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Coding methods: how to choose the best one? Methods for coding information. Graphic data encoding

Alcoholism, or a morbid addiction to alcoholic beverages, is a very dangerous disease that affects not only the body itself, but also the psyche. The peculiarity of this disease is that the alcoholic does not consider himself as such and does not realize the danger. He believes that he can stop at any moment, but his condition only gets worse.

You can get rid of alcoholism in different ways, some manage to cope with the problem on their own, but in most cases it is recommended to contact a specialist. However, treatment is required for a long time, it is necessary to overcome the mental craving for alcohol, the habit of solving all problems only with the help of alcohol. That is why various coding methods have become so popular, which make it possible to immediately give up alcohol after undergoing short-term procedures.

Encoding methods

What determines the success of the treatment? Alcoholism has 2 degrees: the first is psychological cravings, and the second is physical, when the body already integrates alcohol-containing liquids into its biochemistry. And if the 1st degree can still be cured relatively easily, that is, it is only necessary to overcome the habit of drinking, then the 2nd degree is difficult and difficult to treat. A person without alcohol already feels bad.

All coding methods serve several purposes. They should not only prevent drinking, but also remove the mental attachment. It is on this principle that modern encoding works. The methods that are used today for the treatment of alcohol are divided into 3 main areas:

  • drug-based therapy, that is, the patient is injected with a drug that forms an aversion to alcohol. In addition, along with this, complex therapy is carried out, designed to remove headache, somatic complications of the cardiovascular system, heart, liver, etc.
  • psychotherapeutic treatment that directly affects the human psyche. It pursues the goal of eliminating all mental deviations associated with prolonged intake of alcohol;
  • physiotherapy treatment, hardware methods. In this case, there is not only physical, but also chemical effects on the body.

Classification of encoding methods

The coding methods that are used today to treat alcohol addiction can be very different, they are all classified according to different characteristics. There are such groups:

  • medication;
  • psychotherapeutic;
  • physiotherapy.

The first group involves the use of several different methods of drug administration. The only difference is how to encode. Usually these are intravenous and intramuscular injections, but capsules with medication are also used in tablet form. When coding drugs are used extremely rarely, they usually do not have such an effect when used together. Medicines are selected depending on the stage of alcoholism.

They begin to code with mild drugs that simply block the enjoyment of alcohol and end up with aversive drugs that form a stable aversion to alcohol.

The psychotherapy group consists of other treatments. All methods are aimed at providing an individual or group impact on the patient. This is a hypnotic suggestion, for example, the methods of Dovzhenko, Rozhnov, Malkin and the like. Hypnosis, which is used in this case, can be divided into covert and directive. Its application is different, but the effect is the same: the patient develops a fear of drinking alcohol, the patient can no longer take alcohol. It is necessary to contact only trusted, experienced professionals who can ensure safety for health and life.

There are many ways of coding, physiotherapy methods are also popular. When choosing a coding method, attention should be paid to the degree of the disease. You can do without hypnosis, the use of not always safe drugs that are injected into the body. Among these options, it is worth noting:

  • laser coding;
  • electroconvulsive therapy;
  • hyperthermia and other methods.

How much does coding cost?

Some refuse treatment, citing the fact that the cost is too high. Others believe that they may well give up this addiction, although the matter almost never goes beyond talk. So how much does coding cost today? It all depends on the chosen method, clinic, general health of the patient.

If alcoholism is neglected, accompanied by various diseases, then the coding will not help much, it is already necessary to contact specialized clinics, where complex treatment will be carried out. But in the initial stages, coding may well help to quickly and efficiently deal with this problem. Today, the cost of treatment depends on the chosen coding method, but it varies at the level of 8-10 thousand rubles.

After the end of treatment, the patient is given a certificate of the procedure performed, the conditions of treatment, which can be presented, if necessary, to the appropriate authorities. If in the future any surgical intervention is carried out or medications are planned to be taken, it is necessary to first consult with the observing doctor, since the drugs introduced during the coding can cause various disorders.

Is there any harm in coding?

Is the selected encoding method safe as advertised? Specialists who practice this particular treatment option say with confidence that this is the only way to completely get rid of cravings for alcohol, but in fact, everything is far from so rosy. Hypnotic methods are especially dangerous, since attitudes, sounds or smells, events during treatment, which are deposited in the patient's subconscious, in the future can cause extremely painful and unpleasant sensations.

At the thought of alcohol or when looking at a bottle, nausea may appear, the words of a psychiatrist about the death caused by an alcoholic drink come to mind. That is, an ordinary mug of beer can cause a person's anxiety, he falls into depression. In addition, pain begins in the solar plexus and eyeballs.

Many patients are stubborn, they even try to drink after the procedure, but this only worsens the condition, pain syndromes intensify, the fear of death turns into horror that haunts a person almost constantly. Of course, not everyone has such phenomena, but before using a specific encoding method, you must immediately familiarize yourself with all possible negative phenomena. In any case, hypnotic suggestion should be treated with caution, it is recommended to contact only experienced and proven specialists.

Cons of popular methods

Today they offer to encode for alcoholism in various ways, but even the most popular of them are not as safe as it is commonly believed. Many of you have heard about Dovzhenko encoding. It is based on a hypnotic effect on the patient, but can only be applied to those who are easily suggestible.

During the session, the person develops a persistent aversion to alcoholic beverages. During the suggestion, the patient is given the installation that the smell of alcohol and its taste is disgusting, the patient will suffer greatly or even die if he starts drinking. This encoding method has a negative side.

Some patients are not morally ready to give up alcohol right away, and suggestion does not leave them an outlet. In addition, hypnosis itself is dangerous for the human psyche. It is not yet known exactly what consequences can be observed after such procedures.

The second most popular method is "Torpedo". During treatment, the patient is injected with special drugs that are not compatible with taking alcoholic beverages. There is no risk of being zombified, but if the prohibition is violated, the patient may feel severe malaise. Antialcoholic drugs that are implanted subcutaneously cause aversion to alcohol. But a capsule with such a drug cannot be constantly under the skin, it can become overgrown with connective tissue, that is, cause health problems in the patient. After removing the capsule, the patient almost always returns to the previous way of life.

The use of intravenous injections is effective, but it is this method that poses the greatest danger. First, the patient is injected with a drug that is not compatible with alcohol, after which a small dose of alcohol is given so that the patient can feel the consequences awaiting him. They can be the most unpredictable. These are mild convulsions and seizures, vomiting, but in especially difficult cases, death is also possible.

General implications of coding

Before using the selected encoding method, you must carefully familiarize yourself with its effect on the body and psyche. Most often, violations of the nervous system are observed, which manifest itself as excessive aggressiveness or lethargy and complete lack of initiative. Patients begin to get very irritated even with one kind of alcohol, which affects their extremely aggressive and negative reactions to others. They have an increased sense of anxiety, fear, the following problems are observed:

  • various diseases of the nervous system;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • decreased potency;
  • constant headaches, pain throughout the body.

In some cases, even a simple coding method can cause serious consequences and even death of the patient. Therefore, before deciding on such treatment, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons, carefully read the technique and contraindications.

It is often easier to cope with an existing problem on your own with the support of your loved ones than to choose a method such as encoding. Methods of treatment for alcoholism using drugs or hypnosis are effective, but often this is completely negated by the consequences and harm to the body and others.

The problem of alcoholism is not new, it has been observed for centuries, people from all walks of life are susceptible to this disease. The generally accepted opinion that people from the most disadvantaged groups can become alcoholics is unfounded, although this part of the population suffers from the disease most often.

To get rid of alcohol addiction, various methods are used today. The most popular is the coding method, which provides the most effective cure for alcoholism, although it carries with it not the most pleasant consequences for the patient's body and psyche.

Thank you for your feedback.

Comments (1)

    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Did anyone manage to save your husband from alcoholism? Mine drinks without drying out, I don't know what to do ((I thought about getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I’m sorry for my husband, so he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things and only after reading this article, I managed to wean my husband from alcohol, now he does not drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I will duplicate just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    And this is not a divorce? Why are they selling on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their marginal markup. In addition, payment only after receipt, that is, first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editorial response 10 days ago

    Sonia, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is really not marketed through the pharmacy chain and retail stores in order to avoid overpricing. To date, you can order only on official website... Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I did not notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is in order for sure if the payment is on receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried folk methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I just can't influence him ((

The code- system of conventional signs (symbols) for transmission, processing and storage of information (messages).

Coding - the process of presenting information (messages) in the form of a code.

The whole set of characters used for encoding is called alphabet coding... For example, in computer memory, any information is encoded using a binary alphabet containing only two characters: 0 and 1.

The scientific foundations of coding were described by K. Shannon, who investigated the processes of transferring information through technical communication channels ( communication theory, coding theory). With this approach coding is understood in a narrower sense: how transition from representation of information in one symbolic system to representation in another symbolic system... For example, converting a written Russian text into Morse code for transmission by telegraph or radio communication. Such coding is associated with the need to adapt the code to the used technical means of working with information.

Decoding - the process of converting the code back to the form of the original symbolic system, i.e. receiving the original message. For example: translation from Morse code into written text in Russian.

In a broader sense, decoding is the process of recovering the content of an encoded message. With this approach, the process of writing text using the Russian alphabet can be considered as encoding, and reading it is decoding.

Coding goals and coding methods

The way the same message is encoded can be different. For example, we are used to writing Russian text using the Russian alphabet. But the same can be done using the English alphabet. Sometimes you have to do this by sending SMS on a mobile phone that does not have Russian letters, or by sending an e-mail in Russian from abroad, if there is no Russified software on the computer. For example, the phrase: "Hello, dear Sasha!" you have to write like this: “Zdravstvui, dorogoi Sasha!”.

There are other ways to encode speech as well. For instance, shorthand - quick way to record spoken language... It is owned by only a few specially trained people - stenographers. The stenographer manages to record the text synchronously with the speech of the speaking person. In the transcript, one icon denoted a whole word or phrase. Only a stenographer can decipher (decode) the transcript.

These examples illustrate the following important rule: different methods can be used to encode the same information; their choice depends on a number of circumstances: the purpose of the coding, the conditions, the available means. If you need to write down the text at the rate of speech, we use shorthand; if you need to transfer text abroad, we use the English alphabet; if it is necessary to present the text in a form that is understandable for a literate Russian person, we write it down according to the rules of the grammar of the Russian language.

Another important circumstance: the choice of the method of encoding information may be associated with the intended method of its processing... Let us show this using the example of the representation of numbers - quantitative information. Using the Russian alphabet, you can write down the number “thirty-five”. Using the alphabet of the Arabic decimal number system, we write: “35”. The second method is not only shorter than the first, but also more convenient for performing calculations. Which entry is more convenient for performing calculations: “thirty-five times one hundred twenty-seven” or “35 x 127”? Obviously - the second.

However, if it is important to keep the number without distortion, then it is better to write it down in text form. For example, in monetary documents, the amount is often written in text form: "three hundred seventy-five rubles." instead of "375 rubles." In the second case, distorting one digit will change the entire value. When using a text form, even grammatical errors may not change the meaning. For example, an illiterate person wrote: "Three hundred and seventy five rubles." However, the meaning remained.

In some cases, there is a need to classify the text of a message or document so that it cannot be read by those who are not supposed to. It is called protection against unauthorized access... In this case, the secret text is encrypted. In ancient times, encryption was called cryptography. Encryption is the process of converting plaintext to encrypted, and decryption- the process of reverse transformation, in which the original text is restored. Encryption is also encoding, but with a secret method known only to the source and the addressee. Encryption methods are dealt with by a science called cryptography.

The same information can be presented (encoded) in several forms. With the advent of computers, it became necessary to encode all types of information with which both an individual person and humanity as a whole deal. But humanity began to solve the problem of coding information long before the advent of computers. The tremendous achievements of mankind - writing and arithmetic - are nothing more than a system for coding speech and numerical information. Information never appears in its pure form, it is always somehow presented, somehow encoded.

Binary coding is one of the common ways to represent information. In computers, robots and numerically controlled machine tools, as a rule, all information with which the device deals is encoded in the form of words in a binary alphabet.

Encoding character (text) information.

The main operation performed on individual text characters is character comparison.

When comparing symbols, the most important aspects are the uniqueness of the code for each symbol and the length of this code, and the choice of the coding principle itself is practically irrelevant.

Various lookup tables are used to encode texts. It is important that the same table is used when encoding and decoding the same text.

A conversion table is a table containing a list of encoded characters, ordered in some way, according to which the character is converted to its binary code and vice versa.

Most popular lookup tables: DKOI-8, ASCII, CP1251, Unicode.

Historically, 8 bits or 1 byte was chosen as the length of the code for encoding characters. Therefore, most often one character of text stored in the computer corresponds to one byte of memory.

There can be 28 = 256 different combinations of 0 and 1 with a code length of 8 bits, so no more than 256 characters can be encoded using one lookup table. With a code length of 2 bytes (16 bits), 65536 characters can be encoded.

Numeric information encoding

The similarities in encoding numerical and textual information are as follows: in order to be able to compare data of this type, different numbers (as well as different characters) must have a different code. The main difference between numerical data and symbolic data is that in addition to the comparison operation, various mathematical operations are performed on numbers: addition, multiplication, root extraction, calculating the logarithm, etc. The rules for performing these operations in mathematics are developed in detail for numbers represented in the positional number system.

Coding as a procedure for getting rid of the developed alcohol dependence is the blocking of craving for alcohol-containing drinks, carried out mainly by two methods - psychotherapeutic influence and drug intervention.

Effective coding affects the patient, relieving him for a certain time from the psychological craving for drinking, which is often the first step to completely getting rid of the problem.

Such treatment can also prevent the onset of repeated alcohol abuse, as it creates in a person a fear of the consequences and awakens the instinct of self-preservation.
Coding methods are different, in addition to the traditional ones, alternative ones are used - neurolinguistic programming, exposure to electric shock or acupuncture, as well as ineffective methods of conspiracies and prayers.

Hypnotic impact

The most popular coding of alcohol dependence of a psychotherapeutic direction is hypnotic blocking according to the method of A.R. Dovzhenko, developed in the 80s of the last century. The essence of the method is in a powerful simultaneous psychological and hypnotic effect on the patient. A specialist at the subconscious level instills in a person a feeling of indifference to alcohol, fixes in him the attitude-demand for sobriety, due to which the craving for alcohol unconsciously decreases to complete disappearance. At the same time, treatment according to the Dovzhenko method does not require either taking pills or immersing the patient in deep hypnosis. This coding method has been successfully used for several decades, experts believe that the hypnotic blocking procedure is the most humane and effective.

Our regular reader shared an effective method that saved her husband from ALCOHOLISM. It seemed that nothing would help, there were several codings, treatment at the dispensary, nothing helped. The effective method recommended by Elena Malysheva helped. EFFECTIVE METHOD

The Dovzhenko coding method, along with other coding methods, is successfully used in the Korsakov clinic.

However, blocking alcohol dependence according to Dovzhenko will have positive consequences only if two basic conditions are met:

Take the rapid test and get a free pamphlet "Binge drinking and how to deal with it".

Have you had any relatives in your family who go on long "binges"?

Do you "have a hangover" the day after taking a large dose of alcohol?

Does it become "easier" for you if you "hangover" (drink) the sutra after a hectic feast?

What is your usual pressure?

Do you have a "strong" desire to "drink" after taking a small dose of alcohol?

Do you develop self-confidence, relaxedness after drinking alcohol?

  • voluntary consent of the patient;
  • refusal of alcohol a week before the procedure.

Efficient coding according to A.G. Dovzhenko is possible only if the alcoholic agrees to the treatment, and even better - if he wants to be cured himself. Only under this condition will hypnotic attitudes lead to the desired result, maximizing the effect. The desire of the patient with this method of alcohol dependence therapy is of the greatest importance. It is more important than the patient's duration of alcohol abuse, how much, how many binges and their duration.

As for the requirement to observe sobriety before the procedure, this is a certain psychological test, the essence of which is to confirm the patient's firm decision to be treated, the seriousness of his intentions. It is also a test of the patient's willpower and the beginning of his preparation for the perception of hypnotic attitudes. Important: before starting treatment according to the Dovzhenko method, it is best to refuse all alcoholic products, including beer and energy drinks.

This coding method has certain contraindications:

  • age less than 22 and more than 60 years;
  • disturbances of consciousness;
  • being in a state of intoxication or withdrawal symptoms;
  • diagnosed hypertensive crisis;
  • emergency conditions.

In the list of advantages, which are inherent in the therapy developed by A.G. Dovzhenko, appear:

  • simplicity combined with reliability;
  • efficiency in 87-90% of cases;
  • humanity and ethics;
  • recognition in the field of psychotherapy and WHO approval;
  • result after the first session;
  • the absence of unpleasant symptoms, which usually accompany drug treatment of addiction;
  • the possibility of use for any person, except for people immune to hypnosis;
  • compatibility with drug therapy to improve efficiency.

The average period for which a patient is coded is one year, after which the alcoholic usually finds the strength to continue a sober lifestyle.

Drug therapy

In comparison with the hypnotic suggestion according to the Dovzhenko method, the methods of coding with the use of drugs act in two directions at once. Treatment is carried out to influence both mental and physical manifestations of alcohol dependence. After the procedure, the pills begin to block the enzyme produced by the liver, thereby preventing the processing of alcohol, its neutralization and elimination. Ethanol products accumulate in the blood, which is why poisoning begins with all its symptoms - if after that the alcoholic remains alive, he no longer risks drinking alcohol until the implanted drug is completely dissolved. This is the psychological component of the treatment - the reaction of the encoded organism to alcohol is so strong that the former drunkard develops an instinctive fear.

Medicinal types involve the use of various drugs:

  • for subcutaneous implantation (Torpedo tablets, Esperal);
  • for intravenous administration (Algominal, NIT, SIT);
  • for intramuscular blocking (Esperal gel);
  • for oral administration (Kolme drops).

Since medicinal coding methods can have negative consequences, there are a number of contraindications to their use, partially similar to the list of prohibitions for the Dovzhenko method. It is better not to use pills and other drugs for drug control against alcohol dependence if the patient has:

  • the state of pregnancy;
  • drunkenness or hangover;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • acute manifestations of mental disorders.

Medicinal types of coding for cravings for alcohol, with all their merits, including the already described "double action", are also dangerous. And the point is not only that pills, gel and other forms of drugs can enter into a dangerous reaction with ethanol if the encoded person “breaks down”. The danger of such treatment is due to two factors:

  • intolerance to the injected substance with the potential development of a strong allergic reaction;
  • the patient's reaction to a sharp forced rejection of alcohol.

The latter is the most dangerous, since a person experiencing withdrawal symptoms, which was triggered by therapy, may suffer from the development of the following diseases:

  • lesions of the cardiovascular system;
  • malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • problems with the work of the central nervous system;
  • changes in mental state.

The term of protection against alcohol dependence, which such coding methods provide, is 1-3 years.

Alternative treatments

One of the alternative options for coding for alcoholism is a technique developed by Dr. D.V. Saykov, a technique that provides for the fight against addiction with the help of emotional stress psychotherapy. The principle of therapy is as follows: an unhealthy craving for alcohol forms a dominant in a person's mind that regulates and controls his entire life. Drunkenness is becoming the norm with booze as the most important value.

Dr. Saykov solves the problem of addiction by helping to remove alcohol from the center of the alcoholic's circle of vital needs. The process of therapy forms in the patient an indifferent and even negative attitude towards alcohol, it allows for periodic prevention of potential relapses, for which special programs on disks are used. Such computerized treatment can be done even at home.

The coding methods used by Dr. Saykov are largely based on Dovzhenko's technology, but in part it may represent neurolinguistic programming-coding. Such a fight against alcohol addiction, which includes, in addition to traditional means, also computer influence, is considered modern and effective, it has received approval from both specialists and cured patients.

Also alternatives to the traditional blocking of alcohol cravings are:

  • neurolinguistic coding;
  • acupuncture;
  • laser therapy;
  • electroneurostimulation.

Neuro-linguistic programming allows you to encode a person from craving for alcoholic beverages by eliminating from the subconscious of a sick person the program of self-destruction launched by alcohol. Thanks to this therapy, a person tunes in to the natural program of normal life, gets used to looking for other sources of satisfaction for himself. Patients who choose neurolinguistic programming do not have to take pills, they are not immersed in deep hypnosis - the program introduces the norm of a healthy lifestyle naturally, without stress or violence against the individual.

There is no need to take pills for alcoholics who decide to use not only hypnosis, drugs or neurolinguistic programming for the treatment of cravings, but also coding methods such as acupuncture, laser therapy and electrical neurostimulation. The first two therapies reduce addiction by targeting specific areas of the human body, blocking the connection between alcohol and pleasure centers in the brain. Also, these procedures can stimulate self-cleansing of the body, getting rid of the damage caused by ethyl alcohol, and restoration for a new healthy life.

The use of the method of electroneurostimulation allows you to treat cravings for alcoholic beverages by exposing certain parts of the brain to a weak electric current (electrical impulses). Electric shock therapy is effective because it suppresses the production of endorphins associated with alcohol in the body, the body begins to wean itself from unhealthy euphoria and get used to looking for pleasure in other sources.

And some questionable techniques

Without exception, all methods of coding from alcoholism for the effectiveness of treatment require the unconditional consent and sincere desire of the patient. Neurolinguistic coding, exposure to needles, current, laser or drugs, techniques developed by A.G. Dovzhenko and D.V. Saikov, provide for the fight against alcohol cravings only on condition of cooperation with the patient.

If the patient's consent to therapy is not obtained, desperate relatives resort to completely exotic methods, for example, adding drugs to alcohol without the knowledge of the drunkard or coding his cravings from a photograph. The consequences of turning to all sorts of fortune-tellers and healers who offer the latter, at best, will turn out to be a placebo, at worst - just a hoax. Important to remember: difficult

State educational institution
Secondary vocational education
Kurganinsky Agricultural and Technological College.


Topic: "Modern ways of coding information in computer technology."

Prepared : Avanesyan Veronika
Group student No. 6 "A"
Checked : Tkachev Sergey

Grade ______________

2011-2012 academic year


1. Introduction
2. History of coding information
3. Methods of encoding information
4.Coding text information
5. Coding of graphic information
6. Encoding audio information
7. Conclusion and conclusions
8. List of used literature


Coding. Basic concepts and definitions

Let's consider the basic concepts related to information coding. For transmission to a communication channel, messages are converted into signals. The symbols used to create messages form the primary alphabet, and each symbol is characterized by the likelihood of its occurrence in the message. Each message is uniquely associated with a signal representing a certain sequence of elementary discrete symbols, called code combinations. Coding is the transformation of messages into a signal, i.e. converting messages to code combinations. The code - a system of correspondence between message elements and code combinations. Coder - the device that performs the coding. Decoder - a device that performs the opposite operation, i.e. converting a codeword into a message. Alphabet - a set of possible code elements, i.e. elementary symbols (code symbols) X = (x i }, where i = 1, 2, ..., m. Number of code elements - m called him basis ... For binary code x i = {0, 1} and m = 2. The final sequence of characters of a given alphabet is called code combination (code word). The number of elements in a code combination - n called significance (combination length). The number of different code combinations ( N = m n) is called volume or the power of the code.
If N 0 is the number of messages from the source, then N? N 0 ... The set of states of the code must cover the set of states of the object. Full uniform n- digit code with base m contains N = m n code combinations. This code is called primitive.

Classification of codes

Codes can be classified according to various criteria:
1. By base (number of characters in the alphabet):
binary (binary m = 2) and not binary (m? 2).
2. By the length of the code combinations (words):
uniform - if all code combinations have the same length;
uneven - if the length of the codeword is not constant.
3. By transmission method:
consecutive and parallel;
block - data is first placed in a buffer, and then transferred to a channel and binary continuous .

4. By noise immunity:
simple (primitive, complete) - all possible code combinations are used to transfer information (no redundancy);
corrective (anti-jamming) - not all are used to transmit messages, but only a part of the (permitted) code combinations.
5. Depending on the purpose and application, the following types of codes can be conventionally distinguished:
Internal codes - it codes used inside devices. These are machine codes, as well as codes based on the use of positional number systems (binary, decimal, binary-decimal, octal, hexadecimal, etc.). The most common code in a computer is binary code, which allows you to simply implement hardware devices for storing, processing and transmitting data in binary code. It provides high reliability of devices and simplicity of operations on data in binary code. Binary data, combined in groups of 4, form a hexadecimal code that fits well with a computer architecture that works with data in multiples of a byte (8 bits).
Communication codes and their transmission through communication channels ... The ASCII code (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) has become widespread in the PC. ASCII is a 7-bit code for alphanumeric and other characters. Since computers work with bytes, the 8th bit is used for synchronization or parity, or code expansion. IBM computers use Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC).
Teletype code CCITT (International Consultative Committee on Telephony and Telegraphy) and its modifications (MTK, etc.) are widely used in communication channels.
When coding information for transmission over communication channels, including inside hardware paths, codes are used that ensure the maximum data transfer rate by compressing it and eliminating redundancy (for example: Huffman and Shannon-Fano codes), and codes that ensure the reliability of data transmission, by introducing redundancy into transmitted messages (for example: group codes, Hamming, cyclic and their varieties).
Codes for special applications are codes intended for solving special problems of data transmission and processing. An example of such codes is the Cyclic Gray code, which is widely used in angular and linear motion ADCs. Fibonacci codes are used to build high-speed and noise-immune ADCs.
The course focuses on codes for data exchange and transmission over communication channels.
1) Improving the efficiency of data transmission, by achieving the maximum data transfer rate.
2) Increase of noise immunity during data transmission.
In accordance with these goals, coding theory develops in two main directions:
1. Economical (efficient, optimal) coding theory is looking for codes that make it possible to increase the efficiency of information transmission in channels without interference by eliminating the redundancy of the source and the best matching of the data transmission rate with the bandwidth of the communication channel.
2. Error-correcting coding theory is looking for codes that increase the reliability of information transmission in noisy channels.

3. Ways to represent codes

Depending on the applied coding methods, various mathematical models of codes are used, with the most often used representation of codes in the form of: code matrices; code trees; polynomials; geometric shapes, etc.

Information coding history:

The code- a set of symbols for the presentation of information.

Coding is the process of representing information in the form of code(representation of symbols of one alphabet by symbols of another; transition from one form of information presentation to another, more convenient for storage, transmission or processing).

The inverse transformation is called decoding.

To communicate with each other, we use a code - Russian.

When speaking, this code is transmitted by sounds, when writing - by letters.

The driver transmits a signal with a beep or flashing headlights.

You are faced with the coding of information when crossing the road in the form of traffic signals.

Thus, encoding is reduced to the use of a collection of characters according to strictly defined rules.

The coding method depends on the purpose for which it is carried out:

    reduction of the record;
    classification (encryption) of information;
    ease of processing;

There are three main ways to encode text:
    graphic- with the help of special drawings or icons;
    numerical- using numbers;
    symbolic- using symbols of the same alphabet as the original text.

The most significant for the development of technology turned out to be the way of representing information using a code consisting of only two characters: 0 and 1.

For the convenience of using such an alphabet, we agreed to name any of its characters "bit" (from English "bi nary digit "-Binary character).

Two concepts can be expressed with one bit: 0 or 1(yes or no, black or white, true or false, etc.).

Binary numbers are very convenient to store and transmit using electronic devices.

For example, 1 and 0 can correspond to magnetized and non-magnetized portions of the disc; zero and non-zero voltage; the presence and absence of current in the circuit, etc.

So data in a computer at the physical level is stored, processed and transmitted precisely in binary code.

A sequence of bits can encode text, image, sound or any other information. This method of presenting information is called binary coding .

In this way, binary code is a universal means of encoding information.

Encoding text information

If each character of the alphabet is associated with a certain integer (for example, a serial number), then using a binary code, you can encode text information. To store the binary code, one character is allocated 1 byte = 8 bits.

Considering that each bit takes the value 0 or 1, the number of their possible combinations in a byte is

This means that with the help of 1 byte, you can get 256 different binary code combinations and display 256 different symbols with their help.

This number of characters is quite enough to represent textual information, including uppercase and lowercase letters of the Russian and Latin alphabets, numbers, signs, graphic symbols, etc.

Encoding means that each character is assigned a unique decimal code from 0 to 255 or the corresponding binary code from 00000000 to 11111111.

Thus, a person distinguishes symbols by their style, and a computer - by their code.

It is important that the assignment of a specific code to a symbol is a matter of agreement, which is fixed in code table.

There are two coding tables fixed in the ASCII system - basic and advanced.

The base table fixes the values ​​of codes from 0 to 127, and the extended table refers to characters with numbers from 128 to 255.

The first 33 codes (from 0 to 32) correspond not to characters, but to operations (line feed, space input, etc.).

Codes from 33 to 127 are international and correspond to symbols of the Latin alphabet, numbers, arithmetic signs and punctuation marks.

Codes 128 through 255 are national codes, i.e. different characters correspond to the same code in national encodings.

Then the word COMPUTER is encoded using the ASCII table as follows:

























With the spread of modern information technologies in the world, it became necessary to encode the characters of the alphabets of other languages: Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Hindi, as well as other special characters.

The old system was replaced by a new universal - UNICODE, in which one character is encoded not in one, but in two bytes.

Currently, there are many different code tables (DOS, ISO, WINDOWS, KOI8-R, KOI8-U, UNICODE, etc.), so texts created in one encoding may not display correctly in another.

Graphic information encoding

Graphic information on the monitor screen is presented in the form of a bitmap, which is formed from a certain number of lines, which, in turn, contain a certain number of points.

Let's take a look at the computer screen through the magnifying glass.

Depending on the brand and model of equipment, we will see either a lot of multi-colored rectangles, or a lot of multi-colored circles.

Both those and others are grouped in three pieces, and of the same color, but in different shades.

They are called PIXELS (from English PICture "s ELement).

Pixels come in only three colors - green, blue, and red.

Other colors are created by mixing colors.

Let's consider the simplest case - each piece of a pixel can either be lit (1) or not lit (0).

Then we get the following set of colors:
Eight combinations can be obtained from three colors.

To obtain a rich palette of colors, the base colors can be assigned different intensities, then the number of different variants of their combinations, giving different colors and shades, increases.

A sixteen-color palette is obtained using 4-bit pixel coding: one bit of intensity is added to the three bits of the base colors. This bit controls the brightness of all three colors at the same time.

The number of colors reproduced on the monitor screen ( N), and the number of bits allocated in video memory for each pixel ( I), are related by the formula:

The value I called bit depth or color depth.

The more bits are used, the more color shades can be obtained.

So, any graphic image on the screen can be encoded using numbers, telling how many fractions of red are in each pixel, how many are green, and how many are blue.

Also graphic information can be presented in the form of a vector image.

A vector image is a graphic object consisting of elementary lines and arcs.

The position of these elementary objects is determined by the coordinates of the points and the length of the radius.

For each line, its type (solid, dotted, dash-dotted), thickness and color are indicated.

Information about a vector image is encoded as normal alphanumeric and processed by special programs.

The image quality is determined by the resolution of the monitor, i.e. the number of points from which it is composed.

The higher the resolution, i.e. the more the number of raster lines and dots per line, the higher the image quality.

Audio coding

Since the beginning of the 90s, personal computers have been able to work with sounds

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