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Reference book operation of thermal networks. Operation of thermal networks

After the completion of construction and installation works and the delivery of heating networks to the State Acceptance Commission and the preparation of an act of acceptance into operation of the object, the normal operation of the accepted object begins. The technical operation of heat networks includes the following works:

  • maintenance in good condition of all equipment, building and other structures of heating networks by conducting their timely inspection and repair;
  • monitoring the operation of compensators, supports, fittings, drains, instrumentation and other items of equipment with the timely elimination of noticed malfunctions; elimination of excess heat losses by timely shutdown of non-operating sections of the network, removal of water accumulated in channels and chambers, liquidation of ground and top waters into channels and chambers, timely restoration of destroyed insulation;
  • elimination of excessive hydraulic losses in the network by regular flushing and cleaning of pipelines;
  • timely removal of air from heat pipes through air vents and prevention of air suction by constantly maintaining excess pressure at all points of the network and in consumer systems;
  • maintaining the necessary hydraulic and thermal conditions in the network and at the heat points of consumers while systematically checking the required parameters at characteristic points of the network and at the heat points of consumers;
  • ensuring the calculated distribution of the coolant over the heat points of consumers;
  • taking measures to prevent, localize and eliminate problems and accidents in the network.

Heating networks are serviced by a team of linemen (at least two people in the sections of the network assigned to them). The bypass of heat pipelines is carried out according to the schedule at least 1 time in 2 weeks during the heating season and 1 time per month during the inter-heating period. When bypassing the network, they check the tightening of the bolts (alternately, crosswise) of all flange connections, tighten the stuffing box expansion joints without much effort until the leak is eliminated, lubricate the moving part of the compensator cups with oil and graphite, check the condition of the drainage and air taps and valves, release air from the network, check the condition of control and measuring devices (thermometers, pressure gauges, etc.) and the correctness of their readings on control devices.

To monitor the condition of underground heat pipelines, heat-insulating and building structures periodically produce pitting on the heating network. The number of annual drilling plans is set depending on the length of the network, the types of laying and thermal insulation structures, and the amount of corrosion damage to the pipes. There must be at least one pit for every 5 km of the route. On new sections of the network, drilling is carried out starting from the third year of operation. Each operating enterprise has a special scheme of the heating network, on which the places and results of excavations, places of emergency damage and flooding of the route, and shifted sections are marked.

Based on the results of the inspection of the equipment of the heating network and the route itself during bypasses, as well as the performed pitting, the condition of the equipment, pipelines, building and insulation structures, the intensity and danger of the process of external corrosion of pipes are assessed and the necessary measures are outlined to eliminate the identified defects or malfunctions. Defects that cannot be eliminated without shutting down the heat pipeline, but do not pose an immediate danger to reliable operation, are entered in the repair log for elimination during the next shutdown of the heat pipeline or during the repair period. Defects that can cause an accident in the network are eliminated immediately.

To prevent corrosion of metal building structures of the heating network (beams, ceilings, fixed supports, overpasses, masts, etc.), they are concreted on a metal mesh welded to the structure, or periodically painted with anti-corrosion paints. Painting of metal structures of underground structures is carried out at least once every 2 years. To prevent internal corrosion of pipelines, the heating network is replenished with deaerated water. The oxygen content in water should not exceed 0.05 mg/kg. The oxygen content in water is checked at least once a week by sampling from the supply and return pipelines of each main. In order to avoid air leakage, the excess pressure in the network in all connected heat consumption systems must be at least 0.05 MPa, both for hydrodynamic and for static mode operation of the heating system. The condition of the inner surface of the pipelines should be determined during the period of current and major repairs, as well as during the drilling of heating networks by examining the cut pipes and pipe ends at the removed fittings. For systematic monitoring of internal corrosion on the supply and return pipelines, including hot water networks, corrosion indicators are installed at characteristic points. Installation of indicators at control points and their removal is carried out once a year during a network shutdown for preventive maintenance. In order to avoid an enhanced process of corrosion of pipelines of hot water supply systems, even a periodic increase in the temperature of the water in the system above 65 ° C is prohibited.

The operating organization draws up a list of chambers and sections of through channels that are at risk of gas penetration, and coordinates it with the gas supply organization. All gas hazardous chambers and channels are marked on the operational diagram. Dangerous chambers must have hatches of a special color and be kept under reliable constipation. The operation of gas hazardous heating networks should be carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of the "Safety Rules for the Maintenance of Heating Networks".

The water accumulating in the chambers of heating networks is continuously or periodically removed using stationary or mobile pumps. Drains must be kept in good working order, regularly cleaned and repaired. During operation, it is necessary to constantly monitor the layout and condition of the earth's surface along the entire route of the heating network.

Systematic monitoring of coolant leaks is carried out depending on the size and replenishment of heating networks. If the coolant leaks in excess of the established norms, urgent measures should be taken to detect the leak and eliminate leaks. The quality of water for heat supply networks must meet the requirements of GOST 2874-82 "Drinking water with an open tegasupply system".

1.10. Supervision of the technical condition and safe maintenance of heating networks, rational and efficient use of electrical and thermal energy in the organization is carried out by state energy supervision bodies.

1.11. Investigation of accidents that occurred during the operation and repair of heating networks and heating points should be carried out in the manner prescribed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

1.12. The Instructions use the following concepts:

- "accident" - damage to the pipeline of the heating network, if during the heating season this led to a break in the heat supply of residential and social facilities for a period of 36 hours or more;

- "commissioning" - filling the heating networks and heat consumption systems of the subscriber with a heat carrier and putting them under pressure, carried out after the proper registration of the admission of the facility for operation;

- "balance sheet ownership boundary" - the line of dividing the elements of heat supply systems on the basis of ownership or other legal basis;

- "limit of operational responsibility" - the line of dividing the elements of the heat supply system on the basis of duties (responsibility) for the operation of certain elements of the heat supply systems, established by agreement of the parties; in the absence of such an agreement, the boundary of operational responsibility is established along the boundary of the balance sheet;

- "customer" - a legal entity that has the intention to connect its heat-consuming installations and (or) heat networks to the networks of a heat supply organization;

- "closed heating system" - water system heat supply, in which the water circulating in the heating network is used only as a heat carrier and is not taken from the network;

- "incident" - failure or damage to equipment and (or) pipelines of heating networks, deviations from hydraulic and (or) thermal regimes, violation of the requirements of federal laws and other legal acts Russian Federation, as well as regulatory technical documents that establish the rules for conducting work at a hazardous production facility;

- "heat network chamber" - construction on a heat network for the placement and maintenance of equipment, instruments and fittings;

- "overhaul" - a repair performed to restore the technical and economic characteristics of an object to values ​​close to the design values, with the replacement or restoration of any constituent parts;

- "maximum design load (power)" - the maximum hourly consumption of thermal energy and (or) the maximum hourly consumption of the coolant corresponding to it;

- "pumping station" - a complex of structures and devices designed to change the parameters of the coolant;

- "malfunction" - other violations in the operation of the heat supply system, in which at least one of the requirements determined by the technological process is not met;

- "open heat supply system" - a water heat supply system in which the technological scheme provides for the analysis of the heat carrier (network water) for domestic, technological and other needs of consumers;

- "connected heat load (power)" - the total design maximum heat load (power) or the total design maximum hourly flow rate of the heat carrier for all heat consumption systems connected to the heat networks of the heat supply organization;

- "trial pressure" - excess pressure at which a hydraulic test of the pipeline or its fitting (part) for strength and density should be carried out;

- "operating parameters of the transported medium" - the maximum temperature and the highest possible water pressure in the supply pipeline, taking into account the operation of pumping stations and the terrain;

- “communal heat supply system” - a set of heat sources and (or) heat networks of a city (district, quarter), settlement, combined by a common production process, operated by a heat supply organization of housing and communal services, which received the appropriate special permissions(licenses) in the prescribed manner;

- "unauthorized connection of heat-consuming installations to heat supply systems" - connection made in violation of the established procedure for admission to operation;

- "current repairs" - repairs carried out to maintain the technical and economic characteristics of the object within the specified limits with the replacement and (or) restoration of individual wear parts and parts;

- "heat network" - a set of devices designed for the transmission and distribution of thermal energy to consumers;

- "heat point" - a set of devices intended for connection to heating networks of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, hot water supply systems and technological heat-using installations of industrial and agricultural enterprises, residential and public buildings (individual - for connecting heat consumption systems of one building or part of it ; central - the same, two buildings or more);

- "maintenance" - a set of operations or an operation to maintain the operability or serviceability of a product (installation) when using it (her) for its intended purpose, storage or transportation;

- "technological violations" - violations in the operation of heat networks, which, depending on the nature and severity of the consequences (impact on personnel, deviations in the parameters of the energy carrier, environmental impact, damage to equipment, other factors reducing reliability) are divided into accidents and incidents, including:

A) "technological failure" - a forced shutdown or limitation of equipment operability, damage to buildings and structures that led to a disruption in the process of transferring thermal energy to consumers, if they do not contain signs of an accident;

C) "functional failure" - damage to buildings, structures, equipment (including backup and auxiliary), which did not affect technological process power transmission, and wrong action protection and automation, erroneous actions personnel, if they did not lead to a limitation of consumers and a decrease in the quality of the supplied thermal energy.

1.13. You must know this manual:

— Head of the section of thermal networks;

— Master of the section of thermal networks;

— Locksmith for maintenance of heating networks.


2.1. Responsibilities

2.1.1. The main responsibilities of the heating network sections include:

— observance of heat supply regimes in terms of the quantity and quality of thermal energy and heat carriers, maintaining the parameters of heat carriers at the border of operational responsibility in accordance with the heat supply agreement;

— compliance with the requirements of the rules of industrial safety, labor protection and industrial sanitation, fire and environmental safety;

- observance of operational and dispatching discipline;

— ensuring maximum efficiency and reliability of transmission and distribution of thermal energy and heat carriers, using the achievements of scientific and technical progress in order to increase efficiency, reliability, safety, and improve the environmental condition of power facilities.

2.1.2. Heads of structural subdivisions are obliged to:

— develop a plan for localization and liquidation emergencies and act according to the plan in the event of an emergency;

— carry out work with personnel in accordance with the requirements of the “Rules for working with personnel in organizations of the electric power industry of the Russian Federation”, taking into account the “Peculiarities of working with personnel of energy organizations of the housing and communal services system of the Russian Federation”.

2.2. Technical control over the organization of operation

2.2.1. For the technical condition and safe operation of equipment, buildings and structures, responsible persons are appointed by the Order, from among the engineering and technical workers who have passed the test of knowledge of the rules, norms and instructions in the prescribed manner.

2.2.2. The scope of periodic technical inspection of pipelines should include:

- external inspection and hydraulic testing of pipelines that are not subject to registration with the Gosgortekhnadzor bodies - before commissioning after installation and repair associated with welding, as well as when pipelines are put into operation after they have been in a state of conservation for more than six months;

- verification of technical documentation.

2.2.3. The scope of the periodic technical examination of equipment, buildings and structures should include:

— verification of technical documentation;

— tests for compliance with the safety conditions of equipment, buildings and structures.

2.2.4. Simultaneously with the technical examination, the fulfillment of the instructions of the state supervision bodies and the measures outlined as a result of the investigation of violations of the heating network and accidents during its maintenance, as well as the measures developed during the previous technical examination, are checked.

2.2.5. Technical examination of equipment, buildings and structures is carried out at least once every 5 years.

2.2.6. The results of the technical examination are recorded in the technical passports of the relevant pipelines and equipment.

2.2.7. The results of the technical examination of heat networks are considered by a commission headed by the chief engineer.

2.2.8. The commission assesses the condition, determines the measures necessary to ensure the normal operation of the equipment and the timing of their implementation.

2.2.9. The operation of heat networks and heat points with defects identified during the operational control and threatening the health and life of people, as well as in case of violation of the terms of technical examination and safety regulations, is prohibited.

2.2.10. Continuous monitoring of the technical condition of the equipment should be carried out by the operational and operational maintenance personnel of the organization in the manner prescribed by the production and job descriptions.

2.2.11. Periodic inspections of equipment, buildings and structures are carried out by persons responsible for their safe operation.

2.2.12. The labor protection service together with the VET should:

- organize an investigation of violations in the operation of equipment, buildings and structures;

- control the status and maintenance of technical documentation;

- keep records of the implementation of emergency and fire prevention measures;

- to monitor compliance with the terms of repair established by technical standards;

- to control and organize the investigation of the causes of failures and accidents, fires and other technological violations;

— keep a record of violations, including at facilities controlled by state oversight bodies;

- Participate in the organization of work with personnel.

2.3. Technical documentation

2.3.1. The following set of documentation is stored in the technical archive of the organization:

- withdrawal acts land plots;

– geological, hydrological and other data on the territory with the results of soil testing and analysis ground water;

- master plan of the site with the applied buildings and structures, including underground facilities;

- acts of acceptance hidden works;

- acts on settlements of buildings, structures and foundations for equipment;

— acts of testing devices that ensure explosion safety, fire safety, lightning protection and anti-corrosion protection of structures;

- acts of testing internal and external water supply systems, fire water supply, sewerage, gas supply, heat supply, heating and ventilation;

- acts of individual testing and testing of equipment and technological pipelines;

– acts of the working and state acceptance commissions;

— approved project documentation with all subsequent changes;

- technical passports of buildings, structures, technological units and equipment;

– executive working schemes of primary and secondary electrical connections;

— executive working technological schemes;

- instructions for maintenance of equipment and facilities, job descriptions for each workplace, instructions for labor protection;

operational plan fire extinguishing;

— production and technical documents for organizing the operation of heating networks

2.3.2. For each section of heating networks, the head of the structural unit establishes a list of instructions, regulations, diagrams and other necessary documentation, the list is approved by the chief engineer. The list is reviewed and re-approved at least once every 3 years.

2.3.3. All main and auxiliary equipment, including pumps, pipelines, fittings, must be numbered. The main equipment must be sequence numbers, and the auxiliary - the same number as the main one, with the addition of the letters A, B, C, etc.

2.3.4. Depending on the purpose of the pipeline and the parameters of the medium, the surface of the pipeline must be painted in the appropriate color and have markings.

2.3.5. Coloring, conventions, the size of the letters and the location of the inscriptions must comply with GOST 14202.

2.3.6. The designations and numbers in the diagrams and instructions must correspond to the designations and numbers made in kind.

2.3.7. Schemes of thermal networks can be both on paper and in electronic form.

2.3.8. All changes in the installations made during operation must be immediately entered into the production schemes, drawings and instructions signed by the responsible person, indicating his position and the date of the change. Information about changes should be brought to the attention of all employees (with an entry in the order log), for whom knowledge of these schemes and instructions is mandatory.

2.3.9. Technological schemes, drawings, production and job descriptions must be checked for compliance with the actual operating instructions at least once every 2 years and clarified when changes are made to the composition of equipment and pipelines and approved by the chief engineer of the enterprise.

2.3.10. Sets of schemes should be kept by the dispatcher of the organization's operational dispatch service and at the sections of heating networks. The main schemes should be posted in a conspicuous place in the control room, in areas of heating networks.

2.3.11. Operational diagrams that are in the operational dispatch service should reflect the actual state of the heating network, heating points at a given time (are in operation, in reserve or under repair) and the position of the valves (open, closed).

2.3.12. All workplaces must be provided with the necessary production, job descriptions and instructions for labor protection and fire safety. Instructions must be signed and approved in due course. The personnel of the structural unit must be familiar with the instructions against signature.

2.3.13. The head of the structural unit must review operational documentation daily and take the necessary measures to eliminate defects and irregularities in the operation of equipment and personnel.

2.4. Maintenance and repair

2.4.1. Responsibility for the organization of maintenance and repair is borne by the head of the structural unit to which the heating networks are assigned.

2.4.2. The scope of maintenance and repair should be determined by the need to maintain healthy state thermal networks.

2.4.3. During maintenance, control operations should be carried out (inspection, supervision of compliance with operating instructions, technical tests and technical condition checks) and technological operations of a restorative nature (adjustment and adjustment, cleaning, lubrication, replacement of failed parts without significant disassembly, elimination of various minor defects).

2.4.4. The main types of repairs of heating networks are capital and current repairs.

2.4.5. During a major overhaul, serviceability and full or close to full resource installations with the replacement or restoration of any of their parts, including the basic ones.

2.4.6. During the current repair, the operability of the installations should be restored, their individual parts should be replaced and (or) restored.

2.4.7. The maintenance and repair system must be preventive in nature.

2.4.8. When planning maintenance and repairs, a calculation should be made of the complexity of the repair, its duration, the need for personnel, as well as materials, components and spare parts.

2.4.9. For all types of repairs, it is necessary to draw up annual and monthly plans (schedules). Annual repair plans are approved by the chief engineer.

2.4.10. Repair plans for the organization's heat networks should be linked to the repair plan for heat source equipment.

2.4.11. The maintenance and repair system should include:

— preparation of maintenance and repairs;

- withdrawal of equipment for repair;

— assessment of the technical condition of heating networks and drawing up defective statements;

— maintenance and repair;

— acceptance of equipment from repair;

— control and reporting on the implementation of maintenance and repair.

2.4.12. The organizational structure of the repair production, the technology of repair work, the procedure for preparing and putting it into repair, as well as the acceptance and assessment of the condition of the repaired heat networks must comply with the NTD.

2.5.1. The operation and repair of heating networks and heating points must meet the requirements of regulatory documents on labor protection and fire safety.

2.5.2. Protective equipment, devices and tools used in the maintenance of equipment, buildings and structures must be inspected and tested in a timely manner in accordance with the current regulations on labor protection. And workers should be familiar with.

2.5.3. Personnel must be trained in practical methods and techniques for providing first aid to victims at the scene, as well as familiar with.

2.5.4. Each site, heating point and other facilities, as well as vehicles of mobile teams, must have first aid kits or first aid bags with a constant supply of medicines and medical supplies.

2.5.5. Personnel must be provided with overalls, footwear and other personal protective equipment, depending on the nature of the work performed, and must use them during work.

2.5.6. Works on maintenance and repair of heating networks that require technical measures for the preparation of jobs must be carried out according to orders - tolerances in accordance with the requirements of the Safety Regulations for the operation of thermal mechanical equipment of power plants and heating networks and the Safety Regulations for the operation of heat-consuming installations and heating networks of consumers .

2.5.1. The device and operation of heat networks and heat points must comply with the requirements of the Fire Regulations in the Russian Federation.

2.5.2. Each employee must clearly know and comply with the fire safety requirements and the fire regime established in the organization, not personally allow and stop the actions of others that can lead to a fire or fire.

2.5.3. Employees must undergo fire-fighting briefing, regularly participate in fire-fighting drills and pass a fire-technical minimum knowledge test.


3.1. Technical requirements for heating networks

3.1.1. The device of heat networks must comply with the requirements of building codes and regulations, other scientific and technical documentation and technical conditions.

3.1.2. Materials of pipes, fittings, compensators, supports and other elements of thermal pipelines networks III and IV categories, as well as methods for their manufacture, repair and control must comply with the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Steam and Hot Water Pipelines and SNiP.

3.1.3. For pipelines of heating networks and heating points at a water temperature of 115 ° C and below at a pressure of up to 1.6 MPa inclusive, it is allowed to use non-metallic pipes if their quality meets sanitary requirements and corresponds to the parameters of the coolant.

3.1.4. At the conclusions of heat networks from heat sources, steel shut-off valves should be provided, regardless of the parameters of the coolant.

3.1.5. The use of fittings made of brass and bronze on pipelines of heating networks is allowed at a coolant temperature not exceeding 250 °C.

3.1.6. For pipelines of heating networks, except for heating points and hot water supply networks, it is not allowed to use fittings:

- from gray cast iron in areas with an estimated outdoor temperature for heating design below minus 10 ° C;

- from ductile iron - in areas with an estimated outdoor air temperature for heating design below minus 30 ° C;

- from high-strength cast iron - in areas with an estimated outdoor temperature for heating design below minus 40 ° C.

3.1.7. It is not allowed to use fittings made of gray cast iron on drain, purge and drainage devices.

3.1.8. On pipelines of water heat networks, fittings of a two-way passage should be used. On fittings for air and water outlet, as well as for air supply during hydropneumatic flushing, it is allowed to install fittings with one-sided passage.

3.1.9. When laying pipelines in semi-through channels, the clear height of the channels must be at least 1.5 m, and the width of the passage between insulated pipelines must be at least 0.6 m.

3.1.10. When laying pipelines in through tunnels (collectors), the clear height of the tunnel (collector) must be at least 2 m, and the width of the passage between insulated pipelines must be at least 0.7 m.

3.1.11. At the locations of shut-off valves and equipment, the width of the tunnel should be sufficient for convenient maintenance of the installed valves and equipment. When laying several pipelines in tunnels, their mutual placement should ensure convenient repair of pipelines and replacement of their individual parts.

3.1.12. In the case of above-ground open laying of pipelines, joint laying of pipelines of all categories with process pipelines for various purposes is allowed, except in cases where such laying is contrary to safety rules.

3.1.13. Chambers for servicing underground pipelines must have hatches with ladders or brackets.

3.1.14. The number of hatches for chambers should be provided for:

- with an internal area of ​​\u200b\u200bcameras from 2.5 to 6 m2 - at least two, located diagonally;

- with an internal area of ​​\u200b\u200bchambers of 6 m2 or more - four.

3.1.15. Passage channels must have access hatches with a ladder or brackets. The distance between hatches should be no more than 300 m, and in the case of joint laying with other pipelines - no more than 50 m. Entrance hatches should also be provided at all end points of dead ends, at bends in the route and at valve installation nodes.

3.1.16. Horizontal sections of pipelines must have a slope of at least 0.002, regardless of the laying method.

3.1.17. Tracing should exclude the possibility of the formation of water stagnant areas.

3.1.18. Each section of the pipeline between fixed supports must be designed to compensate for thermal elongation, which can be carried out through self-compensation or by installing U-shaped, lens, bellows, stuffing box compensators. The use of cast iron stuffing box compensators is not allowed.

3.1.19. At the lower points of each section of the pipeline shut off by valves, drain fittings equipped with shutoff valves must be provided to empty the pipeline.

3.1.20. Air vents must be installed at the highest points of the pipelines to remove air.

3.1.21. Shut-off valves in heating networks should be installed:

- on all pipelines of heat network outlets from the heat source, regardless of the parameters of the coolant and the diameters of the pipelines, and on the condensate pipelines to the condensate collection tank; duplication of reinforcement inside and outside the building is not allowed;

- on pipelines of water heating networks with a diameter of 100 mm or more at a distance of not more than 1000 m from each other (sectional valves) with a jumper between the supply and return pipelines with a diameter equal to 0.3 of the pipeline diameter, but not less than 50 mm; two gate valves and a control valve between them with a diameter of 25 mm should be installed on the jumper;

- at branch nodes of water and steam heating networks on pipelines with a diameter of more than 100 mm, as well as at nodes on branch pipelines to individual buildings, regardless of the diameter of the pipeline.

3.1.22. Reinforcement with a nominal bore of 50 mm or more must have a factory passport of the established form, which indicates the materials used, heat treatment modes and the results of non-destructive testing, if these operations were provided for by the technical specifications. The data should refer to the main parts of the valve: body, cover - spindle, valve and fasteners.

3.1.23. Valve handwheels must be marked with the direction of rotation when opening and closing the valve.

3.1.24. On pipelines of water heat networks with a diameter of 500 mm or more at a nominal pressure of 1.6 MPa or more, with a diameter of 300 mm or more at a nominal pressure of 2.5 MPa or more, bypass pipelines (bypasses) with shutoff valves must be provided for valves and gates.

3.1.25. Gate valves and gates with a diameter of 500 mm or more must be electrically driven.

3.1.26. When laying underground, gate valves and gates with an electric drive must be placed in chambers with above-ground pavilions or in underground chambers with natural ventilation, providing air parameters in accordance with the specifications for electric drives to valves.

3.1.27. At overhead laying heating networks on low, free-standing supports for gate valves and gates with an electric drive, metal casings should be provided to exclude access by unauthorized persons and protect them from atmospheric precipitation, and on transit highways, as a rule, pavilions; when laying on overpasses or high, free-standing supports - canopies (canopies) to protect the reinforcement from atmospheric precipitation.

3.1.28. For stuffing gland compensators and gland seals of fittings, a graphic asbestos cord or heat-resistant rubber should be used. The use of cotton and hemp stuffings is not allowed.

3.1.29. The connection of parts and elements of pipelines must be carried out by welding.

3.1.30. The use of flange connections is allowed only for connecting pipelines to fittings and equipment parts that have flanges.

3.1.31. Threaded connections are allowed for connecting cast iron fittings on pipelines of category IV with a nominal bore of not more than 100 mm.

3.1.32. All elements of pipelines with a temperature of the outer surface of the wall above 45 °C, located in places accessible to maintenance personnel, must be covered with thermal insulation, the temperature of the outer surface of which should not exceed 45 °C. The use of hydrophilic bulk insulation in heating networks, as well as stuffed insulation when laying pipelines in sleeves (cases) is not allowed.

3.1.33. Descent of water directly into the chambers of heating networks or onto the surface of the earth is not allowed.

3.1.34. When laying pipelines above ground in an undeveloped area, concrete pits should be provided for draining water, with water drained from them by cuvettes, trays or pipelines.

3.1.35. It is allowed to provide for the diversion of water from waste wells or receivers to natural reservoirs and to the terrain, subject to agreement in the prescribed manner.

3.1.36. When draining water into a domestic sewer, a gravity pipeline must be provided with a water seal, and if a reverse flow of water is possible, an additional shut-off valve.

3.1.37. It is allowed to drain water directly from the drained section of the pipeline to the adjacent section, as well as from the supply pipeline to the return one.

3.1.38. To control the parameters of the coolant, the heating network must be equipped with devices for measuring:

- temperatures in the supply and return pipelines before sectional valves and in the return pipeline of branches with a diameter of 300 mm or more before the valve along the flow of water;

- water pressure in the supply and return pipelines before and after the sectional valves and control devices, in the forward and return pipelines of the branches before the valve.

3.1.39. For heat networks, as a rule, factory-made parts and elements of pipelines should be used.

3.1.40. For compensators, elbows, tees and other bent elements of pipelines, factory-made steeply curved elbows with a bending radius of at least one pipe diameter along the nominal bore should be used.

3.1.41. It is allowed to use normally bent bends with a bending radius of at least 3.5 of the nominal outer diameter of the pipe.

3.1.42. For pipelines of categories III and IV, it is allowed to use welded sector bends. The sector angle must not exceed 30°. Distance between adjacent welds inside the outlet should provide the ability to control these seams on both sides along the outer surface.

3.1.43. Welded sector bends may be used provided they are manufactured with internal welding of welds.

3.1.44. Stamp-welded bends may be used with one or two longitudinal welds of a diametrical arrangement, subject to radiography or ultrasonic flaw detection.

3.1.45. It is not allowed to use pipeline parts, including bends from electric-welded pipes with a spiral seam.

3.1.46. The use of bends, the curvature of which is formed due to folds (corrugations) along the inside of the knee, is not allowed.

3.1.47. Steeply curved bends are allowed to be welded together without a straight section. It is not allowed to weld sharply bent and welded bends directly into the pipe without a fitting (pipe, branch pipe).

3.1.48. For pipelines of heating networks, fittings, flange connections, compensators, equipment and pipeline supports, thermal insulation must be provided in accordance with SNiP 41-03-2003 "Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines". Thermal insulation of flanged joints, fittings, sections of pipelines subjected to periodic control, compensators must be removable.

3.1.49. The outer surface of pipelines and metal structures of heating networks must be protected by reliable anti-corrosion coatings. Work on the protection of heat networks from corrosion, corrosion measurements, operation of corrosion protection means must be carried out in accordance with the Standard Instructions for the Protection of Heat Networks from External Corrosion and the Rules and Regulations for the Protection of Heat Networks from Electrochemical Corrosion. Commissioning of heat networks after completion of construction or major repairs without an external anti-corrosion coating is not allowed.

3.1.50. When using heat-insulating materials or pipeline structures that exclude the possibility of corrosion of the pipe surface, it is allowed not to provide a protective coating against corrosion.

3.1.51. Discharge of water from associated drainage systems to the surface of the earth and into absorbing wells is not allowed. Water should be drained into storm sewers, reservoirs or ravines by gravity or by pumping after agreement in the prescribed manner.

3.1.52. Supply and exhaust ventilation should be carried out in the passage channels, providing both in the heating and inter-heating periods the air temperature is not higher than 50 ° C, and during repair work and inspections - not higher than 32 ° C. Reducing the air temperature to 32 °C is allowed to be carried out by mobile ventilation units.

3.1.53. Control equipment for electrical installations in underground chambers must be located outside the chambers.

3.1.54. At the conclusions of heat networks from heat sources, the following should be provided:

— measurement of pressure, temperature and coolant flow in the supply and return pipelines of network water, pipelines of steam, condensate, make-up water;

- emergency - warning signaling of the limit values ​​​​of the consumption of make-up water, the pressure difference between the supply and return lines;

- metering unit for thermal energy and heat carriers.

3.2. Technical requirements for heat points

3.2.1. The construction part, space-planning and design solutions for heat points must be made in accordance with SP 41-101-95 "Design of heat points".

3.2.2. The heating point should be equipped with equipment, fittings, control, management and automation devices, through which the following are carried out:

- transformation of the type of coolant or change of its parameters;

— control of coolant parameters;

— metering of thermal energy, coolant and condensate flow rates;

— regulation of heat carrier flow and distribution among heat consumption systems;

— accumulation of thermal energy;

— water treatment for hot water supply systems.

3.2.3. Steel shut-off valves should be installed at the inputs to the transformer substation.

3.2.4. Within the thermal points, it is allowed to use fittings made of ductile gray and ductile iron in accordance with the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Steam and Hot Water Pipelines, as well as fittings made of brass and bronze.

3.2.5. When installing cast iron fittings, it must be protected from bending stresses.

3.2.6. It is not allowed to use fittings made of gray cast iron on drain, purge and drainage devices.

3.2.7. In heating points and pumping stations, each pump must be equipped with a valve on the suction line and a valve with a check valve upstream of it - on the discharge line.

3.2.8. In the absence of a check valve or its malfunction, the pump must not be operated.

3.2.9. The installation of a non-return valve in the suction line of the pump is not allowed.

3.2.10. The pipelines must be provided with fittings with shut-off valves with a nominal passage of 15 mm for air release at the highest points of all pipelines and a nominal passage of at least 25 mm for draining water at the lowest points of the water and condensate pipeline.

3.2.11. Mud collectors must be installed on the supply pipeline when entering the heating point and on the return pipeline in front of the control devices and metering devices for water and heat energy consumption.

3.2.12. In thermal points, it is not allowed to install jumpers between the supply and return pipelines of heating networks and bypass pipelines for pumps (except for booster pumps), elevators, control valves, mud collectors and metering devices for heat energy and coolant consumption.

3.2.13. Overflow regulators and steam traps must have bypass piping.

3.2.14. For maintenance of equipment and fittings located at a height of 1.5 to 2.5 m from the floor, mobile or portable platforms should be provided. In cases where it is impossible to create passages for mobile platforms, as well as for servicing equipment and fittings located at a height of 2.5 m or more, stationary platforms 0.6 m wide with fences and permanent stairs should be provided. The distance from the level of the stationary platform to the ceiling must be at least 1.8 m.

3.2.15. In heating points, it is allowed to attach pipelines of smaller diameter to pipelines of larger diameter, subject to the calculation of the bearing pipes for strength.

3.2.16. In heating points, fittings with shut-off valves should be provided, to which water supply lines and compressed air for flushing and emptying the system. During operation, the water supply line must be disconnected.

3.2.17. The connection of drainage outlets to the sewer must be made with a visible gap.

3.2.18. Safety valves must have discharge pipelines that protect operating personnel from burns when the valves actuate. These pipelines must be protected from freezing and equipped with drains to drain the condensate that accumulates in them. The installation of shut-off valves on the outlet pipelines, drainage lines, as well as directly at the safety devices is not allowed.

3.2.19. It is not allowed to take the coolant from the branch pipe on which the safety device is installed.

3.2.20. In heat points, telephone or radio communication with the dispatcher should be provided.

3.2.21. For each heating point, a passport must be drawn up containing the technical characteristics of the equipment, connection schemes for thermal energy consumers, water parameters, heat carriers, etc.

3.3. Protection of pipelines of heating networks from corrosion

3.3.1. Protection of the outer surface of pipes from corrosion must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 41-02-2003 "Heat Networks", the Standard Instruction for the Protection of Heat Networks from External Corrosion and the Rules and Regulations for the Protection of Pipelines of Heating Networks from Electrochemical Corrosion.

3.3.2. Types of coatings to protect the outer surface of pipes of heating networks and heating points from corrosion must comply with SNiP 2.04.07-86 * "Heat Networks".

3.3.3. Coatings with the best technical and economic indicators that meet the requirements of operation in thermal networks should be used instead of those given in SNiP 41-02-2003.

3.3.4. Only protective anti-corrosion coatings should be used for pipelines of heat networks for above-ground laying and pipelines of heating points. The choice of the type of protective anti-corrosion coatings should be made according to the maximum temperature of the coolant, taking into account the laying method and the type of coolant.

3.3.5. Electrochemical protection (ECP) of pipelines of heating networks should be carried out on the basis of signs of danger of external corrosion. If at least one of the signs is present, ECP means should be used.

3.3.6. Regardless of the corrosive conditions of laying heat networks, ECP facilities should be provided on pipelines of heat networks at the points of their passage through the cases.

3.3.7. For underground heating networks laid in channels, the signs of external corrosion hazard are:

- the presence of water in the channel or the drift of the channel with soil when water or soil reaches the insulating structure (if it is impossible to remove water or soil from the channel);

- moistening of the heat-insulating structure with drip moisture from the channel overlap, reaching the surface of the pipes, or moisture flowing down the shield support;

- the presence on the pipe surface of traces of corrosion in the form of ulcers or spots with corrosion products in certain areas of the pipe metal surface.

3.3.8. For underground heating networks laid without channels, the signs of the danger of external corrosion are:

— corrosive activity of soils, rated as “high”;

dangerous influence direct and alternating stray currents on pipelines of thermal networks.

3.3.9. When underground channel laying of heat networks in areas of influence of stray currents, measures should be taken to increase the transient electrical resistance of pipes by electrically insulating pipelines from fixed and movable supports.

3.3.10. Electrically insulating flange connections should be installed at subscriber inputs of heating networks to objects that are sources of stray currents (tram network, metro, railway depots, traction substations) to increase the longitudinal electrical resistance of pipelines in order to reduce the influence of stray current sources on pipelines of heating networks.

3.3.11. On pipelines of heat networks with ECP, made with the help of electrical drainage and cathode installations, stationary control and measuring points (CIP) must be provided.

3.3.12. Protective anti-corrosion coatings must be applied to pipes in stationary conditions by a mechanized method at pipe-producing plants or production bases.

3.3.13. Pipe surface preparation must be provided prior to coating application. The preparation technology must comply with the requirements of the technical specifications for coating.

3.3.14. Application of coatings in the field is allowed when protecting areas of welded joints of pipelines and fittings, when eliminating damage to the coating, as well as for small amounts of repair work.

3.3.15. For each batch of pipes with an anti-corrosion coating, there must be a certificate indicating data on the type of coating, thickness, continuity, and adhesion to metal.

3.3.16. Glass-enamel coatings must be applied to pipes in the factory.

3.3.17. The glass-enamel coating must be 100% continuous, free from bubbles, spalls, cracks and other defects that expose the first layer of enamel or metal.

3.3.18. Transportation, loading, unloading and installation of pipes must be carried out in ways that exclude damage to the coating.

3.3.19. For pipelines of heating networks with polyurethane foam insulation and a pipe - a shell of rigid polyethylene ("pipe-in-pipe" design) and a similar insulating structure at pipe joints, bends and angles of rotation, having a system for operational remote monitoring (ODC) of the state of pipeline insulation, ECP is not applied .

3.3.20. In the absence of a UEC system, the decision on the need for ECP is made by the owner of the heating networks.

3.3.21. In addition to electrical measurements in heating networks, planned drilling should be carried out to directly determine the corrosion state of pipelines and assess the intensity of the corrosion process in areas of increased risk of corrosion. The number of pits should be selected based on local conditions.


4.1. Technical conditions for connection to heating networks

4.1.1. Connection of new heat-consuming installations and heat networks of the customer to the heat networks of the organization, as well as an increase in the heat load and (or) flow of heat carriers in excess of those provided for by previously issued technical conditions, if this requires an increase in the capacity of the heat source and (or) bandwidth the heat network of the heat supply organization or the subscriber must be carried out according to the technical conditions for connection.

4.1.2. Specifications for one or more possible options for heat supply to newly built or reconstructed enterprises, buildings, structures, their stages and individual industries are issued to organizations at the request of the customer.

4.1.3. In case of connection of complex objects with different thermal loads specifications can be issued in two stages: preliminary and final.

4.1.4. When issuing technical conditions, Vertikal LLC and the customer conclude an agreement aimed at fulfilling mutual obligations and containing the obligations and responsibilities of the parties in terms of the scope and timing of work on connecting heat-consuming installations.

4.1.5. Specifications must be justified; the scope of work determined by them must comply with the regulatory and technical documents for the construction and operation of heat supply and heat consumption facilities.

4.1.6. Technical conditions for connection to the subscriber's networks are issued by VERTICAL LLC on the basis of a joint application of the customer and the subscriber, taking into account the technical requirements of the subscriber.

4.1.7. Disagreements arising on technical specifications are regulated by the parties, and if agreement is not reached, they are submitted for consideration by the state energy supervision body, the relevant service of the local government body or a specialized independent organization.

4.1.8. Compliance with the technical conditions developed by VERTICAL LLC is mandatory for customers.

4.1.9. In cases where during the design it becomes necessary to deviate from the technical specifications, these deviations must be agreed by the customer with VERTICAL LLC, which issued the technical specifications.

4.1.10. Technical documentation (projects, technical working projects), as well as working drawings of those elements of heat supply systems that belong to VERTICAL LLC (during their reconstruction), are subject to agreement with VERTICAL LLC before the start of construction (reconstruction). The technical documentation of the facility as a whole is subject to approval by the Rostekhnadzor body.

4.1.11. LLC "VERTICAL" is obliged to ensure the connection of the consumer to the heating network within the time period specified in the preliminary contract.

4.2. Commissioning

4.2.1. Before putting into operation new heating networks and heat consumption systems, their acceptance and acceptance tests must be carried out and they must be accepted by the customer from the installation organization according to the act in accordance with the current rules, after which they must be presented for inspection and approval for operation by Rostekhnadzor and the heat supply organizations. At the same time, design and executive documentation must be submitted.

4.2.2. Connection of new or reconstructed thermal networks of consumers without providing commercial accounting of thermal energy and heat carriers is not allowed.

4.2.3. The inclusion of power plants in the work according to the design scheme for adjustment work, finishing work at construction sites, as well as testing of power equipment is carried out after a temporary permit by the Rostekhnadzor authorities.

4.2.4. The admission of heat networks to operation is possible only if there are trained personnel who have passed the knowledge test in the prescribed manner, and the appointment by order of the enterprise (organization) of a person responsible for the good condition and safe operation, who has passed the knowledge test in the prescribed manner.

4.2.5. New, fully completed construction, expanded and reconstructed heating networks and heating points must be accepted for operation by working and acceptance commissions in accordance with SNiP 3.01.04-87 “Acceptance for operation of completed construction facilities. Basic Provisions".

4.2.6. Acceptance of completed construction devices for electrochemical protection (ECP) against external corrosion of pipelines of heat networks should be carried out in accordance with the Standard Instructions for the Protection of Heat Networks from External Corrosion and the Rules and Regulations for the Protection of Pipelines of Heat Networks from Electrochemical Corrosion.

4.2.7. Acceptance for operation of unfinished heating networks and heating points, as well as those with imperfections and defects that impede normal operation, worsen sanitary and technical conditions and labor safety, without testing, testing and checking everything installed equipment and not provided according to the project with electrochemical protection, is not allowed.

4.2.8. Before acceptance into operation of heat networks and heat points, the following must be carried out:

- individual tests of individual systems, units and mechanisms;

— complex testing of equipment.

4.2.9. Equipment and pipelines of heat networks and heat points subject to registration with Rostekhnadzor bodies must be put into operation with the participation of representatives of these bodies.

4.2.10. Individual tests of equipment and individual systems should be carried out after completion of construction and installation work on given node. Before testing, compliance with SNiP, state standards, Rostekhnadzor rules, norms and requirements of other state supervision bodies and manufacturers' instructions for equipment installation should be checked.

4.2.11. Organization, preparation and testing of heating networks and heating points, flushing, comprehensive testing and commissioning of equipment should be carried out Building company under the control of the customer and with the participation of a representative of the heat supply organization.

4.2.12. Flushing of pipelines of heating networks with a diameter of up to 500 mm inclusive should be carried out by the hydropneumatic method in accordance with the Guidelines for hydropneumatic flushing of water heating networks.

4.2.13. Disinfection of pipelines of heating networks and heat points of open heat supply systems should be carried out in accordance with the Sanitary Rules for the Design and Operation of Centralized Hot Water Supply Systems - SanPiN " Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality centralized systems drinking water supply. Quality control”, SNiP 3.05.04-85 “External networks and water supply and sewerage facilities”.

4.2.14. Defects and imperfections, as well as equipment defects identified during individual testing, must be eliminated before the start of comprehensive testing.

4.2.15. Before complex testing should be:

— staffed, trained operating and maintenance personnel, developed and approved operating instructions, labor protection instructions and operational schemes, technical documentation for accounting and reporting;

— involved automatic means emergency and fire protection, emergency lighting, ventilation;

- installed and adjusted control and management systems;

— Obtained operating permits from supervisory authorities.

4.2.16. For the period of complex testing, round-the-clock duty of the customer's personnel and the commissioning organization should be organized to monitor the state of the process equipment and take measures for timely troubleshooting; personnel should be instructed about possible violations and ways to eliminate them, as well as provided with protective equipment and fire extinguishing equipment, overalls and devices.

4.2.17. During complex testing, the joint operation of the main and auxiliary equipment of heating networks and heating points being put into operation under load should be checked. The start of comprehensive testing is considered the moment when heating networks and heating points are switched on under load.

4.2.18. Comprehensive testing of heating networks and heating points is considered to be carried out under the condition of normal and continuous work under load for at least 24 hours with the nominal pressure provided in the project.

4.2.19. If it is not possible to conduct a comprehensive test at a rated load and coolant parameters that cannot be provided for any reason not related to defects and imperfections, or the failure to perform the work provided for the launch complex, the decision to conduct a comprehensive test, as well as limit parameters and loads are set by the acceptance committee and noted in the act of acceptance into operation of the start-up complex.

4.2.20. To prepare the power facility for submission to the acceptance commission, the customer appoints a working commission, which accepts the equipment after its individual tests for comprehensive testing.

4.2.21. Admission to operation of new and reconstructed power plants must be carried out in accordance with the Instruction on the procedure for admission to operation of new and reconstructed power plants, approved by the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation on 30.06.99.

4.2.22. The permission is:

- drawing up an act of admission of the power plant to operation;

- issuance of permission to connect the power plant.

4.2.23. The admission of power plants with a seasonal nature of work is carried out by the inspector of Rostekhnadzor annually before the start of the season.

4.2.24. In case of suspension of operation of power equipment for a period of more than 6 months before switching it on, it is admitted to operation as newly commissioned or reconstructed.

4.2.25. After acceptance of the power plant from the contractor, according to the act, the owner of the plant submits a written application to the Rostekhnadzor body about the readiness of the power plant for inspection and its admission to operation. Simultaneously with the application, the design and technical acceptance and delivery documentation specified in the Instruction on the procedure for admission to operation of new and reconstructed power plants is submitted.

4.2.26. After reviewing the submitted documentation and examining the power plant, the inspector of Rostekhnadzor draws up an act of admission to operation.

4.2.27. A permit for connection (connection) of a power plant is issued by the Rostekhnadzor body if there is a contract for heat supply between the consumer and the heat supply organization.

4.2.28. The power plant is connected within 5 days from the date of issue of the permit. After connection, the heat supply organization is obliged to report this to the territorial department of Rostekhnadzor within 24 hours.

4.2.29. For the connection of power plants without the permission of the Rostekhnadzor inspector, the heads of the heat supply and heat consuming organizations are responsible in the prescribed manner.

4.2.30. The customer must submit to the acceptance committee the documentation prepared by the working committee in the amount provided for by the current SNiP.

4.2.31. Completed free-standing buildings and structures, as soon as they are ready, are accepted for operation by working commissions with subsequent presentation of the acceptance commission that accepts the object as a whole.

4.2.32. After a comprehensive testing and elimination of identified defects and imperfections, the acceptance committee draws up an act of acceptance into operation of heating networks and heating points with related buildings and structures.

4.2.33. The date of commissioning is the date of signing the act by the acceptance committee.


5.1. The start-up of heating networks is carried out according to the work program approved by the chief engineer of VERTICAL LLC.

5.2. The heating network start-up program should include:

- a diagram of the pumping and heating plant of the heat source and its mode of operation during the start-up of the network in separate, clearly delineated in time, stages;

- operational scheme of the heating network during start-up;

- sequence and order of start-up of each individual highway or section;

— the filling time of each line, taking into account its volume and filling rate;

- the calculated static pressure of each filled line and the effect of this pressure on adjacent pipelines of the network;

- the composition of the launch team, the arrangement and duties of each performer during each stage of the launch;

- organization and means of communication of the head of the launch brigade with the dispatcher on duty, the head of the boiler room section, the head of the heating network section, as well as between individual members of the brigade.

5.3. The work program before launch must be transferred to:

- head of the launch team;

- duty dispatcher;

- the head of the heat source;

5.4. Prior to start-up, a thorough inspection of the heating network should be carried out, the serviceability of all equipment should be checked, acts of acceptance, tests for strength and density, flushing of newly built and repaired sections of the network should be reviewed.

5.5. All defects in pipelines, fittings, compensators, supports, drainage and pumping devices, air vents, instrumentation, as well as hatches, ladders, brackets and others, identified as a result of the inspection of the network, must be eliminated before the start-up.

5.6. Before launch, the head of the launch team must personally instruct all personnel involved in the launch, give each member of the launch team specific instructions in accordance with the place of work and possible changes in the regime, as well as instructions on safety rules for all launch operations.

5.7. The head of the launch team must monitor the progress of filling, heating and drainage of pipelines, the condition of fittings, compensators and other equipment. In the event of any malfunctions or damage to the equipment, the head of the launch team must take measures to immediately eliminate these malfunctions, and if it is impossible to eliminate them or serious damage occurs (rupture of joints, destruction of reinforcement, disruption of a fixed support, etc.) immediately return stop order.

5.8. The dispatcher on duty must record in the operational log the time of individual launch operations, instrument readings, the condition of the heating network equipment, as well as all arising malfunctions and deviations from normal program start.

5.9. Upon completion of the start-up, the head of the start-up team reports this to the head of the heating network section.

5.10. The head of the heating network section immediately reports to the dispatcher on duty about the completion of start-up operations.

5.11. The filling of the heating network with water and the establishment of the circulation regime should, as a rule, be carried out before the start of the heating period at positive outdoor temperatures.

5.12. All pipelines of the heating network, regardless of whether they are in operation or in reserve, must be filled with chemically treated, deaerated water. Pipelines are emptied only for the period of repair, after which the pipelines, after a hydraulic test for strength and density and flushing, must be immediately filled with chemically treated deaerated water.

5.13. Pipelines of the heating network should be filled with water at a temperature not exceeding 70 °C.

5.14. Pipelines should be filled with water at a pressure not exceeding the static pressure of the filled part of the heating network by more than 0.2 MPa (2 kgf / cm2).

5.15. In order to avoid hydraulic shocks and better removal of air from pipelines, the maximum hourly water consumption (Gw, m3 / h) when filling pipelines of a heating network with a nominal diameter (Dу, mm) should not exceed:

Dy — 100 150 250 300 350 400 450 500 600

Gv — 10 15 25 35 50 65 85 100 150

5.16. Filling with water of the main pipelines of the heating network should be carried out in the following order:

a) on the section of the pipeline being filled, close all drainage devices and valves on the jumpers between the supply and return pipelines, turn off all branches and subscriber inputs, open all air vents of the filled part of the network and sectional valves, except for the head ones;

b) on the return pipeline of the area being filled, open the bypass of the head valve, and then partially open the valve itself and fill the pipeline.

For the entire filling time, the degree of opening of the valves is set and changed only at the direction and with the permission of the OETS dispatcher;

c) as the network fills up and the air displacement stops, close the air vents;

d) upon completion of filling the return pipeline, open the end jumper between the supply and return pipelines and start filling the supply pipeline with water in the same order as the return pipeline;

e) filling of the pipeline is considered complete when the air outlet from all air valves stops and those watching the air vents report to the head of the launch team about their closure. The completion of filling is characterized by an increase in pressure in the collector of the heat network to the value of static pressure or to the pressure in the make-up pipeline. After completion of filling, open the head valve on the return pipeline completely;

f) after filling the pipelines, it is necessary to open the air valves several times within 2-3 hours to ensure the final removal of air. Make-up pumps must be in operation to maintain the static pressure of the filled network.

5.17. Distribution networks should be filled after main pipelines are filled with water, and branches to consumers - after distribution networks are filled.

5.18. Distribution networks and branches are filled in the same way as the main main pipelines.

5.19. The control valves installed on the pipelines for the period of filling must be manually opened and disconnected from the measuring and control devices.

5.20. The establishment of the circulation mode in the main pipelines should be carried out through the end jumpers with open sectional valves and disconnected branches and heat consumption systems.

5.21. The establishment of the circulation mode in the line should be carried out in the following order:

a) open the valves at the inlet and outlet of network water at network water heaters; if there is a bypass line for water heaters, open the valves on this line (in this case, the valves at the water heaters remain closed);

b) open the valves on the suction pipes of the network pumps, while the valves on the discharge pipes remain closed;

c) turn on one network pump;

d) first slowly open the bypass valve on the discharge pipe of the network pump, and then the valve and establish circulation;

e) turn on the steam supply to the network water heaters and start heating the network water at a rate of not more than 30 °C/h;

f) after the circulation mode is established by the make-up regulator, set the design pressure in the return manifold of the heat source according to the piezometric graph in the operating mode.

5.22. The establishment of the circulation mode in the line, which is switched on when the water heating installation is running, should be carried out by sequentially and slowly opening the head valves on the return (first of all) and supply pipelines. At the same time, it is necessary to follow the pressure gauges installed on the supply and return manifolds of the heat source and on the return pipeline of the switched on line to the valve (along the water flow), so that pressure fluctuations in the return and supply manifolds do not exceed the norms established by the PTE, and the pressure value in the return pipeline of the launched line did not exceed the calculated value.

5.23. After establishing the circulation mode in pipelines with pressure regulators, they should be adjusted to ensure the specified pressures in the network.

5.24. The establishment of the circulation mode in the branches from the main line should be carried out through the end jumpers on these branches by alternately and slowly opening the head valves of the branches, first on the return, and then on the supply pipelines.

5.25. The establishment of the circulation regime in the branches to heat consumption systems equipped with elevators should be carried out by agreement and with the participation of consumers through the mixing line of the elevator.

5.26. At the same time, the heating systems after the elevator and the branches to the ventilation and hot water supply systems must be tightly turned off by valves.

5.27. The establishment of circulation in the branches to heat consumption systems connected without elevators or with pumps should be carried out through these systems with the inclusion of the latter in operation, which should be carried out by agreement and with the participation of consumers.

5.28. Gate valves at heat points of heat consumption systems that are not subject to inclusion when the circulation mode is established in the pipelines of the heating network must be tightly closed, and the drain valves after them must be in the open state to avoid filling with water and raising pressure in these systems.

5.29. To start heating networks at negative outdoor temperatures after a long emergency shutdown, overhaul or when starting up newly built mains, it is necessary to insert additional downcomers into the supply and return pipelines of the filled network with a pipe diameter of 300 mm or more at a distance of no more than 400 m from one another ; discharge of drained water must be taken outside the chambers.

5.30. Filling of pipelines should be carried out with water at a temperature of 50 - 60 ° C in separate sections separated by sectional valves simultaneously along the supply and return pipelines. In the case of limited make-up water supply, the return pipeline should be filled first, and then the supply pipeline should be filled through the jumper in front of the sectional valves at the end of the section.

5.31. If the water heating plant of the heat source is not operating, water is supplied through the bypasses of the head valves to the supply and return pipelines. If the water heating plant is in operation, water is supplied through the bypass of the head valve to the return pipeline and through a specially cut-in jumper after the head valves to the supply pipeline, while the head valve (and bypass) on the supply pipeline must be tightly closed.

5.32. The filling of pipelines with water and the establishment of a circulation mode in the heating network with an idle water heating installation should be carried out in the following order:

a) before filling the pipelines, open all drains and air vents, as well as valves on the jumper between the supply and return pipelines in front of the sectional valves; air vents should be closed after the cessation of air outlet through them, and drain devices - after the temperature of the drained water exceeds 30 ° C;

b) after filling the pipelines of the head sectioned section and closing all air vents and drainage devices, turn on the network pump and slowly open the valve on the pump discharge pipe (with the valve on the suction side of the pump open) create circulation in this section through the jumper in front of the sectional valves; immediately after the creation of circulation, supply steam to the network water heater to replenish heat losses in the pipeline sections being filled;

c) the filling of subsequent sectioned sections and the establishment of a circulation regime in them should be carried out in compliance with the requirements specified in paragraphs. "a" of this paragraph by opening bypasses at sectional valves between the active section and those being filled; filling should be carried out with the valve open at the jumper between the supply and return pipelines in front of the next sectional valves.

The make-up device must always replenish the loss of water from the head section;

d) after filling the main pipelines and creating circulation in them, distribution networks should be filled in compliance with the above requirements. Branches with a large length should be filled in separate sectioned sections; filling of each subsequent section is carried out after the creation of circulation in the previous one;

e) filling of branches to consumers should be carried out after filling all the main and distribution networks, while circulation is created through the mixing lines of elevators with the heat consumption systems turned off (as agreed and with the participation of consumers). Heat consumption systems connected directly to heat networks (without mixing) and systems with pump mixing should be filled together with a heating point, while circulation is created through the heat consumption system (as agreed and with the participation of consumers);

f) after filling the entire network and creating circulation in it, all valves on the jumpers between the supply and return pipelines at the sectional valves must be completely closed.

5.33. To fill the pipelines of the heating network with a running water heating installation, it is necessary to cut a jumper between the supply and return pipelines after the head valves that disconnect the start-up line from the common collectors; install two gate valves on the jumper and insert a control fitting with a valve between them.

5.34. Filling pipelines with water and establishing a circulation mode in the heating network with a running water heating installation should be carried out in the following order:

a) through the bypass of the head valve, supply water to the return pipeline and through the jumper after the head valves - to the supply pipeline; at the same time, the head valve with bypass on the supply pipeline must be completely closed;

b) after filling the pipelines of the sectioned section, close the valves on the jumper behind the head valves through which the supply pipeline was filled;

c) by slowly opening the bypass at the head valve on the supply pipeline, set the circulation mode in the sectioned section.

5.35. If problems occur during the filling of the pipelines of the heating network and it is necessary to empty the pipelines, all drains and air vents must be opened so that no water remains at any low-lying point.


6.1. Operation of thermal networks

6.1.1. Sections of heat networks are required to:

- use heat networks for their intended purpose;

- to carry out maintenance and repair of heating networks, heating points;

- to have a staff that satisfies qualification requirements to conduct timely training and testing of knowledge of employees;

- have copies of licenses of organizations performing maintenance and repair work under the contract;

— have legal acts and regulatory and technical documents (rules, regulations and instructions) that establish the procedure for conducting work in the heat and power sector;

— organize and exercise control over compliance with labor protection and safety requirements;

— ensure the availability and functioning of technical accounting and control systems;

- comply with the instructions of state supervision bodies;

— to ensure the technical examination of heating networks and heating points in a timely manner;

— ensure the protection of power facilities from penetration and unauthorized actions of unauthorized persons;

- inform the relevant authorities about accidents or technological violations that have occurred at power facilities;

- to carry out measures to localize and eliminate the consequences of accidents and other violations; take part in the investigation of the causes of accidents, take measures for their elimination, prevention and accounting.

6.1.2. During operation, sections of heat networks should:

- maintain pipelines and equipment, building and other structures of heating networks in good condition, conducting their inspection and repair in a timely manner;

- observe the operation of compensators, supports, fittings, drains, instrumentation and other elements, timely eliminate the identified defects;

- timely remove air from heat pipelines, maintain excess pressure at all points of the network and heat consumption systems;

- maintain cleanliness in the chambers and channels, prevent unauthorized persons from staying in them;

– to monitor the state of thermal insulation and anti-corrosion coating using modern instruments and diagnostic methods, as well as through inspection, testing and other methods;

— keep a record of all damages and identified defects for all types of equipment and analyze the causes that caused them.

6.1.3. The frequency and scope of work to monitor the state of the heating network are determined by the schedule for bypassing the heating networks and the preventive scope of work.

6.1.4. During the operation of heating networks and heating points, the following types of work should be performed:

- Maintenance;

- scheduled repairs (current and capital);

- emergency and restoration work;

- withdrawal of equipment into reserve or conservation and commissioning from reserve, repair or conservation.

6.1.5. The hydraulic mode of the heating network, the operational scheme, as well as the setting of automation and technological protection should provide:

— supply of heat carrier to subscribers set parameters in calculated quantities;

– optimal flow distribution of the heat carrier in heat networks;

- the possibility of joint operation of several heat sources on the integrated heat network and the transition, if necessary, to separate operation of the sources;

— preferential use of the most economical sources.

6.1.6. All heating mains, chambers (branch nodes), make-up and drainage pumping stations, automatic control units, fixed supports, compensators and other structures must be assigned operational numbers, which they are indicated on plans, diagrams and piezometric graphs.

6.1.7. On operational (calculation) schemes, all subscriber systems connected to the network are subject to numbering, and on operational schemes, in addition, sectional and shutoff valves.

6.1.8. The fittings installed on the supply pipeline must be indicated by an odd number, and the fittings corresponding to it on the return pipeline - by the next even number.

6.1.9. Each section of heating networks must have a list of gas hazardous chambers. Periodically, within the time limits set by the chief engineer, and before starting work, such chambers must be checked for gas contamination. Gas hazardous chambers must have special characters, coloring of hatches and kept under reliable constipation.

6.1.10. All gas-hazardous chambers and sections of the route must be marked on the operational diagram of the heat network, and a list of them is posted in the section of heat networks.

6.1.11. Supervision of gas hazardous chambers must be carried out in accordance with the Safety Rules in the gas industry.

6.1.12. Pipelines of heat networks before putting them into operation after installation or overhaul must be subjected to:

- water networks in closed heat supply systems - hydropneumatic flushing;

- water networks in open heat supply systems - hydropneumatic flushing and disinfection, followed by repeated flushing with drinking water. Repeated, after disinfection, flushing should be carried out until the indicators of the discharged water are reached, corresponding to sanitary standards for drinking water.

6.1.13. Disinfection of pipelines of the heating network must be carried out in accordance with SanPiN “Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems. Quality control. Hygienic requirements for ensuring the safety of hot water supply systems ”and letter N 4 / 85-111 dated 07.07.97 of the Department of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation“ On thermal disinfection of pipelines of heating networks.

6.1.14. Connection of heat networks of subscribers and heat consumption systems that have not undergone hydropneumatic flushing, and in open heat supply systems also disinfection, is not allowed.

6.1.15. Filling heating network pipelines, flushing them, disinfecting open heat supply systems, turning on circulation, purging and heating steam pipelines, and operations for starting up water and steam networks, as well as any testing of the network or its individual elements, must be carried out under the guidance of a responsible person according to a program approved by the chief engineer .

6.1.16. Pipelines of heating networks must be filled with water at a temperature not exceeding 70 ° C with the heat consumption systems turned off.

6.1.17. The start-up of heating networks must be carried out taking into account section 5 of this instruction.

6.1.18. The start-up of water heating networks should consist of the following operations:

a) filling pipelines with network water;

b) establishment of circulation;

c) network density checks;

d) switching on consumers and starting adjustment of the network.

6.1.19. Control over the condition of the equipment of heat networks and their modes of operation should be carried out by regular, according to the schedule, bypasses of heat networks and heat points. The frequency of rounds and the amount of work performed during rounds is set depending on the condition of the equipment, season, types of laying, soil conditions, seismicity of the area and other factors. The preventive scope of work performed during rounds is set out in Appendix 1.

6.1.20. The results of the bypass should be recorded in the report of the lineman and entered into the register of the bypass and inspection of heating networks.

6.1.21. Bypasses of heating networks and structures on them are carried out by fitters - crawlers and foremen within a time frame not exceeding:

- heating mains - at least once every 10 days during the heating period and once a month during the inter-heating period without descent into the thermal chambers and once a month with a descent into the thermal chambers to carry out preventive work during the heating period;

- heat points of consumers - at least once every 2 weeks during the heating period and once a month during the non-heating period;

6.1.22. Defects that threaten an accident, identified during the round, must be eliminated immediately. Information about defects that do not threaten an accident, which cannot be eliminated without shutting down pipelines, must be entered in the repair log to eliminate these defects at the next shutdown of pipelines or during repairs.

6.1.23. Pipelines must be subject to technical examination in the manner and terms determined by the chief engineer, but at least once every 3 years for permanently used and once a year for seasonally operating heating networks.

6.1.24. The results of the technical examination and conclusions on the possibility of operating the pipeline, indicating the permitted pressure and the timing of the next examination, must be recorded in the pipeline passport by the person who carried out the technical examination.

6.1.25. If, during the inspection of the pipeline, it is established that it is in an emergency condition or has serious defects, then further operation of the pipeline should be prohibited, and a reasonable entry should be made in the passport.

6.1.26. In water heat networks and condensate pipelines, systematic monitoring of internal corrosion of pipelines should be organized by analyzing network water and condensate, as well as by indicators of internal corrosion installed at the most characteristic points.

6.1.27. Non-working heat network should be filled only with chemically treated deaerated water.

6.1.28. The average annual leakage of the heat carrier from water heat networks should not exceed 0.25% of the average annual volume of water in the heat network and heat consumption systems connected to it per hour, regardless of their connection scheme (with the exception of hot water supply systems connected through water heaters). The seasonal rate of coolant leakage is set within the average annual value.

6.1.29. When determining a heat carrier leak, the water consumption for filling heat pipelines and heat consumption systems during their scheduled repair and connecting new sections of the network and consumers, as well as water drains from automatic regulators, should not be taken into account.

6.1.30. Actual average hourly coolant losses for the reporting period are determined by:

- for closed heat supply systems - by dividing the total volume of make-up water by the number of hours the system is in the filled state;

- for open heat supply systems - by subtracting the amount of water used for hot water supply from the total volume of make-up water, followed by dividing the resulting difference by the number of hours the system is in the filled state.

6.1.31. The amount of make-up water consumed for the initial filling of the heating network and heat consumption systems for each heating period is set equal to one and a half times their volume. This amount refers to the production costs for the operation of networks and is not included in the leakage; the volume of make-up water due to the refilling of the heating network and heat consumption systems, regardless of the reasons for their emptying, is considered a loss.

6.1.32. The flow rate of water spent on the initial filling of heat supply systems should be determined by the reading of the flow meter or meter on the make-up pipeline.

6.1.33. Determination of actual heat and hydraulic losses in heat networks should be carried out in accordance with the current guidelines at least once every 5 years according to the relevant test programs.

6.1.34. For water heating networks, central quality control of heat supply should be applied according to the adopted schedule for changing the water temperature depending on the outside air temperature.

6.1.35. When justified, it is allowed to accept quantitative or qualitative - quantitative regulation of heat supply.

6.1.36. In the presence of a hot water supply load, the minimum water temperature in the supply pipeline of the network must not be lower than:

6.1.37. 70 °C - for closed heating systems;

6.1.38. 60 °C - for open heating systems.

6.1.39. Hydraulic modes of water heating networks should be developed for heating, summer and emergency modes; for open heat supply systems during the heating period, the regimes should be developed at maximum water intake from the supply and return pipelines and in the absence of water intake.

6.1.40. The water pressure at any point of the supply line of water heating networks, heat points and at the upper points of directly connected heat consumption systems during the operation of network pumps must ensure, with a margin of at least 0.05 MPa, that water does not boil at its maximum temperature.

6.1.41. The water pressure in the return pipelines of water heating networks during the operation of network pumps must be at any point not lower than 0.05 MPa and not higher than that allowed for pipelines and equipment of a heat source, heating networks, heating points, directly connected heat consumption systems and ensure the filling of local systems.

6.1.42. Static pressure in heat supply systems must ensure that the pipelines of the heat network, as well as all directly connected heat consumption systems, are filled with water. The static pressure should not be higher than the allowable for pipelines and equipment of the heat source, heating networks, heat points and directly connected heat consumption systems. The static pressure must be determined conventionally for water temperatures up to 100 °C.

6.1.43. The mode of operation of heat networks (pressure in the supply and return pipelines and temperature in the supply pipeline) must be organized in accordance with the task of the dispatcher.

6.1.44. The water temperature in the supply line of the water heating network, in accordance with the temperature schedule approved for the heat supply system, should be set according to the average outdoor air temperature over a period of time within 18-24 hours, determined by the dispatcher depending on the length of the networks, climatic conditions and other factors.

6.1.45. Shut-off valves installed in the heating network must be kept in good condition, ensuring its free opening and tight closing; there must be no steam or leakage through gland seals and flange connections.

6.1.46. To ensure free opening and closing of shut-off valves, periodically, at least once a month, the stems of gate valves and valves should be lubricated, the tightness of stuffing box seals and the absence of sticking of movable sealing surfaces to the fixed sealing surfaces of valve bodies should be checked.

6.1.47. Finishing of seals of fittings and compensators is allowed to be carried out at an excess pressure in pipelines of not more than 0.02 MPa and a coolant temperature of not more than 45 °C. It is allowed to replace the gland packing of compensators and fittings after the pipeline is completely empty.

6.1.48. Tightening of bolts of flange connections should be carried out at a pressure in the pipeline of not more than 0.5 MPa.

6.1.49. The working part of the stuffing box expansion joint must be lubricated with graphite grease at least once a month. Tightening of the stuffing box seal of the steel compensator should be carried out at a pressure in the pipeline not higher than 1.2 MPa.

6.1.50. Leaking or twisted bellows expansion joints must not be used.

6.1.51. Annually, after the end of the heating period, associated drainage pipelines must be cleaned. Manholes of the associated drainage system should be inspected at least once a quarter and cleared of drifts.

6.1.52. The water accumulating in the chambers of the heating network must be periodically or continuously removed using mobile or stationary installations.

6.1.53. Inspection of pipelines of underground laying should be carried out in accordance with the Guidelines for the conduct of pitting in thermal networks.

6.1.54. Inspection of pipelines and their elements with thermal insulation made of polyurethane foam and a pipe-sheath made of rigid polyethylene is allowed to be carried out using means of non-destructive testing of the condition of pipes without removing thermal insulation.

6.2. Operation of heat points

6.2.1. When operating heat points, the following must be provided:

- the required flow rates and parameters of network water and steam entering heat-consuming installations, condensate and return network water returned to the heating network;

- supply of thermal energy for heating and ventilation needs, depending on meteorological conditions, as well as for the needs of hot water supply in accordance with sanitary and technological standards;

— reliable and economical operation of the heating substation equipment;

— maintaining in working condition the means of control, accounting and regulation;

— filling and replenishment of heat consumption systems;

— collection, cooling, return of condensate and control of its quality;

— water treatment for hot water supply systems;

— protection of local systems from an emergency increase in coolant parameters;

— protection of heating systems from emptying.

6.2.2. The operation of heat points should be carried out by on-duty or operational-repair personnel.

6.2.3. The need for personnel on duty at the heating point and its duration are established by the management of VERTICAL LLC, depending on local conditions.

6.2.4. Periodically, the heat points should be inspected by the chief engineer. The results of the inspection should be reflected in the log, which should be kept at the heating point.

6.2.5. To check the readiness for the heating season, upon acceptance of heat points, the following must be checked and formalized by acts:

— implementation of the approved scope of repair work and their quality;

— condition of heating networks, owned by the subscriber;

- the state of insulation of residential, public and other buildings;

— condition of pipelines, fittings and thermal insulation;

- availability and condition of control and measuring devices and automatic regulators;

— availability of passports, schematic diagrams and instructions for service personnel;

- lack of direct connections of equipment with water supply and sewerage;

- density of equipment of heat points.

6.2.6. The water pressure in the return pipeline of the heating point must be 0.05 MPa higher than the static pressure of the heat consumption system connected to the heat network according to a dependent scheme, but not more than that allowed for heat consumption systems.

6.2.7. Increasing the water pressure in the heat point in excess of the allowable and reducing it to less than static pressure when turning off and turning on the heat consumption systems connected to the heating network according to a dependent scheme is not allowed. Shutdown of the systems should be carried out by sequentially closing the valves on the supply and return pipelines, and switching on - by opening the valve on the return and supply pipelines.

6.2.8. Water-to-water heaters for heating and hot water supply installed at heat points must be tested with a test water pressure equal to the working one with a coefficient of 1.25, but not less than 1.0 MPa from the side of the annular space with the front and rear covers or calachs for sectional water heaters removed.

6.2.9. To detect leakage of network water, the density of water heaters should be periodically, but at least once every 4 months, checked by the pressure of the water supply or heating network.

6.2.10. Tests of water heaters for thermal performance should be carried out at least once every 5 years.

6.2.11. At each bypass of heat points of open heat supply systems, the tightness of the check valve installed on the branch of the return pipeline to the hot water supply system should be checked.

6.3. Operational tests of heat networks

6.3.1. Heating networks in operation must be subjected to the following tests:

- hydraulic tests to check the strength and density of pipelines, their elements and fittings;

- tests for maximum temperature coolant (temperature tests) to detect defects in pipelines and equipment of the heating network, monitor their condition, check the compensating ability of the heating network;

- tests for heat losses to determine the actual heat losses of heat pipelines, depending on the type of building and insulating structures, service life, condition and operating conditions;

- hydraulic loss tests to obtain the hydraulic characteristics of pipelines;

- tests for potentials of stray currents ( electrical measurements to determine the corrosiveness of soils and the dangerous effect of stray currents on pipelines of underground heating networks).

6.3.2. All types of tests must be carried out separately. The combination of two types of tests in time is not allowed.

6.3.3. For each test, a special team is organized, headed by the test leader, who is appointed by the chief engineer.

6.3.4. To conduct tests of heat networks for thermal and hydraulic losses and for the presence of potentials of stray currents, at their discretion, specialized organizations with appropriate licenses may be involved.

6.3.5. The test manager must determine in advance the necessary activities that must be performed in the process of preparing the network for testing. These activities include:

- insert fittings for pressure gauges and sleeves for thermometers;

- insertion of circulation jumpers and bypass lines;

- selection of measuring instruments (pressure gauges, thermometers, flow meters, etc.) for each measurement point in accordance with the expected limits of the measured parameters in each test mode, taking into account the terrain, etc.

6.3.6. For each type of test, a work program must be drawn up, which is approved by the chief engineer of VERTICAL LLC.

6.3.7. When receiving thermal energy from a heat source belonging to another organization, the work program is agreed with the chief engineer of this organization.

6.3.8. Two days before the start of the tests, the approved program is transferred to the dispatcher and the head of the structural unit of the heat source to prepare the equipment and establish the required network operation mode.

6.3.9. The work program of the test must contain the following data:

- tasks and main provisions of the test methodology;

- a list of preparatory, organizational and technological measures;

— the sequence of individual steps and operations during the test;

— modes of operation of the equipment of the heat source and the heating network (flow rate and parameters of the heat carrier during each stage of the test);

- schemes of operation of the pumping and heating plant of the heat source in each test mode;

- switching and switching schemes in the heating network;

- the timing of each individual stage or test mode;

- observation points, object of observation, the number of observers at each point;

- operational means of communication and transport;

— measures to ensure safety during the test;

- a list of persons responsible for the implementation of certain activities.

6.3.10. Before the start of the test, the Test Director must:

- check the implementation of all preparatory measures;

— organize a check of the technical and metrological condition of measuring instruments in accordance with regulatory and technical documentation;

- check the shutdown of the branches and heating points provided for by the program;

- brief all members of the team and shift personnel on their duties during each individual stage of the test, as well as measures to ensure the safety of direct participants in the test and those around them.

6.3.11. A hydraulic test for the strength and density of heating networks in operation should be carried out after a major overhaul before the start of the heating period. The test is carried out on separate mains leaving the heat source with the water heating installations of the heat source turned off, heat consumption systems turned off, with open air vents at consumer heating points. Lines are tested in whole or in parts, depending on technical feasibility ensuring the required parameters, as well as the availability of operational means of communication between the dispatcher, the personnel of the heat source and the team conducting the test, the number of personnel, and the availability of transport.

6.3.12. Each section of the heating network must be tested with a test pressure, the minimum value of which should be 1.25 working pressure. The value of the working pressure is set by the chief engineer in accordance with the requirements of the Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of Steam and Hot Water Pipelines.

6.3.13. The maximum value of the test pressure is set in accordance with the specified Rules and taking into account the maximum loads that the fixed supports can take on.

6.3.14. In each case, the value of the test pressure is set by the chief engineer within the allowable limits indicated above.

6.3.15. During a hydraulic test for strength and density, the pressure at the highest points of the heating network is brought to the test pressure value due to the pressure developed by the heat source network pump or a special pump from the pressure test station.

6.3.16. When testing sections of the heating network in which, according to the conditions of the terrain, network and stationary pressure testing pumps cannot create a pressure equal to the test one, mobile pumping units and hydraulic presses are used.

6.3.17. The duration of test pressure tests is set by the chief engineer, but must be at least 10 minutes. from the moment the make-up water flow is established at the calculated level. Inspection is carried out after the test pressure is reduced to the working one.

6.3.18. The heat network is considered to have passed the hydraulic test for strength and density if, when it is located for 10 minutes. under a given test pressure, the recharge value did not exceed the calculated one.

6.3.19. The water temperature in pipelines during strength and density tests should not exceed 40 °C.

6.3.20. The frequency of testing the heat network for the maximum temperature of the coolant (hereinafter referred to as temperature tests) is determined by the chief engineer.

6.3.21. The entire network from the heat source to the heat points of heat consumption systems should be subjected to temperature tests.

6.3.22. Temperature tests should be carried out at stable daily positive temperatures of the outside air.

6.3.23. The maximum achievable temperature of the network water should be taken as the maximum temperature in accordance with the approved temperature schedule for regulating heat supply at the source.

6.3.24. Temperature tests of heating networks in operation long time and having unreliable sections, should be carried out after repair and preliminary testing of these networks for strength and density, but no later than 3 weeks before the start of the heating period.

6.3.25. The temperature of the return water during the temperature test must not exceed 90 °C. The entry of high-temperature coolant into the return pipeline is not allowed in order to avoid violations normal operation network pumps and operating conditions of compensating devices.

6.3.26. To reduce the temperature of the water entering the return pipeline, tests are carried out with heating systems turned on, connected through mixing devices (elevators, mixing pumps) and water heaters, as well as with hot water supply systems turned on, connected in a closed circuit and equipped with automatic temperature controllers.

6.3.27. For the period of temperature tests, the following must be disconnected from the heating network:

— heating systems of children's and medical institutions;

- non-automated hot water systems connected in a closed circuit;

- hot water supply systems connected according to an open scheme;

- heating systems connected through elevators with low mixing ratios compared to the calculated ones;

- heating systems with a direct connection scheme;

— calorific installations.

6.3.28. Shutdown of heat points and heat consumption systems is carried out by the first valves on the side of the heating network installed on the supply and return pipelines of heat points, and in case of leakage of these valves, by valves in the chambers on branches to heat points. In places where valves do not provide shutdown tightness, it is necessary to install plugs.

6.3.29. Tests to determine heat losses in heat networks should be carried out once every five years on the mains that are typical for a given heat network in terms of the type of building and insulation structures, service life and operating conditions, in order to develop standard indicators and normalize operational heat losses, as well as assess technical condition of heating networks. The test schedule is approved by the chief engineer.

6.3.30. Tests to determine hydraulic losses in water heating networks should be carried out once every five years on the mains that are typical for a given heating network in terms of terms and conditions of operation in order to determine the operational hydraulic characteristics for the development of hydraulic modes, as well as assess the condition of the internal surface of pipelines. The test schedule is set by the chief engineer.

6.3.31. Tests of heat networks for heat and hydraulic losses are carried out with disconnected branches of heat points of heat consumption systems.

6.3.32. When conducting any tests, subscribers must be warned three days before the start of the tests about the time of the tests and the deadline for shutting down heat consumption systems, indicating the necessary security measures. The warning is handed against receipt to the responsible person of the consumer.


7.1. The mode of operation of water treatment plants and the water-chemical regime should ensure the operation of heat networks without damage and loss of efficiency caused by corrosion of the internal surfaces of water treatment and network equipment, as well as the formation of scale, deposits and sludge in equipment and pipelines of heat networks.

7.2. The organization and control of the water-chemical mode of operation of heating network equipment is carried out by a chemical engineer.

7.3. Turning on and off any equipment that could cause deterioration in water quality should be agreed with the chemical engineer.

7.4. Internal inspections of equipment, sampling of deposits, cutting of pipe samples, approval of inspection reports, as well as investigation of accidents and malfunctions related to the water-chemical regime, should be carried out by the personnel of the heating network section with the participation of a chemical engineer.

7.5. The operation of equipment, pipelines and fittings of water treatment plants and condensate treatment plants, as well as building structures, the surfaces of which are in contact with a corrosive-active medium, is allowed provided that these surfaces are covered with an anti-corrosion coating or they are made of corrosion-resistant materials.

7.6. Overhaul of the equipment of water treatment plants and condensate treatment plants should be carried out once every 3 years, current repairs - as necessary, measurement of the levels of filter materials - 2 times a year.

7.7. Chemical control in heat networks should provide:

- timely detection of violations of the operating modes of water treatment, heat power and heat supply equipment, leading to corrosion, scale formation and deposits;

- determination of the quality or composition of water, steam, condensate, sediments, reagents, preservative and washing solutions, oils and wastewater;

- checking the gas contamination of industrial premises, tanks, chambers, wells, channels and other objects.

7.8. On the basis of an internal inspection of the equipment and an assessment of the chemical composition of deposits carried out during the technical examination, an act should be drawn up on the condition of the internal surface of the equipment and pipelines indicating the need for chemical cleaning and other measures to prevent corrosion and deposits.

7.9. The quality of network water must meet the standards established by the Rules for Technical Operation power stations and networks of the Russian Federation (clause 4.8.10):

pH value for heating systems:

open 8.3 — 9.0<*>

closed 8.3 — 9.5<*>

for heating systems:

open 0.3<**>

closed 0.5

no more than 20

The amount of suspended solids, mg/kg, no more than 5

for heating systems:

open 0.3

closed 1


<*>The upper limit is allowed only with deep water softening. For closed systems, the upper redistribution of the pH value is allowed no more than 10.5 while reducing the value of the carbonate index to 0.1 (mg-eq / kg), the lower limit can be adjusted depending on corrosion phenomena in equipment and pipelines.

<**>In agreement with the sanitary authorities, 0.5 mg / kg is allowed.

7.10. At the beginning of the heating period and in the post-repair period, it is allowed to exceed the norms for 4 weeks for closed heat supply systems and 2 weeks for open systems in terms of the content of iron compounds - up to 1.0 mg / kg, dissolved oxygen - up to 30 and suspended solids up to 15 mg / kg.

7.11. With open heat supply systems, in agreement with the bodies of the sanitary and epidemiological service, it is allowed to deviate from GOST 2874 in terms of color up to 70 ° and iron content up to 1.2 mg / kg for up to 14 days during the period of seasonal switching on of the operated heat supply systems, connection of new ones, and also after renovation.

7.12. At the end of the heating period or when the heating system is stopped, it must be mothballed.

7.13. To assess the intensity of the corrosion processes of heating networks in the network water, the content of iron compounds, dissolved oxygen, free carbon dioxide and pH should be periodically determined.

7.14. To predict the intensity of deposit formation in heating networks and heating systems of consumers, calcium and total hardness, bicarbonate and total alkalinity, as well as the content of sulfates and iron compounds, should be periodically determined.

7.15. At the end of the heating season, an analysis of deposits in pipes should be carried out in order to identify and eliminate the causes of their formation and select the appropriate cleaning method.

7.16. In some cases, to control the tightness of heat consumption systems and unauthorized analysis of hot water from heating systems in the absence of hot water supply, in agreement with local sanitary and epidemiological authorities with prior notification of the population, the use of fluorescein disodium salt (uranine A) is allowed.

7.17. Control over the epidemic safety of water in hot water supply systems should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Sanitary Rules for the Design and Operation of Centralized Hot Water Supply Systems SanPiN N 4723-88 of the USSR Ministry of Health.


8.1. VERTICAL LLC organizes round-the-clock operational management of equipment, the tasks of which are:

- maintaining the mode of operation;

- production of switching, starts and stops;

— localization of accidents and restoration of the operating mode;

- preparation for the production of repair work;

- implementation of the schedule of restrictions and disconnections of consumers, introduced in the prescribed manner.

8.2. The functions of dispatch control in VERTICAL LLC are performed by the operational dispatch service.

8.3. The operational control of the dispatcher includes equipment, heat pipelines, equipment for emergency and regime automation systems, dispatch and technological control facilities, operations with which require coordination of the actions of subordinate operational dispatch personnel.

8.4. The operational control of the dispatcher is equipment, heat pipelines, equipment for emergency and regime automation systems, dispatch and technological control facilities, the state and mode of which affect the available capacity and reserve of heat sources and heating networks as a whole, the mode and reliability of networks, as well as the setting of emergency automation .

8.5. Operations with the specified equipment and devices during operational control should be carried out under the guidance of the dispatcher, and during operational maintenance - with his permission.

8.6. Management of the operating mode of power plants should be organized on the basis of daily schedules.

8.7. Under normal conditions, heat sources should provide the given heat load schedules and heat carrier parameters.

8.8. Repair schedules for heating networks, the shutdown of which leads to a limitation of hot water supply during the non-heating period, must be agreed with the administration of the Belgorod region.

8.9. The dispatcher has the right to short-term (no more than 3 hours) change the schedule of the heating system. Lowering the temperature of the network water is allowed up to 10 °C compared to the approved schedule. If there are industrial enterprises with a technological load or greenhouses among consumers, the magnitude of the temperature drop must be agreed with them.

8.10. Regulation in heat networks to maintain the specified pressure and temperature of the coolant at control points should be carried out automatically or manually by influencing:

— work of sources and consumers of heat;

— hydraulic mode of heat networks, including changing the operating modes of pumping stations and heat receivers;

- make-up mode by maintaining the constant readiness of water treatment plants of heat sources to cover the changing costs of make-up water.

8.11. The withdrawal of equipment and pipelines of heating networks and heating points for repair should be made out by an application submitted to the dispatch service, sections of heating networks.

8.12. Applications are divided into scheduled, corresponding to the repair and outage plan, and urgent for unscheduled and urgent repairs. The planned application, approved by the technical manager of the organization, must be submitted to the dispatcher before 12:00 2 days before the start of work. Urgent applications can be submitted at any time of the day directly to the dispatcher, who has the right to allow repairs only for a period within his shift. Permission for a longer period must be given by the chief controller.

8.13. Not a single element of the equipment of heat networks, heat points should be removed without the permission of the dispatcher, except in cases that clearly threaten the safety of people and the safety of equipment.

8.14. If it is necessary to immediately turn off the equipment, it must be turned off by the operating personnel of the power facility where the equipment to be turned off is installed, in accordance with the requirements of production instructions, with prior, if possible, or subsequent notification of the emergency dispatch service.

8.15. After the shutdown of the equipment, an urgent application is issued indicating the reasons and the estimated repair time.

8.16. The application for decommissioning equipment from operation or reserve must indicate: what equipment needs to be decommissioned from operation or reserve, for what purpose and for how long (dates and hours of start and end of work).

8.17. The application must be signed by the head of the heating network section.

8.18. The dispatcher must inform the performers of the permission to turn off or turn on the equipment before 15:00 on the eve of the work day.

8.19. Applications for the withdrawal of equipment from operation and reserve and switching must be entered by the dispatcher in the application log.

8.20. Regardless of the permitted application, the decommissioning of equipment and the reserve, as well as all types of tests, must be carried out after the order of the dispatcher on duty.

8.21. Shutdown of heat points for repair, testing and elimination of defects in heat consumption systems, as well as the inclusion of heat points must be carried out with the permission of the dispatcher with an entry in the operational log of the operational dispatch service.

8.22. In case of violation of operating modes, damage to equipment, as well as in the event of a fire, promptly - dispatching personnel must immediately take measures to restore normal operation or eliminate the emergency and prevent the development of the accident, as well as report the incident to the appropriate operational - dispatching and leading administrative - technical personnel according to the approved list.

8.23. The order of the superior operational - dispatching personnel on issues within its competence is mandatory for execution by the operational - dispatching personnel subordinate to it.

8.24. The operational order of the superior operational - dispatching personnel should be clear and concise. After listening to the order, the subordinate operational - dispatching personnel must repeat the text of the order verbatim and receive confirmation that the order was understood correctly.

8.25. The orders of the superior operational and dispatching personnel must be carried out immediately and accurately.

8.26. Operationally - dispatching personnel, having given or received an order and permission, must record it in the operational log. If there is a tape recording, the volume of recording in the operational log is determined by the administrative and technical management of the organization.

8.27. If the order of the superior operational - dispatching personnel is presented to the subordinate operational - dispatching personnel as erroneous, he must immediately report this to the person who gave the order. If the order is confirmed promptly, the dispatching personnel must comply with it.

8.28. During operational negotiations, power equipment, protection and automation devices should be named in full according to the established names. Deviations from technical terminology and dispatcher names are not allowed.

8.29. All transfers in thermal diagrams must be carried out in accordance with local operating instructions and reflected in the operational documentation.

8.30. In cases not provided for by the instructions, as well as with the participation of two or more related departments or power facilities, switching must be carried out according to the program. Complex switching, described in the instructions, must also be carried out according to the program.

8.31. The degree of complexity of switching and the need to draw up a program for their implementation is determined by the chief engineer, depending on the particular working conditions.

8.32. The list of complex switching is approved by the chief engineer. The list should be adjusted taking into account the commissioning, reconstruction and dismantling of equipment, changes in technological schemes, protection and automation schemes. The list should be reviewed once every 3 years. Copies of the list must be kept in the DC and at the workplaces of the heating network sections.

8.33. Complex switches include:

- in thermal circuits with complex connections;

- long in time and on objects of great length;

- Rarely performed.

8.34. Switches that are rarely performed include:

— commissioning of the main equipment after installation and reconstruction;

— hydraulic tests;

— special tests of equipment and pipelines;

— verification and testing of new non-traditional methods of equipment operation.

8.35. The chief engineer must approve the list of persons from the administrative and technical personnel who have the right to control the implementation of the switches carried out according to the programs. Copies of the list must be kept in the DC and at the workplaces of the heating network sections.

8.36. For repetitive switching, pre-compiled typical programs should be used.

8.37. Typical programs should be reviewed once every 3 years and adjusted with the commissioning, reconstruction or dismantling of equipment, changes in technological schemes, protection and automation schemes.

8.38. If there is a mnemonic diagram on the object, all changes are reflected on it after the switching is completed.

8.39. Switching programs should be kept on a par with other operational documentation.


9.1. The main tasks of the operational dispatch service in the elimination of technological violations are:

— prevention of the development of violations, exclusion of injury to personnel and damage to equipment not affected by a technological violation;

— rapid restoration of heat supply to consumers and normal parameters of heat energy supplied to consumers;

— creation of the most reliable post-accident scheme and mode of operation of heat networks in general and their parts;

- clarification of the state of the disconnected and disconnected equipment and, if possible, putting it into operation and restoring the heating network scheme.

9.2. Each section of heat networks and other power facilities must have a plan for localization and elimination of emergency situations in heat networks and heat sources, which is drawn up on the basis of typical ones.

9.3. The plan of interaction between the services of various departments for the localization and elimination of emergency situations in heating networks must be agreed with the local administration.

9.4. Documents defining their interaction with other city services in the elimination of technological violations should be agreed upon by the ODS.

9.5. The management of the elimination of technological disturbances in heat networks should be carried out by the heat network dispatcher. His instructions are obligatory for the on-duty and operational-repair personnel of all heat sources of VERTICAL LLC.

9.6. If necessary, the operational managers or heads of the organization of heat networks have the right to entrust the management of the elimination of a technological violation to another person or take over the leadership by making an entry in the operational log. Both superior and subordinate operational personnel are notified of the replacement.

9.7. Acceptance and delivery of the shift during the liquidation of technological violations are not allowed. The replacement personnel are used at the discretion of the person in charge of the elimination of a technological violation. In case of a protracted liquidation of a technological violation, depending on its nature, it is allowed to hand over a shift with the permission of the senior dispatcher or the management of the organization.

9.8. The dispatching personnel bear full responsibility for the elimination of technological disturbances, making decisions and taking measures to restore the normal mode, regardless of the presence of persons from among the administrative and technical personnel.

9.9. All workplaces of operational personnel must be provided with emergency localization and liquidation plans that determine the procedure for personnel to act in case of technological violations.

9.10. Investigation of technological violations should be carried out in accordance with the Instruction for the investigation and accounting of technological violations in the operation of power plants, boiler houses, electric and heat networks RD 34.20.801-2000.


10.1. Heads of structural subdivisions should organize scheduled repairs of equipment, pipelines, buildings and structures.

10.2. Repair of heating networks and heating points is divided into:

- current repairs, which include work on the systematic and timely protection of individual elements of equipment and structures of the heating network from premature wear by carrying out preventive measures and eliminating minor malfunctions and damages;

- overhaul, during which worn-out equipment and structures are restored or they are replaced with new ones that have higher technological characteristics and improve the performance of the network.

10.3. For all types of repairs of the main equipment, pipelines, buildings and structures, long-term and annual schedules must be drawn up. For auxiliary equipment, annual and monthly repair schedules are drawn up, approved by the chief engineer.

10.4. Schedules for overhaul and current repairs are developed based on the results of the analysis of identified defects, damage, periodic inspections, tests, diagnostics and annual pressure tests.

10.5. The scope of maintenance and scheduled repairs should be determined by the need to maintain the serviceable and operable condition of equipment, pipelines, buildings and structures, taking into account their actual condition.

10.6. The frequency and duration of all types of repairs, the development of repair documentation, planning and preparation for repairs, putting them into repair and repair, as well as the acceptance and assessment of the quality of repairs should be carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the system of planned preventive repairs of the main equipment of communal heat and power enterprises and the Instruction for the overhaul of heating networks.

10.7. Before starting repairs, the commission, whose composition is approved by the chief engineer, must identify all defects.

10.8. The withdrawal of equipment, pipelines, buildings and structures for repair and their commissioning must be carried out within the time limits specified in the annual repair schedules.

10.9. Acceptance of equipment, pipelines, buildings and structures from repair must be carried out by a commission, the composition of which is approved by order for VERTICAL LLC.

10.10. Heating network equipment that has undergone major repairs is subject to acceptance tests under load within 24 hours.

10.11. When accepting equipment from repair, an assessment of the quality of the repair should be carried out, which includes an assessment of:

— the quality of the repaired equipment;

— the quality of the repair work performed;

- the level of fire safety.

10.12. Quality ratings are set:

- beforehand - at the end of the acceptance tests;

- finally - based on the results of a monthly controlled operation, during which the equipment should be tested in all modes, tests and adjustment of all systems should be carried out.

10.13. The end time of the overhaul for heating networks is the time the network is turned on and the network water circulation is established in it.

10.14. If, during the acceptance tests, defects were found that prevent the operation of the equipment with a rated load, or defects that require an immediate shutdown, then the repair is considered incomplete until these defects are eliminated and the acceptance tests are repeated.

10.15. If in the process of acceptance tests there are violations of the normal operation of individual components of the equipment that do not require an immediate shutdown, the issue of continuing the acceptance tests should be decided depending on the nature of the violations by the technical manager of the enterprise in agreement with the repair contractor, who eliminates the detected defects within the stipulated time.

10.16. If the acceptance testing of equipment under load was interrupted to eliminate defects, then the time of completion of the repair is considered to be the last time in the process of testing the equipment under load.

10.17. The organization must keep a repair log, in which, signed by the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of pipelines, information about the repair work performed that does not necessitate an extraordinary technical examination should be entered.

10.18. Information about repair work that necessitates an extraordinary survey of the pipeline, about the materials used in the repair, as well as information about the quality of welding, must be entered in the pipeline passport.

10.19. Enterprises operating heating networks must have spare parts, materials and an exchange fund of units and equipment to ensure the planned volume of repairs in a timely manner.

10.20. Incoming control of incoming stock and accounting of all spare parts, spare equipment and materials available in the organization should be organized; their condition and storage conditions should be checked periodically.

Attachment 1

The preventive volume of monthly work performed when bypassing heating networks and heating points by a foreman and fitters for servicing heating networks

1. To ensure free opening and closing of shut-off valves, periodically, at least once a month, lubricate the stems of gate valves and valves, check the tightness of stuffing box seals and the absence of sticking of movable sealing surfaces to the fixed sealing surfaces of valve bodies. Keep shut-off valves in good condition.

2. At least once a month, complete closing - opening of shut-off valves on the hot water supply network to maintain it in working condition.

3. Lubricate the working part of the stuffing box expansion joint at least once a month with graphite grease. Tightening of the stuffing box seal of the steel compensator should be carried out at a pressure in the pipeline not higher than 1.2 MPa.

4. Water accumulating in the chambers of the heating network must be periodically or continuously removed using mobile or stationary installations.

5. Timely remove air from heat pipelines, maintain excess pressure at all points of the network and heat consumption systems.

6. Monitor the operation of compensators, supports, fittings, drains, instrumentation and other elements, timely eliminate identified defects.

7. Check for the presence of numbering on the shut-off valves.

8. Maintain cleanliness in the chambers and channels, prevent unauthorized persons from staying in them.

9. Monitor the state of thermal insulation and anti-corrosion coating using modern instruments and diagnostic methods, as well as through inspection, testing and other methods.

10. Keep records of all damages and identified defects for all types of equipment and analyze the causes that caused them.

Chapter 1. General Information
1.1. Units international system SI and relationships between Applied Units and SI Units
1.2. Climatological data for some cities of the USSR
1.3. Properties of water, water vapor and air
1.4. Specific thermal characteristics of buildings, design temperatures of indoor air and allowable temperatures surfaces of heating devices
1.5. Hot water consumption rates

Chapter 2. Equipment for district heating systems
2.1. Heat-preparation equipment of CHP and boiler houses
2.2. Pipelines and equipment of heating networks
2.3. Water heaters
2.4. Pumps
2.5. Gryazeviki
2.6. elevators
2.7. heaters
2.8. Air heating units
2.9. Heating appliances
2.10. Non-standard equipment

Chapters 3. Connection of heat consumers to water heating networks
3.1. Connection of heating and ventilation systems
3.2. І Іconnection of hot water supply systems
3.3. Heat supply schemes

Chapter 4. Adjustment of water heating networks
4.1. Basic provisions
4.2. Inspection of the district heating system
4.3. Determination of thermal loads consumption
4.4. Calculation of heat supply modes
4.5. Determination of the calculated coolant flow rates
4.6. Hydraulic calculation of heat networks
4.7. 4.7. Development of the hydraulic regime of heating networks
4.8. Hydraulic operation of an open heating system
4.9. Calculation of mixing and throttling devices
4.10. Regulation of heat networks

Chapter 5. Means of control and automation of heat supply systems
5.1. Instrumentation
5.2. Temperature and heat flow control means
5.3. Pressure controls
5.4. and water consumption
5.5. Control valves
5.6. Means of automation of central heating points

Chapter 6
6.1. Measurement of process parameters
6.2. Automation of replenishment of heating networks
6.3. Automation of the hydraulic mode of the heating network
6.4. Automation of pumping equipment in the central heating center
6.5. Regulation of the hydraulic regime at heating points
6.6. Regulation of heat consumption in heat supply systems
6.7. Fundamental barriers for automatic control of heat consumption at central and individual heating points
6.8. Temperature control codes for hot water supply at closed system heat supply
6.9. Regulation of water temperature for hot water supply with direct water intake from the heating network

Chapter 7. Testing of pipelines and equipment of above-ground heating networks
7.1. Hydraulic tests
7.2. Thermal tests and regulation of thermal losses
7.3. Testing networks for the design temperature of the coolant
7.4. Density Tests

Chapter 8. Operation of heat networks and heat points
8.1. Technical improvements and technical supervision in the construction of heat networks
8.2. Main technical requirements to the construction of external water heating networks, heating points and heat consumption systems
8.3. Commissioning
8.4. Start-up of water heating networks, heating points and heat consumption systems
8.5. Maintenance of heating networks
8.6. Maintenance of heating points
8.7. Protection of pipelines of heating networks from corrosion
8.8. Repair of heating networks and heating points
8.9. Recommendations on the quality of construction of heating networks

Chapter 9

9.1. Main areas of work and measures to save heat and electricity in the operation of heat networks
9.2. Rationing and technical and economic indicators of the heating network
9.3. Accounting for supply to heat consumption
9.4. Switching the operation of the heat supply system to an increased temperature schedule
9 5. Transferring the operation of the heat supply system to a new design outdoor temperature
9.6. Determination of the operating design flow rate of heat carriers and heat points in a closed heat supply system

A wonderful book that, despite its "age", remains relevant, useful and even indispensable for many professionals.

Unfortunately, the same file of this book is posted on the network on different sites. I downloaded this guide from several sites, but the quality is the same everywhere, namely, not very good.

My colleagues and I decided to scan and post Manyuk's reference book on our blog. After scanning, it took up about 5 GB, each page had a resolution of ~ 5000 × 7000 pixels. As a result of long, painstaking and monotonous work, the directory "lost weight" to 278 MB. We stopped at this size, deciding that this is the optimal volume / quality ratio.

The resolution of each page is 1654x2283 pixels. cropped pages under A4 format.

New version of the guide

Finally, we got around to subjecting the scanned reference book to text recognition. I don't know what stopped me from doing it right away. As a result, the book "lost weight" to 145 Mb! At the same time, search by document became available, which is also important.

File format: .pdf

3rd edition revised and enlarged.

Moscow. Stroyizdat, 1988

Chapter 1. General information.

Chapter 2. Equipment for district heating systems.

Chapter 3. Connection of heat consumers to water heating networks.

Chapter 4. Adjustment of water heating networks.

Chapter 5. Means of control and automation of heat supply systems.

Chapter 6. Automation of heat networks and heat points.

Chapter 7. Testing of pipelines and equipment of water heating networks.

Chapter 8. Operation of heat networks and heat points.

Chapter 9

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