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Saving and auto-recovery of documents in Word. Saving a Word document

The variety of programs for working with text data is actually huge. All this software can be conditionally divided into text editors and word processors. The former allow you to work exclusively with text, while the latter also allow you to insert graphics files, tables, mathematical formulas, charts, and so on into the document.

The classic text editor is the standard notepad in the Windows operating system. Microsoft Word leads the word processor market by a wide margin. It is included in the Office software package and is a universal tool for an office worker to create text documents containing combined data types. This article will provide answers to such basic questions at work: how to save a document in Word or how to restore it if it has not been saved.

Create a new document

Please make sure you have purchased a licensed version of the MS Office suite or the separate MS Word software. Now let's create a new document. Navigate to the folder where you would like to store your work files. In this folder, hover your mouse over an empty space in the explorer box and press the right mouse button. A context menu will appear, where you will need to select the "Create MS Word Document" item. The file will be created in this directory, after which you can open it by double-clicking the left mouse button or single-clicking followed by pressing the Enter key. Thus, you can use this method even before you learn how to save a document in Word.

There is also another way to create a new Word document. To do this, open the "Start" menu on the Windows taskbar and start MS Word. The program will start automatically creating an empty document in the temporary folder for current tasks. In order to have access to this file after closing the program, it will be necessary to burn it to disk.

How to save a document in Word?

Before directly writing the file you created, let's decide how it will be used in the future. So, for example, if you are using the most current version of the program today, and also do not need to open this file using older versions of it, then follow the instructions below:

  1. In the top left corner of the tool ribbon, find the File menu item.
  2. Select "Save As" from the submenu, then click the "Browse" button to open the save window in Windows Explorer.
  3. Find the desired folder in the desired window or create it.
  4. Enter the desired file name.
  5. After that, just click "Save" without changing the rest of the parameters.

What should I do if I accidentally closed Word without saving the working file?

We have already figured out how to save a document in Word. Let's also learn in advance what to do in a situation where a file was closed without saving. How to restore a Word document if not saved? If you're using a modern edition of Office, starting with version 2010, this should be pretty easy.

  1. Find the "File" tab on the toolbar.
  2. On the right side of the screen, you will see an area labeled "Details". Under this heading, look for "Version Control".
  3. Click the "Recover Documents That Haven't Been Saved" button.

Don't be afraid to explore the Microsoft Word interface yourself. So you can learn its main functions quite quickly, and you will no longer have questions about how to save a document in Word format.

Traveling through the vast expanses of the Internet, we find a lot of useful information. Sometimes you want to save an instruction or a recipe on your computer so that you can print it on paper. Many novice users are wondering: " How to save a page from the Internet to a computer?"

Saving text information from the site

Consider one of the ways to save text information from any site to your computer.

The easiest option:

  1. select the desired piece of text;
  2. copy it;
  3. paste into a text editor (for example, or );
  4. save the text document.

Let's consider each item in more detail.

1. Select the desired piece of text

The selection is carried out with the mouse, as follows: we place the mouse pointer at the beginning of the selected fragment. Press the left mouse button and hold it down to move the cursor over the text. The text will start to highlight. Release the left mouse button after selecting the desired area. If the selection fails, repeat it again.

2. Copy selection

To copy, you need to right-click on the selected fragment to call the context menu. Now from this menu, left-click on the command Copy. You will not notice anything on the screen, but the selected text and pictures will be copied to your computer's memory (clipboard).

3. Paste into a text editor.

To paste into a text editor, you must first run it. The Windows system has , which we will use to save a text document. Launch it from the menu Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> WordPad. After launch, a blank white sheet will appear, on which we will paste the copied text. To do this, point the mouse cursor at the insertion point and right-click. In the context menu, select the item Insert and left click.

All text will be inserted, if this did not happen, then you did the second step incorrectly.

4. Save the text document

After all the necessary text has been copied, it must be saved on your computer. To do this, the menu File choose a team Save. Now we need to specify the name of our document and the place to save it.

The easy way

To save a page from the Internet to a computer and view it offline, modern browsers have a special function. Right-click on the page and select the command from the context menu Save as..

Thus, the page and the folder (with the same name) with graphic elements (pictures from the page) will be saved in the specified folder.

How to save text from a secure site?

On the network you can find sites with copy protection of information and the above method does not work. What to do in this case? If you need only text information, then save the page as a test file with the extension TXT. And then we look at it with notepad. Or rather, let's do it. In the browser menu File choose a team Save as


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Sincerely, Sergey Fomin.

PS: Interesting facts about book printing in modern typography

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There are situations when the user needs to save pictures from the Word. You can extract pictures from a Word document to your computer in many ways.

Extracting an image from a Word document may be needed for editing, pasting into another document, or simply saving as a file in some graphic format. In different cases, you may need to save not only individual pictures, but, for example, part of the images, or all the pictures from a Word document as graphic files to your computer.

The saving method, in some cases, depends on the version of Microsoft Word. In versions of Word 2010 and Word 2013 applications, it will be possible to save individual pictures from Word directly, without the participation of additional programs. In Word 2007, you can no longer save images to your computer directly.

In this article, we will explore different ways to extract images from Word. This can be done in several ways:

  • saving a picture as a picture in Word 2010 and Word 2013
  • saving Word as a web page
  • using an archiver
  • using Total Commander
  • copying images in Paint
  • using Microsoft Office Picture Manager
  • using PowerPoint
  • taking a screenshot (screenshot)

Save a Word Document as a Web Page

The Word document with all the pictures can be saved as an html archive. Enter the Microsoft Word menu, then select "Save As" and then "Other Formats". In the "Save Document" window that opens, in the "File Type" field, select "Web Page".

After that, the Word document will be saved as two files (a folder and an HTML file). Next, open the folder that repeats the name of the Word document. In the folder you will see all the images that are in this document.

In my case, these are JPEG files.

Opening a Word document using an archiver

You can open a Word document with an archiver (7-Zip, WinRAR, etc.). This option is suitable for documents saved in the modern "docx" format, which is practically a Zip archive.

In this example, I will open a Word document using the WinRAR archiver. First, right-click on the Word document, and select "Open With" from the context menu. In the Explorer window, you will need to select the archiver that is installed on your computer (in my case, WinRAR).

All images in the archive will be located in the following path: "word\media". You can extract the entire Word document from the archive at once, or go to the "media" folder to extract all images, or just specific images.

Extracting pictures from Word using Total Commander

With the help of the file manager Total Commander, you can easily pull pictures out of Word. To do this, you will need to do the following:

  1. Select the docx file in the file manager.
  2. Next, press the keyboard buttons "Ctrl" + "PageDown".
  3. Then open the "word" and "media" folders in sequence.
  4. The "media" folder will contain all the images from the Word document.

Now you can copy the pictures to another location on your computer.

How to extract pictures from Word to Paint

  1. To save a picture in the Paint graphics editor, you will need to right-click on the picture, and then select the "Copy" context menu item, or press the "Ctrl" + "C" keyboard keys.
  2. Open the Paint program.
  3. Then right-click in the program window. Using the context menu item "Paste", or using the keyboard keys "Ctrl" + "V", paste the picture into the Paint program window.
  4. Next, from the Paint program window, you can save the image in the desired graphic format on your computer.

Saving images from Word to Microsoft Office Picture Manager

To save images from Word, you can use the Microsoft Office Picture Manager program, which is part of the Microsoft Office package.

  • Copy the picture in Word, and then paste it into the Microsoft Office Picture Manager window.
  • Next, click on the link "Export pictures", which is located on the right side of the program window.

  • Select the format, name and folder for saving the picture, and then click on the "OK" button.

After that, the picture will be saved in a folder on your computer.

Save a picture from Word to PowerPoint

  • Copy the image from the Word document.
  • Open PowerPoint, and then paste the picture into the program window.
  • Next, right-click on the image and select "Save as Image..." from the context menu.

  • In the explorer modal window, select a location to save the picture on your computer.

Save a picture in Word 2010 and Word 2013

In Word 2010 and Word 2013, you can save a picture directly from the Word program window.

In order to extract a picture from Word, right-click on the image, and then select "Save as picture ..." from the context menu.

Then select the format, name, and location to save the picture on your computer.

Saving a picture with a screenshot

Unlike the previous methods, the size of the image may be different from the original, because the size of the selected area will depend on the skill of the user when manually selecting an object.

At the very beginning, you will need to select the type of fragment in the "Scissors" program menu, and then you will need to click on the "Create" button to select the picture in the Word document.

After selecting an image, you can paste it into the Paint program for later saving on your computer.

Article Conclusions

On the Options page, you can configure settings for Word and documents, and specify personal information. The save options determine where and how documents are saved.

File > Parameters > Preservation.

Saving Documents

Autosave every. min

Keep the latest auto-recovered version when closing without saving. Word will create autosave files and save them when you close the document. The restored file will be displayed the next time you open Word.

Important: Save

Do not show Backstage view when opening and saving files. Disables the Backstage view where you can manage files and their data.

Show additional locations to save, even though entry may be required. By default, when you save, additional locations are displayed, such as OneDrive or network folders.

Save to computer by default. Files will be saved to the default folder on your computer instead of OneDrive or a network location.

Open, Save or Save as, or click the button Overview

Note: Open, Save or Save as Open, Save or Save as.

Location of personal templates by default. Enter the path you want to use to save the created or updated Word templates.

Save extracted files.

    On the web server.

Overview to select it.

All new documents

Embed fonts in file. Embedding TrueType Fonts at

    Embed fonts in a file.

    Embed fonts in a file.

To view save options for Word, click File > Parameters > Preservation.

Saving Documents

Save files in the following format. This option sets the default file format used when saving documents. If documents are used in different versions of Microsoft Office Word, as web pages or in other programs, you can choose the file format that you use most often. Select the desired file format from this list.

Autosave every. Word automatically creates an AutoRecovery file at the interval specified in the min. The interval must be a positive number between 1 and 120. If your computer stops responding or loses power unexpectedly, the next time you start Word, the AutoRecovery file opens. The AutoRecovery file may contain unsaved information that would otherwise be lost.

Important: AutoRecover does not replace commands Save. When you're done with a document, you still need to save it.

Directory of data for auto recovery. Specifies the default location for the AutoRecovery file. In the text box, enter the save path for the AutoRecovery files.

Default file location. Enter the path that Word will use the first time the command is selected Open, Save or Save as, or click the button Overview to select a folder. If the default location is on a network server, enter the UNC path: \\servername\foldername. To apply the new default location to the network server, restart Word.

Note: This option is used by default the first time commands are run. Open, Save or Save as when you start Word. When saving a document, you can override these settings by specifying a different location or format in the dialog box Open, Save or Save as.

Offline editing options for files on the Document Management Server

Save extracted files. The location where checked out documents should be stored.

    In the server drafts location on this computer. Select this option to save the extracted files to the folder specified in the Location of server drafts.

    In the Office Document Cache . Select this option to save the extracted files to the Office cache folder.

Location of server drafts. The default location for draft files on the server. Enter the path you want to use as the location of drafts on the server in the text box, or click the button Overview to select it.

Preserve quality when sharing a document

Preserve quality when sharing a document. Select the name of an already open document, or click All new documents to apply quality settings, such as storing fonts in the file, to all documents you create.

Embed fonts in file. Select this check box to keep the fonts used in the document in the file, if they are allowed to be embedded. If this option is selected, other users will be able to see and use document fonts even if they are not installed on their computer. Enabling this option increases the file size. For more information about font embedding, see Embed TrueType fonts on

    Embed only the characters used in the document (reducing the file size). Check this box to embed only those parts of the fonts that are actually used in the document. If there are no more than 32 characters in a font, Word embeds only those. This option is useful for documents that other users will only view or print, because non-embedded characters and font styles are not editable. This option is available only when the checkbox is checked. Embed fonts in a file.

    Do not embed regular system fonts. Select this check box to embed fonts only if they are not normally available on Windows and Word computers. This option is available only when the checkbox is checked. Embed fonts in a file.

To view save options for Word, click Microsoft Office button, select Word options and click Preservation.

Saving Documents

Save files in the following format. This option sets the default file format used when saving documents. If documents are used in different versions of Microsoft Office Word, as web pages or in other programs, you can choose the file format that you use most often. Select the desired file format from this list.

Autosave every. Word automatically creates an AutoRecovery file at the interval specified in the min. The interval must be a positive number between 1 and 120. If your computer stops responding or loses power unexpectedly, the next time you start Word, the AutoRecovery file opens. The AutoRecovery file may contain unsaved information that would otherwise be lost.

Important: AutoRecover does not replace commands Save. When you're done with a document, you still need to save it.

Directory of data for auto recovery. Specifies the default location for the AutoRecovery file. In the text box, enter the save path for the AutoRecovery files.

Default file location. Enter the path that Word will use the first time the command is selected Open, Save or Save as, or click the button Overview to select a folder. If the default location is on a network server, enter the UNC path: \\servername\foldername. To apply the new default location to the network server, restart Word.

Note: This option is used by default the first time commands are run. Open, Save or Save as when you start Word. When saving a document, you can override these settings by specifying a different location or format in the dialog box Open, Save or Save as.

Offline editing options for files on the Document Management Server

Save extracted files. The location where checked out documents should be stored.

    In the server drafts location on this computer. Select this option to save the extracted files to the folder specified in the Location of server drafts.

    On the web server. Select this option to store the extracted files on a web server.

Location of server drafts. The default location for draft files on the server. Enter the path you want to use as the location of drafts on the server in the text box, or click the button Overview to select it.

Preserve quality when sharing a document

Preserve quality when sharing a document. Select the name of an already open document, or click All new documents to apply quality settings, such as storing fonts in the file, to all documents you create.

Embed fonts in file. Select this check box to keep the fonts used in the document in the file, if they are allowed to be embedded. If this option is selected, other users will be able to see and use document fonts even if they are not installed on their computer. Enabling this option increases the file size. For more information about font embedding, see Embed TrueType fonts on

    Embed only the characters used in the document (reducing the file size). Check this box to embed only those parts of the fonts that are actually used in the document. If there are no more than 32 characters in a font, Word embeds only those. This option is useful for documents that other users will only view or print, because non-embedded characters and font styles are not editable. This option is available only when the checkbox is checked. Embed fonts in a file.

    Do not embed regular system fonts. Select this check box to embed fonts only if they are not normally available on Windows and Word computers. This option is available only when the checkbox is checked. Embed fonts in a file.


Was this article helpful to you? Leave your feedback at the bottom of the page and tell us what needs to be added or made clearer. Specify your versions of Word and operating system. Based on your feedback, we will double-check the information and, if necessary, add and update this article.

If you need to convert a document from a Microsoft Word text editor to a JPG file, you can use several methods. All of them are available and will not cause you any difficulties. Before translating a text document into a graphic document, you need to understand in what cases this can come in handy.

In situations where you need to insert a picture with written text into another document, you will definitely need to translate the text into an image. Also, if you do not want the author's text to be copied from your site, then you can safely add a picture with a previously written article to it using Microsoft Word. You can also set the image as desktop wallpaper so that your notes or reminders are always in sight.

Built-in scissors program

Starting with the version of Windows Vista and Windows 7, a program is built into the operating system that is very necessary for users and is called "Scissors".

Thanks to this utility, you can take a screenshot without using third-party services, special applications, and there is no longer a need to move objects to the clipboard to paste them and edit them in other applications. Also, "Scissors" can fix a separate part of the screen.

Thus, the text document was saved as an image, but this is only one of the possible conversion methods.

How to take a screenshot in Windows XP and previous versions

This option, first of all, is used by people who prefer earlier versions of Windows, where the Scissors program is not provided. But this method can be suitable for any user.

Now you know another way to capture text and convert it into an image.

Microsoft Office software features

Many different programs are included in the full-featured Office package. These include not only well-known editors, spreadsheets and applications for creating computer presentations, but also OneNote notes. Specifically, the last tool will be useful when translating text into an image.

Some last important details

Do not forget that converting text into a picture, the quality of the written, with a high probability, will be changed for the worse. This happens because all the described methods translate vector text into an image that is a grid of pixels. Basically, this leads to the fact that the text on the image is blurry and unreadable.

A few simple notes will help you avoid such problems and make it easier to work in this direction.

  1. The first step in all methods is to change the scale. Before this action, make the font as large as possible. This tip is especially relevant when you have a list in your text.
  2. If after saving the file through Paint the page is not visible, then simply make the scale at which the document is displayed smaller.

Now you know about the easiest-to-use methods for changing a Word document into a JPG file. With the described options, you can convert without resorting to additional utilities.

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