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Ways to connect a TV to a computer. Is the input analog or digital? Alternate Driver Setting

Everyone understands perfectly well that a TV is the same monitor, only larger in size and has a built-in board for converting information transmitted via cable into a full-fledged television. However, sometimes there is a need to connect a TV to a computer, for example, to watch a movie not on the monitor screen, but on a full-fledged big TV. In addition, there are times when you want to watch a movie on a computer, but you also need to work on it, what to do then ?! Of course, connect the TV to the PC. We will tell you how to do it right in this article.

In principle, there are only a few options for connecting a TV to a computer. That is, you will need one of the following cables:

  • HDMI - HDMI;





  • SCART - DVI;


  • DVI-VGA;

  • DVI-DVI;

  • VGA to VGA.

How to determine which wire is needed to connect a computer to a TV?
Extremely simple! Learn which ports (connectors) are on computers and which are on the TV. If there are matches, for example, both TV and PC have a connector for an HDMI cable, then it’s better to do so - buy an HDMI cable. If there are no matches, but there is a free HDMI, VGA, DVI or SCART port on the TV and on the computer, then you have a chance to purchase a non-standard cable that combines several connectors. For example, there will be a DVI plug on one end, and an HDMI plug on the other.

So that you can distinguish VGA from DVI, and HDMI from SCART, etc., we have prepared photos of these four types of connectors:

How to connect a TV to a Windows computer?

Again, nothing complicated! Connect the cable to your computer and TV. Next, on the desktop in an empty space, click right click mice. In the context menu, select the "Screen resolution" item, as shown in the picture below:

In the window that opens, click on the "Find" button. That is, we start searching for an additional monitor. If the TV is modern, then it will be found without any problems and its resolution, model, etc. will be immediately set:

Do not rush to close this window. Pay attention to the following items offered by this window:

  • How the monitor is positioned relative to the main monitor. Which side - top, bottom, etc. Monitors with numbers can be moved in this window by holding them with the left mouse button and dragging. This is necessary so that you understand where the continuation of the monitor will be and in which direction you should drag the player with the film.

  • Click on display #2 and check the data that is automatically set by the system. First, the resolution: it must exactly match the resolution of your TV, if this is not the case, then forcibly set the parameters that are necessary.

  • Orientation must be landscape if we connect conventional TV in its standard position.

  • When operating system sees several displays, it can: expand these screens, display the desktop on only one of them, or even duplicate the image on all of them. We recommend leaving everything at default if "Expand these screens" is set there. Thus, the TV will become, as it were, a second monitor, so it will become much more comfortable and understandable to work: on one you will use the capabilities of a PC, and on the second you will watch a movie in full screen.

  • We do not recommend changing additional parameters if there is no obvious need for it, since, having made changes, it will be difficult to return them back if you do not remember the course of your actions.

For more information about monitor settings, changing text sizes and other elements, you can read the instructions that this window offers.

After completing all the operations, do not forget to click the "OK" or "Apply" button, otherwise all your actions will not be recorded by the system. You can make the TV work as a monitor using the "PC" button on the control panel or on the TV itself.

What to do if the computer does not see the second monitor?
There may be several reasons. First, restart your computer, because after that any modern TV will be detected and all parameters (resolution, diagonal, etc.) will be automatically entered. If the action taken did not help. Check that you have fully inserted the plug into the socket on the PC and on the TV. Also check if the connector is chosen correctly and if the cable works at all.

Do not confuse concepts! If you have connected a TV to a computer, this does not mean at all that now it will be possible to watch TV in the same way on the computer. This cannot be. If you want to watch TV on a computer, then here you will need a TV tuner (a board that is inserted directly into the computer's system unit and into which a TV cable is connected) or a special program + Internet. In this case, the channels will be broadcast by Internet resources. The second option is simpler, but the quality of the broadcast channels will be, frankly, terrible! Therefore, it is better to spend money on a normal TV tuner.

In our case, the TV is just additional monitor for a computer that can be connected in several ways. Yes, our editors of the online magazine site deliberately did not describe additional ways to connect a TV to a PC, as they believe that other options have a lot of problems, and the signal quality will be significantly worse, which will affect the quality of the picture and, accordingly, will not bring any pleasure from watching movies or other videos.

We wish you good luck with your connection! If you have any questions - feel free to ask them in the comments!

We think that many of you dreamed of connecting your TV to a computer in order to enjoy watching movies or playing a computer shooter offline. small monitor but on the big screen TV. However, this is not always as easy as it seems. Today in our article we will reveal the main ways to connect modern TVs to a computer. Moreover, we intentionally do not consider connecting to old TV models, because due to the small screen resolution of such a TV, you will not be satisfied with the result in any case.

How can I connect my TV to my computer

First, let's decide with what cable you can connect the TV to the computer. To do this, you need to study what connectors are on your video card in the computer and what connectors are on the TV. All of them are, as a rule, on the back of the equipment, so study it carefully. In our case, connectors such as:

  • HDMI (or HDMI-mini);
  • scart.

You can see photos of each connector below:

The listed slots can be located both on the TV and on the computer (only it will not have SCART). It is not necessary that your equipment supports all connectors, the main thing is that you find compatible connectors and a suitable cable for them.

What cables exist for connecting a computer?

  • DVI-VGA;
  • DVI-DVI;
  • HDMI - HDMI;
  • VGA to VGA.

In addition, there are various signal amplifiers and splitters that convert the signal and make it possible to connect a VGA TV to an HDMI slot, for example. However, it is difficult to find such products on store shelves, moreover, few people even know about it, so if such a situation has arisen, look for goods in online stores.

Once you have the cable, just connect one end to the TV and the other to the computer and that's it. Now your TV is connected to the PC and you can use it. Although before that you still need to configure the connection itself in the operating system of your computer. We will talk about this further.

How to connect a TV in Windows 7 or 8

After you have connected the cable to system unit and the TV, turned on the latter to the “PC” position (for this, there must be a special button on the TV control panel), then you can go directly to the setting.

1. Open the "Desktop" in front of you on the computer and empty space right-click to open the context menu as shown in the screenshot below, and select "Screen Resolution":

2. A window will open in front of you, in which you first need to find a second monitor, if the system did not automatically find it. To do this, click on the "Find" button. In the figure below, it is marked at number 1. Then click "Apply" to fix the presence of a TV connected to the computer.

3. When the TV screen is connected, it must be aligned with the computer, for example, it can be at the top (above the monitor), left or right. In the screenshot, under action number "2", we visually moved the TV screen unevenly relative to the main monitor to show the possibilities. Moving it is quite simple - hold the left mouse button on the TV screen on the diagram and drag it to the side that would be convenient for you. For example, if the TV is on the left, then schematically place the screen on the left side to make it easier to drag windows. Otherwise you will get confused. After that, click the "Apply" button.

4. Now it's time to make a few adjustments (if needed). A number of actions are highlighted in the picture above under the number "3". In order to add them, left-click the TV screen on the diagram, then specify or correct the resolution of the second display (TV), although Windows 7 and 8 always correctly select them themselves. Next, check the orientation, it should be landscape unless your TV is hung at a 90 degree angle. If you want the TV to be a kind of continuation of the monitor, so that, for example, you can watch a movie on one monitor and work on the other, then select the “Expand these screens” item in the “Multiple displays” item. In addition, you can also duplicate screens so that it is shown everywhere the same picture; or display one of the monitors.

5. You can make your TV your primary display. To do this, you need to left-click on the display at number two in the screenshot diagram above and perform the action that is marked with the number “4” in the picture. That is, check the box. If you don't want to change, then just do nothing.

6. Still everything on the same screenshot above there is a link to additional parameters, by clicking on which you can update the display drivers (check their availability in general); set the desired screen frequency; make adjustments to color scheme monitor; and also go to the driver settings responsible for graphical shell. The window will look something like this:

7. If all manipulations with the setting are over, it's time to apply them. To do this, click on the button at the bottom of the "OK" window, or it was called "5" in the previous screenshot.

What to do if the TV continues to stubbornly not connect to the computer?

To answer this question, you must first deal with the reason for not connecting. After all, it can be both at the program level and completely at the physical level. We will discuss all these cases below.

  • Check cable connections. Very often, beginners, afraid of damaging their computer or TV, do not fully insert the plug into a special slot. If it is DVI or VGA, then the plug must also be fixed with bolts that are located directly on the plug itself. There may also be a reason for the malfunction of the cable itself, try changing it or checking it on another PC.
  • Check the correct connector is selected. Try not to confuse VGA with DVI, as well as inputs and outputs, for example, on the same SCART, where there is an input and output. It also happens that video cards have several DVI inputs, choose the one that fits your plug, or you will have to buy an additional adapter.
  • ReloadWindows. Sometimes the system needs to be rebooted to see the new display (TV, in our case), so the website experts recommend after installing the drivers or just introducing additional options, restart the PC and perhaps after that the TV will be found by the computer.
  • Try disconnecting the wire and doing all the steps above again. If you made a mistake at any stage, then you may have to disconnect the wire and do the above steps for connecting and setting up again. Do not be lazy to do this, as calling a specialist will cost you a considerable amount of money.
  • Check if the drivers for the video card are installed. If you didn’t have drivers for the video card installed on your operating system, or a technical error was made during installation, then most likely you won’t be able to connect the TV correctly (the resolution will not be set at all, or the image will not be natural).
  • Select correct mode on TV. If the computer saw the connection of the TV, but you still have nothing on the screen, then you have not selected the correct mode. For example, instead of PC they chose AV-1 or AV-2 or even VHS. Be careful.
  • Your TV cannot see the signals sent by the computer. We do not exclude the possibility that the PC may not recognize the TV at all due to the features of the latter. Often this is found in Chinese models, where it seems that there is such an opportunity, but in practice there is nothing of the kind and close.
  • Seek help from a specialist. And the last, probably the most correct option (but also the most expensive) would be to contact service center. Here you will be helped with a specific problem and find solutions. The thing is that each of the cases is unique, it is impossible to foresee everything, because sometimes the TV may not connect due to ordinary viruses.

Modern plasma TVs have little in common with the rectangular units with domed screens that used to be in every home. They boast outstanding technical specifications, high definition images and a range of additional features. Now connecting a TV to a computer is no longer something surprising or fantastic.

Many owners of PCs and laptops are trying to expand the scope of their devices. And so they have a completely logical question: "How to connect a TV to a computer?" We'll talk about this.

Why is this needed?

Each user determines for himself whether he needs equipment connected to the TV or not. In fact, there are many reasons pushing us to take such a step, and in each individual case the question arises of how to connect a TV to a computer and how difficult it is.

Before answering it, consider the main advantages of such a "tandem":

  • Computer games on the big screen.
  • Watching movies and videos.
  • Skype communication.
  • Launch various slide shows, etc.

On hard drive modern computer, thanks to unlimited tariffs on the Internet, a huge number of varied content- games, movies, music videos, videos, photos, etc. And sometimes you really want to try it all in a "new format" - bring it to big screen. And for this you need to understand how to connect a computer to a TV.

Features of connecting different equipment

In general, the possibility of "unification" different equipment appeared a long time ago. Even old TVs and not very modern PCs can be connected to each other. True, this requires a special video card and cables. At the same time, it should be noted that the quality of the resulting picture will not be very high, so not many people used to try to connect a TV to a computer via VGA.

Modern audio and video equipment is much more technological and advanced, and therefore the need to set up a connection arises much more often.

On this moment Three main ports are used to carry out this procedure:

  • HDMI.

WITH VGA port in some cases, difficulties arise, because it is often absent altogether on modern video cards. Many laptop models, like plasma TVs, are produced without it. Therefore, it is better to use the other two options or purchase the appropriate VGA-DVI adapter.

Connection via VGA interface

Despite the fact that these types of connectors are losing their positions, many users continue to use them for work. Most still have old equipment in good condition. And a lot of people are now engaged in digitizing video cassettes, viewing records from old hard drives etc.

VGA interface considered obsolete. It provides image transmission with analog signals at low speed (by today's standards).

If you have the appropriate equipment that supports these ports and special cables, you can both connect the TV to a computer and perform further configuration.

The procedure is carried out in several stages:

  • The power of both devices (TV and computer) turns off.
  • The cable is connected to the appropriate connectors.
  • Devices turn on.
  • Settings are being made in Windows.

It is easy to guess that in itself, connecting a TV to a computer does not cause any particular difficulties. Much more questions arise when it comes directly to windows settings. Without this, it is impossible to achieve a quality connection.

If the image is not transmitted to the TV or there are any problems and interference, then, most likely, errors were made in the settings. Particular attention should be paid to the display modes - "only to the TV" or "display and TV at the same time."

If necessary, connect the TV to VGA computer should be following settings in operating system:

  • On the desktop, in the context menu (right mouse button), select "Screen resolution".
  • Open the Display panel.
  • Select the required display mode.
  • Apply and save.

In some cases, you will additionally need to make a small adjustment of the TV - select the VGA signal source in the appropriate menu.

Advantage of DVI and HDMI Ports

Nowadays, when the question arises of how to connect a computer to a TV, many experts advise using HDMI and DVI ports. They look different, so it is almost impossible to confuse them. Also, if necessary, it is worth using various adapters. You can find the necessary interfaces on the back of the system unit, as well as on the back and sides of the TV and laptop.

Why is it better to connect a TV to a computer via HDMI?

Advanced technology has gained immense popularity both among specialists and ordinary users. Currently modern models LED TVs have up to 2-3 HDMI connectors, so there are no connection problems. You just need to purchase the appropriate cable.

The DVI port is in many ways similar to HDMI - it also allows you to transfer signals to digital quality. Corresponding adapters are available on the market, so these ports are almost identical in their ability to perform the task.

What should I pay attention to when connecting a computer to an HDMI TV?

  • Display and TV resolution.
  • Correct connection.
  • settings in the operating system.

Usually special problems does not occur during the connection process, but you still need to be attentive to every detail. This is especially true for matching screen resolutions.

If you use HDMI from a computer to a TV, then the latter will take over the functions of the primary display. If both the main monitor and the LCD TV are connected at this moment, then you need to adjust the display modes.

Some modern TVs have an actual resolution of 1400 x 1900 pixels, while video cards personal computers and laptops are set to "standard" 1280 x 720 or 1920 x 1080 pixels. With such a mismatch, often the TV gives out just a black screen. To correct the situation, it is necessary to set the exact parameters in accordance with the characteristics of the equipment.

In the event that this is the first time you are trying to figure out how to connect a TV to a computer, experts recommend that you also connect the main monitor (for example, via DVI or VGA) or use a laptop. Then it becomes possible to change the settings of the operating system or video card drivers.

HDMI connection process

To perform this task, you must purchase an HDMI cable. In specialized stores you can find products of any length (from 1 to 20 meters). Next, you should find the corresponding ports on the TV and PC.

Thus, the main stages of connection:

  • Direct connection of devices (in the off state).
  • Turning on the computer and TV (waiting for full download).
  • Switching on the TV to the appropriate HDMI port (source - port).
  • Setting up a connection in Windows OS.

As a rule, the default is set to display only on the second display, i.e. the TV becomes the main one. Due to the resolution mismatch, the image may not be transmitted. To understand how to connect a computer to a TV, you need to "dig" in the settings.

It is best to select "Multiple monitors" in the "Screen" menu, and also set the "Duplicate screens" option. After that, everything should work, and the Windows desktop will be displayed on the TV.

To get the most quality image its resolution must be precisely determined. Usually, in this matter, the focus is on him (otherwise, why did TV need to be connected at all?). By correctly connecting the TV to the computer via HDMI, you can freely work with the new screen.

Audio problems

Displaying a picture on a TV screen is only half the battle. There are a lot of questions about sound settings. As a rule, with such an approach, you want to use all the available features, including the correct output of an audio signal. Modern plasma TVs are often equipped with good, powerful speakers, third-party audio systems are also connected to them, so using them is much more reasonable than regular laptop speakers. In the case with desktop computer difficulties often arise due to the lack of any systems for sound output.

In some cases, it can be quite difficult to achieve the correct sound through the TV speakers. Common problems when connecting the mentioned device are:

  • Complete lack of sound.
  • Various disturbances.
  • Sound delay.
  • Low volume.

As you can see, there are several options, so first of all, you need to deal with the root cause of the problem.

Sound customization features

When the TV is connected to a computer, sound is also transmitted through the used HDMI cable. As in the case of image settings, in some cases you will have to try different options.

HDMI interface is a universal high-definition multimedia cable, and this is its main advantage. That is, having only a standard adapter for this connector, you can solve the problem of implementing full connection. And for this, you do not need to purchase additional cords, etc. Since HDMI, along with USB, is considered a widespread world standard, this leads to the fact that many types of equipment support it.

Thus, when making a connection, an HDMI cable performs two main tasks:

  • High definition image transmission.
  • Surround stereo sound transmission.

Versatility is also evident in the settings. With some models of computers and TVs, there is no such need at all. In other situations, you will need to change something in the settings of the operating system. It is almost never necessary to install additional software, except perhaps to simplify management.

Primary connection of two devices

When we work with a particular technique, we try to take advantage of all the possibilities. When connecting a TV to HDMI computer we face various difficulties. First we set up the image, and then everything else. But sometimes we find that with a full connection, the sound is still transmitted through the small speakers of a laptop or PC speakers. What to do in such situations?

You need to set up the audio signal transmission. Let's start with the Taskbar:

  • The Hardware and Sound menu in the Control Panel.
  • The "Manage Sound Resources" tab that opens.
  • Item AMD HDMI Output.

Finding all this will not be difficult, because all the settings are literally on the surface, so the whole procedure will take a couple of minutes at most.

There are several aspects to consider Special attention. If the video card of a computer or laptop supports sound transmission, then you can set the item " Digital Audio S/PDIF". Otherwise, the audio signal will be transmitted via motherboard, which must also be connected to the video card with an S/PDIF cable.

Additional settings options

It must be understood that specific equipment, despite common standards, still has its own characteristics. That is why sometimes difficulties arise even if all the rules and recommendations are observed. What should be done if there are still connection problems?

  • Check the health of the equipment.
  • Update drivers (primarily sound).
  • Try other settings options.

Not all users know about all the main parameters of a PC or laptop and the TV itself. And in order, for example, to connect an LG TV to a computer, you have to study the technical specifications.

What are the most common problems?

To transmit audio via HDMI, you must have the appropriate driver. It's about high support. Definition Audio- high definition audio signal.

To check availability this driver, you should go to the "Device Manager" menu, which is located in the taskbar of the operating system. And already there you need to select the tab "Sound, video and gaming devices". Next, you should carefully study the proposed list and find there "Device with High support Definition Audio", which has already been mentioned above. If such an item is present, then the computer is able to transmit sound signal via an HDMI cable.

What should be done if the corresponding driver is not available?

In this case, you will need to download and install it. On the website of the laptop manufacturer or a specific sound card must be distributions to install. In addition, in some cases, the OS itself is able to determine missing drivers for correct operation.

Another option to configure the system is to check available devices playback. Finding them is easy - in the system tray (lower right corner of the computer screen) you need to find the sound playback icon. If you right-click on it, a context menu will open, one of the items of which is labeled "Playback devices".

This is where the connected TV should appear, along with other options (speakers and headphones). It remains only to select it and click "OK".

Setting up a wireless connection via Wi-Fi

Today, modern models of laptops and TV devices allow you to use a variety of features, including connecting a TV to a computer via wireless network.

What is required to create such a connection? First of all, of course, you need to pay attention to the characteristics of the TV. Unfortunately, at the moment only advanced models support data transfer technology via Wi-Fi. In addition, if you wish, you can try a special TV adapter connected via a USB port.

The advantages of such a connection are obvious:

  • Easy connection without wires.
  • Free arrangement of devices (no need to move the computer).
  • Ability to view files directly from your hard drive.
  • Internet access.

IN this case However, additional software is required - special utility that comes with the TV. It would be useful to look at the official website of the device manufacturer.

As a rule, the main task of the mentioned utility is to quickly connect a computer via WiFi to a TV, so the interface is quite simple and straightforward. Most often on the hard disk of a PC is created special folder to which files for TV are sent.

Many users use a router (router) to solve such problems. A single Wi-Fi network covers various devices, including plasma TV. As a result, it becomes possible to freely view various files.

General conclusion

If there is a need to combine two devices, you need to choose the appropriate solution to the problem. The most popular is to connect the TV to a computer via HDMI or via Wi-Fi wireless networks.

When connecting, first of all, you should set up the correct image transmission, and then check the quality of the supplied sound (in this case, you need to make sure that the drivers are available and select the items related to the signal source in the menu).

To set up a Wi-Fi connection, most often it is enough to use a special software which solves the problem on its own.

It is almost impossible to find televisions with a kinescope in our apartments. The electro-ray tube has been replaced by plasmas and liquid-crystal screens. These TVs are built using digital technology. Transfer from analog signal to digital greatly simplified the process of connecting and combining different kind devices with each other.

Connecting a TV to a computer allows you to refuse common antenna. On the big screen you can watch any videos, clips and photos. Moreover, the power of a modern computer allows you to transmit a signal both to the TV and to the main display.

TV can be used as a multimedia center

There are several ways to connect a TV to a computer as a monitor. You can do without wires, and the process itself is not difficult. You can easily turn your TV into a modern multimedia center.

How to connect a TV to a computer?

The connection method depends on the availability of certain connectors on the TV and computer. There are three connection options:

  1. With cable. The TV receiver can support the following interfaces: HDMI, DisplayPort, DVI or VGA. The first two are digital, the third is integrated, two types of signal can be transmitted through it. VGA is a pure analog interface.
  2. Connection via wireless technology WiFi. In this case, a router is needed, and the TV must be equipped with WiFi module. Not all TV receivers have it, but the module can be purchased separately from the store.

WiFi module for wireless connection

  1. Connect your computer and TV with an Ethernet cable. RJ-45 connector is used for connection. The cable is also called twisted pair.

A router is a special network minicomputer that allows you to combine local networks of different architecture. Its task is to distribute packets of information across certain rules between different destinations: laptops, tablets and other devices connected to the network.

The operating system on the computer allows you to connect without much difficulty. She will offer best option. Connecting via WiFi in most cases takes place automatically. It is only necessary to approve the proposed method.

HDMI and DisplayPort

These two interfaces are currently competitors. They transmit sound and image digitally. To connect to a PC, choose a connecting cable based on the connectors that are present on computer video card and TV. It does not matter if the output of the computer is a DisplayPort connector, and the TV has HDMI. The electronics store has cables with the necessary adapters.

Cable connection methods


The VGA interface uses an analog signal. If you plan to use the VGA connector, then you need to stock up on a cable that has a DVI-VGA adapter. In this case, the signal is converted to analog. Doing a reverse conversion does not make sense, there will be big loss of quality.

Connectors for cable connection

Digital interfaces are combined without problems. On the counter of a specialized store you can find adapters of all types.

Wireless connection

You will need a router to connect via WiFi. To it, in addition to the TV, it is possible to connect a large number of devices: tablet, smartphone, laptop. The main advantage is the absence of a bundle of wires stretched around the apartment. Only one wire is needed, which provides access to the Internet.

Create a network using a router (router)

To distribute access to the network, the router is pre-configured. As a rule, the provider provides detailed instructions to set up or you can invite a representative of the company. A specialist will help you connect and set everything up. If everything is done correctly, the computer will automatically detect the network and automatically connect to it. The TV must be connected manually, through the setup menu.

LAN connection

The third connection method is very similar to the previous one, with the difference that they use twisted pair. TV receiver connects directly to a PC or through a router. This connection has a number of advantages:

  • connection stability;
  • high speed of information transfer;
  • protection from external interference.

The only drawback is the need to run a cable from the router or computer to the TV.

How to connect a TV as a monitor?

The input signal from TV is taken from the video card. For connection, a cable with appropriate connectors is used. The television receiver can serve as the main or additional display. In the second case, either duplication of the image or extension of the desktop is possible. You can display a video player with a movie in this area, and use the main screen for work.

The display mode on two monitors is set through the settings in the operating system. In Windows 8, you can call up the menu through the key combination Win + P.

If there is no image on the TV, then the screen resolution is most likely set incorrectly. Select the desired number of points for the device in the settings. If there is no sound, then through the settings panel, select desired device for audio.

Summing up a little

The article discusses three ways to connect a TV to a computer. It can be used as additional display or turn into a real multimedia center.

Buying new tv Pay attention to the connectors present. The VGA interface is a thing of the past. In 2015, it is planned to abandon it altogether. So if it is not on TV, then you should not worry too much about it. But the presence of several HDMIs is a big plus. Through them, you can connect to TV and other devices. It will be much easier to exchange files between different devices.

Create a complete multimedia center in your home. Use digital technologies at full power, and your stay at home will become an order of magnitude more comfortable.


When the computer screen is not enough to meet all the needs, then the good old friend - the TV comes to the rescue. Well, not very old, Dawn is not suitable for these functions, but modern plasma panels quite friendly with the computer. And then it will be possible to launch a game, favorite movie or music (although why would a big screen be needed for music?) on a wide plasma.

It seems that it is very simple, but in the process, many encounter difficulties, and on the Internet they ask Google how to connect a TV to a computer. Fortunately, the search engine knows the answers to all questions. And this problem also has several solutions.

  • 1 HDMI
  • 2 DVI cables
  • 3 VGA cable
  • 4 RJ45 - network connector


HDMI allows you to better connect your PC to your TV. Through this cord, you can transfer a high-quality picture, and even sound. The TV and the panel of the system unit must have a special connector with a height of 4.5 mm and a width of 14 mm. To make the connection, you need a cable with an HDMI plug on each end.

Some models of video cards are equipped with a mini-HDMI input, so you will also need a special adapter from the standard version to the mini. This adapter should come with the video card, so you should look for it in old boxes. If it is not there, then the purchase will not be a problem, any computer store or point on the market sells such a product for low price.

By the way, about the price. The materials, color and other features of the cord and adapter do not affect the quality of the image transmission, but only the cost of the product. Consultants can convince you otherwise, but this is not so. Therefore, it is not worth buying a piece of cord for several hundred "evergreens", cheap options for 5-15 dollars will also perform their function perfectly. Digital data will go through the cable, which is not affected by various interferences.

How to connect a TV:

DVI cables

First, you need to remember that DVI connectors, and accordingly cables, are different.

Therefore, you should find out which specific type is needed, and only then buy it. Each option has its own features and characteristics:

  • DVI-D. This type transmits digital signals from the unit's video card to the TV. Data is transferred quickly and with high quality;
  • DVI-I. Such a cable is rightfully universal, because it provides both analog and digital transmission image and sound. Selecting this option will best solution, although it costs a little more;
  • DVI-A. Most experts do not advise buying this type of cable. Its peculiarity is that the data is processed from digital to analog, and only then go to the screen and to the TV speakers. These processes greatly affect the image quality.

VGA cable

The problem of connecting a TV to a computer can be solved using a VGA cable. The connector for this cable is standard and is present in all video cards for transmitting an analog signal. If there is a connector for it on the TV, then the connection will not be any problem. To do this, you need the actual VGA cable and audio cable.

But before you start using this method, you need to check if the TV supports high resolution. The fact is that many TV models via a VGA cable can only receive low-quality signals. If everything is in order and high resolution is supported, then you can start connecting:

  • Disconnect the equipment from the mains;
  • Connect VGA cable corresponding inputs on the TV and computer;
  • The audio output of the PC must be connected to the audio-in socket on the TV. This requires a special audio cable;
  • Turn on TV and PC;
  • Make settings for the computer and TV (similar to the settings from the HDMI connection);

RJ45 - network connector

To make such a connection, you need to match the TV to two parameters:

  • He must have a media player (to put it simply, he must be able to play music, videos and images from a flash drive);
  • He must support DLNA technology and its unit must contain an RJ45 network connector;

DLNA is such a special technology that provides for the exchange of information between the TV and other devices in real time. Thanks to this system, it is possible to play files directly from hard drive without transferring them to other media. You can find out if there is such a function in a particular TV model from the instructions for it or on the manufacturer's website.

To connect a TV to a computer, you need:

The first stage involves connecting directly, or through a router. It is not advised to use a router, because then it has a large load, which will lead to loss of performance. In order to connect without a router, you need a “Crossover” cable of the “ twisted pair". Crimping at the cord must be crossed. You will also need to make changes to the settings for the IP protocol.

The following configuration will do:

If the computer has two network cards, then you only need to configure the one that connects to the TV. You also need to download and install the Home Media Server application. After that, you need to change certain settings(when the cable is already connected and the equipment is turned on):

To view files, you need to turn on the equipment, the Home Media Service program is running, and select Ethernet (Lan) as the source of media files. This will open the explorer, which will allow you to view the required files using the remote.

Connecting the TV to computer equipment

When connecting a TV to a computer, you must first implement hardware connection using suitable cables and connectors, and then configure required parameters. The settings themselves may differ from the operating system used and the video card model on the computer.

It must be said that such a connection of a TV to a computer or laptop is necessary to use the screen of a television receiver with a large diagonal as a monitor. It is much more pleasant to watch movies, photos or play games. But all this is true for modern models of HD Ready TV receivers with a screen resolution of 1920x1080 or 1366x768. When using screens with a lower resolution, which is found on older TVs, you may not get a benefit in video quality. Or there may be a situation where there are no necessary connectors for video transmission high definition from computer to TV. But all modern models and TVs and video cards can be interconnected to view Full HD video on the TV screen.

TV connectors

High-resolution image transmission is associated with the use of a video signal in digital form and subsequent processing. HDMI and DVI interfaces are used for digital video transmission. It is with the connectors and cables of these two interfaces that the connection of the TV to the computer is connected today. It must be said that there are three types of DVI digital, analog and combined. That is, to pass on it digital signal Full HD, you need to select a video card with a digital output (indicated by additional letter D) or combined and use the appropriate cable.

HDMI is considered more preferred option connection, as it also transmits sound along with video. When connecting via DVI, you may need to additionally connect the audio signal via a separate cable. In order for the video card to output sound in some models, you will need to connect the S / PDIF connectors inside the computer system unit, the connection cable is included in the video card kit. Then maybe even the sound will be on DVI output and, using a DVI-HDMI adapter and further to the TV with an HDMI-HDMI cable, you can get video and sound from one DVI connector. HDMI cable even better and the fact that it can be very long (more than 10 meters). And when using DVI to DVI cable it may be necessary to install intermediate amplifiers (which no one does) if the length exceeds 5 meters, otherwise interference will occur.

To connect a computer, the TV may have a separate HDMI input, despite the fact that usually there are several such connectors on the TV receiver. You need to read the instructions to determine the correct input.

If you are using home theater to play sound or another audio system, you can send a signal to the receiver from a computer via HDMI, and from the receiver to a TV also via HDMI.

All other methods of transferring video from a computer use analog form signal and are unable to transmit HD video. They are used when it is not possible to connect via HDMI or DVI.

  1. 1) VGA (D-sub). One of the main connectors in modern LCD TVs. Used to connect a computer. Has 15 contacts. Capable of transmitting a signal with a resolution of 1280x1024 pixels.
  2. 2) Component. Represents three "tulips" different color: green, blue, red. The color component is transmitted through two of them, and the luminance signal passes through the third. On devices, it is designated as Y Pb Pr. The performance of this connection is better than A/V and S-video.
  3. 3) Scart. This is a large connector with 21 pins. Has different specifications, so it can transmit various signals, depending on what the manufacturers plugged into the connector. Can transmit good quality video (standard definition) and audio.
  4. 4) S-video. It has also been used in video technology for a long time. Might not be there anymore modern TVs. The transmission of chroma and brightness is different wires, so this connector is better than ordinary tulips. Transmission of video signal only, sound is connected by a separate cable. There may be 4 or 7 pins in the connector.
  5. 5) Composite (A/V). These are ordinary "tulips" (RCA). Have been in use for a long time. It is worse than component in that both brightness and color signals are transmitted over one cable, so interference occurs. They can stand on DVD, game consoles, etc. Both video and sound are transmitted.

Usually after correct connection immediately and the picture from the computer appears on the TV screen. Sometimes you need to adjust the resolution or, if there is no image at all, adjust the outputs and inputs correctly. Before setting up, it is recommended to download and install the latest drivers for your video card and computer sound card.

The most common are the following models of video cards:

  • Based on the NVIDIA platform. Drivers are available at
  • Based on the ATI platform. Drivers are available at
  • On the base Intel platforms Extreme Graphics. Drivers are available on

After connecting and turning on the network on both devices, Windows should display a connection message and ask how you are going to use additional screen. There are three options:

  1. 1 Use external display as the main one.
  2. 2 Expand work area to another screen, both displays being used.
  3. 3 Use screen connections as a clone, i.e. the image on the two displays is the same.

It is preferable to use the connected TV in clone mode, so it is easier to set up and control it.

If the operating system itself has not defined a new connection, then you can go to the display settings menu yourself. Through Start-Control Panel-Screen you will be taken to the screen settings menu.

In this menu, you need to configure the parameters of the connected display as you need.

For more full customization images (resolution, frame rate, aspect ratio, color gamut) you may need to go to the graphics card settings.

For ATI graphics cards this is ATI Catalyst Control Center”:

For NVidia video cards it's a "panel NVIDIA control”:

To enter the video card settings, you need to right-click on an empty spot on the desktop and select the desired item corresponding to your video card in the menu that appears.

How to connect a computer to a TV via HDMI?

Most modern LCD TVs are equipped with various interfaces to connect other devices. HDMI interface is available on almost every LCD panel. Thanks to the HDMI connector, you can connect a DVD player, receiver to the TV satellite dish, computer and various mobile devices, for example, a tablet, smartphone or mini-computer. But most users do not know how to connect a computer to a TV via HDMI. If you are faced with the problem of “correctly” connecting a computer to a TV, then this article will help you solve it.

The first step is to find out if there is an HDMI connector in the system unit of your computer. For connecting two devices via HDMI, in our case a computer and a TV, requires an HDMI interface in each device. This connector is located in the video card of the computer and allows you to transmit video and sound over a single cable. Thus, unlike VGA, HDMI does not have problems with sound transmission. The HDMI connector on the video card looks like this:

The interface is always located on the back of the system unit. As for the HDMI connector on the TV, it can be located both on the back of the case and on the side. Moreover, the TV may have several connectors that are designed to connect various devices.

The scheme for connecting a computer to a TV is as follows: turn off both devices, insert one end of the cable into the TV, and the other into the HDMI connector on the computer.

Please note that you will need to purchase an HDMI cable from the store, since such a cable is not supplied with the TV. The HDMI connector looks like this:

After connecting the TV to the computer, turn on the LCD panel, open the settings and set the HDMI input as a signal source.

Then we turn on the computer and wait for the system to boot. As a rule, the image on the TV should appear at this very moment. If there is no image, then right-click on the desktop after loading the system and select the “Screen Resolution” tab. In the "Screen" line, select the LCD panel, click "Apply" and "OK".

In this way, you can connect a computer to a TV via HDMI on Windows 7/8/10. But what if your video card does not have an HDMI interface? As a rule, every video card has a DVI connector. Available for sale special cables and adapters of the DVI-HDMI type, with which you can connect the LCD TV to the computer system unit.

If the image on the TV is of poor quality or cropped, then in the video card settings you can always set the required resolution and image quality values. When buying a cable, you should not save money, because often there are problems with cheap HDMI cables: sound is not transmitted, the picture quality deteriorates, data transfer stops.

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