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Creation of a database in Excel for clients with examples and templates. How to create a hosted database

What is Database Creation? Distinguish between two desktop and client-server. To create a desktop, you need a program like Access. You can easily find it in any office suite. Now Access is produced by Infra-Office, Microsoft and many other office suite creators. As far as the client-server model is concerned, a simple model can be implemented using the Delphi "curriculum" program. Serious databases today are written in Oracle and Visual Fox Pro. These software platforms are equipped with graphical tools for creating processed queries to databases of 500,000 and 1,000,000 or tens of millions of lines.

Let's consider the most promising platform for programming of the past years, Delphi 6.0. Let's make a reservation right away that creating in Delphi is not just getting * .db or * bdb files, but installing it on a personal computer, setting up and automating it. So, in Delphi 6.0, database files are created in a subroutine located in the main menu of the development environment, Date Base Desktop 6.0.

Here you will find all the tools you need to create database files, assign a database type, and prepopulate it. Note that you will be able to create and operate only those files for which the driver is installed on the platform. For example, to work with the Visual Fox Pro 9.0 type, an external driver must be installed into the operating system.

As for the work of the program with a database created in Delphi 6.0, without its coexistence with the platform itself, this problem is solved by installing and configuring the Data Base Engine 6.0 (BDE) software package.

So, if you are determined to work with the Paradox file type, then, having written a program in a specific folder on your hard disk, you need to subsequently register the settings in the Data Base Engine 6.0 package, which include paths to files, their properties and the name of the database. This scheme works when you move the programs you create to another computer.

The Engine 6.0 package must be installed on the computer where you install the machine code created in Delphi 6.0.

Database creation in Delphi 6.0 is quite automated. An elementary program for storing data with one database file is obtained by a few keystrokes. The main difficulty here lies in the implementation of relational database forms. So SDNF 3 can be implemented by adjusting two DBGRID tables. And getting various types of reports in QReport is a whole story that you don't even want to touch upon. Let's just say that it is better not to throw the code of the created program into the trash can, since every custom report for people who do not know SQL will have to be re-programmed ...

Access creating a database in an office suite is easy. After entering the program, you get access to the necessary tools for creating or editing an existing database. Here, you don't have to go to great lengths to create a report or a new project form. Everything is solved almost intuitively. So, to establish a connection between tables, a graphical toolkit is used, which, in almost one touch, can link two necessary tables using the required key.

This article only covers the creation of a database on educational and desktop packages. As for serious programming, without knowledge of the existence of these platforms, you will never solve the problem of operating with large databases.

Many of the domestic users know what a commotion arose in due time due to the modified interface of MS Office 2007, and what they did not water its developers with! "Gurus" complained that the new office suite had become "inconvenient and strange", and therefore confidently predicted a quick death and complete oblivion of users.

In vain! Since nothing of the kind happened, on the contrary, it soon became clear that using the new version of the Office had become much easier and more convenient.

That is why (as expected) all the changes, the preconditions for which were created back in the "Office 2007", not only successfully migrated to its new hypostasis, but also received a completely logical development. That is why the 2010 version has become extremely popular among professional users.

Changes in the new version of Access

Very significant changes have also been made to the famous. Through the new component Sparklines, you can create and edit huge amounts of information. And thanks to the Slicer tool, it became possible to navigate easily and quickly even in huge databases. And all thanks to well-thought-out and tuned filtration systems.

What it is

To create databases correctly, you must first understand their essence. is a strictly organized structure designed to store and organize information. It can contain extremely diverse objects, but their logical unit is a table.

Their main difference from similar structures in the spreadsheet editor is that they are interconnected. Making a change to any element, you automatically initiate the replacement of all structures interconnected with it. Simply put, you no longer have to worry about manually editing huge information tables.

What operations can be performed using MS Access?

Do not assume that this application is a kind of "logical continuation" of Excel. The possibilities of the program under consideration are much wider. In particular, any MS Access presupposes careful thought over the information structure of a specific document, checking the integrity of the source data, and also using this information to model requests, forms and reports.

Example of creation

Since you can create a database in Access using the "Wizard", which simplifies the work for novice users, the process itself is not particularly complicated. But we would not recommend going this way, since for productive work you need to understand all the processes that take place.

Start the application first. A dialog for creating a new document will appear on the monitor. In it you should select the item "New database". In the field "File name" is entered meaningful it. Avoid repetitive and meaningless names: as a result of any mistake or your own inattention, you can easily lose important information.

After that, the button "Create" is pressed. Immediately after that, a new information table will appear on the monitor, on the basis of which you will create your project.

Which mode should you choose?

The table can be mounted in several modes, but we would recommend the "Constructor", as it is easier to control the entire process and to better imagine the entire internal structure of the document.

To go to it, use the transition "View-Constructor". You can then enter the desired name for the specific table. Since several of them may be required at once, we recommend, again, to use some meaningful names.

Now, in fact, the process itself. How do I create a database in Access? The first step is to select and fill in the field names, and to define and set the correct key field. Only then can you start filling the table with data.

To do this, use the "View-table mode" command. Note! If in the field "Item Code" in your case there is the value "Counter", then you do not need to fill in a specific field. When you finish the work on entering the information, you can close it. If a specific database needs a second table, it is mounted using the "Create-Table Designer" command.

Examples of bases

All of the above would be hollow without providing you with the "field experience" in which Access databases came in handy. Examples in this area can be discussed almost endlessly, but we will focus on an option that can seriously facilitate the passage of the educational process.

Let's briefly describe the creation of a document on What do you need to include in it? This should include the following fields: specialty code, group number, subject and teachers. Please note: the fields "Subject" and "Teacher" must be associated with additional tables, from which the program will draw the relevant information.

How it's done?

First, follow the instructions above. Go to the "Constructor", start filling in the fields. In the line with the specialty code, the data type must be marked as "Counter, key field".

In the "Group" and similar lines designate as "Text". But in the fields "Subject" and "Teacher" you should select "Substitution Wizard". Don't worry: right after choosing this value, the program will show you a dialog box. By following its instructions, you can create relationships with other tables. As you can imagine, they should be created in advance.

As soon as you click on the "Finish" button, you will see a warning that you must save the table to create a link. Confirm the execution of this action.

Creating relationships between tables

We have already said that working with an Access database assumes the presence of links between several spreadsheets at once. So how do you create them?

To do this, open the document you need, and then follow the path "Working with databases - Data schema". To define and set the nature of the link, you need to double-click the left mouse button in the dialog box "Change links". After that, you should click on the "OK" button. This will set the default One-to-Many setting.

So we looked at the question of how to create a database in Access. We hope you find this information useful.

Mysql, it is much more important whether you have a basic set of knowledge, without which there is no need to talk about the successful implementation of your plan.

In this article I will tell you about what actions any PC owner needs to take if, for some purpose, he needed to install mysql, create a database, and try his hand at managing a modern database. It will also be of interest to those who want to know how to make a modern DBMS work.

Since, as I said, in order for you to succeed, you need basic knowledge, without which you will not be able to create a mysql database, so we will assume that you know what a database is, a table, queries to the database and you are not put into deadlock is an abbreviation for SQL. We will also assume that you have an Apache server installed and configured.

So, if you have everything you need at your disposal, and the desire to learn how to create a mysql database has not yet disappeared, then let's start by starting Apache. To run it, follow the path C: \ WebServers \ etc and run the Run file. If the Apache started correctly, without errors, then a red pen will be added to the existing icons in the lower right corner.

Now you need to make sure that the webserver is working, enter the address http: // localhost / in the browser. In response, you should receive the text "Hurray, it worked!"

Now go to Utilities and select phpMyAdmin from the list, you have a graphical shell that allows you to manage the mySQL DBMS. With its help, you can perform all, without exception, operations that are provided by the creators of this database, namely:

Database creation

In order to create a database, you must enter a name in the "Create a new database" field, for example, MyBase. Now click the Create button and phpMyAdmin will create a new database.

Creating tables

Creating tables is quite simple, you just need to choose a base (MyBase). In the main window, you will be asked to enter a name for the table (try entering the name DataStudent), and you will also need to enter the number of fields (put the number 5). When choosing how many fields you will have, do not forget that one field goes on a turnkey basis (ID). If you entered everything correctly, then press the "Enter" button.

Now you will see an additional form for creating tables. In it you can set fields, assign for each of them, name the columns, define their maximum sizes. Typically, the first field is key. We enter the name "ID" into it, now we need to decide on the type of data that will be entered for this column. Since there is no such type as a counter in MySQL, you should select Int, and check the unsigned checkbox in the attributes. Then we go to additional settings and set Auto-increment there, so that each time a new value is entered, this field will independently increase its value by one.

Thus, you have a typical counter. It's time to move on to the next group of settings - RadioButton. Here we select the value "primary", if it is activated, then our field becomes the primary key.

If you did everything correctly, then the main field is configured correctly, when you add lines in it, the ID value is automatically increased. And you've taken one step closer to understanding how to create a MySQL database.

Moving on, now we need to define values ​​and give names to the rest of the columns in our table. Let it be the last name, first name, patronymic and, for example, the score: “Fam”, “Name”, “Otch”, “Ocenka”, it remains to assign the data type - varChar, because these fields will store information in the form of a string. Do not forget to set the maximum field length, it would be logical to limit it to a value of 30 characters. Check all the entered data and admire the table you created. It should contain a set of fields with the names "ID", "Fam", "Name", "Otch", "Ocenka".

I hope that the information provided in this article was useful to you, and you found the answer to the question of how to create a MySQL database in it.

Many users actively use Excel to generate reports and their subsequent revision. For easy viewing of information and full control over data management in the process of working with the program.

The appearance of the workspace of the program is a table. A relational database structures information into rows and columns. Despite the fact that the standard MS Office package has a separate application for creating and maintaining databases - Microsoft Access, users actively use Microsoft Excel for the same purposes. After all, the program's capabilities allow you to: sort; format; filter; edit; systematize and structure information.

That is, everything that is needed to work with databases. The only caveat: Excel is a universal analytical tool that is more suitable for complex calculations, calculations, sorting, and even for storing structured data, but in small volumes (no more than a million records in one table, for the 2010 version).

Database structure - Excel table

Database - a set of data, distributed in rows and columns for easy search, systematization and editing. How to make a database in Excel?

All information in the database is contained in records and fields.

Record is a line in the database (DB) that includes information about one object.

Field - a column in the database containing the same type of data about all objects.

Database records and fields correspond to rows and columns of a standard Microsoft Excel table.

If you know how to make simple tables, then creating a database will not be difficult.

Creating a database in Excel: step by step instructions

Step by step creation of a database in Excel. Our task is to form a client database. For several years of work, the company has acquired several dozen regular customers. It is necessary to track the terms of contracts, areas of cooperation. Know contact persons, contact details, etc.

How to create a customer database in Excel:

The main work - entering information into the database - has been completed. To make this information convenient to use, it is necessary to select what is needed, filter, sort the data.

How to maintain a customer base in Excel

To make it easier to find the data in the database, let's organize it. The Sort tool is suitable for this purpose.

The data in the table are distributed according to the term of the contract.

Now the manager sees with whom it is time to renegotiate the contract. And with which companies we continue to cooperate.

The database in the course of the company's activity grows to incredible sizes. Finding the information you need is getting harder and harder. To find specific text or numbers, you can use one of the following methods:

Through filtering data the program hides all information that is not of interest to the user. The data remains in the table, but is invisible. They can be restored at any time.

In Excel, 2 filters are most often used:

  • Autofilter;
  • filter by the selected range.

Autofilter prompts the user to select a filtering parameter from a prepared list.

Let's experiment with filtering data by selected cells. Let's say we need to leave in the table only those companies that operate in Belarus.

If the database contains financial information, you can find the amount by different parameters:

  • amount (summarize data);
  • count (count the number of cells with numerical data);
  • mean (calculate the arithmetic mean);
  • maximum and minimum values ​​in the selected range;
  • product (result of data multiplication);
  • sample standard deviation and variance.

The procedure for working with financial information in the database:

Tools on the "Data" tab allow you to segment the database. Group information in terms of relevance to the goals of the firm. Allocation of groups of buyers of services and goods will help the marketing promotion of the product.

Ready-made sample templates for maintaining a client base by segment.

Templates can be customized, shortened, expanded and edited.

Dolphins have always been trusted by people. We associate them with kindness and joy. Although the dolphin is a symbol of MySQL, this does not in any way explain the popularity that it enjoys all over the world:

According to current statistics, MySQL ranks first in terms of prevalence on the Internet among all relational database systems.

MySQL Features

The procedure for creating a MySQL database is no different from other DBMSs. And its freeness is also hardly the main reason for the popularity of this system. For example, Microsoft's SQL Server. Each version of this product comes with a free edition, and with pretty good technical characteristics.

Features of the MySQL DBMS:

  • Most often used as a remote server;
  • Includes a large number of table types;
  • Comes with a special type EXAMPLE to show how to create new tables;
  • High scalability due to support for most popular platforms;
  • Open source - thanks to this, this DBMS is constantly being improved and modernized by many developers around the world;
  • A large number of APIs have been created that provide interconnection between MySQL and the main part of all programming languages;
  • The maximum size of a database table file is limited only by the capabilities of the operating system being used.

The closest competitor MySQL, MS SQL Server in the free Express edition, has a database size limit of 10 GB.

  • The latest version of the DBMS 5.7.5m15 (test) was released in September 2014.

Creating a MySQL database

The basic logical and structural unit of data division in any relational model of information presentation is the base. Only the server goes above it. Any database consists of tables, each of which is divided into columns. Let's consider all the ways how to create a database in MySQL.

PHPMyAdmin is one of the most popular MySQL frameworks. Its interface greatly facilitates database administration.

To create a MySQL database via PHPMyAdmin, do the following:

  • We go into the shell;
  • Go to the "Databases" tab;
  • In the first field, enter the name of the database being created, and select the desired encoding from the drop-down list. In our case, this is utf8_genegal_ci.

The database name must not exceed 64 characters.

  • Then click on the "Create" button:

  • After that, the name of the created MySQL database should appear in the lists on the left and below:

Now let's create the first table in our database. We do the following:

  • In the list on the left, we find the name of our database and click on it:

  • In the next window, enter the name of the table and set the number of columns;
  • Then click on the "Ok" button.

The same can be done by clicking on the "Create table" link immediately below the list of databases on the left, but then a blank without a name and with four columns will appear in the next window.

  • The next step is to set the structure of our table. We write down the names and data types that will be stored in the columns of the table;
  • After that, click on the "Save" button:

  • Our MySQL database table is created and ready to be filled with data:

But this is not the only way how you can create a database in PHPMyAdmin. A similar effect can be obtained if you use an SQL query. To do this, use the CREATE command. Its syntax is:



  • IF NOT EXISTS - serves to track the uniqueness of the database name. If you do not specify this parameter, then in the case of creating a database with the same name, a query execution error may occur;
  • db_name - the name of the created database is indicated;
  • CHARACTER SET charset - sets the database charset. If not specified, then the default value is used;
  • COLLATE collation - sets the data sorting order. Optional parameter.

Now let's create a database using an SQL query through the PHPMyAdmin shell:

  • Go to the "SQL" tab;
  • In the editor window that appears, enter a request to create a database;
  • Or click on the "Request Window" icon. It is located on the left above the list of databases:

  • Enter the request text:


  • At the bottom, click on "Ok":

  • After that, the name of our database will be displayed in the list on the left:

Use the DROP DATABASE "my_db" command to drop the sql database.

  • A query for creating a database with optional parameters will look like this:

CREATE DATABASE `my_db` CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;

Configuring Database Backups

Database recoverability is very important. In the event of unforeseen situations, restoration will help return the lost information and quickly resume the operation of the resource.

Setting up a database backup in PHPMyAdmin. Procedure:

  • In the list on the left, select the database we need;
  • Click on the "Export" tab;
  • Click "Ok".

If you select "Normal" in the "Export Method" section, a large window will open in front of you with many parameters for customization:

Now we will try to restore the saved copy of the database. But first, let's delete the existing instance. Go to the "Operations" tab and click the link " Delete database»:

To restore the MySQL database in PHPMyAdmin, go to the "Import" tab. In chapter " Import file"Depending on the location where you saved the copy of the database, select the source. After that, click on the "OK" button located at the bottom of the screen:

Sometimes, after making any changes, you need to restore not the entire database, but only a specific table. This feature is also implemented in PHPMyAdmin. To do this, on the page of the desired table at the bottom of its structure, select the appropriate item from the drop-down list and click on "OK" at the bottom:

Compressing databases in MySQL

Unfortunately, MySQL does not support changing or limiting the size of databases. Of the tools built into PHPMyAdmin, you can only use table optimization for this. This operation is another parameter from the drop-down list shown above.

Also, to reduce the size of the database, it is recommended to keep its backups in the form of archives. Compression (compression) of backups is configured in the item of the same name on the "Export" tab in the "Output" section:

Another way to reduce the size of the MySQL database is the following set of actions:

  • Create a dump (copy) via the command line using the mysqldump command;
  • Removing all databases;
  • Stop all MySQL services;

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