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A set of information technologies. Information technology: definitions, concepts


1 Information technologies: definitions, concepts……………….….4

2 Information technology in the library……………………………..6

2.1 IT and ensuring the safety of library collections………..10

2.2 Using IT to promote accessibility legal information…………………………………………………………………..12

3 Internet technologies……………………………………………………..14




The rapid development of science and technology at the end of the 20th century led to widespread information technologies in various fields of activity. All higher value acquire information and information technologies. At the same time, methods and methods of information processing must comply with two principles: accuracy and speed of acquisition.

Information technology is essential integral part most types of intellectual, managerial and production activities of man and society. The development of information technology in modern conditions is based on the use of computer technology and related methods and means of automating information processes.

Of course, the five main trends in the development of information technology at the end of the 20th century are personal computers, CD-ROM, the Internet, electronic libraries, mobile connection– significantly influenced the usual library technologies.

Today, the focus is on problems related to satisfying readers' information needs: identifying user needs, completeness of literature receipt, use of the Internet in library processes, use of the electronic document market.

The purpose of this essay will be to study the use of information technology in the SPI library of Izhevsk State Technical University.

1 Information technologies: definitions, concepts.

Information technologies are designed to automate the processes of routine processing of large volumes of information and provide users of any rank with accessible and compact documents containing data, both in original and processed form. The formation of information resources in almost all areas of human activity has led to the emergence and rapid pace of development of information technologies, including librarianship.

To ensure the logical integrity of the presentation, we will consider definitions and concepts related to information technology.

Information technology (IT) is a process that uses a set of methods and means for implementing operations of collecting, registering, transferring, accumulating, protecting and processing information based on software and hardware, aimed at increasing the efficiency and productivity of labor.

There are other definitions of IT, for example:

1 IT is a term that refers to all technological tools used to create, store, exchange and use information in its various forms (business data, telephone conversations, photographs, videos, multimedia presentations, as well as any others that may appear in the future .

2 IT or information and communication technologies– ICT is a technology used to process information. Specifically, they use computers and software to transform, store, protect, transmit and retrieve information anywhere and at any time.

3 IT techniques, methods and methods of using hardware and software when performing information processing functions.(2)

The above definitions show the complex and multicomponent nature of IT.

Technologies differ in the composition and sequence of operations, the degree of their automation (proportion of machine and manual labor), and the reliability of their implementation. Reliability is realized by the quality of basic operations and the availability of various controls.

Information technology copes with a significant increase in the volume of processed information and leads to a reduction in the time it takes to process it. Automated information systems for information technology are the main environment, the constituent elements of which are tools and methods for data transformation. IT is a process consisting of clearly regulated rules for performing operations on information circulating in information systems ah (IS), and depends on many factors, which are systematized according to the following classification criteria (Figure 1):

· Degree of centralization of the technological process;

· Type of subject area;

· Degree of task coverage;

· Class of technological operations being implemented;

· Type user interface;

· Method of building a network.

Fig 1 Classification of information technologies

Information Technology

Degree of centralization of the technological process

Subject area type

Task coverage

Class of implemented technological operations

User Interface Type

Network construction method

Centralized technology;

Decentralized technology;

Combined technology.


Insurance activities;

Banking activities;

Tax activities;

Automated data processing;

Automation of functions;

Decision support;

Electronic office;

Expert support.

Work with text editors;

Working with table processors;

Working with DBMS;

Work with graphic objects;

Multimedia systems;

Hypertext systems.





Multi-level (hierarchical);


2 Information technology in the library.

We consider the library (library information system) as a communication and social system(institute), intended primarily for information services for a specific circle of users and providing them with the required document resource.

The world of libraries and library workers has changed under the influence of external environment and with the advent of new information technologies. Although, the functions of libraries remain the same: to collect documents and information, store it, and bring it to those for whom it is intended. And to do this as efficiently as possible, quickly and completely. But the means by which they are implemented have become new, modern, corresponding to the new information era.

University and institute libraries have always been and continue to be the main source of information providing scientific and educational activities university (institute), since the level and quality of educational and research work is largely determined by the library and information support of teachers and students, researchers and graduate students.

A special feature of our library, like any other university library, is the fact that it does not exist as an independent institution, but is a structural subdivision of the institute. Therefore, the basis for library informatization is an automated library information system (ALIS), integrated into the university’s unified information system. All personal computers of the institute, including those installed in the library, are connected to a local network and have access to the library’s working databases and the Internet for communication through a user interface. This is precisely the task that the library set itself when embarking on the comprehensive computerization of all production library processes, starting pre-order literature and ending with the issuance of documents to readers.

In the reading room of the SPI library, to ensure the operation of the library and the educational process, eight computers are equipped with the Microsoft Windows XP operating system with all office applications: Word, Excel, Power Point, Access, etc., as well as free analog office programs Open Office: Writer, Cals, Impress, Base, Draw (graphics editor), Math.

And also: Adobe Photoshop CS, Winamp, The BAT, Internet Explorer, Borland Developes Studio 2006, Corel Draw Graphics Suite 12, Mathcad 2001 Professional, Compass – 3D V8 / Compass autoproject V9.3, Borland Delphi 7, Promt, 1C: Enterprise 7.7, 8.0, Matlab V6.5, Maple 9.5 and higher, P-Cad 2001, Statistica 6.0, Adobe Reader, SolidWorks, ADEM.

In recent years, due to the revision legislative framework librarianship and changes in traditional library processes, a need has emerged for improving the management of the process of creating and using documents on the part of the library administration.

Availability in the office of the library manager of a computer and databases reflecting Current state basic technological processes in departments, gives him the opportunity to quickly carry out remote control and monitoring of the state of affairs in the library, especially in those areas that need increased attention.

The Izhevsk State Technical University SPI library uses the “Online: Library” configuration. It is not an independent program; for its functioning you must have the 1C: Enterprise 7.7 platform.


· Automation of all sections of library accounting:

Maintaining an electronic catalog (EC);

Printing alphabetical and systematic index cards in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003;

Printing the back of an index card;

Book form printing;

Selecting a list of books by keyword and printing it out;

Maintaining systematic records of books according to the UDC and BBK indices;

Maintaining a directory of publishing houses.

· Book availability:

Maintaining a directory of specialties;

Maintaining a directory of taught subjects;

Maintaining the current composition of courses;

Maintaining a list of books studied on the subject;

Book supply statement.

· Operations with readers:

Maintaining a list of study groups;

Maintaining a list of readers: teachers, students in groups, dropouts;

Conducting operations of issuing and receiving books;

Control of books is in the hands of the reader.

· Accounting documents:

Acceptance of books into the library collection;

Exclusion of books from the library collection;

Summary book;

Inventory book.

Tools for working with documents allow you to organize the entry of documents, their arbitrary distribution among journals and the search for any document according to various criteria: number, date, amount, etc.

The online library includes a set of statistical reports that allow you to obtain information for any period, in various sections and with the required level of detail.

Digital catalogue- this is, first of all computer base data, another type (method) of presenting information about a document, an unconventional tool for disclosing the fund. Entering information into the database (DB) is carried out in accordance with GOST 701-2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of compilation." Each entry is accompanied by keywords that facilitate the search for documents in the database by subject matter and type of publication; the number of copies and storage location of documents is indicated.

The electronic catalog consists of a set of directories, the main one being the “Books” directory. Without it, neither work on analyzing the book supply of the educational process, nor work with readers is possible. As books are entered into this directory, other directories will be filled in: “Authors”, “Publishers”, “ Keywords", "Series", "Publication places", etc. For newly arriving or retiring publications, it is necessary to draw up the documents “Act of receipt of books” and “Act of exclusion of books from the library collection,” respectively, which will allow the formation of a summary book. As you enter the bulk of the books used in the library into the Books directory, you can move on to analyzing the book supply and automated servicing of readers.

An analysis of book availability must be done annually, in connection with changes in curricula, course composition, types of disciplines and specialties taught.

The second point in the penetration of information technology into the library was CD-ROMs, DVDs brought the new kind document carriers and led to the phenomenon of electronic libraries (EL). For libraries, the development of electronic library means, first of all, scanning (digitization) and the formation of part of their collection in electronic form, its organization and servicing of local and remote users.

What have electronic publications given to libraries?:

1 The ability to serve its readers with a variety of databases and other information products: bibliographic, abstract, factual, address and reference, thereby significantly expanding its user service and promoting greater accessibility to global information resources.

2 The ability to use a comprehensive, energy- and resource-efficient, relatively inexpensive publishing medium that has many advantages over paper, microform and magnetic tape.

3 Multi-access to one document - simultaneous access by several users to one electronic resource using CD-ROM Networking systems

4 Safety, creation of insurance copies.

2.1 IT and ensuring the safety of library collections.

Library collections are part of the national cultural heritage, a historical source and information resource of the country. Meanwhile, thousands of documents are lost in libraries during storage and use.

Of interest to libraries are systems that work in the field of protection against theft and unauthorized movement. Types of anti-theft systems using radio frequency identification technology are shown in Table 1.

Table 1

Currently, anti-theft electromagnetic systems are most suitable for libraries. Their work is as follows: a special electronic pass-through system (detector panels) has high sensitivity and contactlessly reads information from a medium hidden in a magazine, book, etc. One of the detector panel racks is a receiver, the other is a transmitter. The transmitter emits a signal at a certain frequency in a strictly defined period of time. An electromagnetic field arises between the posts. If there is a storage medium in the system’s field of action, and at the same time it is active, i.e. taking out a book, magazine, etc. is not resolved, resonant oscillations arise in it. The receiver picks up these resonant vibrations and sounds an alarm, which may include a light and sound alarm, stopping the unscrupulous visitor. When the document is authorized to be issued, the information carrier is deactivated, and when it passes through the electromagnetic field of the system, resonant oscillations do not arise in response.

Keeping records of funds in an automated mode involves the use of barcoding technology for documents. It consists of three stages: creating a bar code, applying it to a label, and reading the bar code with special equipment.

A barcode is a sequence of numbers and letters encoded in a certain way (it can be one or the other). Barcode development occurs using special programs. Most often, a barcode symbol is displayed as a light rectangle with dark bars inside it.

The application of bar codes on labels can be implemented not only in a printing house (as a rule, they do not work with small print runs), but also in a library using both the most common and specialized thermal and thermal transfer printers. Barcode reading is done in different ways optical systems- scanners whose operation is based on measuring the intensity of reflected light from black and white stripes of code. A laser scanner reads bar codes from a greater distance and has low requirements for the quality of the bar code read. Even poorly printed and partially damaged marks can be read.

Practice shows that when such systems are introduced into the work of libraries, already in the first year of operation they can reduce losses by at least 80% and automate the daily multiple processes of registering the issue and return of books (3).

Currently, the SPI library does not implement the possibility of using existing systems.

2.2 Use of IT to ensure accessibility of legal information.

The problem of citizens' access to legal information has two aspects. The first of them is determined by the physical ability to find and obtain the text of the required document. The second is related to the inevitable multiplicity of decisions on specific issues.

As for traditional media, the procedure for the official publication of legal acts different levels regulated in sufficient detail, so it would seem that there should not be any special problems with access to them. However, it is not. Of the entire volume of regulatory and legal information, only acts of the President, Government and Federal Assembly are consistently available. In printed form, regional regulatory documents are published only in the local press and are practically inaccessible to other consumers of legal information.

Society's need for access to complete, relevant and reliable information and timely information is extremely high. Adoption of Federal Law No. 1-FZ “On Electronic Digital Signature” dated January 10, 2002. made it possible to bring into practice the issues of introducing official electronic publication of regulatory documents. This approach eliminated the problem of multiple sources of publication and the status of official publication in electronic form (5). Currently, almost every executive and legislative body, both federal and regional, have their own websites on the Internet in free access. For example, the Ministry of Taxes and Duties: www/

Providing students and teachers with legal information in SPI is carried out via the Internet, as well as with the help information and legal systems "Garant-Maximum" Platform F1 Turbo with regional legislation.

The Garant system presents federal legislation and legislation of 84 regions Russian Federation, including the Udmurt Republic, as well as 10 federal arbitration courts of districts. Every week more than 8,000 new documents are received into the system. Currently it contains more than one and a half million documents and comments on regulations.

Working with legal documents begins with a search, which is carried out according to the details: document name, type, number, date, issuer; in addition to the basic details, there are additional ones, such as the territory of regulation, type of information, significance, status; search by situation (if the details are unknown), the user can describe his question in familiar terms, selecting the situation of interest in a convenient two-level list.

The result of the search is a list of documents containing regulatory documents at the federal and regional levels, judicial practice and analytics. Depending on the specific task the resulting list can be sorted by publication date, by date last change or by legal force documents. You can also integrate any document into your office Microsoft application Word and Microsoft Excel.

The texts of individual documents may contain built-in objects - various illustrations, forms, tables, graphs, etc. At the bottom of the main window there are tabs: help; annotation; arbitrage practice; comments, explanations, diagrams; warnings with which you can find additional information about the document.

The Garant Platform F1 Turbo system implements an ultra-fast contextual search mode, which allows you to ultra-quickly find the document you are looking for.

3 Internet technologies.

The emergence of the Internet and its rapid entry into library life can be considered as the main result, the main component of information technology of the past decade.

The Internet in the library is a tool widely used in serving users. This is access to catalogs and resources of other libraries, to full-text scientific publications, databases, scientific journals, the ability to receive copies of articles via the document delivery system.

Among other results of libraries mastering the Internet, we note the following:

1. The complete victory of the Internet over other networks has actually left the Internet today as the only communication medium for interlibrary cooperation, integration and communication;

2. WWW technologies and the http protocol practically “crushed” other alternatives and became the only standards for presenting library resources on the Internet;

3. The Z39.50 protocol has received powerful development in terms of building corporate library resources on the Internet;

4. The principle of public access to library user information has been implemented, which, however, led to two types of negative consequences:

Absolute access to information eliminated a number of positions on the necessary protection of information required in any information institution;

Distribution via Free access on the Internet of erotic and pornographic information, sites that sow national discord, distort history, etc.

5. For a wide range of library readers, primarily scientists, specialists, teachers, graduate students, students, the Internet has opened up new opportunities for providing a variety of information, including reports, articles, books, bibliographic indexes, encyclopedias, grant programs and much more.

6. Libraries have the opportunity to work with Internet catalogs and Internet stores of various publishing houses and book distribution organizations, Internet exhibitions, Internet subscription agencies and other forms of new Internet business.(6)

Separately, it must be said that many libraries, not having the funds to acquire collections, find the opportunity via the Internet to organize access for their users to full-text electronic resources through Electronic Libraries (EL). For example, full-text versions provide: – Russian Humanitarian Internet – University – Electronic library, help for humanitarian specialties – Maxim Moshkov Library – EUNnet Virtual Library ( teaching aids and scientific publications) – Electronic catalog of dissertations

– Union of Educational Sites – Classical poetry and prose – University digital library – Knowledge without borders – electronic lectures, textbooks and manuals, laboratory and coursework, exam spurs

Reference and bibliographic service / Periodicals: – Information and reference portal – Catalog of periodical publication websites – virtual help desk"Ask the Libliographer" – Bibliographic search system “Bukinist” – Publishing House “Delo and Service” - Publishing house "Accounting" – Thematic information magazine

In addition, it is becoming increasingly common electronic delivery documents, which allows users to order and receive an electronic copy of an article, brochure, or fragment of a book via e-mail.


E-mail is one of the main services and a standard service of the global Internet computer network. Connection and maintenance are carried out through provider organizations. Providers work with individual and collective users, providing them with a range of services. For the period of connection, the user’s computer receives an individual address and “ Mailbox» according to Internet Protocol (IP address). The client part must be installed on the user's computer software Email. Server part the corresponding email software is located more remotely powerful computer(server) serving the nearest local network. When exchanging information via e-mail, all computers on the network must use uniform agreements (protocols) on the methods of generating and transmitting messages. The basic protocols are TCP/IP protocols (Transport Control Protocol / Internet Protocol). In addition to basic protocols, application email protocols are used. There are email systems that are compatible and incompatible with Windows. Among the most famous are postal packages E-mail programs Connection and Eudora Pro, designed to work in a Windows environment.

The active implementation of Internet technologies has made it possible to implement another functional capability of the library - informational and technological through user access to the SPI website -

The scientific library on its page reflects the following sections:

· general information: history of the library, work schedule, library today;

· Professional activity: exhibitions, events;

· Terms of use;

· Subscribed periodicals;

· Newsletter of new arrivals.


Automation of library and information processes, systems (ALIS) and networks is due to the continuously increasing volume various information in all branches of human activity and the corresponding needs of users to quickly, completely and efficiently obtain documentary and electronic primary sources.

Introduction of computers into daily life and the activities of the library changed the traditional forms and methods of preserving and processing the collection. An electronic book, unlike a traditional one, provides text accompaniment with video image movement, sound, provides analysis and evaluation for the reader, makes it possible to arrange the text depending on needs, obtain additional information in relevant databases, and international information.

The positive changes occurring with the introduction of Internet technologies convincingly show how the processes of acquisition, processing and issuance of documents, import-export of virtual resources are being transformed.

Barcoding technology has enormous potential for use in libraries to ensure the safety of library collections during use.

Taking care of the informatization of educational and scientific processes, focusing on the needs of its users (teachers and students), the library is mastering new information technologies. Thanks to this, the prerequisites for obtaining a high-quality education are created.


1. Brezhnev, V.V. Information services: products and services provided by libraries and information services of enterprises: educational and practical guide / V.V. Brezhneva, V.A. Minkina. - St. Petersburg: Profession, 2004.-304 p.- (Library).

2. Voroisky, F.S. Modern information technology and its development / F.S. Voroisky // Scientific and technical libraries. - 2006 - No. 8. - P. 66-79.

3. Grigorieva, I.I. Information technologies and ensuring the safety of library collections / I.I. Grigorieva // Scientific and technical libraries. - 2004 - No. 7. - P. 46-52.

4. Information technologies of management: textbook. manual for universities / Ed. G.A. Titorenko. - 2nd ed., additional - M.: UNITI, 2005 - 439 p.

5. Khurgin, V.M. The use of information technologies to ensure accessibility of legal information / V.M. Khurgin // Scientific and technical libraries. - 2004 - No. 6. - P. 7-16.

6. Shrayberg, Ya.L. libraries and information technologies: 10 years later / Ya.L. Shrayberg // Scientific and technical libraries. - 2004 - No. 1. - P. 25-55.

7. Shrayberg, Ya.L. Basic provisions and principles for the development of automated library information systems and networks: educational and practical manual / Ya.L. Shrayberg.-2nd ed., rev. and additional - M.: Liberea, 2001 - 104 p.

Information is one of the most valuable resources of society, along with such traditional material types of resources as oil, gas, minerals, etc., which means that the process of its processing, by analogy with the processes of processing material resources, can be perceived as technology. Technology when translated from Greek (techne) means art, skill, skill, and these are nothing more than processes.

Under process one should understand a certain set of actions aimed at achieving a set goal. The process must be determined by the strategy chosen by the person and implemented using a combination of various means and methods.

Then the following definition is valid.

Information technology (IT) - a set of means and methods for collecting, processing and transmitting data (primary information) to obtain new quality information about the state of an object, process or phenomenon (information product).

The purpose of information technology is the production of information for human analysis and decision-making based on it to perform any action.

The practical application of data processing methods and tools can be different, so it is advisable to distinguish between global basic and specific information technologies.

Global information technology includes models, methods and means that formalize and allow the use of information resources of society.

Basic information technology intended for a specific application (production, Scientific research, training, etc.).

Specific information Technology implement data processing when solving functional tasks of users (for example, accounting, planning, analysis tasks).

Like all technologies, information technologies are constantly developing and improving. This is facilitated by the emergence of new technical means, the development of new concepts, methods of organizing data, their transmission, storage and processing, forms of user interaction with technical and other components of information and computing systems.

Expanding the circle of people with access to information and computing resources of data processing systems, as well as the use of computer networks that unite users geographically remote from each other poses a particularly acute problem of ensuring the reliability of data and protecting it from unauthorized access. In this regard, modern information technologies are based on the concept of using special hardware and software that ensure information security

The next step in improving information technology is to expand the scope of application of knowledge bases and corresponding artificial intelligence systems.

The knowledge base is the most important element of the expert system created at the workplace of a management specialist. She acts as an accumulator of knowledge in a specific area of ​​professional activity and an assistant in analyzing the situation in the process of developing and making management decisions.

1.2 Information technology and information system

Information technology is closely related to information systems, which are its main environment. At first glance, it may seem that the definitions of information technology and systems are very similar.

Information technology is a process consisting of clearly regulated rules for performing operations, actions, stages of varying degrees of complexity on data stored in computers. The main purpose of information technology is to as a result of targeted actions to process primary information to obtain the information necessary for the user.

Information system is a human-computer information processing system. An information system is an environment whose constituent elements are computers, computer networks, software products, databases, people, various types of hardware and software, communications, etc. The main goal of an information system is to organize the storage and transmission of information.

Implementation of the functions of an information system is impossible without knowledge of the information technology oriented to it. Information technology can exist outside the scope of the information system.

Example. Information technology for working in the environment of the Microsoft Word word processor, which is not an information system.

Thus, information technology is a more capacious concept , reflecting the modern understanding of the processes of information transformation in the information society . The skillful combination of two information technologies - management and computer - is the key to the successful operation of an information system.

Summarizing all of the above, let us introduce somewhat narrower definitions of an information system and technology, implemented by means computer equipment.

Information technology - a set of clearly defined purposeful actions of personnel to process information on a computer.

Information system - a human-computer system for supporting decision-making and production of information products, using computer information technology.

Today is our first lesson on the site. . And we will start from the very basics, but we will try not to forget to make the lesson simple and interesting.

Perhaps, having visited the site and seeing its name, the first thing that came to your mind was “What isIT? and “why do I need IT lessons?” In the first lesson we will deal with these two issues.

The main question of the first lesson is “what is IT?” If you know the answer to the question, then reading the article will still be useful and, I hope, interesting.

IT(pronounced "ay-ti") is an abbreviated English phrase InformationTechnology, which literally translates as Information Technology (IT).

The following question arises: “what is information technology?” Let's give a simple answer first, and then complicate it a little.

Information Technology (IT) – this is everything related to the processing, storage and transmission of information.

The definition is very abbreviated, if you want to move from level zero to level one, then I advise you to understand the more complete definition:

Information Technology (IT or IT) is a set of interrelated scientific and technical fields of knowledge that study and apply in practice methods of creating, processing, storing, protecting and transmitting information using computer technology.

Since all of the above is now done using computer technology, IT usually means Computer techologies.

Congratulations, you have completed a difficult task and can receive a personal certificate of the first level of knowledge from the IT lessons website. The certificate comes with a small but cute medal, so I recommend not to miss this wonderful opportunity :)

Small note

If you see phrase « IT technologies", then you will immediately guess that it is, to put it mildly, illiterate. This expression is called pleonasm (redundant expression); it repeats the same words unnecessarily.

It is correct to use only the abbreviation “IT” (you can use the English version “IT”) or the phrase “information technology”.

IT application

Information technology is developing at a breakneck pace; 10 years ago, few people had a mobile phone, but now almost every phone can access the Internet (which itself appeared in its familiar form less than 20 years ago).

To visualize where and how information technologies are used, let’s make a small classification.

Areas of IT application (arranged approximately by popularity of use):

  • Entertainment (movies, music, books, games);
  • Communication (social networks, Email, chats, etc.);
  • Providing access to information (news, weather forecast, etc.);
  • Information processing (programs mathematical calculation, graphics, sound and video editors, etc.);
  • Training (tutorials, interactive lessons, webinars, reference books).

To access the above we use regular computer or laptop, tablet or modern mobile phone. Large research laboratories and institutes use supercomputers, but more on that in other lessons.

Why does the reader need IT lessons?

I have a guess that you already know the answer to this question. Surely you use a computer and phone for at least three of the points listed above.

Computer proficiency level It’s different for everyone: some are taking their first steps, some have already gotten used to it, others only occasionally encounter difficulties. But in any case, your knowledge in the field of IT can and should be improved.

The website will help you get comfortable with computer technology, which will certainly simplify your life and allow you to:

  • perform any computer-related work faster and more efficiently;
  • find Additional income in the Internet;
  • find a movie, book, music for relaxation;
  • process the photo and send it to relatives via the Internet;
  • use file exchangers;
  • create blogs and websites;
  • and much more.

You can choose one of three directions: programs, Internet, PC device. You can study in three directions at once.

Send your good work in the knowledge base is simple. Use the form below

Good work to the site">

Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal state budgetary educational institution

higher professional education

"Tula State Pedagogical University named after. L.N. Tolstoy"

(Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after L.N. Tolstoy")

Abstract on the topic: “Information technology”


1st year student

gr. 521153z (1p)

Grishina Ekaterina

  • 1. The concept of information technology
  • 2. Classification of information technologies
  • 3. Types of information technologies

1. The concept of information technology

Information technology - a process that uses a set of means and methods for collecting and transmitting data (primary information) to obtain new quality information about the state of an object, process or phenomenon (information product).

The purpose of information technology is the production of information for human analysis and decision-making based on it to perform any action.

Information technology is the most important component of the process of using society's information resources.

The relationship between information technology and information system

Information technology is closely related to information systems (IS), which are its main environment.

Information technology is a process consisting of clearly regulated rules for performing operations, actions, stages of varying degrees of complexity on data stored in computers. The main goal of information technology is the result of targeted actions to process primary information into the information needed by the user.

An information system is an environment whose constituent elements are computers, computer networks, software products, databases, people, technical means, etc.

The main goal of an information system is to organize the storage and transmission of information. An information system is a human-computer information processing system.

Implementation of the functions of an information system is impossible without knowledge of the information technology oriented to it. Information technology can exist outside the sphere of the information system. For example, information technology for working in a text environment Microsoft processor Word, which is not IP.

Thus, information technology is a more capacious concept that reflects the modern understanding of the processes of information transformation in society.

Summarizing all of the above, we can give narrower definitions of IT and IS.

Information technology - a set of clearly defined purposeful actions of personnel to process information on a computer.

Information system - human-computer system for decision support and production information product using computer information technology.

Components of information technology

The technological process of information processing is presented in the form of a hierarchical structure by levels:

1. Stages. On this level relatively long technological processes are implemented, consisting of operations and actions of subsequent levels. For example, technology for creating a document template in a word processor environment Microsoft Word consists of the following steps:

Creating a permanent part of the form in the form of texts and tables;

Creating a permanent part of the form in the form of a frame in which the drawing is placed;

Creating a variable part of the form;

Protect and maintain shape.

2. Operations. As a result of performing operations, a specific object, in the software environment selected at the first level. For example, the stage of creating a permanent part of a document form in the form of a frame consists of the following operations:

Frame creation;

Frame setting;

Introduction of a drawing into the frame.

3. Actions. A set of standard for each software environment methods of work leading to the fulfillment of the goals set in accordance with the operation are actions. Each action changes the content of the screen. For example, the operation of inserting a picture into a frame consists of the following actions:

Setting the cursor in the frame;

Executing a command Insert, Figure;

Setting parameter values ​​in the dialog box.

4. Elementary Operations- These are operations for controlling the mouse and keyboard. For example, entering a command, clicking the right mouse button, selecting a menu item, etc.

The technological process does not necessarily have to consist of all the presented levels. It can start at any level and not include, for example, stages or operations, but consist only of actions. To implement the stages of the technological process, different software environments can be used.

Information technology must meet the following requirements:

Ensure a high degree of division of the entire information processing process into stages, operations, actions;

Include the entire set of elements necessary to achieve the goal;

Be regular.

Stages, actions, and operations of the technological process can be standardized and unified, which will allow for more efficient targeted management of information processes.

Stages of information technology development

Information technology is the most important component of the process of using society's information resources. To date, it has gone through several evolutionary stages, the change of which was determined mainly by the development of scientific and technological progress and the emergence of new technical means of information processing.

In modern society, the main technical means of information processing technology is the personal computer, which has significantly influenced both the concept of constructing and using technological processes and the quality of information.

Methodology for using information technology

It is quite natural for information technologies that they become obsolete and are replaced by new ones.

Centralized information processing on computer computer centers was the first historically established technology. Large computer centers (CC) for collective use, equipped with large computers, were created. The use of such computers made it possible to process large amounts of information. This technological process was due to insufficient equipment of enterprises and organizations with computer technology in the 60s and 70s.


- the ability for the user to access large amounts of information in the form of databases and information products of a wide range;

- comparative ease of implementation of methodological solutions for the development and improvement of information technology due to their centralized adoption.

Flaws centralized technology methodologies:

- limited liability of lower personnel;

- limiting the user's capabilities in the process of obtaining and using information.

Decentralized information processing associated with the appearance in the 80s. personal computers and the development of telecommunications gives the user ample opportunities to work with information and does not limit his initiative.


- flexibility of the structure, providing scope for user initiatives;

- strengthening the responsibility of lower-level employees;

- the ability to use computer communications.

Flaws methodology for decentralized information processing:

- the complexity of standardization due to the large number of unique developments;

- uneven development of the level of information technology in local areas, which is primarily determined by the level of qualifications of a particular employee.

The described advantages and disadvantages of both methodologies led to a new rational methodology, when using which responsibilities are distributed as follows:

- the computer center is responsible for developing a general strategy for the use of information technology and helps users both in work and in training, sets standards and determines the policy for the use of software and hardware;

- personnel using information technology must adhere to the instructions of the CC, develop their local systems and technologies in accordance with the general plan of the organization.

A rational methodology for using information technology makes it possible to achieve greater flexibility, maintain common standards, ensure compatibility of local information products, and reduce duplication.

2. Classification of information technologies

Types of information technologies

The concept of information technology (IT) is inseparable from the specific environment in which it is implemented, i.e. from the technical and software environment. Information technology is a fairly general concept and as a tool can be used by various users, both non-professional in the computer field and developers of new IT.

The practical application of data processing methods and tools can be different, therefore there are three types of information technologies:

1. Global IT includes models, methods and tools that formalize and allow the use informational resources society.

2. Basic IT is designed for a specific application (production, research, teaching).

3. Specific IT implements data processing when solving functional tasks of users (tasks of accounting, planning, analysis).

Classification by type of information processed

Information technologies differ in the type of information processed, but can be combined into integrated technologies. In accordance with the type of information being processed, one or another type of information technology is distinguished. However, this division is to a certain extent arbitrary, since most of these ITs can support other types of information. Thus, word processors provide the ability to perform primitive calculations, table processors They can process not only digital, but also text information, and also have a built-in graphics generation apparatus. But still, each of these technologies is more focused on processing information of a certain type.

Currently, there are enabling information technologies (EIT) and functional information technologies (FIT).

Providing IT - information processing technologies that can be used as tools in various subject areas to solve problems.

Functional IT represents a modification of supporting IT in which any of the subject technologies. information technology centralized processing

Classification by user interface type

This classification allows us to talk about the system and application interface.

System interface is a set of techniques for interacting with a computer, which is implemented by the operating system or its add-on. Modern operating systems support three types of interfaces (Fig. 3):

- command interface provides a system prompt for entering a command;

- WIMP- interface(Windows - window, Image - image, Menu - menu, Pointer - pointer) displays a window containing program images and an action menu, uses the pointer for selection;

- ILK- interface(Spich - speech, Image - image, Language - language, Knowledge - knowledge) following a speech command on the screen, it moves from one search image to another along semantic semantic connections.

Classification of IT according to the degree of their interaction

Information technologies vary in the degree to which they interact with each other.

They can be implemented in different ways technical means: floppy and networking, as well as using various concepts for processing and storing data:

Distributed information base;

Distributed data processing.

3. Types of information technologies

The most common information technologies

The most common computer technologies are editing text data, processing graphic and tabular data.

Used to work with text word processors(or editors). Among text Windows processors, as the most common environment, we can highlight Write And Word. The technology for their use is based on the WIMP interface, but the capabilities of the processors Word type significantly expanded and to some extent it can be considered as a desktop publishing system.

Basic functions of word processors:

- typing;

- editing and viewing;

- text printing;

- storage on computer media.

Most processors implement functions for checking spelling, selecting fonts and sizes, centering headings, breaking text into pages, printing in one or more columns, inserting tables and figures into text, using templates for page links, working with blocks of text, and changing the structure of a document.

To quickly view the text, it can be assigned the status of a draft, and the image scale can be changed. Navigating through the text is simplified by using bookmarks.

Using formatting tools, you can create the appearance of a document, change the style, underline, italicize, change the size of characters, highlight paragraphs, align them left, right, center, and highlight them with a frame.

Before printing a document, you can view it, check the text, select the paper size, and set the number of copies when printing.

Repeated sections of text, such as an address in a letter or final words, can be designated as autotext and assigned a name. In the future, instead of this text, just specify its name, and the word processor will automatically replace it.

GPUs are intended for entering graphs, diagrams, drawings, and labels into text. They are tools that allow you to create and modify graphic images using appropriate information technologies:

- commercial graphics;

- illustrative graphics;

- scientific graphics.

Information Technology commercial graphics provide display of information stored in spreadsheet processors, databases and individual local files in the form of two- or three-dimensional graphs such as pie charts, bar histograms, line graphs, etc.

Information Technology illustrative graphics make it possible to create illustrations for various text documents in the form of regular - various geometric figures (Vector graphics) - and irregular structures - user drawings (raster graphics). Processors using IT illustrative raster graphics, allow you to select the thickness and color of lines, the fill palette, the font for writing and overlaying text, and previously created graphic images. In addition, the user can erase, cut the drawing, and move its parts. Features listed implemented in the Paint Brush GPU information technology. There are ITs that allow you to view images in the form of slides, special effects and bring them to life. These include Corell Draw, Storyboard, 3d Studio).

Information Technology scientific graphics are intended for servicing cartography tasks, preparing scientific calculations containing chemical, mathematical and other formulas.

Most GPUs follow the WIMP user interface standard. The panel contains an action menu and rulers of tools and colors. The line of tools consists of a set of graphic symbols that allow you to create almost any design. The color line contains the color gamut of your computer monitor.

Tabular documents make up the majority of the document flow of any type of enterprise. Therefore, tabular information technologies are especially important when creating and operating economic information systems.

Table processors are a set of software tools that implement the creation, registration, storage, editing, processing of spreadsheets and their printing. Spreadsheet is a two-dimensional array of rows and columns located in computer memory.

An Excel processor was created for Windows.

The spreadsheet processor allows you to solve most financial and administrative tasks, for example, payroll and other accounting tasks; forecasting sales, market growth, income; analysis of interest rates and taxes; preparation of financial statements and balance sheets; maintaining accounting books to record payments; cost estimates; accounting of cash checks; budget and statistical calculations.

The basic unit of a spreadsheet is the named worksheet on which the table is located. The intersection of a row and a column is called a cell or field. There are two options for addressing cells:

1) absolute addressing- the cell address (identifier) ​​is a letter indicating the column and a number indicating the row number;

2) relative addressing- the top status line indicates the signed increment from the beginning of the desired cell. The bottom line contains an action menu, a toolbar and a totalizer line, where all reproducible actions are reflected.

Column width and row height are given by default, but you can change them using the formatting command. To indicate a block of cells, it is enough to indicate the address of the upper left cell of the block diagonal, the address of the lower right cell of the diagonal and put a dot or colon between them.

Editing tables allows you to copy, delete, clear a cell, block, sheet and perform many other functions listed in the Edit and Insert action menu. You can insert a picture, graph or any other object into a table using OLE technology.

All table processors allow you to create databases and provide a convenient means of working with them.

Microsoft Excel has one file type, a workbook, which consists of worksheets, chart sheets, and macros. Fast access each sheet is accessed through the labels located at the bottom of the worksheet. If a group of actions is performed on one sheet, then they are automatically repeated on all sheets of the group, which simplifies the design of several sheets of the same type in structure.

When performing all functions in the Excel processor, you can use a multi-window system that allows you to perform parallel actions with different documents.

Information network technologies

Currently, there are more than 200 global networks registered in the world.

With the advent of microcomputers and personal computers local computer networks(LAN), which made it possible to raise the management of a production facility to a qualitatively new level, increase the efficiency of using computers, improve the quality of processed information, implement paperless technology, and create a new technology. The unification of LANs and global networks has opened up access to global information resources.

All computers connected into a network are divided into main and auxiliary.

Basic computers - These are subscriber computers (clients). They perform all the necessary information and computing work and determine network resources.

Auxiliary computers(servers) serve to convert and transmit information from one computer to another via communication channels and switching machines (host - computer). There are increased demands on the quality and power of servers, and any personal computer can act as host computers.

Client is an application that sends a request to the user. It is responsible for processing, outputting information and transmitting requests to the server. Any computer can be used as a client computer.

Server is a personal or virtual computer that performs customer service functions and distributes system resources: printers, databases, programs, external memory and etc. Network server supports network functions operating system. Terminal server provides the functions of a multi-user system. Database server provides processing of queries to databases in multi-user systems and is a means of solving network problems in which local networks are used for joint data processing, and not just for organizing the collective use of remote external devices.

Nost-computer- This is a computer installed in network nodes and solving switching issues in the network. A switching network is formed by many servers and host computers connected by physical communication channels called main. Coaxial and fiber optic cables and twisted pair cables are used as backbone channels.

According to the method of information transmission, computer networks are divided into the following types:

- circuit switching networks;

- message switching networks;

- packet switching networks;

- integrated networks.

Networks appeared first circuit switching.

At message switching information is transmitted in chunks called messages. A direct connection is usually not established, and message transmission begins after the first channel is free, and so on until the message reaches the recipient. Each server receives information, assembles it, checks it, routes it, and transmits the message. Disadvantages of message switching:

- low data transfer speed;

- impossibility of dialogue between clients.

The main advantage of this type of network is the reduction in the cost of information transmission.

At packet switching exchange is carried out in short packets of a fixed structure. Plastic bag is a part of a message that meets some standard. The short length of packets prevents blocking of the communication line, prevents queues from growing at switching nodes, and ensures fast connections, low level errors, reliability and efficient use networks. However, when transmitting a packet, a routing problem arises, which is solved by software and hardware methods. The most common are fixed routing And routing using the shortest queue method.

Fixed routing assumes the presence of a route table in which the route from one client to another is fixed, which ensures ease of implementation, but at the same time uneven network load.

Shortest Queue Routing uses several tables in which channels are prioritized. A priority - this is the inverse function of the distance to the destination. Transmission starts on the first free channel with the highest priority. When using this method, the packet transmission delay is minimal.

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