodology for using computer teaching aids, computer tools for supporting the educational process, computer information software, tools for creating computer training systems.

The widespread use of information and communication technologies in the learning process is able to combine theory, practice and knowledge control into one whole, which makes it possible to organize the educational process in accordance with new requirements that implement the system-activity approach and are aimed at taking into account the individual characteristics of the student.

The hermeneutic approach makes it possible to reveal the hidden, implicit meanings of the author's developments. For example, the establishment of the author's ideological views that are not stated directly in the text of the work, as well as the identification of historically correct meanings used by the author of the terms and concepts, and the attribution of his scientific ideas to the scientific problems under study.

Communicative approach. The result of the successful development of any society is the creation of the latest information technologies. This, in turn, is accompanied not only by scientific progress, but also by changes in human behavior. The era of the Internet, in which we are now, is characterized, on the one hand, by the availability of obtaining any information, the promptness of its transmission, and, on the other hand, by the peculiarities of virtual communication. This new form of communication is of interest to many psychologists (N.V. Zorina).

It should be noted that communication is the main activity in the Internet space. Communication refers to the processes of recoding the verbal sphere into the non-verbal one and vice versa. Historically, communication has been just that: forcing another to do something. For communication, the transition from saying “One” to the actions of the “Other” is essential. For the sake of this, the transfer of values ​​between two different autonomous systems, which are two people, is realized. It can also be noted that we are talking about a mismatch between input and output, which is characteristic of communication systems. (GG Pocheptsov) In modern culture, there is an increase in the importance and complication of forms of code interaction between people within the social system. The level of development of communication systems and communication channels, the intensity of information processes are usually considered as a measure of the corporate organization of society (N. Mechkovskaya).

It is in education that communications in the form of personal contacts come to the fore: after all, the educational process itself is always the communication of individuals. Communication is defined in pedagogy as "purposeful adequate communicative influence in order to achieve an optimal result in solving professional problems through multifaceted, multifaceted interactive and receptive interaction in the course of the exchange of personal and socially significant information." (T.V. Tatyanina) One of the types of communication style - democratic - in which the participants in the educational process exchange information, directly contacting each other. A communicative approach or a direct approach to the educational process involves interaction without intermediaries. The communicative method is considered as the most effective way of developing skills in the educational process. When the participants in the educational process are separated by distance, it may seem that this approach cannot be used even with the use of telecommunication technologies with the degree of interactivity of interaction that is present in the existing portal developments. For the effective use of this method, it is necessary to increase the degree of interactivity of interaction. Existing educational blogs collect educational articles on their pages, structure them according to certain criteria. Research and practical experience of using information and communication technologies in the educational process shows that when using these technologies, maximum interactivity and communication should be ensured when allocating resources and interaction of participants in the educational process.

The distance approach is based on the theory of distance learning based on the use of a computer network. In distance education, there is no traditional communication between participants in the educational process. In this case, a system of compensatory measures is needed, the development and implementation of network technologies that allow interaction in an interactive mode. Development of methods and recommendations for interaction in the educational space, built on the basis of telecommunication technologies. At the present stage, from the point of view of international integration in education, the development of distance learning is of the greatest interest. The use of this type of training provides flexibility in choosing the place and time of training, the ability to study without interruption from the main activity, including for those living in the most remote areas, interactive interaction between students and teachers, freedom of choice of disciplines, the ability to communicate with outstanding representatives of science, education and culture.

The purpose of distance learning can be defined as a way to “make it possible for every student, anywhere, to study the curriculum of any college or university. From a global point of view, distance education will allow, as it were, to "step over" many of the current difficulties and problems of world education, creating a new, more effective background for its gradual transformation into an integral and interconnected system. But there is a big problem with creating, hosting and maintaining such resources, in particular blogs, although there are many free servers.

The above forms of communication, in connection with the mediation of a computer, have such a characteristic as anonymity, which has a number of consequences. First, non-verbal means of communication are losing their importance in communication on the Internet. Despite the fact that in text communication there is an opportunity to express your feelings with the help of "emoticons", the physical absence of communication participants in the act of communication leads to the fact that feelings can not only be expressed, but also hidden, just as you can express feelings that the person is not experiencing at the moment. On the Internet, as a result, in most cases of physical lack of representation of partners to each other, a number of communication barriers are lost due to those characteristics of partners that are expressed in their appearance: gender, age, social status, external attractiveness or unattractiveness, as well as the communicative competence of a person , or rather, the non-verbal part of communicative competence.

Due to anonymity and impunity, another feature appears in the network associated with a decrease in psychological and social risk in the process of communication - affective emancipation, abnormality and some irresponsibility of participants in communication. A person in the network can and does show great freedom of speech and action, since the risk of exposure and negative personal assessment by others is minimal. The network allows you to post a lot of incorrect information, often not only uninformative, but harmful for the educational process.

Another important consequence of the lack of representation of the physical appearance of a person in textual communication is the ability to create any impression about oneself of one's choice, which does not correspond to reality. The foregoing touches upon another important problem, which can be described as the problem of identity on the Internet. Indeed, in textual communication on the network, people often create for themselves so-called "virtual personalities", describing themselves in a certain way. The virtual person is endowed with a name, often a pseudonym. The fact that on the Internet people create for themselves some "virtual personalities" creates additional opportunities for the study of identity.

There is a point of view according to which the construction of virtual personalities on the Internet - a reflection of changes in the structure of a person's identity - is a reflection of social changes. If a person fully realizes all aspects of his "I" in real communication, he most likely lacks the motivation to construct virtual personalities. In the described case, communication on the Internet is in addition to the main communication. Social support is carried out through the inclusion of a person in a certain social group (chat, game, communication through blogs) on the Internet. The culture of communication in the blogging environment has its own set of values, standards, language, symbols, to which individual users adapt. By joining such a group, a person gets the opportunity to support a positive image of "I" at the expense of a positive social identity. The problem is more psychological, the study of the influence of the Internet space on the personality has been conducted relatively recently, and mainly within the framework of foreign psychology. Among Russian studies, one can single out the works of A.E. Voiskunsky ("Computer-Mediated Communication"), A.E. Zhichkina ("On the Possibilities of Psychological Research on the Internet", "Social and Psychological Aspects of Virtual Communication"), M.S. Shevchenko ("Factors of the dynamism of self-presentation in Internet communication"), etc.

The modern process of informatization leads to the intensification of the development of professional activity. This process leaves its mark on educational technologies, causing the need to pose and solve the problems of effective interaction as the most relevant and promising for the modern theory and practice of training specialists. The information potential of today's society is determined not only by the level of development of the technosphere, but also by the level of information culture of specialists. The 21st century has come to be called the age of information, flexible technologies and scientific knowledge. The search for forms of effective communication is the basis of transformations in modern society.

Eliminating the inconveniences in overcoming space, time, conventions of the form of presenting ideas, modern information systems create conditions for additional opportunities for contact between people. The information space can be divided into those located behind the screen (manufacturers of mass media products and services), and located in front of the screen (consumers of these products and services). The created communicative situation dictates tough conditions: in our world it is equally necessary to be a competent user of various information technologies and to be educated.

The theoretical aspects of interaction in the virtual space were developed on the basis of the works of modern sociologists, well-known theorists of communication and corporate culture, specialists in the field of education. Among them are the names of V. Emelin, V. Spivak, T. Parsons, G. Ilyin, O. Matyash, M. Castells, T. Eremenko, etc. Today, for most researchers, it is obvious that the Internet is not as simple a tool as it seemed a few years ago. In order to get any benefit from referring to it, it is necessary to understand well the specifics of the environment, otherwise we risk not understanding its true purpose, why we use it.

The potential for the use of information and communication technologies as a means of teaching written foreign language communication is determined by the technological characteristics of the information and communication environment itself; in relation to education, it is usually considered from the point of view of its role in the educational process: a computer as a mentor, a tool, a resource source, interaction technology from the standpoint of its use in the educational process based on them. The following sources can be identified: teleconferences, forums, electronic libraries, e-journals, educational sites, educational portals, interaction technologies: e-mail, web chats, instant mail, blogs, etc. Effective learning is characterized by the following characteristics: feedback, interactivity, means of expressing messages (verbally, in writing, graphics, multimedia), the availability and variety of a quality resource. The more opportunities Internet technologies provide, the more effective they are in terms of teaching foreign language communication.

Based on observations, the difficulty of overcoming the shortcomings of the process of informatization of education lies in the fact that it is necessary to pay much more attention to the development of methods of teaching foreign language communication using telecommunications, network technologies. Therefore, the development of technologies and exercises for teaching foreign language communication based on information and communication technologies will significantly increase the efficiency of the educational process and the quality of education in general.

Informatization is considered today as one of the main ways to modernize the education system. At the same time, we are faced with a number of tasks that need to be solved: technical equipment, the creation of didactic tools, the development of new teaching technologies, the creation and placement of educational resources on the Internet, etc., which determine the stages of the modernization process.

A person in modern computer education is a subject capable of an independent search for information, innovative thinking, an activity-based approach to personally and socially significant problems and their solution. In modern conditions, where the structure and methods of education are changing, computerization is one of the most effective ways to avoid depersonalization, focusing on the creation of an active position of the student.

The development of global networks has significantly changed the understanding of the possibilities of information transfer. It is possible to distinguish two groups of communication channels in traditional pedagogical systems: the first is the transfer of information from the teacher to the student, the second is through teaching methods, independent receipt of information by the students. Networks have created a third group of channels that enable activities in a mediated environment. It became necessary to analyze the virtual educational environment using the methods of systems theory, the so-called systems approach and analysis of the activities of all subjects of the educational process using telecommunication technologies, i.e. activity approach.

A distinctive feature of using a computer in teaching foreign language communication is the ability to organize an educational dialogue using interactive computer technologies. In the presence of a telecommunication channel, the computer can act as an intermediary between the teacher and the student and take over part of the educational process. For this, the computer has the ability to process information presented in any electronic version. To this should be added the ability to access remote databases (electronic libraries) via the Internet, the ability to communicate with any partners through electronic conferences, the ability to transfer information in any form and of any volume. The construction of didactic models, the development of new teaching aids, the design of educational programs based on computer technologies, the development of technologies and interaction tools should be the basis of the program for the information development of the educational environment, advanced training of teachers in the field of information technology.

The use of web structures for interactive interaction in a telecommunications environment complicates the educational process due to the lack of technologies for interactive interaction, as well as due to the lack of skills for working in on-line mode, which suggests the need to develop a combined type of interaction in educational environments: person - computer - web space - person.

The accumulated experience of mastering telecommunication technologies in education shows that it is impossible to automatically and completely transfer existing communication skills from the traditional to the electronic environment, due to the influence of new factors that usually do not occur in the educational process or have a different focus.

Changing the usual perception of space and time when using telecommunication technologies, liberation from the constraining factors of time and place are based on the technical ability to keep messages in the required structured form until the moment of accessing them, the presence of a user-friendly interface and navigation system, allows the development of the interactive component of interaction in educational process, fully using the potential of scientific and educational portals.

Information and communication technologies (ICT) are technologies, the main task of which is to ensure the fixation of information, its processing, transmission, distribution and disclosure. ICT means methods and software and technological tools that can significantly reduce the entire complexity of the process of using information.

ICTs include computers, software and electronic communications. Sometimes, this range is expanded by management consulting technologies, business design, and administrative processes. They are divided into three groups:
1. Saving - technologies that are designed to store data.
2. Rationalizing - automatic search and ordering systems.
3. Creative - technologies with the help of which a person is involved in active work with information.

ICTs are designed to save a lot of time, labor and material resources.

The modern and developed information society today widely uses information and communication technologies in various spheres of its life: in education, production, industry and in other spheres of life. The need to use information and communication technologies is due to several main factors:

1. The introduction of ICT in the spheres of human life accelerates the transfer of knowledge and accumulated social experience, which is passed on for centuries from one person to another.

2. ICT significantly improves the quality of education and contributes to the rapid development of the necessary skills in a particular area of ​​life.

3. ICT allows a person to quickly and more successfully adapt to the ongoing social change.

4. ICT is an effective way to update existing systems in accordance with the requirements of modern society.

ICT provide a person with additional opportunities for the formation and development of his information competence.

Their introduction into the vital spheres of a person will lead to the systematization and integration of information flows in a certain social space, the formation of a subjective position of a person based on the development of ICT knowledge, successful design and verification of a person's achievements in the process of mastering general and professional competencies.

Information and communication technologies (ICT) include all types of technologies used to process information. Since the end of the 70s, they began to be identified, first of all, with computer technology for information processing. ICT makes it possible to represent any kind of information - numbers, text, sound, image - in a digital format suitable for storage and processing on a computer. The ability to transfer information from computer to computer using Internet technologies provides any user with access to the world's information space. Information technology has enabled the creation of the World Information Highway. Information technologies are used for large data processing systems, computing on a personal computer, science and education, management, computer-aided design and the creation of systems with artificial intelligence. Information technologies are modern technological systems of great strategic importance (political, defense, economic, social and cultural). Information technology has led to the formation of a new concept of the world order "Who owns the information, he owns the world." As a result of the introduction of ICT, a fourth factor, knowledge, has been added to the main factors of social production - labor, land (natural resources) and capital.

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