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Tips for effective work with Putty. Connecting securely with PuTTY: how to use SSH

PuTTY is a free client for SSH, Telnet, rlogin and TCP protocols that works on almost all platforms. In practice, it is used to establish a remote connection and work on a node connected using PuTTY.

It is quite convenient to perform the initial configuration of this application, and then use the set parameters. Below is how to connect via SSH via PuTTY after configuring the program.

Configuring PuTTY

  • Open PuTTY

  • In field Hostname (or IP address) specify the domain name of the remote host to which you are going to connect or its IP address
  • Specify in the field Connection type SSH
  • Under the block Session management enter the name you want to give the connection
  • Click the button Save

  • In the cascade menu of the program, find the item Compound and go to the tab Data

  • In field Username for auto login specify the login for which the connection will be established
  • In field Password for auto login enter your password

  • Then press the button Connect

If necessary, before pressing the button Connect you can make additional settings for encoding and display window. To do this, just select the appropriate items in the section Window cascading program menu.

As a result of these actions, PuTTY will establish an SSH connection with the server you specified. In the future, you can already use the created connection to establish access to the remote host.

PuTTY is a small free program for connecting to a server via Telnet or a secure SSH connection.

Why is it needed?

Typically, this program is used to send commands to the server. Those. you configure PuTTY -> it connects to the server -> you type commands into the command line -> the server executes them.

Another application is transferring files from a computer to a server and vice versa, but for such purposes they often use the free software Filezilla, Total Commander or Far Manager.

Where can I download PuTTY?

Download on the official website, the program is free. Do not be intimidated by the design of the site (or rather its absence) - this is a very popular program among webmasters that does not steal data and does no harm. Hosting providers with SSH support recommend using PuTTY to work with the web server.

How to set up PuTTY correctly?

1. Run without installation

After you download the program from the official site, you do not need to install it. Just run the PuTTY.exe file and you see this window:

2. Find the settings

Usually the hosting provider sends the settings for accessing the server via the SSH protocol, but it is important that you check the availability of this service with your hosting provider. When you have the settings, proceed to filling in the required fields:

3. Enter the settings and connect

Host Name (or IP-adress)- hostname or IP-address that are sent in the settings from the hoster.
Port- put 22.
Saved session- enter any name for the session and click "Save" ("Open" is still too early to press). Next, in the left column, select the SSH tab and see the following:

We don't touch anything here, but in the field Preferred SSH protocol version choose 2 only (on some hosting you can just leave 2). To connect to the server press "Open".

After that, a black screen should appear with the inscription " Login as". Enter your username, but be aware that when you enter it, the screen remains black. That is, nothing happens on it, so when you finish entering your username, just press Enter. Then you will be asked to enter the password in the same way. If all was configured correctly, you will see the server command line in front of you.

Important PuTTY Commands

We look at a wide list of commands in a separate article, and we describe the most important here:

command name --help- will show full information about the team and what it is doing;
mc- launches Midnight Commander (file manager);
ls- will show files on the server;
ls - la- will show all files on the server (even hidden ones) + size + owner + rights to files + date modified;
cd directory- will go to the specified directory;
cd ../- return to the directory up;
mv- rename \ move the file;
rm- delete a file;
cp- copy;
chmod- change the rights to a folder or file;
cat filename- will show the contents of the file;
mkdir- create a folder.

The program PuTTY is especially popular due to its availability, simplicity and ability to make connections to network nodes using the SSH protocol, including the creation of SSH tunnels. Accessibility to almost any platform, including mobile devices, is the PuTTY app. How to use this program for a regular user, and not just for a system administrator?

Setting up an SSH tunnel is as easy as using an application like this to connect to a serial port or a remote server over SSH.

General description of PuTTY

How to use the program? What settings should I use to work? PuTTY is free software. Ideal for SSH connections and allows you to securely manage your server locally, on your local network, and remotely, over the Internet. You can use PuTTY to control serial devices and design SSH tunnel sequences across multiple servers.

The program does not require configuration, it just starts and immediately provides the desired functionality. It works reliably and offers a compact, full-featured interface. On the left are the categories that define the design and functionality, on the right are session data and the ability to select and configure the connections that are needed.

Once connected, PuTTY provides terminal emulation (server command line). The user receives a "system window" that responded to the connection.

The work takes place directly with the remote computer in the system to which the connection is made. You need to enter a name and password, and then use the server commands.

PuTTY - how to use the program?

PuTTY is intuitively configurable. To connect to an SSH server, you need to know its IP address or domain name, port, username and password. Once connected, it is PuTTY that provides the command line of the connected server. How to use a program that makes it easy to organize remote work?

Unicsoids, in particular FreeBSD, Linux and other similar systems, provide a convenient option for remote control of themselves. It is enough to install the system, enable the sshd daemon and "retire" anywhere in the Internet space.

It can be argued that PuTTY satisfies the formula of an ideal system, which claims to be ideal what is not, but the desired function is always there. Naturally, behind the external simplicity lies a lot of secrets, solutions to complex access problems, setting up servers and various functionalities, but raising the server and bringing it out like a system of sites, like hosting on the Internet is a simple procedure.

Of course, the question of formation via PuTTY: "how to use SSH to create a sequence of tunnels?" requires qualifications, but here it concerns the purely logic of creating each tribe in the sequence of SSH connections, and not the program itself.

Encoding and setting

Before using PuTTY, you can configure the interface. In principle, everything that is by default works in most cases, but if necessary, you can change a lot and have your own design option for each connection, each session.

Settings can be set for each session. Having saved the session under a specific name, you can have both the connection and its settings at the same time.

To connect to a saved session, just select its name, and the connection will be established. Almost all modern servers use UTF-8, and PuTTY uses UTF-8 by default.

You can customize the colors of interface elements, cursor, font. There are plenty of options to make the connection visually comfortable, although there is no particular need for this.

The question about PuTTY, how to use it, arises only before the program is prepared for connection. As soon as the server address is entered and it responded, after entering the name and password, you simply forget about PuTTY. The server is available here and now, as if it were nearby. Ideal solution for remote secure work.

Local use

Besides using SSH connection as a tool for creating SSH tunnels, how else can you use PuTTY? How to use the com port with this tool?

Can be used to test or work with a serial port. By connecting another computer, modem or other device to the desired com port, you can have a stable connection for transferring files or commands.

For remote work with Linux, FreeBSD, * BSD servers, it is convenient to use the Putty program.

Putty is a free program - a client for connecting to a server mainly via the SSH protocol, but you can also use the telnet protocol, which is not desirable to use due to its insecurity, since everything is transmitted via the telnet protocol in unencrypted form.

Through the SSH protocol, you will learn how to forward a port to a router, modem or other equipment behind a server with an SSH server installed, you will learn how to download or upload a file to the server or from the server. In general, Putty is a very useful and handy little program with great possibilities.

The Putty program can also be used to connect to devices using a serial port, for example, configure a Huawei 3G modem via Putty.
Download Putty and PSCP on the page:]]> download Putty and PSCP from the official site]]>

The screenshot above shows two links that need to be downloaded to disk. WITH:\ to the putty folder, which you must first create. We download two programs there putty.exe and pscp.exe... In the screenshot below, you can see the programs downloaded on my computer in the putty folder on the C: \ drive

Run the putty.exe program file by double-clicking on the file with the mouse, a window will open in which I add a Linux server that is on my network and has an IP address with a standard SSH port of 22, total:

  • Host Name:
  • Port: 22
  • Saved Session: (here you can write any name, for example Vasya Pupkin's server)

Next, be sure to go to the tab Window - Translation and in the drop-down list, select the encoding UTF-8 (or select the encoding with which your remote server is configured, in most cases it is UTF-8), if this is not done, then after connecting to the server using Putty, all Russian words will be displayed unreadable symbols:

After changing the encoding, go to the main window Session and checking that you have filled in the field Saved session push the button Save... Now you have a new entry in the main window (or Vasya Pupkin's server). After closing the Putty program, the added record will remain and to connect to the remote server via SSH, you just need to double-click on the saved record :

When you first connect to the server via SSH protocol, you will be asked to agree to write the key of the remote server to the cache of the Putty program, you agree to this by clicking the button Yes and a window for entering your username and password will open:

In the window that opens, enter the username for example root and press Enter, you will be prompted to enter the user password root , the entered password itself will not be visible, just when you enter the password, press Enter and if you entered the login correctly: the password you will find yourself on the remote Linux server:

Below is a screenshot in which I logged into the Linux server via SSH bcgjmpez remote access program Putty:

In the above instructions, you learned how and where to download the Putty program, launched the downloaded Putty program, added the remote server to and saved its settings, including the server encoding in the Putty program parameters, and also connected to the remote Linux server.

Further, suppose we have a server or router with Linux installed and an open SSH port. We need to connect to a modem through which this server connects to the Internet. The modem itself is not available from the Internet. In this situation, the Putty remote access program is very useful to us, with which we will forward the port from our computer through a remote server to a router or modem.

  • Remote Server IP -
  • IP router or modem -
  • Forwarded port - 82

We need to open the settings of the router or modem in the browser, make changes and save. We will throw 82 port, since it is not used with the standard settings of both the server and the desktop.

Since we will be forwarding port 82 to a router on the same server to which we have already connected, you need to in the tab Session select with the mouse the previously added server with the name and press the button Load, after that the fields will be filled Host Name, Port, Saved Session:

We need to go to the tab Connection - SSH - Tunnels and fill in the fields:


where port 82 is the port that will open on your computer (desktop), and this is the ip of the router and the port to which we need to forward the port. Everything that opens on the http link is port 80, https is port 443. Similarly, you can forward and 21 ports are FTP, mail, SSH, Radmin, RDP and so on. After filling in the fields, click the Add button to add the tunnel to the current settings:

After adding the tunnel, we need to save the settings data under a different name, for this we go to the tab Session and in the Saved Session field write the name of the connection with the configured tunnel: and press the button Save, a new name will appear in the window below double clicking on which with the mouse, we will receive an invitation to enter Login: Password, by entering which we will go to the remote server.

After we logged into the remote server from the profile, in which we have configured port 82 forwarding to port 80 of the router via ip, to connect to a router or modem, we need to write the address http: // localhost: 82 in the browser and you will see a window for entering the login and password from the router:

After entering the router, you will only have to make the necessary changes to the settings of the router or modem. In order to stop port forwarding, you just need to close the Putty remote access program.

You have learned how to set up port forwarding through Putty, so we turn to the third section of copying files over SSH.

Copy files over SSH using the Putty remote access program.

To copy the file to a remote server, I zipped the putty.exe program in the pytty folder on the C: \ drive, and the zipped file has the name screenshot:

To copy a file we need to open the Windows command line, for this we press the button Start - Run and in the window that appears, enter the command cmd and click Ok:

After starting the command line by executing the cmd command, a window will open to us:

After opening the command line, we need to go to the folder where the pscp.exe program and the copied file are located, for this we need to execute the command on the command line:

Cd c: \ putty

After entering the putty folder on the C: \ drive, we can check the contents of the folder by running the command:

You can see all this in the screenshot below:

And now for us in order to upload the file putty.exe to a remote server as a user root to folder / root we need to execute the command:

If your SSH server hangs on the standard 22 port, run the command:

Pscp.exe / root /

If your SSH server hangs on a non-standard port, for example 222 , then run the command:

Pscp.exe -P 222 / root /

pscp.exe upload file located in the current directory on the remote server under the user root with IP address to folder / root... After the executed command, you will be prompted to enter the user password root

In order to copy the file from the remote server to the current folder, SSH server on standard 22

Pscp.exe: /root/

In order to copy the file from the remote server to the current folder, the SSH server on a non-standard 222 port, we need to run the command:

Pscp.exe -P 222: /root/

In the command above, we told the program pscp.exe download file located in the directory / root on a remote server as root with an IP address to the current folder (to the folder in which we are located)

So the instructions for working with the Putty program are completed. After reading this manual, you learned (if you didn’t know) how to install, download, run, configure and use the program for remote access Putty. You learned how you forwarded a port through Putty to a router, modem or another server located behind the current one. You have learned how you can download a file from the server to your computer, or vice versa, upload the required file from your computer to a remote server using the SSH protocol.

I was with you, I will be very glad if this instruction is useful to you.

A short break, we will rest for 3 minutes watching a beautiful video.

Very often, in various instructions for dreambox (and other Linux tuners) it is suggested to execute certain commands in Telnet. For beginners, this phrase can be confusing because it is not very clear what kind of animal this Telnet is and where to look for it.

Telnet gives us the ability to control the tuner's operating system. This dialogue takes place in command line format.

The already known DCC program can be used as a Telnet client.

DCC (Dreambox Control Center)

If you have not yet installed this program, then download the archive with the dcc-dreambox-control-center program and unpack the folder to any place on the disk. The program is launched by the DCC_E2.exe file; for convenience, you can create a shortcut with a link to this file on the computer desktop.

After starting, you must specify the IP address of the dreambox (the computer's IP address should be registered automatically). If the tuner's IP address is unknown, then you can use the search - press the Search button and get into the search window. At the top we indicate the search range and again press the Search button. As a result of the search, DCC will return a list of active devices on the local network. We stand on the line with the name of the receiver and press Accept.

When the IP address is registered, click the Reconnect button. If the connection is successful, the Protocol window will say:

Telnet Connected FTP Connected Enigma2 detected (DM800)

When connecting, you can specify a login and password for an FTP connection. Default:

Name - root

Password - dreambox

These values ​​are already automatically assigned. In the future, if you change the username and password on the Dreambox, you will need to enter them in the appropriate fields.

Press the Telnet button in the lower left corner and get into the black terminal window with a prompt

[email protected]:~#

To test telnet operation, you can issue the df command

The df command displays the amount of free space on the devices mounted at the time the command was issued, it looks like this:

Popular telnet client. We download the fresh distribution kit at

After starting, we configure the connection to the Dreambox in five steps:

1. First, select the type of connection - Telnet.

2. Then we drive the tuner IP address into the Host Name field, for example,

3. Let's save the settings for the future, in the Saved Sessions field we write the name for our connection, for example, dreambox800.

4. Save with the Save button.

5. Press the Open button to connect.

Now, on subsequent launches of PuTTY, it will be enough to start the connection we need by double-clicking on the name of the saved session (dreambox800).

If everything was specified correctly, a Telnet window will open

Enter the login - root and the password - dreambox, if it is set.

After the prompt appears [email protected]: ~ # - commands can be entered.

How do I start a PuTTY telnet connection with one click?

For the convenience of launching PuTTY, you can make a simple manipulation of its shortcut on the desktop.

We click on it with the right mouse button and bring the line "Object" to the following format:

"C: \ Program Files \ PuTTY \ putty.exe" -ssh -pw dreambox [email protected]

Those. you need to add the SSH connection, specifying the login (root) and password (dreambox), as well as the tuner's IP address.

Now, by clicking on the PuTTY shortcut, we immediately connect to the dreambox via telnet.

Note that there is no password on the Dreambox 800 by default, which means SSH will not work. First, using the same telnet :) you need to change the password with the command:

When typing the password, nothing is displayed on the string.

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