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Creation of an animation clip for a piece of music. Types of animation in computer graphics

Every person has a tendency to reflect his movement in work or creativity. You can achieve this using various animation techniques. The term "animation" was translated from Latin as "animation".

Let's try to figure out what types of animation exist. They are also called animation process technology. * Animation on the principle of "freeze frame". It is also called puppet animation. There is a frame fixation of the object, for example, with the help of a camera, then the position of the object in the frame changes, then fixation occurs again. * Morphing - transforming an object. The existing one is being replaced by another, according to the principle of quantitative generation of the personnel structure. * Classic type - a movie created from a number of separate time-lapse images, alternately changing them. The main disadvantage is the high degree of labor intensity of the process. This direction is one of the most frequently used ones. It represents the types of animations that are commonly used (and are used) in most cartoons. * Color revitalization - characterized by color transformation without changing the general spatial position. * 3D animation - a cartoon created using specialized software (3DS MAX, XSI, MAYA), in which key scenes for the future video are created. * Sprite - the embodiment of this type of animation is made by using a programming language. * Capture Motion (Capture Motion) - a view that most accurately conveys all the nuances of natural movement, facial expressions. Special sensors placed on human actors are aligned with the model's control points. When moving, the coordinates are translated to them. With these techniques, cartoon models come to life. All the main types of animation presented in the list can be created using various technical means or manually. But today, most often for these purposes, special computer programs are used to optimize the process of creating animated objects and works. Computer-based methods for creating cartoons expand the boundaries of expressiveness. The degree of impact on the viewer is increased by applying various effects that are not available with manual execution.

Creating a cartoon using computer capabilities is associated with the observance of certain rules. Their key principles are: raster, fractal, vector. There is also a separation of 2D and 3D animation software. Two-dimensional programs are usually used for Flash animation, three-dimensional programs allow you to set the degree and type of lighting of an object, textures, and perform automatic rendering (rendering). The main types of computer animation have the same principles at work. All of the above types are applicable to them.

* Key framing method. Allows you to set the object in the required position, correlate them with respect to time intervals. The computer system completes the missing frames in the structure (between key frames). The absent stages of movement are recreated. * Procedural animation. It is used if it is not possible to achieve reproduction of certain actions using key frames. Characterizes computer types of animations from the point of view of the sequential construction of individual personnel structures. * Formation of single frames. Most often it is performed using various graphic editors. Separate frames of images are created, which in the future will be lined up in a certain sequence. * Raster principle of building animation. The most understandable of all those listed earlier. It is represented in the form of raster images that are saved in a single file. Usually the GIF format is used. There are a number of programs that allow you to release such files, such as the Gimp. All the above types of computer animation make it possible to understand how multifaceted the process of creating motion is.

Touching on this topic and considering examples of computer programs that allow you to create animated images, one cannot fail to mention such a program as PowerPoint. It belongs to Microsoft. This package is intended for the formation of presentations. The demand for presentations is steadily growing, since a high-quality and visual presentation of projects and works is one of the key points in the development of a professional. A presentation created in PowerPoint is a collection of slide materials that are displayed at the same time on the screen. All necessary data after their creation in the program is stored in one file. Harvard Graphics, for example, also has a similar focus. Sufficiently broad internal settings of the program help to use various types of animation. In PowerPoint, the use of a variety of ready-made templates allows you to most effectively approach the creation of presentations.

The software structure allows, first of all, to form presentations by creating slides with their simultaneous video demonstration on the screen. Slides can be created using different templates. The slide show is formed using a variety of effects. Various kinds of animations are used. You can adjust the order of the slide show on the screen.

The key feature of the program is that it is possible to apply standard animation effects simultaneously to all files. The program also has a set of ready-made color templates. They come in a variety of color schemes to apply to any themed slides. Color templates allow you to increase the efficiency of your presentation, save time, and also give it a certain stylistic direction.

“Here, nevertheless, we look back, but we do not stand still. We strive forward, open new paths, take on new things, because we are curious ... and curiosity drives us along new roads. Only forward." (Walt Disney)

About animation technology

Sometimes, between me and the customer there is a misunderstanding when agreeing on the technical features of future animated works. This article will help you better understand animation technology issues.

To begin with, so as not to get confused, I would like to highlight 3 main criteria by which one can judge about animation: types of animation, animation methods and animation styles. For many, it’s the same thing, but it’s not! Types of animation are the way or form the cartoon is shown (drawn, puppet, etc.). Animation techniques are technical features with which animation is created (frame-by-frame animation, programmable animation, etc.). Finally, an animation style is an artistic technique that is used in animation (realism, anime, etc.). In this article I will take a closer look at the concept of "animation views" and then add "methods" and "styles" to that. All this together is animation technology.

Hand-drawn classic animation.

One of the most interesting and common types of animation is the so-called classic animation. Classic animation is done by drawing on transparent film (or tracing paper) each separate frame. Then these frames are collected in a special editing program. This animation is very lively, smooth, spatial, but expensive))). An example of such animation is the cartoons of the Disney studio and Soyuzmultfilm.

A still from the cartoon "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" by Disney Studios

Crossover animation.

The oldest type of animation. The essence of this type of animation is that an object drawn on cardboard or paper is cut into separate pieces and these pieces are moved (shifted) from frame to frame. Hence the name - re-laying! Many consider such animation to be primitive, but in the right hands such cartoons can turn out to be very interesting. The cartoon "Hedgehog in the Fog" directed by Yuri Norshtein can be called one of the most striking examples of crossover animation. "Hedgehog in the Fog" was recognized by the world community as the BEST CARTOON OF ALL TIMES AND PEOPLES !!! So much for the transfer ... So much for the primitive ...

A still from the cartoon "Hedgehog in the Fog" directed by Yuri Norshtein

Painting on glass.

But here animation is definitely not primitive! The essence of such an animation is painting with oil paints on glass. At the same time, each frame is a picturesque picture, which is modified by the artist's strokes. A striking example of such animation is the work of Alexander Petrov "The Old Man and the Sea", which was awarded the "Oscar".

A still from the animated film "The Old Man and the Sea" directed by Alexander Petrov.

Puppet animation.

Same old style animation. All of the dolls and decorations in puppet animation are handcrafted, making them as expensive as classic animation. Nevertheless, this type of animation is very popular even today (despite the spread of 3D computer animation). To be honest, I didn't like puppet animation as a child))) But my epiphany came when I saw Tom Burton's cartoon "The Nightmare Before Christmas".

A still from the cartoon "The Nightmare Before Christmas" directed by Tom Burton.

Plasticine animation

The name plasticine animation speaks for itself. I will only add that plasticine animation came out of puppet animation and became popular in Russia after the appearance of the cartoons "Last year's snow was falling" directed by Alexander Tatarsky.

A still from the cartoon "Last Year's Snow Was Falling" directed by A. Tatarsky.

Computer 2D animation.

Whether we like it or not, the old types of animation are being replaced by new ones. For some reason it is customary to call computer 2D animation Flash animation and this is not entirely true. Flash is just one program. You can name other powerful computer programs for creating 2D animation, for example: After Effect, Anime Studi Pro, Toon Boom Studio and many more paid and free programs. Nowadays almost all studios are engaged in computer 2D animation. This is the kind of animation we see today in TV series, on the Internet, in casual computer games, etc.

Still from the animated series "The Simsons"

3d animation.

3D animation - a type of animation created on the basis of computer 3D programs. This is the youngest and most promising type of animation. With the development of computer technology, it has become possible not only to draw graphics and animation in a two-dimensional plane (2D animation), but also to animate three-dimensional forms. This technology is very complex, but if you tell it briefly, the production process looks something like this. First, concept art is drawn (in any way), based on these drawings, a three-dimensional geometry of the model is created. Then textures that fit over the shape of a character or object. Next, create the bones of the object and attach them to the shape so that the shape can move. The animators receive a ready-made model for movement and begin to animate it. The better the model is prepared, the more natural and flexible its movements are. After creating the animation, the scene is rendered (translated from 3D to a regular picture). Striking examples of such animation are the cartoons of the Pixar studio.

Still from the cartoon "Ratatouille" by Pixar studio.

Combined animation.

Composite animation is the combination of any type of animation with a video. Early examples of such animation can be: the film "Who Framed Roger Rabbit", the cartoon "The Adventure of Captain Vrungel", etc. With the development of 3D technology and computer special effects, this type of animation is found in feature films more and more often. The main feature of modern combined animation is its complete realism.

Still from the movie "Jurassic World" directed by Steven Spielberg

Other types of animation.

In addition to the listed types of animation, there are others, for example: sand animation, laser animation, photo animation, needle animation, etc. However, these types are considered less popular and in this article I allowed myself only to mention them.

Types of animation in the Cardboard Tower studio.

Our animation studio specializes in the production of computer 2D animation. Thanks to the flexible capabilities of computer programs, we can create both crossover and classic animation at the same time. We are also able to create and 3D animation. As an example, you can look at 3 videos from our portfolio:

1. Computer 2D animation in a classical manner.

Creating an animation clip for a piece of music


1.2 Types of animation

Computer animation is a type of animation created using a computer. Today it has been widely used, both in the field of entertainment and in the production, scientific and business spheres. As a derivative of computer graphics, animation inherits the same methods of creating images:

Vector graphics;

Raster graphics;

Fractal graphics;

Three-dimensional graphics (3D).

By the principle of animation, several types of computer animation can be distinguished:

Keyframe animation

The arrangement of key frames is done by the animator. Intermediate blocks are generated by a special program. This method is the closest to traditional hand-drawn animation, only the role of the packer is taken over by a computer, not a person.

Motion recording

These animations are recorded by special equipment from real moving objects and transferred to their imitation in a computer. A common example of such a technique is Motion capture. Actors in special suits with sensors make movements that are recorded by cameras and analyzed by special software. The final data on the movement of the joints and limbs of the actors are applied to the three-dimensional skeletons of virtual characters, thereby achieving a high level of reliability of their movements. The same method is used to transfer the facial expressions of a living actor to his three-dimensional analogue in a computer.

Procedural animation

Procedural animation is fully or partially calculated by the computer. Here you can include the following types of it: Simulation of the physical interaction of rigid bodies. Simulation of the movement of systems of particles, liquids and gases. Imitation of the interaction of soft bodies (tissue, hair). Calculation of the movement of the hierarchical structure of connections (the skeleton of the character) under external influence (Ragdoll). Imitation of the autonomous (independent) movement of the character. An example of such a system is the Euphoria program.

Programmable animation

Two languages ​​are widely used on the web, with the help of which the movements of animated objects are programmed: Java-Script - the browser language Action-Script - the language for working with Flash applications The advantage of programmable animation is in reducing the size of the source file, the disadvantage is the load on the processor client.

Animation constructors

There are many free and paid programs for creating animated images:

Paid: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash Professional;

Free: GIMP (more commonly used on Linux), CoffeeCup, Blender (more commonly used on Linux).

Creating animation with a digital camera

Today, software that allows you to use a digital camera to shoot animation is used as often as the usual 3D or 2D packages. Any program of this type provides control of a digital camera through a computer and work with the received frames.


Computer animation can be stored in universal graphic files (for example, in GIF format) as a set of independent images, or in specialized files of the corresponding animation packages (3ds Max, Blender, Maya, etc.) as textures and individual elements, or in formats intended for viewing (FLIC (English)) and use in games (Bink). Also, animation can be saved in formats designed for video storage (for example, MPEG-4).


Computer animation (sequential display of slideshows from previously prepared graphic files, as well as computer simulation of motion by changing and redrawing the shape of objects or showing sequential images with phases of movement, prepared in advance or generated during animation) can be used in computer games, multimedia applications (for example, encyclopedias), as well as for "animating" individual design elements, for example, web pages and advertisements (animated banners). On web pages, animation can be generated using styles (CSS) and scripts (JavaScript) or modules created using Flash technology or its analogues (flash animation).

One open challenge in computer animation is photorealistic human animation. Currently, most CGI films feature animal characters (Flick's Adventures, Finding Nemo, Ratatouille, Ice Age, The Woods, Hunting Season), fantasy characters (Monsters, Inc., Shrek, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Monsters vs. aliens), anthropomorphic cars (Cars, WALL-E, Robots) or a cartoon person (Incredibles, Despicable Me, Up). Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within Us is often cited as the first computer-generated film to attempt to portray realistic looking people. However, due to the enormous complexity of the human body, human movements, and human biomechanics, realistic human simulation remains largely an open problem. Another problem is dislike as a psychological response to viewing near-perfect human animations, known as "sinister valley". This is one of the "holy grails" of computer animation. Ultimately, the goal is to create software where an animator can generate sequences showing a photorealistic human character subjected to physically believable movements along with clothing, photorealistic hair, an intricate natural background, and possibly interactions with other human character models. Having achieved this, the viewer will no longer be able to say that a certain episode is computer generated, or created using real actors in front of a movie camera. Achieving full realism can have serious consequences for the film industry. Currently, 3D computer animation is used, and it can be divided into two main areas: photorealistic and non-photorealistic rendering. Photorealistic computer animation itself can be divided into two subcategories: real photorealism (where motion capture is used to create a virtual human character) and stylized photorealism. Real photorealism is what Final Fantasy has achieved and, in the future, is likely to be able to give us a fictional movie with aspects of fantasy, as in The Dark Crystal, without the use of advanced puppet theater and animatronics, and Antz Antz is an example of stylistic photorealism (in the future, stylized photorealism will be able to replace the traditional animation of the movement of the feet, as in the cartoon Corpse Bride). None of the above are perfect, but progress continues.

Animation and contemporary fiction films. On the problem of using the latest computer technologies

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Creating an animation clip for a piece of music

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Every person has a tendency to reflect his movement in work or creativity. You can achieve this using various animation techniques. The term "animation" was translated from Latin as "animation".


Let's try to figure out what types of animation exist. They are also called animation process technology.

  • Freeze frame animation. It is also called puppet animation. There is a frame fixation of the object, for example, with the help of a camera, then the position of the object in the frame changes, then fixation occurs again.
  • Morphing is the transformation of an object. The existing one is being replaced by another, according to the principle of quantitative generation of the personnel structure.
  • The classic type is a movie created from a number of separate time-lapse images, alternating between them. The main disadvantage is the high degree of labor intensity of the process. This direction is one of the most frequently used ones. It represents the types of animations that are commonly used (and are used) in most cartoons.
  • Color revitalization - characterized by the transformation of color without changing the general spatial position.
  • 3D animation is a cartoon created using specialized software (3DS MAX, XSI, MAYA), in which key scenes for the future video are created.
  • Sprite - the embodiment of this type of animation is made using a programming language.
  • Capture Motion is a view that most accurately conveys all the nuances of natural movement and facial expressions. Special sensors placed on human actors are aligned with the model's control points. When moving, the coordinates are translated to them. With these techniques, cartoon models come to life.

All the main types of animation presented in the list can be created using various technical means or manually. But today, most often for these purposes, special computer programs are used to optimize the process of creating animated objects and works. Computer-based methods for creating cartoons expand the boundaries of expressiveness. The degree of impact on the viewer is increased by applying various effects that are not available with manual execution.

Computer animation. Principles

Creating a cartoon using computer capabilities is associated with the observance of certain rules. Their key principles are: raster, fractal, vector. There is also a separation of 2D and 3D animation software. Two-dimensional programs are usually used for Flash animation, three-dimensional programs allow you to set the degree and type of lighting of an object, textures, and perform automatic rendering (rendering).

The main types of computer animation have the same principles at work. All of the above types are applicable to them.

Methods for preparing computer animation

  • Key framing method. Allows you to set the object in the required position, correlate them with respect to time intervals. The computer system completes the missing frames in the structure (between key frames). The absent stages of movement are recreated.
  • Procedural animation. It is used if it is not possible to achieve reproduction of certain actions using key frames. Characterizes computer types of animations from the point of view of the sequential construction of individual personnel structures.
  • Formation of single frames. Most often it is performed using various graphic editors. Separate frames of images are created, which in the future will be lined up in a certain sequence.
  • Raster principle of animation construction. The most understandable of all those listed earlier. It is represented as being saved in a single file. Usually the GIF format is used. There are a number of programs that allow you to release such files, such as the Gimp.

All the above types of computer animation make it possible to understand how multifaceted the process of creating motion is.

PowerPoint software

Touching upon this topic and considering examples of computer programs that allow you to create, one cannot fail to mention such a program as PowerPoint. It belongs to Microsoft. This package is intended for the formation of presentations. The demand for presentations is steadily growing, since a high-quality and visual presentation of projects and works is one of the key points in the development of a professional. A presentation created in PowerPoint is a collection of slide materials that are displayed at the same time on the screen. All necessary data after their creation in the program is stored in one file. Harvard Graphics, for example, also has a similar focus.

Sufficiently broad internal settings of the program help to use various types of animation. In PowerPoint, the use of a variety of ready-made templates allows you to most effectively approach the creation of presentations.

Main features of the program

The software structure allows, first of all, to form presentations by creating slides with their simultaneous video demonstration on the screen. Slides can be created using different templates. The slide show is formed using a variety of effects. Various kinds of animations are used. You can adjust the order of the slide show on the screen.

Color templates in PowerPoint

The key feature of the program is that it is possible to apply standard animation effects simultaneously to all files. The program also has a set of ready-made color templates. They come in a variety of color schemes to apply to any themed slides. Color templates allow you to increase the efficiency of your presentation, save time, and also give it a certain stylistic direction.

Special effects

For the most visual and memorable presentation in the program there is a certain set of effects that allow you to adjust the type of transition in the slide show. Thanks to this, the pause between changes of slides, filled with special effects, becomes imperceptible.

Features of the program

All PowerPoint presentations can be saved in HTML format. This saves all used audio and video data. The program also has tools for creating tables and diagrams by drawing, as well as special markup that allows you to insert ready-made drawings with their further saving. Another distinctive feature is the automatic album generation function. There is a possibility of using musical accompaniment.

Thus, having considered in the article information about what methods exist for creating animations, we can conclude that with the development of modern software, the approach to this issue has become the most rational. A large number of programs designed to modernize the work on animation processes gives a huge scope for creativity and work. And understanding what types of animations exist will help you choose the program that is most suitable for specific purposes.

Types of animation as elements of animation programs

From the point of view of a systematic approach, tourist animation is the satisfaction of specific tourist needs in communication, movement, culture, creativity, pleasant time and entertainment.

The range of these needs is very wide, since people who go on vacation put completely different meanings into this concept: for some, vacation is a journey, for others - reading books, walking in the woods, fishing, etc. According to the demand and motivation for traveling in the practice of tourist services are as follows types of animation, satisfying the various needs of tourists (vacationers):

animation in motion - satisfies the need of a modern person for movement combined with pleasure and pleasant experiences;

animation through experience - satisfies the need for a feeling of the new, the unknown, unexpected introduction, discoveries, as well as in overcoming difficulties;

animation through communication - satisfies the needs in communication with new, interesting people, in the discovery of the inner world of people and knowledge of oneself through communication;

tranquility animation - satisfies people's need for psychological relief from everyday fatigue through calming, solitude, contact with nature, as well as the need for peace and "idle laziness";

cultural animation - satisfies the need of people for the spiritual development of the individual through familiarization with cultural and historical monuments and modern samples of the culture of the country, region, people, nation;

creative animation - satisfies a person's need for creativity, demonstration of their creative abilities and establishing contacts with like-minded people through joint creativity.

Real animation programs are most often complex in nature, and the listed types of animation are constituents elements of these programs.

Animation programs, along with purely recreational activities, include a variety of sports games, exercises and competitions. This combination makes these programs richer, more interesting and useful for strengthening, restoring health, therefore in the interconnection of tourist animation and sports, the greatest restorative and health-improving effect is most often achieved.

Animation management concept

The transformation of the needs of a tourist (guest) in rest into his satisfaction with rest, travel, as well as an increase in his requests arise as a result of the provision of hotel services to him based on the use of interacting systems of the hospitality environment: material and technical base, natural and cultural-historical complexes, recreational infrastructure and service personnel (Fig. 2.1). Animation services are now becoming the defining hospitality services for this transformation process.

Tourist needs- this is a qualitative characteristic of the state of a tourist before making a trip, expressing (consciously or unconsciously) his desire to change this state for the better for him, for example, to restore physical strength, find peace of mind, peace and new friends, get an emotional charge or aesthetic pleasure.

Tourist satisfaction the environment of hospitality is a qualitative assessment of his state after the trip (rest), a characteristic of the completeness of achieving conscious and subconscious travel goals with a discount on his personal understanding and perception of the world around him, the value of life, safety, quality of service and hospitality.

Natural complex is an interconnected and interdependent combination of natural objects and phenomena, a resource and a condition for meeting the needs of tourists. The natural complex is actively used in animation activities.

Components of the hospitality environment involved in the process of meeting the needs and demands of the tourist: PT - the needs of the tourist in the development and improvement of the biological (physical) nature of man and general culture (social nature); UT - tourist satisfaction; 1 - natural and cultural-historical complexes; 2 - material and technical systems and means of TC; 3 - the labor of the service personnel and the actually attainable level of service at this stage; 4 - management of sports and animation activities in the shopping center

Cultural and historical complex- a set of tangible and intangible cultural and historical values, concentrated in the tourist complex and involved by animators in one way or another and form in the process of meeting the needs of tourists in knowledge, aesthetic pleasure, comfort.

Material base in the animation activity of the tourist complex are the animation technical systems of its recreational infrastructure.

One of the main tasks facing service enterprises where the object of activity is a person, the satisfaction of his needs, is the effective organization of employed workers and the level of their qualifications.

It must be remembered that A turanimator must have the following personal qualities: sociability !, patience, responsibility, intelligence, and also have acting skills and the makings of a born leader.

To maintain a high standard of service, the hotel requires well educated, talented, honest and disciplined animators who enjoy their work. They set the mood for vacationers, most of all contact with guests, play a key role in events, are the mouthpiece of entertainment programs, are responsible for the pleasure, joy, friendship and activity of guests.

General requirements for animators in almost all hotels the following:

Ability to create a family atmosphere, an atmosphere of joy and friendship;

Ability to communicate with any guest;

Knowledge of all leisure activities, English and German;

Education, honesty, discipline, reliability, talent, friendliness and smile;

Ability to work in a team;

Ability when changing jobs to various animation concepts of different hotels;

Ability to enjoy work;

Be under 30 years of age (single or unmarried);

Lack of addiction to alcohol and drug use;

Possessing mental and physical health, no chronic diseases, no allergies to the sun.

The latter requirement is one of the most important, since the working day of an ordinary animator in a hotel lasts from 8 am to 1 am and consists of performing many functions (see Appendix 1).

Turanimator is also associated with the formation of an intellectual base (a bank of typical scenarios and programs), a description of methods and forms of work with vacationers, a generalization of domestic and foreign experience in organizing leisure activities.

The work of highly qualified turanimators requires a lot of effort and energy, the involvement of creative potential, is associated with a high responsibility for the life and health of people, at the same time, it is free, creative work that requires high qualifications and extensive knowledge (Table 3.2).

Table 3.2

Turanimation specialist model

Professional activities Personal qualities of a turanimator Qualification requirements (special knowledge and skills for this type of activity)
Sports and tourism Resourcefulness, observation, qualities of a born leader Knowledge: domestic and foreign experience of sports tourism, organizational structure of professional activity in the field of sports tourism, methods and means of conducting methodological work in the field of sports tourism Ability: to organize sports and tourism activities, apply the latest achievements, modern means and equipment in it, develop tourist leisure programs and routes
Physical culture-but-health-improving Physical fitness, agility Knowledge: domestic and foreign experience of mass health-improving work, organizational structure of professional activity, methods and means of organizing physical culture and health-improving activities Ability: to organize physical-health-improving activities, from the standpoint of modern achievements of psychological and pedagogical science and best practice, to develop individual and group leisure programs for the population
Spectacular and entertaining Sociability, artistry, emotionality Knowledge: turanimation, the basics of theatrical art, directing and other special disciplines, the organizational structure of professional activity Ability: to organize entertainment and entertainment events, to apply in practice the knowledge of recreation, valeology, turanimation, to develop and implement entertainment and entertainment programs for the population
Cognitive-excursion and animation-educational Memory, aesthetic taste, intelligence Knowledge: the history of world and artistic culture, excursion guidance, religious studies and local lore, as well as the organizational structure and content of professional excursion and museum activities. methodical and excursion work, marketing research, design cycles of museum and excursion services, program tourism and excursion activities

Rice. 4.1. Staff structure of the hotel animation service

Sports department- headed by a sports chief instructor. The work of this department is the most intense and active, since sports animators are in direct contact with guests throughout the day (on the move, in the game), spending most of their time near the pool or on the sports field. Throughout the day, they offer guests various sports activities every 30 minutes (aerobics and rhythm classes, water skiing, water polo, beach games, darts, badminton, etc.).

The sports animation team should be clearly assigned responsibilities so that their work and play alternate as they expend a lot of energy in their activities. Each sports animator conducts a strictly defined number of events and must be well aware of the rules of the organized games and competitions, as well as be able to provide the necessary safety instructions.

The main challenge in the work of sports animators is to attract guests to their events. It is especially difficult to recruit the right number of people for sports games during the daytime, when they prefer to relax and sunbathe. In this case, animators have to show maximum ingenuity: dress up in clown costumes, hand out invitations, announce prizes on the radio, etc. It is even more difficult to keep interest in your events so that guests want to come to them the next day. To do this, the animator has to constantly come up with some details, highlights, surprises, so that any game turns into a fun show.

Despite the fact that the main task of sports animation is to provide vacationers with maximum physical activity and to involve as many of them as possible in their activities, it is important to observe in all measure, remembering that there is a category of guests who do not accept active rest and great physical activity ... These people will find themselves another way to have fun, so the animator can be persistent in moderation, but in no case can he be intrusive.

All sports animators must be appropriately trained, always fit, slim, cheerful and sociable.

Show animation department- as a rule, it is created in large hotels, where it is possible to pay for the work of the animation team. In this case, professional musicians, dancers, and artists are recruited. But most hotels and tourist complexes do not have the ability to pay for the work of professional artists, so all show performances are prepared by animators from other departments together.

The show animation department constantly employs a professional choreographer, who often combines the duties of a stage director of evening entertainment programs, a DJ, a set designer and a costume designer. The rest of the animators are recruited to work in the department as needed.

If evening entertainment programs are organized often, then rehearsals are held in the daytime, free from classes with guests. Usually animation services have their own pre-developed programs and scripts, which are offered to animators for learning.

Show programs most often include humorous scenes, excerpts from famous musicals, dance performances. Depending on the financial capabilities of the hotel, professional pop and folklore groups, circus performers, etc. can be invited to entertain guests. This brings its variety to the program and gives the animation team the opportunity to relax.

The show animation department is responsible for holding discos (both adults and children), teaching vacationers to dance movements, singing songs and other musical and entertainment events.

Mini-club- an important department of the animation service, especially for hotels and tourist complexes focused on attracting family tourists. For them, the opportunity to relax with their family and at the same time not be burdened with constant activities with children is a very attractive factor. The main duty of the mini-club animators is to organize an interesting, full-fledged vacation for children, giving parents the opportunity to find entertainment to their liking.

As a rule, the mini-club is located on the territory of the tourist complex, in the most beautiful, cozy and calm corner. It should be well equipped: at least - have a recreation room with a TV, comfortable furniture for children, a set of games and an outdoor playground. Some hotels have several playgrounds with different equipment and a children's pool. This department is headed by the head of the mini-club. The number of animators employed in the mini-club depends on the size of the tourist complex. It is better if several animators work in the mini-club, because in this case they have the opportunity to work with children by age group.

For each of the age groups, it is advisable to draw up a program in advance, choose age-appropriate games and entertainment. The animators of this department bear a great responsibility for the life and health of children, so they should know the age characteristics well, remember that children cannot be under the scorching rays of the sun for a long time without hats, carefully monitor their behavior in the water, etc.

The animators of the mini-club, in addition to the function of entertainment, also perform the function of education, so they must know the basics of pedagogy and psychology, be able to answer children their questions, explain the rules of the game, and tell something interesting.

Department of creative activities- Department of the animation service in tourist complexes that do not have a sufficient material base for organizing leisure activities. In essence, this is the organization of the activities of clubs according to interests. Here guests can be invited to do knitting, embroidery, burning, modeling, drawing, beading, etc.

These departments take root especially well in tourist complexes and hotels located in the centers of any craft or folk craft. Tourists with great pleasure, under the guidance of experienced craftsmen, try to paint a matryoshka or weave lace themselves.

The departments considered are the most common in the animation service, the structure of which can be more ramified, depending on the variety of services provided. For example, this service may include swimming and trekking instructors, balloon pilots, etc.

However, most of the hotels and shopping malls have a rather modest animation team. In this case, it is very important to properly organize the work of all departments of the animation service in order to achieve high results of service and satisfy all the interests of vacationers.


(Turkey, Greece, Tunisia, Egypt)

8.00-9.00 breakfast.

9.30-10.00 - a meeting of animators, where the plan of the day is discussed, tasks and places of work are distributed.

10.00-10.30 - inviting guests and morning exercises.

10.30 - beach volleyball.

10.45 - French ball game.

11.00 - water volleyball.

11.15 - water gymnastics.

11.30 - darts (throwing darts).

12.00 - games by the pool.

While part of the animation team entertains guests with sports games, other animators entertain children and adults. From 10.00 to 12.00 and from 14.30 to 17.30 there is a mini-club for children, which offers all kinds of games (dominoes, loto, paints for coloring in Indians, clowns, etc.).

During the same hours, there is an animation box, where guests can buy a club disc, playing cards, branded T-shirts and other tourist goods, as well as rent tennis rackets, etc.

One animator is constantly in the booth and announces a program of animation events for the near future.

13.00-14.00 - rehearsal of the festive evening show, which is held 2 times a week, or humorous scenes for the show in the evening.

15.00-15.30 - water polo.

At the same time, free from work animators arrange so-called comic trips, dressing up as doctors, locksmiths, blind people, homeless people, gangsters, monsters, newlyweds, cleaners, ballerinas ... and act in this role in front of the guests.

15.30-16.00 - French ball game.

16.00-16.15 - dance training for guests.

16.15-16.30 - playing with wooden discs.

16.30-17.00 - beach volleyball.

17.00-18.00 aerobics.

18.00-19.00 - rest of the tutors before evening entertainment programs.

19.00 - greeting guests at the restaurant in several languages ​​(a small part of the animation team is busy).

20.00-20.30 - dinner with guests.

20.45-21.00 - preparation of costumes.

21.00 - children's disco.

21.30-22.45 - entertainment show.

22.45-23.45 - club dance. Turanimators go to the bar, dance, communicate, entertain guests.

24.00-01.00 - disco for adults, which can drag on until 03.00.

The tour team can disperse only when all the guests have gone to their rooms.

Competition "Mister Hotel"

1. Beer: a) beer is poured into a bowl, it must be drunk with a spoon, without touching the bowl; b) a mug of beer (0.5 l) is taken in one hand, the hand is stretched out in front of you. Who will last longer.

2. Kiss. In 1 minute, you need to kiss as many girls sitting in the hall as possible.

3. Singing under the phonogram.

4. Sponge balloon. A ball and 4 cookies (dry biscuit) are handed out to the participants, they must be quickly eaten, and then the balloon must be inflated until it bursts.

5. Mick-meck. The game is played in several stages. All participants stand in a circle (eyes - in the back of the head). If the presenter pronounces the number 1, they put their hand on the neighbor's head; if - 2, remove the hat from the neighbor's head and put it on; if - 3, they say loudly: "pee-pee" and squat; if - 4, stretch their arms to the middle and say a word, for example, "hello"; if - 5, lightly slap a neighbor on the shoulder and say: "mik-mek"; if - 6, turn to the audience and, taking off their hats, bow, and the audience claps. The presenter pronounces the numbers in discord, and the players follow the command. The jury looks at who made the least mistake and evaluates.

Miss Hotel Contest

1. Song. The competition is held in 2 stages: a) sing a song and memorize a melody; b) hum this melody with water in your mouth.

2. Elephant (camel). Draw an elephant with closed eyes.

3. Mummy. Choose a person from the audience and wrap it with toilet paper.

4. Cloth. In 3 minutes, you need to collect as many clothes as possible in the gym (outerwear - 5 points, underwear - 10 points).

5. Potato. A thread is tied to the belt, at the end of which a potato is tied. There is also one potato in front of the players. We need to knock them down as much as possible.

Cocktail game

1. Ping pong - basketball: a) the tennis ball must be thrown on the floor, and then caught in a cup; b) there is a basket and a player is kneeling three steps away from it, hands behind his back. They throw a ball at him, he must beat it off with his forehead and get into the basket.

2. Sniper: a) there is a plastic bottle on the table with a ping-pong ball on the neck. At a distance of 20 steps from it there is a player who must cover one eye with his hand and, having passed this distance, knock the ball down with a click; b) with a pencil tied to the belt at the back, you need to get into the bottle; c) a basket is tied to the player's back, at the lumbar level, and the ball is thrown, which the player must catch; d) a "basket" (the upper part of a plastic bottle) is inserted into the belt on the player's belt and a ping-pong ball is given. You have to toss the ball and then catch it in the basket.

3. Basket ice. You need to spit out a piece of ice to get it into the basket, which is on the table three steps away from the player.

4. Relay with a towel. The towel should be soaked and squeezed into a bucket. Whoever fills the bucket with water faster is the winner.

"Olympic Games"

First round

1.Boxing ring. A square is drawn in which the team members stand. The more people can fit in the square, the better.

2. Strip. 3-5 people from the team lay out the path from the clothes they have taken off. Which team gets the longest track won.

3. Balloons. 10 people from the team tie balloons to their feet (at ankle level). One team must burst the balls with the other by stepping on them. Which team completed the task faster, that one won.

4.Hat, straw, chair. Participants should repeat the movements the other way around: if the leader puts on a hat, they should take it off, if he takes a straw out of his mouth, they should take it in their mouth, if they sit on a chair, they get up, etc. Whoever makes the fewest mistakes wins.

Round two

1. Tug of war.

2. Beer. You need to drink 0.5 liters of beer, then run 20-30 m, bending over, twist in one place 15 times, holding on to

post, run back and pass the move on to another. Whose team is faster.

3. Volleyball. The volleyball net is covered to the floor with sheets so that one team cannot see the other, and they play up to 5 points.

4.Football. Two teams of 5 are playing soccer, but their pants are sewn together. The team with the most goals wins.

5. Horse racing in bags. The first to reach the finish line wins.

6. Eggs. 2 couples throw eggs to each other, constantly increasing the distance. The couple wins if the egg does not break.

Many modern entertainments and games were invented in ancient times, then they were forgotten for some time. Nowadays, they become a passion for someone. Here are some of the most popular modern games and fun.

Billiards. The popularity of billiards in Russia is great. Since 1998, Russian billiards championships have been held, which gather a large number of both participants and fans.

It is difficult to establish an exact date of the origin of this game. It is only known that it has a long history and originates in Asia. This game also fell in love in Europe, where it was played with pleasure in high society. And now these games are in every hotel.

Bingo. Bingo is a well-known lotto game. She was born in Naples, then came to France, and in the 18th century. spread to Spain and other European countries. At one time this game was the entertainment of the royal court. But over time, the lotto game became the lot of the common people. Keeping the old rules, bingo received modern technical equipment. The pouch, from which wooden barrels with numbers were once taken, has been replaced by a rotating drum. The players see the number on the dropped ball on the screens of dozens of televisions installed in the hall, electronic boards clearly record the numbers.

Bowling. Bowling is a game of bowling pins. It is one of the most democratic and popular games of our time. The game consists of 10 frames, in each of which you must try to knock out 10 pins. 2 attempts are given for each frame. Despite the fact that the bowling industry is only making its first steps in Russia, it is developing rapidly. In almost all major cities of Russia and large hotels there are bowling centers, which are becoming entertainment centers for families and youth. Modern bowling centers are equipped with an automatic scoring and control system, consisting of a network of computers, a ball return device, ball throwing lanes, lounge furniture and bars.

Golf. This game originated in Scotland, in the 13th century. In those days, the majority of the population of this country was engaged in cattle breeding. Wandering from place to place, the shepherds amused themselves by throwing bone balls into the holes with their staves. Over time, the staff changed, turning into a club, the bone ball was replaced with a ball stuffed with compressed feathers, and the modern ball is made of plastic. The essence of the game remains the same, although it is now played by representatives of the wealthy elite, uniting in golf clubs.

The game takes place on a specially prepared area ranging from 40 to 70 hectares, where there are 18 fields of different sizes. The terrain is flat, with a beautiful landscape, or is chosen, or this landscape is created artificially.

Each field has a short-cut grass circle (green) with a hole (10 cm diameter) in the center. The player has a ball and a club. Different clubs are used (woods, irons, driver, father - 14 types in total). They differ in length, weight, inclination of the striking head. The player must “pass” 18 holes with the least number of strokes (professional level 70-72 strokes). Serious tests await the player: hitting the ball in sand pits, which are specially made in the most unexpected places, interference from trees and bushes, losing the ball in tall grass or in the water of streams and ponds specially created on the golf course.

In many cities in Europe and America, in large resort centers, training fields and mini-golf courses have been created. The mini-golf courses are a real course, only reduced in size. Anyone can train, because the more there are, the more professionals serving golf clubs and golf centers there will be. For Russia, golf is a new hobby. Golf courses cannot be found in every city. Only very wealthy people play this game in Russia.

Darts. The history of the game of darts began many centuries ago. This game originated in the days when spears and darts were among the main weapons. Among the best players were King Henry VIII of England and King Charles VI of France. The vital need to train gradually transformed into an exciting game in the form of a target - a circle divided into sectors and dart arrows with sharp needles-tips. The player who at least once hit the center of the target with a dart (the so-called "Bullseye") was considered lucky. In 1908, darts was recognized as a popular sport, recreation and entertainment. This game is loved by both adults and children. It develops accuracy, vigilance, coordination, arithmetic skills and simply improves mood and gives emotional relaxation.

In Great Britain, Germany, USA, Australia and many other countries of the world, this game has become an integral part of the national culture. There are also many fans of this game in Russia, even the National Federation of Darts of Russia has been created, which regularly organizes competitions.

Currently, along with traditional darts, electronic darts are being installed in many entertainment and resort centers. The electronic dart target has a built-in microprocessor, a display for displaying game results and a control panel. Darts in electronic darts are used with safety plastic tips. Electronic darts makes it possible to program the rules of the game, the number of players (no more than 8 participants can play at the same time). It has another advantage - an automatic scoring system.

Fight in mashed potatoes. Recently, an unusual entertainment has become popular in England - women's wrestling in mashed potatoes. Mashed potatoes are placed in a special shallow pool. Two girls, dressed in short T-shirts and shorts, wrestle in this pool, trying to put their opponent on their shoulder blades. The spectacle causes a storm of laughter from both the audience and the participants.

Tomatino. The essence of this entertainment is that the participants of the event throw ripe tomatoes at each other. In London, for example, such an event, which lasts about half an hour, takes 4 tons of ripe tomatoes. Half an hour later, the festive area and the participants in the festival turn blood red, and then the promenade continues. I must say that not only the British enjoy this action. In Buñol, for example, the Tomatino festivals are regularly held.

Calcio. This is the ancient game of the Florentines. There is information that the same game, but under the name of arpasto, was practiced by the ancient Roman legionaries. The official date of birth of Calcio is considered February 17, 1530, when it was first carried out during the siege of Florence by the troops of Charlemagne to maintain the morale of the townspeople. Since then, for a century and a half, the Florentines amused themselves with calcio, then for some time they forgot about it. The rebirth of the game took place in the 1930s.

Nowadays, Calcio in Florence is played annually. Many locals and tourists come to watch the game. Two teams of 27 people each, dressed in costumes of the 16th century, are playing. Locals come to the game in old clothes too, which especially delights tourists.

The competition begins with a beautiful solemn procession through the streets of Florence. However, the game itself is brutal, with the use of many power techniques, which leads to numerous, although not very dangerous, injuries. Teams try to hit the ball into the opponent's net. The winning team will receive a prize of veal steaks, the weight of which is equivalent to the weight of a calf, and a box of Chianti.

Bullfighting. Bullfighting means "running of the bulls". This fun arose a long time ago in Southern Europe and on the Mediterranean islands. Specially caught wild and angry bulls were released on holidays directly into the streets, where they attacked any moving objects, and the best bullfighters went to pacify them. The action ended with the roasting of bulls over a fire and a feast.

Over time, the bullfight moved to the arena. Mastering the art of fighting a bull has become a hallmark of the tribal Spanish and Portuguese aristocracy. Despite the prohibitions of the Pope and the frequent death of bullfighters, the bullfight continued to exist.

In the XVII century. on the bullfight, the nephew of the Portuguese king was injured, who did not have time to kill the bull. After that, the king tried to ban bullfighting, but since the spectacle was too expensive for the people, he ordered to ban the killing of bulls in the arena. Since then, Portuguese bullfighting has been more humane than Spanish bullfighting.

After the Portuguese bullfight, the bulls remain alive and go back to the farm to give birth to offspring. Modern Portuguese bullfighting involves several acts of action. First, a bullfighter works with the bull for 20-30 minutes, then the forcados (bull dancers) come out to replace him, who rush to the bull, bringing him to exhaustion.

The bull dance has three parts. The first part is “terzio cloak”, when the bullfighter “gets to know” the bull and tests it with the cloak. In the second part - "terzio banderil", the torero sticks short peaks into the withers of the bull (for this, the bull is put on special thick rubber collars on the withers before entering the arena). The third part - "terzio mulets" is the most dangerous when the torero is holding a red rag. When the bull realizes that there is nothing behind the muleta, and his main opponent is the bullfighter, he begins to chase the man. This is where the fight ends. The fight is considered to be won if the man succeeds in pushing the bull out of the center of the arena. If the bull understands the rules of the game, he will never be released into the arena again.

The Spanish bullfight assumes first a fight with a picador bull on a horse, which pierces the bull's neck with a one and a half meter blade, then drives it around the stage, and only then the bullfighter comes out to finish off the bull. The bout is watched by the judges, headed by the president of the bullfight. The bullfighter is judged by the skill of performing the techniques that he demonstrates in half an hour of theatrical combat.

Paintball. This game originated in North America, when the Americans decided that the pistols with which they marked livestock on their ranches could be used for the game. This is how the paintball game was born, which became a sport, an element of the entertainment industry, recreation, a method of tactical training for security services and special forces. The very first weapon that was at the disposal of ancient paintball players has survived almost unchanged in the form of a PGP pump pistol with a 10-ball magazine, which is powered by a carbon dioxide cartridge (12 g capacity).

Over almost twenty years of paintball history, many types and models of markers have appeared: from pump-action to semi-automatic and fully automatic, based on various achievements of technical thought. The first paintball games took place in the untouched subtropics of North America. Currently, paintball playgrounds are created according to pre-approved projects and are polygons. Sports paintball is played in stadiums, open pitches with the attraction of spectators and fans. Depending on the type of field, sports paintball is subdivided into:


Creative ateliers

The hotels have a variety of activities at guests' disposal that offer a huge field for creativity in a relaxed atmosphere. The participants themselves pay for the material for the production of T-shirts, hats, silk scarves, ties as a keepsake of the wonderful vacation, and they paint them themselves, and the animator helps them. During the weeklong program, the animator must find an opportunity to talk about techniques for coloring, silk screening, waxing, making ties and hats.

Thematic day "Circus"

Activities in the morning. The guys paint portraits, make costumes for:

a) lions. A strip of cardboard to the size of the child's neck is pasted over with yellow or brown corrugated paper, then hung on the child's neck like a frill;

b) clowns. Cardboard in the form of a loop measuring 15 x 30 cm is painted and decorated with applications;

c) weightlifters. Two balloons are attached to the stick with tape or thread;

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