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Specializes in promotion in social networks. Effective promotion of the company in social networks

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to talk about such a channel website and business promotion like social networks. The topic is very relevant and gaining more and more popularity. A little earlier, I wrote an article where I listed and compared all available on this moment(including social networks). After that, I published a general article on and began to have a specific conversation about .

In a nutshell, then you need any possible ways get a target audience that will be ready to accept and possibly purchase the services or products you promote. Another question, who benefits from advertising in social networks And is this method suitable for everyone?

Which site is suitable for promotion in social networks?

I recently published an article about the modern one, where I said that it was pointless to start promoting a site without preparing it for this action. In social networks, the situation is exactly the same. Not every site or business project can be promoted through this channel. Let's see which website (business) is suitable for promotion in social networks and what characteristics it should have.

I think that we will develop this topic in future publications. Don't switch.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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Advertising on Instagram

convenient service for sharing and video between users . And if earlier this site was skeptical, today it is an excellent platform for placing ads. Users love bright pictures and a minimum of descriptions. Social media advertising is exactly what it is.

Users on Instagram earn depending on the popularity of their page. happy to follow their idols, so advertising posts famous people are expensive. For example, Ksenia Sobchak requires 200 thousand rubles for placing an ad, and Sergey Shnurov - as much as 1.5 million rubles. A lot of money, but the method of attracting stars for advertising is very effective. It is believed that for every ruble spent on such advertising, you can return 4–10 rubles. Types of ads on Instagram:

  • following a link– placement of the advertiser's website address on the star's page;
  • video advertising- thirty-second videos with a description of the product, and if the budget allows, the idols will advertise the products themselves;
  • installation- On Instagram, you can also advertise programs on your phone. According to statistics, thousands are ready to download them every day;
  • carousel- a selection of images describing the product. This format is considered better than just one picture;
  • attraction of followers for the purpose of promotion- how more followers, the more likely you are to become famous and sell your products.

Facebook Ads

Advertising on Facebook appeared much earlier than in other social networks. The site managed to develop many tools and convenient formats to promote goods and services. In addition to the types of advertising used on Instagram, it offers the following options for product presentation:

  • photo with a brief description (up to 90 characters);
  • collection- use in advertisement videos and photos;
  • circular gallery- simultaneous placement of up to ten videos or pictures with links;
  • canvasBlank sheet for the ideas and creativity of the advertiser. You can place anything on it and in any order.

Advertising on social networks gives many opportunities for the manifestation of creativity. Facebook not only contributes to this by developing many ad formats, but also offers several options for posting:

  1. Posting via group admin. The cost of advertising depends on popularity. The approximate price per day is 1000–2000 rubles.
  2. Mobile ads and targeted advertising social networks self-located by selecting correct settings publications. You pay for impressions and clicks. In the first case, the advertiser sets a daily budget and a price per 1,000 impressions. In the second, payment is made useful action users (link clicks). The cost varies between 8-20 rubles. Payment is made from bank card or via .

Self-hosted social media ads are comparatively inexpensive way product promotion. Sites, although created for communication, are also convenient for the advertiser, who can always get acquainted with the statistics of the publication, change tariffs or adjust settings.

Vkontakte advertising

Not so long ago, the resource was a network for schoolchildren. But the developers, having heard about the success of other social networks in the area, decided to keep up.

The social network Vkontakte has its own targeting tool. If on Facebook and other sites user data is taken from information about the IP address of the computer, then Vkontakte draws information from the information specified in the user profile. Why is it convenient?

A person who lives in Moscow and went on a business trip to Barnaul for a couple of days is unlikely to be interested in new deliveries to Barnaul boutiques. Vkontakte will show the ad that refers to the user's permanent place of residence.

Vkontakte offers several ad formats. Popular big image or community advertising. Accommodation can be both independent and through the administration of groups.

The cost of accommodation in communities is from 200 rubles. depending on user activity and number of . Publication for 200 rubles. possible in a community with 50,000 followers. Groups with millions of followers ask for a lot more. Self-publishing will cost 6-10 rubles. for 1000 impressions. The price depends on the coverage and the selected settings.

Does it exist free advertising in social networks? Yes. For people who have free time You can consider one of the following promotion options:

  • promotion of your page, or, moreover, over time, you can make good money on this;
  • posting ads in local communities;
  • mutual promotion of products through the exchanges Vkontakte, Facebook and Instagram.

Social media advertising is very convenient for the busy and for the more free people. For users with limited budget and a fat wallet. All growing companies and small businesses should take note of these ways to promote products, which today are amazingly inclusive.

Hello friends! 🙋🏻

I've been meaning to write this post for a long time, but never got around to it. I am often asked about the best services for promotion in the social. networks, are asked to give recommendations or write reviews. So, in order not to answer similar questions a hundred times, I decided to put together all the services that I use / used personally and which I recommend to everyone who contacted me with questions.

I'll start this post with a table with short descriptions services. This will be useful for those who do not particularly like to read and want to figure it out for themselves. After the table you will find more detailed descriptions services, as well as links to instructions or reviews on my site, when available.

If you need to go directly to certain service, use the content of the article to jump to the desired section:

Service name Description Trial period
Various social networks
Onemorerepost Automatic cross-posting from Instagram to VK, OK, Fb, Twitter, Tumblr and G+, and now to Telegram! 3 days
Segmento Target Collection of databases from VK, Instagram and Odnoklassniki for targeting / retargeting, compiling lists for automation in VK and Insta demo version
Cerebro Target Collection of bases from VKontakte, analysis of the audience and communities to set up retargeting in VK. demo version

+1 month free access after the first payment with promo code PROSMM

Social Hammer One of the best services on the market automatic promotion on Vkontakte, Instagram and Facebook 7 days
starcomment Tracking comments and brand/keyword mentions on VKontakte, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube + Newsletter to Instagram Direct 24 hours
PublBox One of the best services for creating high-quality visual content, delayed posting, cross-posting on Facebook, VK, Instagram, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Google+, YouTube and Telegram. 7 days

Discount -10% with promo code PROSMM

smm planner A fairly well-known service for delayed posting to OK, VK, Facebook (including groups), Instagram, Telegram, Viber and Pinterest 100 posts/month
Plibber A popular advertising exchange with very wide possibilities. Works with platforms: Vkontakte, Instagram, Odnoklassniki, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and Google+. No
Adstamer Advertising exchange (for advertisers and owners of publics), specializing in Instagram and Vkontakte. The lowest commission among similar services No
Advances An advanced service for working with teaser networks, VK and Instagram. Detailed analytics advertising communities and promotional posts on VK and Instagram. demo version
Only Instagram
Instapromo A good service for automatic promotion on Instagram: masfollowing, mass liking, scheduled posting, sending to Direct and comment tracker. 3 days
Giveaways Efficient and transparent conduct different types contests and giveaways on Instagram, including photo contests, reposts, round-robin contests and commentary contests No
OnlyPult Scheduled posting of photos, videos and stories to Instagram (NEW) via computer 7 days
Picalitics The most advanced Russian-language Instagram account analytics system - more than 30 important metrics in one report 3 days
Parasite A comprehensive service that allows you to manage multiple Instagram accounts in one place - through the service. Key features include: scheduling posts, managing Yandex.Direct messages, viewing profiles, commenting, and account analytics. 7 days
Only Facebook
gouplive The best service for creating interactive posts through live broadcasts. Original templates that no one else offers. trial mini-broadcast

The best services for promotion in social. networks


Cerebro Target



I also want to note that the service works in the cloud, so you do not need to install it. Easy Access both from a smartphone, and from a laptop or computer.

Free trial period 3 days and referral system with payments.


Giveaways is the best and as far as I know the only service of its kind that allows you to effectively hold contests and sweepstakes on Instagram.

This paid service, but the amount of time that you save thanks to it is worth a lot more!

So, Giveaways allows you to run contests on Instagram almost automatically. The service will 100% honestly and transparently check the fulfillment of all conditions

At the moment, with Giveaway you can run the following types of contests:

  • traditional repost contests
  • photo contests
  • comment contests
  • circular draws or, as they are also called, Loop Giveaway

What does the service do?

  • automatic check of subscription to all contest organizers (if there are several of them, as for example in round-robin contests)
  • automatic checking marks in comments
  • own competition page on the service website
  • publication of the competition in the social. service networks
  • the ability to remove unwanted participants from the competition
  • automatic determination of the winners of the contest, which will also be shown on the contest page on the site
  • detailed statistics on the effectiveness of the completed contest


OnlyPult is Russian language service, which allows you to upload photos and videos to Instagram through a computer, i.e. through a regular browser.

Update: More recently, the service has the opportunity post insta stories directly from your computer! I think this is the only service that offers this feature at the moment.

Please note that Instagram's policy has recently changed and they have officially stated that it is now "legal" to use Instagram's scheduling posting services. So, use it to your heart's content and don't be afraid of anything - there will be no more blocking for this case!!!

Advice: when you go to the site, there is a language switcher at the bottom.

Service features:

  • publication of photos on Instagram through a computer without push notifications. Onlypult is not an app, but a website.
  • the ability to publish to multiple accounts at once without having to enter a username and password.
  • the ability to add employees to post on Instagram without having to give out passwords.
  • the ability to follow the publications of accounts and hashtags.
  • account analytics.


Picalitics is a domestic service for deep analytics of Instagram accounts. This service collects in one place the most important information about 30 different metrics you need to know and understand about growing your Instagram account.

Profile audience analysis includes:

  • subscriber growth data;
  • data on lost subscribers;
  • gender of subscribers, geography and their interests;
  • the number of bots;
  • reach of subscribers, that is, the potential reach of your profile.

Audience engagement includes:

  • the average number of likes and comments for the entire time and per post;
  • dynamics of likes and comments;
  • hashtag analytics, which allows you to find out which hashtags bring you the best results;
  • top posts by likes and comments.

Content analytics includes:

  • the best time to post on your profile;
  • time most active your audience;
  • popularity of your posts depending on the time of their publication.

And also how to use some metrics for successful promotion on Instagram, you can read the link.


Parasite- another cool service for optimizing promotion on Instagram, which I recently learned about ☺️

Parasite is a comprehensive service that includes following features:

  • (from a computer or mobile device), which includes bulk uploading of posts, as well as scheduling publications;
  • the ability to create templates and the "first comment" function, which will help save even more time writing new posts;
  • managing Direct messages through the service without having to log in to Instagram;
  • account analytics;
  • the ability to add from 3 to 30 insta accounts to the service, depending on the chosen plan;
  • the ability to view your feed, other people's Instagram profiles, as well as the ability to like, write and delete your comments without going to Instagram, that is, being directly in the service.

In this video, you can see what the service looks like from the inside in order to better understand whether it suits you or not.

The best services for promoting on Facebook


GoUpLive is another great service for creating interactive publications based on live broadcasts.

GoUpLive offers several unique patterns, which are not yet hackneyed on Facebook and may cause big interest at the audience. The only problem is that the service is in English, so you need to more or less understand the language in order to understand the interface.

Currently available templates:

  • regular vote heart or like
  • polling station with horizontal results
  • voting X vs Z
  • word search puzzle (Latin only)
  • guess what's in the picture
  • exposure
  • countdown
  • video loop

I wish you successful promotion, friends! 🙂

It is foolish to think that among 90 million users you will not find customers. However, users are already fed up numerous communities and groups, they are much less willing to enter new ones. Competition also affects, if a person is already subscribed to a couple of groups "Cargo transportation to ...", then, most likely, he will not go to another one. Of course, if he is not pushed to do it, which I will talk about in this article.

Define the goal

You need to start SMM promotion with a clear definition of the goal. Many do not understand what they need and that is why they immediately go down the wrong path. Why would a company that operates in a city of 20,000 people want to recruit 50,000 into its group? For likes and comments? But the company needs sales.

Goals can be as follows:

  • Receipt feedback from clients;
  • Sale of goods or services;
  • Informing clients;
  • Brand promotion;
  • Kit target audience for further work with it;
  • Hiring employees (you can create a personnel reserve);
  • And many more options.

Having defined the goal, you will determine your target audience, which will greatly help in further promotion, choosing a social network and presence strategy.

Choosing a social network

Today, most often they work with Facebook, VKontakte and Odnoklassniki and Instagram. You can make communities and pages on all social networks, or you can choose only one or two. In general, VKontakte has advantages in terms of audience size in almost any area. One simple example.

Most popular community on Facebook for the query "Kazan":

And Vkontakte:

But this does not mean that you need to limit yourself to only VKontakte, even if there is the largest audience.

When choosing, you should focus on the format of the social network.

In contact with- the most popular social network in Russia, demographics are represented as widely as possible. Suitable for posting any content. The competition is very strong, especially if we talk about communities in general, which are very numerous. That is, VKontakte users do not experience a lack of attention, most often a lot of new posts appear in their news feeds every day.

Classmates- the audience intersects with the audience of VKontakte, most of the users who are on Odnoklassniki are also on VKontakte. It used to be that Odnoklassniki had a more mature audience, but today there are a lot of young people there. If the user puts "Class" to your post, then he shares it with his friends, this main feature, which must be taken into account. That is, in Odnoklassniki, you can promote a page due to excellent content.

Facebook– the audience is more mature and solvent, thanks to which this network is considered one of the the best venues for B2C. There is access to an international audience, Russian social networks do not have such an opportunity. Cheap targeted advertising is also a feature of Facebook.

Instagram- good for visual presentation your goods and services. The audience here is much younger than in any other social network, the number of registered users is growing. A good platform for B2C, however, Instagram is well suited for brand promotion, and not just for sales.

Twitter- suitable for informing about important events, it can be used to redirect users to other social networks, reporting new posts. The audience of Twitter is politically and socially more active offline, in this it is about two times ahead of the audience of other social networks.

YouTube– the audience is huge, but many watch videos on third-party resources. Suitable for promoting a brand (often personal), goods or services. Better than other social networks for B2B, many CEOs watch videos that are related to their field of activity.

The optimal solution is to use several social networks, using them strengths. In some social networks, you have the ability to search by given parameters, so you can estimate the size of the audience, its interests and other information.

SMM promotion methods

SMM methods can be divided into white, gray and black. The difference lies in cost, effectiveness, and compliance with social media rules and sometimes legislation.

White Methods

Targeted advertising


A popular way that allows you to significantly increase the number of subscribers in a short time even when you use inexpensive prizes. The downside is that it will sign a large number of freebie lovers. For the entertainment community, this method of promotion is quite acceptable, but for business it is not very effective. Here it is better to offer not prizes, but discounts in limited quantity. So you increase the likelihood that those who are really interested in your products or services will subscribe.

In fact, a good and useful community will develop on its own, although you will have to spend money on the initial audience. SMM promotion for companies should not be about finding subscribers, but about finding customers, this should never be forgotten. And customers are worth much more than subscribers.


SEO should also be applied in social networks, where in the description of communities and pages you also need to indicate keywords, both for searching in the social network itself, and for search engines. The main way SEO promotion will not, but it will be able to give additional subscribers. Note that for many commercial inquiries in the TOP there is a Vkontakte group.

User interaction

A laborious method, but free and can be effective. It is suitable for Twitter and Instagram, where the company account has the ability to like or comment on user posts, and search for them in this case very easy on hashtags. In other social networks, the method is less effective and more like crowd marketing. I classified this method as white, since in this case spam in comments or other actions that are useless for users are not supposed.

Gray methods

Cheat by bots or cheat by offers

You can catch up with the bot community quickly and relatively cheaply. Offers (people who subscribe, like, etc. for a certain fee) will cost more, but in both cases, the effectiveness of this SMM promotion method will be low, since you will not get targeted subscribers.

The good news is that in social networks, one of the ranking factors is the number of followers. For example, VKontakte will always show the groups and communities with the most members in the first places. The downside is that using this method can block your community, offers are banned less often than bots, but there are complaints about this on thematic forums. Commercial communities are more at risk.

Spam in comments or private messages

Spam is prohibited by the rules of any social network, spammers' accounts are banned quite quickly, but this method is much better than the previous one. Just because you spam links to your community, if a person subscribes, it means that they are at least interested in it. That is, some kind of audience can be obtained.

You can write to private messages, but today it is less and less effective. Firstly, users are increasingly closed private messages from strangers, secondly, after several complaints about spam, the account will be blocked. In some social networks, it will be possible to quickly unblock it, here study the rules of social networks.

Mass following

Mass following - following users, in the hope that they will subscribe in response. The method is relevant, first of all, for Instagram, where it is one of the main ones in promotion. It is possible to use this method in other social networks, where fake pages of people are created for this, who are massively added as friends, and then offer to subscribe to the pages.

Black methods

Black methods usually violate not only the rules of social networks, but are also a criminal offense. For example, here spam is done from hacked accounts, and links are sent by friends who, in this case, trust the sender much more.

Black methods of SMM promotion are associated with account hacking or vulnerabilities in social networks themselves. I do not recommend using them.

Today, in the form of an overview, we will tell you how to organize promotion in social networks, which platform to choose for promotion and how to prepare content.

Is your target audience on social media?

Different people sit on social networks - with average incomes and good incomes, from large cities and small settlements, young and old. Well-known artists, Youtube bloggers, ordinary residents and even politicians have their own pages in social networks. According to a study by Levada Center sociologists, more than a third of Russians - 37% of respondents - access social networks every day. And more than half of Russians are active users of social networks.

There is any target audience in social networks - young mothers who will be interested in children's things and toys, directors large firms who are interested in business trainings, busy people who often use the services of cleaning and home delivery of food. The main thing is to be able to correctly search for your target audience and work with it.

Materials to help you better understand the topic:

Selecting channels for SMM promotion


The main feature of the social network is the emphasis on the visual component, that is, on photography. Little attention is paid to the text in it, so without high-quality pictures or at least bright pictures from the Internet promotion will be difficult.

The main feature of the audience of the social network Instagram is that more than 79% of it are women. There is no exact age data, but most experts believe that young people under 30 are registered on Instagram. Perhaps this explains the effectiveness of promotion - the level of engagement on Instagram is 15 times higher compared to the social network Facebook.

Pros: high coverage, relatively easy setup advertising, simple promotion through mass liking and mass following.

Minuses: the inability to publish links in posts and the dependence of the visibility of posts on the level of involvement, which makes it difficult to promote from scratch.

Instagram is suitable for promoting goods and services that can be sold “with the eyes”: that is, those that can be beautifully depicted. Clothing stores, flower and food delivery services, various souvenirs and handmade goods are popular here. Services are getting worse, but with the right approach, you can sell them too. For example, Instagram often offers business and other types of advice.

In contact with

In VKontakte, according to statistics, more than half of the registered users are women. 37% of active authors are users of the 25-34 age group. A 25.7% active users- people between the ages of 18 and 25. That is, more than half of the audience are solvent users.

Also on Vkontakte Special attention is given to the visual component, as in other social networks. There are no particular difficulties in promoting publics, groups and communities - it is enough to publish a unique interesting content and use standard ways attracting subscribers. good advantage social network - multidisciplinary development: depending on the needs of the target audience, you can choose an acceptable publication format. For example, Instagram doesn't give you that kind of flexibility.

Pros: high audience coverage, a large number of targeting settings, normal organic reach, the ability to invite users in a group.

Minuses: high competition, preventing users from inviting themselves to groups and meetings, very strict moderation.

In terms of promotion, Vkontakte is good for everything that cannot be sold by several beautiful photos. It actively promotes the services of medical centers, information businessmen, restaurants and cafes, travel companies, services of driving schools, banks, various goods and other products of the middle price segment.


The main feature of the Odnoklassniki audience is that the age of active users often exceeds 30-35 years. At the same time, promotion on social networks is relatively inexpensive, especially when advertising in public.

Pros: coverage among a solvent audience, viral content of interesting content - if someone rates your post, all friends and subscribers of the person who put "Class" will see it.

Odnoklassniki often promote complex products, for example - the construction of houses, comprehensive surveys in medical centers and other high value goods and services. This social network is suitable for businesses operating in the field of cleaning, construction, legal support and others, but most of all for private services: for example, plumbing companies, car services, craftsmen.


The main Facebook audience is solvent people: 37% of active authors are aged 25-34, 30.6% are people from 35 to 44 years old, and 23.5% are people over 45 years old. Facebook focuses on text content, but at the same time, the social network declares itself as a platform general direction. The effectiveness of promotion is usually high - a large number of business accounts are registered on the social network.

This social network is suitable for most business areas. It sells B2B products, that is, business-to-business services, and promotes personal brand. The social network itself gives examples of the successful promotion of restaurant and telecommunications brands, gaming, sports, automotive, financial, and educational fields.

Pros: great amount advertising settings, wide functionality for promotion, good coverage of foreign target audience.

Minuses: truncated organic reach and complex interface.

Select promotion channels - one or more social networks - depending on the specifics of your company and the product being promoted. In most cases large companies create accounts in all social networks, and small businesses need only one well-chosen platform. For example, home delivery services often post on Instagram. And medical clinics find their audience on Facebook, Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte.

We launch promotion in social networks

We will talk about promotion in a clear structure: first - about the design, then - about the content, promotion and performance tracking. A book can be written about each of these points: we will try to talk about the most important.


Post interesting content: product reviews, guides, user reviews. If you don't have any ideas for posts, look through the communities of competitors - you may be able to learn something useful from their content plan. Try to alternate entertaining and selling posts - this tactic on the social network gives good results. A content plan should be drawn up only on the basis of an analysis of the needs of the target audience and the specifics of your business - there can be no universal recommendations here. You can also add products - both to a group and to a personal page.

Even pictures have their audience

Promote your group personal account or public can different ways. In the social network itself, they offer to set up targeted advertising and advertising in other publics. Targeted advertising will be shown to users when visiting Vkontakte, in the left column, and on third party sites. And advertising in public - in the community that you choose.

Efficiency analysis can be carried out directly in VK. At personal pages, groups and publics there is a "Statistics" section. It shows the reach of users - the number of people who saw the posts on the group wall or in news feed, as well as the characteristics of the target audience. You can also view statistics for each entry, and in the future do not publish posts that gain few views and likes.

On Instagram

The design of the profile on Instagram also requires attention. Firstly, Instagram is a social network that evaluates first of all visual effect. Therefore, you should take care of quality photos. Second, do - one of the few places where you can leave active link to a third party site. Therefore, it makes sense to describe in detail what you do and what you offer to subscribers, right in the profile description. By the way, it is advisable to immediately link your Insta account with in order to easily set up advertising.

Instagram has built-in statistics - look for it in personal account, in profile. But it may not be enough for a full-fledged analysis - the social network shows the number of subscribers, including growth, and the main characteristics of the target audience. This is less than in other social networks. Therefore, advanced SMM managers often use third party services, collecting more complete statistics.

Articles to dive into the topic:

In Odnoklassniki

After, consider the design of the community. Please note that older people often sit in Odnoklassniki. Tell us what you offer in the description, put an attractive photo on the main page and choose the appropriate cover.

An example of a group header with a cartoon-themed cover

When publishing posts, pay special attention to the text. Sometimes the usual statuses of people or groups get thousands of likes and comments. Viral posts often become jokes, anecdotes, comments on a political topic. But be careful - "hype" does not always help promote the group.

Example post in a group offering flower delivery services

Statistics in Odnoklassniki shows reach, activity, what types of content are popular and many other parameters - everything you need for initial analysis. The statistic is in the group, in separate menu. To properly promote your community, analyze the engagement and types of content that subscribers like the most.

An example of group statistics in Odnoklassniki

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