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Create an electronic digital signature. How to make an electronic digital signature

Electronic signature- an important part of an electronic document. She certifies the absence of distortions in the document drawn up and certified by her, makes it possible to establish her belonging to the owner of the ES key. With help private key cryptographic transformation of the information contained in the electronic signature is performed.

Electronic digital signature you can order at a certification center. Its further use is possible in the implementation of various financial transactions. For example, when remotely participating in stock exchange trading and in other cases. The future of the global financial market is based on participation in trading in electronic form... Many leading companies are already taking an active part in them. The certification center is a special institution that has a license for the right to issue an electronic digital signature. Find such an institution in your area, contact it and apply. You can apply at in electronic format... On the site of the certification authority, its mailbox must be indicated.

The manager of the center will contact you at the phone number you specified, inform you which package of documents you need to prepare, and on the further procedure for your actions. Tell him who the electronic signature is being issued for: an individual or legal entity and the type of electronic signature. The set of documents may differ for each case. It is enough to provide the institution with scanned copies of original documents and a receipt confirming payment for this service. After checking the authenticity of the documents, the center employee will invite you to receive an electronic signature. For obtaining an electronic signature, you can apply to the website of public services in the section “Obtaining a certificate of electronic digital signature”. There is a single EDS portal in Russian Federation- here you can also make a request for an electronic signature. Take the originals of the prepared documents with you when you go to the ES issuance center. The certification center will complete the registration of your electronic signature. On the external media(usually this is a USB flash drive) you will receive two types of keys - open and private, they will write a special software... You will receive a digitally signed and sealed certificate certified by the center in paper and electronic form. At this point, the stage of obtaining an electronic signature is completed. Now you can use it as directed. To do this, install on your computer the one given to you on external device memory software. Tune this program the specialists of the certification center can help you for additional payment... Can be found

Any document must be protected by a person's handwritten signature. What to do with documents that exist in electronic form? An electronic signature has been developed especially for working with such papers. It exists to uniquely identify a person who signed it to confirm the authenticity of the document.

According to current legislation, an electronic signature can be obtained by attaching data in electronic form to other electronic data, which serves to identify the signatory.

There is everything three types of electronic signature:

  1. Simple.
  2. Reinforced unqualified.
  3. Reinforced qualified.

Simple signature differs in the least degree of information protection. It only confirms that the document was signed by a certain person. At the same time, it is simply impossible to check for changes since the moment of signing.

Electronic document with reinforced unqualified signature equates to paper document signed by a person. The presence of such a signature indicates that no changes have been made to the document since its creation. This signature is issued by special centers that do not undergo accreditation.

An enhanced signature is created thanks to special data encryption. It can only be created by real professionals who have an FSB license in the field of crypto protection.

There are other types as well. Each center offers its clients different types signatures with different names. You can choose one or another signature based on the tasks that you plan to solve with its help.

Stages of creation

The specifics of the signature creation process depend on the selected type. Typically there is two stages its creation:

  1. Building a custom hash function that helps to identify the content in the document.
  2. The hash function is placed in the document and passed along with it... The size of the hash function is not large at all. Its presence does not significantly affect the size of the document.

Is free

Obtaining a free signature is possible when using the services of some sites. There are resources on the Internet that allow you to create a simple electronic signature. It can be created by mimicking a person's signature, sending the scanned signature to designers, and creating a screen signature using a custom widget.

Users can also get a signature for free. Outlook programs Express, Microsoft Outlook, Lotus Notes. All of these programs are characterized by the built-in ability to send signed messages.

To do this, you need to install on your computer special certificate and hand it over to the person for whom the signed documents are to be sent. If both parties have similar certificates, there is no doubt about the authenticity of the documents that are sent.

To install an electronic signature on a computer, you need to use the program CryptoPro CSP... It is necessary to launch this program, and then add the device on which the ES container is located. This can be done if you go to the "Equipment" tab and select the "Configure readers" item.

Most often, the electronic signature container (the private part of the key) is provided to removable media, that is, a disk or flash drive.

Then you need to go to the "Service" tab, where there is a button "Install personal certificate". For this operation, you will have to use the overview to download the certificate file ( public key with the extension .cer). As a result, information about the certificate will appear in the "Certificate for installation" window.

After clicking the "Next" button, a window will appear in which you will need to specify the container for the private key. The next step is to select the repository where you want to place the certificate. All existing certificates must be placed in the "Personal" store. After completing all the described actions, the system will inform you about the successful installation of the electronic signature on the computer.

For public services

Nowadays, document management is increasingly implemented in the virtual space. Such transformations are taking place with the support of the state. Now many government services can be obtained without leaving home, but for this you need to have an enhanced qualified electronic signature. You can get it in a special certification center.

When contacting this structure, a person is given list of documents that must be provided for electronic signature. This list includes an application for a signature, a passport and an individual tax number.

After submitting all these documents, a person receives a signature a day later. It makes it possible to receive government services at any convenient time anywhere there is internet. This avoids endless queues and a waste of time. Only for an enhanced electronic signature you will need to pay a certain amount of money.

Features of receiving

An electronic signature can be issued to both individuals and legal entities. In the second case, the signature is usually made in the name of the head. He, in turn, can give the key to his employees, but this is unsafe. Therefore, it is better to give the employee a paper power of attorney to obtain a signature, then he can sign documents on your behalf.

Business use

An electronic signature greatly simplifies the life of businessmen and helps to speed up document flow. Previously, it was necessary to draw up all the documentation in paper form, personally sign each document, and send it by mail in cooperation with partners from other cities. All this costs a lot of money and entails a great loss of time. In addition, you will have to pay for postage.

It is much easier to transfer documentation to each other electronically, but this is only possible with an electronic signature. Otherwise, there is no way to verify the authenticity of the sent document.

If you have an electronic signature, you can send reports directly to the tax office over the Internet, and not go there regularly.


Can several cryptographic protection tools be used on one computer at once?

No, there is no such possibility. If several programs are installed at once, there may be a conflict in the operation of these applications. Possible correct work only one program.

Can I use the same electronic signatures issued by different certification authorities?

In theory, this is possible, but there is no guarantee that software and cryptographic protection tools will adequately respond to this fact.

Why can't I enter the trading floor after the ES renewal?

Login error can occur in two cases. Perhaps on trading platform the organization is not registered. Then you need to be accredited. If the accreditation is passed, but you can't log in, you need to create a new electronic signature for your current account.

How long is a public key certificate valid?

According to the legislation, the certificate is valid for one year.

When do you need a notarized power of attorney to obtain ES?

A power of attorney may be needed only if the owner of the signature delegates its receipt to a third party. This is especially the case in business. The head of the company can issue a power of attorney for one of his subordinates.

What type of signature to choose, what to provide reporting to government agencies?

In this case, you will need an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

To what extent is an electronic signature equivalent to a signature on paper?

Both paper and electronic signed documents are equivalent. They are equally valid.

Is it difficult to use an electronic signature?

Anyone can use the signature, regardless of their level of computer skills, type of activity and the presence of a particular level of education. It is enough to learn only a couple simple actions to add an electronic signature to the document.

How long does it take to issue a certificate?

This procedure in the certification center takes about 30 minutes. Usually the next day after all required documents listed in the list, you can obtain a certificate.

Can an electronic signature be forged?

It is impossible to crack cryptographic data, so you can be sure that no one will be able to forge an electronic signature. You just need to follow all the recommendations for storing the key in order to strangers could not use it. Information containing tips for storing the key must be provided to the client along with the certificate.

Can the owner of the key certificate refuse to electronically sign?

It's impossible. An electronic signature has a number of attributes by which it is possible to unambiguously identify the person using it under a specific document.

How do I create an electronic signature? Details on the video.

Translation of document flow into electronic format- main trend modern business... An electronic signature is needed to confirm the relevance and validity of the documentation. A modern businessman needs to know how to make an electronic signature in order to endorse a document. Creation of an electronic signature does not take much time and does not require significant expenses. What is an electronic signature and how to get it, read the materials of this article.

In this article, you will learn:

  • how the electronic digital signature is used in the workflow;
  • how to get an electronic digital signature;
  • how to make an electronic signature.

Use of electronic digital signature in document flow

Encrypted information attached to data sent via digital channels communication is called digital signature(EDS). EDS allows you to identify the user who created the electronic document, signed it and is responsible for it. The main purpose of an electronic signature from the point of view of modern legislation is to ensure an effective and secure dialogue between an individual and a government agency.

According to the law, there are three types of EDS, the use of which is permissible in the practice of modern office work:

  1. qualified digital signature;
  2. enhanced EDS;
  3. simple EDS.

The first type of signature is used to indicate the owner of the document. A simple electronic signature does not allow making any changes to the certified document. The second and third types of signatures allow you to do this, but it should be borne in mind that information about all changes is stored in the document itself. The date of changes and information about the user who made them are saved.

Any individual who have Russian citizenship has the right to receive an electronic digital signature. The only condition for obtaining is the presence of registration on the website of public services or own account in the center certifying signatures. The tax office at your place of residence has information about the centers where you can get such registration.

The presence of an electronic signature gives any citizen access to municipal and state electronic services... First of all, these are services to provide an opportunity to participate in tenders for the supply of goods. It is in this area that the need for approval and identification of applications most often arises.

The electronic digital signature, in addition to the document endorsement function, has a number of others, no less important functions... EDS can be used as a means of user identification when entering the website of public services. Traditionally, the SNILS number is used to enter this portal, the presence of a signature allows you to enter there using it.

Another function of an EDS is to obtain information about extracts from state registers. True, this function can only be used by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, while individuals, using an electronic signature, will be able to obtain information about tax payments and outstanding outstanding fines. Naturally, all this information can be obtained directly at home. The legislation does not prohibit this.

Big advantage use of EDS is the ability to reduce the burden on government agencies and reduce the number of queues. Through the use of virtual dealerships, the speed of customer service is significantly increased.

Statistical data recent years testify that annually in each Russian region more than 40 thousand applications for the creation of an electronic signature are submitted.

The range of services that are most in demand among the population and are most often obtained from using EDS:

  • registration of a foreign passport;
  • request for information from the state cadastre;
  • repayment of traffic fines;
  • payment of taxes;
  • registration of cars;
  • submission of documents to the tax authorities:
  • account tracking in The Pension Fund.

How to get an electronic digital signature

Most main question which an entrepreneur is asked to when he hears the words "electronic digital signature", this is how to get a qualified electronic signature and how much it will cost. The answer to the last question is very simple - creating an electronic signature is free. The only thing that will have to spend money is to purchase a USB-drive, to put it simply, a "flash drive", for recording an EDS. At the office of any certification center, you will be provided with a service for creating an electronic signature.

You fill out all the documentation required by law and receive a signed USB stick. With its help, you will be able to carry out on the portal of public services all operations that require legal confirmation. The most common scope for digital signatures is government tenders for the supply of certain goods and services by an enterprise to a specific customer.

It should be borne in mind that in Lately applications for participation in the tender, signed with a digital signature, has priority over the rest.

Read also:

  • Electronic signature: cryptography-protected office work

How to make an electronic signature

What documents are required to create a qualified electronic digital signature? There are few of them:

  • the passport;
  • SNILS;
  • current email address.

Without the provision of these documents, the creation of an electronic signature is impossible.

With the help of specially installed terminal devices, the user will be able to carry out any operations on the portal of public services using his electronic signature.

The home or work computer must have an Internet connection, installed standard browser and special software. Many institutions are now equipped with special access points with browsers and appropriate software, from which you can also access the portal of public services.

Together with the USB-medium on which the electronic signature is recorded, the individual receives a guide on how to use it.

If you cannot figure out how to make an electronic signature on your own, you will have to contact a specialized certification center at your place of residence. The center's specialists will help you register your EDS. You can find out the addresses of these centers in your Pension Fund office.

What to do if you lose your electronic signature

What to do if you lose your USB storage device digitally signed or do you suspect that third parties have stolen your information and can use it to harm your business?

The first thing to do is immediately contact the certification center, the service technical support... The center's staff will be able to instantly suspend the operation of your certificate and restrict the access of intruders to your data. Next, you will need to visit the certification center again and carry out the procedure for renewing the validity of the signature. Naturally, you need to have documents with you certifying your right to own the digital signature certificate.

Without the provision of documents, technical support workers will not be able to block the signature or renew it in the future, and your data will be available to cybercriminals. Sometimes situations arise that the signature does not work, or does not work correctly, it is also possible that the USB drive does not meet the requirements that the user imposes on it. In such cases, you need to contact the certification center technical support service by phone or in person with a claim.


Despite the possible technical difficulties, the use of an EDS will give you great advantages and will save a lot of time that you used to spend on recording, registering and lagging in queues at the OVIR, tax office, Pension Fund and other government agencies.

Another important point worth paying attention to - any digital signature It has limited time actions. This should be monitored especially carefully. If you do not update your EDS in time, you may find yourself in a situation where you will not be able to carry out necessary operations on a portal providing government services.

Before approving a document or application, it is necessary to check the relevance of the certificate and the signature itself. It is also worth clarifying the information on the procedure for creating an electronic signature in your certification center. The fact is that, unfortunately, the very procedure for creating an EDS, generating certificates and keys, is under development and may change over time.

Another important point related to the creation of a qualified electronic signature. You can order and receive an EDS only in the region in which you are officially registered. Certification center employees have full right refuse to create an electronic signature if you live in another city and do not have a registration in the place where you requested the creation of an electronic digital signature.

The benefits of using an electronic signature are enormous:

  • additional features protection and encryption of documents;
  • the ability to use the same signature when interacting with various government agencies, ministries, regulatory authorities;
  • significant savings in processing and sending documents;
  • extended opportunities to establish contacts and exchange documents with foreign partners.

The electronic signature contains information about the author and confirms the absence of changes in the electronic document after its signing.

A valid electronic signature certificate is required to create a signature. For example, issued by the Certification Center SKB Kontur or another certification center accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia. The certificate is usually stored on a special medium - a token.


As a result of signing a document, the service creates an electronic signature file that is stored separately from the original document (detached signature).

Signature creation process

Go to section

Select a document
which must be signed

You can sign a file of any format.

Select a certificate,
which will sign the document

If a suitable certificate is not listed,
you need to get it or install it (if you already have it on the token).
You can sign a document in Kontur.Crypto with a certificate,
issued by any certification authority.

Create a signature file

The service will save the signature file to the folder with the original document with the same name and permission ..sig.


After signing the document:

  1. His electronic signature in the form a separate file(detached signature) is saved to your computer.
  2. The document and its electronic signature are saved in electronic archive on the Kontur.Krypto server.
  3. You can get a link to view and download the signed document, send such a link to any recipient by e-mail, as well as download to your computer a package of documents: an original document, a signature file, a certificate and instructions for verifying the signature.

Signature verification

To verify the signature, send the original document and the signature file to the recipient. For verification, you can use any program designed for signing and encrypting electronic documents.

Questions and answers

What if I get an error while signing?

Make sure 2 conditions are met:

  • To work in the service, perform automatic computer setup.
  • Before signing documents, you must install the signing certificate on the computer on which you perform operations with electronic documents... You can also do this in the computer setup service.

If all the conditions are met, but you cannot sign, contact the 24-hour technical support service.


If you are using a slow internet connection or signing documents larger than 100 MB, it may take time to save them to e-Filing long time... If you want to work in Kontur.Krypto with large documents, please send us an email.

Where does the signing of documents take place?

Signing, encrypting and decrypting documents on your computer. Thus, the security of the private key of the electronic signature is ensured. When checking an electronic signature, saving a document in an electronic archive, sending a link to view and download a signed document, the information is uploaded to the Kontur.Krypto server. If this is unacceptable for you - do not use these opportunities.

Russians rarely have to come up with a signature on a passport, because the main document in our country changes only twice in the life of a citizen. However, when the time comes to decide on the signature, its development turns into a real headache. Still, you need to come up with an autograph that would be original, concise and simple at the same time - otherwise, the execution of the loan agreement will turn into a real nightmare.

To meet all three requirements, you probably have to create a painting that may seem strange to an outsider. There is no need to hesitate to include unique elements in it (no matter how the obese employee of the Passport Office looks). On the currently the originality of the squiggle is primarily a factor contributing to the safety of the citizen.

According to experts, 85% of autographs of citizens are so banal and elementary that it is easy to falsify them.

Can I change?

People who once in the Passport Office in a rage "wound up" such a signature that they are not able to repeat it, often ask themselves whether it is possible to change the signature in the passport. Lawyers clarify the following: a citizen does not have to think about how to change the signature in the passport - he has the right to simply start signing differently without re-issuing documents.

The only exception is loan documentation. In banks, the rule is strict: the signature is only like in a passport. If a citizen is not able to sign the documentation in the same way as in the identity card, he has three choices:

    notarize the new facsimile;

What shouldn't be the signature?

Do not be surprised if you find in the list of signs of poor painting those that are inherent in your facsimile. More than two-thirds of Russians use autographs, which even an inexperienced swindler can easily fake. What shouldn't be the signature in the passport?

Quite often, Russian citizens come up with banal autographs because they don't know: legislation does not limit their fantasy... As for signatures, everything is allowed. You can draw a passport as you like (of course, without going beyond the special column) - even put a smiley face, even a hieroglyph from ancient Chinese.

How to create a reliable and original autograph

How to come up with a signature for a passport? First of all, put the triviality aside - this is not your option. Many, developing a signature, make the following mistake: they write the first three letters of the surname and try to add various "squiggles" and underscores to them. Have a good result this approach cannot be achieved, because a person deliberately limits himself, believing that the signature should be tied to the surname.

Perhaps the following ideas for painting in your passport will help you:

An interesting point: female and male signatures are different. Men strive for brevity and brevity, and the fairer sex - for more curls and flowing lines.

If there are no ideas on how to choose a passport signature, you can go to an extreme step: contact special program who will come up with an autograph for you. Similar applications are called mural generators - enter this request in search string and you will find that your headache will be pleasant. There are a lot of generators of paintings in Runet: the program posted here - will give a guaranteed result. It is enough to enter the last name and first name in special fields, and the service will offer a lot of options.

Some of them are a little absurd, but quite charming.

The service is absolutely free - you don't have to worry about your e-wallets.

For the most creative

It is no secret that many creative people cannot stand banality and strive to stand out from the crowd with everyone, even with a signature. A striking example is the writer Kurt Vonnegut, who painted with his portrait:

It is important to know when to stop. Probably, Vonnegut did not have to sign often and take out loans, otherwise he would definitely think about a simpler facsimile.

The signature of the "mad genius" Salvador Dali looks much more stylish and simple:

Here is a photo of a beautiful passport painting for girls from Queen Elizabeth the First of England:

It is rather difficult to repeat such a monogram, so girls can also be offered to use animal images drawn in one line as a painting. It looks cute and original, but before you decorate your passport with a fox or a swift cheetah, you will first need to practice.

When creating a list on a passport, as an example, you can take the autograph of the Hungarian king Stephen the First:

With such a facsimile, you will definitely suffer, but you will be able to tell everyone that you have a signature, like a king.

There are a lot of ideas for creating signatures. The main thing is not to limit yourself to trivial options. Unique signature will not only emphasize your individuality, but also become a guarantee of financial security.

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