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Create a local minecraft server. Downloading all necessary programs

Over time, a single game ceases to arouse the same interest and the moment comes when there is an irresistible desire to participate in a network game.

But what if you don't want to play with strangers you don't know at all, but just want to play with your friends? Then you can create your own small server to play through. And, perhaps, in the future you want to create your own large project, designed for a huge number of people. In both cases, knowing how to make your own Minecraft server will come in handy.

In fact, creating a Minecraft server is very simple. To get started, you will need the right kernel that will keep your game server running. To date, the most relevant cores for game servers are Vanilla Server and BUKKIT. The first type of core is for those cases when a player wants to create a home server to play with comrades. The second type is intended for very serious projects. This type of core supports all the most necessary plugins, from creating spawn points and protecting territories to global plugins that create their own unique features on the server.

Having chosen a suitable kernel, we need to figure out how to start it. To do this, you need to follow a few steps that will help you do this:

  • We create a folder in the right place where our server will be located.
  • We move our kernel, which we will use, to this folder.
  • Create a .bat file called "start.bat". Enter the following there:

For 32-bit versions of Windows:

java -Xincgc -Xmx1G -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar craftbukkit.jar

For 64-bit versions of Windows:

@echo off
"%ProgramFiles(x86)%Javajre7injava.exe" -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -jar -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 craftbukkit.jar nogui

Where craftbukkit.jar is the name of our kernel. Optionally, you can change the name of the kernel.

After you have started the kernel, the console will appear. In it you can observe all the processes currently taking place on the server. On first launch, you should wait for a while as the map is being created and the first settings are being made. Don't be alarmed if new files and folders appear after the first kernel run - they are the main files of your server. In no case do you need to delete them, each file is responsible for a specific part of the server. If you know English, then you yourself can figure out what this or that file does. So, the Plugins folder allows you to upload plugins there for their work on the server, and the .log file makes it possible to carefully study its logs in order to identify errors and fix them in time.

So, the files have been installed, and now you need to turn off the console. You won't be able to join the server and play on it yet. Now we need to deal with the game settings. To do this, you need to open the file and examine it carefully. Again, if you more or less know English, you will surely be able to understand where everything is written and what it is responsible for. For now, it's best for you to know a few basic settings to get started, which will help you quickly set up your server. Each parameter can take either the values ​​true or false, or a specific variable.

server-por t= 25565 - this parameter is responsible for the server port. We strongly do not recommend changing it, because. port 25565 is the default for Minecraft servers. On hostings, it may be different, but it is best to leave it as it is.

level-name=world is the name of your world. Rename your world folder to the name of your choice.

pvp = true - This setting is initially enabled on the server. It allows normal players to deal damage to others. They will be able to arrange various duels, but it may also happen that stronger players will kill civilians without their own consent, so this parameter should be disabled, that is, set the value to false instead of true.

difficulty = 1 - difficulty level. It can take 4 values ​​at the same time, starting from the simplest level (0) and ending with the complex one (3).

white-list = false - if you enable this parameter, then only those who are on the so-called "white list" will be able to enter the server. To do this, there is a special whitelist.txt file in the root folder of your server. By specifying in this file all the nicknames of the players through the line, they will be able to get to the server, while others will not. This option is best run when maintenance needs to be done on the server.

online-mode = true - it is because of this parameter that you may encounter such a problem that you cannot get to your server. He is responsible for ensuring that only licensed accounts can play on your server. By setting the value to false, the server will be available to absolutely all players.

server-ip= - IP of the game server. Leave it blank, because. the server itself will determine its address. This is usually the IP of your computer. You can find it on any site that allows you to do this.

max-players = 20 - The maximum number of players that can play on your server. The more powerful the computer, the more number you can make.

motd = A Minecraft Server - a short description or name of the server that will be displayed in the list of servers. Usually such text can be decorated with various symbols, and you can even change the color with the help of some plugins.

Having set up the settings file, we can save it and start our server. When the server starts up, you can already start spinning it up, but here another problem arises. This problem is that there is not a single plugin on the server, without which it will have a huge amount of . This problem can be fixed in several ways: enable on the game server the ability to enter only the elite, namely those who are on the white list, or finally download normal plugins that will limit the server from intruders.

The server is ready, the plugins are installed and everything seems to be set up. You can start the server and go to it. How to enter it? Just add it to the list of game servers and enter the desired IP address. Where can you find it? The easiest way, if you are running the server on a local machine, is to enter the localhost address. Usually this method works with a high probability. However, if nothing happened, it is enough to enter the IP of the computer, which is recognized through special services, for example

I think that in this tutorial I have described all the basic features in terms of creating a server. All that remains of you is to develop it, add more and more useful plugins, update the core, and of course promote your server and make it very popular.

This article introduces the reader to the features of a clean (without modification) server Minecraft current version. Unlike the client, it is distributed for free through the official website of the game. The information in this article has been updated to version 1.12.2.

Preparation for work

For the server to work, you need to install the Java package on your PC. It can be downloaded on this page. But if the client Minecraft starts, this is an indicator that this package is already installed on the computer. (Minecraft can now be installed via an installer that downloads Java for itself. In this case, you still need to install Java.)

In order to download the server, you need to go to the download page of the official site. Click on the appropriate link and save the file in a separate directory, which will be the main directory for your server. When creating a server on Linux or OS X, the main directory of the server is the working directory; use the command cd /path/to/server/ .

Creating and configuring a server

Introduction to server settings

When the downloaded file is in the future server folder, run it and wait until the level generation process is completed. You will see that several new files and subfolders have appeared in your folder.

Consider a file This file contains all the main parameters of the server. Open this file with any suitable text editor. You will see content like this:

#Minecraft server properties #Thu Jul 07 16:45:52 MSK 2016 generator-settings= op-permission-level=4 allow-nether=true level-name=world enable-query=false allow-flight=false announce-player- achievements=true server-port=25565 max-world-size=29999984 level-type=DEFAULT enable-rcon=false force-gamemode=false level-seed= server-ip= network-compression-threshold=256 max-build-height =256 spawn-npcs=true white-list=false spawn-animals=true snooper-enabled=true hardcore=false resource-pack-sha1= online-mode=true resource-pack= pvp=true broadcast-console-to-ops =true difficulty=1 enable-command-block=false player-idle-timeout=0 gamemode=0 max-players=20 max-tick-time=60000 spawn-monsters=true view-distance=10 generate-structures=true motd =A Minecraft Server

Description of parameters

Parameter Values Default Description
allow-flight true/false true Allows the player to fly around the world of Minecraft. This option is only valid for flights in the Survival and has an effect only if the corresponding plugin is present (for example, Flight). Flights in Creative mode are not affected in any way.
allow-nether true/false true This parameter determines the possibility of transition to the Lower world. If disabled, all players who were in the Nether will be moved to the normal. Does not affect the transition to the End.
announce-player-achievements true/false true This parameter determines whether the server should send messages to the chat about achievements.
difficulty Number (0-3) 0 Difficulty level : 0 - Peaceful 1 - Easy 2 - Normal 3 - Difficult
enable-command-block true/false false Allows you to use the command block. This option is not generated on first boot, but appears the first time you try to use the command block.
enable-query true/false false Allows you to activate the GameSpy4 protocol for listening to the server (obtaining information about the server).
enable-rcon true/false false Allows you to use remote access to the server console.
force-gamemode true/false false If true, then when connecting to the server, the player's game mode will change to the standard one specified in game mode.
game mode Number (0-3) 0 A standard game mode that is automatically set for all players who join the server for the first time. An individual player's mode is changed with the /gamemode command. 0 - Survival 1 - Creative 2 - Adventure 3 - Observation
generator-settings No Line This line specifies the super flat world generation template. See superplane for details.
generate-structures true/false true Whether to generate structures (treasuries, fortresses, villages...)
hardcore true/false false Enables hardcore mode on the server. After death - transition to observer mode.
level-name Folder name world The name of the folder with the map files that the server will use during the game. This folder is located in the same directory as the server. If it does not appear, the server will automatically generate a new world and place its files in a folder with this name.
level-seed Any allowed grain Input data (seed) for the level generator. If you want to create a random world, leave this field blank.
level-type DEFAULT / FLAT / LARGEBIOMES / AMPLIFIED DEFAULT Specifies the type of the world.
max-build-height Divisible by 16 (64 - 256) 256 Specifies the maximum height of a building on your server. Above this level, it will not be possible to break or place blocks. Terrain can generate above this level, and blocks can be destroyed with TNT and fire. Also, buckets work above the border (bug).
max-players Number (0-2147483647) 20 Specifies the maximum allowed number of players on the server.
motd String no more than 60 characters A Minecraft server The description of the server that is displayed when connected in the server list. Supports text formatting.
online mode true/false true This setting allows you to enable/disable authentication of premium accounts of users who connect to this server. If false- the program will not check players' accounts and players will be able to access the server if their accounts do not have the "premium account" status. If the parameter value true, only users with a premium account will be able to access the server. If account verification is disabled, "pirates" and players who have faked a nickname will be able to enter this server, which is somewhat unsafe. An administrator who creates a server in this mode does not violate the terms of the user agreement, since this option was added to the list of server settings on purpose - by disabling the check, you can, for example, play on a local network without access to the Internet.
op-permission-level Number (1-4) 3 Allows you to change the rights of operators. 1 - Operators can break / place blocks inside the protection radius of the territory of the spawn. 2 - Operators can use the commands /clear , /difficulty , /effect , /gamemode , /gamerule , /give , / , and can modify command blocks. 3 - Operators can use /ban , /deop , /kick , and / commands. 4 - Operators can use the /stop command.
player-idle-timeout Number 0 If not set to zero, then players will be automatically disconnected from the server if they have not done anything for the specified time (in minutes).
pvp true/false Enables/disables players receiving damage from attacks by other players on the server. At true players will be able to "fight" among themselves, killing each other. If value is set false, players will not be able to deal direct damage to one another.
query.port Number (1-65535) 25565 Port for getting information about the server. Appears automatically when enable-query=true .
rcon.password Line No Password for remote access to the server. Appears automatically when enable-rcon=true .
rcon.port Number (1-65535) 25575 Port for remote server control. Appears automatically when enable-rcon=true .
resource pack File name No The location of the resources that the server will offer to download to the player upon connection. In this field, you must specify direct link to a zip archive.
server-ip Any valid IP address No Specifies the IP address of the server that will be used by other players to connect to this server. It is recommended that this field be left blank, but if you want to give the server a specific IP address, you can use this option to set it.
server port Number (1-65535) 25565 This parameter defines the port value in TCP and UDP protocols, which will be used by the game server. Standard for Minecraft port - 25565. It is recommended not to change the value, because to enter a server using a standard port, the player will only need to type an IP or DNS address, without specifying a port, and when using other ports, it is likely that this port will already be occupied by another network resource. If you still want to specify the port manually, choose higher numbers and avoid popular ports: 80 and 8080 (web server), 21 (ftp server), 22 (ssh server), 143 (imap), 6969 and 6881-6889 (bittorrent), etc. For example, port 23000 is fine.
snooper-enabled true/false true Allows the server to send some statistics and data to developers.
spawn-animals true/false true Similarly spawn-monsters, but for friendly mobs (cows, pigs, sheep...).
spawn-monsters true/false true If the parameter value true, then, as in a single player game, hostile mobs will appear on the map at night and in dark caves and will try to harm the players on the server. If the value false, hostile mobs (e.g. skeletons, zombies) will not automatically spawn during the game, but they can be spawned using spawn eggs. All mobs on the map will remain.
spawn-npcs true/false true Allow NPCs to spawn in villages.
spawn protection Number (1-100) 16 Spawn territory protection radius in blocks (only operators can change this territory). A radius of 0 gives protection to a single block, 1 to a 3x3 zone, and so on. This option is not generated on first boot, but appears when the first player joins the server. After 1.4.2, spawn protection is automatically disabled if the server does not have a single operator.
view-distance Number (3-15) 10 Adjusts the radius of updated chunks to send to the player. Reference: draw distance Far in versions prior to 1.7, displays an area within a radius of 10 chunks.
white list true/false false Allows you to enable / disable the use of a whitelist on the server. At true the server administrator will need to manually add players' nicknames to the white list. If set to false, any player will be able to access this server, knowing its IP address and port. Server administrators have the ability to log into the server regardless of the white list.
max-world-size Number (1-29999984) 29999984 Sets the border of the world at the selected radius, counting from the zero coordinate. Setting a border that goes outside the world will not do anything.

for instance

  • If a radius of 1000 blocks is specified, then you will get a workspace of 2000 x 2000 blocks.
  • If a radius of 4000 blocks is specified, then you will get a workspace of 8000 x 8000 blocks.
network-compression-threshold Number 256 By default it allows packets that are n-1 bytes big to go normally, but a packet that n bytes or more will be compressed down. So, lower number means more compression but compressing small amounts of bytes might actually end up with a larger result than what went in. -1 - disable compression entirely 0 - compress everything

Note: The Ethernet spec requires that packets less than 64 bytes become padded to 64 bytes. Thus, setting a value lower than 64 may not be beneficial. It is also not recommended to exceed the MTU, typically 1500 bytes.

resource-pack-sha1 Line blank Optional SHA-1 digest of the resource pack, in lowercase hexadecimal. It"s recommended to specify this. This is not yet used to verify the integrity of the resource pack, but improves the effectiveness and reliability of caching.
use-native-transport true/false true Linux server performance improvements: optimized packet sending/receiving on Linux true- enabled. Enable Linux packet sending/receiving optimization false- Disabled. Disable Linux packet sending/receiving optimization
max-tick-time Number (0 - (2^63 - 1)) 60000 The maximum number of milliseconds a single tick may take before the server watchdog stops the server with the message, A single server tick took 60.00 seconds (should be max 0.05); Considering it to be crashed, server will forcibly shutdown. Once this criteria is met, it calls System.exit(1). -1 - disable watchdog entirely (this disable option was added in 14w32a)
broadcast-console-to-ops true/false true Send chat messages about using op-commands such as give or gamemode. true- send false- do not send

The first line "#Minecraft server properties" is necessary for the server to determine that this is the actual file that it will use at the moment.

The second line "#Thu Jul 07 16:45:52 MSK 2016" describes the date the file was last modified by the server. It is important to remember that the server takes the date and time set by the operating system.

"#" <Первые три буквы дня недели на английском языке> <Первые три буквы месяца на английском языке> <Число> <Время ЧЧ:ММ:СС> <Часовой пояс> <Год>

Just before starting the game on the server, you can configure the above server settings.

  • Field server-ip it is best to leave it blank - the game will determine and configure this parameter itself. But if you want to assign a specific IP address to the server, you can change this setting.
  • Field game mode indicates a game mode that will be automatically enabled for all players who join the server. The game mode for a specific player can be changed during operation.
  • If you have enabled white list, make yourself an operator, or whitelist yourself.
  • When filling out the field max-build-height with an inappropriate number, the server automatically picks the closest number it can use.

Any change to the settings in this file requires a server restart. In addition, the server can sometimes write changes to this file, so it is best to reconfigure when the server is offline.

Setting up a connection to the server

It is worth noting that players from both the local network and the Internet can simultaneously play on the server.

Connecting to your own server

If you're running the server on the same computer you're going to play on, all you need to do is enter or localhost to connect. This address uses a virtual network interface (loopback), which is always available, even if the computer does not have a network card.

If you cannot connect even through the loopback interface, this is a reason to check your antivirus and firewall settings. Add to exclusions Minecraft Server and port 25565.

Server on the local network

The process of setting up a game server over a local network is much simpler than creating one accessible from the Internet, and is easier in terms of errors when connecting to the server.

In addition, your address may be permanent, static, or change each time you reconnect to the provider, that is, be dynamic. The easiest way to determine the type of address is to reconnect the modem and compare the external IP addresses. If the IP address changes after reconnecting the modem, it means that you have a dynamic IP address. Dynamic addresses are more common than static ones, but it's recommended to have a static IP address when creating a game server, as the dynamic address changes every time you reconnect to your ISP (and you'll have to keep telling your players the new address all the time). However, a static address is an optional condition for the server to work.

In addition, there are services (including free ones) that provide third-level domains, for example, . Address updating is usually done using a special program that you will need to install on your computer, but some modems and routers can perform this function themselves (look in the router interface for Dynamic DNS). Many providers offer a static IP address as an additional service.

Server connection

In order to connect to your server, players in the input line of the server IP address in the game client must enter your external IP address or domain (website address) and click the connect to server button. The external IP address can be found out by the server owner and told to players who want to connect to his server. Websites can help you find out your external IP address:,,

If players are unable to connect to your server, see the section.

Server over VPN

If you are having problems with internal IP address, you can try Hamachi, P2PLauncher, EasyVPN, Garena or similar services. The most popular of these is Hamachi. The server creator and those connecting must download and install Hamachi. Further:

For the server:

  1. Create a room.
  2. leave server-ip empty.
  3. Start the server.
  4. Tell your IP in Hamachi (next to the connect button) to those who connect.

For players:

  1. Enter the server room.
  2. Try to connect using the received IP.

The easiest to use is the P2PLauncher program, which connects computers via a peer-to-peer network. Just put it in your game folder and run it. On server:

  1. Enter a nickname (it is also the future name of the server) and the name of the room, click "Start Server".
  2. Tell the name of the room and your nickname to whoever wants to join you.

On the client:

  1. Launch P2PLuncher. Enter your nickname and the name of the room, click "Launch Client".
  2. As the name of the server, use the nickname of the player who created the server.

Opening ports

Opening, or port forwarding (Port Forwarding) allows clients connecting from the Internet to access a server behind a router or modem. The problem with opening ports is often encountered when creating a server on a local subnet. The router or modem may be blocking the port that the game server is trying to use. For different models, this procedure is slightly different.

There are 2 ways to open ports:

  • The site contains an assembly of special software that is designed to open ports on various models of modems. Go to this site and find the model of your modem or router in the list. Go to the page of your model and download the utility for opening ports from there. Use it to open the port that your server uses (by default 25565 ).
  • Access the web interface of your modem or router through a web browser. As a rule, to enter it, in the input line of the web address, you need to enter or . Once you are in the web interface menu, find the item Port Forwarding or NAT. After opening this menu, you will need to enter some parameters. Parameters that may be required: Start Port - 25565, End Port - 25565, IP adress - local IP address of the computer on which you are creating the server (for example,, Protocol - enter TCP first, and then repeat the entire procedure again for the UDP protocol. Port opening examples for many modem models can be found at

An example of using the PFPortChecker program

To check if the port opening procedure was successful, ask someone outside your local network to connect to the server using the external IP address (you can also try to connect to yourself using the external address yourself, but failure in this case does not always mean the server is unavailable) . Or download and install the PFPortChecker program. In field port enter the port number you tried to open. In field Protocol select UDP first and then TCP. Then click the check button. After the end of the check, the program will display 3 totals for TCP and 3 for UDP. If the text of all 6 test results is green, then the procedure was completely successful. For an example, see the screenshot on the right.

Server Administration

This section describes the elements of server administration - the process of managing and maintaining the correct operation of the server during its operation using the command line and graphical interface elements.

GUI Description

The server window GUI consists of the following elements:

  1. Information window. This window displays information about the amount of used RAM, is dynamically plotting the amount of RAM used, etc.
  2. List of players. This window displays a list of nicknames of all players who are connected to the server.
  3. Log and chat. It displays information about the state of the server, errors, the result of operations, the use of server management commands by players, etc. All messages sent by players to the chat are also displayed here. All information that is in the log window is automatically written to a file server.log, located in the same directory as the server.
  4. Command line. This panel is the most important part of the GUI. From it, the administrator can administer the server: add to the whitelist, ban, give players items or operator powers (see below), save the map, stop the server, etc.

Console Mode

In console, or nogui, mode, only the log and command line are present. They perform the same functions as the corresponding graphics mode windows.

You can only run the .jar version of the server in console mode ( minecraft_server.jar). To do this, you need to specify the nogui parameter in the launch command:

Java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui

Description of available commands

Teams in the game are divided into two groups: for operators and players. With their help, you can access some useful features, and operators to monitor the status of the server.


Q: Players cannot destroy blocks, everything broken is returned back. How to fix it?
A: There is a protected zone near the spawn point, in which blocks can only be placed and destroyed by server operators. That is, players just need to move exactly as many blocks in any direction as it costs in spawn-protection in the server configuration file.

Q: In the server log, the message “Can’t keep up! Is server overloaded or system time changed?” What does it mean?
A: This means that the server is currently overloaded and may not work properly. You can reduce the load on the server by closing all third-party programs, thereby reducing the load on the processor and freeing up additional RAM. You can try restarting the server. The speed of the server is highly dependent on the number of players playing on it.

Q: Players complain that the server lags terribly. How can I fix this?
A: Perhaps the Internet connection speed is insufficient, or the computer hardware is too “weak”. Try to minimize the use of Internet traffic (close Internet browsers, torrent clients, etc.) and reduce the load on the use of computer resources. Add Minecraft_Server.exe to your firewall/antivirus exclusion list, and best of all turn them off. Try restarting the server. Ask players who are experiencing lag to reconnect to the server - it may be a client side lag issue.

Q: Players cannot connect to my server. What to do?
A: First, try to connect to it yourself, using the server's IP address localhost. If you were unable to connect, the server was created completely incorrectly. You may have made a mistake while configuring the file, or your antivirus is aggressively blocking the game server. If you managed to connect to your own server, check if you have correctly determined your own IP address. Perhaps you forgot to open the ports that the game server uses. Check the server log for errors - they can point you to the cause of the problem.

Q: When connecting, players receive the message "Outdated server!" / "Outdated client!"
A: The server and client must be the same version, check this carefully.

Q: I want to run my single player map on the server. How should I do it?
A: From a folder saves, which is located in the directory of the installed game ( .minecraft), move the folder with your map (for example, New World) to the folder where the game server is located. Don't forget to change level-name in file if your folder is named differently than the current server folder. The transfer must be carried out with the server turned off.

Q: How can I create a new world?
A: Delete all files from your server world folder or specify a new world name in the parameter level-name in file

Q: I want to update the server. What is needed for this?
A: Make a backup first - if something goes wrong, you can restore the server from a backup. Then re-download the server executable file from the official site and replace your old one with it. Then start the server - all settings, maps and players should be saved.

Q: How do I add functions to the server /home /warp /spawn other?
A: Look in plugins for Bukkit. For example, there is a great CommandBook plugin.

Q: When creating a server, a message appears in the log: “FAILED TO BIND TO PORT. Perhaps a server is already running on that port?”. What to do?
A: This means that the port that the server uses is already busy, or access to it is closed. Disable your antivirus and firewall programs that use the Internet. You may have specified a port that is being used by another program (such as a web server or torrent client), or you forgot to open ports on your modem/router before you started creating the server. To learn how to do it, see the last section of this article.

Q: A message appears in the server log: "%username% lost connection: End of stream". What should I do?
A: This problem can sometimes happen on the Windows XP SP3 operating system. Try running the server in a virtual machine (eg VirtualBox) or change operating system.

Q: When I start the server, I get an error that my version of Java is out of date. How do I know what version of Java I have?
A: The game requires Java 8. To check your version, do the following:

  1. Open a command line (console, terminal):
    • Windows: -> cmd ->
    • Linux: Menu placement varies by shell, usually Applications -> System/Accessories -> Terminal
    • OS X: In the Dock or Finder: Programs -> Utilities -> Terminal
  2. At the command prompt, type java -version and press Enter
  3. In the response, find the line starting with java version . The next number is the Java version.

If you received a message like this in response:

Java is not an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file (Windows) bash: java: command not found (Linux & OS X)

it means that Java is not installed or environment variables are not set (the latter is usually only for Windows). Try to do the following:

  1. Right click on My Computer
  2. Click on Properties
  3. Click on Advanced System Settings
  4. Click on Environment Variables
  5. Find the Path variable in the list of system variables
  6. Click Edit and add to the end: ;%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Java\jre6\bin
  7. Open command prompt again and try again

If your version is below 1.6.1 or you don't have Java installed, go to the Java download page and download the latest version.

Q: I have a dynamic IP! And buy a static address for the sake of the server Minecraft'a don't want to...
A: Using services like DynDNS or No-IP you can get a static third level domain ( ,

Each Minecraft player wants to play with his friends on servers, but it is very difficult to find a decent server, and you want to be the admin yourself, so you can create your own Minecraft server. We wrote this article and filmed a video in which we sorted out everything related to the server, and after it, you are unlikely to wonder how to create a minecraft server on windows.

Video instruction:

There are many cores of Minecraft servers, we will talk about the four most popular ones.

vanilla- the official kernel from the developers. Pros: Released immediately after the release of the new version; Cons: Not many plugins; Low optimization of resource use; You will have to install Forge separately if mods are needed.

Bukkit- Kernel based on Vanilla. Pros: High optimization compared to the standard kernel; Many written plugins from third-party developers. Cons: Have to install Forge separately if mods are needed; The project was completely closed on version 1.6.4, there is no support on the official website. Exists now with Spigot.

Spigot- More optimized kernel based on Bukkit. Pros: Lots of improvements over Buckkit; All plugins written in backkit work well on this core. Cons: For a beginner, installation can be tricky; You will have to install Forge separately if mods are needed.

Cauldron(previously MCPC+) - A kernel based on Spigot that includes pre-installed Forges. Pros: Since Forge is already pre-installed, if you want to install mods, you do not need to install it yourself; All plugins written in backkit work well on this core. Cons: For new versions of Minecraft, you have to wait for the assembly for a rather long time, since at first the developers are waiting for the release of the updated Spigot.

Now you need to decide for what purposes you need a server and, based on this, choose the kernel on which you will develop the server. We will show the creation of a server using the example of each core.

1) First, download the server itself of the version you need:

(downloads: 6695)

(downloads: 6842)

(downloads: 30288)

(downloads: 233)

(downloads: 20230)

(downloads: 14446)

(downloads: 799)

(downloads: 16740)

(downloads: 215)

(downloads: 683)

(downloads: 336)

(downloads: 101)

(downloads: 191)

(downloads: 104)

(downloads: 9476)

(downloads: 7579)

(downloads: 11945)

(downloads: 312)

(downloads: 178)

(downloads: 162)

(downloads: 169)

(downloads: 506)

(downloads: 205)

(downloads: 470)

(downloads: 3932)

(downloads: 4478)

(downloads: 206)

(downloads: 267)

(downloads: 223)

(downloads: 1320)

(downloads: 962)

(downloads: 227)

(downloads: 159)

(downloads: 1566)

2) Create a separate folder for the server and copy the downloaded file.

3) Run the server file (for a file with the *.jar extension, you need to right-click on the file -> Open with -> Java) and immediately the console window will be closed (* for a version higher than 1.6), eula.txt false on the true. Save the modified file.

4) We start the server again, wait a few seconds and see that a lot of files have appeared in the folder, including the folder with the world, which means the server has started normally. But you can’t log in until you can (Of course, if you don’t have a license), to log in from a pirate, open the file "" and find the parameter " online mode=" and change the value from true on the false.

5) You can enter the game, in a network game, add a new server, you can use the IP "" (Without quotes) or "localhost".

1) Download the server of the version you need:

(downloads: 35937)

(downloads: 231)

(downloads: 18320)

(downloads: 13919)

(downloads: 702)

(downloads: 1265)

(downloads: 14882)

(downloads: 561)

(downloads: 217)

(downloads: 8386)

(downloads: 6813)

(downloads: 385)

(downloads: 175)

(downloads: 381)

(downloads: 180)

(downloads: 249)

(downloads: 6427)

(downloads: 6081)

(downloads: 230)

(downloads: 348)

(downloads: 1747)

(downloads: 1533)

(downloads: 145)

(downloads: 1685)

(downloads: 299)

(downloads: 254)

2) Create a separate folder for the server and copy the downloaded file there. Create a file start.bat(The simple .txt file needs to be renamed with extension start.bat) with the following content:
@echo off
java-jar spigot.jar

Download this file if you do not understand exactly how to create it:

(downloads: 90557)

2.1) Next, copy this file to the folder with the server.
Attention: Be sure to replace the line in the file spigot.jar to your server name, for example spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar !
To edit a file start.bat, you need to: right-click -> "Edit".

3) Run our " start.bat", you should see the following (* for servers older than 1.6):

A couple of new files appeared in the server folder, we are interested in " eula.txt", which you need to open and change the value false on the true. Save the modified file.
What kind of file is this? This is a user agreement between Mojang and you, by setting the value to true you agree to all the terms of this agreement.

But you can’t log in until you can (Of course, if you don’t have a license), to log in from a pirate, open the file "" and find the parameter " online mode=" and change the value from true to false.

What is this online-mode parameter? He is responsible for checking the license of a player trying to connect to the server, if the player comes from a pirated client, the server will not let him through.

5) We go into the game, into the network, add a new server, entering as IP - " localhost" (Not using quotes).

1) Download the version of the server you want to play on:

(downloads: 206174)

2) Unpack the downloaded archive into a separate folder.

3) Run the file start.bat and you will see the following (* for version above 1.6):

A couple of new files appeared in the server folder, we are interested in " eula.txt", which you need to open and change the value false on the true. Save the modified file.
What kind of file is this? This is a user agreement between Mojang and you, by setting the value to true you agree to all the terms of this agreement.

4) Start the server again. We are waiting for the launch to complete and see the word "Done" at the end, which means everything is ok.

Having a Minecraft server for all your friends is a great way to play together. You can assign different rules to your friends, from more frequent fights to just constructions and everything else in between. You will need a long-term internet connection. Also, servers work better if no other programs are running on the computer, so try to have a computer dedicated to just that.


Getting server files

    Find server files. You can download the Minecraft server program for free from the Minecraft website. You can have a Minecraft server without buying games, but you won't be able to play on it.

    Create a folder. The Minecraft server works directly through the program you downloaded from the site, and it will install itself in the folder through which you launch it. Create a folder with a name like "Minecraft Server" and download the server file into it.

Starting the server on Windows

    Install the latest version of Java. First check your Java version. In Windows XP/Vista/7/8, click on the Windows key and on the R key (K in Russian layout) to launch the "Run" command. Type "cmd" into the box to open a command prompt. Type "java --version" and press "enter". Your Java version must be 1.7.

    Start Minecraft server. Open the folder containing the "Minecraft_server.exe" file. Double click on the .exe file and a window will open showing the progress of the server construction. The process happens automatically. The server configuration files will be automatically generated and added to the folder.

    • At this point, you can log into your Minecraft server via LAN, or you can log in online if you're not using a router. If you are using a router but would like the server to be accessed online, follow the steps in the Port Forwarding section below.
    • If the server fails to boot and you get a garbled text screen, you will need to run the server as an administrator. Right click on the program and select "Run as administrator". You will need an administrator password.

Running the server on Mac OS X

  1. Open the server folder. Open the folder containing the minecraft_server.jar file. Create a new text document using TextEdit. Set the format to "Make Plain Text". Copy the following lines to a file:

    cd "$(dirname "$0")"
    exec java -Xmx1G -Xms1G -jar minecraft_server.jar

    • If you want to assign more RAM to the server, change from 1GB to 2GB or higher, depending on your system.
  2. Save the file. Save the file as "start.command". Open "Terminal" in the "Utilities" folder. You will need to give execution permission to the start.command file you just created. Enter the command "chmod A + x" in Terminal, then drag the start.command file into the Terminal window. This will give the file the right direction. Press Enter to save changes to the file.

    Double click on the batch file. By running start.command, you will start the Minecraft server.

Server connection

    Set operator privileges. When starting the server for the first time, exit immediately. Open the ops.txt file in the Minecraft server directory. Enter your username in this file to give yourself administrative privileges. Thus, you can kick or ban players, as well as change other settings.

    Set up your whitelist. Add the Minecraft usernames of your friends to the white-list.txt file in the Minecraft server directory. Only those users who will be in this list will be able to connect to your server. Thus, you will not miss different griefers in your game.

    Get an external IP address. Enter "my ip address" into Google and you will be given your external (public) IP address in the very first result. Let users enter your external IP address in the Minecraft multiplayer menu.

    • If your ISP assigns you a dynamic IP address, check the "Dynamic DNS" section below to learn how to set up a Dynamic DNS that will remain constant even if your IP address changes.
  1. Give out your address. Give your server's IP address or hostname to your friends. They will need to enter the IP address or hostname of your server in the multiplayer menu in Minecraft.

Server modification

    Install all plugins. There are many user-created plugins and modifications that you can download for free that will change the way you experience the game. It can range from building boosters to a complete overhaul of the economy, as well as completely new game modes. Use plugins to add variety to your server and keep your friends interested.

    Download and install the latest version of CraftBukkit. This server program will give you the ability to add plugins that are not supported by the regular Minecraft server program.

    Download new plugins. There are many plugin repositories available on the web. Find the plugin you like and download it. Make sure you are downloading from a trusted source.

    Install the plugin. Unpack the file you download. The .zip files must have .jar files in them, which in turn have all the plugin data. Copy each .jar file from the .zip file to the plugins directory in your server folder.

Setting up port forwarding

    Go to the configuration menu of your router. Each router has its own way to access settings. Most routers can be accessed through a web browser by entering the IP address, which is usually or

    Go to the "Port Forwarding" menu. As a rule, it is located under "Advanced Options". It may have a different name like "Virtual Servers" depending on the manufacturer.

    Enter the port information. By default, the Minecraft server port is 25565. If your router requires a port range, then enter 25565 in both "Start Port" and "End Port".

All Minecraft game players thought about: - "How to create a Minecraft server?" , "How to open ports on a computer?", "How to start a minecraft server?" Everyone wants to feel the power of the administration over the players of the server, or just finding the right server to play with friends is not so easy. Since not every player can afford to rent an expensive hosting for a minecraft server. we will consider options for running the server on a computer. These and a few more questions will be discussed in part in this article.

Features of cores for minecraft

To run the server, the developers created server cores. They are our main part of the server, which determine the version of the server.
We have created, where the most common versions of the cores for the minecraft server are located with download links from the site and a description of each core, its features. You can choose the right core for you.
We will consider from the simplest cores for the minecraft server to the most complex ones.

Description of the core for the Minecraft server


Vanilla core- this is the very first core that comes out after the publication of the version of the game itself, then builds of other cores are created based on it. Mods, plugins for minecraft cannot be installed on the Vanilla core. It can be downloaded from the official website


CraftBukkit - Designed to make it easier for developers to create plugins, as CraftBukkit can support plugins that are written only for this core.


Spigot core created on the basis of the CraftBukkit core and is designed to replace the "big brother" with stability and performance, as it allocates even less RAM. In addition, all plugins written for CraftBukkit will go to Spigot, but Spigot also has its own plugins that are not available to CraftBukkit.


PaperSpigot Core- This is a third-party improvement of the Spigot core that requires even less RAM for itself, and which is perfect for installing plugins on it. All plugins designed for Spigot will install perfectly on PaperSpigot.

MCPC plus

MCPC plus core- this is a server modification which, unlike its older brother (MCPC), which was created on the basis of Bukkit, MCPC plus is written from scratch, and allows you to install mods and plugins on the minecraft server without any porting.


Cauldron Core- this is a server modification based on MCPC plus which is designed to install both mods and plugins on the server. Minecraft is already built into it, and installing mods with this core is not difficult. This kernel was developed by combining the efforts of the Swedish developers of server kernels Spigot, Cauldron and Bukkit.

Choosing a kernel to create a server

This is one of the most important questions when creating a server. First you have to select the version of your server, then this server will be with mods, or it will only have plugins.

Server cores such as PaperSpigot, Spigot, CraftBukkit, and of course Vanila are great for a plugin-only server.

For a server with mods, you can use the Cauldron and MCPC plus cores.

You can find all server cores

1) Create a folder future server and go to it.
2) Downloading server core of your choice
3) In the same folder, create a text document and name it starter.bat(you can name the file whatever you want, the main thing is that it has an extension .bat)
4) Right click on the file and click "Change". To edit server files, it is better to use an editor

5) Write the value in the file -

@ECHO OFF SET BINDIR=%~dp0 CD /D "%BINDIR%" java -Xincgc -Xmx1G -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar paperspigot-1.11.2.jar

where paperspigot-1.11.2.jar is the name of your kernel.. Saving the file

6) Run our created file by double-clicking the left mouse button.

The server console should appear, and after a while it should close in order for you to agree to the rules EULA.

7) Several folders appeared in the folder with our server, we now need a file with the name eula.txt. Open it and change the value false on the true. Then save the document and close.

8) Again we start our starter.bat. The console should appear and the server should boot completely.
We write in English letters in the console stop and press Enter thus stopping the server.

After that, the server will save all files and the console will close.

Approximately the same folders and files will appear in the server folder as in the screenshot below.

9) Now in the folder with the server, open our main server settings file -, and immediately change the value online mode=true on the online-mode=false, thus we will be able to enter the server from pirated versions of minecraft. We save the file.

generator-settings- sets the template for generating a superflat world;

allow-nether- determines the possibility of transition to the Lower World. By default, this parameter is set to true. If set to false, then all players from the Nether will be moved to the normal;

level-name- the name of the folder with map files that will be used during the game. The folder is located in the same directory as the server files. If there is no such directory, the server automatically creates a new world and places it in a directory with the same name;

enable-query- when set to true, activates the GameSpy4 protocol to listen to the server;

allow-flight- Allows flights around the world of Minecraft. The default value is false (no flights);

server port- specifies the port that will be used by the game server. The default port for Minecraft is 25565. It is not recommended to change this setting;

level-type- defines the world type (DEFAUT/FLAT/LARGEBIOMES);

enable-rcon- opens remote access to the server console. It is disabled (false) by default;

level-seed- input data for the level generator. To be able to create random worlds, this field must be left blank;

force-gamemode- sets the standard game mode for players connecting to the server;

server-ip- specifies the IP address that will be used by the players to connect to the server;

max-build-height- indicates the maximum height of the building on the server. Its value must be a multiple of 16 (64, 96, 256, etc.);

spawn-npcs- allows (if set to true) or prohibits (if set to false) the appearance of NPCs in villages;

white list- enables and disables the use of the white list of players on the server. If set to true, then the administrator will be able to create a whitelist by adding player nicknames to it manually. If the value is set to false, then any user who knows his IP address and port can access the server;

spawn-animals- allows automatic spawning of friendly mobs if set to true);

snooper-enabled- allows the server to send statistics and data to developers;

hardcore- Enables Hardcore mode on the server;

texture-pac- the texture file that will be used when the player connects to the server. The value of this parameter is the name of the zip-archive with textures, which is stored in the same directory as the server;

online mode- includes checking the premium accounts of users connecting to the server. If this parameter is set to true, only premium account holders will be able to access the server. If account verification is disabled (set to false), then any users (including, for example, players who forged a nickname) can access the server, which creates additional security risks. With verification disabled, you can play Minecraft over a local network, without access to the Internet;

pvp - allows or forbids players to fight each other. If this parameter is set to true, then players can destroy each other. If set to false, then players cannot deal direct damage to each other;

difficulty- sets the difficulty level of the game. Can take values ​​from 0 (easiest) to 3 (most difficult);

game mode- indicates which game mode will be set for players joining the server. Can take the following values: 0 - Survival, 1-Creative, 2-Adventure;

player-idle-timeout- time of inactivity (in minutes), after which the players are automatically disconnected from the server;

max-players- the maximum allowable number of players on the server (from 0 to 999);

spawn-monsters- allows (if set to true) the spawning of hostile mobs;

generate-structures- enables (true)/disables (false) the generation of structures (treasuries, fortresses, villages);

view-distance- adjusts the radius of updated chunks to be sent to the player; can take values ​​from 3 to 15.

10) We start the server by running starter.bat again.

After the server is fully loaded, you can already go to the server. Using IP address or localhost. These are the local addresses of your computer, and you will be able to connect to the server only running from your computer using this address.

To use your server to the maximum, you need to give an OP to your nickname. The easiest way to do this is to write in the running server console
op YourNickname Everything in the console is written in Latin (English) letters.
For example, my nickname in the game SyRauk
Then in order to register op I need to register in the console
op SyRauk You need to write without "/" (slash)

After typing the command, press ENTER

The register does not matter. (You can write in both small and capital letters)

Article extracted from website article

Admin Commands in Minecraft

/clear [object number] [additional data]- Clears the specified player's inventory of all items or specific IDs.

/debug- Starts or stops debug mode.

/defaultgamemode- Allows you to change the default mode for new players on the server.

/difficulty- Changes the difficulty of the game, 0 - peaceful, 1 - easy, 2 - normal, 3 - difficult.

/enchant [level]- Enchant the item in hand to the level specified in the command.

/gamemode [target]- Changes the game mode for the specified player. Survival (survival, s or 0), Creativity (creative, c or 1), Adventure (adventrure, a or 2). The player must be online for the command to work.

/gamerule [value]- Allows you to change a few basic rules. The value must be true or false.


doFireTick- if false stops the spread of fire.
doMobLoot- if false, mobs don't drop drops.
doMobSpawning- if false, disables spawning of mobs.
doTileDrops- if false, objects do not fall out of destructible blocks.
keepInventory- if true after death, the player does not lose the contents of the inventory.
mob Griefing- if false, mobs cannot destroy blocks (explosions of creepers do not spoil the landscape).
commandBlockOutput- if false, the command block does not display anything in the chat when executing commands.

/give [amount] [more info]- Gives the player the item specified by the block ID.

/help [page | team] ? [page | team]- Displays a list of all available console commands.

/publish- Opens access to the world over a local network.

/say- Shows all players a message in pink.

/spawnpoint [target] [x] [y] [z]- Allows you to set the spawn point for the player in the specified coordinates. If coordinates were not specified, the spawn point will be your current position.

/time set- Allows you to change the time of day. The time can be specified as a numeric value, where 0 is dawn, 6000 is noon, 12000 is sunset, and 18000 is midnight.

/time add- Adds the specified amount of time to the current one.

/toggledownfall - Gives the ability to toggle downfall on or off.

/tp , /tp- Makes it possible to teleport the player specified by name to another or to the entered coordinates.

/weather- Allows you to change the weather for a specific time specified in seconds.

/xp- Gives a certain player the specified amount of experience, from 0 to 5000. If you enter L after the number, the specified number of levels will be added. In addition, levels can be lowered, for example, -10L will reduce the player's level by 10.

/ban [reason]- Allows you to block player access to the server by nickname.

/ban-ip- Allows you to block player access to the server by ip address.

/pardon- Allows you to unblock the specified player access to the server.

/pardon-ip- Removes the specified IP address from the black list.

/banlist- Allows you to see a list of all players blocked on the server.

/op- Gives the specified player operator privileges.

/deop- Removes operator privileges from the player.

/kick [reason]- Kicks the specified player from the server.

/list- Displays a list of all players online.

/save-all- Forcibly save all changes to the changes on the server.

/save-on- Allows the server to make automatic saves.

/save-off- Prevents the server from autosaving.

/stop- Shuts down the server.

/whitelist list- Displays a list of players in the whitelist.

/whitelist- Adds or removes a player to the whitelist.

/whitelist- Enables or disables the use of a white list on the server.

/whitelist reload- Reloads the whitelist, i.e. updates it according to the white-list.txt file (can be used when white-list.txt is modified manually).

Even more commands for the minecraft server are written

How to open ports for minecraft server

If you have ever used Skype or torrent or created a game server on your computer, you have faced the problem of opening ports on the router and setting up a firewall or firewall. If in the case of programs like Skype or, for example, uTorrent, it is much easier, since they themselves configure and open ports automatically using UPNP (Universal Plug And Play) technology - Universal Automatic Configuration of Network Devices., and add themselves to the firewall exception list themselves , then setting up a game or web server requires the user to do all this manually.

Before proceeding directly to practice, let's define the terminology:

Port- address of the application on the local computer. It is tied to the IP address of your computer and looks like this: . In this case this is the IP address, and what remains after the colon is the port, that is 80 . Ports are needed in order to determine which program the information received from the network was intended for. There are 65,536 ports in total, which is two to the sixteenth power. Some of them are reserved. For example, port 80 is used by servers for working with HTTP and port 444 for working with HTTPS. If you have a need to create your own web server, then you will need to open both of these ports for incoming and outgoing connections. By the way, ports are used by the two protocols TCP and UDP, and the difference between them is that TCP allows you to create a connection in which all data is checked and guaranteed to reach the destination, without errors. And UPD transmits data without integrity checking and does not guarantee delivery, which is not entirely good. But due to the unreliability of the UDP protocol, the load on the server is reduced, so it is often used in online games where a lot of players play at the same time, and for streaming video, for example, using Skype. Sometimes ports are used by viruses to connect remotely and transfer user data to intruder servers, for this there are programs for filtering ports, they can be called differently Firewall, firewall, firewall, and so on. But they have one goal - to prevent viruses from working normally, and vice versa - to do everything possible so that ordinary programs work correctly. For example, if your computer is connected to the Internet through a router, and this router has a firewall, and you have a firewall installed on your computer and the rules of these firewalls prohibit receiving and receiving traffic, for example, on port 5000, then until you configure both of these filters, then you You will not be able to work correctly with a program that uses this port.
I hope now you more or less understand what a port is and what a firewall is used for. And now you can move on to the most interesting, and useful, to the settings.

Video instruction.

The information for this article is taken from the site news

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