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Modern ways to charge your iPhone without regular charging. Looking for an innovative solution

You will recognize this situation: after leaving for another city or traveling, you suddenly remembered that the charge from the iPhone remained at home on the coffee table. The situation, of course, is not a pleasant one, because without a gadget in our time, as without hands. Due to the fact that the battery does not last forever, you need to think about how to charge the iPhone 5 without charging.

How to quickly charge an iPhone via a USB port

It's good when there is a person nearby who could borrow his charger, or somewhere nearby there is a service Apple Center... But such gifts are rarely made by fate. It would be strange not to start with the simplest - USB port... Surprisingly, for some users even this information can be a revelation. If you have an iPhone charging cable (without power supply) and a laptop / PC close at hand, you can quickly and easily recharge your phone. You just need to plug the cable into the USB connector and wait for the cherished one hundred percent of the battery.

How to charge iPhone cordlessly using alternative power sources

The problem of forgotten at home charging nowadays can be easily solved with the help of alternative power sources. You can replenish the required battery supply thanks to external batteries. Portable storage devices are firmly entrenched in the essential and everyday goods market. This small box, which can be ordered / bought in the online store, is capable of giving energy to your favorite smartphone for four full charges. The choice of the device depends on the capacity reserve, expressed in the mAh value, additional functions(flashlight), design.

Thanks to portable battery you can forget about the battery going down for several days, although the charging process will take a little longer. Just pair the accessory with mobile cord and click the "enable" button. A wide selection of these devices on the market allows you to buy it inexpensively - the price is from 500 to 5000 rubles, depending on the capacity. Alternatively, the inventors have come up with several more types of additional power supplies:

  1. Solar powered. In the catalogs of online stores around the world, you can already find these simple devices on affordable price... They look like external batteries with only one exception - they need to be placed in a place of direct sunlight and the phone will be able to stay "afloat" even for a long time... Thanks to this method, you can quickly solve such a question: how to charge an iPhone without charging.
  2. From the fire. An unusual device, the work of which is to convert thermal energy into electrical energy. Special braziers are put on the fire, a cable is connected to them and the phone begins to hastily gain interest. Ideally, this charging method is suitable for hikers and those who do not know how to charge an iPhone 5s without charging in nature.

Wireless charging for iPhone iQi Mobile

Recently, the gadget market has been replenished with another novelty - wireless charging iQi Mobile for Apple iPhone, sold at a price of 1200 to 3000 rubles. The principle of operation is very simple - it is used electromagnetic energy, acting by induction on a special battery attached to the phone. It sounds complicated, but in reality everything is nowhere simpler: this is a thin plate 0.5 mm thick, which is placed under any cover, connected to the smartphone connector with a lighting loop. After that, the iPhone is placed on a special docking station and charged. wireless method.

IPhone charging case

Very popular product modernity has become a special case-battery, putting on which the iPhone begins to rapidly replenish the battery capacity. The device has a capacity of 2200 mAh, which is enough to extend the life of a smartphone for a good 1.5-2 days. An important point is to take care of charging the case itself in advance, otherwise it will only turn into protective shell and, I would like to note, very weighty. The design of the accessory is laconic - one "turn on" button and an indicator panel for displaying the remaining battery. The cost of the gadget is acceptable - it is sold at a price of 800 to 2,000 rubles.

What to do if the iPhone does not charge from the original charging

WITH a similar problem a lot of people collide. The original wire produced by large American company may break by different reasons... This can be incorrect handling, common technical problems, inoperability of the connector itself on the phone, and much more. Consider solutions in cases where the standard factory charger does not charge the iPhone:

  1. Mistake in software... Sometimes there are malfunctions of the program that sends signals to a special charging controller (microcircuit). If the software is in a "frozen" state, then the phone will not be able to recognize that the current has already flowed. There is a simple solution - simultaneously on the iPhone, hold down and hold the Nome and Power buttons for about 30 seconds before restarting. After that, the smartphone should start charging.
  2. Contamination of the port that helps to charge the smartphone. A common problem, which occurs in those people who like to carry a cell phone in their pocket. Debris gets into the lighting hole and obstructs the current flow. The solution is simple - take a simple toothpick and use it to get out the dirt, and then blow it thoroughly. Everything, you can connect / charge.
  3. Faulty USB port. If you do not know how to charge an iPhone without charging and use a cord connected to a PC or laptop, then you must definitely check all the inputs for operability. The problem is solved like this: just plug the wire into another USB port or use a regular 220V plug - you can charge.
  4. Faulty cable. It so happens that when the wire is connected, the phone does not show any signs. This means that somewhere in the cord there is a gap that can only be repaired by a specialist. The best way out- buying a new charger for the iPhone.

Check out the ways,.

Charge your phone with another charger

If none of the above methods turned out to be useful, then there is one option that is better to resort to as a last resort - to connect the iPhone battery directly to other chargers. You should immediately make a reservation - using this method is a dangerous activity for both a person and a device, which in any case will have to be opened. Observe precautions - carry out the operation with rubber gloves, do not touch the skin bare wires... Diagram of how to charge iPhone 4 without charging (original):

  1. Disassemble the iPhone, disconnect the battery.
  2. Take any device for charging, cut off the connector to connect to the phone.
  3. Two exposed wires different colors connect in series to the contacts on the battery, which has polarity indicators (blue to +, red to -).
  4. Press the wires firmly and secure with electrical tape.
  5. If you did everything correctly, then when you turn on the iPhone will show signs of life.

Video: how you can charge an iPhone without charging

The reality of modern times is such that now there is not a single person without mobile phone... It's ok because different kinds smartphones and all kinds of gadgets make life much easier. If earlier you could only make calls, now a mobile phone is just a computer that fits in your pocket. You can call, play, listen to music, go online or watch a movie, and all this is possible thanks to gadgets. But this potential of technology requires constant charging devices, and the charger can fail at any time. What to do in this case?

For example, take one of the most popular brands of mobile phones, the iPhone. What to do when it is simply impossible to charge it with a charger.

Looking for an innovative solution

How to charge iPhone 4 without charging if the charger suddenly breaks down or there is no electrified network nearby? Today this question torments many people, because without electricity, a mobile phone, and any other gadget, is simply doomed to "starvation". Naturally, manufacturers are fighting to increase the energy capacity of the iPhone battery or to change the design. charger for charging even without electrical network , but so far this is only experimental.

There are enough portable devices, which can help charge the phone, but in practice they cannot be compared with conventional chargers, but when there are simply no options left, you have to look for an alternative. There are several solutions to the problem related to charging the phone and they really work.

USB charging

Manufacturers have only recently begun to make Alternative option charging the phone, and now when buying an iPhone, not only a charger is available, but also a USB cable, which can be a good replacement for a charger.

In case the main charger box is out of order, can disconnect USB, and connect to any power source that has an appropriate input. It could be stationary computer, laptop, tablet or other devices. This method easily solves the problem with charging the iPhone, but it should not be forgotten that the rate of power supply is significantly reduced. If a smartphone could be charged no more than 2-3 hours using a charger, then using USB, this time is doubled.

Charging with a case

No matter how amazing it may sound, now it's very easy to find a case that not only protects your phone from scratches and bumps, but also charges it. This charging option appeared just a few years ago, but at the same time quickly gained its popularity... The whole point is that the case in which the iPhone is located is additionally equipped with a battery with a capacity of 1500 to 3200 mAh, that is, it can become great alternative charger. The bottom line is that the case does not actually charge the phone, but simply maintains energy in it, due to which, the smartphone can be used much longer.

This method often saves when you have to go to nature or to the village, where there are problems with finding a suitable power outlet. In addition to the function of charging the phone, the case is also shockproof, and just has a beautiful and pleasant appearance. When using a cover instead of a charger on the device, it displays the degree of discharge of the secondary battery.

IQ technologies

Among all the alternative methods of charging a mobile phone, the innovative iQ technology can be called the most popular on the market. The charging system is similar to when the phone powered by the case, but here the energy transfer rate is significantly increased. The iQ charger is best used only at home, because it is quite large, although it looks attractive from the outside.

This wireless way charging iPhone has one very interesting feature... The bottom line is that there is no need to constantly connect the cable, and, thus, you do not have to worry about injury to the charging pad. Many have faced a problem when the connector fell off after a long time using the phone and this problem is inevitable. I have to constantly charge my iPhone due to heavy use, but wireless system iQ solves this problem easily and prevents damage to the charger input.

On the modern market These wireless charging platforms come in a variety of shapes, colors and materials, so you won't have a problem making a choice. It is also important to consider the ease of use of the charging platform.

The perfect way to charge your mobile phone

Using the method with the help of iQ charging is, of course, convenient, but nevertheless, plastic spoils the appearance of the phone quite a lot. Even despite this, the method became the most popular, so manufacturers began not only to work on wireless charging iphone but also think about appearance plates. Today we can already say for sure that iQi Mobile has no worthy analogues.

This innovative way to charge your phone combines a silicone case with the charging plastic. If its thickness used to confuse device owners, now it is about 1.5 mm, which is almost imperceptible under silicone case... In addition, if you use a wireless charging method, then it remains possible to simultaneously use the charger. Even so, the alternative charger has its advantages and disadvantages.


  • comfortable use;
  • no need to use a mechanical connection;
  • safe operation in high humidity.


  • you cannot use the phone while the battery is charging;
  • the weight and thickness of the phone is increasing;
  • high cost of a wireless charger.


Anyone can charge the phone from a computer with via USB, but there is not always such an opportunity. Sometimes, when you go to nature or to another place where there is no electricity, the phone is simply doomed to be completely discharged, and in our time it is destructive for a person, because the connection with the outside world is completely lost. Alternative ways charges may become in this case a great solution problems. Many innovative technologies help to charge the phone by converting thermal, kinetic and mechanical energy into a charge for the phone and even though a large number of cons, sometimes you just can't do without such options.

Surely every iPhone owner charges his gadget in a chaotic manner. Knowing that the device will last for about one daylight hours, we try to snatch precious energy here and there, at least by the same 20-30%. We are talking about occasional recharging at the workplace, with friends, in the car and other sources. And this is on the one hand, but on the other, we "fry" our devices, leaving them to be fed overnight, which in most cases exceeds the time mark of seven o'clock.

Let's try to figure it out and decide (iPhone 5S) your gadget and how negatively the above-described messy connections will affect the life of the battery as a whole. The opinions of experts in this field and the reviews of ordinary owners of these gadgets will be taken into account.

In general, as such, the average user does not ask himself serious questions about charging the device - he plugged the gadget into an outlet and forgot. However, there are some interesting and important points that few people know about. These nuances, coupled with general recommendations just help answer the question: "How to properly charge the iPhone 5S?"

We will systematize and pay attention to all practical and critical moments from standard instructions manual for the gadget, which, in one way or another, relate to our topic.

How to properly charge your new iPhone 5S

The first recharging of your gadget is one of the most important moments. In order for the device to serve regularly for many years and delight you long time autonomous work, it is necessary to correctly carry out the first recharge cycle.

How to properly charge your iPhone 5S for the first time:

  • as soon as you take your gadget out of the box, connect it to the charger for at least three hours;
  • if the battery indicator is 100% full, you can safely use the device up to complete discharge battery;
  • after the device turns off, leave the iPhone alone for about two to three hours;
  • after the specified time has passed, reconnect the phone to the charger and again wait until it is charged to 100%.

It is also worth noting one important nuance in the question: "How to properly charge the iPhone 5S for the first time?" During the first recharge cycle, in no case should you use the gadget, otherwise new battery will begin to "sag" and lose, albeit a very small, but such an important amount of battery. Also, before charging properly new iphone 5S, that is, according to the above instructions, make sure that the recharging point is free of any sources of moisture (bathrooms, water vases, aquariums, etc.) and direct sunlight. That is, in fact, everything that can negatively affect the first cycle.

Charge at night or not?

In order to really figure out how to properly charge the iPhone 5S and whether to leave it overnight, you need to clearly understand what exactly happens to our gadget after connecting to the charger.

It should be noted right away that, as in most other similar cases, the charging controller, or, in other words, the power control module, is responsible for the process of energizing the device. This controller is directly related to the indication of the battery capacity, that is, it does not allow the gadget to be recharged and at the same time tries to quickly fill the volume up to 100% within a reasonable time. It should also be noted that the first 80% of the battery volume is filled up rather quickly, and the next 20% in a gentle mode, that is, noticeably slower.

After the battery is fully charged, the power management module cuts off power without taking or transferring power to it. The gadget itself will work at this time from the network, that is, in in this case the battery is neither charged nor discharged. Keep this point in mind before charging your iPhone 5S properly.

Long-term charging features

Many become hostages of myths that after reaching 100% of the indication, it starts to work cyclically, discharging and recharging. In fact, this is not the case, otherwise it would lead to significant wear and tear of the battery, which clearly did not suit either the manufacturer or, of course, the user.

Further, one more fact in the question of how to properly charge the iPhone 5S. Surely every owner mobile gadget knows that any rechargeable battery is subject to a self-discharge process. And this is quite normal, if, of course, at this time it is not connected to the charger. Have lithium polymer batteries, with which the fifth iPhones are equipped, this figure fluctuates within 5% per month, which is extremely small when compared with other types and types of batteries.

Charging cycle

The power management module periodically checks the residual capacity of the battery, and if it encounters a significant loss of charge, it starts new cycle energy supply. Such a need arises after the loss of at least 2% of the charge, and this does not happen more often than once every two weeks. That is, if you forget your gadget connected to the network for a whole month, the controller will start recharging the battery once or at most two times.

Taking into account all of the above, we can safely conclude on how to properly charge the iPhone 5S, and the fact that leaving the gadget connected to the network all night long, you absolutely do not risk anything and will not damage it in any way battery.

Power adapters

A standard charger (5V, 1A, 5W) will fully recharge your gadget in about an hour and a half. There is nothing to add about the branded "apple" adapters - they are made with high quality, conscientiously and rarely break.

Some people ask themselves an interesting and quite logical question: "Is it possible to charge your iPhone 5S by charging from an iPad?" Yes, you can. Some especially zealous fans and commentators on specialized forums immediately retort that this is extremely harmful to the phone's battery for one reason or another, but let's figure it out in order.

Firstly, there is a corresponding topic on the official (!) Apple resource, where it is indicated in black and white: "Despite the fact that the charger is intended for the iPad, you can also charge any model of iPhone or iPod with it." And such a moment in the text is clearly not present in order to cash in on users by selling them new batteries.


Yes, there are more than enough myths that you cannot charge your iPhones with adapters from iPads. Such a procedure supposedly completely kills phone batteries, significantly reducing the battery capacity. Experts in this field (who just need to listen to) unanimously assure that this is not the case.

Remember that the charger, as we used to call it, with which we power the phone, is not a charger at all, no matter how punky it sounds. This is the most normal adapter nutrition direct current... The phone charging module is located in the gadget itself and is the same power controller mentioned above. It is this module that determines what kind of current to send to the battery.

Chinese Power Adapters

Not worth considering from the Middle Kingdom. Almost all experts unanimously advise not to use chinese adapters food due to their dubious quality. They just can completely ruin your battery.

Literally all field tests showed that real characteristics Chinese chargers differ significantly from those stated. Of course, due to the cheapness of these adapters, the temptation to buy is very great, but you will remember these couple of paragraphs more than once when your iPhone stops charging, so it's better not to risk it and stay on branded "apple" chargers.

Car adapters

In general, all car chargers are evil for your gadget. You can use them only in the most extreme cases, because the risk of completely ditching your battery is very high.

The thing is that the car power system is far from a standard in terms of current and voltage stability, and those chargers that we see on the shelves of car stores are simply not able to save your iPhone from electrical surges. Car adapters can easily damage the power management module of your phone, which is best case will affect the charging time, and at worst - complete rejection in the energy supply of the gadget, even with a branded charger from standard network at 220 V.

The iPhone charging cable is his Achilles heel. At the same time, it is striking that a lot has already been said and written about the problem, and Apple does not seem to be going to change anything. However, why - if in the "pink" universe of the "apple" giant any user can buy for himself every year new i-smartphone and what a coincidence, just like that guarantee period has a charging cable.

However, we all understand what Russian realities are - to acquire new iPhone every year not every user can afford it. Frankly, not even all users of i-smartphones can easily shell out 1,500 rubles from their pockets for a new original cable, and therefore the request - how to fix the charging wire from an iPhone on their own - is very popular. Well, in this article, we will tell you everything about iPhone wire repair.

Why is the i-smartphone cable so flimsy? And it's all about some truly manic Apple's desire for beauty, at the moment when it is objectively worth thinking about reliability. One involuntarily comes to mind an excellent Russian proverb about a fool who was forced to pray to God. Here is about the same situation. Top insulation layer of the charger iPhone cable made of beautiful material, very pleasant to the touch - a kind of soft touch in rubber. In general, it gives aesthetic pleasure, but the trouble is, he is very flimsy!

What's the bottom line? After about a year, very unpleasant "lacerations" appear in the places of the cleanest bends, and if they are not healed in time, the problem will worsen, first the inner insulating layers will become unusable, and then the wiring itself, after which, of course, the cable will no longer be able to function ...

Preventive measures

And that's when iPhone already does not give a signal to start the charging process, the user has a question - how to fix the charging. Although, frankly, it's a little late. After all, if you take some preventive measures, you can prolong the life of the cable for a long time and you won't have to resort to complicated repairs. So if your cable is still intact, read this section carefully.

Simple and tasteless

For those who are very far from technology and repair, we want to offer a very simple way of protection charging cable... All you need are two fountain pen springs, which you need to put on on both sides of the cable. We bend one end of the spring and wind it up, and when we wind it completely, we bend both ends of the spring a little, as if inward, to keep it more secure, only as carefully as possible, otherwise you will end up damaging the cable that you want to protect.

Well, what happened? According to it, it does not look aesthetically pleasing, but how simple and potentially it saves you 1,500 rubles. By the way, if you are now thinking - why do I need an original cable for 1,500 rubles, I will buy a Chinese cable for 150, we hasten to warn you. First, 99% are not original cables do not work with iTunes, charge - charge, but you will not be able to connect to a PC - here again some clever Apple schemes are to blame. Secondly, cheap cable after all, it is much less reliable than the original one, and if the latter is guaranteed to last a year, then the non-“native” can order to live a long time in a couple of months.

The safer way

Don't like the spring method at all? Okay, we offer more reliable and more poetic. Only here, probably, the majority will have to get acquainted with a new concept - "heat shrinkage"? What it is? A tube made of a special material with an excellent property of shrinking in diameter when heated. So she will help us with the repair. What else do you need? Any fire source - a lighter will work best.

So, first of all, we take the cable and go to the store for heat shrinkage (it can be found in any electronics department) of the required diameter. And which one is needed, you ask? Above, we indicated that when heated, it will decrease, however, no more than half, so we need to find such a heat shrink that, when squeezed, will grip the cable "in a vice", but at the same time put on the Lightning connector. In general, 6-7 millimeters.

Do you need shrinkage diameter found? Excellent, little remains to be done! We will protect the cable from both sides, so from the Lightning side (it is smaller than USB) we pull two lengths of heat shrinkage of 5 centimeters. Now we take the lighter and tightly hold the heat shrinkage on the cable, heat it up. Do not forget about our task - it must sit tightly. By the way, if you want maximum reliability, from the side of Lightning make an overlap heat shrink so that it covers part of the connector, from the USB side this will not work - it is too big.

Unfortunately, this method of wire protection is only available for iPhone 5 and newer i-smartphones. The fact is that the Lightning connector appeared in the iPhone 5, while earlier Apple gadgets were equipped with a cable with a different connector, much wider than Lightning. So you simply will not be able to pick up such a heat shrink so that it crawls through the connector, and when sitting down, it tightly sat on the cable

Real renovation

It should be noted that many preventive measures with heat shrinkage are also used when the cable already needs real repair. That is, in fact, it is not a matter of sculpting heat shrinkage on top of an already torn cable, this is not a very reliable measure, but this type of repair also has a right to exist. However, we are sure - if the insulation has already been broken - more serious repairs are needed and heat shrinkage alone will not be enough. In this situation, you will need:

  • soldering iron and related materials (rosin, solder)
  • wire cutters
  • sharp knife
  • unnecessary old USB cable (no matter which connector is on the other side)
  • insulating tape
  • heat shrinkage (well, yes, where without it) of two diameters - minimum and 5-6 millimeters
  • fire source

As you can imagine, the work will be serious.However, if you own a soldering iron, everything will be quite simple for you, and if you only plan to make friends with this wonderful tool, you will have to sweat a little. So let's get started.

Preparing the USB cable

You can buy a USB cable, but we recommend digging into old electronics at home. This cable is the most popular, and therefore it is highly likely that the search will end with success. We emphasize that it does not matter at all what will happen on the other side, because as soon as required wire there is, we have to take the wire cutters and cut what is there. That is, we should have a cable with a USB connector on one side, and a cut wire on the other. Next, we'll tackle the cropped side:

Preparing the iPhone charging cable connector

Good news! It doesn't matter if you have an iPhone 5 or an older model - this repair is universal for any cable - both for Lightning and for its predecessor.

Connect USB cable and iPhone iPhone charging wire

Well, what's left is small, to connect the two prepared elements, for this you need to solder the wires of the corresponding colors to each other - green with green, black with black, etc. But! Before soldering, you must first put on the cable a heat shrink with a diameter of 5-6 mm and for each wiring a heat shrink of the minimum diameter.

When all the wires are soldered, we push heat shrinkage onto each contact and heat it up.

Then, for fidelity, we fasten the wiring with electrical tape and stretch the heat shrinkage of a larger diameter onto this structure, heat it.

That's all! The repair is over.

We tried to describe the process in as much detail as possible, without leaving dark spots, but if something remains incomprehensible - watch this video -

Hard case

Unfortunately, the above instructions will not work if the cable breaks too close to the connector and the integrity of the metal wires has already been violated - in this case, it will not be possible to solder to the wiring, you will have to solder to the microcircuit itself hidden inside the connector - this means that you will need to completely open it. Not everyone dares to do this. But if there are daredevils, we recommend watching this video - it will help you in this difficult task.

Let's summarize

As you can see, it is not so easy to repair the iPhone charging if the insulation is already torn. Although, if you prefer a "free" repair using only heat shrinkage, which, in fact, is really good only in quality preventive measures, you will probably argue with this statement.

However, our recommendations are as follows - if you have an iPhone 5 and newer models of i-smartphones - protect your cable with heat shrink as soon as you start using it, or when its useful life will approach the year. Remember? This is exactly the guarantee Apple gives on it. As for iPhones, which were supplied not with a Lightning cable, but with a wider one - grit your teeth and put on the spring from the handle, although it will not look very good. But if you didn't keep track and the cable broke - this applies to all models of i-smartphones, then do the repairs right away, if not on your own, then we are sure that among your friends there will definitely be someone who is friends with a soldering iron, ask them for help !

Breakdown of the charger, poor-quality or non-original adapter, lack of electricity. These and many other reasons can prevent the user from charging the iPhone. However, it is for such a case that there are many other modern ways to recharge the device.

If you do not have an original charger at hand, and the battery is almost running out, you can use one of the following simple methods. Most of them can become worthy alternative for Lightning.

Via USB port

If you only have a USB cable at hand, you can use it and your computer to charge your mobile device. For this, USB 2.0 and 3.0 connectors are suitable. The disadvantage of this method is that the cable has insufficient power, so it will take a lot of time to reach 100% charge.

If you connect the USB cable to the adapter, you can use a wall outlet instead of a computer. This method will be faster, but it will take up to several hours to wait.

Charging without a cord

There are two known options for alternative power sources that are offered by the modern market:

  • solar battery. It is a portable device that accumulates solar energy and can transfer it to a mobile phone in the form of a cherished percentage of the battery. Naturally, in cloudy weather, use solar battery it will be difficult;
  • portable battery. Can be wired (imply the required presence USB cable) and wireless. The device can be purchased in the price range from 500 rubles to several thousand. The only difference will be in power: the more powerful the "charger", the more expensive it is. The optimal power level is considered to be 10,000 mAh.

So that the battery can give energy to the mobile in difficult situation, it must also be recharged in a timely manner.

Note! Another lesser known device is considered to be a device that converts heat into electrical energy... It is installed directly on the fire (or near it), after which it is connected to a mobile phone. This method is ideal for hiking or other conditions in which it will be difficult to get electricity.

IQi Mobile Wireless Charger

Apple's innovative device is original battery, which charges your mobile device contactlessly under any conditions. The advantages of the iQi Mobile Wireless Charging device are:

  • affordable cost;
  • light weight and compact dimensions (it is convenient to take with you on the road);
  • the ability to place the device under a mobile case;
  • no need for sources of electricity;
  • the ability to charge the gadget;
  • high charging speed;
  • compatibility with all iPhone models including X, 7 Plus, SE, etc .;
  • work without using USB cord.

All that is required for work is a compatible charger such as Koolpuck or Koolpad. It is enough to arrange wireless charging next and the battery percentage will start to increase rapidly.

Battery case

The battery case is an innovative development invented for those who constantly need to charge their phone when the network is not nearby. This device works in the following way:

  1. We install the mobile phone inside. To do this, pull back the top edge and insert the device.
  2. We charge. Being in iPhone charging case works automatically. In order not to waste extra energy, control the level on the screen of your mobile device.
  3. We remove from the charge. To do this, pull back the top edge and take out the phone.

Note! The charging case also needs to be recharged. It uses a Lightning USB cable and any user-friendly power source. You can use a licensed "charger" for the iPhone.

Since such a case is not equipped with any indicators, its charge level must be monitored through Apple device... To do this, place the phone for charging in the case, after which two battery indicators will be displayed on its screen - the main one and for the Smart Battery Case.

What to do if iPhone won't charge

Sometimes you cannot charge your mobile device even when the original charger is at hand. Knowing the reasons for this phenomenon, you can try to fix the problem at home. Consider possible ways solutions:

  • faulty USB port. Notebook malfunctions can result in problems with USB connectors... If you charge your iPhone this way, test all ports by constantly monitoring the charge level. Often this method helps, and charging starts in one or several ports;
  • Dirty Lightning connector. This happens even if you use a case and keep the device completely clean. Try cleaning the connector with a toothpick, but be careful not to damage internal contacts... It is best to walk carefully in the corners without touching the central part. After that, the entrance should be purged and you can start charging.

If the phone is so discharged that it has turned off, it naturally may not immediately respond to the charger. Wait 10-15 minutes before moving on to the next method.

If none of the other methods helped, but you use original charging then most likely the problem lies in the mobile device itself. Problems can occur with the battery, firmware, or power controller. In this case, you will need to contact service center for diagnostics and subsequent repair work.

We use other chargers

Any specialist will confidently say that for high-quality charging iPhone is better just use original device... But this is not always possible, and besides, certified models are quite expensive. In such situations, users resort to using other chargers, for example:

  • Chinese counterparts. Using cheap analog chargers - efficient way to charge your mobile device. It's cheap, but very short-lived.
  • direct charge. This method is very dangerous, however, experienced users can take the risk and use it. For implementation, you will need to disassemble the iPhone and remove the battery. After that, carefully cut off the connector from any charger: you will see wires of blue (+) and red (-) colors. We connect these wires to the contacts on the battery and fasten them with electrical tape. It will be impossible to control the charge level, but if everything is done correctly, then you can be sure that the device will be charged. If you are not sure if you can organize the process safely, then this method better not to use!

The described methods can only be suitable for the most extreme cases and for one-time use. It is strictly not recommended to use them all the time: it can harm both the mobile device and your health.

What is better not to do

At times iPhone users who cannot charge their device in any way go to extreme measures for this or safety rules are neglected. Such users should know in advance what absolutely must not be done:

  • constantly use uncertified chargers. There are hundreds of known cases of mobile phone fires, battery failure, and serious breakdowns. The reasons for these problems were non-original chargers. Cheap counterparts will serve your iPhone bad service, so it's better to pay more but buy the original Lightning;
  • try to disassemble the phone yourself. You should especially not do this if you are not versed in mobile devices... You can be sure that as a result you will have to contact the service center;
  • Do not leave the mobile to charge after the battery is fully charged. It renders big influence on the battery and shortens its life;
  • follow the instructions. Additional chargers must be used strictly in accordance with it. Do not neglect the safety rules and the battery will serve you for a long time.

Important! Experts recommend keeping your charge at a medium level. It ranges from 40% to 80%. It is better not to bring the charge level to 100% and do not allow it to fall to 0%: this will wear out the battery. Perfect option- charge the device more often, but for a shorter period of time.


There are many devices, including non-standard ones, that help you charge your iPhone even in difficult conditions. However, it is not recommended to use them all the time, but only in rare cases. The best and in a safe way the original device remains for charging.


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