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Creation and design of a YouTube channel. How to make YouTube channel art

In today's lesson we YouTube channel design theme.

After you sign up and set up your URL, I suggest you go to this bell. Most likely, the number three will appear here for you, this is if you just registered on YouTube.

Let's get a look. I don't have any news right now, but I'll check what I've read. Since I registered a new gmail address especially for you, I get three messages: "Welcome to Google +", "Fill out your profile" and offer a different subscription. We are interested in the second message - this is "Fill out your profile." We click on it and a new window opens, where we need to click "Open profile".

We find ourselves in a newly opened "window". In order for us to be more loved and respected in the search engine, let's fill out the questionnaire. All sections must be completed in order. And at the end of each of them, click "Save and continue." Further. We can change the cover here, and to the left we can change the photo, it will immediately appear on your channel.

To do this, click on the "camera" icon and you will see a new field where it will say "Select a file on the computer." Let's say I select the Alt Club logo file. It can get so bad that you see the message “Uploaded photo is too small. It must be at least 250 pixels wide and 250 pixels high.” Alt Club has a program that will help you make these settings. This program is called Fastum Kepche, it is very convenient. She looks like this.

Now I open it and show how to work with it. You can find this program and download it safely in Alt Club. You will pass a free registration in the Alt Club, go to the "Libraries" section, and there you will find Fastum Kepche. So, you need a picture 250 by 250. Go to the folder where the picture is located. Click on it with the right mouse button and select "View" in the drop-down menu. The picture is now very small. To increase it, I hold down the Ctrl key and press +. You can see how the picture has grown.

We have set up the main. Of course, there are many more things you can learn here, but this is not paramount. Let's go back to our account now and see how our photo has changed. We refresh the page and we see that the picture has changed, and the Alt Club has appeared. Now we move the cursor to the upper right corner and catch the “pencil” there, click. Two inscriptions appear: "Change links" and "Change channel design". Click "Edit Links".

Surely you have some projects that you would like people to attend. After all, you came to YouTube to earn money, find subscribers, and so on. Therefore, we need to make a description of the channel. Here we write that Alt Club is a free educational social network. Of course, here you write your text, you give information about yourself, about your company, that is, everything you want to tell about your channel. I will briefly write that here are Free computer literacy lessons.

We have a free Altoshka center for children. We have a free training on recruiting subscribers here. Etc. When a person comes to your channel, he will definitely take an interest in what you wrote about yourself, about your business, about your work. Also here in the section "About the channel" it will be shown how many subscribers you have, how many views and so on. You can also specify Skype, be sure to write an email address, phone number, and so on and so forth. We click "Finish".

Farther. Custom links, what does it mean. This means that a person will come here and see your project. In this case, I will write here my Alt Club project and give a link to it, click "Finish". As you can see here I have an active link. That is, a person, by going to my channel and clicking on the link, will go to the Alt Club website. I can also edit this section and click "Add". Let's say I can write an Alt Club Blog and give the blog address here. I click "Done".

Now we see that we already have three links, a person will come in and see what I offer him.

Our lesson is over for today. Make settings for your channel, and next time we will continue this topic.

Nastasya Gerasimenko.

Hello long-awaited!

I am glad to welcome you, my viewer! Today's article will not be ordinary, but it opens a series of 3 super-articles on the full setup of your YouTube channel.

If you came by my way, then thank you for trusting my work.

In this first article, I will show you how to design a YouTube channel and how to customize the modern look of your channel. Without water and superfluous words. Moreover, if you do not like to read, then at the end of this article you will find a video about it.

In a few minutes you will have the most up-to-date channel in the world!

How to make a channel on youtube

But before that, I’ll tell you a few more words about why you need to read this article to the end: they are greeted by clothes. And you go to some and want to cry)

And the video is good, but the impressions are spoiled.

Here are examples of channels, there are a lot of them, how not to do it (you will see in the video). Take a look and if you also have it, then urgently redo it for me from this video lesson (at the bottom of the article).

The idea is simple - if you started running a channel, then make it attractive to your subscribers. Many people miss this moment, but for this I am recording this video again and writing this article so that you do it once and forget it.

But then potential subscribers and future customers will love your channel forever.

New youtube design

Now is not the 90s and marketing, how you will present yourself (or your channel), which means that you love what you do, and people will treat you.

Design the channel in a modern way, spend 10 minutes on it and get new fans after that all the time, automatically.

One more moment!

The remaining two videos will be even more useful and you will see a link to them in the video itself, as well as in the description for it.

The second video will be about the most important thing that you should do on your channel. These are your actions before uploading the video to the channel and what you should do after uploading the video.

This will also be discussed in the next blog post. Look forward to coming soon!

Foundation of the basics. From the second video, you will learn once and for all how to properly upload videos so that they go to the top of Google and YouTube.

And the third video will be strategic. And again, I will write a whole article about it. Don't switch!

I'll show you the essence of all the work on the channel. We will make a plan for uploading videos for the year. Let's work out a strategy. This is how everything will be cool and everything is for you. So don't miss out!

How to make a beautiful youtube channel

Now let's get started with the first lesson.

Go to our channel and click on the gear icon. Attention! We turn on the most important button: “Customize the appearance of the “Overview” page”.

"Privacy" also turn on the sliders so that they are turned on.

Now your channel has become presentable.

Everything, in fact! That's what I've been talking about for a long time to all my subscribers and clients!

You can do nothing else - just one button!

Was it hard for you to turn it on?

I think not)

Properly design a YouTube channel

But now your channel has acquired a modern look! You can turn off this video, because. it won't be as interesting anymore.

Before these manipulations, you had just a feed, i.e. all your actions on the channel.

Setting up the main page.

Not necessarily, but you can additionally enter text about the new video (preferably attractive).

In order for the new video to be seen by as many people as possible, you need to check the box “Add a link to this video to other videos of the channel”.

And click on "Finish".

After that, we set up the trailer for new viewers in the same way.

Now we can add some sections.

We can add videos, playlists, channels and more...

And it happens that you go to the channel to such a beginner who has nothing set up, and there you can’t find fresh videos.

How to make a channel on youtube

It seems that the channel has been launched and abandoned for a long time, although the author just added a new video today. Like this!

Content (i.e. your videos) can be arranged either in a horizontal row or in a vertical list.

Thus, we add sections to the channel.

This is an important aspect of the design of individual style and convenience for subscribers.

Do not ignore the section on the right, which is called "Interesting Channels". It can also be customized. Rename and add your friends' channels and your channels there.

Well, that's all I have for today. Now you know how to design a channel on YouTube correctly and beautifully.

Be sure to repeat all the steps in the video and set up your channel:

Stay tuned for my new articles (to be continued) and the most important second video of this series, and in it!

Don't be greedy, share what you've read with your friends (click on all those pretty buttons)!

This section tells you how to make a beautiful design on your YouTube channel on your own. Here are step-by-step guides for creating an original homepage design, as well as tips on choosing and positioning the main elements.

The design of the main page of the channel on YouTube

To make the design of the YouTube channel, the easiest way is to contact the experts. But the problem is that no one provides such services for free, and to order a cool design, you will need to shell out a considerable amount. Not everyone can afford it, and in such a situation the question arises of how to make a cool design for a YouTube channel with your own hands from scratch.

Creating a YouTube channel consists of the following steps:

  1. Selecting and setting an icon.
  2. Placing a background image for the main page.
  3. Playlist creation and design.

Consider each of the above stages of beautiful design in detail.

Starting with the channel icon

The icon or avatar of the channel is needed in order to make it recognizable. This element will be displayed not only in the header and next to all posted video files, but also in comments, search results among similar sites. Therefore, the choice of a picture for the design of a channel on YouTube must be taken seriously so that later the user is not concerned with the question of how to delete or change it.

Most often, the owners of such sites set their own photo or project logo on the avatar. In about 10% of cases, cartoon characters are used, but most often this can be found in the design of channels for online games. And also there are photographs of famous personalities or simply incomprehensible images, selected according to the principle “to be”.

It is not difficult to understand what is needed for the avatar. It is better if this is a photo of the creator or some image that reflects the main theme of the content posted here. For example, if we are talking about the design of a children's channel on YouTube, some kind of cartoon character would be appropriate. The main thing is that the image size does not exceed 800 pixels.

How to upload an avatar photo:

  1. On the main page of the channel, click on the pencil, which is located in the upper right part of the icon.
  2. After going to the avatar replacement field, click on the browse button and find the prepared picture.
  3. Upload the image, setting the desired size, then click on the "Finish" button.

It happens that the avatar is not updated immediately, and you have to wait 10 minutes until a new image is installed.

On a note. There are many sources from which you can download ready-made images for the channel icon, with and without captions

Selecting and setting a background image

With a cursory glance at the background of the channel, it should become clear to the visitor what topic it is dedicated to. Therefore, you need to choose an image that will contain a maximum of information.

To get a suitable picture, you do not need to think about where to order it, you can pick it up in Google or Yandex, or use popular photo stocks.

At the same time, you should choose a cover for the channel, the size of which is 2560x1440, or adjust it to the desired parameters using special psd templates in Photoshop.

For further work, you need to download a template for the cover and open it in Photoshop, then overlay the desired image, add text, and more.

Subsequently, it will be quite easy to change the image, update and improve it when necessary.

Posting the channel trailer

The next step is to select and insert a trailer. It will be broadcast to all users who have not yet subscribed to the channel. Therefore, the main task is to give it maximum information about what the visitor gets if he adds him to his favorites. This element is optional, but still desirable.

After selecting the appropriate video, you can start downloading it. You need to do it like this:

  1. Find a subsection for new viewers under the “Home” tab and click on it.
  2. In the window that opens, select the button to install the channel trailer.
  3. In the overview field, find the desired video and enter its address.
  4. Click the sticker to save.

To make the video available to users, in the settings menu you will need to move the “slider” opposite the overview menu towards activity. After that, it will be useful to see how the video was loaded by activating the "View as a guest" function.

Creating and designing a playlist

A properly designed channel, to which a new video is constantly uploaded, cannot do without a playlist. It is a kind of navigation tool and helps to group materials by topic.

You can arrange it in two ways: through the playlists tab on the main page or in the menu of the creative studio. Here you will need to go to the subsection of the video manager, and then click on the playlist row.

Then you need to do the following:

  1. Click on the plus sign to add a new playlist and enter its name.
  2. Confirm the action by clicking on the appropriate button.
  3. Add a description to the playlist.

After that, you will need to configure. There are three tabs in this menu: "Basic", "Auto-Add" and "Co-authors".

In the first case, you can configure user access to the video. He can be:

  • open when all visitors see the materials;
  • accessible by link, in this case the material is viewed only by those to whom it was sent;
  • limited if only the owner of the channel can start the video.

In the auto-add tab, you can set options according to which new videos will be automatically uploaded to the selected playlist after entering a specific phrase or tag.

By making the appropriate settings in the collaborators tabs, invited users will have the right to add their own videos, which will allow you to create shared playlists.

Making the design of a YouTube channel on your own is not difficult at all, the main thing is to follow the sequence of actions and select high-quality materials.

Today it is considered very fashionable to have your own.

With its help, many increase self-esteem, try themselves as directors and even earn a lot of money.

However, many do not know exactly where to start creating their channel. And you need to start it with the design.

What is the need for proper formatting?

Beginners often make mistakes with the design of the channel at the initial stage. More precisely, they simply ignore this question. And this is important. A well-designed channel plays a big role in attracting subscribers.

Moreover, the graphic design should display the video it contains.

A simple example of this is a channel about jokes. Agree, for such a channel, graphic design in the style of nature will not work, because, to put it mildly, it will look ridiculous.

It is worth noting that it is not so difficult to come up with a stylish design, but installing it is more difficult.

Recent changes to YouTube have made the checkout process a little more complicated, and it's quite difficult for newcomers to cope with this.

Step by step setup instructions

Channel setting procedure as follows:

  1. Setting up the graphic part.
  2. Good channel description.
  3. Create a playlist, sections and so on.

Let's consider each item separately.

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Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it got!

Customizing channel graphics

A cap

In the event that the channel is made out for the first time, then under the banner with the name of the channel there will be a proposal for the design of the header. After clicking it, a new window will open in which you should upload an image.

Image must have the size 2560x1440 pixels. The uploaded picture will be the header itself instead of the boring gray background.

The best option would be if the image is created exclusively for the content of the channel.


The avatar will be located in the channel header, which the owner has already set.

Now it looks like a small square in the upper left corner. If you hover over it, a pencil will be highlighted, after clicking it, a window for downloading will open.


This procedure is not obligatory, but if you have your own website or a group in a social network, it will not interfere with the channel and will help either visitors to the site.

To do this, hover over the header and select "edit link". After that, you need to select “link” or “social network” and click the add button.

At the last stage, we insert the address of the site or group and confirm the action.

Creating a background

To do this, go to the "Themes and colors" section in the channel settings.

In the new tab that opens, just select the most suitable background and confirm the choice.

Many vloggers create exclusive backgrounds for themselves, but for a beginner, the standard ones that YouTube offers are enough.

The rules for preparing images for channel design are set out in the following video tutorial:

Preparation of a competent description of the channel and information about it

Text is the best source of information that is used by search engines.

That is why, including video, plays an important role in its effective development.

It is enough to spend 20 minutes once writing an effective description, and then only make the necessary adjustments to it as necessary.

The channel description itself should reflect the subject of the channel. It is necessary to indicate everything about the channel in order to interest users.

It is worth noting that the description of the channel should be no more than 1000 characters. The best design would be to break the text into small paragraphs. Initially, it can be typed in a regular text editor, and then copied into the appropriate field.

Channel settings allow you to view the page in several modes, namely as:

  • administrator;
  • guest;
  • subscriber.

To add a channel description, go to the “About channel” tab and select “Channel description”. In the empty window that appears, the text is inserted and confirmed by clicking “Finish”.

Keyword selection

Compilation of the semantic core together with the selection of keywords similar to site building.

Herself YouTube structure includes:

Keyword selection for YouTube is selected in this way:

  • high-frequency requests are selected for the channel name;
  • for playlists - mid-frequency;
  • for video - low-frequency requests.

After the theme of the site is determined, it is necessary to start selecting keywords.

Many people use for this.

How to correctly enter keywords on the channel

In order to record the main keywords for a channel, you need to go to the “Additional” page. To do this, first go to the “Video Manager” section. Then you need to go to the "Channel" tab. The line labeled “channel keywords” should contain all the main keywords. Each word or combination is taken in quotation marks and separated by commas.

It is worth noting that you can enter as much as the service itself allows.

In order to write keywords in the playlist, you should go to the “Video Manager” tab, then select the “Playlists” subsection, and finally go to the “Add Description” tab.

Fundamental rules are as follows:

  • in the title and subtitle, you must use a search query;
  • repetition of keywords is allowed no more than 10%;
  • it is mandatory to use synonyms, word forms and other diluted keywords;
  • the last keyword in the last paragraph should be spelled out.

Similarly, the process of writing tags for the newly uploaded video takes place.

It is also worth noting that you can peep keywords from popular channels that are competitors in terms of subject matter.

Adding sections, playlists, creating a trailer

Creating a trailer on the main page of the channel, including adding sections, significantly increases promotion and allows you to get a sufficient number of subscribers in a short period of time.

Creating a trailer

To add it, you need to return to the main page of the channel. This can be done by simply clicking on the house icon below the header.

After that, just click on the “Channel Trailer” section. After clicking, a page will open with all the videos that are on the channel. It is enough to choose the appropriate one and confirm the action.

After that, every visitor who enters the channel will see this trailer on the main page.

Experienced video bloggers create exclusive trailers. This is done in special video editing programs, then, like a regular video, it is uploaded to the channel and added to the main page.

In case a beginner decides to try his hand at creating his own trailer, you need to pay attention to such recommendations, as:

Adding sections to a channel

Below the previously installed trailer, you can see all the content. It's under sections.

You can leave everything in its place, or you can do everything again.

How to do it? Elementary. To do this, click “delete all partitions”, and then, in an empty window, click “Add partition”. It allows you to select the parameters by which the video will be displayed.

An example of this is the sections “Popular”, “Liked” and so on. It is worth noting that several sections can be placed on the main page at the same time.

Other Important Appearance Settings

The other important settings in the design of the channel are change of his address.

By default, YouTube assigns it such an approximate address http//, where UCIZ_fgfh_fgfh_gg is the name of the YouTube channel itself.

Agree, the best option would be to replace it. To do this, just go to the “Advanced” section, then enter the “Account Information” subsection.

After a new window opens, you must click "Create a custom URL". Where the URL is to enter a new name.

It is worth noting that the new name can be the direct name of the channel itself.

In addition, an important point in attracting video viewing is linking the channel with social networks.

To do this, just go to the "Linked accounts" section and select the social network in which the page exists.

Each time a new video is added, the information will be transferred to the social network with which the channel is associated and thereby attract new visitors and thereby increase the number of views.

A nice and properly designed YouTube channel is the key to your success. In this episode, you will learn how to properly design your YouTube channel.

The very first thing that catches your eye when you enter the channel is the logo (avatar) and background design. Let's start with them.

By the way, you can download ready-made psd layouts from us:

So let's get started. Let's start with the avatar, and then the background.

YouTube channel logo (avatar)
Everything is quite simple here, after you have created your channel on Youtube, go to your Google+ account and update (upload) your logo there. After a small update, the changes will take effect and your picture will begin to appear on the channel.

YouTube channel background design
This stage is somewhat more difficult, because in order to properly display your background, it must be of great exchange and adapted to all types of devices. But, this problem can be solved in 3 ways:

  1. Do it yourself;
  2. Download the finished layout;
  3. Freelance order.

In this article, we will consider the 1st point and learn how to make the design ourselves, which is always useful when working with YouTube. At the moment, there are 2 sizes that fit the design of the background image.

The minimum size is 2048 X 1152 pixels.
The maximum size is 2560 x 1440 pixels.

We have prepared for you a template with marked borders of the so-called "safe zone" - inside which your background will be displayed on all devices. And what is abroad will adapt to different devices.

This is a psd template, with fields inside which you can safely place your image or add a text description. Open it in Photoshop and start editing. After making the edits you need, save as a jpg (jpeg) or png so that the size does not exceed 4 MB.

Examples of Cool YouTube Channel Designs

A selection of beautiful, cool, and most importantly well-designed YouTube channels.

Masha and the Bear


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