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  • Compare the text editing and formatting input operations. Entering, editing and formatting data in Microsoft Excel

Compare the text editing and formatting input operations. Entering, editing and formatting data in Microsoft Excel

    Entering, editing and formatting texts

    Window structure Microsoft Word.

    Setting page parameters.

    Entering text and formatting it.

    Saving the file to disk.

    Reading a file from MD.

    Working with tables.

    Print the document.

    Shutting down Microsoft Word.

Entering, editing and formatting texts

Most documents intended to be printed on paper, as well as many electronic documents, are text, that is, they are blocks of text consisting of ordinary words typed in ordinary characters (letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and others). When working with text documents, the computer turns into something like a very powerful and “intelligent” typewriter.

When preparing text documents on a computer, three main groups of operations are used. Operations input allow you to convert the source text from its external form into electronic form, that is, into a file stored on a computer. Typing does not necessarily mean typing using a keyboard. There are hardware that allows you to enter text by scanning a paper original, and pattern recognition programs to convert a document from a graphic image format to a text format.

Operations editing(edits) allow you to change an existing electronic document by adding or deleting its fragments, rearranging parts of the document, merging several files into one or, conversely, splitting a single document into several smaller ones. When working on text, input and editing are often performed in parallel.

When entering and editing, it is formed content text document. Decor documents are specified by operations formatting. Formatting commands allow you to determine exactly how text will appear on a monitor screen or on paper after printing on a printer.

All electronic text documents require typing and usually editing, but document formatting is not always necessary.

Those programs that are used only for entering and editing text are called text editors. If a document can be formatted in a program, then it is called word processor.

Downloading Word text editor

There are several ways to download Word, just like any other Windows application.

    In the taskbar, click on the “Start” button

    In the menu that appears, select “Programs”

    Select Microsoft Word.

    If there is a Word icon on your desktop, then just double-click on this icon.

    By pressing the button with the symbol W in the Quick Launch toolbar.

Word program window

The Word 9x window structure is typical of Windows applications. It includes the elements necessary for editing and formatting texts. At the top of the window there are command bar , which include menu bar And toolbars . After installing the program, by default there are two toolbars - Standard and Formatting. However, if during work the need arises for other toolbars, they can also be opened and positioned along any window border or separately.

Below the toolbars is located ruler , graduated in centimeters or inches. It helps you control the placement of page elements and manage formatting operations.

The main part of the window is occupied Workspace , containing a window. document being edited. If the document window is expanded to cover the entire work area, then it coincides with the program window. Therefore, the window contains two sets of size control buttons. The top buttons relate to the program, and the bottom buttons to the document, and there is no need to confuse them.

The vertical scroll bar in Word 9x has a special feature. Below it are three additional jump buttons: up and down the page or to a selected object, which can be a page, section, table, footnote, heading, picture, etc.

At the very bottom of the window there is status bar . It contains reference information about the document and indicators indicating the current operating mode.

Fig.1. Word word processor window.

| Planning lessons for the school year | Editing automation

Lesson 25
Editing automation

After studying this topic, you will learn:

What is the difference between editing and formatting a document?
- what tools for automated text document processing does the Word environment offer;
- capabilities of the Word environment to automate document editing operations.

Editing and formatting a document

All actions that the user performs on a document can be divided into two large groups: editing and formatting.

Editing is changing the content of a document.

Editing operations include the following:

♦ typing;
♦ correction of typos;
♦ copying, rearranging, deleting parts of text;
♦ insertion of figures, tables and other information objects.

Formatting is changing the appearance of a document and its individual parts in order to improve their readability.

Formatting operations include various ways to highlight text, namely:

♦ changing symbol properties;
♦ changing paragraph properties;
♦ design of headings and subheadings;
♦ converting text into a list;
♦ converting text into tabular form;
♦ insertion of headers and footers, page numbers, etc.

When working on a text document, the user has to do a lot of work manually. Perhaps the most time-consuming manual task when editing a document is typing. The author does not always like the content of the text the first time. The text must be re-read many times, both in order to correct words and sentences, and in order to identify any typos that have crept in. Thus, the quality of the content of a document depends entirely on its creator - the user of the text editor.

When formatting a document, the user first decides which parts of the text and how he will highlight it, and then re-reads the text again, but in order to format it. It often happens that the user does not like the formatting performed. For example, the values ​​for the parameters of a character or paragraph are chosen incorrectly, the list marker does not fit the text in meaning, etc. Then the formatting process has to be completely or partially repeated. Many users perform formatting manually, using the basic formatting technique of “select an object and set new parameter values ​​for it.” This takes a lot of time, especially if the document is large and has a lot of formatting. And here the human factor plays a big role.

However, the Word environment is a powerful automated system that provides tools for automating document processing that can save time and improve the quality of document preparation. In particular, many formatting tasks that can be done manually have corresponding automation tools.

Some automation capabilities just need to be enabled in the environment, and then they will work automatically without user intervention.

Other tools are used by the user only when he deems necessary.

According to the two types of work on documents, automation tools can be divided into editing automation tools and formatting automation tools (Fig. 3.1).

Rice. 3.1. Text Processing Automation Tools


One of the important qualities of the text is the absence of grammatical errors. Grammatical errors in the text can arise, firstly, due to a person’s ignorance, and secondly, as a result of a typo when typing the text. To eliminate grammatical errors, Word has a built-in automated spell checker. The basis of this system is a database - spelling variants of Russian and English words, and a knowledge base - grammar rules. This system checks each written word against a database, and also analyzes the correct spelling of phrases and sentences (consistency of cases, placement of commas, etc.). When errors are detected, the system provides a hint and, in some cases, options for correcting errors. This system is an example of an artificial intelligence system.

By default, Microsoft Word checks your spelling and grammar automatically as you type, highlighting possible spelling errors with a red wavy line and possible grammatical errors with a green wavy line. The spell checker is always enabled by default.

You can correct errors as you enter text, or you can check all the text at once after entering.

To correct an error as you type, right-click the text underlined with a wavy green or red line, and then choose a suggestion or command from the context menu.

When correcting a spelling error, the context menu often suggests words that are similar in spelling (Fig. 3.2).

But it’s better to check the spelling of the entire text at once after you’ve finished typing. This will save a lot of time.

Rice. 3.2. Error correction options

It should be noted that the word underlined in red is not always written incorrectly. It is quite possible that this is some special term that is not in the dictionary. Very often proper names are emphasized, as well as compound words (for example, “autotext”, “autocorrect”, etc.), which are also not in the application database.

If a word is spelled correctly but is underlined with a red line, you can add it to the user dictionary and it will no longer be underlined.

If a typo results in a word that is in the dictionary, the spell checker will not mark it, for example, if the word “who” is written instead of the word “cat” or the word “couple” is written instead of the word “desk”. To eliminate such situations, you should carefully re-read the text yourself or, even better, ask another person to do it.

Test questions and assignments

1. Describe how to ensure that there is a space in every place after the closing parenthesis in a document.

2. List the most common errors when entering text. What is the most effective way to fix them?

3. Is it possible to perform the two search and replace conditions in task 3.3 in a different order?

4. In the document, in each paragraph, instead of indenting the first line, five space characters are entered. Describe how to remove these characters.


  • spreadsheets
  • table processor
  • column
  • line
  • cell
  • cell range
  • book

For hundreds of years, tables have been used in business to perform cumbersome, similar calculations. With their help, wages are calculated, various systems of accounting for material assets are maintained, the cost of new goods and services is calculated, the amount of profit is predicted, etc. Until the end of the last century, many specialists performed such calculations using calculators, manually entering the results into the appropriate columns of tables . Such work required a lot of time; It took weeks and even months to correct a minor error made by the calculator.

The situation changed dramatically with the advent of electronic tables, which made it possible to quickly solve a large number of standard calculation problems by changing the source data.

Nowadays, spreadsheets are one of the software products most widely used in practice. With their help, users, without special knowledge in programming, have the opportunity to determine the sequence of computational operations, perform various transformations of source data, and present the results obtained in graphical form.

5.1.1. Spreadsheet Interface

The most common spreadsheet processors are Microsoft Excel and Calc. When you launch any of them, a window is displayed on the screen, many of the elements of which are well known to you from experience with other programs (Fig. 5.1).

Rice. 5.1. Calc spreadsheet interface

Title bar contains the document name, program name and window control buttons.

Menu bar contains the names of groups of spreadsheet control commands, united by functionality.

Toolbars contain icons for calling the most frequently executed commands.

Work area spreadsheet is a rectangular space divided into columns and rows. Each column and each row has designations (headings, names). Columns are designated from left to right in Latin letters in alphabetical order; One-letter, two-letter and three-letter names can be used (A, B, C, etc.; after the 26th column, two-letter combinations AA, AB, etc. begin). Lines are numbered from top to bottom. The number of rows and columns varies among different table processors.

At the intersection of columns and rows, cells (cells) are formed into which data or operations performed on them can be written. A cell is the smallest structural unit of a spreadsheet. Each spreadsheet cell has a name made up of the letter name of the column and the row number at the intersection of which it is located. The following cell names are possible: El, K12, AB125 1. Thus, the cell name determines its address in the table.

    1 In modern versions of Microsoft Excel, the position of a cell may be indicated by the letter R followed by the row number and the letter C followed by the column number, for example R1C1.

A cell is the smallest structural unit of a spreadsheet, formed at the intersection of a column and a row.

Table cursor- a selected rectangle that can be placed in any cell. The table cell currently occupied by the cursor is called the current cell. You can enter or edit data only in the current cell. In Fig. 5.1, the current cell is C4.

The address of the current cell and the data entered into it are reflected in the input line. In the input line you can edit the information stored in the current cell.

Consecutive cells in a row, column, or rectangle form a range. When specifying a range, its starting and ending cells are indicated; in a rectangular range, the cells of the upper left and lower right corners are indicated. The largest range is represented by the entire table, the smallest is represented by one cell. Examples of ranges: A1:A10, B2:C2, B2:D10.

The work area of ​​a spreadsheet processor is otherwise called a sheet. A document created and saved in a spreadsheet processor is called a book; it may consist of several sheets. Similar to ledger sheets, you can flip through them by clicking on the labels located at the bottom of the window. The user can assign a name to each sheet of the book based on the contents of this sheet.

The status bar displays messages about the current operating mode of the table and possible user actions.

5.1.2. Data in table cells

The contents of the cell can be:

  • text;
  • number;
  • formula.

Text is a sequence of any characters from the computer alphabet. Texts (labels, headings, explanations) are needed to design the table; the characteristics of the objects in question can be presented in text form. You can change the contents of a cell with text only by editing the cell. By default, text in a cell is aligned to the left, similar to left-to-right writing.

Using numbers, the quantitative characteristics of the objects under consideration are specified. In this case, various number formats are used (Table 5.1). The default number format is two decimal places. To write numbers containing a large number of digits that do not fit in a cell, the exponential (scientific) format is used.

Table 5.1
Some number formats

The numerical data entered into the table cells is the initial data for the calculations. You can change numeric data by editing it. By default, numbers are right-aligned in a cell, which ensures that all numbers in a column are aligned by place value (ones under ones, tens under tens, etc.).

The integer and fractional parts of a real number are separated by a comma in spreadsheets. When a dot is used in writing a number (as a separator between its integer and fractional parts), the number is interpreted as a date. For example, 9.05 is perceived as May 9, and 5.25 is perceived as May 2025.

Formula is an expression (arithmetic, logical) that specifies a certain sequence of data transformation actions. A formula always begins with an equal sign (=) and can include references (cell names), operation signs (Table 5.2), functions, and numbers.

Table 5.2
Arithmetic operations,
used in formulas

When writing formulas, rules similar to those adopted in programming languages ​​apply. Examples of formulas:

To enter a cell name into a formula, simply place the table cursor in the appropriate cell.

As you enter a formula, it is displayed both in the cell itself and in the input line. After completing the input (pressing the Enter key), the result of calculations using this formula is displayed in the cell (Fig. 5.2). To view and edit a specific formula, just select the corresponding cell and edit it in the input line.

Rice. 5.2.
Calculations using the formula

When the source data in the cells whose names are included in the formula changes, the value of the expression is immediately recalculated, and the resulting result is displayed in the cell with this formula.

5.1.3. Basic modes of operation of spreadsheets

The following operating modes of spreadsheets can be distinguished:

  • table formation modes;
  • table display modes;
  • calculation execution modes.

Spreadsheet generation modes. When working with spreadsheet processors, documents are created that can be viewed, modified, written to external memory media for storage, and printed on a printer.

Generating spreadsheets involves filling out and editing a document. In this case, commands are used that change the contents of cells (clear, edit, copy), and commands that change the structure of the table (delete, paste, move).

The contents of cells can be designed using standard text design tools: changing the font design, its size, style and alignment relative to the cell, and writing direction. In addition, the user has access to means of designing the table itself: merging cells, various ways of drawing borders between cells for printing.

Data, data format and cell design parameters (font, fill color, border type, etc.) can be copied from one cells (cell ranges) to other cells (cell ranges) of the spreadsheet.

Table display modes. The spreadsheet can be set to display formulas or display values. By default, value display mode is enabled, and the screen displays values ​​calculated based on the contents of the cells. You can specifically set the formula display mode, in which the formulas themselves will be displayed in the cells instead of the calculation results (Fig. 5.3).

Rice. 5.3.
Table fragment in formula display mode

To set the formula display mode in Calc, you should:

  1. run the command Calc-View;
  2. In the Show area, select the Formulas checkbox and click OK.

Find out for yourself how to set the display mode of formulas in the spreadsheet processor at your disposal.

Calculation execution modes. All calculations begin with the cell located at the intersection of the first row and first column of the spreadsheet. Calculations are carried out in a natural manner; If the next cell contains a formula that includes the address of a cell that has not yet been calculated, then calculations using this formula are postponed until the value in the cell on which the formula depends is determined.

Each time a new value is entered into a cell, the document is recalculated anew - automatic recalculation of those formulas that include new data is performed. In most table processors, it is possible to set a manual recalculation: the table is recalculated only when a special command is issued.

In Calc, the calculation mode is selected using the Tools-Cell Contents-Recalculate-Calculate Automatically command.

Find out for yourself how the calculation mode is set in the spreadsheet processor at your disposal.

The most important

Spreadsheets (table processor) is an application program designed to organize spreadsheet calculations on a computer.

A cell is the smallest structural unit of a spreadsheet, formed at the intersection of a column and a row. The content of a cell can be text, a number, or a formula.

Texts (labels, headings, explanations) are needed to design the table. The numerical data entered into the table cells is the initial data for the calculations. Cells with formulas display the results of calculations.

Generating spreadsheets involves filling out, editing, and formatting a document.

When you enter a new value into a cell, the document is recalculated automatically, but manual recalculation mode can also be set.

The spreadsheet can be set to display formulas or display values.

Questions and tasks

Topic 2.3. Presentation software and office programming basics

Topic 2.4. Database management systems and expert systems

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Excel application

2.2. Spreadsheet processors

2.2.2. Editing and formatting Microsoft Excel worksheets

Any processing of information begins with its input into a computer. You can enter text, numbers, dates, times, sequential data series and formulas into MS Excel spreadsheets.

Data entry is carried out in three stages:

  • cell selection;
  • data input;
  • confirmation of input (press Enter key).

Once the data is entered, it must be presented on the screen in a specific format. There are different categories of format codes for presenting data in MS Excel.

To edit data in a cell, you must double-click on the cell and edit or correct the data.

Editing operations include:

  • deleting and inserting rows, columns, cells and sheets;
  • copying and moving cells and blocks of cells;
  • editing text and numbers in cells.

Formatting operations include:

  • changing number formats or the way numbers are represented;
  • changing column widths;
  • alignment of text and numbers in cells;
  • changing font and color;
  • Selecting the type and color of the border;
  • Filling cells.

Entering numbers and text

Any information that is processed on a computer can be represented in the form of numbers or text. By default, Excel enters numbers and text in the General format.

Entering text

Text is any sequence of characters entered into a cell that cannot be interpreted by Excel as a number, formula, date, or time of day. The entered text is aligned left in the cell.

To enter text, select the cell and type the text using the keyboard. A cell can hold up to 255 characters. If you need to enter some numbers as text, then select the cells, and then select the Format / Cells command. Next, select the “Number” tab and select Text from the list of formats that appears. Another way to enter a number as text is to precede the number with an apostrophe.

If the text does not fit into the cell, then you need to increase the column width or allow word wrapping (Format / Cells, Alignment tab).

Entering numbers

Numeric data are numeric constants: 0 - 9, +, -, /, *, E, %, period and comma. When working with numbers, you must be able to change the type of entered numbers: the number of decimal places, the type of integer part, the order and sign of the number.

Excel independently determines whether the information entered is a number. If the characters entered into the cell relate to text, then after confirming the entry into the cell, they are aligned to the left edge of the cell, and if the characters form a number, then to the right edge of the cell.

Entering consecutive data series

Data series are data that differ from each other by a fixed step. However, the data does not have to be numeric.

To create data series you need to do the following:

  1. Enter the first term of the series into the cell.
  2. Select the area where the row will be located. To do this, you need to move the mouse pointer to the fill marker, and at this moment, when the white cross turns into black, press the left mouse button. Next, while holding down the mouse button, you need to select the desired part of the row or column. After you release the mouse button, the selected area will be filled with data.

Data Format

Data in MS Excel is displayed on the screen in a specific format. By default, information is displayed in the General format. You can change the format for presenting information in selected cells. To do this, run the Format / Cells command.

The “Format Cells” dialog box will appear, in which you need to select the “Number” tab. On the left side of the “Format Cells” dialog box, in the “Number Formats” list, you can see the names of all formats used in Excel.

Rice. 1.

For each category format, a list of its codes is provided. In the right “Type” window, you can view all the format codes that are used to present information on the screen. To represent data, you can use MS Excel's built-in format codes or enter your own (custom) format code. To enter a format code, select the line (all formats) and enter the format code characters in the “Type” input field.

Data presentation style

One way to organize data in Excel is to introduce a style. To create a style, use the Format / Style command. Executing this command opens the “Style” dialog box.

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