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A satellite dish is all you need for installation. Satellite dish device

HotBird is a European satellite with a large number of foreign programs. Hotbird is connected to watch Italian, Armenian, Arabic, French, Polish, Portuguese, African, as well as channels from the Middle East.

Reception is made for a set of equipment:

  • Satellite dish 90-120cm.
  • Linear converter.
  • Cable.

Channels without monthly payment (open) are stably received on plates 90cm. Coded paid foreign programs operate on 120-140cm antennas (Sky Italia, NOVA, Polsat, Bis TV France). These data are for Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as the surrounding regions. See Hotbird coverage map for antenna size for your region.

Instructions for self-tuning the antenna to the Hotbird satellite

1. Determining the possibility of receiving a satellite

The direction of the satellite is determined by the program on the Internet or by the compass. The first option: go to the GEONAMES website (DISHPOINTER), select the satellite name (Eutelsat Hotbird 13B / 13C / 13E). We drive in the exact address, look at the map. The direction of the satellite will be shown with a colored line. We check if the windows are facing in the right direction, we check for obstacles in the way of reception.

Performing the compass procedure: find the mark south and count 24 degrees west to mark "204" (the south marker corresponds to 180 degrees + 24 degrees to the Hotbird satellite). In this direction, a satellite signal arrives. We check for interference in the receiving path.

If there is no signal from windows or walls of the building, the satellite dish is connected on the roof. The cable runs along the facade or low-current riser.

Attention! Only a specialist after leaving and measuring the signal will guarantee the reception of the satellite! The cost of the service is 1000 rubles.

For independent measurements, we use a prefix where there is a scale of level and quality.

2. Assembly of equipment, orientation to the satellite.

The procedure is performed using a receiver with a TV or an antenna tuning device. The device facilitates the work, since there is no need to carry the TV set with a set-top box to the installation site. The device shows the strength and power of the signal, there is a sound indicator. But there are some peculiarities: the device does not determine which satellite it received, therefore, after obtaining the maximum values ​​for the device, we check the channels on the receiver.

In both versions, we first set the satellite parameters in the receiver:

  • The name is Eutelsat Hotbird 13B / 13C / 13E.
  • Transponder (frequency): 12322MHz, polarization: H, bit rate: 27500, error correction: 3/4.
  • Dissek - off. 22KHz - disabled.
  • Converter settings (only if required): upper local oscillator 10600 MHz, lower local oscillator 9750 MHz.

The transponder can be selected from the general list of frequencies for this satellite, or through the "Manual search" section. We will have 2 scales on the screen: signal level and quality. It is important for us to fill both scales to the maximum values, but not less than 60-70%. Full list of channels and frequencies of the Hotbird satellite.

3. Setting up a Hotbird satellite dish

Before doing the work, we find the data on the elevation and azimuth of the desired region (if the required city is not in the list, we use the program for calculating SATCALC):

Region Elevation angle Azimuth
Arkhangelsk 211 13
Volgograd 219 26
Yekaterinburg 232 13
Kazan 231 21
Kaliningrad 189 27
Krasnodar 215 32
Moscow 208 23
Murmansk 201 11
Nizhny Novgorod 215 20
Rostov-on-Don 215 30
Saint Petersburg 200 20
Samara 223 21
Tyumen 237 10
  • We set the plate in elevation and azimuth of your region (Moscow and the region, elevation 208, azimuth 23).
  • We turn the converter to the mark -15.8 ° so that the value is on top.
  • Position the antenna mirror vertically with a slight downward tilt.
  • Slowly move the antenna 1-2mm left and right, wait a few seconds, look at the filling of the scales. If the signal does not appear, then we change the location of the antenna (up and down), continue to move left and right. We repeat the procedure until we reach the maximum values ​​in two scales, but not less than 60-70%.
  • We fix the antenna, tighten the bolts

If for some reason you are unable to tune the Hotbird dish, or the antenna has stopped working, contact the Spectrum TV installers +7 962 963 31 08.

HotBird Antenna Tuning Wizards: Call Moscow and Region

Antennchiks perform the following types of repair work:

  • Setting up a satellite dish.
  • Replacing the converter.
  • Repair or replacement of the cable.
  • Connecting additional TVs.
  • Setting up a satellite box.
  • Replacing the antenna mirror.
  • Reinstalling the system.
  • Strengthening the support.
  • Replacement of connectors.
  • Receiver firmware.

The cost of setting up HotBird is 2500 ₽!

Component prices:

  • Converter 1 output - 490 ₽.
  • Cable - 35 rubles per meter.
  • Antenna 90cm - 1590 ₽
  • Antenna 120cm - 5600
  • Lightning protection - 490

The installers of "Spectr TV" have significant experience and specialized technical education. Warranty for work and equipment is provided.

  • Arthur
  • Joined the company since 2010 Specialization: repair, adjustment, installation of satellite systems

  • Alexander
  • Joined the company since 2006. Specialization: repair, tuning, installation of satellite and terrestrial systems

  • Sergei
  • Joined the company since 2004. Specialization: repair, tuning, installation of TV systems. Cellular. Internet.

Antenna tuning Astra 19 + Hotbird 13

The combo consists of two satellites - Astra 19 and Hotbird 13. The satellites are located close, so they can be connected to the same antenna. Astra 19 - viewing German, French programs. HotBird - Italian, Polish, Arab, African, Asian TV channels.

Equipment required:

  • Satellite dish 1.2m-1.4m.
  • Linear polarization converter, 1 output - 2 pcs.
  • Multifeed - 1pc.
  • Disc switch for 2 - 1pc.

The multifid is a holder for the second converter. The standard kit of the plate assumes the presence of one mount. When connecting an antenna to several satellites, multifeed is used.

A disk switch is a device that will switch power between two converters (two satellites). If a channel is selected from the Hotbird satellite, then the power is supplied to the corresponding converter.

Tuning procedure for 120cm antenna:

  • We collect and install the plate on the bracket.
  • In the central focus, we connect the converter to the Astra 19, since the signal from this satellite is weaker.
  • We collect and install the multifeed according to the instructions. We place the multifid on the left (antenna in front of the tuner).
  • Adjust the distance between the center of the Astra 19 converter and the center of the Hotbird converter by 83mm.
  • Installation of the disc: take 2 cables from the converters, connect the cable from Astra 19 to 1 input of the disc, and to the second from Hotbird. Output (out) to the receiver.
  • We connect the receiver to the antenna and to the TV, display the menu on the screen.
  • We set the operating frequency of the Astra satellite in the attachment: transponder (frequency): 12 545, polarization H, flow rate 22 000, error correction 5/6.
  • Before us are 2 scales: level and quality, we will tune the antenna according to them.
  • Unscrew the Astra converter to the -10.3 mark, the Hotbird converter to the -15.8 mark, the values ​​should be on top.
  • Slowly move the antenna left and right, wait a couple of seconds, check the filling of the scales on the attachment. If the signal does not appear, change the location of the antenna (up and down).
  • We repeat the procedure until the scales are filled. They must be filled at least 60-70%.
  • We configure the channels of the Astra 19 satellite on the receiver. If all channels are found and work stably, then we begin to set up the disk switch.
  • In the disc settings section, set the "enable" switch function.
  • We go into the settings. The version must match the one written on the device case.
  • We expose the same inputs that were used when connecting. They can be designated either by numbers - 1,2, or by letters A, B.
  • At the first entrance of Astra, at the second Hotbird.
  • Setting up channels on Hotbird. If there is no signal, or it is weak. Move the Hotbird converter left-right, check it again.
  • We fix the antenna, tighten the bolts.

Antenna tuning for 3 satellites Amos 4 + Sirius 5 (Astra 4W) + HotBird 13

The combination consists of 3 satellites: Amos 4W, HotBird 13E, Sirius 4.9E (the new name of the Astra 4A satellite). Hotbird - European channels, programs from Asia and Africa. With Amos and Sirius - channels in Ukrainian.

Equipment required:

  • Satellite dish 120-140cm.
  • Linear polarization converter 1 output - 3 pcs.
  • Multifeed - 2 pcs.
  • Disc switch for 4 - 1pc

Multifeeds - additional holders for converters. The standard set of a satellite dish assumes 1 holder. The disk switch will combine the signal from 3 antennas and switch power between them (power is supplied to the converter of the satellite whose channel was selected on the set-top box).

The procedure for tuning to an antenna 120cm:

  • We collect and install the antenna on the bracket.
  • Put Hotbird in the central focus. To the left of Hotbird, first a converter to Sirius, then Amos.
  • Distances between the centers of the first and second converters (Hotbird-Sirius) 83mm, the second and third (Sirius-Amos) 87mm.
  • We unscrew the converter (see degrees on the irradiator): HotBird -15.8, Sirius -20.2, Amos -24.3. The value should be on top.
  • We connect a 1x4 disc: 1 Hotbird input, 2 Sirius input, 3 Amos input.
  • We use a cable to take the signal from the output of the disc (out) and connect it to the antenna input of the set-top box (LNB IN, ANT IN).
  • We connect the receiver to the antenna and the TV, display the menu on the TV screen.
  • In the prefix, select the Hotbird satellite, go to the list of frequencies (transponders), look for a frequency of 12322 MHz.
  • Full parameters: frequency 12322MHz, polarization H, flow rate 27500, error correction 3/4.
  • Position the antenna vertically, with a slight downward tilt. Presetting azimuth and elevation for a hotbird satellite will simplify the task (see data above).
  • Slowly move the plate 1-2mm left to right, wait a few seconds, check the filling of the signal level and quality scales on the screen.
  • When this operation does not bring any result, we try to move the mirror up and down, continue setting.
  • We achieve the maximum filling of the signal scales - at least 60-70%.
  • Checking the channel settings on the STB. If everything works well, the signal is stable, we can start tuning channels to other satellites.
  • In the receiver, turn on the function of the disc protocol. The version must correspond to the version of the connected disk. Usually these numbers are indicated on the case. Most of the switches use the 1.0-2.0 protocol
  • We expose the necessary disk inputs. 1 Hotbird entrance, 2 - Sirius, 2 - Amos. There may be letter designations A-B-C-D.
  • We set up channels from satellites Sirius, Amos. The set-top box, as a rule, already contains a frequency sheet. But you can also do it in manual search.
  • Sirius frequency: 11766, H polarization, flow rate 27,500, error correction 3/4.
  • Amos frequency: 11140, H polarization, 30,000 flow rate, 3/4 error correction.
  • Be sure to activate the network search function, as this will help us configure the entire transponder list of the satellite.
  • When paid channels are not planned for viewing, we select the search for only open or FTA channels.
  • If the signal of any satellite is not stable, we adjust the converter.

Masters of the Spectrum TV company will provide services for the installation and tuning of the antenna to the satellites: HotBird, Amos, Sirius, Astra. Phone +7 962 963 31 08.

Each person will prefer to watch, in addition to central broadcasting channels, another 20-30 thematic TV channels in high definition. What is needed for this? Choose one of the Russian satellite broadcasting operators, purchase a set of equipment and configure it.

In most cases, setup and installation of equipment is included in the purchase package, so after purchasing the "plate", installers come to do the necessary work. However, it is quite possible to cope with this task on your own, and we will tell you how to do it.

Antenna device and equipment set

Considering that the instructions are intended for a beginner, let's start with the basics. All satellite dishes present on the domestic digital television market are divided into two groups:


    Direct focus.

The difference between the models is how they work.

In direct focus antennas, the signal receiving converter is located exactly in the center at a small distance from the mirror. In offset - the signal is reflected at an angle, respectively, the converter is offset relative to the axis.

The way they are installed depends on the type of antenna. Rectangulars are mounted at right angles, which corresponds to the trajectory of the satellite above the horizon line. With offset analogs, the situation is different. Here you need to refer to the school physics course and remember that the angle of incidence of the beam is equal to the angle of reflection.

Therefore, such models are installed with a slight tilt relative to the satellite.

The satellite dish consists of the following elements:

    Mounting bracket.

    Reflector mirrors.

    The irradiator with a removable casing that protects from precipitation.

    Depolarizer - Converts circular polarization to linear frequency.

    Converter with signal amplifier.

In addition, the basic delivery set includes:

    a tuner responsible for broadcasting channels;

    disek - switch between converters that receive a signal from the satellite;

    coaxial cable with connection connectors.

The package also includes connecting plugs, anchor bolts and dowels.

Antenna installation

Immediately, we note that the installation must be carried out in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, which is included in the equipment kit. If you do not follow the mandatory rules, you can forget about a high-quality image. Correct antenna installation consists of the following steps:

Choice of direction... The mirror of the "plate" always faces south, while no foreign objects should enter the target. If the antenna is installed in a private house, it makes sense to fix it at a height of 7-10 m from the ground: this will reduce the level of dust in the air and help to significantly improve the image quality.

Mounting fasteners... First, the mounting brackets are installed, which are fixed with anchor bolts or collet pins. The main stand is installed strictly vertically, otherwise it will be problematic to set up the equipment.

Assembly and installation of the "plate"... The antenna is assembled, to which the converters are screwed. These elements are always installed with the connectors downwards to avoid oxidation of the contacts. All connections are reliably insulated, for greater reliability they are covered with a layer of sealant. The assembled antenna is hung on a bracket and fixed with fasteners.

After that, the finished "dish" must be oriented in the direction of the broadcast satellite. For this, the exact geographic coordinates are determined; a mobile device with a satellite navigation module will help here.

The azimuth of the broadcasting satellite can be found on the provider's website, where there is a tilt angle calculator.

To tune the antenna to receive a signal, the following actions are performed:

    The TV and tuner are connected to the converter via a coaxial cable. The equipment is connected to the network, the menu items of the receiver are sequentially selected in the receiver's menu: Installation -> Manual Search.

    Then the antenna itself is adjusted by swaying about the installation axis. This is necessary for the equipment to "catch" the satellite.

    When a signal appears, you need to achieve optimal quality: the reception level is good indicators above 60%.

After that, the mirror is carefully tightened, trying not to knock out the azimuth.

During presetting, you must not be in front of the antenna: any objects that find themselves in the reception area will negatively affect the image quality.

Tuner setting

The next important step in installing a satellite dish is tuning the tuner. The equipment of some providers automatically detects the satellite, the user only has to catch the desired TV channels.

If there is a need to fine-tune or change the parameters set by the manufacturer, go to the section "Menu", select the sub-item "Installation"... There will be several sections here, so let's take a closer look at what each item is responsible for.

Satellite. The first line contains the name of the broadcast satellite and its location in the geopolar orbit. The name of the translator does not affect the configuration of the equipment.

Sometimes the satellite you want is not listed at all. In this case, select any translator and tune to its frequency.

LNB type... The type of converter installed is determined here. There are two types of devices: C and Ku, depending on the reception range. In the first case, the value is set in the menu "Standard", in the second - "Universal".

TP number... This section displays a list of transponders. Using the buttons on the remote control, you can scan the frequency and store all broadcast channels. Information on the required parameters can be found in the provider's frequency table.

DISEQC... This is a switch between converters tuned to the broadcast satellite. If the antenna works with one translator, set the value in the menu DISABLE(disabled). When the antenna is tuned to several satellites, the line indicates the connection port to the desired converter.

Positioner... This function is responsible for automatically tuning the antenna to the azimuth of another satellite. For this, the "plate" is driven by a built-in electric motor. If there is no corresponding key on the remote control, then the equipment does not support this function, therefore the menu is set to "disabled".

Polarization... This item can be left in automatic search mode. If you select the vertical or horizontal settings, only TV channels located in the specified plane will be broadcast.

LNB Power... The item must be in the on position to supply power to the converters.

The equipment interface of different providers may differ, so carefully read the manufacturer's instructions for setting up the equipment.

How to set up your TV

This is the simplest hardware setup step. After connecting the antenna and debugging the receiver, the available TV channels are tested. Usually the programs are arranged in a random order depending on the broadcast frequency.

Using the remote control, you need to connect the channels in a convenient order.

Common connection errors

If, after installing the equipment, the image leaves much to be desired, it means that mistakes were made during the setup, which led to a deterioration in the quality of signal reception. In most cases, users make the following mistakes:

    insufficient diameter of the antenna mirror - leads to loss of signal in bad weather conditions;

    mistakes when choosing the polarization of the converter - do not allow the equipment to tune to the desired satellite;

    lack of a protective casing - at low temperatures, the irradiator will be covered with ice;

    connection via an unsuitable cable - the core must be copper: the steel core significantly impairs the reception quality;

    poor-quality crimping of the cable at the connection points.

In addition, most users make mistakes when connecting two or more TVs to a satellite dish.

If you are not confident in your abilities, do not install the equipment yourself. In the best case, the specialists called for troubleshooting will require partial reimbursement of the cost of damage, in the worst case, the repair is completely carried out at the expense of the user.

TOP-5 reliable providers of satellite TV in Russia

In addition to the purchase and installation of equipment, there remains one more important detail - the choice of the operator satellite TV... Today, on the territory of the country, a lot of companies provide such services.

Hence the question arises: "Which operator is better to connect to?" Consider the proven and popular providers in Russia.

    NTV plus... The first domestic operator to start broadcasting in the satellite TV format. To date, viewers are provided with access to 200 channels, 30 of which are broadcast in the format HD... Satellite location: 36 about east longitude.

    Rainbow TV... A package of Russian and international TV channels designed for a wide audience. The broadcasting network includes sports, children's, music and film channels. Satellite location: 75 o east longitude.

    TV MTS... A new service from a well-known mobile operator. Once connected, available 130 TV channels, of them 30 in high definition format... The receiver has an intuitive interface and takes television broadcasting to a whole new level.

    In particular, viewers can watch live broadcasts and pause, rewind, watch video on demand.

    Telecard... Today, it is the most affordable satellite TV operator operating in all regions of the country. There are two types of connection equipment: SD and HD, which imply different tariff plans, differing in the broadcasting schedule and broadcast quality.

    Tricolor TV... It is currently the largest provider in the Russian region. The key advantages of purchasing equipment are the absence of a monthly fee, a reliable signal level regardless of external factors. The broadcasting grid includes 38 TV channels, connection of a paid package is available.

In addition, you can pay attention to the operators "DV Platform", "Continent", "Platform HD"... Providers offer a wide range of thematic and educational channels in high quality images.

In conclusion, we offer you a sensible video for viewing that will help you cope with the task yourself:


Let's imagine a situation: you have purchased, but you cannot customize it. What can we say about the quality of the received signal, which depends on even small inaccuracies in the setting. In order to do everything right, you can read the thick instructions that come with the satellite system or take on a few tips.

Now you will be prompted to choose from two search modes: "Manual" and "Auto" (manual and automatic, respectively). If you have nothing to do, you can choose the first option, but this can take many hours. So just select the automatic mode, and then make adjustments to the location of the programs using manual control. After pressing the corresponding button, the receiver will begin to receive information about the channels, which it memorizes autonomously.

Now all that remains is to view the existing channels: delete the repeating ones, adjust those that were recorded in the memory with noise, etc.

Please note that some may also have a third mode called "Blind Search". In this case, it is worthwhile to dwell on it, because it not only finds all channels automatically, but also scans all frequency ranges by selecting. The only "but" - you will need a little more time for the final setting.

It is also worth remembering that in automatic mode the receiver may not find all channels.

So at your leisure, you can sit and try to find the ones that aren't already on your list.


  • tuning to satellite dishes
  • everything you need to know about satellite TV and equipment

If you have installed satellite equipment, then now it remains to configure it so that all declared in the passport channels could be watched in excellent quality. How to do this is described in detail in the instructions. If not, use the next method.


In the menu that opens, we find the item "Settings". Perhaps this inscription sounds somehow different.

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Useful advice

If you follow the instructions that are sold with the equipment, then there will be no problems. In addition, the software for some receivers can be found on the Internet. By downloading it, you can find all TV channels in automatic mode.

Installing a satellite dish opens up access to a huge number of television channels, the existence of which you had never even imagined existed. But what if, among hundreds of more channels, the one you need most is not found? It turns out that the situation can be corrected.


Not the best in terms of material costs, but an effective way to increase the number of TV channels is to add another plate. Fix the additional antenna next to the existing antenna, adjust it and connect the linear converter to the switch (disk) to which the operating antenna is connected. This way, the additional signal will be received by your TV after proper adjustment.

There are other ways to increase the number of satellite channels. After you have recorded the signal from the satellite, carefully scan the satellite transmitter (transponder) you need using the receiver.

After that, decide on the channel you are interested in and the satellites that broadcast it. In Russia, most cymbals receive signals from Hotbird, Sirius and Amos. There is a list of channels on the Internet that each of them broadcasts - tune in to the one you need.

Then find the satellite channel settings in the transponder list. This information is also available on the Internet. If the search for the channel or satellite you need was unsuccessful, enter the following information into the search engine: lingsat 4W or 5E, 53E, 75E, 40E, etc. The tables on the lingsat will provide you with all the information you need to set up a channel.

Next, go to the tuner menu of your satellite dish and select the section where the settings for the satellite head and receiver are located. Select the transponder you need from the list or add a new one that you found on the Internet using the settings.

Then you can start scanning with the remote control. In case of any difficulties, you can use the tips at the bottom of the screen. So, a menu with several scanning modes appeared in front of you - manual, blind search, auto scan, etc. If you have never dealt with this, turn on auto search and find the desired channel. If unsuccessful, enter the settings of the required transponder into the list “manually” and re-scan.

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The number of channels in a collective antenna cable can reach several tens. By paying for the use of this service, the subscriber may not even be aware of their number. The autosearch function built into most TVs will help you find all the available channels.


Be sure to connect the shared antenna cable to the TV in addition to the LF cables (either directly or through a VCR, DVD recorder, or other similar device). If necessary, make all the necessary connections, having previously de-energized all devices.

Connect all devices back to the network. Turn on the power of each one. Press the Menu button on the remote control. In the menu that appears on the screen, select an item or tab called "Channels" or similar. Then select the sub-item, which, depending on the model of the device, may be called "Auto tuning" or "Auto search".

The process of searching for all available channels will begin - first the meter, and then the decimeter. This procedure can take up to several minutes. If at the same time the VCR and DVD recorder were turned on, the frequencies of the modulators built into them will also be found. Thus, you will be able to watch movies on them both through the low-frequency inputs of the TV, and through its antenna socket. In the second case, the image quality will be slightly worse.

When auto-tuning is complete, select an item in the Channels tab called Sort, Manual Sort, or similar. The sorting method depends on the TV model and is usually done as follows. Use the vertical arrow keys to select a channel, press the middle button, then use the vertical arrow keys to raise or lower it to the desired position, and then press the middle button again.

Tune your television to the channel that matches the modulator frequency of your VCR or DVD recorder. Configure each of these machines in the same way - first by performing an auto search, and then by manual sorting. Then turn off all appliances.

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Satellite TV allows you to watch programs in very high quality using special satellite receivers (tuners). However, in order to enjoy high quality programming, you first need to properly install and configure your hardware.

You will need

  • - TV set;
  • - satellite antenna;
  • - satellite receiver.


Run the cable from the satellite dish to the receiver and connect to the appropriate connector on the rear panel, usually labeled “IF Input” or “LNB IN”. Next, connect the receiver to the video input of your TV using the Scart connector or RCA connector. In order not to be mistaken, try connecting video to the yellow connector, and the audio to black and red. Refer to the letters on the rear of the receiver.

Turn on the receiver. Follow the instructions for your TV to tune to the correct channel. If you do everything correctly, you will see an image with the receiver's logo on the screen. A list of satellite channels to which you have subscribed will also be displayed here. You can usually also call up the list by pressing the "Menu" button, and then the "OK" buttons, which you will find on the remote control to the receiver or on the front panel of the device. Select the Russian language in the settings, then set the appropriate parameters for the time and the output video signal. If the device asks for a PIN code, try entering the combination 1234 or 0000.

Go to the satellite menu. Select a suitable satellite and select a suitable port. This is usually DiSEqC. From the instructions for the receiver, find out through which inputs the satellite converters are connected, and then set the appropriate values ​​in the menu. Scan the satellite signal by pressing the corresponding key on the remote control or by selecting this item in the settings menu. Please note that modern TV models have the ability to auto-scan the satellite signal and various channels, so the signal transmission can start immediately after selecting the appropriate satellite. Remember to save your settings.

Satellite channel codes are designed to protect against retransmission, copying or illegal viewing, as well as to prevent unauthorized viewing profits from viewers. To combat piracy in the field of satellite TV, they come up with more and more coding systems that are more difficult to crack. But, over time, the newest encoding systems are easily broken by hackers and pirates.

Viaccess encoding systems

Viaccess 2.3 is currently a hacked key system. It was created by the French company France Télécom to encode channels on a paid basis. After hacking, it was improved by imposing an additional encrypted TPS-Crypt signal on the main body of the key. Using this encryption method, the developers were able to transmit several signals at once on the same frequency. After that, an ordinary satellite receiver could not recognize the keys, even if it was equipped with an emulator. To view channels encrypted with Viaccess 2.3 coding, subscribers had to buy AEC keys from a satellite operator.

Viaccess 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 - three hacked and currently ineffective encodings, but some channels work in this encoding to this day, for example, the Mezzo classical music channel from the Hotbird 13E satellite.

Viaccess 3.0, 3.1 are encodings developed in 2007. At the moment they have not been hacked, but the channels that work in them can be viewed illegally using kart sharing.

Viaccess 4.0, 5.0 - developed in 2012, are actively used by satellite operators from France, as well as the Russian satellite operator NTV-Plus. Not hacked, but paid channels are easily viewed illegally through cartsharing.

Nagravision 2 coding system

Nagravision 2 is widely used by satellite operators in Europe. It was partially hacked, but all vulnerabilities were eliminated by updating the encryption and changing the key cards for more than 4 million subscribers. Germany has suffered the most financially due to the card change.

If the Nagravision 2 encoding is cracked again, German satellite operators will have to replace 17 million more cards, which will entail colossal financial losses.

Videoguard and Irdeto 2 coding systems

The Videoguard and Irdeto 2 coding systems are among the most technically protected. They are used by a number of satellite TV providers in Europe, Russia and Ukraine. Although the system keys have not been compromised and made available to the public free of charge, channels encrypted on Videoguard and Irdeto 2 systems can easily be viewed illegally through cartsharing.

The Videoguard coding system is used by the Ukrainian satellite TV provider Viasat, and the Irdeto 2 system is used by the Russian operator Raduga TV.

BISS coding system

The BISS encoding system is the simplest and most vulnerable to hacking. BISS keys are easily matched by calculation method, since they are encrypted in hexadecimal notation. Also, the main problem of the system is that the channel codes are encrypted directly in the satellite receiver. If the receiver is equipped with a key emulator, it will not be difficult to break the BISS encoding on it.

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One of the advantages of satellite TV is the low cost of connection. As you can see from practice, in order to connect a satellite dish to a TV, you will have to pay about $ 160. Other benefits include no monthly fee(as opposed to cable TV), high-quality picture and sound, a large number of TV channels for every taste. So, if the satellite equipment will have 3 converters (heads), then you can configure from 25 to 40 free Russian-language TV channels (depending on the satellites you have chosen).

The satellite dish is essentially a mirror reflecting the signal from the satellite. The reflected signal goes to the converter, and the last one sends data to the receiver. It is from him that the TV receiver through the TV cable receives the converted signal.

As a standard, satellites are often selected: Sirius 5.0E, Amos 4.0W, Hotbird 13.0E, as these satellites can provide a wide variety of broadcasts to suit any preference. But, since technical progress does not stand still, other satellites appear, providing a large selection of TV broadcasts. And you have the right to choose the one that best suits your requirements.

How to connect a TV to a satellite dish

There are 2 ways to connect your TV to a satellite dish:

  • the cable connects directly to the TV receiver;
  • the connection is made through the receiver.

Direct connection to a TV receiver

As you know, to watch satellite TV, you need a receiver. But in modern TVs they began to install digital tuners DVB-S2, which make it possible not to use an external receiver, connect a cable to the TV set directly from the "dish", and catch TV from the satellite.

To find out if your TV supports this function, you can look at the description for the device, which can be found on various websites selling consumer electronics.

But, unfortunately, the TV will only listen to free (not encrypted) foreign channels. To watch domestic TV via satellite, you will need to buy one that connects to DVB-S2 via PCMCIA interface.

The CAM module is purchased with a suitable satellite TV package, which you can choose from among the many operators offering this service. The convenience of using such a connection is obvious:

  • there is no need to purchase a separate receiver;
  • you only need one remote control to switch channels.

Before purchasing a satellite TV package with a CAM module, ask your provider if their modules are compatible with a specific TV model.

Plate installation

Before you start connecting the cable to a TV without a receiver, you need to assemble the entire set of satellite equipment you have purchased, and correctly position the antenna itself. Place for the plate should be such as to provide good pickup on the satellite. By the way, the wrong choice of location is a common reason why. You will also need access to the antenna for tuning. Therefore, it must be located in an accessible place. Various interference, such as buildings, trees and various structures in the signal reception path, greatly degrade the quality of television broadcast.

Basically, the satellites broadcasting TV are concentrated in the direction from the southeast to the southwest. Satellites located in the south have the greatest height above the horizon.

Preparing the cable

When the installation of the plate is finished, you will need to prepare and . The F-connector is a simple grommet that is screwed onto the cable, so it is important that it is threaded.

If the output in the TV or receiver is adapted for the F-connector, then it will be easy to connect the TV to a satellite dish. In the case when your TV set has a regular antenna output, you will need buy an adapter.

You can, of course, buy a regular antenna plug, but they are often of poor quality. In the case of F-ki with an adapter, a universal plug is obtained that can be connected to both the F-output and the antenna.

Please do the following before connecting the cable to your TV.

Connection and setup

To prepare for watching TV, you need to do the following:

To switch between different TV signal sources, whether it is satellite TV or cable, HDMI signal or another, the INPUT button on the remote control is pressed and the required one is selected.

Connecting via a receiver

How to properly connect a satellite antenna to the device? In modern TV sets, you can connect the cable to the TV through the receiver through the following connectors.

Thus, connecting satellite equipment to a TV receiver is not difficult. The main thing is the correct choice of antenna directivity, connecting the equipment with cables and setting up TV reception. Setting up a satellite receiver, on the contrary, is a complex process that requires some knowledge to carry out the calculations necessary for the correct orientation of the dish mirror to the satellite groups. After that, the reception itself is configured (for this, you need to know the necessary parameters for input). O setting up the receiver with your own hands you can find out by watching this video.

Today we will learn how you can quickly set up a satellite dish. We will adjust it to the satellite EUTELSAT 36A / B 36 ° E ... NTV Plus, Tricolor TV, Lebed are located there. But we are more interested in NTV Plus and Tricolor TV.

For this we need the antenna itself.

with fasteners

And the tools:

  • Several anchors 6 mm in diameter and 6 cm long, or you can take 8 * 8;
  • Keys;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Nippers or pliers.
  • We also need a puncher in order to drill holes in the wall.

At home or somewhere in a convenient place, first you need to assemble an antenna, i.e. immediately fix the rod that holds the converter, fix the converter itself, the entire mount and assemble the stand. We will mount it on the wall.

Before installing the mount on the wall, you need to decide on the place where, in fact, we will mount it. The place should be free, there should be no trees around, no additional wires.

The fastening pipe must be attached to the wall so that it is as vertical as possible, you can measure it by level.

We put the pipe, where we need it, into the holes with something, for example, with a screwdriver or a marker, we make marks on the wall.

Then we remove the pipe and drill holes in the wall.

We install our mount on the wall, putting it on the 3 anchors already inserted in advance.

We carefully fix all this with anchor nuts.

Then we take the antenna in our hands, slightly loosening the mount on it, and put it on the pipe, fixing it so that the structure holds well, but could move a little to the right / left.

To configure any satellite, arbitrary, there are a bunch of programs for Android and other platforms, as well as for computers.

For example, you can install SatFinder on your Android phone.

The program determines our coordinates and shows the satellite settings.

We are interested in the azimuth and elevation lines (elevation is the geographic direction where the antenna should be turned).

LNB tilt - LNB rotation angle, i.e. the angle through which the converter should be turned as much as possible for the best signal reception.

In addition to this, we are interested in another program for Android - Clinomet.

This is a program that allows you to find out the angle of the phone.

There are many more similar programs, not on Android, that allow you to measure the angle of inclination, you can use any available one.

When installing the antenna, you should first look around, perhaps there are clues around - other, already installed NTV Plus or Tricolor TV antennas, which will help us determine in which direction it should be turned.

If there are any, you can go to another, already installed and tuned antenna.

They all have the same design.

The bar that holds the converter should be at the same angle at all.

In order to measure what the angle of inclination of this bar should be, we lean the phone against it, having turned on the necessary program in advance, and we see the angle of inclination of 64 degrees.

The next steps - you need to find your way around and calculate where the antenna is geographically directed.
To do this, you need to approach the antenna from behind, strictly in the center and look in front of you.
It is necessary to find some landmark in the distance, to which we will direct our antenna during installation.

After that we return to our and the antenna and repeat the procedure, i.e. we measure the angle of inclination of the bar.
He, as we have determined, should be 64 degrees.
Then we stand behind our antenna strictly in the center, find our landmark in the distance and direct the antenna exactly at it. And here he is:

Then we screw the antenna cable to the converter.

Do not forget that you can screw the cable only when it is not connected to the receiver, or the receiver is turned off.
Otherwise, there is a possibility that the receiver will burn out.

The most important thing is that we installed and tuned the antenna itself, copying the settings from neighboring working antennas.

To prove that the antenna is tuned correctly, there is a special Satellite Finder device, with which we will check if there is a signal from the satellite.

After we screwed the antenna cable to the converter, the arrow on this device deviates, i.e. we conclude that the signal sensor shows us the presence of a signal from the satellite.

With this device, you can tune the antenna so as to achieve the highest possible signal level.

We fix it on our antenna, namely on the pipe that holds the converter, and carefully turn the antenna along with this device to the right / left.

Doing this, we look at the position of the antenna, the indicators of the device will reach the maximum value.

After we have found a more favorable position for the antenna, it can be fixed.

In the beginning, we left the nuts on the rear mount underpressure so that we could adjust the position of the antenna by turning it to the right / left.

After we have decided on the optimal position of the antenna, the nuts need to be fixed.

As a result, we installed and tuned the antenna both horizontally and vertically, we achieved the position of the antenna in which the signal value is maximum.

It remains to fix the antenna cable, you can use tape or clamps, and the antenna is ready for use.

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