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Creation of subscription pages. Examples of subscription pages - stands of the year

In this article you can download 20 subscription page templates... What are we for subscription page templates, of course, for recruiting a subscription base. The better your subscription is, the more percentage converting traffic to subscribers. The conversion of these pages is over 70%, that is, out of 1000 unique transitions, you will get 700 subscribers.

Most important indicator, you should have not only beautiful signature pages, but also trusting ones. It so happens that simple page With simple design in a minimalist style brings more subscribers than a pretty flash page with blinking headers.

With these templates, you don't need to think how to do subscription page , because all you have to do is replace the template phrases with your own. All PSD sources for Photoshop are included. All templates are edited as usual. text editor like Notepad ++ or notepad.

What are subscription pages for and why are they needed?

A subscription page is the foundation if you want a foundation for any business. For example, you have a website optimized for search queries... According to statistics, 90% of people will no longer land on your site. They will look at your pages, download your material and that's it, you won't see this person anymore. No matter how great your site is, people simply won't remember you.

The subscription page was created so that a person subscribes to your mailing list and, after the release of your new products or the writing of new material on your site, received information about it in a timely manner. Thus, he will visit your site constantly. Just 1 issue in your mailing list will be able to drive 700-1000 people to your site in a few hours. The subscription page and newsletter are kind of Feedback with your customers and subscribers.

    Hello, my beloved friends and dear readers!

    Today I want to tell you about subscription pages 2013-2016: show the magical follower pages that turn up to 72% traffic to loyal subscribers willing to buy again and again.

    Traditionally, I'll start with statistics. Popularity today key request « subscription page»Soared more than 100 times compared to two years ago. You can see the statistics on the chart below:

    As can be seen from the graph, the demand for subscription pages is growing at a very fast pace. This tells us that more and more people are becoming interested in ways to increase their subscription base, and this is becoming a trend!

    Now more than ever it is especially important to be in the subject and follow new trends of this market!

    For those who have just started to study the topic of information business or Internet entrepreneurship, I will tell you:

    Subscription page or capture page(landing page, funnel site) are the names of a one-page site whose purpose is - collecting subscribers to create your subscription base.

    The subscription page forms trusting relationship between the author and the readers of the mailing list. Over time, 5-7 touches, the subscriber turns into a client, if the mailing is carried out correctly. Conclusion: need a high converting subscription page!

    A signature page that keeps up with the latest trends is the key to getting a large number new subscribers.

    If earlier it was possible to make a simple subscription page, and it easily generated up to 90% of traffic, now times have changed. Older subscribed pages generate less than 10% of your traffic, and that figure is on the decline. What then is to be done?

    I present to you a fresh wave of subscription pages with maximum conversion!

    In the modern world, quantity has turned into quality!

    Examples of subscription pages - stands of the year

    As you can see, minimalism is in vogue today: big and beautiful picture in the background, and a neat opt-in form with video or text. Conversion of these pages is over 60%! A large and beautiful picture in the background increases the subscriber's interest in your information, we will see it, he seems to "wake up" and focus his attention on it.

    Internet users have changed now, they are more demanding and careful. If you want to develop your business on the Internet effectively, then it is important to keep up with them, and even better to be one step ahead!

    In addition to increasing the interest of the visitor, such subscribed pages cause more emotions in a person, and his level of trust in you is greatly increased, since people are so arranged that they associate the quality of the page design with the quality of the information that you offer them.

    IMPORTANT! It is very important that the background image and your text (video) are in harmony. For example, if you offer remote work, in the background there may be palm trees and the sea, and if you are talking about trips in America, in the background you should use what people associate with America - the flag, the Statue of Liberty ... I think you understand my train of thought.

    How to create a subscription page

    There are four solutions to this problem:

    1. Learn CSS and HTML and make your own subscription page

    2. Take the template of any subscription page you like and remake it to fit your needs (knowledge of HTML and CSS is also assumed, but not so serious, it will be enough to simply navigate the layout of the page).

    3. Use paid third-party services.

    4. Order the creation of a subscription page from professionals.

    Great news, I am in the business of creating modern subscription pages with installation on your site!

    To make an application for creating a subscription page, just go to the section and write me a message through the feedback form.

    When using subscription pages with background images people will be more loyal and attentive to your letters and your suggestions.

    I have prepared for you PRESENT14 pages of subscriptions completely free!!!

    Is free download subscription page templates last season you can follow the link

I recently received a gift from Eduard Pitertsov, I subscribed to his mailing list. And the gift is more than twenty info-products offered by the authors who donated their work for free, just for subscribing to their mailing list, to everyone. This method of increasing the subscriber base is calledCROSSVZAIMOPIAR.

The essence of this technology is as follows: several owners of info-products, as a rule, this number does not exceed twenty people, agree that in the mailing list of each of them the info-products of all other parties to the agreement will be advertised and offered free of charge.

If the recipient of such a letter wants to get acquainted with any product and clicks on the button confirming the desire to receive it, he is immediately transferred to the subscription page, where he enters his data: his name and e-mail address. That is, for a subscription, he receives the necessary info-product.

Today, this technology for recruiting subscribers to your subscription list is very popular; webinars on this topic are held on the Runet, both paid and free. You can get acquainted with this technology in more detail if you watch the video created by Andrey Ber.

Returning to the main topic of this post, I continue my story, what interested me especially in these gifts. What interested me: Off Line generator of subscription pages. I studied it in detail and even created with the help of this generator a subscription page for the course "Mega Partner" - a turnkey ready business.

Please see what page I got.

And now, I propose to get acquainted with the work of the Off Line generator of subscription pages. Watch the video from You tube, in which Mikhail Presnetsov shows how this OFFLINE generator works. You will see that creating a subscription page does not take much time and does not require any special knowledge.

If you have a desire to get this generator for free, you can find it here:, this link will transfer you to Yandex.Disk, where you will need to click on the "Download" button and in the window that opens, specify the path to download the file that will come to you in the form: generator1_02.exe. When opening a file, protection may slow it down operating system Windows, but you can not be afraid, as the file is scanned for viruses.

As a result of your actions, three files will be generated, for which you will need to create a folder where you will place these files: the first file is a folder called image with a background image (previously using graphic editor You will make it necessary text part), the second file is your favicon, but the third file is called index, it is in HTM format, you can only open it in a browser (in any browser you want), where you will see the result of the subscription page generator.

In order to bring the matter to the end, you need to create a Zip archive for these three files, and then "upload" it to the hosting in root folder(do not forget to unzip it later). That's the whole procedure. Try it, experiment, create subscription pages. Background pictures for them can be found both on and

The second version of the subscription page with the same background image.

And in conclusion, I want to inform you that this version of the OffLine generator 1.02 is free, it was developed one of the first, now the developers have already released the fourth version, which they offer to purchase for a fee. In the second version, it became possible to install videos from video services instead of background images.

Friends, colleagues, hello!

I have finally designed and ordered cute subscription page templates for you. They are sometimes also referred to as subscription, capture, landing pages.

If you are engaged in Internet activities, then with a probability of 90% these useful things will sooner or later you will need and come in handy. And if you are engaged in mailing lists, then you needed "already yesterday"

These are the pages that convert regular visitors into your subscribers, that is, into your regular audience. Keep up with the trends and start collecting emails as soon as possible, if you haven't already.

Take it for free and use it!()

Don't repeat my mistakes: I started collecting followers too late. Meanwhile, this was the turning point in all of my marketing....

Your subscription is born and grows. subscription base(base of your potential clients), your subscription list. This is your Golden Asset, as Azamat Ushanov succinctly called it.

Download it now free 3 subscription templates pages in 3 colors:

You can customize them for yourself, connect your mailings, subscription channels, etc. Templates are provided with detailed instructions and comments in the code to help you.

ATTENTION! Either the text instruction attached in the archive, or a simple one, will help you customize the templates.

Average setup takes from 15 minutes to a couple of hours- depending on your training and the degree of readiness of the materials.

The pages are designed in accordance with modern trends building sheet include required blocks for maximum conversion of visitors and do not contain anything superfluous... You can always add something of your own or remove what is not useful to you.

If you are not versed in HTML and are not going to learn this simplest language, then any webmaster-layout designer will help you with setting up the form.

In the next publications, I plan to answer the questions of beginners and conduct a small educational program.

Use it for health, and I thank you in advance for your help!

6 simplest rules to download your subscription templates for free

1. Attention! When you press This is interesting from Vkontakte make sure ,
what did you click tell friends, otherwise the press will NOT be counted.
2. Only pressing the buttons located within the shaded area,
and not those below - above the comments ...
3. NEED TO PRESS 2 (TWO) BUTTONS social... networks , not one!
4. If you are sure that you have pressed at least 2 buttons, make sure that the entries appear in your social media. networks, but the link did not appear, UPDATE PAGE!
5. DO NOT need to press twice(or an even number of times) the same button - your pressing will be reset!
6. If you have read and followed everything, but the link has not appeared, please all questions about downloading please contact technical support:, and NOT in comments.

Have you read everything? Then please click TWO BUTTONS HERE:

IF SOMETHING DOES NOT WORK, CAREFULLY re-read simple instruction above.

Grab your signature templates and do whatever you want with them!
Successful listing building, that is, recruiting a subscription base!

  • Pros and wonders of owning your own mailing list;
  • About promoting any business using email marketing;
  • O practical techniques, tools, tricks of maintaining your mailing list;
  • About other terribly useful, terribly interesting and completely uncomplicated things from this area ...

P. P. S. It will be great if you tell me how useful and understandable the instructions were.

Greetings, dear friends! Now we will talk about what a subscription page is, what it is for and how to make it yourself. And also at the end of the article I will share my small collection of subscription pages, or as they are also called "capture pages". This lesson will be useful to everyone: both novice bloggers and novice information businessmen.

As I wrote above - subscription pages are a very important part for those who blog and build their business on the Internet. Not one, you hear, not one blogger and information businessman can do without capture pages!

Many of you know that the subscriber base is a Golden Asset, and it is worth taking care of it from the very beginning! No need to "score" on this, or say to yourself "later, then, then", you need to act now !!! Of course, I will not talk about all the subtleties of recruiting subscribers, because I think soon I will write a series of articles on this topic, or even write free book... And it will be this summer, I think at the beginning of July. I advise you not to miss it!

We will do without subtleties, but in short, I will of course tell you what and how ...

In order to gain subscribers, first of all, you need to create your own free information product, for example, a video course or a book. Then create a subscription page (about this in this article), and advertise your product! It is in this way that you can collect a subscriber base at first.

And now we will talk only about one of the parts of the set of subscribers, this is subscription page(capture page).

Subscription page - it special page, to which you will invite people with the insidious goal of making them your subscribers using the subscription form.

I am more than sure that you have met this page more than once. Therefore, you should not waste time explaining what they are ... Let's better talk about what they should be and how to do it yourself!

What should be a funnel site?

There is a lot of controversy today, both among beginners and professionals, about what the subscription page should be like. Therefore, the exact answer to this question on this moment just no ... And everyone uses what he likes, but you should still stick to some very important rules !

- There should be a “loud” and catchy headline.

- There must be a subheading that will "finish off" the client.

- must be visible without scrolling the window.

- The subscription form must attract attention.

- The client must trust you and give his mail address.

Illustrative example what the client will receive.

These are the rules that everyone who creates subscription pages in order to get subscribers should adhere to. Now, let's analyze each of the points in a little more detail so that there are no questions left. But before that, I would like to say the following: these tips are only suitable for subscription pages, for the selling pages there is a slightly different tactic, somewhat similar, but gives less result.

1. There should be a “loud” and catchy headline.

By the words loud and catchy, I mean that the headline should simultaneously convey the essence of your free product, and "impose" it on the client! Also, the title should be readable and memorable!

No need to rush into a headline. You need to sit down, think carefully, think about everything, and then only make decisions about what title will be. It may take days, or even weeks!

Example header:

“They thought I couldn't do it. But they were wrong ... I managed to make my first million online. "

2. There should be a subheading that will "finish off" the client.

This subheading is a very important part of the sales page, it should be written immediately after the title. The subheading should be readable and convey a direct message about what your product is about. It can even be the name of the product, or its slang.

Subheading example:

"Detailed instructions on how to make a million!"

3. The subscription form should be visible without scrolling the window.

Well, here, I think, it's not even worth explaining. In the subscription page, the subscriber collection generator, that is, the subscription form, should be visible to the client immediately after entering the page, without scrolling down (). And by the way, this applies not only to the subscription page, but also just to the blog!

4. The subscription form must attract attention.

Eyes all around standard forms subscriptions that offer specialized services such as Smartresponder. And therefore, such forms do not attract attention as much as they did several years ago. It's worth thinking about it carefully, and doing something special and appealing.

If you have knowledge of a graphic editor and html, then there is nothing complicated, but if you are not familiar with them, then you should contact freelancers.

The subscription form should be striking, and I'll strike you after entering the page, but you shouldn't turn it into a "Christmas tree".

5. The client must believe you and give his mail address.

You must write to your future subscriber that his e-mail address will remain with you, will not fall into the wrong hands, and spam will not be sent to him! This is very important, you must let them know that you can be trusted! And, of course, you shouldn't send your subscriber dozens of letters a day, they didn't agree to this ...

6. A clear example of what the client will receive.

Also an important part of the subscription page. You must visually show the future subscriber what he will receive in practice. Simple words small, so it would be nice to present a product cover, or a few screenshots, or a video clip.

These are the rules you must adhere to without fail if you want to achieve decent results in a short time. Of course, these are not all the rules and tips, there are still many of them, but on initial stage these are enough. If you want more, then please write to me about it in the comments. I will then speed up with writing a free book.

How to make a subscription page?

A subscription page can be made without special knowledge of programming languages, including html. Everything can be done much easier, because for this there is a large number of various special. Finding them is not difficult, just write in the search: "Program for creating html sites", or something like that.

Personally, I use the program for these purposes Web Page Maker... I talked about how to create a simple subscription page using it in my free video course "How to create a video course: from A to Z" which you can download absolutely free of charge here.

And so I decided, in order not to repeat myself, to lay out especially for you this lesson v open access... You can view it just below:

Well, is everything clear to you? If you have any questions, then write in the comments - I will definitely answer and help!

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