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Create DVD disc from video files for free. Create your own DVD-Video

For this, there are programs for creating DVD-video, or, in other words, DVD-authoring. Currently, such programs are on the shelves (a law-abiding citizen will choose the right counter himself) and a huge number have been divorced on the Internet, but this article will only talk about one of these products called DVD LAB Pro... The Canadian company has made considerable efforts to create this program, as a result of which this product can, to some extent, be classified as a professional solution. In this article, we will be able, using both the built-in techniques implemented in the program, and using our imagination and creative ardor, to create a full-fledged DVD-video disc. So, let's begin.


1. Launching the program and creating a new project

Launching the DVD-lab PRO shortcut will open a program window with the choice of parameters for our future DVD.

In the first line, you need to select the color system of the project (PAL or NTSC). In Russia, as you know, PAL is used (installed by default). Now you need to select the type of your project. To create a regular DVD video, just check the box Normal... What is the difference Advanced from Normal, what's happened VTS and VMG and why we found the type to be sufficient Normal? Each DVD disc consists of a set of movies (clips) and a menu, this is VTS, that is, a kind of container in which clips and menus are stored. In DVD LAB, each VTS can contain 99 movies (clips) and 250 menus. However, all menus and all films (clips) in one VTS must have the same settings, and if you set, say, the aspect ratio is 4: 3, then in the whole project all clips and menus will have the same proportions, however, if you want to watch the same movie also in a wide format, for example, 16: 9, then you need to create an additional VTS with 16: 9 parameters. But in order for the DVD player to be able to understand that your disc includes two VTS (4: 3 and 16: 9), and you need to create VMG- Video Manager menu. From the above, we can assume that the average user is unlikely to create a DVD with a movie about how he had fun in Turkey in two or even three formats, so this lesson uses only the project type Normal, which is quite enough for creating an amateur DVD-video disc.

The next item of project properties to be considered is - Simple. Selecting this item will create a project with space only for the video clip ( Movie).

The rest of the points can be added by yourself, but more on that later. Paragraph Template creates an empty project, but the meaning of the phrase Open project(Open project) is clear to everyone, without exception. 2. Import of video, sound fragments, pictures

So, there is an empty project so far. Pay attention to the lower part of the open program window.

It is called Assets window(the window in which our "property" will accumulate). Here, namely in the tab Video & Audio, all video clips, pictures and sounds necessary for work are imported. The rest of the tabs are various, built-in objects by default: Backgrounds(background pictures), Objects(objects), Plug-ins(plugins), Clips(clips), Music(musical fragments), Images(images). Import is made in several ways, the first way is the simplest: just drag the selected file from Windows Explorer into this window. Second way: press the button Import Files and select the file you want.

The third way is to open File Browser by means of DVD Lab, for which click the corresponding button.

The file browser will start, from which by simply dragging to the window Assets Window you can import files.

However, you may notice that the button for importing files is present not only in the tab Audio & Video, but also in other tabs, respectively, the import will be made to the tab that is currently open. The difference is that in the tab Assests Window there is a link to video and audio fragments and pictures that are in any folder you created, and when importing, say, into a tab Images, the image file is copied to the Images folder located in the directory where the program is installed. Therefore, when loading a new project, the window Assets Window will be empty, and in the tab Images you will find the pictures that are there by default, as well as the pictures that were previously imported (if they were imported).

Unfortunately, DVD LAB Pro can only work with certain types of files, in particular, .mpeg, .mpg, .mpa, .wav, .m2v (see), and you need to use third-party software to convert your video to these formats (e.g. TMpgenc, Canopus ProCoder). Files are imported by simple transfer. In our case, these are files with the .m2v and .mpa extensions. If the parameters of the files that you will try to import, for some reason, do not correspond to the supported ones, a window with a list of errors or warnings will appear. If you try to import one video file containing video and sound (.mpg) into the program, a window will appear containing two items: Demultiplex to Elementary Streams(Demultiplex) and Quick mode without Demultiplexing(Quick insert).

Let's talk briefly about demultiplexing. Simply put, this is an ordinary splitting of an .mpg file into its constituent parts, video and sound. The process of demultiplexing from one .mpg file makes two files, a video file and an audio file, which are then imported into the project. It is recommended to select demultiplexing (otherwise the program will do it for you when compiling the project), after which you will also receive 2 files, video and audio in the Window Assets window.

Let's continue working on the project. Go to the window Movie by double-clicking on the shortcut Movie in the window Project.

Add audio and video files by simply dragging files from the Assets window to the Movie window.

Now in this window you have a movie track and a sound track. 3. Creation of chapters of the future film.

There are two ways to create chapters. The first is automatic chapter detection using DVD LAB Pro. For what you need to select the menu item Movie> AutoChapters ...

A dialog box will appear Add Chapters by Scene Detection.

In this window, you can set the sensitivity to scene changes - Scene Detection Options... The higher the value in the paragraph Sensitivity(Sensitivity) The more chapters you get. In field Chapters distribution type(Chapter Allocation Type) There are two options. By choosing Add X Chapters in whole movie, you will indicate the number of chapters into which the film will be divided, and the choice of the option Find all possible chapters provides for the indication of the minimum length of one chapter in minutes. Thus, if in this field you specify the length of a chapter in one minute and set the maximum sensitivity to changes in scenes (255), then the number of chapters will be equal to the length of the movie in minutes.

The second way is to distribute chapters manually. For this you need a window Preview(View).

The buttons at the top of the window mean (from left to right): play the movie in normal mode, in accelerated mode, stop, frame left, frame right, add a chapter, open the automatic chapter splitting mode and show or hide the timecode display. Therefore, having selected the desired frame in this window, click on the add chapter icon and it appears in your movie.

What if you've installed a chapter in the wrong place and want to remove or move it? To do this, select a chapter by clicking on the green diamond or red arrow (an arrow or a diamond means, respectively, whether the frames of the clip are indexed or not. Indexing is used for a more precise distribution of chapters).

In the square under the diamond, the sign will change from plus to minus, clicking on which, you can delete the chapter. You can also use the Eraser tool in the toolbar, just click on the unnecessary chapter and it will be deleted. To move a chapter, activate the move tool, hover over the chapter and move it to the desired location. 4. Creation of the main menu

To create the main menu (or root menu), you need to open the menu itself. Double-click the corresponding shortcut in the project window.

The Movie window will change to a blank black background. First of all add a background image to your menu. To do this, you need to import the picture you are interested in in advance in the Assets Window tab and add a background by simply dragging and dropping. You can also use the available pictures in the tab Backgrounds Assets Window.

The background is ready. Now let's create the menu itself, let it consist of four items: Start watching, Scene selection, Sound setting, Setting subtitles... To create labels, click on the button Aa and click where you would like to position the text.

A window for entering text, as well as its formatting (changing the font, location, etc.), will appear.

After repeating the operation four times (since you have 4 menu items), you will get the following:

The text can be moved. Click and hold it with the mouse, positioning it as you like, it all depends on your imagination. Or arrange the lines one below the other, select them and click on the selected one with the left mouse button. A menu will appear that contains additional tools for positioning your text in the window. In this case, align the lines to the left using the command Align Left.

Further, using the knowledge gained already, decorate the menu with pictures a little. In our example, the pictures were cut from the frames of the movie and imported into the tab Images Assets Window so that you can use these pictures in other projects in the future. Pictures were imported in .psd format and created in Adobe Photoshop - DVD LAB Pro allows you to work with layers. You can change the direction of the picture using the toolbar to the right of the window Menu, in the same place as the button for creating text.

As a result, you can get something like this:

Now create links for lines with text. For now, you can only link to the first menu item "Start Watching", since the movie already exists and you can find it as follows: right-click on the text, select Link> Movie1> Chapter 1 (Movie Start)... It's simple.

Now create three more empty menus, in which we will have the chapter menu and sound and subtitle settings. Right-click in the project window and select Add Menu, or use the hotkeys Alt + N.

Let's say that you have not four menus, but a whole hundred. Of course, it is difficult to remember which material is where, so it is necessary to assign names to each object. To do this, select the desired menu in the project window with the left mouse button and click F2... You can now rename your menus. These names are displayed only in the program itself and nowhere else.

After all the links are set, numbers will appear near the lines, meaning that this line has a link with a certain ordinal number. If you select a line, then below it you will see where the link is installed. For example, number 1 "Start Watching" will start showing the movie, while link number 2 "Select Scenes" will take you to the scene selection menu.

5. Testing the menu and its revision.

Test your menu to see how all this beauty will work and look. To do this, select the command Menu> Simulate.

This will launch a menu simulator with a nice remote control. Move the mouse over the links, press a button on the keyboard or on the remote control.

Note that when a particular menu item is selected, the line color changes. Exit the menu test mode and pay attention to the window Properties(Properties) to the right of the menu window.

This property sheet provides a wide field of action for manipulating colors, textures, links, and more. Open the tab Map.

In this tab you can see the fields Button Hi-Lite group and Color Map... In the first field, check the box Antialised(Antialiasing), and go to the second field, which has the option set by default Selected. Click the arrows to the left and right of the option name. It is easy to guess that this function is responsible for the state of the menu buttons at a certain point in time. So, Normal- the usual state of the button, Selected- the state of the button when this menu item is selected, and Activated- the state of the button pressed on the link. For each position, you can select your own color parameters - for this, use the slider. If the slider is set all the way to the left, then there will be no color. Remember that these three modes do not apply to each button individually, but to the entire menu, and you need to configure them once for each menu. Now complicate your menu. Make sure that when you hover over the desired menu item, it is underlined, and it does not matter with what and from which side. To do this, draw a line under one link (for example) using the menu toolbar. Select the rectangle icon.

Copy it and paste it under each menu item (use the hotkeys Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V). Then in the properties window, in the tab Color(Color) change the color of each line.

Notice that in the screenshot, the dash under the Start Preview menu item is highlighted with an orange dotted line. This means that the dash is not normally visible. This is set again in the properties window, but already in the tab Link(in the picture on the right). In addition to adjusting the visibility of the buttons in this window, you can also set links, as you did by right-clicking on the dash or text and selecting the link. Click on the option to select the visibility of the buttons.

Basically, everything is quite simple: Visible- the button is always visible, regardless of whether it is selected or not; Invisible Normal- the button is not visible in the normal state, but when you select it ( Selected) it becomes visible; Invisible Selected- the opposite Invisible Normal, the button is visible when it is not selected; Invisible All- the button is not visible in all cases. Set the mode for all created lines. Invisible Normal and test your menu. There are no lines, but hover over the dash where it should be and it will appear. However, you won't be looking for this dash before watching, and you never know where it can be - bottom, right, left, top, or maybe it's not a dash at all. It's easier to click on the visible text and start the preview. Go back to the toolbox and select the tool Group HotSpot.

In the work area of ​​your menu, circle the line "Start Browsing" and your dash.

This way you have grouped both text and line objects. Do the same for the other four items, test the menu. Enjoy the beauty you get at the same time. The main menu is ready. 6. Creating a menu of chapters.

The first step is to go to the Edit Scene Selection menu. Give the menu any background and create 12 text links for each chapter.

The second option is to create a nice windowed menu that will play the video clips from the beginning of your chapters. In DVD LAB Pro, you need to use the function Motion Menu... Import the background and notice the toolbar in the menu editor.

Click the button Insert Chapter Still(Insert the first frame of the chapter). You will receive a list of the movies in your project and a list of all the chapters in the movie. Just select the desired chapter and click on it with the mouse, for example, Chapter 2. In the center of your future menu, a video fragment will appear, the frame of which will coincide with the frame of the beginning of the second chapter. Arrange its window to your liking using the parameter Change size(Resize), which can be found by right-clicking on the frame itself.

In the window that appears, arrange the objects on the menu screen as you like. So, after importing 6 fragments, you will have the following menu, and each picture will have a link to each chapter, starting with the second:

And here is the first drawback: we do not see on which menu item the cursor is currently located. Let's fix it now. In the case of text links, we used underlining, but here it would be more appropriate to use frames, that is, emerging frames. To do this, you first need to remove all links from your snippets. Then in the toolbar find the shortcut Frame and with it selected, draw a frame of any size.

Then use the resize and position options again. Enter the same values ​​as for the first clip in our menu with the link to chapter 2. You get something like this:

Next, each frame must be assigned a link according to the frames, and in the properties window, select the parameter for each frame Invisible Normal as in the main menu. Test the menu, if everything is done correctly, then when you select the desired item, it should be highlighted with a frame of the color indicated in the tab Map menu properties windows. It should be remembered that in the same tab, the color value for the button in the mode Normal must be at zero, otherwise all frames will be highlighted normally. Now go to creating not static pictures, but a moving menu, for which select the item Menu> Render Motion.

A window for creating a moving menu will open.

What do we see in this window? The first is a picture of your menu, the second is Motion objects, that is, those objects to which the movement extends. There is a checkbox next to each name, by unchecking it, you thereby disable the creation of a moving menu (in this case, a red cross will appear next to the name instead of a checkbox). Following Motion objects field for setting dynamic effects ( Dynamic-FX Objects)? responsible for setting special effects used in addition to Motion Menu... In the lower part of the window, the frame from which the playback of the menu should begin is shown. Click the mouse in the window Motion objects by names, and you will see that the start frame is also changing in this window. To the right of the menu window there is a slider, by moving which, you can select a different starting frame. This can be useful when you do not need to match the first frame of chapters with what will be shown on the screen. Well, and the last part is Global Settings and Outputs, that is, the general settings together with the settings for the output parameters.

In the window Motion Menu it creates nothing more than a video file that is played while viewing the menu on the screen. After carefully reviewing everything, decide on the settings for the duration of the clips Total Clip time(set it equal to 10 seconds), Intro Effect- this is the effect of the appearance of frames when switching to your menu, leave it blank. Check the box Cross-fade the End for looping in 50 frames... This will mean that when the clip ends, it will start playing again, and to avoid mismatching the initial and final frames, we created a smooth transition within 50 frames from the end of the clip to the beginning. Now press Render and wait for the completion of the rendering process, after specifying the name of the file, which will be contained in motion menu... Note that after rendering you have another clip in Assets Window, and 2 tracks, audio and video, appeared at the bottom of the menu window. The video track contains your video file just created. But in Audio, you can add any audio track that will be played while viewing the menu.

So, the menu you created contains frames with links to scenes from the movie. If desired, each frame can be provided with a short text commentary. But, since this example contains 12 chapters, they are unlikely to fit into one menu, so you will need to create a second chapter menu, remembering to supply the entire menu with buttons Further and

The best way to organize files stored on your computer is to transfer them to physical media. In order to get such an opportunity, you will need an effective, for example, "Disk Studio" from AMS Software. After reading this article, you will learn how you can use it to easily burn documents, music, films and other information to a DVD disc, as well as learn how to customize an interactive disc menu with chapters. So let's get started!

Online media recording

"Studio Discs" is a convenient and intuitive program for burning DVD and CD discs, as well as their varieties. Working with the application is as easy as two or two: you select the files you want (movies, documents, music, etc.), configure the recording parameters, and then insert the blank media into the recorder and start burning it.

It is worth noting the fact that with the help of this software you can easily overwrite or completely erase any previously recorded disc. This is possible thanks to the corresponding options in the editor. For example, if you find a little free space on one of the old DVDs, you can fill it with new content (in other words, add more content). In this case, one and the same disk is subject to multiple rewriting, eliminating the possibility of damage or loss of data.

Recording movies and music - in a couple of clicks!

The main function of the DVD burning software is to create music and visual media. This is very useful when you need to copy a large number of songs / albums or video clips / films to a disc. This way you can create a digital home archive.

If you are interested, then you just need to choose a format and add tracks. You will be asked to make not only mp3, but also wma, which will hold up to 10 hours of music with decent playback quality. Such a CD is played both in a car radio and in a specialized player. Also, if you wish, you can give it to someone as a keepsake.

Disc Studio is also an excellent program for burning DVD discs with a menu. So, before creating a video carrier, you can design a high-quality screen saver to your liking. For example, choose a beautiful background image, come up with a catchy headline, add vibrant photos and download music. The interactive menu you have developed will subsequently be played on any computer or multimedia player.

Convenient work with images and disc ripping

To insure yourself against accidental loss of certain data, it is highly recommended to generate a virtual disk image. In addition, you can create an ISO image of any media with the ability to further write files to it. All these manipulations are also easy to carry out with the help of "Disk Studio".

Besides, the program for creating DVD discs allows you to perform ripping - this is the name of the function of converting dvd and audio cd in high quality. She will come to the rescue in the event that you need to quickly duplicate any disc with music or video (of course, if it is not copy-protected).

Free software for creating DVD-video images and burning them to disc.

Everyone has probably seen professionally made DVDs with all kinds of transitions and navigation menus. Have you ever had a question about how these menus are created? Wouldn't you like to try to create something like this yourself? Probably I wanted (and more than once :)).

Today we will learn how to create and burn our own DVDs, which will be little inferior to their professionally made "brothers". And one very good free program called DVD Styler.

The program combines everything you need for DVD authoring (that's the name of the menu creation process) from scratch. And although it still falls short of professional solutions, it allows you to create a decent-looking disc with a minimum investment of time and effort. If we compare DVD Styler with its paid counterparts, then ZC DVD Creator Platinum will be the closest in functionality to it.

Comparison of free DVD burning software DVDStyler with paid analogue ZC DVD Creator Platinum

With comparatively the same functionality, DVD Styler weighs five times less than its paid counterpart! Another plus is multilingualism, which makes the work of a Russian-speaking user much easier.

Installing DVDStyler

Download and install DVD Styler. In principle, the installation proceeds according to the standard scenario, but there are some minor nuances in it. The most important hitch will be associated with the proposal to install a plugin for Internet Explorer and / or Mozilla Firefox - kikin.

If you agree to the installation of this plugin, then your browser, based on the history of visited pages, will begin to offer you the "most interesting" information from various online resources. If you are able to find everything you are interested in yourself, I advise you not to install kikin.

DVDStyler interface

When the installation procedure is over, the program itself will start. The first (and, in principle, the only) thing you need to configure is the interface language.

Select "Russian" from the list and click "Ok". After that, you will see the program itself, which will offer to create a new or open a finished project.

We select the creation of a new one and set the required information: Disc name (optional), disc size (standard DVD or dual layer), video format (PAL / NTSC), aspect ratio and sound format of future films. Install it as needed and click "Ok" to get started.

Let's take a closer look at the working window of the program:

We hardly need the menu bar at the top, since the toolbar (below) contains all the buttons we need. On the left is the program's file manager, with which you can manage downloaded pictures and videos. Below is a kind of storyboard for navigating the chapters of the future DVD. The main space is occupied by the work area with the display of the currently active menu item.

Creating a DVD menu

When creating a new DVD, we have one ready-made menu on the storyboard. True, it is empty. Let's add some background image to it. Go to the "Background Images" tab and double-click on the image you like. If you are not satisfied with the standard ones, you can add any image from your computer.

To do this, go to the "File Manager" and find what you need. The picture can be prepared in advance in any graphic editor so that it contains ready-made inscriptions and / or additional fragments that correspond to the general theme of the future DVD.

Adding Movies

When we have decided on the picture, we can start adding films to the project (although this could have been done before choosing an image for the menu). This is done simply: press the "Add File" button and select the desired movie using Windows Explorer. It is better to do this by expanding the program window to full screen.

Why? Because in this case, in the lower right corner, the time scale of the future disk will be visible. Make sure not to overdo it with the number of films!

So, the films have been added, within the allotted time, now it's time to think about the menu. Click on it with the right mouse button and select the "Properties" item.

Sound design in the menu

Here we can add a soundtrack to our menu (if we want, of course). Click on the button after the "Audio" field and select the desired music in the Explorer window that opens. You may be intimidated by the fact that only MP2 and AC3 files are specified in the formats. Just set this field to "All Files" and you can add any MP3 or WAV ringtone.

Usually a DVD consists of several menus: a main menu, and a scene menu for each movie (although the latter are not the main attribute). We will create a disc with only one main menu for example.

Creating buttons

Go to the "Buttons" tab and can add navigation keys to our menu by simply dragging the button you like right from the list. Note that among the buttons there is a frame in which arbitrary frames from the movie "attached" to it will be displayed. Adding such frames significantly improves the overall appearance of the menu.

The first button is "anchored" to the first movie added by default. Let's see what you can do with it. Call the context menu of the button with the right mouse click. Here we are interested in two items: "Add" and "Properties". Thanks to the first, we can add a beautiful inscription (for example, the title of a movie) using the items "Text" and "Text with shadow".

There shouldn't be any problems here, so let's take a closer look at "Properties".

All settings for a specific button are found here. In the first section, we can set the action to be performed when the button is clicked. This can be either a jump to a certain part of a DVD, or, for example, playing a certain melody or moving to another menu. The "View" section is responsible for the button design.

In the case of a frame, we can set any image from a computer into it or allow an arbitrary frame to be set directly from the movie (you can also manually specify the time of the desired frame). Here we also specify the level of transparency of the inserted image, the width of the frame and its color. It is better to adjust the location and size with the mouse.

Above, we looked at how to add text with the title of the movie. However, the name can also be written on the button. Select the appropriate one, drag it to the working window and write the desired name in the properties. Then we will "bind" this button in "Actions" to one of the films, and the job is done!

In the same way, we create buttons for navigating to the rest of the films, and we will get a rather nice and functional menu:

Since all films may not fit on one page, sometimes it will be very helpful to make another one, linking it to the first cross-references. You can also add additional images if you have not bothered with this in advance.

Saving a project and burning a disc

Now that everything is ready, you can move on to the last stage - saving. You can save a project, a disc image, or burn a DVD directly. If we do not want to stop there, press the "Burn" button on the toolbar and move to the next window:

This is the "last bastion" of DVD Styler a. Whatever you choose, in any case you will have to wait (and quite a long time). After all, all files are first converted to DVD-format, and only then can be burned to disc. video, you will need free space on your hard disk (about half the size of a DVD project).

You can reduce the size only if you select the "Create ISO image" item (probably the word "image" was translated incorrectly). If you have chosen this option, you will also need to specify the folder for saving the image. It is also possible to activate "Preview" after DVD generation by checking the corresponding option.

After all the settings, we finally press the "Start" button and wait until everything is ready:


As you can see, creating your own DVDs is not that difficult with good software. Although DVD Styler does not have some features that paid counterparts have, but it is quite convenient to use, and there are many functions in it.

The plus is that DVD Styler allows all manipulations to create a disc to be carried out within one window, which significantly saves time and effort when looking for the right tools. I wish you successful and beautiful projects that will give you joy every time you view them!

P.S. It is allowed to freely copy and cite this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.

It seemed to me a simple task to make a DVD disc from the existing video files in AVI, MPEG, MP4 and other formats. But I didn’t assume that you also have to pay for the conversion to the de facto standard. But from the videos that were shot with a smartphone or tablet, an interesting video may well turn out.

1. Windows DVD-maker

Included with Windows 7, no additional costs. Understands a bunch of file formats, you can make both a disc from video files and a presentation from photos, you can create a DVD menu. But a huge disadvantage is that the program immediately writes to disk. In my case, it turned out to be impracticable, because the drive in a laptop has long outlived its usefulness. I just wanted to make a DVD project, but I wanted to burn DVD on a stationary computer.

2. WinX DVD Author

WinX DVD Author is found by Google when looking for free DVD authoring software. And it even works for free. You can create a menu in it. Only the program's logo and the message that the DVD was made as a free version negate all the program's features.

3. DVD Styler

It turns out that there are also programmers who are simply doing good to other users. Alex Thuring has released DVD Styler, which can be used to create a DVD from a set of video files of different formats. The program contains some nice templates for the menu.

DVDStyler is a free and simple program for creating DVD authoring video discs. Ideal for burning home video DVDs - even a layman can create a laser disc menu movie. To burn a movie to DVD with DVDStyler you don't need any special knowledge, you don't need to be a programmer or a video editor. In a few minutes, thanks to the friendly interface of the application, you can create a movie in DVD format with an interactive menu with buttons on a beautiful background, add subtitles and sound, and burn the created movie onto a laser DVD disc. The disc burned by DVDStyler will open on any DVD player. Also, with the help of DVDStyler you can create a photo slideshow.

How to record dvd video

After starting DVDStyler, a window will open asking you to create a new project or open an existing one. Here you can set the name of the disc, specify its size, select the audio and video bitrate, select the video format (PAL / NTSC), define the aspect ratio (4: 3 or 16: 9) and set the audio format (MP2 or AC3). After that, it remains to select the background on which the menu will be located, arrange the navigation buttons, set the actions for the buttons when pressed and select the video. The final stage of creating a video to DVD is compiling the project and burning the movie to disc.

Supported formats

The program supports such common video formats as MPEG, AVI, MKV, MP4, MOV, OGG, WMV, FLV, understands such audio formats as WAV, MP3, FLAC, DTS, AAC, MPEG, RL2, PCM. A complete list of supported formats can be found on the developer's website. DVDStyler supports drag-and-drop functionality - video and audio can be simply dragged into the program from Windows Explorer.

Screenshots of the program DVDStyler

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