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Satellite TV MTS: hotline and problem solving. Tariff plans and additional packages

MTS today offers its subscribers not only mobile communications, now customers can connect and enjoy high-quality broadcasting of many channels. But for high-quality viewing, you will need to configure home television, and how to do this is described in the article.

What you need to connect

Each person who decides to watch TV from MTS will need to use the following equipment to connect:

  1. Television.
  2. A device from MTS that you can buy at your choice: an interactive set-top box with support for broadcasting in HD quality, which has a 3G modem for Internet access, a regular TV box that can broadcast HD channels or a TV module (CAM) ... The latter device allows you to use satellite TV without a set-top box. In addition, the module can reproduce broadcasts in HD quality, but such equipment will require a TV that has a DVB-S2 receiver with a CI connector.
  3. Satellite dish, which is included with the purchase of the equipment.
  4. Converter, also included in standard list equipment.

In addition to the devices described, the following components will be additionally needed:

  1. Antenna cable and fasteners. Such components will already be supplied in a complete set from MTS.
  2. Remote Control.
  3. HDMI to HDMI cable or Jack 3.5-3RCA cable.

When everything you need is ready, you can start connecting and configuring. This can be done with the help of a wizard from the MTS company, who will go to the site to connect. You can order the customizer service at the time of ordering. Another method is to self-configure the equipment, according to the instructions included in the kit. Below will be described a detailed method of connecting one or another equipment with your own hands.

Preparatory work

  • Check the possibility of installation. For this, you can apply free mobile app which is available for download in the app store. It is called "SatFinder", after installation with it you can see the location of the satellite in relation to the house where the TV will be used. The program allows you to find out the exact direction, as well as indicate how to correctly install the antenna.
  • After checking the possibility of installation, you will need to familiarize yourself with the possibility of physical installation of the antenna, as well as identify possible interference and signal obstacles. If there are tall trees, houses, etc. in the signal path, then it makes sense to put it on the roof, only then it can be turned in different directions to improve the signal.
  • Further, the equipment itself is selected for the TV used, in other words, it is a set-top box or a module.

Additionally, before installation, you will need to check the presence of all the necessary components:

  1. Prefix or module.
  2. Smart card or sim card.
  3. Antenna.
  4. Antenna mounts (must be supplied).
  5. Converter.
  6. Coaxial cable.
  7. Connectors.
  8. Installation tool.
  9. Plug for connecting the cable to the TV.
  10. If 2 TVs are connected at the same time, then a divider that works in the range from 950 to 2150 MHz.

To make installation and setup faster, and work much more convenient, it is recommended to buy immediately full set, which is offered by the operator MTS. It will contain everything you need for installation.

Antenna installation and tuning

First you need to assemble and install the antenna. The assembly procedure is described in detail in the instructions; it is quite simple to work on it. It is necessary to tighten all the nuts, but so as not to damage anything, but there is no need to touch the nuts and fasteners for the wall bracket and adjusting the antenna angles. The mount, which is made of a couple of parts, must be assembled separately and not screwed onto the antenna. The converter is immediately installed on the antenna, but the cable is turned on later.

Next, using the application described earlier, you need to install and fix the antenna on the wall. Installation is carried out on a flat surface, the bracket itself is attached to it, and the attachment points are outlined with a marker. Further, the marked area is drilled and, using the dowels, installation is carried out. Then, you need to put the antenna on firmly installed brackets and tighten the nuts on the fasteners, after which the angle of the mirror is set vertically as much as possible.

When the base is installed, the cable is connected to the converter and the antenna can be tuned. To do this, you need to rotate it, tilt and unfold the converter. The procedure will be as follows:

  1. On mobile phone the SatFinder application starts.
  2. The satellite ABS 2 - 75 E is selected.
  3. The application will start showing the direction of the selected satellite, and the camera will need to show the position and the required angles of turns and tilts.

After setting the antenna, you need to check the signal. The cable must be connected to the set-top box and go to the settings with the remote control. Go to the section with antenna settings, where the signal level will be shown. At weak signal, you need to turn the antenna in different sides to achieve quality communication... As a rule, with the application, the connection quality will be high and additional customization will not need. When the signal is on the right level, the antenna is fixed, and all the nuts are tightened.

Setting up MTS equipment

To set up the equipment, you will need to turn on the set-top box after connecting the cable. When using the module, you need to insert it into the TV, into the connector intended for it. Then the card is inserted.

Setting up an interactive set-top box will be as follows:

  1. Initially, a SIM card is inserted.
  2. Next, the set-top box starts up and you need to wait for initialization.
  3. After that, you should go through authorization using the methods that will be offered.
  4. After authorization, you need to create and save your profile, and in the tab with the access level, if necessary, put a password or age restrictions.
  5. Then there will be a channel scan procedure and a menu with the found list will open.

This completes the setup procedure. Setting up a conventional TV box with HD broadcast will look like this:

  • In a disconnected set-top box, you need to insert SIM cards and then turn on the set-top box to the network.
  • A green lamp should light up on the front side, if it is not there, then you need to press the red button on the remote control.
  • Next, the TV turns on and it should be switched to AV or HDMI mode.
  • A menu will open initial installation, where the language, picture size and other settings are set.
  • To search for channels, select on the remote control, press the search key and then click on "OK".
  • When the search is finished, the TV will show any channel found and the search menu will close.
  • You also need to make sure that the device is authorized, if this is not the case, then it is better to do the authorization yourself by clicking on the link
  1. Unplug the TV and plug in the antenna cable using the SATELLITE connector.
  2. Further, the module is installed into the port on the TV, a smart card is inserted into it, and only then the TV is turned on in the network.
  3. The screen should say that the module has been found. To watch broadcasts, you need to select the reception of a satellite DVB-S2 signal, and then make the setting, you can see it in the instructions for the TV and, if necessary, register them manually.
  4. To watch TV from MTS, you need to set the reception on TV DVB-C signal and write the following parameters: in the column with the search type, network or fast is indicated, for the signal frequency you need to select 298000KHz, in the line with modulation - QAM64, and the value symbol rate will be 6875Kps.

After that, the broadcast should begin. If setting up any type of equipment did not give results, then it is recommended to call the support service on free phones 88002500890 from city or mobile number or 0877 if the call is made only from a mobile phone.

The MTS company provides the population with a fairly wide range of services. In addition to numerous services cellular, the provider has many other interesting offers, the list of which is regularly updated. So, relatively recently, MTS satellite TV appeared. This offer quickly gained popularity and the number of users of satellite TV from MTS is actively growing to this day. What exactly attracts the attention of MTS satellite TV? We will answer this question within the framework of this article.

In view of the growing popularity of satellite television from MTS, the number of subscribers who want to get answers to a variety of questions has also increased. Customer Service has proven itself not with better side, so users have to look for answers to their questions on the Internet. Some are interested in how to set up satellite TV from MTS, others want to get the most complete picture of the service as a whole, some are interested real reviews about this service. Unfortunately, there are few comprehensive answers to these important questions on the web, but we have fixed that. This article will be useful for those who are just considering the possibility of connecting satellite TV from MTS or have already purchased a kit and want to set up everything on their own.

  • Important
  • Before purchasing a set of satellite TV, check the possibility of installation. The location of the satellite in relation to your home can be determined using the SatFinder application (see below for more details).

Review of satellite TV from MTS

On Russian market There are many providers that provide satellite TV services, so subscribers have a lot to choose from. Therefore, in order to be competitive and gain a significant client base, MTS will have to be interested in something. potential client... What exactly does the consumer pay attention to when choosing a service? That's right, the ratio of quality and price.

As for the quality, here is MTS satellite TV on this moment is hardly a leader in this niche. On the other hand, the provider attracts the attention of the consumer with its prices. Various promotions are held regularly, which allow you to purchase a starter kit at an attractive price.... So, for example, at the time of this writing, it was possible to buy MTS satellite TV for only 2990 rubles, while it is provided free of charge annual subscription more than 140 channels. No other provider makes similar offers. However, this is not yet a reason to make an unambiguous choice in favor of MTS. First, you should study all the conditions and nuances of this offer.

Benefits of satellite TV from MTS

Of course, the number of users of satellite TV from MTS regularly increases for a reason, and there are good reasons for this. Of course, there are no shortcomings at all here, as always, and we will talk about them later, but for now we will consider the positive aspects.

Satellite TV MTS is characterized by the following advantages:

  • Access to over 190 channels, including 35 in HD;
  • Low cost of a starter set of equipment (you can buy for a promotion with a good discount);
  • Possibility to connect almost anywhere in the country;
  • The ability to pause the broadcast, record or rewind;
  • Interactive services (TV program, weather forecast, news, etc.);
  • Function "Parental Control".

The advantages also include simplicity and speed of connection. In principle, if you wish, you can do without a wizard and independently install and configure MTS satellite TV. We will tell you how to do this below. Speaking about the advantages, it is worth paying special attention to the cost of the starter kit and the subscription fee. In order to increase its client base, MTS regularly holds various promotions, within the framework of which one can significantly save on the purchase of satellite television and subscription fees. TO financial issue we will come back, but now we will talk about the shortcomings, unfortunately, we could not do without them.

Disadvantages of satellite TV from MTS

MTS company knows how to do beautiful advertising their products. If you have already used the services of this operator, then you will know that the promises are always true. The provider focuses solely on the advantages, while carefully hiding all possible disadvantages, which are always there. Satellite TV MTS is no exception to the rule, and here, too, there were some pitfalls.

Satellite TV MTS is characterized by the following disadvantages:

  • Periodic failures with the broadcast signal;
  • Poor customer support;
  • The attachment gets very hot;
  • The prefix turns on for a long time;
  • Many channels are duplicated with a time difference (+2, +4, +6).

It is also worth adding that many users complain that after connecting, various attempts begin on the part of the operator to cheat for money. For example, a client is being lured by some interesting action(no monthly fee or a discount on a starter kit), and then it turns out that he cannot take advantage of this promotion due to certain reasons... However, similar situations usually arise due to the fact that the subscriber has not carefully studied the terms of service.

Perhaps the most important real drawbacks of satellite TV from MTS are poor support service and failures with the broadcast signal. Not only can you get through to help center sometimes it is very problematic, and there is still no guarantee that you will receive a detailed answer to your question. Very often there are specialists whose qualifications leave much to be desired. Failures with the broadcast signal do deserve a separate topic of conversation. These are not just reviews of dissatisfied customers, but a real fact. We have personally tested MTS Satellite TV for several months and have seen intermittent crashes, especially in bad weather. Perhaps this is due to the fact that MTS is relatively recent in this market and in the near future the satellite problem will be resolved.

How much will satellite TV from MTS cost

So, we figured out the advantages and disadvantages of satellite television from MTS. Basically, if you are used to doing without the help of the support service and you are not afraid of possible failures with the broadcast signal in bad weather, then in general this is a good option. If we compare MTS satellite TV with offers from other providers, so far this is the most cheap option... True, it is only because of regular promotions. Again, I heard about another promotion in advertising, do not rush to use it, first, study it more and more carefully. As for the pricing policy, it changes regularly. Consider the prices and promotions that are relevant in 2018.

Prices for satellite TV from MTS:

  • The cost of a set with an attachment, antenna and accessories - 8240 rubles (for the promotion - 2990 rubles);
  • Basic set of channels - 1200 rubles per year (140 rubles per month);
  • "Adult" package - 150 rubles per month (4 channels);
  • Package "Children" - 50 rubles per month (6 channels);
  • Basic package - 150 rubles per month (4 channels);
  • “Our Football” package - 219 rubles per month (1 channel);
  • Cinema Tuning package - 319 rubles per month (5 channels).

We have not listed all packages. WITH complete list packages and their cost can be found on the official website of the provider... In principle, if you do not take stocks into account, the prices will be practically the same as those of other providers. For example, a tricolor has more strong signal, more channels and the same subscription fee... True, the starter kit will cost you more. So far, MTS lures customers with just shares. At the time of this writing, the "Smart Sputnik" promotions were available (no monthly fee for subscribers with tariffs smart line) and "Satellite TV is no longer a luxury" (starter kit for 2990 rubles). Over time, these shares will go into the archive and may be replaced by new ones.... If you decide to take advantage of the promotional offer, do not naively believe the advertising, be sure to study the conditions. As a rule, they are written in small print.

How to connect and configure satellite TV MTS

If you have weighed all the pros and cons of satellite TV from MTS and have already decided to purchase necessary equipment, then the matter remains small. If you have the opportunity, you can contact a specialist who will install and configure satellite television. The MTS company does not provide such a wizard, but it will not be difficult to find it, for example, through Internet bulletin boards. WITH The cost of this service will differ depending on the region (1000-2000 rubles). However, if you wish, you can do everything yourself. Don't worry, you won't need any expensive equipment. You can find the corresponding instructions below, but for now we will consider how and where you can purchase satellite television.

You can connect MTS satellite TV in the following ways:

  1. In any MTS communication salon;
  2. On the website;
  3. By calling 8 800 250 0890.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to receive a set of satellite television on the same day. You will have to wait a while (1-2 weeks). As a rule, the equipment is delivered free of charge to specified address... As soon as you receive your order, you can proceed with the installation.

  • Important
  • In the Kamchatka Territory and Chukotka AO, the Satellite TV service is not provided.

Assembly and installation of a satellite TV antenna from MTS

Of course, you will not receive the equipment assembled. A box will be delivered to you, which will contain everything you need to connect satellite TV and the corresponding instructions. Before you start tuning and searching for channels, you need to assemble the antenna and install it in a suitable place. Satellite TV MTS works from the satellite ABS 2 - 75 E, to which you have to direct the antenna... It is unlikely that this tells you anything. To determine the location of this satellite and, accordingly, the direction of the dish, set on your phone free app"SatFinder" (available in the AppStore or Play Market). It will show the location of the satellite relative to your home and you can easily determine in which direction to put the antenna. We will tell you more about how to use and configure this application below.

Before proceeding with the installation of the antenna and its tuning, it is necessary to assemble it. The corresponding instruction is included in the kit. There is no need to tighten the fastening to the wall bracket and the cymbal angle adjustment nuts, otherwise you will not be able to search for the signal. The bracket, consisting of two parts, assemble separately and do not attach to the antenna itself, it will need to be carefully fixed to the wall using dowels. Then "put" the antenna on the bracket, slightly tighten the nuts on the fasteners and adjust the angle of the mirror as vertically as possible. Next, you need to strip the cable and install the F-connectors on it. One end of the cable connects to the set-top box, the other to the antenna. In principle, there should be no questions about the installation, since in comes with enough available instruction with a clear diagram of the assembly and installation of the antenna. Let's move on to the main question.

Setting up satellite TV from MTS

There are quite a few instructions on the Internet for self-configuration satellite television MTS, but most of them describe only the theoretical part. In practice, many questions arise, the answers to which are not present. We will try to rectify the situation and provide you with the most complete step by step guide on setting up satellite TV from MTS. Our instruction is not another retelling, but personal experience... We have had occasion to install and configure MTS satellite TV several times, so our instructions will most likely help you. If you have any difficulties, ask your questions in the comments.

To set up MTS satellite TV, follow these steps:

  1. Determine the location of the satellite relative to your home. To find the optimal location for installing the antenna, you need to know where the ABS 2 - 75 E satellite is located. For this you do not need to have special equipment... Install the "SatFinder" application on your phone (available in the AppStore or Play Market). Turn on geodata transfer for GPS connection. Launch the SatFinder application, click on the search icon and select the ABS satellite 2 - 75 E. Next, click on the three dots in the upper right corner and select show AR. Now search for a satellite (the circle should be at the intersection of the two lines and turn green.
  2. Antenna installation. When the location of the satellite in relation to your home is determined, you can start installing the antenna. We described above how to assemble the antenna, besides, the kit will definitely include detailed diagram... You do not need to immediately try to put the dish exactly on the satellite and tighten the bolts tightly. The cymbal angle adjustment nuts do not need to be tightened, otherwise you will not be able to search for the signal.
  3. Signal search. Antenna tuning is performed according to three indicators: antenna rotation, antenna tilt and converter rotation. Earlier we said that to find desired satellite using the SatFinder app. Unfortunately, if you are guided exclusively by this application, you will not be able to configure anything. The application allows you to find the approximate location of the satellite, but we need to catch the most accurate signal. This will take a little tinkering. So, if the antenna is already installed, connect it to the set-top box, turn on the TV and select the "Settings" section in the set-top box menu, then open the "Antenna settings" section (depending on the set-top box model, the sequence of actions may differ). The signal strength received by your antenna will appear on the screen. By the way, some models of consoles do not require any additional actions, the signal level is displayed on the screen immediately after switching on. Now you need an assistant or you will have to take the TV to the antenna so that you can adjust it and at the same time monitor the signal level. Slowly move the dish to the right / left and up / down until the signal appears on the screen. You will not be able to achieve a signal level of 100%, as a rule, a maximum of 60-70%. Don't worry, this is enough for a high-quality picture. When optimal signal will be found, you can fix the plate tightly.

Of course, manually adjusting the antenna can take a lot of time, but you don't have to buy expensive equipment or hire a master. If we are guided by our experience, then for a long time we fiddled with only the first antenna. This was due to the fact that the SatFinder application showed the location of the satellite very high, respectively, the dish was heavily lifted. If you also have, then feel free to lower the antenna an order of magnitude lower. Basically, 10-15 minutes of manual adjustment will definitely give a result. The main thing is to watch the TV, as soon as there is at least some signal, then you are close to completion.

MTS has a single contact center by calling whose number you can get answers to all questions related to mobile communication, internet, etc., including satellite TV. The hotline operates around the clock. Here you can get necessary information by listening to the autoinformer and pressing the corresponding button in the tone dialing, or wait for the operator's response and discuss the problem with him. The main thing here is to clearly and accurately formulate the question you want to ask.

You can ask all questions by calling the number known to all MTS users 0877 or 8 800 250 0890 .

If you have any questions regarding Satellite TV, then you need to press the number "3" on the phone keypad. Next, you need to follow the robot's commands and press the key that corresponds to the topic of your problem.

  • 2 - if you have already purchased the equipment and you need activation;
  • 3 - if you plan to purchase equipment and connect;
  • 4 - to run test mode Satellite TV;
  • 5 - search for channels;
  • 6 - get information about payment, balance, personal account;
  • 7 - contact technical support.

You can also use the number 8 800 250 0050 : 2 - satellite TV, then - follow the instructions of the autoinformer.

The 0877 number is suitable only for MTS subscribers, but the previous ones are for everyone else.

Where to write if there is a problem

In fact, calling the hotline is probably the most quick way get answers and solve the problem. Of course, there is a way to contact the company via Email and social networks, but it can drag on:

  1. Fill in the form feedback on the website at

After you have asked a question, the managers will answer you in a convenient way, which you noted in the feedback form: SMS, call, or e-mail.

  1. Write to one of the official social networks of MTS:

Setting up and troubleshooting

  • Installing and configuring Satellite TV is a technically difficult task, therefore the most optimal way to cope with this difficulty is to call a specialist who will do everything promptly and professionally. You can call a specialist by calling 8 800 250 0890 or 0877 from the MTS number. True, the output will be paid and will cost about 2,000 rubles;
  • If you have purchased a kit and you need to register it, then you need to fill out a special form on the MTS website;
  • If you still dare to do everything yourself, then you can help special video, which contains a description and nuances, as well as instructions and a subscriber reference. Watch video and download necessary information can . Also given here detailed manual on antenna installation and settings. You may need help from Protractor and SatFinder applications, you can download from AppStore or Play Market;
  • Instructions for manual setting channels can be found here;
  • Subscribers can download the guide on returning to factory settings at the link

The main errors in the operation of MTS satellite TV and their elimination

  1. D101-0

The CAM module did not have time to receive information from the TV.

Solution: you need to switch to an encrypted channel and wait a few minutes. Setting the correct time and date on the TV will also help out.

  1. E006-4, 104-2, E106-9, E106-9, E04-4 or "Status undefined"

Reasons for the error: the card is inserted incorrectly, the card contacts are dirty, the smart card is faulty, the card is not MTS, it does not fit the set, the set-top box is faulty.

How to fix - reinstalling smart card, cleaning contacts (delicately WITHOUT detergents and abrasive materials)

  1. E101-4, E107-4
  • Activation has not been performed.
  • The card is installed in a receiver that is not a Mobile TeleSystem equipment.
  • How to eliminate: activate the equipment at 8 800 250 0890.
  1. E016-4, E16, E16-4

Problem - there is no funds in the account or on this channel subscription is not activated.

You can solve it by replenishing the balance or by switching to another channel.

  1. E106-9

The card does not belong to the operator, or there is a factory defect on the equipment.

The solution is to replace the card with another one from MTS, which was included in the kit. If this is not the case, dial the hotline number.

  1. E030-4, E120-4

The time and date settings on the TV are incorrect.

How to fix? Set the correct parameters. If it does not help, disconnect and reconnect the module to the TV.

  1. E019-4

TV with self-module did not work for a long time. You need to check the presence of a card, connect the cable, turn on the TV on long time... if it does not help, call the support service and ask to activate the equipment on a new one.

  1. E133-4:

Reboot the set-top box (turn off and turn on again).

  1. E48-32. How to fix the error:
  • Update software.
  • Reset settings.
  • Remove and re-insert the smart card.
  1. E107-4:
  • Activation has not been performed. A call to tech support will fix everything.
  1. E52-32:

No signal. Check the cable for connection and damage, make sure the converter is intact, make sure the antenna settings are correct. Then reset the settings to factory settings and start searching for channels on a new one.

  1. No error code or error D101-0. Inscription on the TV screen: CI + ERROR: Host Certificate Invalid-Expiried, Please Tune to DTV service - 16.

The solution is also to reset the settings to the factory settings and re-tune the channels. If it does not help, then new software is required.

If the problem that you have encountered is not in the above list or you cannot fix it on your own, then the call center operator can help you at 8 800 250 0890. If his consultation also did not bring results, then you should call the wizard.

Satellite TV from the MTS operator appeared recently, but it is popular due to high-quality image, huge choice channels, stability of work, attractive price offer... If you just bought a TV and choose a provider, then in this article you can find out the connection methods and tariffs satellite MTS TV, channel list base package.

Satellite TV from MTS has coverage over 90% of the territory of Russia, so you can connect almost anywhere and expect quality signal reception. How many channels are included in the basic package from this provider? Satellite TV MTS TV in 2018, the list of channels includes 129 TV channels, of which 28 are broadcast in HD quality. MTS TV is shown using the ABS-2 satellite, which has a Central Head Station and its own teleport.

The satellite TV list is targeted at different populations, so you can find entertainment, sports, film, children's, educational, musical, erotic and news channels... Of these, 24 channels are federal.

  1. Channel One MTS TV is very popular. It refers to universal and broadcasts not only information broadcasting, but also a variety of television series, new movies, TV shows, music and more. See the latest information on the events in the country firsthand, you can on the Russia 24 TV channel. In addition, the basic package includes 9 other news TV channels, with the help of which it is possible to observe the whole world, for example, World Business Channel HD, EuroNews, World 24.
  2. The first number in the list of film channels on which you can see premieres from well-known world studios is Fox HD. Also, TV channels of cinema, such as Kinoseriya, Eurokino, Yu, Kinokomedy, do not go unnoticed. Documentaries and films can be seen at Top Secret, 365 Days, Retro. To please the children interesting cartoons and educational programs will help channels Disney, Cartoon Network, My Joy, Children's World.
  3. For music lovers and music programs the basic satellite TV package from MTS includes 12 music channels for every taste, for example, Bridge TV, 1HD, Europa Plus TV, RU.TV. You can watch football, boxing, hockey and other sports at 10 sports channels such as Russian Extreme, Match TV, Eurosport, Box TV.
  4. The MTS provider provides an opportunity to watch various amateur programs related to hobbies and leisure. Today there are 21 such channels in the basic package. Popular are 2x2, Kitchen TV, Discovery ID Xtra HD, TNT4, Hunting and Fishing, Fashion One HD.

A complete list of all available MTS satellite TV channels can be seen below.

An interesting offer from the satellite TV operator is also mobile tv... How many channels does it show in such a situation? With the MTC TV app, you can watch the same 129 channels as available for TVs. It is enough to download it to your smartphone or tablet and activate the service.

Package connection

To connect a basic satellite TV package from MTS, you must leave an application on the website. To do this, select the section " Home Internet and TV - Satellite TV ", then click" Connect ".

The data in the application must contain the following: name, contacts, connection address, desired service and tariff plan. Next, you need to wait for the call from the coordinator, who will clarify all the questions and send the equipment.

In order for satellite TV from MTS to show, you need to purchase a set satellite equipment, which includes an antenna, set-top box or CAM module, converter. Of these, an antenna and a converter can be bought at any specialized store, and it does not matter what kind of operator will be. CAM module or set-top box must be from MTS. After purchasing the necessary equipment, the wizard can help you connect and pass authorization, or you can do it yourself, following the instructions. The work of the master is paid additionally on the spot.

Carrying out such actions will allow you to watch free channels satellite TV. However, this list does not include most of the TV channels from the paid basic package from MTS. Moreover, they can change at any time. Additional paid packages channels can be connected in a communication salon, by calling technical support or in personal account on the operator's website. In the same way, two TVs are connected.

Package cost

In order to connect the basic package, you must sign an agreement on the provision of these services by the operator and pay a subscription fee, the cost of which is 140 rubles per month.

In order to save money, you can immediately pay for the year in the amount of 1200 rubles. Thus, the monthly rate will be only 100 rubles.

According to the campaign "Satellite TV is no longer a luxury", according to which the equipment was connected, three packages will be immediately connected, namely Adult, Children's and Basic. Monthly subscription fee in this case will be 250 rubles.

If you wish, you can turn off the first two packages and leave only Basic for 140 rubles per month.

Additional channels have the ability to connect or disconnect at any time. Their cost is as follows:

  1. RUB 200 - AMEDIA Premium HD, suggests showing films and TV series from Europe and the USA.
  2. RUB 50 - For children, with cartoons and programs for children of an entertaining and developing nature, for example, BabyTV, Boomerang.
  3. RUB 380 - Match! Football, where you can see all the football events in the world.
  4. RUB 150 - Adult, suggesting watching erotic TV channels such as Candy TV HD, Candyman, O-la-la, Russian Night.
  5. RUB 319 - Cinema mood, with a wide variety of films, channels Male HD cinema, Hit movie, HD movie premiere, Movie family.
  6. RUB 219 - Our football, all the matches of the Russian championship are here.

If you already have an antenna and a receiver, then you can watch satellite TV from MTS for only 2990 rubles, which includes the purchase of an HD set-top box and a SMART card. The price of the CAM-module and the card will be 3500 rubles.

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