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Improvement of the production enterprise activity based on modern information technologies. Structure and scope of course work

Information technologies and enterprise management Baronov Vladimir Vladimirovich

Information technology development strategy at the enterprise

In modern conditions, many business problems can be solved with the help of information technology. At the same time, the enterprise, as a rule, has a number of problems associated mainly with the lack of a unified corporate policy in the field of information technology (IT) and the strategy for creating a corporate information management system (KIUS) of the enterprise as a whole.

IT strategy should be understood as a formalized system of approaches, principles and methods on the basis of which all components of the KIUS will develop. The goal of the IT strategy development project is to organize an integrated corporate process for the development of information technologies to ensure their compliance with the main goals and areas of business development of the enterprise. Achieving this goal will ensure:

Improvement of the management system;

Purposeful planning and implementation of information technology;

Orientation of information technology for solving business problems;

Creation of a unified information space of the enterprise;

Reducing the total cost of ownership of information technology (procurement, development, implementation, training, support, etc.);

Reducing the time for introducing new information technologies, obtaining fast and replicable results;

Increasing the efficiency of the information technologies used and the return on investment in informatization;

The ability to quickly and economically expand the information infrastructure in the future;

Improving competitiveness and shareholder value.

The strategy development process, involving senior management and professionals, should aim to find clear answers to the following questions:

How is the business strategy defined?

What is the current state of information technology?

What should their future look like?

What methodologies and products should be used?

What technological architecture should be built?

What are the requirements for the qualifications of personnel?

How correct are the existing initiatives?

The corresponding document is intended for the management of the enterprise and reflects the following factors:

The role of information technology in solving business development problems;

The composition of the main directions for the development of information technology and the formed portfolio of investment projects, grouped by implementation priorities;

A phased plan for the implementation, use and development of information technologies for 3-5 years;

Estimation of the cost of information technology development in relation to the portfolio of investment projects and stages of the plan;

Proposals for the organization of centralized management of the implementation, use and development of information technologies.

Here is a diagram of a document containing a strategy for the development of information technology and including its main components.

The purpose and purpose of the strategy. The section identifies the main purpose of creating a document, its role in organizing work on the development and use of information technologies, qualifies the main categories of users and their tasks for the development of informatization.

The role of information technology in the activities of the enterprise. The section defines the role of information technology in business development and management organization, formulates information technology tasks that support the solution of business problems.

Brief description of the state of informatization. The section analyzes the results of the audit of existing information systems, carries out their diagnostics for compliance with business processes, identifies functional gaps and shortcomings. A brief description of the technological architecture and the software and hardware tools used is given, users are qualified and their degree of satisfaction is assessed. The level of qualification of personnel (IT service employees and users) in the field of information technology is assessed. The economic parameters of the current state of informatization are given.

Analysis of existing initiatives and problem areas. The section analyzes existing development plans and proposed projects in terms of their compliance with information needs, business development strategy and management organization. Based on the gaps in the coverage of the most significant business processes by information systems, the degree of compliance of the existing management system for the development and use of information technologies with the basic requirements of business development is assessed.

Assessment of readiness for change. The section provides an analysis of the readiness of the management of the enterprise and structural divisions to implement new or modify existing information systems and related organizational changes, assesses the need to reorganize the management system and business processes, the resources available to carry out the listed works.

The main directions of development of informatization. The section defines the general picture of the future state of information technologies of the enterprise, identifies and details the main directions of development of informatization, taking into account the need to harmonize them with the corporate strategy, indicates the priority of directions in terms of the overall strategy of business development and management organization.

Portfolio of investment projects for the development of informatization. A list of specific projects in the main directions of the development of informatization is being formed, the choice of the main system solutions for their implementation is carried out. A phased plan for the development of informatization for the required period is being formed.

Expected results. A list of expected results from the implementation of a portfolio of selected projects is formed, an assessment of their impact on the main indicators of the enterprise's activity is predicted.

Assessment of the required resources. The section provides an estimate of the timing and cost of implementation of selected projects, depending on the organization of their development and implementation (by internal forces, with the involvement of external performers, by choosing a general system integrator as a strategic partner, etc.).

Requirements for the organization of work on the development of informatization. An organizational model for the development of information technologies is proposed, which includes the roles and functions of the management of an enterprise, its structural divisions, involved in the development of informatization. The basic principles of management of the development process and control over the compliance of the obtained results with the expected ones are determined.

Transition strategy. This section provides an analysis of the risks associated with the implementation of projects. The main methods of making management decisions are determined, as well as the main milestones of the transition period.

From the standpoint of corporate philosophy, creating a strategy allows you to ensure:

Understanding that information technologies should help improve the management process, and not conserve ineffective management schemes existing at the enterprise;

Awareness of the fact that the development of information technology requires constant attention from senior management;

Creation of a management culture using information technology;

Overcoming psychological barriers of personnel, developing new motivation for work, the necessary attitude to change, understanding and support of what is happening;

Education of our own group of specialists capable of competently solving organizational, technical and other issues of enterprise reform and automation.

For more information on IT strategy, see Chapter 4.

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  • Introduction
  • 1.1 The concept of "project"
  • 1.2 Types and stages of projects
  • 1.3 Project management
  • Conclusion
  • List of sources and literature used


Relevancethemes. The relevance of the topic "Improving the use of information technology at the enterprise" (on the example of the Ural Customs Department of the Federal Customs Service of Russia) is that this topic is a solution to the problem of automating the activities of an enterprise (the customs service of the Ural region) for the implementation of automated control systems. The use of information technology makes it possible to ensure the flow of information, both from the external environment and from the internal environment of the enterprise, to maintain constant and reliable information interaction between the customs of the Ural District and the regional customs departments of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

Target work. Improving the use of information technologies at an enterprise, studying the prerequisites for their implementation, developing a topic and determining the value of using information technologies for an enterprise (using the example of the Ural Customs Department of the Federal Customs Service of Russia).

Taskswork. To achieve this goal, it is required to solve the following tasks :

to study the concept of "project", its types and stages, project management;

to study the characteristics, structure and tasks of the Ural Customs Administration of the Federal Customs Service of Russia;

study and describe the structure of the video conferencing system;

describe the conference system included in the video conferencing system;

determine the value of the development theme and suggestions for solving problems.

An objectresearch. The object of this study is the process of introducing information technology at an enterprise.

Thingresearch. Ways of using information technology in the enterprise.

Degreeelaborationthemes. To write the work, the following sources and literature were used: theoretical issues were reflected in the scientific works of scientists I.I. Mazura, N.G. Olderogge, V.D. Shapiro, A.V. Lysakov, D.A. Novikov.

The structure and scope of the course work. Course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, as well as a list of used sources and literature.

Chapter 1. The theoretical essence of the project

1.1 The concept of "project"

Any organization in the course of its activities carries out repeated operations among themselves.

The tutorial gives the concept of a project, that a “project” connects different types of activities, which are characterized by the following common features:

results aimed at achieving certain goals;

cohesive direction of coordinated action;

a short duration in time that has its beginning and end. Mazur I.I .; Shapiro V.D .; Olderoge N.G. M12 Project Management: Textbook / under total. ed. I.I. Mazur - 2nd ed. - M .: Omega-L, 2004 .-- p. 12.

Project- these are actions that are performed in order to create a unique product or service, where uniqueness means that the conditions for their creation are different.

A project is a time-limited, purposeful change of a separate system with established requirements for the quality of results, a possible framework for the expenditure of funds and resources, and a specific organization.

Variety of projects. The ones you have to deal with in real life are extremely large. They can vary greatly in terms of application area, subject area, scale, duration, composition of participants, degree of complexity, etc. Novikov D.A. Project management: organizational arrangements. - M .: PMSOFT, 2007. - With. 7

The project has an end result, the result is the goal of the project.

The final definition of the project can be formulated as follows: it is a set of actions aimed at achieving a unique useful result of the required quality, performed to create a product or service in certain conditions and time frames, actions that begin with the emergence of an idea and end with the achievement of a given goal.

There are such concepts as the project cycle or the life cycle of a project - the time interval between the beginning and the end of a project.

Each project, from the emergence of an idea to its full completion, goes through a series of stages of its development, forming the life cycle of the project. Novikov D.A. Project management: organizational arrangements. - M .: PMSOFT, 2007. - With. 42

Vitalcyclethe project divided by phase:

conceptual phase, which includes the formulation of goals, ability to pay and project planning;

the phase of the project, which includes work on the implementation of the project, including personnel training, marketing;

the development phase of the project, which includes the definition of the structure of work, their performers, the general work schedule, the project budget, design estimates, discussion of conditions and the conclusion of contracts with contractors and suppliers;

project completion phase, including testing, acceptance, trial operation, commissioning;

operational phase, which consists of acceptance, project launch, modernization, and, if necessary, includes the replacement of technical means.

Each project, from the emergence of an idea to its full completion, goes through a series of stages of its development. The entire set of stages of development forms the life cycle of the project. The life cycle is usually divided into phases, phases at stages, stages into stages. Novikov D.A. Project management: organizational arrangements. - M .: PMSOFT, 2007. - With. 44

Vitalcyclethe project- the time period from the beginning of the project to its end. Mazur I.I .; Shapiro V.D .; Olderoge N.G. M12 Project Management: Textbook / under total. ed. I.I. Mazur - 2nd ed. - M .: Omega-L, 2004 .-- p. 33

Exists systemican approachvmanagementproject, which is of great importance in presenting any organization or enterprise as a complex social system, i.e. a mechanism, the elements of which are taken from the external environment of the organization or enterprise and are subjected to transformations in order to obtain and output the final result. At the same time, in order to continue to exist, an organization or an enterprise must maintain a favorable relationship for them with the external environment. The essence of a systematic approach is to solve a specific problem.

Project management cannot exist without participantsthe project who are the stakeholders of the project. In this case, the main participant in the project is the customer. To achieve the goals of the project, a well-functioning teamthe project is a special group that manages the project's processes. The persons who are part of the project team, interacting with each other, have certain professional qualities, they must clearly understand the goals of the project, clearly assign functions and responsibilities, be a conflict-free team, and actively participate in solving all problems. This effective team leadership is provided by the project manager.

Projectmanager in order to effectively manage, he himself must have certain qualities: know the organizational structure of the team, select its composition, determine the functions and responsibilities of each team member, identify leaders and responsible persons for specific areas of work, clearly explain to everyone the goals and objectives of the project, plan the work, provide labor team activity with their personal authority, help to overcome obstacles and avoid conflicts, help all team members in solving problems, involve team members in solving problems, create a positive team image.

The achievement of the project result depends on the listed qualities of the project team and manager.

Targetthe project - this is the final result to be achieved after the end of the project. Mazur I.I .; Shapiro V.D .; Olderoge N.G. M12 Project Management: Textbook / under total. ed. by I. I. Mazur - 2nd ed. - M .: Omega-L, 2004 .-- p. 35 The project has a general goal (mission of the project), goals of the first level, subsequent levels are possible, as well as subgoals (tasks, actions and results). The goals are formulated taking into account the interests of all stakeholders.

The general goal of the project or mission- this is a clearly indicated reason for the existence of the project. The mission of the project focuses, if necessary, on the definition of goals for the next levels. Mission is the main task of the project in terms of its final result. Mazur I.I .; Shapiro V.D .; Olderoge N.G. M12 Project Management: Textbook / under total. ed. I.I. Mazur - 2nd ed. - M .: Omega-L, 2004 .-- p. 35

Each project has a work structure, i.e. a hierarchical structure that divides the work of a project into groups or phases, etc. The structure of work determines the sequence of work and the transition from the upper levels of the project goal to lower levels, as a result of which it becomes possible to track the complete implementation of each stage or phase of the project, determine the degree of responsibility of persons for the implementation of each stage or phase, payment for work, achievement of the result of each phase, and subsequent scheduling of the next stage of the project.

To determine the cost of the project, you need to know the initial data on the cost of resources, duration and cost of work.

Organizationalstructureworksthe project - it is such a structure that subdivides and systematizes the performance of certain works.

There are the following organizational forms of project work:

design structure, which includes a set of project works developed regardless of the hierarchical structure of the organization;

functional structure, which involves the use of the hierarchical structure of the organization;

a matrix structure, a structure that brings together the benefits of all governance structures, with responsible persons assigned for each project work. Creation of a matrix of distribution of responsibility in a project is a way of managing a project in order to establish the circumstances of a particular contractor's fault for a delay in completed work or failure to meet deadlines. Delays and missed deadlines are potential project risks that need to be avoided in the project management process. The reasons for the risks are hidden in the uncertainty of the specific tasks and results of the project. Mazur I.I .; Shapiro V.D .; Olderoge N.G. M12 Project Management: Textbook / under total. ed. I.I. Mazur - 2nd ed. - M .: Omega-L, 2004 .-- p. 43

Inferred risks can be identified and assessed in the project management process, and not inferred risks are those that are not identified and cannot be predicted.

In this regard, there is a need for risk management.

Controlrisks- this is a process of implementation of measures, the purpose of which is to prevent and avoid risks, for this purpose a number of the following procedures are carried out:

identification of risks - identification of circumstances that can adversely affect the project, for which it is necessary to document the characteristics of such circumstances;

qualitative risk assessment - a qualitative analysis of the circumstances and conditions for the occurrence of possible circumstances in order to clarify their impact on the result of the project;

planning - selection and planning of risk management activities;

risk response planning, i.e. selection of specific measures to mitigate negative impacts on the project;

risk control and risk monitoring, i.e. assessment of the effectiveness of the measures taken to eliminate risks and minimize possible negative consequences. Balybin V.M., Lunev V.S., Muromtsev D.Yu., Orlova L.P. Making design decisions. Textbook Part 1 / Tambov: Publishing house of Tamb. state tech. un-ta, 2003. - p. 13 - 14.

In order to obtain the results indicated by the mission of the project, a central link is allocated in the development of specific directions of action - this is the central link and is the strategy of the project.

1.2 Types and stages of projects

Due to the fact that projects are classified by scale, implementation time, quality of execution, limited resources, participants, the following types of projects are distinguished:

defect-freeprojects - these are projects that are of improved quality, the cost of such projects is enormous and is measured in hundreds of millions and even billions of dollars;

short termprojects- these are such projects, during the production of which various novelties, pilot installations, restoration work are implemented at enterprises and organizations, while the customer, being interested in the early completion of the project, agrees to increase the final cost of the project;

smallprojects- these are projects that are small in scale, limited and simple in scope, while, due to the lack of time to eliminate mistakes made in such a project, a thorough and qualitative definition of all characteristics of the project is required;

megaprojects- these are such projects, the implementation of which requires the allocation of large financial and human resources and time, while they can be state, regional, national, mixed, and they are inherently targeted programs, because they are managed by state authorities;

internationalprojects- these are projects that are complex, have a high cost and play an important role in the economy and politics of the countries-developers of the project, while each project partner makes its own specific contribution to the implementation of the project and participates in the profits from the implementation of the project;

complexprojects- these are such projects with the help of which existing organizational technical problems are solved and this requires specific approaches and increased costs.

The states through which each project passes are called stages, stages or phases . There is no uniform approach to the definition of stages, while each project participant is guided by their role in the project, experience, and conditions for the implementation of the project. Therefore, in practice, the division of the project into stages can be very different, but at the same time, the division of the project into stages had its own checkpoints, passing which would assess the possibility of development, management and implementation of the project.

Each stage can be divided into phases of a smaller level, etc. The division of the project into stages is associated with the experience of knowledge of specialists, the experience of the project participants and project managers.

1.3 Project management

It is a methodology for organizing, planning, managing, coordinating all resources in the life cycle of a project, which is aimed at effectively achieving the goals and results of the project in terms of the composition and scope of work, cost, time, quality by applying a system of modern methods and technologies of management.

In project management, professional management methods are applied in order to successfully achieve project results at the level of required quality, within the timeframe set by the project, within the specified funding and in order to satisfy all the wishes of the project participants.

In order to effectively manage the project, the project system is well structured, i.e. the project is divided into parts, each of which can be controlled.

Functionsmanagementproject - this is planning, control, analysis, decision-making, drawing up and paying for the project, organizing the implementation of the project, evaluating, reporting, expert analysis, checking and accepting the project, etc.

Project management is carried out using the following methods: determination of the goal, justification of the timing, project structure, required volumes, funding sources, selection of a team and selection of a project executor, preparation and conclusion of contracts, determination of a project implementation schedule, persons responsible for its implementation, calculation of resources, estimates and budget of the project, risk accounting and taking measures to minimize risks, ensuring control over the progress of the project, as well as network, scheduling, standard, structural, resource planning, etc. Mazur I.I .; Shapiro V.D .; Olderoge N.G. M12 Project Management: Textbook / under total. ed. I.I. Mazur - 2nd ed. - M .: Omega-L, 2004 .-- p. 12

Processesmanagementprojects,vmyqueue, are divided into groups, these include: planning processes (development of various project plans), execution processes (coordination of material and human resources), control processes (tracking the progress of work and adjusting actions aimed at eliminating unwanted deviations from the plan and unwanted consequences), closing processes (acceptance of a completed project or its stage and completion of the project by drawing up the appropriate documents). Each group can be subdivided into subgroups, for each individual project, these can be their own specific subgroups. Mazur I.I .; Shapiro V.D .; Olderoge N.G. M12 Project Management: Textbook / under total. ed. I.I. Mazur - 2nd ed. - M .: Omega-L, 2004 .-- p. 17

The formation of project management subsystems depends on the structure of subject areas and controllable elements of the project, which, in turn, also form subsystemsmanagementproject... These subject element areas and managed elements, in addition, include: cost and costs, revenues, procurement and supply, distribution of stocks of technical and human resources, timing, project changes, its risks, quality of work and services, etc. This list is not definitive for each specific project, since any specific subsystems can be added to each project.

information technology project management

Chapter 2. Characteristics of the project

2.1 Characteristics and structure of the Ural Customs Administration

In order to increase the efficiency of state customs control, its role in the management of the national economy and the fight against offenses in the field of foreign economic activity on the territory of the Ural region of Russia, to improve the management of customs affairs, to strengthen the material and technical base of the customs system, to develop its social sphere by order of the State Customs Committee of Russia No. 116 dated April 1, 1993, the Ural Customs Department of the Federal Customs Service of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the Department) was formed, which is currently a powerful, modern, streamlined structure and is a Regional Customs Department, uniting 10 customs offices, and is part of the Federal Customs Service of Russia ( hereinafter - FCS of Russia).

Table 3

Structure of UTF FCS of Russia

Name of customs

Yekaterinburg customs

Koltsovskaya customs

Kurgan customs

Magnitogorsk customs

Nizhny Tagil customs

Ural operational customs

Tyumen customs

Khanty-Mansiysk customs

Chelyabinsk customs

Yamalo-Nenets customs

The department includes 10 customs houses indicated in Table 1, which includes 59 customs posts and 21 checkpoints across the state border. The department carries out customs clearance and control at 6 airports with international status, in 7 Arctic ports and on the borders with neighboring republics, the length of which is more than 1.5 thousand kilometers.

The department consists of 17 departments and services: customs control organization service, federal customs revenue service, customs inspection service, information and technical service, organizational and inspection service, personnel service, legal service, logistic service, financial and accounting service, internal security service, security service, documentary support department, department for the protection of state secrets and special documentary communications, control and audit department, mobilization department, public relations department, forensic service.

Based on the principles of the unity of customs policy, customs territory and customs legislation, the Department in its activities is guided by the legislative acts of Russia, the normative documents of the State Customs Committee of Russia and the Regulation on the Department.

The main tasks of the Office are:

ensuring compliance with customs legislation and Russian legislation,

improving the organization of customs control,

organization of effective and uniform application of the customs tariff mechanism in order to protect the foreign economic interests of Russia,

organization and implementation of the fight against smuggling, other crimes, the production of inquiries on which is attributed to the competence of customs authorities, coordination of customs activities, interaction with law enforcement agencies of the region in this area of ​​activity,

organization and maintenance of regional customs statistics,

organization of financing and control over the rational use of material and monetary funds for the maintenance and development of customs authorities.

The priority area is the introduction of advanced customs clearance technologies, i.e. electronic declaration.

Thanks to the activities of the Department, a modern multifunctional customs service is an integral part of the economic life of the region, contributes to the establishment and development of trade and economic relations, business, industrial and scientific circles of the Ural Federal District with their foreign partners.

The geographical position of the Ural region is advantageous primarily because the region is located at the intersection of rail, road and air routes from Siberia to Central Russia, the Far East and Southeast Asia to Europe, as well as from the oil and gas rich North to the South, and this means that its geopolitical position in the implementation of economic and foreign trade relations, the movement of cargo flows and the development of transport and logistics services will increase.

Further improvement of information technologies, work on the basis of risk management, widespread use of electronic telecommunications - all this allows the Ural customs officers to work at the level of international standards applied to the customs services of developed countries. The activities of the customs service are related to the factors of economic, social and political stability. The customs authorities give the state the real money that is so necessary today for the implementation of state social programs, the payment of pensions, benefits, salaries to state employees. It is the customs authorities of Russia that provide more than 50% of the revenue side of the state budget. The team of the Department also makes a worthy contribution to the activities of the all-Russian customs system.

2.2 Prerequisites for the implementation of a video conferencing system

In the difficult conditions of the existence of modern organizations, when the strategy of its development plays a significant role for effective functioning, the role of information is growing and the pace of decision-making is accelerating. The development of technology leads to the complication of production processes, the acceleration of the process of making managerial decisions. The progress of the economy today is largely determined by advanced information technologies. Improving the use of information technology is essential to achieving specific goals in any industry.

In the most developed countries, moving from industrial to information society, the rapid development of information technology is manifested in the strengthening of information support in the economy and management.

Among the many factors that can reduce risks and improve the efficiency of an organization, the information factor stands out in particular. It is no accident that it is singled out as a new factor of production together with the factors of labor, land and capital. In the 21st century, "information" along with "time", "space", "energy" becomes a fundamental characteristic of the description of any phenomenon in the actually observed world. Knowledge, data, expert assessments - these are all close concepts that reflect different aspects of information. Management in modern conditions is also closely related to information.

The video conferencing system is one of the important sources of information technologies for the transmission of information, visual and auditory perception of information over long distances. In this regard, the use of a video conferencing system in management and in all other areas of the sphere of human activity is of great benefit. Video conferencing systems drastically reduce the time and financial costs of any institution, organization, company for various meetings, meetings, seminars, consultations, business trips of employees.

Video conferencing allows you to achieve a new level of interaction between people separated over long distances, while it becomes possible to follow the gestures and facial expressions of the interlocutor, his attitude to the issue under consideration, therefore, the perception of information and positive results of solving any issues are almost completely achieved.

Video conferencing is a huge technological opportunity that allows people to communicate with each other, hear and see each other at the same time, while exchanging information and jointly processing this data interactively, using the capabilities of a workstation, making communication at a distance as close as possible to real live communication. Video conferencing can be two-way or multi-way for sound and image transmission and can be carried out between two or more studios both within a country and between different countries.

In connection with the need to process an ever-increasing amount of information, both local, located on one computer, and network and Internet, the role of hardware and software has increased. Distance learning and management, virtual learning tools, remote access, and management, as well as video conferencing tools are experiencing a period of rapid development and are designed to facilitate and increase the efficiency of human interaction with a computer and data, as well as a group of people with computers connected to a network. ...

A video conferencing interaction is also called a video conferencing session.

The provision of a video conferencing system with enormous opportunities for real-time communication by interactive exchange of information and providing a significant advantage over traditional solutions is currently considered a partial solution to the problem of automating an organization's activities. And such a problem in the activities of any organization, enterprise is resolved, as a rule, quickly and efficiently using video conferencing.

In addition, the video conferencing system is used wherever there is a need for operational analysis of the situation and decision-making, where there is a need for expert advice or the need for joint work in remote access mode on projects and decisions, etc.

In order to ensure the effective work of the customs authorities of the country, incl. customs authorities of the Ural District, at the level of modern technical data, a videoconferencing system has been developed and is functioning in the Ural Customs Administration.

The design work was carried out with the aim of creating a video conferencing system (hereinafter - SVKS) for the Office. The SVKS is designed to provide two-way and multilateral video and audio communication sessions between the customs authorities of the FCS of Russia and was created as a fragment of the SVKS of the FCS of Russia.

The technical solutions of this project comply with the requirements of environmental, sanitary and hygienic, fire-prevention and other norms in force in the territory of the Russian Federation, and ensure the safety for the life of customs officials, the operation of the system in compliance with the prescribed measures and regulated operating rules.

The object of application of the SVKS is the production premises of the Administration and customs of the Ural District. In order to implement and manage the project, the concept of building a video conferencing system for the Ural region "Cisco" has been developed and involves the allocation of four main classes of ordered and used equipment, software, these include the following devices.

Subscriber terminals - devices and software (hereinafter referred to as software) that provide end users with access to network services. The project provides for the use of various types of subscriber equipment: H.323 terminals, SCCP terminals, as well as IP telephones and analog telephones in the “audio only” mode.

Intelligent network infrastructure - devices and software that provide a unified policy for connecting subscriber devices to the network and guaranteeing the quality provided by the service. As part of the adjustment of the departmental integrated telecommunications network (hereinafter - VITS) of the Office, a regional-scale network was created. The VITS equipment provides processing and transmission of data streams in accordance with the required quality of service parameters. Duplication of the functions of backbone devices and the availability of backup routes for transmitting traffic between nodes ensure a high degree of reliability of the core network and uninterrupted provision of superimposed services.

Connection management system - devices and software that ensure the organization of interaction between subscriber devices of the SVKS. As part of the adjustment of the VITS Office, a multimedia services control core was created. At the initial stage of the operation of the multiservice network, CallManager is used to integrate voice services, such as in IP telephony.

Service level - devices and software directly responsible for the provision of services. The project provides for the installation of Cisco devices that perform the functions of organizing multipoint video conferencing and the Radvision video conferencing scheduling server. This approach allows considering the SVKS as a part of the IP - video telephony of the Office.

There are requirements for the organization of work in the operating conditions of the video conferencing system.

To ensure the work on the operation of the SVKS, it is necessary to have:

operation services, including technical personnel, technical software tools for monitoring or controlling equipment, as well as means of ensuring operation;

spare property, accessories and tools for the maintenance and repair of equipment.

Maintenance planning is carried out by service officials in accordance with their functional responsibilities.

The basic principles of organization and operation are:

rational distribution of responsibilities between services and departments of the organization;

continuous monitoring of equipment functioning;

organization of the processes of collection, accounting, processing and generalization of information about the state of the SVKS equipment, the quality of its functioning.

Unification of basic services:

a telephone connected to a private telephony network can be used to participate in conferences in “audio only” mode;

the video terminal can be used as a regular telephone set for calls over a private network;

within the framework of the IP-videotelephony network, the scheme of organizing connections by dialing a telephone number is preserved, regardless of the type of connections being established;

subscriber video terminals for individual use (IP-video telephones) can simultaneously perform the functions of a video terminal, an office telephone, a landline telephone and an intercom device;

existing services of the telephone network can be transformed into services of SVKS, for example, conference calls can be transformed into video sessions;

analog telephones at the users' workplaces are being replaced by video telephones with the preservation of the numbers used.

Description of the structure of building a video conferencing system, which repeats the organizational structure of divisions and the structure of the VITS Office. Within the framework of the SVKS, subscriber terminals located at one node form a logical group - a zone. Each zone has its own identifier - a prefix (*** 499) used when routing calls between devices. The device of the access level of the SVKS serves subscriber terminals - they provide their logical connection to the SVKS, the delivery of calls between terminals within the same area and interaction with equipment when calling.

The equipment of the SVKS Management performs routing of signaling messages coming from the access equipment. The equipment has information about all the zones existing in the SVKS, but not all subscriber terminals. Call routing is performed by the equipment based on the prefixes transmitted by the access level equipment in signaling messages, and is responsible for integrating the SVKS of the Office into the general SVKS system of the FTS of Russia.

In order to make the most efficient use of resources, taking into account the functional features, the videoconferencing system of the Office includes two interconnected subsystems.

N.3 23 subsystem- optimized for large-scale video conferencing. To organize interaction between subscriber terminals within the framework of this subsystem, the H.323 protocol is used, which guarantees the possibility of interaction between subscribers of the SVKS Management with subscribers of external systems.

This subsystem includes the following devices:

specialized video terminals for group use;

H.323 zone gatekeepers (access level gatekeepers);

H.323 - kernel-level gatekeepers;

multipoint video conferencing server;

server of collective work with data;

SCCPsubsystem- optimized for local video conferencing, with the aim of organizing interaction between subscriber terminals of internal systems.

SCCP equipment - subsystems include the following devices:

video terminals for personal use (IP video telephones);

legacy voice terminals (IP phones);

legacy analog telephony systems and voice gateways;

legacy servers;

multipoint video conferencing servers.

The integration of subsystems into a single system is ensured through the use of the H.323 protocol and interaction between terminal equipment belonging to different subsystems.

Within the framework of the SVCS, a video conferencing management system is used. The composition of the system is optimized taking into account the allocation of two functional subsystems of the SVKS and consists of two components - a video conference planning system and a subscriber terminal control system.

The Radvision-based scheduling system provides a user-friendly graphical interface for scheduling and monitoring video conferencing. Management is carried out via a web interface, so there is no need to install any additional software at the operator's site.

At the same time, the operator at any time has complete information about conferences taking place in controlled systems. At any time, you can connect or remove the terminal from the conference, change the arrangement of the participants' pictures on the screens, and enable or disable the sound for the participants. The server's web interface also allows you to monitor the use of server resources and control the format of media streams.

Radvision is a highly functional conference and resource scheduling system. In particular, the scheduling system estimates the amount of resources required for conferences and makes reservations for MCU resources. In addition, Radvision allows you to create recurring and complex video conferencing schedules with automatic notification of attendees of the date, time, topic, and membership.

The most important service function of the scheduling system is gathering conference participants at the start of the conference. This function is realized by automatically calling the terminals participating in the conference directly from the MCU server.

Another important feature of the system is the ability to automatically check the availability of the called terminal in advance, which ensures that the terminal is operational by the time the conference starts.

Using Radvisioni allows you to fully automate the process of organizing a video conference and reduce the participation of the system administrator to monitoring and prompt response to emergency situations.

The simplicity of the implementation of the listed functions allows you to more often and more efficiently use the video conferencing system in comparison with conventional H.323 solutions that do not have such wide functionality.

The control system of subscriber terminals consists of two subsystems corresponding to the functional subsystems of the SVKS Control, where video terminals for personal use related to the SCCP - subsystem are controlled through the web interface. This approach inherits all the mechanisms and capabilities associated with the management of voice IP phones, such as software updates, control of the subscriber's presence in the network, assignment, number change, etc. Consequently, video terminals for personal use are optimized for participation in on-demand conferences, control of terminals using CallManager allows you to provide the most accurate setting corresponding to the specifics of conferences on demand.

Network Manager is used to manage subscriber terminals of group use related to the H.323 subsystem. Network Manager allows you to automatically monitor the status of subscriber terminals, keep a log and diagnose errors that occur during video conferencing. Group video terminals are optimized for scheduled conferences that use a video conferencing scheduling system. In this regard, the use of Network Manager allows you to create a planning and management system for multipoint video conferencing with the maximum range of functions, with a single access interface and without the need to duplicate service information. Solutions for organizing interaction should have access to the services of the SVKS using subscriber terminals registered in the system on various devices of the access level.

SCCP - video terminals are registered with the server. When turned on, the terminal requests configuration information from the CallManager server, according to which various terminal parameters are configured. Upon completion of the configuration, the terminal periodically exchanges service messages with the CallManager, confirming that the terminal is ready for operation.

Thus, CallManager always has a complete list of SCCP video terminals connected to the SVKS. This information may be requested by the system administrator when troubleshooting problems in the operation of the SVKS.

IP phones, depending on the location, are registered either on the servers of the CallManager cluster or on the CallManager Express servers installed at the regional customs offices of the UTA. The registration and configuration procedure in both cases is similar to the registration procedure for SCCP video terminals.

H.323 - terminals are registered and are part of the router software. Configuring H.323 - terminals is not related to the registration procedure and is performed independently. The registration of terminals is carried out in order to ensure control of access to the services of the SVKS, to ensure the unity of the numbering plan used and to simplify the administration of the SVKS.

This project provides for various scenarios for using the video conferencing system, differing in the number of participants in the video communication session, the types of subscriber terminals and the procedures for organizing conferences.

Point-to-point video conferencing is a video conferencing where video is established - it is a connection between two subscriber terminals. When conducting point-to-point conferences, the resources of the MCU and DCS servers are not used. Exceptions may be cases when a video conference is held between two terminals with completely incompatible sets of audio and video codecs. This point-to-point conference is a common occurrence of a scheduled multipoint conference to which additional participants can join during the course of the conference. A point-to-point conference is also the initial stage of an on-demand conference, during which additional subscribers are connected at the initiative of the conference participants, provided there are technical capabilities on the subscriber terminals.

Multipoint video conferencing is a video conferencing that provides for simultaneous participation in a conference of several subscribers using terminal devices with potentially different characteristics. For multipoint video conferencing, the computing resources of the SVKS server equipment are always used.

Scheduled conferences are conferences where it is assumed that the time and composition of the conference participants are previously agreed upon. In accordance with the classification, large-scale conferences are planned, the holding of which is one of the main tasks of the SVKS. In this regard, the planned conferences in the SVKS UTU are carried out using H.323 - MCU services under the control of H.323 - gatekeepers of the kernel level. The conference scheduling server is responsible for backing up and controlling the use of MCU resources during a scheduled conference.

On-demand concepts arise on demand during a point-to-point conference initiated by one of the parties wishing to involve a third party in the dialogue. Most conferences in this format are held with the participation of three to four personal video conferencing systems (local concepts). Concepts on demand in SVKS Controls are carried out using SCCP - MCU services. The ability to hold a conference on demand, the number of participants in such a conference, the quality of subscriber service are determined by the availability of free (unreserved) resources on the server equipment of the SVKS, the parameters of the subscriber terminals and the parties' rights to hold conferences.

In the project of the video conferencing system, a diagram of multipoint videoconferencing is presented, where the interaction between the components of the SVCS is organized during the planned conference.

Before a scheduled video conference, a portion of the computing resources is reserved on the MCU server using the conference scheduling system to meet the needs of the scheduled conference. The resources reserved for the conference are combined into a group called the MCU service.

The use of a video conferencing system is intended for:

holding large-scale videoconferences with the participation of a large number of subscribers (Federal Customs Service of Russia);

conducting working videoconferences with divisions of the Office.

SVKS Management requirements:

the possibility of integration into the SVKS of the Federal Customs Service of Russia;

use of IP-telephony system with departmental telephony;

using equipment resources as efficiently as possible;

interchangeability of equipment;

the installed equipment must have a unified control system.

Taking into account all the requirements, the project provides for the use of the following models of equipment and software:

subscriber video terminals;

audiovisual display systems;

visual display system;

conference scheduling system.

2.3 Description of the conference system

Until now, there is a constant improvement of the SVKS. So, from June 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011, a conference system was integrated for the existing SVKS UTU FCS of Russia.

The installed conference system is integrated into the existing SVKS equipment.

Microphones are daisy-chained to the central unit.

The Realtronix system has a multi-modular setup-control system that allows you to control equipment in a room.

The logic diagram is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1 Logical diagram of the conference system connection

The integrated conference system Realtronix consists of a central unit, 12 delegate units and 1 chairman unit, which will later be installed at the workplaces of the conference participants. All consoles are connected by a common cable and connected to the central unit. The conference system is controlled using a workstation, as well as in automatic mode according to the specified parameters in the central block.

The microphone console of the system is the workplace of each meeting participant. The Realtronix conference system includes desktop and flush-mounted microphone consoles. Desktop microphone consoles are equipped with:

gooseneck microphone with status indicator;


request-to-speak and vote buttons;

headphone jacks with volume control.

The Realtronix conference system supports the simultaneous operation of 1 to 1024 microphone consoles, which allows the system to be installed in any room.

The central unit is the "heart" of the conference system and provides power to the microphone consoles, processing and exchange of data in real time between various devices.

The system does not require preliminary settings for setting the address for each microphone unit, which is the case in other conference systems, i.e. the address is set automatically when the central unit is turned on.

The central unit of the Realtronix system has additional functions:

echo cancellation system interface;

programmable ports for controlling external devices (cameras, DVD-receiver, modules for controlling projection screens and curtains), both of our own production and of other manufacturers;

lighting of the hall for the style of a particular meeting.

The central unit monitors the system and makes it possible to control it using a workstation. In the event of a workstation failure, the central unit automatically switches to autonomous operation mode, thereby not disrupting the videoconference session.

The functions of autonomous operation of the central unit are carried out:

in the mode of limiting the number - in this mode the maximum allowed number of simultaneously activated microphones is set. Consequently, each delegate can turn on their microphone at any time, thereby placing the delegate speaking in the queue to speak;

in interrupt mode - each delegate during a video conference turns on his microphone, thereby turning off the previous one;

in chairman mode - in this mode, only the chairman's microphone unit can be turned on;

in free mode - without any restrictions for delegates.

The delegate microphone unit enables a conference participant to speak and listen to the speeches of other participants through the loudspeaker built into the cabinet. To prevent feedback from occurring when the microphone is turned on, the loudspeaker is in a muted state. In addition to the loudspeaker, the microphone console has a built-in microphone on / off button, backlit voting buttons, a remote control status indicator, and a volume control for connecting external headphones.

The chairman microphone has the same functions as the delegate microphone, except for an additional priority button that allows you to mute all delegate microphones that were activated during the video conference. Delegates will not be able to turn on their microphones while holding down this button.

The work of the SVKS depends on commissioning at the level of installation and configuration of the conference system, which was carried out after the customer confirmed the readiness of the existing equipment and premises, as well as agreement on the location of equipment in the room. The installation includes unpacking all components, mounting the central element in the technological rack and connecting to the power supply. The software (software) for equipment control is installed on a workstation, which is connected to the central unit of the conference system through a COM port.

Thus, the work of the customs authorities of the Ural District depends on the well-functioning work of all parts of the videoconferencing system, the operational perception of information and the quick adoption of correct decisions on the issues under consideration depend on the improvement of information technologies, determination of directions and modernization of the development of the videoconferencing system for the future, management of the provision of bilateral and multilateral sessions of audio and video communication between the customs authorities of the Ural Federal District and connection to the videoconferencing system of the Federal Customs Service, as well as the development prospects of all customs authorities of the country.


To make any management decision, information, collection and processing of information is of great importance, on the quality of which the final solution of issues depends. All this testifies to the importance of information management support. For 20 years of its development, the Main Scientific and Information Computing Center of the Federal Customs Service of Russia has been providing information and technical support for the activities of customs authorities. In the context of the entry into force of the laws and regulations of the Customs Union, it is of particular importance to ensure clear interaction between the departments of customs services, the development of modern computer programs, new technological systems and the introduction of advanced forms of information technology.

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The most characteristic feature of the current development of the world economy is the colossal successes and achievements in the field of engineering and technology, the development of science-intensive industries. The high rates of development of science and technology, and most importantly the scale and rate of their implementation in production and social life, have turned the scientific and technological revolution into a natural process, it has become permanent. Thanks to the development of communications and an increase in the level of education, "know-how" now almost immediately after the invention becomes a common human property. In the context of the dynamic development of the market, the complication of its infrastructure, information becomes the same strategic resource as traditional material and energy resources.

The old truth was that "he who owns gold owns the world." Isn't that so today? the world is owned by the one who owns the information. But the real power is not given by the information itself, but by the ability to extract, collect, analyze and use it with benefit. This means that business-critical data must be harnessed to maximize benefits. And, if the resulting benefits are large, then this gives every reason to consider such information as one of the key business assets of the enterprise. If a company neglects these opportunities, it risks quickly being marginalized.

Modern technologies that make it possible to create, store, process data and information, provide effective ways of presenting information, have become an important factor in competitiveness and a means of increasing the efficiency of management in all spheres of public life. The level of informatization is today one of the main factors for the successful development of any enterprise.

A manager of any level, when making decisions, is based only on the information available to him about the subject of management, therefore, on the qualitative characteristics of this information, such as adequacy, completeness, reliability, timeliness, consistency etc., the efficiency of its work directly depends. In modern conditions Information Technology and systems play and will play an increasing role in the achievement of the strategic goals of companies. This entails new requirements for information systems and their functions. They cannot be simply a tool for processing information for departments and end users within the enterprise. They must now provide new information-driven products and services that will give the business a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Used in the enterprise Information Technology support the implementation of managers' business decisions. However, in turn, new systems and technologies dictate their own specific business conditions and change companies. And no matter what consultants in this area the head does not involve, the final decisions must be made by him personally. The manager must be able to make the most of the potential benefits of information technology. He must have sufficient knowledge in order to carry out general management of the process of application and development of information technologies in the company and to understand when additional resources are required in this area or the help of third-party specialists.

The main goal of this course is to give a general systemic understanding of information, methods of its storage, processing and transmission, modern information technologies and systems, the history of their development, the impact on society and business, methodologies of their application in the activities of the enterprise. Since each of the topics considered in the course is a fairly large and independent subject area of ​​application of modern information technologies in business management and information management, different topics of the course can be considered as introductory to the relevant disciplines.

1. Development of information technology

Information Technology(IT) are the most important component of the process of using the information resources of society. To date, IT has gone through several evolutionary stages, the change of which was determined mainly by technical progress, the emergence of new technological means of data search and processing. The most recent phase, often referred to as new, is characterized by a shift in IT focus from advancing technology to creating strategic business advantage.

1.1. Prerequisites for the rapid development of information technology

Until recently, information was not considered a critical asset for a company. The process of managing the organization's activities was highly dependent on the personal influence of the company's top officials without an extensive process of coordinating the efforts of managers and analyzing data. Business decisions were made by top officials of companies most often on the basis of experience and intuition, and only in a small number of cases - on the basis of specially prepared information containing options for decisions and an assessment of the likelihood of their feasibility. Only powerful companies could afford to have think tanks that prepared material for decision making. The advancement of computing has fundamentally changed the business environment. In fig. 1.1 shows the main prerequisites for the development of IT, based on computer and telecommunication technologies.

Rice. 1.1.

Globalization and the integrated development of industrial economies significantly expand business opportunities. Information technology and information systems (IT / IS) provide mobile access and analytical power that meets the needs of trade and business governance across countries and continents. This poses threats to national and regional firms: global communications and control systems deliver information to the consumer about offers, quality and prices and allow transactions and orders to be completed 24 hours a day, wherever there is access to the network.

Table 1.2. Information technology that is changing the way companies operate
Previous rule New rule Technology
Information can appear in one place, at one time Information can appear and be in demand anywhere, at any time - when necessary Distributed databases and data warehouses, search engines, search technologies for given data
The complex work of assessing situations can only be performed by experts The work of an expert can be performed by a general specialist Expert systems
Choose between centralization and decentralization You can simultaneously benefit from a combination of two forms of organization of management and production Distributed work in teams, telecommunications and networks
All decisions are made only by senior executives and responsible managers Decision making becomes part of the work of every employee responsible for their area of ​​work Decision support tools, access to databases and repositories of knowledge, knowledge systems
To search, receive, analyze, store and transmit information, specially equipped premises are required. Professionals can send and receive information from where they are Internet / Intranet technologies, fiber-optic and satellite communication systems, mobile systems
The best customer contact is personal contact The best contact with a potential buyer is an effective study of the characteristics of the buyer Interactive interaction, databases, polling and preference identification systems
In order to find a certain entity, you need to know where it is. The entities themselves tell you where they are Search systems Mobile agent systems
Layout plans are not revised or revised under the pressure of force majeure Plans are revised and adjusted promptly, as necessary and adequately to customer requirements Expert systems, flexible planning and risk management systems, high-performance computers

As a result, the business components themselves have changed (Table 1.3):

The current state of IT can be characterized by the following provisions:

  • the presence of a large number of software and hardware systems and platforms for effective management and maintenance of production, industrially functioning databases and large-scale knowledge storages containing information on all areas of the company's activities;
  • availability of technologies that provide interactive access of any user to information and resources - the technical basis for this is open (Free) and corporate information retrieval systems (Information Retrieval Systems - IRS), state and commercial communication systems, global (Global Network Systems), national (NNS) ) and regional (RNS) information and computer networks; international agreements, standards and protocols for data exchange;
  • expanding the functionality of IT, providing distributed operation of databases and data warehouses with data of various structures and content, multi-object documents, hypermedia; creation of local and integrated problem-oriented IS for various purposes based on powerful servers and local-computer networks;
  • inclusion in IS of specialized user interfaces for interaction with expert systems (Expert System - ES), decision support systems (Decision Support System - DSS), execution support systems (Executive Support System - ESS), machine translation systems (Translating Computer System - TCS) ) and other technologies and tools.

You can also distinguish five main trends in the development of IT:

  1. Globalization. Companies can use IT to conduct business in the global marketplace, anywhere, with immediate and comprehensive information. There is an internationalization of software and information product market. Reaping the benefits of continuously spreading information costs across a wider geographic region is becoming a necessary element of the strategy.
  2. Convergence. The distinctions between industrial products and services, information product and means of obtaining it, their professional and domestic use are being erased. Transmission and reception of digital, audio and video signals are combined in the same devices and systems.
  3. Complication of information products and services. An information product in the form of software and hardware, databases and data warehouses, maintenance services and expert support tends to constantly develop and become more complex. At the same time, the interface part of IT, with all the complexity of the tasks being solved, is constantly being simplified, making the interactive interaction of the user and the system more and more comfortable.
  4. Interoperability. The problems of optimal data exchange between computer information systems, between the system and users, the problems of data processing and transmission and the formation of the required information have acquired the status of leading technological problems. Modern software and hardware and data exchange protocols make it possible to solve them in an ever more complete volume.
  5. Elimination of intermediate links (Disintermediation). The development of the ability to interact unambiguously leads to the simplification of the delivery of the information product to the consumer. A chain of intermediaries becomes unnecessary if it is possible to place orders and receive what is required directly from IT.

For business, this means the following:

  • implementation of distributed data processing when there are enough resources at the workplace to obtain and analyze information;
  • creation of developed communication systems, when workplaces are united for the fastest possible forwarding of messages;
  • elimination of obstacles in the system of integration organization - external environment, direct access to world information flows;
  • creation and development of electronic ordering and trading systems;
  • support for social networks.

The above changes in the requirements for interest groups in the field of IT and the information culture of a company are due to the dynamics of development of enterprises and the external environment and lead to functional changes in the management system. The main aspects of this development and their impact on the role of IT in enterprise management are indicated below.

From data processing to knowledge management

The need to view IT as a data processing tool has long since disappeared. With the help of technologies, it is necessary to extract information from the data for the needs of the user, and the problem of "information overload" arising in this connection requires modern high-speed means of selection, further processing and updating of information. In doing so, consideration should be given to the issue of commercially viable and user-friendly interfaces, as well as the interaction of shared knowledge between organizational units and cooperation partners.

The rapid integration of networks of local systems with regional and even international structures leads to the abandonment of the classical working fields of informatics and the widespread involvement of telecommunications. Organizationally, this leads to the "blurring" of the information boundaries of the enterprise. It becomes more and more difficult to determine where it begins and where it ends.

The creation and operation of an appropriate communication structure for such "virtual enterprises" are related to information management tasks in the same way as the classical function of supporting a production process or developing IT-based goods and services. The point here is not only the processing of information, but also the rational distribution and use of knowledge. Knowledge should be profitable and, if possible, today!

In addition, employees and managers of the enterprise must take into account at a professional level all new and important aspects for IT. An example is the question of the technological and economic significance of Internet / Intranet technologies. It is the information technology service that is responsible for creating a platform on which corporate management will become possible, including qualified training (including psychological) of personnel.

Decentralization and growth of information needs

The focus on customer proximity required businesses to move towards horizontal, decentralized structures. Decision-making in the context of decentralization has led to a sharp increase in the need for information regarding the process of producing goods and services. There was a need for a more detailed acquaintance of the third party with the state of affairs in the relevant economic areas and systems for the implementation of product quality. In the new environment, the provision of information in all areas must function flawlessly.

The use of IT is designed to level the organizational complexity of the enterprise. Previously, this was achieved through the imposition of complex calculations and processing of documents in very large volumes on computers. Now the point is that the constantly increasing complexity of horizontal and vertical interconnection models (the structures of which, in turn, are constantly changing) are improved with the help of new communication technology.

Earlier, enterprises installed powerful computing centers that prepared a huge number of digital reports, on the basis of which the management of economic activities was subsequently carried out. Now the task of the company's IT services is to develop such a technology with the help of which it would be possible to constantly keep abreast of the events of managers and their partners making decisions in the context of decentralization. New information technology systems should not provide some kind of abstract economic system, but concrete partners who participate in the economic process in various forms.

Integration of decentralized systems

Information in enterprises is processed within a wide variety of systems, often unrelated to each other. Making them widely available to all employees (as well as external partners) and thereby facilitating creative decision-making can be a critical success factor for many businesses. At the same time, it seems almost impossible to integrate vertically and horizontally information technology systems that emerged in the context of decentralization. In any case, in the classical areas of IT there is no experience in this regard. However, the integration needs to happen.

Setting such a goal is essential for top management to actually manage change. The organizational lever in achieving it can be virtual, project and working groups united by common interests in the implementation of current projects and the solution of long-term tasks. Perhaps such teams will even be able to effectively manage the functions of the company's distributed departments and their accompanying IT operations. The goal in this case could be an integration approach to interrelated technological, social, functional and business processes of the company.

Investment and risks

Investment in IT today has multiple implications. On the one hand, they open up certain prospects, and on the other, they can deprive the enterprise of promising opportunities in the future due to dependencies associated with rapid technological changes and "binding" to any one technology or a specific supplier. Therefore, decisions on investments in IT should not be made until the risks of using certain computer and telecommunication means are assessed and professional advice is received on which way the next generation of technology will develop. When planning investments in IT, it is imperative to "keep" in mind the ultimate goal of their acquisition and deployment - how much IT will contribute to the implementation of the business strategy of the enterprise.

Psychological factor and language levels

Naturally, the new technology increases productivity and helps the firm achieve better business results. Along with this, managers need to be aware of how people who use new technology think and work. Firms that do it better can hope to get a better return on their IT investment.

Information technology manufacturers and integration teams must learn to make proposals in more than specialized terms. During the negotiations, the partner will raise issues that are of fundamental importance to senior management in his company. It is important here that both parties reach a new negotiating level, where the parties would speak the same language. In this case, it is not about the quality of technology, but about the quality of IT services. Technique, of course, must work well and be of a high level. At the same time, its manufacturer must feel in the place of a manager who, with the help of IT, seeks to achieve a competitive advantage. The net salesperson in the IT distribution system is a thing of the past. A similar situation should develop at the enterprise itself, especially when it comes to diversified production or the provision of a variety of services. An IT manager's ability to find common ground with department managers should stop being an art of loners, but become a daily practice.

1.4. IT development and organizational changes in enterprises

New information technologies and information systems implemented on their basis are a powerful tool for organizational changes that "force" enterprises to redesign their structure, area of ​​activity, communications, resources, that is, to carry out a complete reengineering of business processes to achieve new strategic goals. Table 1.4 shows some technical and technological innovations, the application of which inevitably leads to the need for changes in the organization.

Factors leading to the need for enterprise reengineering

Table 1.4. Factors leading to the need for enterprise reengineering
Information Technology Organizational changes
Global networks

International division of production: the company's actions are not limited to localization; global scope expanded; production costs are reduced due to cheap labor, and the coordination of branches is improved.

Enterprise networks

Collaboration: The organization of processes is coordinated across divisional boundaries, and distributed manufacturing capacity becomes the dominant factor.

Process management is subject to a single plan.

Distributed control

Powers and responsibilities change: individuals and groups have the information and knowledge to act on their own.

Business processes are no longer "black boxes". Ongoing management costs are reduced. Centralization and decentralization are well balanced.

Distributed production

The organization becomes partially virtual: production is not geographically tied to one place. Information and knowledge is delivered where it is needed, in the right amount and at the right time.

Organizational and capital costs are reduced, since the need for real estate for the placement of means of production decreases.

Graphical user interfaces

Everyone in the organization, from senior leaders to executives, has access to the information and knowledge they need; process management is automated, control becomes a simple procedure.

Organizational processes and workflow are simplified as management influences move from paper to digital.

The introduction of information technology can lead to organizational changes of varying degrees, from minimal to far-reaching. It all depends on the development strategy of the company, the subject area of ​​its activities, on the development of the network of business processes, on the degree of integration of information resources and, of course, on the degree of determination and persistence of the company's top management to bring the initiated transformations to their logical conclusion.

Information IT delivers all the necessary information to the management and production processes to the end user Concurrency and access IT allows you to build processes in the desired sequence with the possibility of parallel execution of the same type of operation and simultaneous access of many devices and performers Data and knowledge management IT organizes the collection, processing, systematization of data, the formation and dissemination of knowledge, expert and audit actions to improve processes Tracking and control IT provides detailed tracking of process execution and control over the execution of managerial actions Integration IT directly integrates parts of activities into interrelated processes that were previously linked through intermediaries and intermediate management levels Geographic and telecommunications IT quickly communicates information to carry out processes, regardless of where they are performed

Figure 1.3 shows the four main classes of structural change in a company that are supported by information technology. Each of them has its own consequences and risks.

The most common form of IT-assisted organizational change is Business Process Automation (BPA). The first applications developed with the help of IT affected financial transactions and workflow, as this is the most formalized part of the company's business processes. Settlement and execution of payments, control of transactions and document movements, direct customer access to their deposits - these are standard examples of early automation. The risk of implementing these technologies was minimal, and the gain was very large.

A more serious type of change is the Business Process Reenginee-ring (BPR), during which processes are re-identified, analyzed, rethought and changed in order to optimize production to drastically reduce costs. The use of IT helps to implement all these processes with the greatest efficiency. Business reengineering reorganizes production and management processes, combines and improves them, eliminates duplication of the same type of operations. All this requires a new, fresh vision of the problems of the enterprise and its place in the established market relations and in the modern world.

BPA, BPI and BPR procedures are usually limited to specific functions, processes, company divisions, or specific parts of the business. The risk of such changes becomes tangible if the enterprise is not properly prepared for the necessary changes both in the procedural or process areas, and in the enterprise management system.

New IT is ultimately intended to change the nature of the entire organization, transforming its goals and strategic aspirations (Paradigm Shift - PS). For example, mastering a fundamentally new market niche, opening branches of a company in other countries, acquiring another company or merging with a partner company, etc. Such organizational changes have the greatest risk, but they also carry the highest return. The company's management must consciously approach this type of change, understanding the full extent of responsibility for global decisions.

Table 1.6 shows the qualitative distribution of companies on the basis of backwardness or success in the implementation and application of new IT technologies.

In the development of computing and information systems of enterprises, the main trend today is the increasing integration of IT / IS for maximum returns, higher efficiency of use and growth of "return on investment".

Improving the IT infrastructure of a modern enterprise


The modern state of the business development will inevitably occur with extensive use of information technologies and systems for various destinations. Perspective directions of the improvement of information-oriented Enterprise application suite (EAS), that provide a flexible framework of business processes reforming in real time to implement IT infrastructures are discussed.

In modern conditions, business development inevitably occurs with the widespread use of information technologies and systems for various purposes. Promising directions for improving informatization tools are focused on integrated business process management systems (EAS), which provide a flexible structure that ensures the reform of business processes in real time, based on IT infrastructures.

The dynamics of the development of information technologies and systems used in business can be represented as a sequence of enlarged stages, each of which contains a set of information technologies and systems used at a given step.

The first stage can be summarized as a stage of widespread use of the ERP II (Enterprise Resource & Relationship Processing) paradigm as a corporate IS. At the same time, ERP II is considered as an enterprise management strategy based on the management of all types of resources and relationships with customers. ERP II is the result of the development of ERP methodology and technology in the direction of closer interaction of the enterprise with its customers and counterparties. At the same time, the management information of the company is not only used for internal purposes, but also serves to develop cooperation relations with other organizations. The ERP II concept is aimed at automating external relations and creating a so-called "virtual enterprise" reflecting the interaction of production, suppliers, partners and consumers, consisting of autonomous enterprises or temporary associations of enterprises working on one project, program, etc.

At the second stage, the global trend of building corporate integrated enterprise management automation systems is the creation of EAS-complexes (EAS - Enterprise Application Suite - a set of enterprise applications, or integrated enterprise management systems). This approach allows you to make the most efficient use of the capabilities of both accounting systems (ERP, financial and economic management systems, accounting programs) and management analytical (OLAP) systems (systems for planning and budgeting, knowledge management systems, data warehouses) and other specialized packages.

As a result of the implementation of the presented paradigms for the development of information systems and technologies, it became necessary to substantiate and formalize the information and telecommunications infrastructure of an organization (IT infrastructure), which allows formulating a strategy for business development as a whole.

A company's IT infrastructure is critical to its success. This statement is equally applicable to both large and small and medium-sized businesses, regardless of organizational and legal forms in all sectors of the economy.

Business applications, corporate networks, servers and data centers, and in the fastest growing industries and government and government bodies, situational centers have long been an integral part of the company's corporate infrastructure and provide vital business processes. The growing role of IT - infrastructure in the daily business of an enterprise leads to the need to ensure the stable functioning of the entire set of IT tools.

Failures in the operation of any IT component can lead to significant financial and reputational costs for the company. Troubleshooting problems may be complicated by the territorial and temporal distribution of IT components and the heterogeneity of the technologies used. All this increases the cost of costs that inevitably accompany the operation of IT - infrastructure.

The importance of IT infrastructure in an organization is gaining in importance, representing a significant portion of investment in information technology. Today, firms spend significant time and money on building IT infrastructure. However, most companies are not getting the expected return on their IT investments by plunging into an IT black hole. The main reason is that companies do not adequately match their needs and capabilities with the proposed structures. However, it should be understood that advanced technologies such as IT do not bring competitive advantages on their own.

With the development of information technology, the concept of IT infrastructure is expanding. In the modern view, it includes almost all aspects of enterprise informatization. IT infrastructure as a whole is characterized as a set of common IT resources and capabilities, which can be divided into the following groups.

1) Common technology components, including hardware and software platforms, networks, databases, communications, and other equipment needed to support business applications. They form the backbone of the IT infrastructure.

2) Human resources, including human and organizational knowledge, skills, standards, experience, etc., that transform technology components into a set of understandable, generic IT services available to users.

3) General IT - services such as network services, content management system (CMS), security management, provision of advanced capabilities of the external hypertext structure of the network, management of large-scale data processing, etc. This layer is considered from a business point of view, since it uses the description of IT - infrastructure as a set of services that enable users and technologists to discuss business models and their basic infrastructure needs in a single language. IT components are converted by employees into useful IT services.

Common IT standard applications. These are relatively stable components that directly support business processes such as human resource management, budgeting, accounting, purchasing, logistics, and other enterprise resource planning software.

Information infrastructure is often viewed as a system of organizational structures that ensure the functioning and development of the information space and means of information interaction. It includes a set of information centers, data and knowledge banks, communication systems and provides consumers with access to information resources. It can also be represented as a set of people, processes, procedures, tools and technologies that ensure the creation, use, transfer, storage and destruction of information.

IT - infrastructure cannot be viewed as just a combination of local computing systems (LAN), data and knowledge storage and processing systems, backup systems, application servers, modules and components of a corporate information system.

IT - infrastructure is based on the business strategy of the enterprise. The components of the IT infrastructure must be selected in such a way as to ensure the development of the enterprise for many years to come. This implies a reasonable choice of LAN components, depending on the tasks to be solved. It should always be borne in mind that systems such as a LAN are built not for one year, but for decades, that investments in such systems are significant, their payback is determined by the qualitative indicators of the functioning of the corporation's economic system as a whole, provided that risks are minimized.

Modern trends in the development of information technology in the field of enterprise automation are due to the fact that a holistic integrated view of the enterprise comes to the fore from the point of view of its strategic perspective, long-term and short-term goals and objectives. The external environment in which a modern enterprise operates is constantly changing, which also determines changes in approaches to enterprise management. These changes can be expressed through the following statements:

The management system at the enterprise should be tailored to the need for effective management of constantly occurring changes and should be flexible enough for the purpose of possible adaptation to the ongoing changes.

An enterprise must constantly improve its processes and manage processes in order to be able to quickly and painlessly apply the most optimal processes and technologies from the point of view of the tasks being solved.

When planning "today" its current activities, an enterprise must focus on its state "tomorrow", must have a clear idea of ​​its strategic perspective.

Following the emergence of a new class of problems requiring solutions in the field of enterprise management, new approaches to solving these problems are being developed. The relatively new scientific direction "Enterprise Architecture" is gaining more and more popularity, combining elements of business and technology on the basis of a general strategic forecast of the enterprise, and considering them in close relationship with each other. The statement that "the architecture of the enterprise today is the system of the business of tomorrow" is clear and precise.

Modern international standards define an enterprise as a special kind of education, consisting of one or more organizations or their parts, sharing a common mission and goals to provide, as a result of their activities, a certain product or service. In particular, this definition is based on standards such as ISO 15704: 2000, ISO / IEC 15288: 2002, PMBOK Guide. At the same time, there are no special requirements for the mission, goals and forms of activity of the enterprise. Thus, the concept of "Enterprise Architecture" is comprehensive and includes the following aspects:

· Business structure - the composition of the main and auxiliary activities, organizational structure, etc .;

· Basic technologies - used equipment, used mechanisms, technological processes, etc .;

· Employees - regardless of the level of qualification, position held, status, duties performed, etc .;

· Information Technology.

Each of these areas is not stable, rather the opposite - changes in these areas are happening extremely quickly. Enterprises (regardless of their organizational and legal form, form of ownership, size and industry) need to be competently managed in order to remain competitive. Business constructiveness and, in particular, the ability of the technology infrastructure to respond in a timely manner to changes have become critical factors. And that is precisely why the implementation of information systems should be linked to the developed strategy for the development of the enterprise. Moreover, it is linked in the sense that the goals and tasks solved by the implemented IS should be determined in the process of designing the enterprise architecture, and the enterprise architecture should be designed in such a way as to meet not only the current business needs, but also those planned for the long term. The development strategy of the enterprise should, in turn, take into account both the current and projected levels of development of information technology. The relationships and interdependencies of all these elements are taken into account in the design and implementation of enterprise architecture through a variety of techniques, some of which are statistical and set a kind of snapshots of the state at a given point in time, while others are dynamic, and set the rules for transition from one "Snapshot" (for example, the current state) to another (for example, the future state).

QI Xianfeng, LAN Boxiong, GUO Zhenwei. Conceptual Model of IT Infrastructure Capability and Its Empirical Justification. Tsinghua Science & Technology, Vol. 13, Iss. 3, June 2008, pp. 390-394.

Http: // ru. wikibooks. org / wiki / Information_frastructure

Maria Kamennova, general manager,
Andrey Koptelov, Director of IT Consulting,
"IDS Scheer / Business Logic"

It has been proven many times that the success of a business largely depends on the "correct" use of IT to effectively support the organization's key business processes. Today, the IT department is becoming a partner of the business that creates added quality, like the main production units of the organization, whereas before it only provided elements of the IT infrastructure for use.

On the other hand, there is no longer the same belief in the omnipotence of IT as it was 10 years ago - there is no such investment either. Now it is necessary to clearly justify the direction of IT development to the business, the advantages of the selected IT solutions and the return on investment in them. Business requires information technology to focus on specific results, support business goals and increase operational efficiency. The activities of the entire company depend on the IT used and the quality of their support, and this seriously increases the requirements for the efficiency of the IT department.

Strategic management of the IT department

As a rule, all goals for the IT department should flow from the business strategy as a whole and be reflected in the IT strategy - the founding document on the strategic management of IT, which defines and regulates the main directions of IT development and prioritizes projects. This document should answer the following questions:

  • What goals should the IT department achieve?
  • How to balance business goals and IT goals?
  • How to assess the degree of achievement of goals and determine how effectively specialists are working?
  • What are the parameters to monitor the activities of the IT department?
  • What processes are the most critical in terms of their automation?
  • What are the highest priority IT projects?

At the moment, in most companies, an IT strategy has been formed, but it is often a rather formal document that does not make the IT strategy really work and does not connect the strategic guidelines and the operational activities of the IT department. To make an IT strategy from a formal document turn into an effective strategic management tool, it is proposed to use the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) technology, which allows you to communicate the strategy to all employees of the IT department and make its implementation become a daily task for everyone. ...

Balanced Scorecard is a strategic management tool aimed at achieving the goals of the organization through the implementation of business processes and projects of the organization, which allows you to set clear balanced quantitative measures of goals, flexibly and quickly make adjustments to the process of implementing the strategy.

The advantage of implementing a BSC / BSC is that the IT department receives a certain coordinate system for organizing actions in accordance with the strategy and the possibility of its subsequent monitoring using key performance indicators - KPIs (Key Performance Indicators, KPIs).

When building a single integrated system of strategic management of the IT department, it is necessary to take into account the accumulated experience in the field of IT management, creatively applying it to each specific situation. This experience is concentrated in the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL).

Formation of the goals of the IT department

At the first stage of restructuring, it is necessary to develop target settings for the IT department in the form of a tree (graph), reflecting the detailing of the main goals, broken down into subgoals according to the principle of "what it means". The achievement of all subgoals means the unconditional achievement of the goal itself.

If the organization has already developed an IT strategy, it becomes the basis for building a tree of goals for the IT department (Figure 1). For example, if the main goal is formulated as "To provide a sufficient number of efficient and secure IT services", then further, when building the goal tree, the subgoals of this target setting are singled out according to the principle "what does this mean?":

  • guarantee the optimal level of reliability and availability of IT services;
  • ensure the necessary and sufficient information security regime;
  • to ensure the economic feasibility of the functioning of IT;
  • gain loyalty from the business environment, etc.

The goal tree provides a clear and coherent understanding of the directions and logic of the development of the IT department.

Based on our experience of projects, we estimate the total (taking into account decomposition) number of goals in the goal tree of the IT department in the range from 20 to 50, but this value strongly depends on the number of employees in the department and the functions assigned to it. The development of a goal tree is an iterative process, within the framework of which the formulations are sharpened and an understanding of the directions of IT development in the organization comes.

For a more objective and high-quality strategic planning of IT development in an organization, it is necessary to take into account the goals of the entire organization when formulating the goals of IT departments. This approach balances IT goals with business goals.

Once the goal tree has been developed and approved, it is necessary to identify and assign who is responsible for achieving each goal. Without this procedure, the goal tree will remain a set of slogans that will be difficult to fulfill.

CIO Strategic Map

After the responsible persons have been identified for each goal, you can proceed to the development of strategic maps. Strategic maps are a way of representing a set of goals and the causal relationships between them.

On a strategic map, goals are categorized into four perspectives (Figure 2) — the perspectives on the organization that are important for assessing business performance.

The Finance perspective shows the business's expectations of the IT department (how the IT department will affect the financial health of the entire organization).

The Customers perspective reflects the expectations of the IT department's customers (what the IT department should look like to its customers).

The Processes perspective forms the requirements for the internal processes of the IT department and the processes of interaction with other departments; it defines the strategic importance of processes.

The Learning and Development perspective shows how you need to develop people and maintain the IT organizational excellence in order to deliver on your IT strategy.

Rice. 3. Strategic map of the CIO.

The presented set of perspectives is generally accepted, but in some cases it is possible to introduce an additional perspective - "Technologies", which reflects the requirements for information technology.

For small IT departments with up to 50 employees, it is sufficient to create a strategic map for only the head of the department. If the department has more than 50 employees, then, in addition to the manager's card, it is recommended to develop cards for its leading specialists.

However, you need to understand that the strategic map is a tool for top-level managers and there is no need to build strategic maps for all employees of the IT department. Ordinary employees should be focused on achieving the planned values ​​of key performance indicators in their processes and projects, which are "derived" from the key indicators associated with strategic goals.

Relationship between goals and key performance indicators

Defining goals and allocating responsibility for achieving goals is not enough to build a workable system of strategic management of the IT department, so it is necessary to develop a mechanism for monitoring the achievement of goals and clearly understand what indicators are used to assess the level of achievement of each goal.

As a rule, the IT department has a set of its own quantitatively measurable parameters - key performance indicators; in addition, a large number of KPIs are defined in the ITIL. Examples of KPIs for an IT organization include:

  • percentage of incidents resolved at the first level of technical support;
  • average recovery time of a service / service after an incident;
  • the number of calls per one operator of the Service Desk;
  • number of successful changes, etc.

However, with all the abundance of CRCs that can be used to measure goals, it is necessary to choose a limited (two or three) number of them, namely those that most fully reflect the achievement of this goal (Fig. 4). Too many KPIs will lead to an unjustified complication of the control system and an increase in labor costs for calculating KPIs without a tangible improvement in the quality of the strategic management system.

In addition to the CRC, it is necessary to highlight those areas of activity of the IT department, on which the achievement of goals depends. For each KPI, current and target values ​​should be identified, as well as the sources of information collection and calculation procedures. Then we can talk about building a full-fledged mechanism for monitoring the achievement of goals through the assessment of the relevant CRC.

For example, the achievement of the goal "Ensure the optimal level of reliability and availability of IT services" (Fig. 5) can be tracked using the following KPIs, the source of which is the information system:

  • the percentage of time during which the service was unavailable;
  • average time to fix the problem;
  • the frequency of occurrence of the same type of incidents.

Achieving this goal depends on the completion of the Availability Plan project and the effectiveness of the following processes: Incident Management and Problem Management.

The next stage in building a strategic management system in the IT department is adjusting the motivation system, i.e., the definition of motivation mechanisms for the heads of the IT department, which will be associated with the achievement of specific goals and KPI. With an effective system of motivation, the activities of the IT department will be aimed at achieving the goals determined by the IT strategy, which will link strategic attitudes and operational activities.

As a result of the implementation of a strategic management system using BSC, the IT department receives the following benefits:

  • clear understanding of your goals;
  • distribution of responsibility for the achievement of each specific goal;
  • determination of the CRC to assess the degree of achievement of each goal;
  • determining the priorities of projects and activities aimed at achieving goals;
  • reasonable budget allocation for IT projects;
  • obtaining a criticality-ranked list of processes and projects;
  • identifying mechanisms to motivate the heads of the IT department for more effective achievement of goals.

Improving the business processes of the IT department

As you know, the activities of any organization are implemented through business processes and individual projects (programs). A business process is a related set of repeatable actions (functions) that transform input material and information into a final product (result) in accordance with pre-established rules. A project (program) is a set of works aimed at achieving certain results. The IT department in this case is no exception, and if the area of ​​IT project management is already well known and described, then effective process management is of great interest.

Today, an increasing number of Russian managers support the idea of ​​process management and understand the need to integrate it into traditional functional structures. Of course, this is facilitated by both the desire to improve the efficiency of operations (for example, to reduce the time to resolve incidents), and the need to respond to user requirements, as well as the desire to improve the key performance indicators of their activities.

The relevance of the issue led to the fact that many organizations realized the need to describe and optimize business processes and began to use this approach to build internal "production" relations in the company, which provided a clear structuring of procedures in a format convenient for creating a regulatory framework and optimization. The IT department in this case is no exception, therefore, in order to increase the efficiency of its activities, it is necessary to optimize internal processes, and sometimes to restructure and even reengineer them.

The description of the processes of the IT department occurs "from top to bottom": first, the top-level processes are defined, that is, the activities of the department are described by "large strokes", and then they are detailed down to the level of workplaces. An example of the top-level processes of the IT department is shown in Fig. 6. To highlight the top-level processes of the IT department, so-called reference models can be used, namely ITSM HP Reference Model (Hewlett-Packard), Microsoft Operations Framework (Microsoft), IT Process Model (IBM), ARIS ITIL Reference Model (IDS Scheer ).

Based on the experience of the projects, the following processes of the IT department can be distinguished:

  • IT strategy management;
  • planning and budgeting;
  • controlling;
  • provision of services;
  • service support;
  • project management (design and implementation);
  • ensuring information security;
  • infrastructure management;
  • personnel Management.

When identifying processes, it is necessary to verify the goals and processes, achieving their consistency. For each goal, processes are needed to achieve it, and each process must be aimed at achieving specific goals in the goal tree.

At further stages, it is necessary to identify the most significant and key processes for improvement, which can be done using the BSC methodology.

The experience of our projects related to the analysis and improvement of the activities of IT departments shows that the largest number of problems are concentrated in the following processes:

  • business forecast and service planning;
  • IT strategy management;
  • provision of services (service level management; financial management);
  • service support (interaction with users; incident management; problem management).

Improving these processes, first of all, gives a qualitative leap in the efficiency of the IT department, which allows you to get management support for further improvement.

It is not enough just to single out the processes, that is, to define the control objects in the process control system; it is necessary to assign responsibility for each process - "process owners". Process owner - a person (business role) who has overall responsibility for a process and is empowered with respect to that process. It does not concern the functions performed within the framework of the process by individual departments, it is important for it to successfully implement the entire process, especially its productivity, efficiency and adaptability. The process owner is responsible for all parameters of the process and should actively participate in its improvement.

Within the framework of improvement, for each of the considered processes, the following parameters are determined:

  • the purpose of the process;
  • process owner;
  • key performance indicators of the process;
  • consumers of the results of the process;
  • process providers;
  • time and resource constraints;
  • process options;
  • process logic.

The development of a process should take place with the active participation of its owner. As a rule, the description of the process is created in a graphical form, which ensures the clarity and formalization of all components (Fig. 7). A detailed process can be considered developed if all the conditions for its implementation, participants (business roles), functions, documents, information systems, etc. are defined. With a detailed description of the processes, it is possible to analyze and optimize their cost using the Activity-based method costing (ABC) at the stage of improvement.

Process improvement requires the commitment of management support and the active participation of the improvement team, which typically includes IT process management experts. Particular attention should be paid to training participants in the created processes, which will simplify the procedure for introducing the changed processes into regular activities.

After improving the processes, it is necessary to make adjustments, sometimes very significant, to the organizational structure of the IT department, using the principle of linking certain business roles to positions, which often entails a change in the "Statement of the IT department". An approximate organizational structure and a list of roles are shown in Fig. eight.

At the same time, in addition to improving processes, it is necessary to regulate the relationship between business and IT, which is achieved by the development of a Service Level Agreement (SLA), which regulates the provided IT services and formalizes the requirements for processes at the stage of their creation. ...

To implement the developed processes, it is necessary to "force" the department to work according to these processes, which can be done in two ways: to develop and approve process regulations and job descriptions, or to automate the processes, while laying the regulations (in fact, the execution logic) in the information system of the workflow class.

The most effective use of tools that can be used to automate the receipt of regulations based on a graphical description (Fig. 9), which reduces the cost of regulation and allows you to effectively manage changes. Initially, all information is entered into graphic models, after which the entire regulatory environment of the process (regulations, job descriptions, regulations on divisions, etc.) is generated automatically, which ensures the relevance and interconnection of regulations with each other.

With the automatic generation of regulations, the instrumental environment analyzes the links between models of processes, organizational structure, documents, information systems, which makes it possible, in addition to regulations, to receive requirements for process automation and draft technical specifications for the implementation of information systems.

For the IT department, both are acceptable. It is known that investment in a process is always more profitable than investment in an information system, therefore it is necessary to perceive IT solutions as a means of automating debugged processes, and not a ready-made solution, the deployment of which will solve all problems.

The term workflow refers to the management of the workflow and, through it, the business process. According to the glossary of the international organization Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC), workflow is the automation, full or partial, of a business process, in which documents, information or tasks are transferred to perform the necessary actions from one participant to another in accordance with a set of procedural rules. Automation presupposes a set of rules that are much more difficult to break (intentionally or accidentally) than a regulation or job description.

Some processes just need to be regulated, since they are rarely performed and their automation will not lead to the expected effect. In our experience, the greatest effect is provided by the automation of the following processes: incident, problem and change management. The rest of the processes can be regulated at the first stages, and the decision to automate them can be made later.

One of the advantages that process automation should provide is the collection and analysis of key performance indicators of the IT department, which allows you to fill the BSC system with real data with minimal effort, allowing you to assess the achievement of strategic goals.

Instead of a conclusion

Summarizing the above and taking into account our own experience, it can be noted that improving the activities of the IT department using ITIL, BSC and a process-oriented approach to management allows us to solve strategic issues of IT development and increase the efficiency of the company's regular activities. This has an impact on the development of the business as a whole and provides a quick return on investment in information technology.

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