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A method of encoding information using numbers. Binary encoding

In the process of development, mankind has come to realize the need to store and transmit this or that information over a distance. In the latter case, it was required to convert it into signals. This process is called data encoding. Text information as well as graphic images can be converted into numbers. Our article will tell you how this can be done.

Distance transmission of information

  • courier and post office;
  • acoustic (for example, through a loudspeaker);
  • on the basis of one or another method of telecommunication (wired, radio, optical, radio relay, satellite, fiber-optic).

The most common at the moment are the transmission systems of the latter type. However, to use them, you must first apply one or another method of encoding information. It is extremely difficult to do this with the help of numbers in the decimal calculation familiar to a modern person.


Binary number system

At the dawn of the computer era, scientists were preoccupied with finding a device that would make it possible to represent numbers in a computer as simply as possible. The issue was resolved when Claude Chenon proposed using the binary number system. It has been known since the 17th century, and its implementation required a device with 2 stable states, corresponding to logical "1" and logical "0". There were plenty of them at that time - from a core, which could be either magnetized or demagnetized, to a transistor capable of being either in an open or closed state.

Representation of color pictures

The method of encoding information using numbers for such images is somewhat more complicated. For this purpose, the image must first be decomposed into 3 primary colors (green, red and blue), since as a result of mixing them in certain proportions, any shade perceived by the human eye can be obtained. This method of encoding a picture using numbers using 24 binary bits is called RGB, or True Color.

When it comes to printing, the CMYK system is used. It is based on the idea that each of the basic RGB components can be mapped to a complementary color to white. These are cyan, magenta, and yellow. Although there are enough of them, in order to reduce printing costs, a fourth component is also added - black. Thus, to represent graphics in the CMYK system, 32 binary bits are required, and the mode itself is usually called full-color.

Representation of sounds

When asked if there is a way to encode information using numbers, the answer should be yes. However, at the moment, such methods are not considered perfect. These include:

  • FM method. It is based on the decomposition of any complex sound into a sequence of elementary harmonic signals of different frequencies, which can be described by a code.
  • Table-wave method. Samples are stored in pre-compiled tables - samples of sounds for various musical instruments. Numeric codes express the type and model number of the instrument, pitch, intensity and duration of the sound, etc.

Now you know that binary coding is one of the common ways of representing information, which played a huge role in the development of computer technology.

Information properties

Information has the following properties:

  • credibility
  • fullness
  • accuracy
  • value
  • timeliness
  • intelligibility
  • availability
  • brevity, etc.

4) Classification- a system for the distribution of objects (objects, phenomena, processes, concepts) into classes in accordance with a specific feature.

1. Information can be subdivided into 2 types according to the form of presentation:
- discrete form of information presentation - analog or continuous form of information presentation

2. According to the area of ​​origin, information can be distinguished:
- elementary - biological - social

3. According to the method of transmission and perception, the following types of information are distinguished:
- visual - auditory - tactile - organoleptic - machine

4. Information created and used by a person for public purposes can be divided into three types:
- personal - mass - special

5. By coding methods, the following types of information are distinguished:
- symbolic - textual - graphic.

5) A meaningful approach to measuring information. Message is an informative stream that, in the process of transmitting information, arrives at the receiver. A message carries information for a person if the information contained in it is new and understandable for him Information - human knowledge? the message should be informative. If the message is not informative, then the amount of information from the point of view of a person = 0. (Example: a university textbook on higher mathematics contains knowledge, but it is not available to a 1st grade student)

Alphabetical Approach to Measuring Information does not associate the amount of information with the content of the message. The alphabetical approach is an objective approach to measuring information. It is convenient when using technical means of working with information, because does not depend on the content of the message. The amount of information depends on the volume of the text and the power of the alphabet. There are no restrictions on the maximum cardinality of the alphabet, but there is a sufficient alphabet with a cardinality of 256 characters. This alphabet is used to represent texts in a computer. Since 256 = 2 8, then 1 character carries 8 bits of information in the text.

A probabilistic approach to measuring information. All events occur with different probabilities, but the relationship between the probability of events and the amount of information obtained when an event occurs can be expressed by the formula that Shannon proposed in 1948.

6) Amount of information- in information theory, this is the amount of information in one random object relative to another

Amount of information can be considered as a measure of reducing the uncertainty of knowledge when receiving information messages.

With all the variety of approaches to the definition of the concept of information, from the point of view of measuring information, two of them are distinguished: the definition of K. Shannon, used in mathematical information theory (meaningful approach), and the definition of A.N. Kolmogorov, used in the fields of informatics associated with the use of computers (alphabetical approach).

  1. Content approach. According to Shannon, the informativeness of a message is characterized by the useful information it contains - that part of the message that completely removes or reduces the ambiguity of a situation. According to Shannon, information is a reduction in the uncertainty of our knowledge.

But if the number of outcomes does not depend on people's judgments (the case of throwing a dice or a coin), then information about the occurrence of one of the possible outcomes is objective.

If the message has reduced the uncertainty of knowledge exactly two times, then they say that the message carries 1 bit of information.

1 bit is the amount of information in such a message that halves the uncertainty of knowledge.

  1. Alphabetical approach. The alphabetical approach is based on the fact that any message can be encoded using a finite sequence of characters of some alphabet.

An alphabet is an ordered set of characters used to encode messages in a particular language.

I - amount of information

N is the number of different events.

Inverse formula N = 2 I

7) As already mentioned, the basic unit of measurement of information is a bit. 8 bits are 1 byte.

Along with bytes, larger units are used to measure the amount of information:

1 KB (one kilobyte) = 210 bytes = 1024 bytes;

1 MB (one megabyte) = 210 KB = 1024 KB;

1 GB (one gigabyte) = 210 MB = 1024 MB.

Recently, in connection with the increase in the amount of processed information, such derived units as:

1 Terabyte (TB) = 1024 GB = 240 Bytes,

1 Petabyte (PB) = 1024 TB = 250 Bytes.

1 byte = 8 bits;

1 kilobyte (KB) = 2 10 bytes

1 MegaByte (MB) = 2 10 KB or 2 20 bytes

1 Gigabyte (GB) = 2 10 MB or 2 30 Bytes

1 Terabyte (TB) = 2 10 GB or 2 40 bytes

  • 9) 2 - binary (in discrete mathematics, computer science, programming);
  • 3 - ternary;
  • 8 - octal;
  • 10 - decimal (used everywhere);
  • 12 - duodecimal (counting in dozens);
  • 13 - tri-decimal;
  • 16 - hexadecimal (used in programming, computer science);
  • 60 - sexagesimal (units of measurement of time, measurement of angles and, in particular, coordinates, longitude and latitude).

9) Number system- a symbolic method of writing numbers, representing numbers using written signs.


· Gives representations of a set of numbers (integers and / or real);

· Gives each number a unique representation (or at least a standard representation);

· Reflects the algebraic and arithmetic structure of numbers.

10) addition, subtraction, division, multiplication of non-decimal numbers.

11) this is a translation from one number system to another

Methods for coding information.

The same information can be presented (encoded) in several forms. With the advent of computers, it became necessary to encode all types of information with which both an individual person and humanity as a whole deal. But humanity began to solve the problem of coding information long before the advent of computers. The tremendous achievements of mankind - writing and arithmetic - are nothing more than a system for coding speech and numerical information. Information never appears in its pure form, it is always somehow presented, somehow encoded.

Binary encoding- one of the most common ways of presenting information. In computers, robots and numerically controlled machine tools, as a rule, all information with which the device deals is encoded in the form of words in a binary alphabet.

Code - (1) a rule describing the correspondence of characters or their combinations of one alphabet to characters or their combinations of another alphabet; - (2) secondary alphabet characters used to represent characters or combinations of the primary alphabet.

Coding is the translation of information represented by the primary alphabet into a sequence of codes.

Decoding is the reverse operation of encoding, i.e. restoration of information in the primary alphabet according to the received sequence of codes.

Operations encoding and decoding are called reversible if their sequential application provides a return to the original information without any loss.

13) Binary system - the basis of information coding for computers

14) There are two ways to represent numbers in computer memory. They are named like this: fixed point shape and floating point shape. The fixed-point form applies to integers, and the floating-point form applies to real numbers (integers and fractions). The point here means the sign separator of the integer and fractional parts of a number.

15) Thus, coding precedes the transmission and storage of information. In this case, as mentioned earlier, storage is associated with fixing a certain state of the information carrier, and transmission - with a change in state over time (i.e., a process). These states or signals will be called elementary signals - it is their combination that constitutes the secondary alphabet.

Without the technical aspects of transmission and storage of a message (i.e., how the transmission and reception of a sequence of signals or latching of states are actually implemented), the mathematical formulation of the coding problem is given as follows.

By the type of communication lines: wired; cable; fiber optic;

power lines; radio channels, etc.

2... By the nature of the signals: continuous; discrete; discrete-continuous (signals at the input of the system are discrete, and at the output are continuous, and vice versa).

3... For noise immunity: channels without interference; with interference.

18) Or shorter: an algorithm is a strictly defined sequence of actions required to solve a given problem

19) In practice, the following forms of presentation of algorithms are common:

  • verbal(recording in natural language);

  • graphic(images from graphic symbols);

  • pseudocodes(semi-formalized descriptions of algorithms in a conditional algorithmic language, including both programming language elements and natural language phrases, generally accepted mathematical notation, etc.);

  • programmatic(texts in programming languages).

20) Compression of information is the process of converting information stored in a file, as a result of which its redundancy is reduced, and accordingly, less memory is required for storage.

An archive file is a specially organized file containing one or more files in compressed or uncompressed form and service information about file names, date and time of their creation or modification, sizes, etc.

Archiving (packing) - placing (loading) source files into an archive file in compressed or uncompressed form.

22) The code- a set of symbols (symbols) to represent information. Coding- the process of presenting information in the form of a code.

The same information can be presented (encoded) in several forms. With the advent of computers, it became necessary to encode all types of information with which both an individual person and humanity as a whole deal. But humanity began to solve the problem of coding information long before the advent of computers. The tremendous achievements of mankind - writing and arithmetic - are nothing more than a system for coding speech and numerical information. Information never appears in its pure form, it is always somehow presented, somehow encoded.

Binary coding is one of the common ways of representing information. In computers, robots and numerically controlled machine tools, as a rule, all information with which the device deals is encoded in the form of words in a binary alphabet.

ASCII - [abbr. English American Standard Code for Information Interchange] A set of 128 character codes for letters, numbers, control characters, and other characters used in many computing systems.

To encode text information, the international standard ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) has been adopted, in the code table of which 128 7-bit codes are reserved for encoding:

  • - Symbols of the Latin alphabet
  • - Digits
  • - Punctuation marks
  • - Math symbols

Adding an 8th bit increases the number of ASCII codes to 255. Codes 128 to 255 are an extension of the ASCII table. These codes in the ASCII table are used to encode some characters that differ from the Latin alphabet and are found in languages ​​with writing based on the Latin alphabet - German, French, Spanish, etc. In addition, some of the codes are used to encode pseudo-graphic characters that can use, for example, for the design of various frames and text tables in the text.

To encode the characters of national alphabets, the ASCII code table extension is used, that is, 8-bit codes from 128 to 255.

In languages ​​using the Cyrillic alphabet, including Russian, it was necessary to completely change the second half of the ASCII table, adapting it to the Cyrillic alphabet. But the lack of agreed standards has led to the emergence of various code tables for encoding Russian-language texts, among which

  • - Alternative code table CP-866
  • - International standard ISO 8859
  • - Microsoft code table CP-1251 (Windows encoding)
  • - Code table used in Unix OS KOI 8-r

KOI-8 (code for information exchange, 8 bits), KOI8 - eight-bit standard for coding characters in computer science. Designed to encode letters in Cyrillic alphabets. There is also a seven-bit version of the encoding - KOI-7. KOI-7 and KOI-8 are described in GOST 19768-74 (now invalid).

The developers of KOI-8 placed the characters of the Russian alphabet at the top of the extended ASCII table in such a way that the positions of the Cyrillic characters correspond to their phonetic counterparts in the English alphabet at the bottom of the table. This means that if the eighth bit of each character is removed from the text written in KOI-8, then a "readable" text is obtained, although it is written in Latin characters. For example, the words "Russian Text" would become "rUSSKIJ tEKST". As a side effect, the Cyrillic characters were not in alphabetical order.

ISO 8859-5. The problem with the shortage of unique characters for other languages ​​was solved quite quickly and relatively painlessly - the standard 7-bit ASCII code table acquired another, 8th full-fledged bit - under the auspices of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), a whole family of ISO 8859-X standards appeared. An additional bit made it possible to use now 256 characters, and the lower half of the code table (characters with codes 0-127) completely repeats ASCII, and the upper half contains unique elements of national encodings. This organization of national code tables allows you to correctly display and process Latin letters, numbers and punctuation marks on any computer, regardless of its language settings. In the friendly family of ISO encodings, there was also a place for our Cyrillic alphabet, which received the code designation ISO 8859-5. Its characteristic feature is the strictly alphabetical placement of Russian letters in it, which is very convenient for correct sorting of records in databases. As it turned out a little later, the child turned out to be stillborn: ISO 8859-5 clashed with pseudo-graphics in DOS, which had gained strength by that time, and later did not find understanding among the authors of Windows either.

Windows-1251 is a character set and encoding that is the standard 8-bit encoding for all Russian versions of Microsoft Windows. It is quite popular. It was created on the basis of encodings used in early "home-made" Windows Russifiers in 1990-1991. jointly by representatives of Paragraph, Dialogue and the Russian branch of Microsoft. The original version of the encoding was very different from the one presented in the table below (in particular, there were a significant number of "blank spots").

Windows-1251 compares favorably with other 8_bit Cyrillic encodings (such as CP866, KOI8-R and ISO 8859-5) by the presence of almost all characters used in Russian typography for ordinary text (only the accent icon is missing); it also contains all the symbols for languages ​​close to the Russian language: Ukrainian, Belarusian, Serbian and Bulgarian.

Has two disadvantages:

  • - the lowercase letter "i" has the code 0xFF (255 in decimal). It is the "culprit" of a number of unexpected problems in programs without support for a pure 8th bit, as well as (much more frequent case) using this code as a service code (in CP437 it means a "non-breaking space", in Windows-1252 - y, both variants are practically not used; the number -1, in 8-bit's two's complement code represented by the number 255, is often used in programming as a special value, for example, the end-of-file indicator EOF is often represented as -1).
  • - there are no pseudo-graphic symbols available in CP866 and KOI8 (although there was no need for them for Windows themselves, for which it was intended, this made the incompatibility of the two encodings used in them more noticeable).

Alcoholism, or a morbid addiction to alcoholic beverages, is a very dangerous disease that affects not only the body itself, but also the psyche. The peculiarity of this disease is that the alcoholic does not consider himself as such and does not realize the danger. He believes that he can stop at any moment, but his condition only gets worse.

You can get rid of alcoholism in different ways, some manage to cope with the problem on their own, but in most cases it is recommended to contact a specialist. However, treatment is required for a long time, it is necessary to overcome the mental craving for alcohol, the habit of solving all problems only with the help of alcohol. That is why various coding methods have become so popular, which make it possible to immediately give up alcohol after undergoing short-term procedures.

Encoding methods

What determines the success of the treatment? Alcoholism has 2 degrees: the first is psychological cravings, and the second is physical, when the body already integrates alcohol-containing liquids into its biochemistry. And if the 1st degree can still be cured relatively easily, that is, it is only necessary to overcome the habit of drinking, then the 2nd degree is difficult and difficult to treat. A person without alcohol already feels bad.

All coding methods serve several purposes. They should not only prevent drinking, but also remove the mental attachment. It is on this principle that modern encoding works. The methods that are used today for the treatment of alcohol are divided into 3 main areas:

  • drug-based therapy, that is, the patient is injected with a drug that forms an aversion to alcohol. In addition, along with this, complex therapy is carried out, designed to remove headache, somatic complications of the cardiovascular system, heart, liver, etc.
  • psychotherapeutic treatment that directly affects the human psyche. It pursues the goal of eliminating all mental deviations associated with prolonged intake of alcohol;
  • physiotherapy treatment, hardware methods. In this case, there is not only physical, but also chemical effects on the body.

Classification of encoding methods

The coding methods that are used today to treat alcohol addiction can be very different, they are all classified according to different characteristics. There are such groups:

  • medication;
  • psychotherapeutic;
  • physiotherapy.

The first group involves the use of several different methods of drug administration. The only difference is how to encode. Usually these are intravenous and intramuscular injections, but capsules with medication are also used in tablet form. When coding drugs are used extremely rarely, they usually do not have such an effect when used together. Medicines are selected depending on the stage of alcoholism.

They begin to code with mild drugs that simply block the enjoyment of alcohol and end up with aversive drugs that form a stable aversion to alcohol.

The psychotherapy group consists of other treatments. All methods are aimed at providing an individual or group impact on the patient. This is a hypnotic suggestion, for example, the methods of Dovzhenko, Rozhnov, Malkin and the like. Hypnosis, which is used in this case, can be divided into covert and directive. Its application is different, but the effect is the same: the patient develops a fear of drinking alcohol, the patient can no longer take alcohol. It is necessary to contact only trusted, experienced professionals who can ensure safety for health and life.

There are many ways of coding, physiotherapy methods are also popular. When choosing a coding method, attention should be paid to the degree of the disease. You can do without hypnosis, the use of not always safe drugs that are injected into the body. Among these options, it is worth noting:

  • laser coding;
  • electroconvulsive therapy;
  • hyperthermia and other methods.

How much does coding cost?

Some refuse treatment, citing the fact that the cost is too high. Others believe that they may well give up this addiction, although the matter almost never goes beyond talk. So how much does coding cost today? It all depends on the chosen method, clinic, general health of the patient.

If alcoholism is neglected, accompanied by various diseases, then the coding will not help much, it is already necessary to contact specialized clinics, where complex treatment will be carried out. But in the initial stages, coding may well help to quickly and efficiently deal with this problem. Today, the cost of treatment depends on the chosen coding method, but it varies at the level of 8-10 thousand rubles.

After the end of treatment, the patient is given a certificate of the procedure performed, the conditions of treatment, which can be presented, if necessary, to the appropriate authorities. If in the future any surgical intervention is carried out or medications are planned to be taken, it is necessary to first consult with the observing doctor, since the drugs introduced during the coding can cause various disorders.

Is there any harm in coding?

Is the selected encoding method safe as advertised? Specialists who practice this particular treatment option say with confidence that this is the only way to completely get rid of cravings for alcohol, but in fact, everything is far from so rosy. Hypnotic methods are especially dangerous, since attitudes, sounds or smells, events during treatment, which are deposited in the patient's subconscious, in the future can cause extremely painful and unpleasant sensations.

At the thought of alcohol or when looking at a bottle, nausea may appear, the words of a psychiatrist about the death caused by an alcoholic drink come to mind. That is, an ordinary mug of beer can cause a person's anxiety, he falls into depression. In addition, pain begins in the solar plexus and eyeballs.

Many patients are stubborn, they even try to drink after the procedure, but this only worsens the condition, pain syndromes intensify, the fear of death turns into horror that haunts a person almost constantly. Of course, not everyone has such phenomena, but before using a specific encoding method, you must immediately familiarize yourself with all possible negative phenomena. In any case, hypnotic suggestion should be treated with caution, it is recommended to contact only experienced and proven specialists.

Cons of popular methods

Today they offer to encode for alcoholism in various ways, but even the most popular of them are not as safe as it is commonly believed. Many of you have heard about Dovzhenko encoding. It is based on a hypnotic effect on the patient, but can only be applied to those who are easily suggestible.

During the session, the person develops a persistent aversion to alcoholic beverages. During the suggestion, the patient is given the installation that the smell of alcohol and its taste is disgusting, the patient will suffer greatly or even die if he starts drinking. This encoding method has a negative side.

Some patients are not morally ready to give up alcohol right away, and suggestion does not leave them an outlet. In addition, hypnosis itself is dangerous for the human psyche. It is not yet known exactly what consequences can be observed after such procedures.

The second most popular method is "Torpedo". During treatment, the patient is injected with special drugs that are not compatible with taking alcoholic beverages. There is no risk of being zombified, but if the prohibition is violated, the patient may feel severe malaise. Antialcoholic drugs that are implanted subcutaneously cause aversion to alcohol. But a capsule with such a drug cannot be constantly under the skin, it can become overgrown with connective tissue, that is, cause health problems in the patient. After removing the capsule, the patient almost always returns to the previous way of life.

The use of intravenous injections is effective, but it is this method that poses the greatest danger. First, the patient is injected with a drug that is not compatible with alcohol, after which a small dose of alcohol is given so that the patient can feel the consequences awaiting him. They can be the most unpredictable. These are mild convulsions and seizures, vomiting, but in especially difficult cases, death is also possible.

General implications of coding

Before using the selected encoding method, you must carefully familiarize yourself with its effect on the body and psyche. Most often, violations of the nervous system are observed, which manifest itself as excessive aggressiveness or lethargy and complete lack of initiative. Patients begin to get very irritated even with one kind of alcohol, which affects their extremely aggressive and negative reactions to others. They have an increased sense of anxiety, fear, the following problems are observed:

  • various diseases of the nervous system;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • decreased potency;
  • constant headaches, pain throughout the body.

In some cases, even a simple coding method can cause serious consequences and even death of the patient. Therefore, before deciding on such treatment, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons, carefully read the technique and contraindications.

It is often easier to cope with an existing problem on your own with the support of your loved ones than to choose a method such as encoding. Methods of treatment for alcoholism using drugs or hypnosis are effective, but often this is completely negated by the consequences and harm to the body and others.

The problem of alcoholism is not new, it has been observed for centuries, people from all walks of life are susceptible to this disease. The generally accepted opinion that people from the most disadvantaged groups can become alcoholics is unfounded, although this part of the population suffers from the disease most often.

To get rid of alcohol addiction, various methods are used today. The most popular is the coding method, which provides the most effective cure for alcoholism, although it carries with it not the most pleasant consequences for the patient's body and psyche.

Thank you for your feedback.

Comments (1)

    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Did anyone manage to save your husband from alcoholism? Mine drinks without drying out, I don't know what to do ((I thought about getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I’m sorry for my husband, so he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things and only after reading this article, I managed to wean my husband from alcohol, now he does not drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I will duplicate just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    And this is not a divorce? Why are they selling on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their marginal markup. In addition, payment only after receipt, that is, first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editorial response 10 days ago

    Sonia, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is really not marketed through the pharmacy chain and retail stores in order to avoid overpricing. To date, you can order only on official website... Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I did not notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is in order for sure if the payment is on receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried folk methods to get rid of alcoholism? Father drinks, I can not influence him in any way ((

1.2 Information coding

Information is presented in various forms during the perception of the environment by living organisms and humans, in the exchange of information between humans and humans, humans and computers, computers and computers, and so on. Converting information from one form of representation (sign system) to another is called coding.

The coding means is a table of correspondence of sign systems, which establishes a one-to-one correspondence between signs or groups of signs of two different sign systems.

In the process of exchanging information, it is often necessary to perform operations of encoding and decoding information. When you enter an alphabet character into a computer by pressing the corresponding key on the keyboard, the character is encoded, that is, the computer code is converted. When a character is displayed on the screen of a monitor or printer, the reverse process occurs - decoding, when the character is converted from a computer code into its graphic image.

With the advent of language, and then sign systems, the possibilities of communication between people expanded. This made it possible to store ideas, knowledge gained and any data, transmit them in various ways over a distance and at other times - not only to their contemporaries, but also to future generations. The creations of ancestors have survived to this day, who, with the help of various symbols, immortalized themselves and their deeds in monuments and inscriptions. Rock paintings (petroglyphs) are still a mystery to scientists. Perhaps, in this way, the ancient people wanted to make contact with us, the future inhabitants of the planet and report the events of their lives.

Each nation has its own language, consisting of a set of characters (letters): Russian, English, Japanese and many others. You have already become familiar with the language of mathematics, physics, chemistry.

The representation of information using a language is often called coding.

Code - a set of symbols (conventions) to represent information. Coding is the process of representing information in the form of a code.

The driver transmits a signal with a beep or flashing headlights. The code is the presence or absence of a beep, and in the case of a light signaling, the blinking of headlights or its absence.

You are faced with the coding of information when crossing the road according to traffic signals. The code determines the colors of the traffic light - red, yellow, green.

The natural language in which people communicate is also based on code. Only in this case is it called the alphabet. When speaking, this code is transmitted by sounds, when writing - by letters. The same information can be represented using different codes. For example, a recording of a conversation can be recorded by means of Russian letters or special verbatim symbols.

As technology developed, different ways of encoding information appeared. In the second half of the 19th century, American inventor Samuel Morse invented an amazing code that still serves mankind today. The information is coded with three "letters": a long signal (dash), a short signal (dot) and no signal (pause) to separate letters. Thus, encoding is reduced to using a set of characters arranged in a strictly defined order.

1.3 Representation of information in binary code

People have always looked for ways to quickly exchange messages. For this, messengers were sent, carrier pigeons were used. The peoples had various methods of notifying about an impending danger: drumming, smoke from bonfires, flags, etc. However, the use of such a presentation of information requires a preliminary agreement on the understanding of the message received.

The famous German scientist Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz proposed a unique and simple system for representing numbers back in the 17th century. "Calculation using twos ... is fundamental for science and generates new discoveries ... when the numbers are reduced to the simplest beginnings, which are 0 and 1, a wonderful order appears everywhere."

Today, this method of presenting information using a language containing only two letters of the alphabet - 0 and 1, is widely used in technical devices, including computers. These two characters 0 and 1 are usually called binary digits or bits (from the English bit - BinaryDigit - binary sign).

All information that the computer processes must be represented in binary code using two digits 0 and 1. These two characters are usually called binary digits or bits. Any message can be encoded with two digits 0 and 1. This was the reason that two important processes must be organized in a computer: encoding and decoding.

Encoding converting input information into a computer-readable form, i.e. binary code.

Decoding is the transformation of data from binary code into a human-readable form.

From the point of view of technical implementation, the use of a binary number system for encoding information turned out to be much simpler than the use of other methods. Indeed, it is convenient to encode information in the form of a sequence of zeros and ones, if these values ​​are presented as two possible stable states of an electronic element:

Lack of electrical signal;

The presence of an electrical signal.

These conditions are easy to distinguish. The disadvantage of binary encoding is long codes. But in technology it is easier to deal with a large number of simple elements than with a small number of complex ones.

You have to constantly face a device that can only be in two stable states: on / off. Of course, this is a well-known switch. But it turned out to be impossible to come up with a switch that could stably and quickly switch to any of the 10 states. As a result, after a series of unsuccessful attempts, the developers came to the conclusion that it was impossible to build a computer based on the decimal number system. And the binary number system was the basis for the representation of numbers in a computer.

Methods of encoding and decoding information in a computer, first of all, depends on the type ;, information, namely, what should be encoded: numbers, text, graphics or sound.

Representation (encoding) of numbers

Numbers are used to record information about the number of objects. Numbers are written using a set of special characters.

A number system is a way of writing numbers using a set of special characters called numbers.

Number systems are divided into positional and non-positional.

In positional number systems, the value denoted by a digit in the number record depends on its position in the number (position).

Color images are generated according to the binary code of the color of each point stored in the video memory. Color images can have different color depths, which is specified by the number of bits used to encode the color of a point. The most common color depth values ​​are 8.16, 24, or 32 bits.

A color image on a monitor screen is formed by mixing three basic colors: red, green and blue. This color model is called RGB-model after the first letters of the English color names (Red, Green, Blue).


Information can be classified in many different ways, and different sciences do this in different ways. For example, in philosophy, there is a distinction between objective and subjective information. Objective information reflects the phenomena of nature and human society. Subjective information is created by people and reflects their view of objective phenomena.

In computer science, analog information and digital information are considered separately. This is important, since a person, thanks to his senses, is used to dealing with analog information, and computer technology, on the contrary, mainly works with digital information.

A person perceives information with the help of the senses. Light, sound, heat are energetic signals, and taste and smell are the result of the action of chemical compounds, which are also based on energetic nature. A person experiences energetic influences continuously and may never encounter the same combination of them twice. There are no two identical green leaves on one tree and two absolutely identical sounds - this information is analog. If different colors are given numbers, and different sounds - notes, then analog information can be converted into digital.

Information coding. Information coding is the process of forming a specific representation of information.

In a narrower sense, the term "coding" is often understood as a transition from one form of information presentation to another, more convenient for storage, transmission or processing.

A computer can only process information presented in numerical form. All other information (sounds, images, instrument readings, etc.) for processing on a computer must be converted into numerical form. For example, to digitize a musical sound, you can measure the intensity of sound at specific frequencies at short intervals, presenting the results of each measurement in numerical form. Using computer programs, you can transform the information received, for example, "superimpose" sounds from different sources on top of each other.

Similarly, text information can be processed on a computer. When entered into a computer, each letter is encoded with a certain number, and when output to external devices (screen or print), images of letters are built for human perception using these numbers. The correspondence between a set of letters and numbers is called character encoding.

As a rule, all numbers in a computer are represented using zeros and ones (and not ten digits, as is customary for people). In other words, computers usually work in a binary number system, since the devices for their processing are much simpler.

List of used literature

1. Agaltsov V.P., Titov V.M. Informatics for Economists: Textbook. - M .: ID "FORUM": INFRA-M, 2006. - 448 p.

2. Informatics for economists: Textbook / Under total. ed. V.M. Matyushka. - M .: INFRA-M, 2007 .-- 880s.

3. Informatics. General course: Textbook / Ed. IN AND. Kolesnikov. - M .: Publishing and Trade Corporation "Dashkov and K ◦"; Rostov n / a: Nauka-Press, 2008 .-- 400 p.

It carries out its activities, the more supplies are made to the enterprise, the more stable the enterprise is. When carrying out supplies to the enterprise, a large amount of information related to supplies is processed and stored, which includes: timely and correct paperwork and control over each operation of goods receipt from ...

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