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Creation of an integrated smart home system. What is a smart home system and an example of its implementation

Smart home control from a computer

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Residents of apartments and houses spend a lot of time regulating many processes in their homes: turning on and off electrical appliances and lights, video surveillance. However, not everyone knows that these and other processes can be automated by controlling the appropriate equipment from an ordinary desktop computer that everyone has.

Home control from a computer is a logical idea. And it appeared even before the start of mass sales in the stores of automation complexes. Thus, every homeowner can now design a "smart home" with his own hands - the computer in this system acts as a key node. You can install it directly in the room or in a separate closet.

The user computer will perform all the "smart" functions, and the signal from external sensors passes through standard TCP / IP or USB channels. The convenience of creating such a node is also explained by the fact that more than half of manufacturers produce equipment based on a wired connection, which is equipped with adapters (to connect it to a computer or laptop). A possible option for working with analog or digital signals is a module for output and input, connected via USB. The capabilities of such a device are insufficient, and the automation itself is suitable for signals having a level of 0-5 volts. To convert the received signal, such a complex uses shapers and converters.

Home control from a computer

Advantages and disadvantages

To computer users, a PC-based smart home seems like a promising idea for the following reasons:

  • availability of the node for intelligent control. Home owners have at least one computer at home, and if necessary, even a budget netbook is bought for this purpose;
  • affordable cost of modules for input and output (compared to devices that are used with industrial controllers);
  • it has no restrictions on the number of connected devices (ready-made kits usually contain a small amount of equipment to control light and safety, and the controller is not designed for many devices). Having assembled a smart home with your own hands, you can configure it to perform the options you need, as well as a convenient way to control, whether it be voice commands or a smartphone;
  • the ability to create a complex complex with a wide range of functions.

Do not forget about the possible disadvantages of the system, among which the following are distinguished:

  • the need to select a reliable node (directly from the computer) with a fairly reliable operating system and wide functionality;
  • the dependence of the components of the complex on a laptop, which breaks down during use due to mechanical breakdown, wear or blackout;
  • the need for self-planning schemes and their implementation.

Control technology

Home control from a computer is hard to imagine without power control. To implement this technology, experts recommend using 1-wire from Maxim / Dallas. This technology is used in industrial and domestic systems and has proven itself well there.

In addition, it is convenient to control and monitor the security complex from a computer - in a remote mode, you can view data from video cameras and information from sensors to find out how children or animals behave, and also to see if there has been an unauthorized entry into the apartment. In addition to a computer, to implement this idea, you will need video cameras with motion or door opening sensors that can be connected to equipment via a USB connector. If you are worried about the standard 5m wire length limit, buy an active long cable or bundle the wires through special hubs with external power (other options are possible).

To teach the “smart home” system to understand the owner and even talk to him, you can use the most accessible method and adapt the speech recognition functionality from Google to your needs. Millions of people around the world have already appreciated its decent level of voice translation and search.

Smart home control technologies from a computer

To coordinate and control the system using a computer, it is best to write a separate program for all its components or use ready-made solutions (Ardublock). This software environment for the automation of technology comes with some sets of electronics. In addition to managing alarms and electricity, such a program will be able to:

  • manage the state of electrical appliances (connect and disconnect equipment through the "smart" socket, program the turn-on time and operating mode);
  • measure and control a constant temperature in the house.

Automation is increasingly being introduced into the daily life of modern people. And if earlier the pinnacle of progress could be considered automated production, now even everyday life, an apartment or a private house, can be quite simply radically improved by introducing the concept of “smart home” there. Indeed, today "smart home" systems are designed not only to optimize energy costs, but, first of all, to make a person's life more comfortable. The possibilities of modern "smart home" systems will be discussed in our article.

Combining a home theater, lighting control, water supply, video surveillance system, climate control, power supply and access control, gas supply and multiroom into one system is the task that the “smart home” system solves today. Let's go through each of the points sequentially, consider what modern automation systems can do in general in relation to our everyday life.

Climate control

The microclimate of public and residential premises greatly affects our performance, and health in general. The conditions of the air environment in the premises vary depending on the operating modes of the climatic technology. Heating and ventilation equipment, lighting equipment, and other devices - all this together has a certain cumulative effect on the human body, on well-being, and on health in the end. And the technique is getting more and more complicated.

Automated systems allow not only to promptly monitor and control all this equipment, but ultimately take care of our health. With the help of sensors, the current state of the air in the room is monitored, and through the control panels, the operating modes of air conditioners and supply ventilation and heating are adjusted. That is, the climate is automatically adjusted to the requirements of a person, which are set by pre-settings.

So climate control allows the following. Air quality control depending on the weather outside the window and on the time of day. Timely ventilation of premises by controlling heating and opening windows.

Underfloor heating control. Maintaining optimal temperature and humidity individually in each room. For example, a food storage room requires its own special climate, which is different from the climate in the living room or in the kitchen, etc.

Control of temperature, humidity, fresh air flow rate, air purification system and ozonation. In each room, the conditions should be different, the most suitable for each family member, taking into account the place in the house where this room is located: some to the north, some to the south, and the control in each case will be individual.

Drafts are unacceptable in the nursery, the bedroom should be warmer, the bathroom floor should be warmed up on time, and you shouldn't keep it warm all the time. That is, the control turns out to be optimal so that the energy saving effect would also take place.

The setting varies according to the lifestyle of the family or community. On weekends, the heat supply to the work areas is reduced or cut off.

An autonomous heating system of a country house - on the contrary, turns on on weekends. The boiler is remotely switched on or switched to economy mode, etc. Everything is rationalized to combine efficiency and comfort of life. This is especially true for water supply, electricity supply and heat supply.


For a long time, you will not surprise anyone with a home theater. But to control sound and video from different places, as well as stereos located throughout the apartment - these functions are just implemented using the "smart home" system.

The home theater is connected to an automated system, and the whole complex of multimedia equipment, together with auxiliary devices, is harmoniously integrated into the apartment. There can be several sources of sound and video, and they can be multichannel: speaker systems, receivers, plasma panels, projectors - everything is controlled directly or remotely from anywhere in the room.

You can watch movies and programs, listen to music in all rooms or just a few, program a scenario and activate it with one button from the touch panel or from the remote control. The script program can be adapted to individual conditions: the blinds are closed, the light goes out or becomes less intense, the plasma panel turns on, the projector comes out, the player starts up.

Scenario programs can be edited, set in time to automatically start, set related settings for watching a movie, for example, turn on the air conditioner near the place where the home theater is installed if the weather is hot.

The “multiroom” function is exactly the function that allows you to hear sound or watch video in several independent zones of the apartment. It becomes possible to adjust the volume from any room, each of which has push-button or touch-sensitive, wall-mounted or desktop control panels, and there are also remote controls.

What could be a more expressive sign of the intelligence of a smart home system than smart lighting control? Lighting in a smart home is truly intelligent and therefore economical. Electricity resources in an apartment, house or office are used as economically as possible, without unnecessary waste.

The advantage of an automated lighting control system is that, relying on data from external and external lighting sensors, as well as on timers, it allows you to turn on and off the light of the desired brightness and only where it is really necessary. In addition, they open up a wide scope for creativity. In addition, the option to simulate the presence of the owners is available.

The modern "smart home" system is a complex of technologies for comfort, safety and efficiency. Stability is ensured by integration in the event of a centralized power outage so that the electronics remain functional at all times.

Batteries and inverters, chargers and oil generators are installed in the system and software integrated. At the moment of a power outage, the system will automatically switch to a backup source; in extreme cases, the security systems and the most important equipment will remain powered from the batteries.

Automated security system

The "smart home" system includes, as a part, security and fire alarms and video surveillance, so that both the owners' stay in the house and their absence would be safe both for the house and for the owners themselves. A video intercom and a perimeter security system can be installed here to protect against intruders.

As for security in general, the "smart home" system is able to provide: protection against short circuits in electrical wiring, protection against water leaks, protection against gas leaks, by triggering a smoke detector and turning on an autonomous fire extinguishing system, autonomous power supply, alarm, automatic call of the rescue service ...

Thus, a “smart home” will protect itself and its owners from any dangerous situations, because the system can include: automated gates and doors, automatic protective shutters, a video surveillance system, burglar alarms, sensors for presence, smoke, gas leaks, etc.

Controlling access to the premises, video surveillance of the adjacent territories, turning on the spotlights when penetrating through the perimeter are three more pluses in the piggy bank of advantages. Through the Internet, the owner will be able to remotely receive a picture from any of the cameras of the video surveillance system, this also includes the function of a baby monitor.

Video surveillance as such

Intelligent video surveillance is one of the main components of modern smart homes. Camcorders are connected to the Internet, and allow you to access yourself from anywhere in the world.

The owner can be abroad, while operatively observing any of the zones, and video cameras here can be controlled. For example, controlled cameras are usually equipped with gates, courtyards, nearby buildings, areas near the doors of apartments. The camcorder can be paired with a motion sensor, and signals can be sent to the control center.

The Internet and satellite television networks, as the main sources of information, are now conveniently integrated into smart home systems. Being inside the house, the owner can receive information and send it to various rooms, to televisions and monitors. This also applies to the transmission of information received from video surveillance systems. Thanks to the multi-room function, all these possibilities are opened up. Of course, it is possible to configure, if desired, remote control via the Internet.

Control from a mobile phone through direct voice commands and SMS is available today for owners of smart home systems. You can also set up call forwarding to your mobile phone when you are away from home, even when in another country.

If necessary, you can let guests into the house by simply sending the appropriate command from your mobile phone to your automated system. Similar opportunities are conveniently implemented via the Internet; it will be enough to find Wi-Fi for a smartphone or laptop.

Andrey Povny

How would you prefer to turn on lights or open doors in your home: using switches, wall touch panels, or from the interface of your smartphone? Or do you like all processes to take place automatically - on schedule or in response to movement, temperature, changes in other parameters? Or maybe you would rather say the commands out loud: "Sesame, open up! .." In a smart home, any of these options is possible - together or separately.

The ideal smart home control should be organized in such a way that household appliances and computer equipment, lighting and climatic equipment, security systems and media devices in your home quickly and unquestioningly follow your orders, helpfully adjust to your usual routine, taking care of the comfort and safety of your family like an old faithful butler. And this is by no means a fantasy, not a fairy tale about "invisible servants": the BMS Traiding company has been successfully implementing such control systems in apartments and private houses, in hotels and offices for several years already.

Comfort in management, in fact, is one of the main reasons why people are becoming interested in smart house technology.

Let's take a closer look at the options already available for installation in your home or office.

Fundamentals of the "smart home" control system

Lighting, climate, security and other components of a smart home can be controlled in a variety of ways. However, there are only two main directions - and each of the options is needed, good in its own way and in demand in certain situations. Together they form a balanced home control system.

"By the pike's command, at my will!" Whether you press an analog switch button or lightly tap to activate the desired process using the touch screen, whether you turn on the light while lying on the couch in your living room, or activate the heating system while in a traffic jam on your way home from work - in this case it does not matter. All the same, a smart home begins to perform this or that function only after your direct order. One could call this method "manual", but the input of commands executed by the smart-system can be carried out not only "manually", but also by voice. Agree that there is no fundamental difference between pressing a button and pronouncing the conventional phrase "Christmas tree, light up". One way or another, the decision is made by a person. Moreover, he accepts it not in advance, programming the reaction at home to this or that situation, but "here and now." However, “here” can be excluded from this bundle: no one will bother you to turn on the air conditioner in your Moscow apartment from a computer in Sydney or a smartphone in Lisbon.

The advantage of this way of interacting with home: you get exactly what you want at the moment. No sooner said than done! Minus: you still have to make some minimal effort - press a button, say a word.

"My own director" Voice control of the house is convenient and also very effective: just imagine the reaction of your guests to your dialogue with the "invisible servants"! But truly "smart" your home can only be called when it learns to independently respond to a particular situation, without waiting for your direct instructions. The option in which the house makes the decision takes you to a completely different level of comfort. And it is no coincidence that we drew an analogy with directing in the title: the fact is that this method of interaction is directly related to the implementation of the so-called "scenarios", which are a set of certain actions aimed at achieving a particular result. At the same time, the smart home "knows" not only the moment at which to start actions, but also the conditions under which they need to be completed. How does the system know to open the vents or turn on the coffee maker? All kinds of sensors come to the rescue - lighting, temperature, movement, etc. On the other hand, for many scenarios, activation by a schedule or by a timer is appropriate.

The advantage of delegating authority to a smart system is obvious: it's nice when everything happens "by itself." However, there is also a disadvantage: not all situations can be programmed in advance. Technology is not yet advanced enough for a home to truly think and learn by itself.

Getting rid of the disadvantages of each of the methods is not so difficult. Balanced systems that are designed and implemented by BMS Traiding employ both options. Thus, if the smart home suddenly did not realize that you are cold, despite the optimal (programmed) temperature in the rooms, you can always force the activation of heating using manual or voice control. Tired at work, want to go to bed early? In addition to the scheduled "Night" scenario, there are a number of simple ways to turn off the TV and turn off the lights - a switch on the wall or a smartphone on the bedside table will allow you to do this without much hassle. And believe me, the smart home will not object to you: "Let me, in my script it is written that now is the time to watch the evening news ..." Although, of course, it can tactfully warn that listening to music at full volume at three in the morning is fraught with conflict with neighbors. Or that turning on all the heating devices at full capacity does not make much sense, since the entrance and balcony doors are wide open.

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Ways to interact with a smart home

In order for the house to understand us, fulfill our wishes and follow our mood, “intermediaries” are required who accept our orders and pass them on to the system. And even in the case when it comes to the complete automation of the decision-making process, one cannot do without some kind of "connecting link" between a person and a central computer (controller?) In a smart home. Agree that without the ability to intervene in the work of a smart machine, psychologically you will not feel very comfortable. So do not rush to dismantle the wall switch by installing a light or motion sensor in the room.

As for home management tools, there are several types. Although, by and large, there are only two main groups: stationary and mobile. BMS Traiding is ready to offer you any of the smart house equipment options available on the market. Let's see what our specialists have in their arsenal.

Stationary management tools

Wall panels are presented today in a wide enough assortment to choose the solution that is optimal in terms of budget and functionality for each individual case. By the way, it is not at all necessary to install the most sophisticated switches throughout the house: in the bathroom you can install an analog or touch switch with the simplest set of functions - 2-4 positions are enough. But, for example, it will be much more convenient to control lighting in a living room with a dozen independent light sources through a touchscreen panel.

High-end panels from Western manufacturers are not only an interface for interacting with smart home systems displayed on a small touch screen fixed on the wall. For example, the HDL-MPTLC43.46 Enviro's wall-mounted 4.3-inch touchscreen has a built-in sensor that monitors the room temperature. The data received from it can be used to run scripts in automatic mode. Or simply display the current temperature on the screen in order to make a decision on your own. Enviro is equipped with an infrared receiver. And also this screen "falls asleep" when not in use, activating when you approach.

However, the "button" panel HDL-MPL8.48 has all the above functions. And a thermostat to boot! As for the usability of the interface, this is a matter of habit and taste. The compact liquid crystal display clearly enough displays the status of buttons, allows you to switch scenarios or control individual functions at home. And for small spaces, we would recommend the simplest (but by no means primitive) HDL SB-WS4M-EU panel. It looks like an ordinary switch, there is not even a display (though there is a backlight). But the panel supports dimming, it can be configured to run up to 99 scenarios.

The stationary group can also include devices for receiving voice commands. Microphones can be built into the panels or removed separately.

“The owner must pronounce the commands in an even voice, clearly and moderately loudly. If the task is not completed the first time, you need to calmly repeat the order without switching to a raised tone. "

Sounds like a dog training guide. This is actually a management guide "".

All our intelligent and unreasonable helpers need guidance, guidance, and command. In a word, in management. "Smart home", whose intellect is still far from the human understanding of the true mind, nevertheless, is capable of learning and self-learning.

In the speed of making simple decisions, it surpasses us, its creators, hundreds of thousands of times. Moreover, it does not suffer from multiple sclerosis. And he does not put off until tomorrow those things that can be done today.

Intelligent building management systems are able to monitor the parameters of the external and internal environment, recognize situations with human participation in real time, and monitor engineering systems. "Smart home" in accordance with the algorithms laid down in it reacts to changes, providing its owners with a comfortable microclimate.

He must fulfill all the current wishes of the inhabitants of the house and anticipate the future:

Bake hot rolls for breakfast and brew coffee;
- show the news program on TV;
- charge the battery of the robot vacuum cleaner and send it to clean up while the owners are not at home;
- prepare a hot bath in the evening.

An advanced "smart home" is capable of a lot, the possibilities depend on the hardware, software and, of course, means embedded in it.

Alas, home intelligence is still not smart enough to predict absolutely all our desires and needs guidance. For this, a number of methods and control devices of various levels are used.

Level one

Limited control of individual functions without interfering with the settings of the algorithms and the software environment.

Infrared, photoelectric, laser, temperature, weather, etc. These are sensors, the end of the "nervous system" of the "smart home". Some of them react to the parameters of the environment and control the operation of the equipment, many of them observe people. We unconsciously and constantly participate in management, simply being or absent from certain points of the building.

Switches, switches, regulators, and all sorts of other buttons on the walls. We are not always satisfied with the algorithms by which our "house" operates. For example, the level is too small at the moment. We increase the brightness on the dimmer manually. In accordance with the set program, shutters, blinds and curtains were lowered at night, but we want to admire the full moon and stars. We press the switch button, we open an overview of the clear night sky.

True, the elements of manual limited control can still participate in the reconfiguration of the system. For example, having precisely set the lighting levels in the room with switches and dimmers, we can then enter these parameters into memory and use them as one of the standard lighting patterns.

Level two

Management of subsystems with the ability to customize their algorithms.

Subsystem control panels... For example, control panels, centralized roller shutter management. We can turn on and off individual modes, change settings within a specific engineering function. The air conditioner cannot be turned on from the heating panel.

Subsystem control panels... For example, a home theater remote control or. He is able to do a lot, but only within the limits of his function.

Level three

Management of the entire "smart home", setting up algorithms without the possibility of interfering with the program.

Stationary universal control panels... Push-buttons are no longer relevant, touch-sensitive ones with a large and beautiful LCD screen are more convenient. The location is chosen arbitrarily, usually a corridor, kitchen and other frequently visited places. From the universal panel, the owners get access to all systems without exception, they can change the settings and intervene in the work algorithms.

Portable universal control panels... Almost a complete analogue of stationary ones, except that the screen is smaller. The same possibilities, communication by radio frequencies, in the infrared range, Wi-Fi.

Usually located in places where there is a need for one or more remote controls. For example, near the TV, in the living room. In this case, the universal remote control will replace the "sloths" of the TV, DVD-player, tuner, air conditioner. Allows, without leaving the couch, to see who pressed the intercom button, see the last e-mail message, use the organizer and much more.

The only drawback of a portable panel compared to a stationary one is that you can shove it somewhere and then search for a long time.

Computer or laptop... Any PC connected to a home LAN via a standard interface, including wireless, can perform the same functions as universal control panels.

Smartphone, tablet... Portable devices on which any of the operating systems are installed also give access to management.

Voice control... "… To pronounce commands in an even voice, clearly and moderately loudly." So far, chatting on abstract topics with your own home will not work. Maybe it's for the best. Anyone who has read or watched A Space Odyssey by Sir Arthur Clarke and Stanley Kubrick knows where long conversations between man and artificial intelligence can lead.

However, in terms of verbal communication, our home has the intelligence of a chimpanzee and is able to remember and execute a couple of hundred vocal commands. The main thing is not to get confused ourselves.

Remote control... We are not at home. Let's say we are in the Bahamas, nestling on the white sand on the shores of the azure sea. Or, for three hours after a long and hard day at work, we have been standing in a traffic jam, inhaling poisonous gasoline fumes and losing the remnants of mental balance.

At this time, the Russian national football team is fighting bravely against an experienced and dangerous team from Liechtenstein. We take out an iPod, tablet or laptop, connect to the network, enter a special “smart” program, then go to the interactive television menu, give the command “record”. Let's get home - we'll see. At the same time we will tell you to warm up the sauna, today is Friday.

Individual commands can be sent remotely and SMS using the set codes, as well as via voice messages.

Level four

Administrator access.

Full access... Only the administrator has it. This is not a device, but a person, one or several. It is carried out from the central computer of the “smart home”, with permission - from any PC connected to a local network or the Internet. You just need to know the magic word, the password.

The limitation of individual capabilities for different administrators can also be set. Often, not only the owners, but also the engineers of the company serving the "smart home" have a full or limited fourth level. By the way, they need him more. The administrator has the right to interfere directly with the hardware and software environment of the building management system.

Big "smart home"

The principles of intelligent management of engineering systems of a large building, be it an office complex, an airport, a hypermarket, a nuclear power plant or an intelligence agency, are subject to the same laws as a small “smart” apartment.

The difference is only in the scale of the system, a significant number of subsystems, and higher security requirements. Accordingly, there are stricter restrictions on access to all levels of management, starting from the second. Electronic and fingerprint keys, other biometric devices, less often voice analyzers are used to confirm access.

Today there are many elements of the electrical control system - various, temperature, motion and sound sensors. Together with the internal wiring of a house or apartment, they are able to automate the processes of turning on / off light, heating, and control the operation of some household appliances, taking into account time modes. But at the same time, there will be no centralized control system, that is, you will not be able to control light and other consumers from a single device.

That is why the smart home system is good, because with it you can control all consumers connected to the wiring using one device - mobile (tablet, smartphone, remote control) and / or stationary (computer / laptop, graphical interface of the system). At the same time, all sensors and relays are also present in the system and control the power supply in automatic mode.

In addition to elementary household consumers, an intelligent (smart) home can monitor and control communication systems, fire extinguishing, burglar alarms, telephone lines and many others, including engineering communications.

However, for complete control of household appliances, for example, regulation of the modes of an air conditioner or refrigerator, the devices themselves must have a special connector, through which they are connected to the electronic logic controller of the control system. Next, we will consider the basics that will give you an idea of ​​the smart home system, its principle of operation and its constituent elements.

Components of the smart home system

First of all, it is worth noting that today there are many modifications and configurations in which the smart home control system can be performed. Many manufacturers provide system kits with built-in Wi-Fi and / or Bluetooth transmitters (communication modules) embedded in the controller, by means of which you can control the system wirelessly via a mobile device within the apartment / house.

A kind of architecture of the smart home system

There are modifications in which control is carried out via the Ethernet interface (wired, via); they additionally need to connect switches and Wi-Fi routers for wireless control, if they are not built into the controller. As for the manual switches, they can also be connected to the central controller wirelessly or via wiring. In general, there is a variety of equipment for a smart home system, and the system consists of the following elements:

  • smart home controller (main and discrete input-output modulators);
  • expansion and communication modules (switches, routers, GPS / GPRS modules);
  • electrical circuit switching elements (relays, dimmers, power supplies);
  • measuring instruments, sensors and sensors (motion, temperature, light, etc.);
  • system control elements (consoles, touch panels, PDA, tablets);
  • actuators (valves for water, ventilation, gas, roller shutters, etc.).

When choosing equipment, it is also important to consider which protocol (method) of data transmission of the Smart Home system is used. For example, the widespread protocol EIB \ KNX uses computer networks, radio channels, and power electrical networks as data transmission. There is also the X10 protocol, which uses a 230 V AC household network for data transmission: the devices exchange the signal that is applied at the moment the AC crosses zero. These signals are 120 kHz RF pulses with a duration of 1 ms.

What is a controller for a smart home system.?

A smart home controller is a device that controls all consumers, devices, and also sends a report to the owner about the status of these consumers. It is guided by temperature, air, light sensors to control lighting, heating, air conditioning systems. It can be programmed to perform various actions over time, according to a time schedule. In addition to the stand-alone mode, the controller can be contacted via a special interface (computer network, mobile operator or radio network), and manually control the devices.

Devices controlled by the smart home system controller

The selection of the controller is necessary depending on how you want to build the architecture of the control system. For example, there are two types of governance systems: centralized and decentralized. The centralized control system is based on a single high-performance central controller that manages all consumers (appliances) and utility networks in the house.

In the case of decentralized control, an intelligent smart home system consists of several simpler controllers, each of which has functions for controlling a specific zone - a room and all the devices in it, separately lighting groups throughout the house, a certain purpose with household appliances, etc. ( regional controllers).

Central controller for a modern smart home system, it is a computer enclosed in a small plastic case with its own OS (operating system), random access memory and many electronic components for switching (controlling) signals: electronic relays, terristor keys, etc.

One of the complete sets of the central house controller of the smart home system (on board a wireless transmission module, USB, COM, Ethernet ports)

Also, depending on the configuration, there may be a built-in GSM module for remote control via a mobile phone, a Wi-Fi transmitter for controlling the system from anywhere in the house and a graphic touch or button interface (LCD screen). In addition, connectors for connecting to a computer and / or network equipment: Ethernet, USB.

Such a controller is able to control intelligent appliances such as refrigerators, microwave ovens, utilities, etc. (if the technology itself provides such a function), reporting to the owner even such data as the temperature in the refrigerator, input-output calls of the telephone line and much more.

Regional Controller , a discrete I / O modulator is a low-power logical electronic control unit on which smart home technology is implemented (by comparison, the frequency of the CC microprocessor is about 500 MHz, the RC is about 50 MHz), as a rule, it does not have an operating system and is system-configurable. It can be configured for any elementary scenarios in time or according to the signals of certain sensors.

Programmable smart home system controller with Ethernet interface (plug for connecting to the network)

He directs elementary tasks and events. For example, a light sensor connected to it gives a signal (at nightfall); the controller sends a signal to the executive relay or group for lighting control. He also notifies the owner of every action. In other words, a discrete I / O modulator is a kind of intelligent programmable electronic relay.

Such a device also consists of electronic components for switching the network and an intelligent part: a microprocessor with memory. It (depends on the manufacturer and configuration) may contain USB, Ethernet interface and other ports for control, programming and reporting to the owner.

What are expansion and communication modules for a smart home system?

Expansion modules are devices that are connected to the controller and extend its functionality. In part, adapters, doublers and measuring devices are also expansion modules. Such devices can be built into the controller, connected separately through a dedicated connector or a common connector for Ethernet, USB and other interfaces. Due to the fact that manufacturers of smart home systems use various encryption systems for data transmission, when choosing an expansion module, it is important to pay attention to its compatibility if the controller is purchased from another manufacturer.

Right - smart home system controllers with built-in wireless data transmission modules

Communication expansion modules for a smart home system are devices for transmitting data wirelessly or wired. The first includes well-known Wi-Fi routers that connect to the controller in the same way as to a computer via Ethernet or USB (there are also specially "sharpened" branded modules with their own connection system). Less commonly, separately connected GSM / GPRS modules are used (since they are usually built-in), with the help of which the smart home system can communicate with the owner via SMS notifications to his phone number. There are Bluetooth wireless modules (radio signal) and IR (infrared transmission).

GSM and Wi-Fi wireless communication modules; wired ethernet switch

For the wired method of expanding communication, switches are used - devices that connect several clients (computers, controllers and other smart devices) to one local network. They are necessary when setting up a decentralized smart home system, when there are several regional controllers, as well as for creating a common network with computers and other smart devices using appropriate interfaces. With a large signal transmission distance, special digital amplifiers - repeaters are used to amplify it.

Functionality extension modules smart home systems have a wide variety of functionality, and, as a rule, are connected to a common or special interface connector. They expand the list of controller functions, for example, the voice message module makes it possible to control the system by means of sound (voice) commands. It is also possible to make the smart home control system play sound messages (greetings, warnings, congratulations, etc.) to the speakers.

Expansion modules for controlling complex mechanisms, stepper motors, etc.

It is also worth noting the expansion of functionality by means of adapter modules, which can be used to achieve compatibility of various device standards. Special control modules are designed to control various specific devices (motors, door open / close mechanisms, ventilation valves; much more) and electrical circuit switching elements. So, the smart home controller does not have power over the power protective circuit breakers (plugs, circuit breakers), and when you connect the automatic control module and use controlled machines, the function of turning them on / off by means of the controller becomes available. To connect dimmers (dimmers - see below) to the smart home system, special expansion modules are also required.

What are the switching elements of the smart home system circuit.?

The concept of switching an electrical circuit should be understood as closing / opening it, as well as regulating the voltage and other parameters of the electric current. Voltage regulators (lighting), converters / transformers, power supplies, circuit breakers and relays - all these are switching elements, without which the installation of a smart home system (like any electrically conductive system) cannot be performed. They can have built-in mains overload and short-circuit protection and operate to open the circuit, thus performing a protective function.

A simple diagram of a smart home system with a controller, switching (control) elements of an electrical circuit and elementary consumers (in this case, lighting lamps)

Circuit breakers are designed to protect electrical wiring from overload or short circuit. They are selected according to the power for which the wiring line controlled by them is designed. For the smart home system, there are both ordinary manual and controlled circuit breakers.

The picture shows simple single-pole circuit breakers

The first ones have in their design a mechanism that, when heated due to overload, opens the circuit, and can also be turned off manually. The controlled machines have a special interface output to the control module, through which the main controller and the owner can control them remotely, without looking into the control room at all.

Relays and relay boxes - these are power circuit control elements using a signal supplied from the controller. The signal can look like a low power current, usually 24 V (again, there is no single standard, there are different systems and manufacturers) or another signal.

The image shows electromagnetic relays for monitoring one and several lines of the power circuit

Unlike circuit breakers, relays have no protection and the circuit closing / opening mechanism looks the opposite: when the control voltage is applied to the electromagnetic part, the latter activates the armature and mechanically closes the contacts of the power supply circuit (220 V). The most elementary relay for controlling one power line of the phase has three inputs and one output: a zero and a phase for controlling an electromagnet (24 V which), an input of a power phase (220 V) from a protective circuit breaker and its output to a consumer.

Voltage regulators (lighting) They are mainly used to control the supplied power and voltage for lighting fixtures. At the heart of such regulators is a circuit element - a rheostat, a device for regulating lighting. For an ordinary power circuit, it is a mechanism with a slider, enclosed in a box with the dimensions of the switch and also has an on / off function.

Dimmer controlled manually (right) and remotely (left)

The new sample control system for smart home lighting groups contains a device called a dimmer (it is also connected to the controller through a special control module). This device is designed to control one or more lighting power groups and is controlled by a controller in automatic mode or remotely by the owner, which is convenient. Another advantage of the dimmer is that through it the controller can control the brightness of the lighting, guided by the data on the level of illumination received from the light sensors.

Power supplies, transformers, converters - These are devices of a complex architecture, which are designed to change the parameters of the electric current, if necessary, on a particular section of the circuit or throughout the entire circuit.

Power supply from 220 V to 12 V

They are used due to the fact that some consumers are designed for other characteristics of the current than the alternating 220 V / 50 Hz, supplied in everyday life in the CIS and Europe. For example, take the same lighting: there are special fluorescent, neon and other highly decorative lighting that operate from 10/12/24 V DC. In order to achieve such characteristics, a 220-10V, 220-12V, 220-24V power supply is mounted on the corresponding section of the circuit. Such devices can operate in one mode, for example 220-24V, or in all three of the above.

What are measuring devices, sensors and sensors in a smart home system.?

These devices are like the organs of smell and touch for humans: they give an idea of ​​what is happening in the environment. Thanks to modern measuring instruments, sensors and sensors (of which the variety is very large today), the smart home system controller receives data on temperature, humidity, degree of illumination and atmospheric pressure outside and inside the room.

The figure shows sensors with elementary functions

There are instrumentation for monitoring the state of utilities: pressure and metering of water consumption and gas leakage with an electronic interface that allows this data to be transmitted to an intelligent smart home system, which will generate reports and send them to the owner.

Sensors and sensors analog The traditional model uses low-voltage currents up to 24 V as data transmission, as a rule, and electrical wiring of small cross-section as a transmission medium. For example, the most basic light sensor contains a photocell with an input and an output through which the low-voltage phase passes. This photocell changes resistance when light hits it, thus giving out different current parameters at different times of the day.

The figure shows elementary analog sensors that respond to household and carbon dioxide

The controller receives these values, processes them and, accordingly, sends a signal to turn on / off the groups of lighting fixtures, as well as control the lighting level (if there is a dimmer). A roughly similar system, only with different working elements, is available in temperature control sensors (based on their data, an intelligent smart home system controls heating), motion and noise (light, alarm), gas and water leaks (control of valves that shut off gas and water) and much more.

Sensors and sensors digital new generation have advanced functionality and are smart devices. For example, modern multifunctional motion sensors are capable of not only outputting data to the controller in two parameters: 1 ("yes", there is movement) or 0 ("no", there is no movement).

The figure shows a digital air humidity control sensor

They are able to measure the distance from the sensor to a moving target, detect delays in the movement of an object, and much more. All this is processed by a microprocessor built into the sensor and fed to the controller in the form of digital signals. It is worth distinguishing sensors from instrumentation: sensors and sensors detect events, and instrumentation detects the physical quantities of the measured body, object (speed, weight, volume, etc.).

Instrumentation - these are devices that are more complex than simple analog sensors, which accommodate new smart home technologies and control a wide range of parameters, provide their physical units of measurement. Digital barometers, water and gas meters, of the same voltage, are all instrumentation.

Hot water temperature and flow meter

Unlike analog devices and sensors, modern digital ones have their own calculation system based on a simple microprocessor; they process signals and, ready-made, send data to the smart home controller, thereby partially unloading its processor. As a data transmission medium, digital instrumentation and sensors use a special interface.

What are the elements and methods of controlling the smart home system.?

An intelligent (smart) home system can be controlled in three ways: wireless local, remote wireless, wired local, remote wired. Control devices come with the system - these are graphic control panels with touch or pushbutton input, remotes with receivers tuned to a specific frequency. Devices that are not included in the kit, such as mobile compact computers (smartphones, tablets), are configured using special software for remote control via worldwide information networks.

The smart home system can be controlled by a remote control, control panel and mobile devices

Wireless local control method with a limited radius is produced using control devices via a local (local) radio signal, Wi-Fi or Bluetooth wireless radio networks. In principle, in this way, you can control the system from anywhere in the house, and even while on a personal plot nearby. However, in large houses, additional radio points, wireless signal amplifiers may be needed. Control is carried out by consoles, touch panels, mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, laptops) that have a built-in or externally connected transmitter of a particular Wi-Fi network, Bluetooth or a proprietary radio frequency signal.

On the tablet screen - software for monitoring indicators and devices connected to the smart home system

Wireless remote control method available if the smart home system has been installed to global networks or communication expansion modules that provide access to them. These networks include GSM / GPRS (mobile control), mobile Internet, and a dedicated radio signal. The presence of an outlet to the GSM / GPRS network allows the system to send SMS, MMS and audio messages to the phone number of the owner of the house. It is also theoretically possible to control via the voice menu. Tools for managing smart home systems via global networks are, as a rule, smartphones, as well as tablets and laptops with built-in transmitter modules for the mobile Internet.

Wired local control , depending on the used data transmission protocols of the smart home system, may have data transmission media over twisted pair (computer network cable), electrical wiring (X10 system protocol) or some other cable. In each regional and central controller, the smart home control system provides an output for wired communication with control devices, as well as exchange of information with other intelligent devices that are under its control. If there are several devices, then the interface is expanded using a switch (see above "communication expansion modules"), creating several branches. For wired local control, control panels and switches (pushbutton and touch) included in the kit and separately are used, and it can also be controlled via a computer or laptop connected to the cable.

Touchscreen control panel for the smart home system, combined with an intercom

Wired remote control smart home systems are a network that is larger than the local one, that is, the home is controlled from the outside via a laid cable connected to the internal control network. As a rule, this control method is used in the management of automated processes in buildings. In general, you do not need to know this for home use (managing systems via regional wire networks).

What are the actuators of the smart home system.?

Unlike relays, which can partly be called executive elements (giving a command - the relay closes / opens the circuit), the executive mechanisms controlled by intelligent equipment for the smart home system are complex electromechanical products, devices designed to test high mechanical loads.

In the image, you can observe objects in which there may be built-in actuators of the smart home system

The working element of more complex devices (drives for opening / closing gates, blinds, etc.) is the engine, for less complex devices (valves, locks) - a core driven by an electromagnet. Most of them are controlled from low-voltage current up to 24 V inclusive, but there are also high-power drives designed for 220 V.

Electromechanical open / close actuators gates, gates, doors, windows, blinds and curtains; electromechanical parts built into furniture that make it motorized. In the set, they can have a connection interface and a remote control.

The girl controls the window mechanism of the smart home system using a wireless remote control

In advanced models of actuators, there are elementary automated control systems: built-in sensors and the ability to adjust the speeds and end positions of open / close. Today, most often there are autonomous drives for curtains and blinds that are not controlled by an intelligent smart home system: controlled from an infrared transmitter remote control, and have no connection with the smart home controller. Nevertheless, such devices are also considered separate elements of a smart home.

Low, medium and high pressure valves - these are simpler mechanisms for controlling water supply networks (including fire extinguishing), gas pipes and ventilation. Valves are used in control systems: gas - in gas control systems, water - control of water supply, prevention of flooding and fire extinguishing.

The image shows a water valve controlled by a smart home system

Very healthy and worth noting is the ventilation valve system that is triggered by carbon dioxide (CO2) sensors. The system removes gases that are harmful to humans and creates a favorable microclimate. Such elementary mechanisms include electromagnetic locks and other elements of access control to the premises, which are part of the security system of a smart home. Such devices generally do not have microprocessors, they have only two positions: open and closed.

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