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The composition of the project of local area networks. Local area network: design and network equipment

Planning the logical structure of the network Choosing the network topology and access methods Choosing the network architecture Planning the physical structure of the network in relation to the enterprise. Estimate for the development and installation of the network. Computers included in the LAN client-server architecture are divided into two types: workstations or clients intended for users and file servers that are usually inaccessible to ordinary users and are designed to manage network resources.

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The GREEN EFFECT company carries out design, construction (laying) and maintenance of LAN.

LAN laying provides a guaranteed presentation of information resources and services with the required levels of availability, reliability, scalability, security and manageability. LAN (local area network) it is a collection of software and hardware that includes many components and assemblies. The network subsystem of the Customer's LAN is designed to meet the needs of subscribers in providing information interaction and data exchange aimed at performing the Customer's business processes.
Most often, a LAN is organized on Ethernet and / or Wi-Fi technologies. For the construction and laying of a LAN, switches, routers, wireless access points (wi-fi), modems, optical (FOCL) and copper communication lines, etc. are used.
For a remote connection to a LAN, a VPN connection is most often used. VPN is a technology that allows you to organize one or more network connections over another network (internet) from home, a remote office or a business trip.

Selection and justification of the technology for the construction of a LAN

The choice of technology, architecture and equipment for the construction of a LAN is determined by the following factors:
  • the number of users (jobs);
  • the amount of server equipment;
  • geographical location of buildings and number of storeys of buildings;
  • LAN requirements for the bandwidth of communication channels and equipment performance;
  • the ability to increase the number of LAN nodes without disrupting its functioning and reducing performance;
  • elimination of information loss during overload of network segments and equipment;
  • minimization of the range of equipment used to reduce administration costs;
  • support for quality of service delivery and service level management;
  • compliance with the requirements of international standards;
  • the minimum initial cost of the LAN and the cost of its subsequent growth.

    To achieve the best results in terms of performance, reliability, manageability, scalability of a LAN, a modular and hierarchical approach to the design of the data transmission system is required. This approach allows you to build a LAN in the optimal way by adding new blocks without affecting the rest of the components of the network structure, provides an extremely high degree of certainty in the behavior of the LAN, which facilitates troubleshooting.

    LAN provides its subscribers with the following information services:

  • data transmission services;
  • services of wireless connection of subscribers;
  • audio and video conferencing services.

    The LAN consists of the following subsystems:

  • network subsystem;
  • network security subsystem;
  • access control and authorization subsystem;
  • monitoring and control subsystem;
  • subsystem of audio-video conferencing;
  • subsystem of the wireless network.

    We work with the whole range of fiber-optic products (FOCL), copper pairs, server cabinets, patch panels, wireless network equipment (wi-fi), sockets, etc. Our company has modern equipment and software for the construction (laying) of a LAN. When the LAN is handed over, a complete report on testing all laid communication lines is attached. LAN construction is carried out using network active and passive equipment from leading manufacturers, such as Cisco, Hewlett-Packard, 3COM, etc. GREEN EFFECT company builds and installs LAN for office, industrial, public and residential buildings.

    LAN design

    The design department of GREEN EFFECT provides a full range of services for the design of a LAN (local area network).
    At the first stage of the LAN design, the object is inspected, negotiations with the customer, the identification of tasks and requirements for the LAN.
    Based on the results of research and analysis of the initial data, an optimal project for building a local computer network is being developed, which includes all the wishes and requirements of the customer. The LAN project contains: detailed plans for the location of system elements; schematic and structural diagrams of connections, cable routing, cable magazine. Also, a specification of equipment and materials, an estimate for the installation of a LAN and a statement of work performed are drawn up.

    LAN design is carried out in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87 "On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content", regional building codes and requirements of the technical assignment.
    When designing a LAN, the requirements of existing legislation and regulations on ecology, labor protection and fire safety are taken into account.

    Pre-design survey

    The purpose of the pre-design survey is to determine a set of measures and develop technical proposals, taking into account the generated standard solutions. Based on the results of the survey, our design engineers will help the Customer develop a competent technical assignment (TOR) for the design of a LAN.

    Terms of reference (TK) LAN

    Customer requirements form the basis technical assignment (TOR) LAN and are the primary document from which the work on the creation of a local computer network begins. In addition to the technical requirements, at the first stages of the work on the design of the LAN, the data obtained during the pre-design survey are used as the initial information. Any design begins with a correctly written technical assignment approved by the customer. The design terms and the choice of the necessary equipment for the construction of a LAN, described in the TOR, depend on a well-written TK.

    The composition of the LAN design documentation is regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the composition of the sections of the design documentation and the requirements for their content" dated February 16, 2008 No. 87.

    LAN design documentation (stage "P")

    A competently developed concept of a LAN and a technical assignment gives grounds for creating a draft plan for a LAN - a single set of solutions designed to ensure a given mode of operation of a LAN. The draft design determines the optimal structure of the LAN and the route for laying cable wiring, the location and composition of the elements of the telecommunications infrastructure, the idea of ​​the project budget, as well as a number of other parameters that will facilitate the choice of specific solutions.
    Design documentation of a LAN is a text and graphic materials that determine space-planning, constructive and technical solutions for the construction or reconstruction (modernization) of a LAN.
    The basis for the development of a LAN project is the architectural, construction, technological and engineering parts of the Building Design. The LAN project is focused on using the most efficient and well-proven equipment and components. Competent design is a high speed of construction work and LAN maintenance. Error-free calculation of the project - minimization of equipment costs.

    Working documentation for LAN (stage "P")

    At the next stage, the working documentation of the LAN is developed, which is used during the construction phase. It is at this stage that the resource intensity of the process, the volume of construction and installation work, the amount of equipment and materials required, and hence the final budget of the LAN project are determined.
    LAN working documentation is developed after the approval of the previous design stage. The purpose of the work at the "P" stage is to prepare accurate drawings, diagrams and tables, which will guide the installers when carrying out work on the creation of a LAN. Working documentation provides a detailed connection of the components of all systems to the object. Working documentation of a LAN contains drawings, tables of connections and connections, layouts of equipment and wiring and other documents.

    Cost estimate documentation LAN ("SD")

    Development of estimate documentation is the final stage of designing a local area network and determines the full cost of equipment, construction, installation and commissioning.

    Construction (installation) of LAN

    In accordance with the LAN project approved by the Customer and the purchase of the necessary equipment, the following is carried out:
  • organization of a switching center
  • installation of electrical panels
  • installation of cable channels
  • placement of access points
  • installation of sockets
  • cable laying

    The specialists of the GREEN EFFECT company provide a full range of services for the installation of a LAN.
    The experience accumulated in this area allows us to install and connect a LAN in the shortest possible time, in strict accordance with the project and the proper quality of work.

    LAN setting

    Upon completion of installation, the LAN is subjected to comprehensive testing and configuration in order to check the system's performance and identify defects. Test results and settings with explanations of the parameter values ​​and analysis of the quality of the local area network are provided to the customer (an example of a test report in the figure). After the completion of all work and the transfer of documentation to the customer, representatives of the contractor and the customer, an inspection of the object is carried out. If all the necessary requirements and tasks are fulfilled, as well as compliance with the technical specifications, the object is put into operation.

    LAN service

    LAN (local area network) maintenance is carried out in order to ensure the smooth operation of a unified system of IT equipment of the company and constant access of personnel to various information services.
    LAN maintenance is carried out by diagnosing the state of all sections of the LAN, carrying out measurements in cross cabinets, detecting and eliminating damage to LAN elements.

    LAN maintenance includes:

  • preventive work
  • restoration work.

    The scope of work for the maintenance of the LAN depends on the operating conditions and the composition of the equipment.

    Preventive maintenance work on the LAN:

  • checking the cross equipment for completeness, markings, external damage and operating conditions
  • restoration of damaged marking of cross-country equipment
  • laying of cross-cords in cable organizers
  • LAN port diagnostics
  • recovery of damaged LAN ports
  • providing the Customer with reports on the maintenance of the LAN and recommendations for the reconstruction of the LAN

    Diagnostics of LAN ports consists in measuring the parameters of the LAN ports for compliance with the category parameters using the appropriate certified instrumentation with the issuance of reports on all measured parameters in the entire frequency range. Inconsistency of LAN ports with categorization requirements is determined based on the results of port diagnostics.

    Recovery work of LAN maintenance:

  • replacement of damaged cables
  • restoration of damaged cross equipment

    The malfunctions identified as a result of preventive work are eliminated by the Contractor as part of the LAN service. Depending on the nature of the malfunction, a decision is made to remove the faulty equipment from use and include it in the plan for the current repair of the LAN, or eliminate the defect on the spot. Malfunctions, the elimination of which requires additional work and material resources, must be eliminated after drawing up a defective statement. The revealed violations of the LAN operating conditions are reported to the Customer's representatives.

    The schedule for the maintenance of the LAN is developed and approved by the Customer. Based on the results of the work, the contractor provides a report, which includes:

  • LAN port allocation table at the facility
  • LAN cross-connect table
  • report of measurements of parameters of LAN ports
  • defective statement.
  • 2.1. Defining the design object

    The object of the design is the LAN of the organization engaged in the development of software of OJSC "Easy-PO". The organization is located in the building of the business center and occupies one floor.

    2.2. Purpose of using the network

    It is supposed to use a LAN for the following purposes:

    Sharing network elements (supercomputers, network printers, etc.);

    Possibility of quick access to the necessary information;

    Reliable storage and backup of data;

    Data protection;

    Using the resources of modern technologies (Internet access, electronic document management systems, and others).

    2.3. Network characteristics

    Required network characteristics:

    Internet access;

    Bandwidth> = 100 Mbps;

    High server performance;

    High resiliency

    2.4. Determining the size and structure of the network

    Star network topology selected. The concept of a star network topology comes from mainframe computers, in which the host receives and processes all data from peripheral devices as the active processing node. This principle is applied in data transmission systems such as e-mail in the RelCom network. All information between two peripheral workstations passes through the central node of the computer network.

    The network bandwidth is determined by the processing power of the node and is guaranteed for each workstation. Collisions (collisions) of data do not occur. The cable connection is fairly straightforward as each workstation is connected to a node. Cabling costs are high, especially when the central site is not geographically located at the center of the topology.

    When expanding computer networks, the previously made cable connections cannot be used: a separate cable must be laid to the new workplace from the center of the network.

    The star topology is the fastest of all computer network topologies, because data transmission between workstations passes through the central site (with good performance) on separate lines that are used only by these workstations. The frequency of requests for information transfer from one station to another is low compared to that achieved in other topologies.

    The performance of a computer network primarily depends on the capacity of the central file server. It can be a bottleneck in a computer network. In the event of a failure of the central unit, the operation of the entire network is disrupted. Central control unit - the file server implements an optimal protection mechanism against unauthorized access to information. The entire computer network can be controlled from its center.

    The LAN must meet the following requirements:

      LAN must be efficient (minimum costs and high quality of work);

      Openness of the network. LAN meets this criterion if it is possible to connect additional equipment without changing the technical and software parameters of the network;

      Network flexibility. If, in the event of malfunctions of a computer or other equipment, the network continues to function - the LAN meets this requirement.


    The organization occupies the floor of the business center, we will plan the necessary equipment, the location of the employees' workplaces.

    The structure of the network will be determined by this layout

    The purpose of the analytical part is to consider the existing state of the subject area, the characteristics of the object, the telecommunications system and substantiate proposals for eliminating the identified shortcomings and new technologies.

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    The relevance of the project lies in the fact that this local network is the only possible means for organizing the effective functioning of an organization.

    The object of the design is the organization's local area network. This network should provide the transport of information within the organization and provide the ability to interact with the global Internet. The organization for which the local network is being designed is an enterprise whose main activity is the production of quality furniture.

    Network topology and network equipment

    Network topology

    When building the LAN of the organization, we will use a tree structure based on the star topology. It is one of the most common topologies because it is easy to maintain.

    Topology advantages:

    • · Failure of one workstation does not affect the operation of the entire network as a whole;
    • · Good scalability of the network;
    • · Easy search for faults and breaks in the network;
    • · High network performance (subject to correct design);
    • · Flexible administration options.

    Disadvantages of topology:

    • · Failure of the central hub will result in the inoperability of the network (or network segment) as a whole;
    • · For laying a network, more cable is often required than for most other topologies;
    • · The finite number of workstations in the network (or network segment) is limited by the number of ports in the central hub.

    This topology was chosen because it is the fastest. From the point of view of reliability, it is not the best solution, since the failure of their central node leads to the shutdown of the entire network, but at the same time, it is easier to find a fault.

    Subscribers of each network segment will be connected to the corresponding Switch. And these segments will be connected into a single network by a managed switch - the central element of the network.

    The following network equipment is required:

    • 1. Network switches or switches(Switch) - 8 pcs.- a device designed to connect several nodes of a computer network within one segment.
    • 2. Servers(server) - 1 PC.- hardware dedicated and / or specialized for the execution of service software on it without direct human participation.
    • 3. Printers (including multifunctional devices)(Printer) - 5 pieces.- a device for printing digital information onto solid media, usually paper. Refers to computer terminal devices.
    • 4. DVB PC card 1pc - This is a computer board that is designed to receive a signal from a satellite and then decode it.
    • 5. Satellite antenna-1 PC.- this is the most important component of satellite Internet and satellite TV, the stability of the Internet connection, and the quality and number of satellite TV channels will depend on it.
    • 6. Converter - 1pc.- a program with which you can convert files from one format to another.

    Transmission medium:

    A transmission medium is a physical medium through which information signals can be propagated in the form of electrical, light, etc. impulses.

    To combine a PC into a single LAN, you will need a UTP5e "twisted pair" cable, which is one of the most common types of cable at the present time. It consists of several pairs of plastic-sheathed copper wires. The wires that make up each pair are twisted around each other, which provides protection against mutual interference. Cables of this type are divided into two classes - "Shielded twisted pair" and "Unshielded twisted pair". The difference between these classes is that the shielded twisted pair is more protected from external electromagnetic interference, due to the presence of an additional shield of copper mesh and / or aluminum foil surrounding the cable wires. Twisted pair networks, depending on the cable category, provide transmission at speeds from 10 Mbit / s - 1 Gbit / s. The length of a cable segment cannot exceed 100 m (up to 100 Mbps).

    Table 1. Number of equipment in the network





    D-Link Switch 10port (8UTP 10/100 / 1000Mbps + 2Combo 1000Base-T / SFP)


    D-Link Switch 16 port (16UTP 10 / 100Mbps)


    SS7000B / pro2U (SX20H2Mi) Server: Xeon E5-2650 / 16GB / 2 x 1TB SATA RAID

    PC (2 configurations)

    Epson AcuLaser M2400DN (A4, 35ppm, 1200dpi, USB2.0 / LPT, network, duplex)

    Satellite DVB card

    TeVii S 470 PCI-E (DVB-S2)

    Satellite antenna

    LANS-7.5 Direct focus parabolic mesh antenna with azimuth fixed suspension AZ / EL 2.30m F / D = 0.375


    MultiCo< EC-202C20-BB>10 / 100Base-TX to 100Base-FX converter (1UTP, 1SC)

    Calculation of the cable system:

    To calculate the cost of cables, let's assume that the average distance between computers in the department and the corresponding switch is 10 meters, then about 850 meters of UTP 5e cable will be needed.

    To cover the distance from the switches to the central managed switch (+ connect the manager), you will need 350 m of UTP 5e cable. network local cable internet

    Let's increase the cost of the UTP 5e cable by 10% (for waste and rejects during installation) and get about 1350 m.

    In total, you will need 100 pieces of twisted pair, which will require 200 RJ-45 connectors. Including marriage - 220.

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