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  • A way to remember the multiplication tables. This simple trick will teach your kids multiplication in no time! Vacations are not ruined

A way to remember the multiplication tables. This simple trick will teach your kids multiplication in no time! Vacations are not ruined

Some children, through the efforts of their parents, learn examples in a row, but if asked randomly, they get lost. Sometimes kids seem to know the multiplication table, but have difficulty in division. And without a table, all mathematics is lame - problems and examples are solved with errors, tests are written slowly, homework is painful to complete.

Why teach?

A notebook will not always be at hand. How can a modern person cope without numeracy skills? Let's say there are people who cannot read. Therefore, some functions that we need in everyday life are simply not available to them. Same with the score. Civilization has reached a point where the ability to read, write and count is basic and therefore given to all children in primary school. In addition, mathematics contributes to the overall development of the child and his normal perception of the world. Yes, studying is hard. But the very process of overcoming difficulties also strengthens character - parents should always remember this.

How to help a child?

Today on the Internet there are many different ways to help children memorize the so-called Pythagorean table: games, cards, poems, songs, videos, audio programs, says Natalya Trimasova, head of the ABACUS-XLE School of Mental Arithmetic. - However, not every method is truly effective and makes it easy and quick to teach a child the multiplication table.

So, let's reveal three secrets that actually make memorization easier:

First: Multiply by 5

Most people remember the 5 times table very easily, but when you have to deal with larger numbers, it becomes more difficult, or not? This technique is incredibly simple.

Take any number, divide by 2 (in other words, divide in half). If the result is a whole number, add a 0 at the end. If not, ignore the comma and add 5 at the end. This always works:
2682×5 = (2682 / 2) & 5 or 0
2682 / 2 = 1341 (integer, so add 0)

Let's try another example:
2943.5 (fractional number (skip the comma, add 5)

Second: Multiply by 6

For example, when multiplying six by an even number, the first digit in the answer is equal to half of the second factor, and the last digit is the same as the value of the second factor. The last digit in the answer always coincides with the second factor and rhymes well.
Let's take the example of 6x4. Half of the second factor is 2, the second factor itself is 4. The result is 24.
6x2 = 12
6x4 = 24
6x6 = 36
6x8 = 48
This is just one of the tricks that makes it easier to calculate and remember multiplication by six. After good training, decisions are remembered easily and quickly. Then the process of automating the skill takes place in several stages.

Third: Multiply by 9

First, let's put our hands on the table and mentally number our fingers from left to right from 1 to 10. To perform the multiplication action, let's say 9 × 4 = ?, bend the fourth finger from the left. All! The answer is ready: the remaining uncurled fingers on the left form the number of tens in the answer, and the uncurled fingers on the right form the number of units. We count and say the answer: 36!

This way you can get the answer for any number. Here, let's say, example 9 × 8 = 72

There are other secrets thanks to which you can simply, quickly and easily, with an understanding of the meaning, learn the multiplication table, learn to divide and solve simple exercises. You can find out about them

Now, after many years, when we had to study and master a lot, learning the multiplication table seems very easy to us.

Remember when you were a second or third grade student and you thought it was impossible to learn the multiplication tables.

But we had to teach, and everyone taught in different ways.

Let's look at the easiest way to learn the multiplication table so that your child finds it interesting and quickly remembers the multiplication table.

Let's look at a simple way to learn the multiplication tables

Stage 1. Preparation for studying multiplication tables.

The most important thing you can do to help your child learn the multiplication table is to find and print the multiplication table itself and tell the principle of multiplication.

When a child understands the principle of multiplication, then he will quickly be able to learn the multiplication table and it will be easy for him to learn it.

You can cut out the multiplication table from your notebook; it is on the back of the notebook.

There are two types of multiplication tables:

The most important thing is that you must correctly explain to your child the pattern of the multiplication table; if the child understands the principle of multiplication, then he will easily learn the multiplication table and he will not need to learn it and cram it without understanding its meaning.

Stage 2. Multiplication table principle

Before you start learning the multiplication table, look at it with your child, find certain sequences, patterns that are in the table, explain to the child how and from what these patterns appear.

Try to focus the child's attention on the important points of the multiplication table. When children begin to learn the multiplication table, they already have some experience in mathematical operations, they know how to add, subtract and begin to multiply simple numbers.

Start studying the multiplication table by two and at the same time review addition with your child so that he understands the essence of multiplication itself.

For example: you need to learn the multiplication table for two, you and your child multiply 2 * 3 = 6; you and your child describe the same operation in the form of addition 2 + 2 + 2 = 6.

That is, you take the number two and add it three times and you get the same answer.

Explain to your child that by multiplying just two numbers he will quickly find the answer, but if he adds the number two several times, he will spend a lot of time getting the answer.

Consider the following examples:

2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8

2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 10

2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 12

2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 14

2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 16

2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 18

2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 20

Based on these examples, the child will easily understand the essence of multiplication, he will not want to add the same number several times, he will clearly see the path of multiplication and its pattern.

Having dealt with the multiplication table by two and having learned it, the child can easily begin to study the multiplication table by three and so on.

Stage 3. Learn the multiplication tables in parts

There is no need to learn the multiplication tables all at once; this is very difficult for a child and instead of knowledge, the child will have nothing but porridge in his head.

Always learn the multiplication table in parts, start with the simplest numbers, first two, three, then consolidate the learned multiplication table. Ask your child at random times, then you can start studying the multiplication table for four, then for five.

Learn the multiplication table gradually step by step and be sure to reinforce the learned multiplication table with examples, interesting questions or in the form of a game; it will not only be useful for your child to learn the multiplication table, but also interesting.

You can print or draw several multiplication tables with empty cells, the child can practice and test his knowledge using the multiplication table he has already learned.

Step 4: Explain the multiplication rule

The child must remember the main rule of the multiplication table: rearranging the factors does not change the product.

Review with your child several examples from the multiplication table that relate to this rule.

For example:

There are many such examples in the multiplication table, and when the child remembers the rule, he will not need to learn every row of the multiplication table, because many examples are repeated in the following columns.

Stage 5. Never forget about the laws of the multiplication table

There are a lot of patterns in the multiplication table that you should always remember and know; with the help of these patterns, it is easy to learn and remember the multiplication table.

Let's consider several patterns of the multiplication table

Pattern 1. Multiplication by one

No matter what number you want to multiply by one you will always get the same number you multiply, multiplying by the number one does not change the final result.

For example:

Pattern 2. Multiplication by five

All examples of multiplication by the number five always end in 0 or 5, if you look at the column of the multiplication table for five, you will see that multiplication of odd numbers always ends in 5, and multiplication of even numbers ends in 0.

For example:

Multiplying Even Numbers

Multiplying odd numbers

Pattern 3. Multiplication by ten

Consider the column of the multiplication table by ten; multiplying any number by the number ten ends in 0.

For example:

Pattern 4. Some examples are half as big

Let's look at examples of multiplication by five and examples of multiplication by ten, then we will see that examples by five are less than examples by ten.

For example:

Pattern 5. Multiply by four or double a number

Consider an example of multiplying the number six by four and an example of doubling the number six twice. For example:

The answer is the same: 24.

Let's look at a few more examples:

Pattern 6. Multiplication by nine

If you look at the multiplication table for nine and the answers that are obtained, you will also see a pattern of the first and last numbers in the answer of each example. The first digit of the answer is always increased by one, and the second digit of the answer is always decreased by one.


Stage 6. Regularly repeat the learned multiplication tables

Constantly check your child’s memorized multiplication table, first ask the multiplication table in order, slowly, so that the child has time to think and remember, if the child answers correctly, then you can start asking randomly, gradually increasing the pace between questions.

This way, your child will be well versed in the multiplication table and will remember it well.

Stage 7. Multiplication tables as a game

It’s no secret that children love to play from birth; during the game they learn a lot of new and interesting things.

Play different games with your child to help him better understand the multiplication tables.

Each child in the class has friends and girlfriends, invite them to visit and play together.

Game 1. Fast ball

The adult takes the ball in his hands and stands in the center of the room, and the children stand around him in a circle or semicircle. The presenter asks questions on the multiplication table and throws the ball in any order; the children catch the ball and answer.

If the child answered incorrectly, you can repeat the question and throw the ball to him again. During the game, do not forget to praise the children for correct answers.

During the game, children develop a spirit of competition, everyone tries to answer correctly.

Game 2. Cards

Prepare multiplication table cards in advance, on which an example will be written, you show the card, and the child answers.

This game can be played with one child or with several children at the same time.

The more children participate in the game, the more interesting it will be for your child.

This game can be played against time; whoever answers the most and correctly is considered the winner.

Game 3. Answer quickly

This game can be played by two people, but several people are better, a leader is chosen, it can be an adult, he gives a task and whoever answers correctly first scores points.

This game will teach your child to remember and answer quickly. If several people play, then the players will develop a spirit of competition, and everyone will try to answer faster and score as many points as possible.

Question 1. Eight two - ?

Question 2. Five eight - ?

Question 3. Seven five - ?

Question 4. Three times ten - ?

Question 5. Six three - ?

Question 6. Twice seven - ?

Question 7. Nine four - ?

Question 8. Seven six - ?

Question 9. Eight is nine - ?

Question 10. Six is ​​four - ?

Questions can be changed ad infinitum; the more you ask such questions, the faster the child will remember the multiplication table and will be well versed in it.

Stage 8. Calm environment

Parents should know a few rules that will help your child learn the multiplication tables.

Rule 1. Motivation of the child

If your child does not want to study or learn the multiplication table, motivate the child. Every parent knows their child well and knows how and when to motivate the child to achieve goals and results.

Rule 2. Don't scold

Never scold your child for bad grades, notes in the diary for mistakes, be sure to figure out why your child is unable to learn well, be attentive, not repeat mistakes, and so on. Figure it out and help your child with a kind word and advice.

Rule 3. Classmates

Never set your child’s classmates, relatives, friends as an example, do not humiliate your child, appreciate him, love him, do not forget that each child is a separate person who has his own individuality and peculiarity.

Learn to find the right approach to your child in any situation, even the most difficult one.

Rule 4. Calculate the child’s strength

Never set too high a bar for your child to overcome; try to plan your child’s education gradually, systematically, without overload and a large amount of material.

Do not frighten your child with a large amount of material; teach him to work gradually, the child will gradually get involved and cope with the load.

Rule 5. Praise the child

Do not forget to praise your child even if he has very little success, encourage him, then the child will try even harder and he will have a desire to master more and more material.

Courses for the development of intelligence

We also have interesting courses that will perfectly pump up your brain and improve your intelligence, memory, thinking, and concentration:

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We speed up mental arithmetic, NOT mental arithmetic

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Don’t forget to always work with your child at home, in nature, in the country, and so on, love your child, praise him, appreciate his work and abilities, help him. We wish you good luck.

Since childhood, the familiar song “2x2=4” brings a smile to adults. I immediately remember my school years and the multiplication table, which was given to many with great difficulty. Now nothing has changed and children also have to learn the table. There are many methods for learning the multiplication table, some even promise to learn the table in a few minutes.

How to learn the multiplication table in 5 minutes - a competent approach

Where do we start studying the table? From the basics, you will first have to explain to your child how to multiply a number by a number. That is, before you start cramming a table, you need to understand the principle of multiplication.

We explain to the child that the simple example of 2 multiplied by 3 means that the number 2 needs to be added 3 times. And we show him an example that he understands, write it like this: 2+2+2=6. Explaining the essence of multiplication. If it is difficult for a child to understand why this example is written as 2x3 = 6, then we take counting sticks, seeds, candies, cherries, etc. and with the help of these objects we show an example of multiplication.

If the child has mastered this, then you can move on to the next stage, actually studying the table.

Which multiplication table is easier to learn?

Teachers of the old school argue that the table, which is now presented on the back of the notebook in the form of columns, is not suitable for the first acquaintance. You can simply learn it, but not understand how to use it. And the real table, which opens up all the possibilities of multiplication, is the Pythagorean table. It was placed on every notebook during the Soviet years. Our mothers and grandmothers used this table.

The numbers in the tablet are arranged symmetrically and the child, without even thinking, will look for symmetry and quickly find the right answer.

And yet, if the child saw and understood the principle of how to use the hint board, then he will only need to learn half of the table. Because the rest is a repetition of the learned material. And yet, the columns and examples of a regular table are sometimes distracting and the student may get confused as to why the extra information is needed. He can learn the table in order, but using the learned material randomly is not an easy task.

How to learn the multiplication table in 5 minutes

The table for 2 and 10 is easy to learn even in 5 minutes! It is important to show the child so that he understands the principle of multiplication, and then simple mathematics. For example, to multiply a number by 10, you need to add it the same number of times, that is, 10 times. And so on. And to get the answer, you just need to add 0 to the resulting number and say the answer received. Children who have completed first grade can already count well within 100 and will be able to convert one into tens.

How to easily learn the table for 2? You can do this in literally 5 minutes. The child already knows how to add identical numbers; you just need to explain the principle to him and practice the learned material.

Have you learned the sign for 2? Feel free to move on to number 4, and leave the table for 3 for later. The child will remember the table for 4 faster if you explain to him that this is the same table as for 2, only all answers need to be doubled. If 2x2=4, then 2x4=8, etc. We multiplied by 2, got the answer, then multiplied the result again by 2.

Multiplying by 3 is sometimes harder than the whole table, so a simple count will help:

How to learn the multiplication table. The easy way

The multiplication table for 5 is as easy to learn as for 2 and 10. Simple answers, count within 5. A little hint: if even is multiplied by odd, the answer is always odd by 0. For example, 5 multiplied by 2 is 10, by 4 will be 20, 6 will be 30. And vice versa, if even is multiplied by 5, the answer will be a number ending with this digit: 5 by 3 = 15, etc.

After table 5, immediately jump to studying table 9. And learning the table is easy with the help of your fingers. When you master this number, all the others will be easy: the table for 6, 7 and 8. The child just needs to explain that he already knows the answers to these examples, only they are written in reverse. If 2 over 8 is 16, then 8 over 2 is also 16.

Now you know how to quickly learn the multiplication tables, and we advise you not to rush, not to force your child to do what he does not want, to study for pleasure anytime and anywhere, even on vacation and during transport, turning lessons into a game. Good luck!

In this article you will find useful tips on how to learn the multiplication tables quickly and easily.

It's good if your child has a knack for math. Then it is easy for him to learn, already in childhood, to count simple examples using simple operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. In addition, addition and subtraction are not so difficult to master, but multiplication, and especially division, is not mastered by all children the first time.

Sometimes you just have to memorize the multiplication table in order to successfully use it in the future. But not everyone knows that with the help of assistive games and special equipment, you can teach your child this difficult table without any problems. More details below.

How to explain to a child what a multiplication table is?

After students finish the school year, teachers always assign them summer assignments. Children who have entered second grade are advised to learn the multiplication tables. The burden falls on the shoulders of the parents. However, not everything is so scary; start learning how to multiply numbers by explaining what a multiplication table is. Explain to your baby principles of multiplication.

  • Surely your child is already familiar with adding numbers. So explain that multiplication is adding identical digits a specified number of times. Example: 2 3 = 2 + 2 + 2.
  • Don't forget to explain that if you multiply any number by one, you get the same number, and if you multiply it by zero, you get zero.
  • Each subsequent value in the multiplication table is greater by the outgoing digit. Example: 5 5 = 25; 5 6 = 30. As you can see 30 > 25 by 5.

Associative multiplication table: photo

To develop memory, there are so-called association tables. They come in pictures, making it easier for children to remember multiplying numbers. An adult first shows pictures with numbers, where it is written, for example, 4 7, and then the corresponding picture with the answer, as in the image below (May 28 - Border Guard Day).

Thus, not only is the child’s visual memory trained, but the entire multiplication table is also memorized.

IMPORTANT! When you teach the table, don’t be nervous yourself and don’t force your child to do this process. Choose a suitable time for this, when the child is not engaged in outdoor games.

How to learn the 2 multiplication table?

If you already understand that multiplying by two is simply adding the changing number twice, i.e. 2 6 is 6 + 6 = 12. In addition, each next answer number will be 2 more than the previous one. It won’t be difficult for your child to learn this table on his own or with a little help from you.

There is also an interesting technique - online games on the Internet, where a child will play and learn the multiplication table overnight.

How to learn the 3 multiplication table?

Perhaps the child will not immediately understand the principle of multiplication; parents should show patience and ingenuity. It won’t hurt you to observe which method is easier for your child to remember the table.

Many people have developed visual memory, while others perceive everything perfectly by ear. Use the learning option that suits your child best.

The image below clearly shows that each next answer is exactly three units more than the previous one. And adding three to 12 for a primary school student is not difficult. Therefore, the table for three is not so difficult to remember.

Multiplication table for children by 3

How to learn the 4 times table?

Sometimes your child is completely uninterested in your explanations. And if you are uselessly beating against the impenetrable wall of their lack of understanding of the multiplication table, trying to teach such a mathematical science, then you can do everything in the form of a game, for example, with a Lego constructor. There are enough details in this constructor to study the table for 4.

An example of multiplication must be shown clearly:

  1. Start adding four parts in order, the required number of times.
  2. Then read the resulting product.
  3. If you cannot explain the basics of multiplication at one time, then repeat the lessons again after a while.

How to learn the 5 multiplication table?

Younger students already know what numbers are. They are divided into even and odd. So, if five is multiplied by an even number, then the product of these two numbers will also be even.

And if you multiply five by odd, you get odd. You also need to take into account that in the multiplication table by 5, the product is always obtained with the last digit in the form of 5, or 0. Children always easily remember the multiplication table by five, thanks to the simplicity of counting the product.

How to learn the 6 times table?

To memorize the table for six, you can use the various techniques described above; the option of copying the table for 6 into a notebook also works well. It is convenient to study the material using cards with pictures and numbers.

How to learn the 7 multiplication table?

It is believed that the multiplication table by seven is quite difficult for younger students. You just need to cram it. But remembering the answer numbers is difficult. Therefore, it is better to study it in the form of fairy tales or poems, games, bright pictures.

And spend more time on this sign (preferably several days). And to consolidate the result, repeat the training again. When you see that the child can easily give answers randomly, then move on to the next table at 8.

How to learn the 8 multiplication table?

Learning the table for eight will not be difficult if you explain to your child that rearranging the numbers does not change the product. After all, your child already knows from previous lessons how much it will be: 6 8 or 3 8. Accordingly, the student will only have to remember how much 8 8 it will be; 8 9 and 8 10. He will do this without difficulty.

How to learn the 9 multiplication table?

Using the above option, you can remember multiplying numbers by nine. There is also a great option - multiplication using your fingers. For this:

  • It is enough to count all the fingers on both hands and assign a number to each. The number of fingers after this finger will be equal to the second digit (unit) of the product.
  • The first digit (indicating tens) is equal to the number of fingers before the outgoing finger.


If you want to multiply 9 by 7, then find the finger number 7 on your hands. Before it, you will have 6 fingers - that’s six tens. After it, 3 is three units. The total is: 63.

How to learn the multiplication table with a first grader in 5 minutes a day in a playful way?

In order not to overburden a first-grader, it is enough to devote only five minutes a day to studying this material. As a rule, moms or dads come up with various options:

  • learning with color pictures
  • learning table easily with toys and online games
  • learning multiplication with the help of poems and interesting stories.

Learning multiplication with picture books

Poems about multiplication

There is a large amount of literature in poetic form for young readers. It is with the help of poetry that it will be much easier for a child to learn the multiplication tables of numbers. Clear text and rhyming make these math lessons much easier to remember.

Multiplication. Learn table

Multiplication and division tables: download, print to quickly teach your child?

To successfully study the table, it is not necessary to go to the store, buy books, etc. You can download the finished table directly from the portal and, if desired, print it on a printer for the convenience of your child mastering the material. In addition, different sites offer tests of knowledge of multiplication tables in different forms.

After studying the proposed methods for memorizing the multiplication tables, it will now be easier for you to choose the best one for your child. And it won’t be difficult to explain to your child the tricks and secrets of the multiplication table.

Video: Training game for memorizing multiplication tables

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The multiplication table is a basic concept in mathematics, which we become familiar with in elementary school and which we then use throughout our lives, regardless of profession. But children are in no hurry to memorize endless columns, especially if the task happened during the holidays.

website will give tips on how to easily learn the table with your children and make this process fun.

Pythagorean table

Despite the fact that the task is to learn, that is, memorize, the table, first of all it is important to understand the essence of the action itself. To do this, you can replace multiplication with addition: identical numbers are added as many times as we multiply by. For example, 6x8 means adding 8 times 6.

Highlight identical values

An excellent assistant for learning multiplication will be the Pythagorean table, which also demonstrates some patterns. For example, what about When the factors change places, the product does not change: 4×6 = 6×4. Mark such “mirror” answers with a certain color - this will help you remember and not get confused when repeating.

It is better to start studying the Pythagorean table with the simplest and most understandable parts: multiplication by 1, 2, 5 and 10. When multiplied by one, the number remains unchanged, but multiplied by 2 gives us double the value. All answers to multiplication by 5 end in either 0 or 5. But multiplying by 10, in the answer we get a two-digit number from the number that was multiplied and zero.

Table to consolidate the result

To consolidate the results, draw an empty Pythagorean table with your child and invite him to fill in the boxes with the correct answers. To do this, you only need a piece of paper, a pencil and a ruler. You need to draw a square and divide it into 10 parts vertically and horizontally. And then fill in the top line and the leftmost column with numbers from 1 to 9, skipping the first cell.

Of course, all children are individual and there is no universal recipe. The main task of a parent is to find an approach and support his child, because we all once started with such simultaneously simple and complex steps.

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