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Sample information exchange agreement. Agreement on information exchange between organizations

Provision by the Parties of access to information, access to state (municipal) information systems, transfer by the Parties of non-exclusive rights to use state (municipal) information systems, is carried out only if the Parties have the appropriate legal grounds to provide such access, to carry out such transfer. The parties undertake not to violate intellectual rights fixed by the Parties, and use intellectual property exclusively for the purposes of this agreement. The conclusion of this agreement does not mean the transfer of exclusive rights to information systems and databases.

How to draw up a communication agreement

The initiating Party sends a written notification to the other Party indicating the reasons, the date of commencement and the term for suspension of the information exchange of data. 3. Access to the information provided is resumed after the elimination of the facts and reasons specified in paragraph 1 of this article.

4. The parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this Agreement if this failure was the result of force majeure circumstances that arose after the conclusion of the agreement as a result of extraordinary and inevitable events (or their consequences): natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, fires , typhoons and others), circumstances of public life (military operations), directly or indirectly concerning the Parties, which the Parties could neither foresee nor prevent at the time of the conclusion of this Agreement.

After the conclusion of the agreement, the parties have the right to exchange information among themselves, which is aimed at increasing the pace of development and improving interaction between the participants. You can download a sample agreement at the bottom of the page. information exchange.


The exchange of information between the participants in the interaction can be carried out in electronic format, based on formats using electronic signature. Information about state registration sent within 10 days.

In case of failure to fulfill the obligations prescribed in the legislation, the party is liable based on the legislation Russian Federation. If force majeure circumstances arise that interfere with the fulfillment of obligations or other situations beyond the control of the parties, exemption from liability is carried out.

Agreement on information exchange between organizations


The scope of rights to use the results of intellectual activity and other conditions under this agreement, if necessary, are regulated by the parties in separate agreements and (or) additional agreements concluded on the basis of this Agreement. Article 6 Mutual provision of information within the framework of this Agreement is carried out in compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation Leningrad region.

The exchange of information between the Parties is carried out in in electronic format according to the rules established in the specific state information system of the Leningrad Region, including using an electronic signature.
Agreed by Head of the Federal Treasury R.E. ARTYUKHIN December 12, 2011 Chairman of the Association of Control and Accounts Bodies of the Russian Federation S.V. STEPASHIN December 12, 2011 ( approximate form) » » 20 y. The Department of the Federal Treasury for (name of the subject of the Russian Federation) represented by the head acting on the basis of the Regulations on the Department of the Federal Treasury for, (name of the subject of the Russian Federation) approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated March 4, 2005.

Agreement on information exchange between organizations sample

At the same time, services for the placement of the audio materials specified in this paragraph are provided by Party 2 in an equivalent airtime and within the terms additionally agreed with the Customer. 2.11. About refusal to place information materials as specified in paragraph
2.9. and clause 2.10 of the grounds of this agreement, Party 1 immediately notifies Party 2. Party 2 undertakes to replace the rejected audio clip or bring it into line with the requirements of the relevant Radio Company and / or the legislation of the Russian Federation. 3. TERM OF THIS AGREEMENT 3.1. This Agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing and is valid indefinitely.3.2.
Each of the Parties has the right to make a proposal for early termination of this agreement. O decision the interested Party shall be notified in writing.

Upon the expiration of the one month period, the Agreement shall be deemed terminated. 4. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PARTIES 4.1.

Information received by the Parties in the framework of the implementation of this Agreement is not subject to disclosure and transfer to third parties. 3.4. The provisions of this Agreement are implemented without mutual financial obligations and settlements between the Parties.

The transmitted information cannot be transferred to third parties without the written consent of the Information Provider and the subject of personal data. 3.6. The procedure for information exchange of information, including between territorial bodies and (or) structural subdivisions of the parties is carried out using means of telecommunication, directly on the rejected carrier or paper carrier.

IV. Responsibility of the Parties 4. The Parties shall be liable in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. v. Final provisions 5.1.
Organizer", speaking on behalf of the Leningrad Region, acting on the basis of the Regulations on the Committee, approved by the decision of the Government of the Leningrad Region, on the one hand and, hereinafter referred to as the "Participant", in the person acting on the basis of, on the other hand, hereinafter jointly referred to as " Parties”, in order to implement the activities of the state program of the Leningrad Region “ Information society in the Leningrad Region”, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Leningrad Region (hereinafter referred to as Government program), have concluded this Agreement as follows: Article 1 The subject of this Agreement is the creation of conditions for ensuring effective information interaction and information exchange between the Parties in the framework of the creation and operation of state information systems of the Leningrad Region.
The subject of regulation of this Agreement is the interaction of the Parties on the issues of information exchange within the framework of the functioning of the state automated system legal statistics (hereinafter - GAS PS). 2. Interdepartmental information interaction of the Parties is carried out in compliance with the requirements of the federal laws of July 27, 2006.
N 149-FZ "On information, information technology and on the Protection of Information”, dated July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ “On Personal Data”, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Parties, as well as this Agreement, protocols to it specified in paragraph 3 of Article 2 of this Agreements (hereinafter referred to as protocols), and is based on the mutual exchange necessary information not related to information constituting a state secret.

By mutual agreement of the Parties, the text of the Agreement may be amended and supplemented, and may also be adopted (concluded, signed) additional agreements and (or) other documents, due to necessity and not contradicting the current legislation. All changes and additions to this Agreement are valid if they are made in writing, signed by authorized representatives of the Parties and are an integral part of this Agreement.

This Agreement may be terminated at the initiative of any of the Parties, of which it is necessary to notify the other Party in writing no later than three months before its termination. This Agreement is made in two copies, having the same legal force, one copy for each Party.

RU » acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and the Moscow Patriarchate represented by _____________________________________________________________, and together referred to as the "Partners", have concluded this Agreement as follows:

I Subject of the Agreement

1.1. The parties agreed on information support for the activities of the Moscow Patriarchate on the pages of Internet resources belonging to. RU". foundation information support are jointly developed media plans for the publication of information materials.

The following resources are used for information coverage. RU":

Socio-political newspaper Pravda. Ru (headings: Faith, Society, Culture)

Socio-political agency Newsinfo (heading Culture)

Yoki Youth Newspaper. RU

Environmental Specialized Agency Ecosever

Business Information and Analytics Agency Bigness (headings: Rules of the game, Investments)

News agency in English News from Russia ().

The main topics, but not limited to, for informational support: the activities of the Patriarchate, the role of Orthodoxy in the life of Russia and society, the problems of moral and religious education of society, the history of Orthodoxy and the church, about religious holidays and traditions.

1.2. . Ru" prepares, coordinates with the Moscow Patriarchate and publishes at least 2 (two) articles and 5 (five) information materials per month.

1.3. The Parties shall appoint persons responsible for joint information coverage. From the side. Ru" - Ivan Panov (tel. (4, E-mail: *****@***ru), from the Moscow Patriarchy -

IIObligations of the parties under the Agreement

By agreement of the parties, if there is an informational occasion, it is possible to organize and hold a press conference of representatives of the Moscow Patriarchate on-line.

By agreement of the parties, when covering the most significant events passing through the line of the Moscow Patriarchate,. Ru undertakes to place an information banner (format 58x44 pixels) with text on the websites belonging to it. Ru” (in the relevant headings) and websites of partners, members of the PRBN banner exchange network.

2.1. Duties. RU":

Produce All necessary work on the preparation of materials, the topics of which are discussed orally with the responsible representative of the Moscow Patriarchate

Based on the results of the discussion of the prepared texts and agreement with the Moscow Patriarchate,. Ru, if necessary, makes adjustments to the prepared materials before publication

After making changes and final approval, acceptance by the Moscow Patriarchate. Ru" places the prepared material.

2.2. Duties of the Moscow Patriarchate:

Submit topics for information materials and press releases in a timely manner, but at least as often as provided for in the media plan

Give. Ru" the right of exclusivity of publications and comments to materials

Coordinate and accept materials prepared for publication in a timely manner. RU".

III Responsibility of the parties

3.1 The Parties are released from liability for partial or complete non-fulfillment, or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, if proper fulfillment turned out to be impossible due to force majeure circumstances, that is, extraordinary and unavoidable circumstances under the given conditions, such as: natural disasters, fires, hostilities , revolutions, changes in legislation, the adoption of mandatory regulations, etc. circumstances beyond the control of the parties.

IV Term of the Agreement

4.1 The Agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing by both parties and is valid until 31.12.08.

4.2. The validity of this Agreement is automatically extended every subsequent year, unless either of the Parties declares in writing that it is terminated or that its terms need to be changed no later than 2 weeks before the expiration of this Agreement.

4.3. Either party may terminate this Agreement early by notifying the other party 2 weeks prior to the intended termination date.

V Final provisions

5.1. All disputes and disagreements that may arise due to / in connection with this Agreement are resolved through negotiations, and if it is impossible to reach an agreement - in Arbitration Court Moscow.

5.2. This Agreement is made in two copies, which have the same legal force.

5.3. The media plan is made in duplicate, which have the same legal force and are an integral part of this Agreement.

5.4. Any annexes, amendments and additions to this Agreement are made in writing, signed by authorized representatives of the parties and are an integral part of this Agreement.



Jur. address: 125171 Moscow, Leningradskoe shosse 18.

Postal address: 129090 Moscow, Olympiysky pr., 16, building 1, business center "Olympic", office 15

OKPO: , OKONH: 87100


to the Moscow branch of ROSBANK, Moscow



LLC "Union of Stavropol Network Radio Broadcasters", hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", represented by Director Yu.A. Karpenko, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, hereinafter referred to as "Party 1", and the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Stavropol Territory, hereinafter referred to as "Party 2", represented by the head A.G. Oldak, acting on the basis of the Regulations, on the other hand (hereinafter referred to as the Parties), have concluded this Agreement as follows:


1.1. The subject of this agreement is information cooperation and interaction between the Parties, which is expressed in the provision by Party 1 of information services on the air of Radio channels within the territory of the Stavropol Territory
in accordance with the terms of this agreement and the provision of information materials by Party 2.
1.2. This Agreement does not impose any obligations of a monetary nature on the parties, it is free of charge.


2. Rights and Obligations of the parties:
2.1. Party 2 undertakes to provide Party 1 with the text of the announcement (information), as well as necessary materials and documentation relating to the subject of this agreement, no later than one week before the start of the information campaign on the air of the Radio Channels.
2.2. Party 2 warrants to Party 1 that the provided information Services according to its content and design meets the requirements current legislation RF.
2.3. Party 1 guarantees Party 2 that its distribution on the air of the Radio Channels does not violate any rights (including copyright and related) of third parties.
2.4. Party 2 guarantees that the videos provided and placed in accordance with this agreement are not campaigning and in their content do not contradict the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
2.5. Party 1 shall provide Party 2 with the service of posting information on the air of the Radio Channels in strict accordance with the terms and conditions agreed upon by the Parties in this agreement.
2.6. Party 1 reserves the possibility of providing Party 2 with additional outputs of audio clips on the air of the Radio Channels.
2.7. In the event that the relevant Radio Company makes changes to the broadcasting schedule that may affect the terms and time of placement of information materials agreed by the Parties, Party 1 notifies Party 2 of this and the Parties additionally agree on the terms and time of placement.
2.8. Party 1 has the right not to accept audio information for placement if it, by its own technical specifications does not meet the requirements of the relevant Radio Company for a similar kind of audio product.
2.9. Party 1 has the right not to accept audio information for placement or stop its placement if it does not comply with the ethical, political and thematic principles of the relevant Radio Company, as well as if the content and / or design of the audio clip does not comply with the requirements of Russian law.
2.10. Party 1 has the right not to accept audio information for placement on days declared free from posting information by order of the relevant Radio Company (including in connection with the announcement of days of mourning). At the same time, services for placing the audio materials specified in this paragraph are provided by Party 2 at equivalent airtime and within the timeframe additionally agreed with the Customer.
2.11. On the refusal to place information materials on those specified in clause 2.9. and clause 2.10 of the grounds of this agreement, Party 1 immediately notifies Party 2. Party 2 undertakes to replace the rejected audio clip or bring it into line with the requirements of the relevant Radio Company and / or the legislation of the Russian Federation.


3.1. This Agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing and is valid indefinitely.
3.2. Each of the Parties has the right to make a proposal for early termination of this agreement. The interested Party shall be notified in writing of the decision taken. Upon the expiration of the one month period, the Agreement shall be deemed terminated.


4.1. The Parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this agreement, if this was the result of force majeure circumstances that arose after the conclusion of the agreement, which the Parties could not foresee or prevent by reasonable measures or emergency actions.
4.2. In the event that information is not aired by the Radio Program due to the fault of Party 1, Party 1 is obliged to place the unreleased audio clip and / or information of Party 2 on the air of the Radio Program at an equivalent air time and within the time period additionally agreed with Party 2.


5.1. All disagreements arising during the period of validity of this Agreement shall be resolved through negotiations. In case of inaction of the guilty party, the other party has the right to apply to the court, in accordance with the rules of jurisdiction, with the obligatory observance of the claim procedure within 15 days before such an appeal.
5.2. All annexes, amendments and additions to this Agreement are its integral part and are valid only if they are in writing, signed with the date by authorized representatives of the Parties, and also sealed.
5.3. This Agreement is made in two copies, having equal legal force, one for each of the Parties.

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