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Keyboard shortcut for paste special in excel. Microsoft Excel: keyboard shortcuts

Even if you are familiar with Microsoft Excel, you may be surprised at the number and variety of keyboard shortcuts you can use to speed up your work and generally make things more convenient.

So, no one expects you to memorize all of these keyboard shortcuts? Of course not! Every need is different, so some will be more beneficial to you than others. And even if you choose a few new combinations, it will be worth it.

General program shortcuts

First, let's take a look at some common keyboard shortcuts for managing books.

  • Ctrl + N: create a new book
  • Ctrl + O: open an existing book
  • Ctrl + S: save the book
  • F12: open the "Save As" dialog
  • Ctrl + W: close the book
  • Ctrl + F4: Close Excel
  • F4: Try the last command or action again.
  • Shift + F11: add a new sheet
  • Ctrl + Z: undo action
  • Ctrl + Y: repeat action
  • Ctrl + F2: switch to preview mode
  • F1: open the help panel
  • Alt + Q: go to the field "Tell me what you want to do"
  • F7: check spelling
  • F9: calculate all sheets in all open workbooks
  • Shift + F9: calculate active worksheets
  • Alt or F10: turn hints on or off
  • Ctrl + F1: show or hide the feed
  • Ctrl + Shift + U: expand or collapse the formula bar
  • Ctrl + F9: minimize workbook window
  • F11: Create a bar chart based on the selected data (on a separate sheet)
  • Alt + F1: create inline bar chart based on selected data (same sheet)
  • Ctrl + F: search spreadsheet or find and replace
  • Alt + F: open the "File" tab menu
  • Alt + H: go to the "Home" tab
  • Alt + N: open the "Insert" tab
  • Alt + P: switch to the "Page Layout" tab
  • Alt + M: go to the "Formulas" tab
  • Alt + A: go to the "Data" tab
  • Alt + R: go to the "Overview" tab
  • Alt + W: switch to the "View" tab
  • Alt + X: switch to add-ons tab
  • Alt + Y: go to the "Help" tab
  • Ctrl + Tab: switch between open books
  • Shift + F3: insert function
  • Alt + F8: creating, running, editing or deleting a macro
  • Alt + F11: open the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications editor

Move around a worksheet or cell

You can use keyboard shortcuts to easily navigate your entire worksheet, within a cell, or throughout your entire workbook.

  • Left / Right Arrow: move one cell left or right
  • Ctrl + Left / Right Arrow: jump to the farthest cell to the left or right in a row
  • Up / Down Arrow: move one cell up or down
  • Ctrl + up / down arrow: move to the top or bottom cell in a column
  • Tab: move to next cell
  • Shift + Tab: move to the previous cell
  • Ctrl + End: move to the bottom-right cell
  • F5: go to any cell by pressing F5 and typing the cell coordinate or cell name.
  • Home: go to the leftmost cell in the current row (or go to the beginning of a cell when editing a cell)
  • Ctrl + Home: go to the beginning of the worksheet
  • Page Up / Down: move one screen up or down on a sheet
  • Alt + Page Up / Down: move one screen to the right or left on the sheet
  • Ctrl + Page Up / Down: go to previous or next worksheet

Selecting cells

You may have noticed from the previous section that you use the arrow keys to move between cells and the Ctrl key to change this movement. Using the Shift key to change the arrow keys expands the selected cells. There are also several other combos to speed up the selection.

  • Shift + Left / Right Arrow: expanding the selection cell to the left or right
  • Shift + Space: select the whole line
  • Ctrl + space: select the entire column
  • Ctrl + Shift + Space: select the whole worksheet

Editing cells

Excel also provides some keyboard shortcuts for editing cells.

  • F2: cell editing
  • Shift + F2: add or edit a cell comment
  • Ctrl + X: cut cell content, selected data, or selected range of cells
  • Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Insert: copy the contents of a cell, selected data, or a selected range of cells
  • Ctrl + V or Shift + Insert: Paste the contents of a cell, selected data, or a selected range of cells
  • Ctrl + Alt + V: open the Special Attachment dialog box
  • Delete: delete cell content, selected data, or selected range of cells
  • Alt + Enter: insert a hard return inside a cell (when editing a cell)
  • F3: Insert cell name (if cells are specified in the sheet)
  • Alt + H + D + C: Delete column
  • Esc: undo an entry in a cell or formula bar
  • Enter: Fill in an entry in a cell or formula bar

Formatting cells

Ready to format some cells? These keyboard shortcuts make your work easier!

  • Ctrl + B: add or remove bold font to cell content, selected data, or selected range of cells
  • Ctrl + I: add or remove italics to cell content, selected data, or selected range of cells
  • Ctrl + U: add or remove underline of cell content, selected data, or selected range of cells
  • Alt + H + H: choose a fill color
  • Alt + H + B: add border
  • Ctrl + Shift + &: apply outline border
  • Ctrl + Shift + _ (underline): remove outline border
  • Ctrl + 9: hide selected rows
  • Ctrl + 0: hide selected columns
  • Ctrl + 1: open the Format Cells dialog box
  • Ctrl + 5: apply or remove strikethrough text
  • Ctrl + Shift + $: apply currency format
  • Ctrl + Shift +%: apply percentage format

The more you use keyboard shortcuts, the easier it is to memorize them. And no one expects you to remember them. Hopefully you've found some new ones that you can use to make your Excel life a little better.

Working with hotkeys gives the user MS Excel is a huge advantage. And this is understandable. Indeed, to call a particular function, you always have to refer to a multi-level menu or a complex toolbar. It takes some time to open the items of this menu and find the desired icon. And if you do it all the time, the losses will be impressive. The key combination is another matter. To perform any action, you do not have to search, reveal and choose anything. One press on the keyboard and the result is ready.

There is another rather interesting point. For example, with the release of Excel 2010, users of the previous version of this program had a lot of complaints. And this is understandable: people are used to the well-established organization of menus, panels, and most of the innovations were unfamiliar to them. But for those who use hotkeys, this problem simply does not exist. They can do most of the document operations without looking at the screen at all! Therefore (in my opinion) the use of hotkeys is the first thing to master when working with any program. True, the question remains - where to find keyboard shortcuts and how to remember them all? You can view the complete list in the Excel help system. But it is better not to do this, but to confine ourselves (for a start!) To this article. Here are exactly the combinations that are most often used when working with accounting tables. As for the number of combinations, "the bishop should be eaten in parts." Of course, remembering all the options is useless. You can limit yourself to a few functions, remember a couple of abbreviations for them. And when the work is brought to automatism, gradually expand your arsenal.

Now for the essence of the article. I divided the suggested hotkey combinations into seven groups - according to their functional purpose. You can start acquaintance with any of them, and I suggest moving on to hotkeys for editing tables.

Editing tables

This is perhaps the most common group of hotkeys, since it is used when forming a spreadsheet document. I propose to restrict ourselves to those options that are shown in table. 1. The table has three columns, where the combination itself is indicated, what it means and how you can perform the same actions through the menu and ribbonsMS Excel 2010. The most interesting (from my point of view) options I have highlighted in the column “Shortcut keys»In bold style.

Table 1

Keyboard shortcuts for editing tables

Shortcut keys


Action in Excel 2010

Opens the contents of the active cell for editing

Double click with the left mouse button (LMB) on a cell

Opens a cell note for editing

Right-click (RMB) on a cell, item "Edit note" of the context menu

Opens the Paste Special window

Right-click, "Paste Special ..." item of the context menu

"Ctrl + plus"(press the plus symbol on the numeric keypad)

Adds a block of cells or a specified number of rows or columns

"Home → Insert → Insert Rows to Sheet (Insert Columns to Sheet)"

"Ctrl + minus"(press the minus symbol on the numeric keypad)

Deletes a block of cells or a specified number of rows or columns

"Home → Delete → Delete rows from sheet (Delete columns from sheet)"

Fills the selected range with the values ​​from the first cell downward

Menu "Home → Fill → Down" (group of icons "Editing"

Fills the selected range to the right with the values ​​from the first selected cell to the right

Menu "Home → Fill → Right"

Opens the Find and Replace window on the Find tab

Menu "Home → Find and Select → Find"

Opens the Find and Replace window on the Replace tab

Menu "Home → Find and Select → Replace"

Inserts a blank sheet

Menu "Home → Insert → Insert Sheet"

Undoes the last action

Undo icon on the quick launch bar

Redo the undone action

Alt + Shift +®»
(arrow to the right)

Groups the selected rows (columns)

Menu "Data → Group"

Alt + Shift +¬»

(left arrow)

Ungroups the selected rows (columns)

Menu "Data → Ungroup"

Example 1.I will show how to work with some of the proposed combinations using the example of a sales report, a fragment of which is shown in Fig. 1. Our task: to fill in the formulas the column “ Sum ", Group rows with products of the same group (printers, multifunctional devices and scanners), add a comment to the cell" A2 ". We do this.

F3 ".

2. We introduce the formula “= D3 * E3 "(Price multiplied by quantity).

3. While holding down the " Shift ", Select the block" F3: F12 ".

4. Press "Ctrl + D ", Excel will fill in the block with formulas.

5. Similarly, fill in the blocks “ F14: F18 "and" F20: F24 ".

6. Select the lines “ 3-12 »On the worksheet.

7. Press "Alt + Shift + → ". Excel will group the selected rows, and a unifying parenthesis will appear to the left of the main body of the worksheet.

8. Through the combination " Alt + Shift + → "Concatenate the lines" 14:18 ", and then -" 20:24 ".

9. We stand on the cell " A2 ".

10. Press "Shift + F2 ". A window for the note text will open on the right next to the cell.

11. In this window, enter the explanatory text. For example, something like this: “To show a list of products in a group, click the "+"».

12. Click on any cell of the worksheet (exit the comment editor).

13. Sequentially click on the icon with the symbol "- "(Collapse the grouped lines). The final result of our work is shown in Fig. 2. The table is filled with formulas, the grouping of rows by product type is applied to it, and a note icon is visible in the first row of the grouping. As you can see, using hotkeys to get this result is much faster than using menus and toolbars.

Formatting tables

Any, even the most simple table, has to be formatted. For this purpose, I propose to use the keyboard shortcuts given in table. 2. As in the previous case, I have highlighted the most interesting options in bold.

table 2

Keyboard shortcuts for formatting tables

Shortcut keys


Action in Excel 2010

Opens the Format Cells dialog

Ribbon "Home", group "Cells", icon "Format → Format Cells ..."

"Ctrl + Shift + ~"

Applies a common number format

Ribbon "Home", group "Cells", icon "Format → Format Cells ...". In the "Format cells" window, go to the "Number" tab, set the "Number formats:" parameter as "General"

"Ctrl + Shift +%"

Applies percentage format without fractional part

Icon "Format → Format Cells ...", parameter "Number formats:" set as "Percentage"

"Ctrl + Shift + #"

Applies date format with day, month, and year

Icon "Format → Format Cells ...", parameter "Number formats:" set as "Date"

"Ctrl + Shift +!"

Applies a number format with two decimal places, a thousands separator and a minus sign (-) for negative values

Icon "Format → Format Cells ...", the parameter "Number formats:" set as "Number". Specify two decimal places, highlight negative numbers in red

"Ctrl + B" or "Ctrl + 2"

Applies bold style

Menu "Home", group "Font", icon "Ж"

"Ctrl + I" or "Ctrl + 3"

Applies italics

Menu "Home", group "Font", icon "K"

"Ctrl + U" or

Applies underline

Menu "Home", group "Font", icon "H"

Applies Strikethrough Text format

Right-click on a cell, select "Cell Format → Font" from the context menu

"Ctrl + Shift + &"

Includes outer cell borders

"Ctrl + Shift + _"

Turns off all cell borders

Right-click on a cell, select "Cell Format → Border" from the context menu

Example 2. To work with the hotkeys for formatting a document, I suggest in the document in Fig. 2 create outer borders, assign a number format to cells with prices and amounts, highlight the table headings in bold. We do this.

1. Open the document, select the entire table (block “ A1: F24 ").

2. Press “Ctrl + Shift + & ". An outer border appears around the table.

3. While holding down the " Ctrl ", Select the blocks" D3: D24 "," F3: F24 ".

4. Press “Ctrl + Shift +! "- the selected cells will be formatted in numerical format with two decimal places.

5. Select the table header (block " A1: F1 ").

6. Press "Ctrl + B »
(in the Russian layout it will be the combination “
Ctrl + And "). The table headings will be bold. The result of our work is shown in Fig. 3.

Worksheet Navigation

From the techniques of moving through a sheet and a workbook Excel largely depends on the speed of working with large documents. Table 3 shows a combination of hot keys that will allow you to solve such a problem, and in the most effective way.

Table 3

Hotkeys for moving around the worksheet

Shortcut keys


Action in Excel 2010

Shortcut keys


Action in Excel 2010

"Ctrl + PgUp" and "Ctrl + PgDn"

Switches the sheets of a workbook

LMB click on the sheet tab

Toggles windows with MS Excel documents

Menu "View → Switch to another window"

"Ctrl + space"

Selects the entire column

Clicking on a column heading in the border area

"Shift + space"

Selects the entire line

Clicking on a row header

Selects only visible cells in a range

Menu "Home → Find and Select → Select a group of cells → Only visible cells"

Selects the entire sheet.

If there is data on the sheet, highlights the current area

The combination of "Ctrl + space", "Shift + space"

Moves to the last cell of the sheet

"Ctrl + Shift + End"

Selects a block to the last cell of the sheet

"Ctrl + arrows"

Goes to the end (beginning) of a line (column)

The combination "End, arrow" (press "End", then the navigation key)

Ctrl + Shift + Arrows

Selects a block to the end (beginning) of a row (column)

"Shift + End Arrows"

Example 3.In this example, we will do the following. First, let's select the entire table. Then we'll format the selected cells with a different font. After that we hide some of the rows and then copy the visible (!) Part of the table to another worksheet. We do this.

1. Open the document, place the active cell pointer inside the data area. For example, on the cell “ A1 ".

2. Press "Ctrl + A "(Select the entire table).

3. Press “Ctrl + 1 ", The window" Cell format ”on the“ Number ”tab.

4. Twice press " Ctrl + PgUp "- the" Font "(Fig. 4).

5. In the "Format cells "Select the font parameters and click" OK ".

6. We stand on the cell " A2 ".

7. Press "Shift + Space". Excel will highlight the second line in the document.

8. Continuing to hold " Shift ", Move the pointer of the active cell to the line" 12 ". To move you need to use the "↓ ”(arrow down).

9. We click on the selected block with the right mouse button, from the context menu select “ Hide ".

10. Remaining inside the data area, press again " Ctrl + A "(Select the table).

11. Press “Alt +; "- select only visible cells.

12. Press "Ctrl + C "- copy the data to the clipboard.

13. Press "Shift + F11 "- add a new worksheet. The pointer of the active cell on this sheet will initially be located on the cell " A1 ".

14. Press "Ctrl + V ". A copy of the table fragment that was visible on the screen at the time of copying the data will appear on the created sheet.

Entering data into cells

Table 4 I have collected several hotkeys that are convenient to use when filling out spreadsheet documents and databases. Their use will not only significantly speed up this process, but will also help reduce the number of possible errors and typos.

Table 4

Hotkeys for data entry

Shortcut keys


Action in Excel 2010

Enters data into all cells of the selected range

Completes a value entry into a cell and moves the pointer up one cell

Inserts a forced line break inside a cell with text

Inserts the current date into the active cell

"Ctrl + Shift +;"

Inserts the current time into the active cell

Expands under the data column

drop-down list to select values

Right-click on a cell, context menu item "Select from the drop-down list ..."

"Ctrl +" "or" Ctrl + Shift + ""

Copies a formula from parent to active cell

Example 4.The database shown in Fig. 1, add a new order record " 11470 "For the implementation of two printers" Printer Canon pixma ip1900 ". We will place an order on the current date. We do this.

1. Open the document, stand on the cell " A25 "And enter the order number" 11470 ".

2. Go to the cell " B25 ", press" Ctrl +; " (symbol " ; "Must be entered on the English keyboard layout, the typing language can be any). V " B25 »The value appears current date.

3. Go to the cell " C25 ", Press the combination" Ctrl + ↓ ". A list of products that are in the column " WITH »Our database.

4. From the list, select “ Printer Canon pixma ip1900 "and press" Enter ".

5. Sequentially fill in the remaining columns of the database (price, quantity, amount).

In this case, using hotkeys gave us two advantages. First, instead of typing 31 characters for the date and product name, we pressed two key combinations and selected an item from the list. And secondly, choosing a value from the list, we certainly won't be mistaken in the name of the product. And this moment is very important for an accountant.

File operations

To work with files in Excel 2010, I propose to limit ourselves to just three combinations, which are shown in table. 5.

Table 5

Hotkeys for working with files

Shortcut keys


Action in Excel 2010

Creates a new document

Menu "File → New",
option "New book"

Opens a document

Menu "File → Open"

« Ctrl + S»

Saves the document

Among the proposed options, the combination " Ctrl + S "I did not highlight it by chance - in practice it is used more often than others. Indeed, in any case, the document must be saved periodically. And the more often, the better ... Make it a rule to press periodically during work
Ctrl + S ". It won't take long. But the risk of losing data will be reduced to a minimum.

Calculations in tables

In this group, I included several combinations for working with formulas and for organizing calculations in a workbook. MS Excel (Table 6).

Table 6

Shortcut keys


Action in Excel 2010

Calls up the Function Wizard

Menu "Formulas", group "Library of functions", icon "Insert function" (or click on the button "fx" on the left side of the formula bar)

Toggles relative and absolute addressing mode when entering formulas

« Ctrl + ~»

Toggles the display mode for formulas or results

Menu "Formulas", group "Dependencies of formulas", icon "Show formulas"

« Alt + =»

Inserts an autosum function into a cell

Menu "Formulas", group "Library of functions", icon "Autosum"

Recalculates formulas throughout the workbook

Menu "Formulas", group "Calculation", icon "Recalculation"

Recalculates formulas in the current worksheet

Menu "Formulas", group "Calculation", icon "Recalculation of the current sheet"

Here are some examples of using the suggested keyboard shortcuts.

Example 5. Debugging a table . Sometimes, when developing a complex document, you need to see the calculation formulas, and not the result of their work. Instead of changing the program settings, just click “ Ctrl + ~ ". Pressing again " Ctrl + ~ »Will return the worksheet to normal mode.

Example 6. Changing the addressing type . If you need to enter an absolute reference in the formula, do this.

1. Switch to the formula editing mode (key F2 "Or double-clicking the left mouse button on the cell).

2. Place the cursor on the address to be corrected.

3. Press the " F4 ". Excel will change the address according to the rule: “ A1 "," $ A $ 1 "," A $ 1 "," $ A1 ", again" A1 ", etc.

4. After choosing the appropriate option, click " Enter ".

Example 7. Recalculating tables manually . Large tablesExcel can take a long time to recalculate. To speed up this process, disable automatic table recalculation (menu " Formulas ”, group“ Calculation ”, icon“ Calculation parameters", Option" Manually "). And at the moment when you need to update the data, click " F9 "or" Shift + F9 ".

Example 8. Convenient way to insert an autosum . The function "Sum () "Can be inserted through a special icon on the menu ribbon" Formulas ". But this method has one drawback. If there are empty elements in the block of values, the automatic insertion of the function will work incorrectly - it will determine the block for summation according to the principle of a continuous sequence of numbers. Every accountant must have faced such an inconvenience. It's good if the error can be noticed in time and the block for manual summing can be corrected. It is much worse if the error goes unnoticed and ends up in the final report. There is a simple trick to solve the problem. Suppose that in the document in fig. 1 I want to sum the values ​​in the column " Sum ". Note that there are blank lines in this file! We do this.

1. We stand on the cell where the summation formula should be. We have this cell " F25 ".

2. Press "Ctrl + Space" "(Select the entire column).

3. Without removing the selection, press " Alt + = "and then" Enter ".

Other useful combinations

Table 7 I have collected key combinations that cannot be combined by functionality. At the same time, their use in practice gives a very tangible result.

Table 7

Hotkeys for controlling calculations

Shortcut keys


Action in Excel 2010

"Ctrl + L" or

Opens the Create Table window (Create Smart Table
with autofilter, filters, design, etc.)

Menu "Data → Format as Table"

"Ctrl + F2" or "Ctrl + P"

Opens a preview of the document

Button "File → Print → Preview"

Redo the last action (if possible)

"Ctrl + Shift + ("

Shows hidden lines in the selection

Right click, select "Show" from the context menu

Toggles the mode of hiding or showing objects

Opens the context menu for the selected item

Closes the Excel window

"Ctrl + F4" or "Ctrl + W"

Closes the window of the selected book

A couple of examples regarding working with the suggested keyboard shortcuts.

Example 9. Converting a document into a smart table .

1. Open the document. For example, the database shown in Fig. one.

2. Place the pointer of the active cell inside the data area.

3. Press "Ctrl + L ". The window “Creating a table"As in fig. 5.

4. Check the correctness of the range indicated in this window, and click " OK ". Excel converts the selected range to format tables... As a result, an autofilter will be applied to the source database, the header row will be fixed, and when rows and columns are added, Excel will automatically generate calculation formulas.

Example 10. Quick call of the context menu . It's hard to imagine working withMS Excel without context menu. Usually such a menu is called through the right mouse button. And yet (alternatively) I suggest remembering the combination “ Shift + F10 ". It is very easy to use.

1. Select the object.

2. Press "Shift + F10 », A context menu will open.

3. In the menu we find the desired item. For this, it is convenient to use the navigation keys (arrows).

4. Press "Enter".

The combination "Shift + F10 »Is indispensable in cases where the object is difficult to select with the mouse. This problem occurs, for example, when trying to highlight an axis on a histogram when it has negative values. In this case, the combination " Ctrl + Tab "Allows you to accurately select the object, and" Shift + F10 "- open the context menu for it.

Example 11. Opening the preview . When preparing a printed version of the report, the preview function is needed constantly. By the way, neither the ribbons nor the main menu of Excel 2010 have a special preview icon. In order not to go to the menu " File -> Print ", Just click" Ctrl + P "or" Ctrl + F2 ".

Example 12. Different type of one document . When preparing complex accounting forms, graphic elements are often used. Such elements can cover part of the cells of the worksheet. To correct the data in these cells, you have to shift the graphic shapes, then put them in place ... All this can be avoided if you disable the display mode of graphic elements. This is the quickest way to do it.

1. Open a document.

2. Press the combination " Ctrl + 6 ". The graphics disappear from the screen.

3. Adjust the cells in the worksheet.

4. Press “ Ctrl + 6 ". The graphics will reappear on the screen.

That's all for today!

Successful work! I am waiting for your letters, suggestions and comments on [email protected] , [email protected] or on the editorial forum.

XXI century is the century of breakneck speeds and new technologies. A person learns faster and faster to solve the problems that life puts before him. This manifests itself in everything, and in business in particular. Now it is important not only to complete the task correctly, but also to provide the results of the execution as quickly as possible. The tasks that 20-30 years ago were performed by an entire department are now within the power of one employee. The Excel program often acts as an assistant, facilitating the hard work of economists, accountants, personnel officers, technologists and representatives of many other professions. To speed up the work, hot keys are used, of which a great variety is provided in the program.

The concept of keyboard shortcuts in Excel

Hotkeys are a specific combination of two or more keyboard buttons, the simultaneous pressing of which allows you to quickly execute a command in the program without using the mouse. For large volumes of work, using only the keyboard significantly speeds up the process. For example, switching between sheets in Excel with hotkeys without taking your hand off to use the mouse makes it much easier to work with large files. The ability to use hotkeys has appeared for users of Excel, starting from the 2003 version. This feature was not previously supported.

How many hotkeys do you need to know to successfully use the program? The need to use a specific list of hotkeys in work comes with experience and changes depending on the tasks. A list of all the hotkeys that are relevant for Excel can be found on the official technical support website of the program. Let us dwell on those that are most often used in the process of work. Of course, they will be useful to many users.

Service keys concept

Service keys (also called control keys) are buttons on the sides of the keyboard that have a certain functional load. When you press them, you should press them first, and then, without lifting your finger, press the button (or buttons) with the other hand, in combination with which the action is performed.

The following keys are most commonly used in Excel:

Ctrl (the name comes from the English word "control" - "control") - performs its function only when pressed together with another key, it cannot perform any action on its own. It is also effective to use it in conjunction with the mouse - it allows you to select several elements at the same time.

Shift (the name is translated from English as "change") - also has the ability to change the assignment of function keys. In combination with the mouse, it can select elements not one at a time, but in whole arrays.

Alt (comes from the English word "alternate" - "change") - this key has no independent meaning and can only change the action of the function keys. When you press only this button, hints appear on the control panel - next to each operation, the name of the key appears, which must be pressed together with Alt in order to perform this operation.

Most commonly used hotkeys

Work in the program begins with managing files: creating new books, saving them, printing.

Using the hotkeys Ctrl + N, you can quickly create a new workbook in Excel; to open it, you need the Ctrl + O keys.

To display the print dialog: Ctrl + P.

To undo or redo the last actions, the combinations Ctrl + Z and Ctrl + Y are used, respectively.

And finally, close the file - Ctrl + F4.

Also, the keyboard shortcuts for moving text and values ​​in a file make it much easier: Ctrl + X, Ctrl + C allows you to cut and copy, Ctrl + V is used to paste.

Calling the dialog box for finding and replacing files - Ctrl + F - allows you to find and replace the desired value.

The shortcut Ctrl + Z undoes the last action. If the canceled action needs to be reverted, the Ctrl + Y combination will come to the rescue. The F4 key will help you just repeat the last action.

Above are the basic combinations that you just need to know to work with files. There are many other hotkeys that are selected depending on the task at hand. They are less commonly used, but just as useful:

Alt + F8 - a combination of calling a dialog box for creating macros.

Ctrl + F1 - if you need to give the desired appearance to the ribbon.

For large tables, the following commands are relevant:

Ctrl + Home - go to the beginning of the document.

Ctrl + End - move to the end of the table.

Keys for recalculating formulas - F9 (in the whole book) and Shift + F9 (on the current sheet) are necessary in case of changing any values ​​participating in the formulas.

Keyboard shortcuts for manipulating cells in Excel

To make the selected cell active, you need the F2 key.

The shortcut Ctrl + 1 opens the cell format dialog box, the use of which in itself is very functional. For example, often a user is looking for a way to use hotkeys to combine cells in Excel. This is possible, however, not in one action, but with the help of keyboard button combinations. The algorithm of action is simple: the cells that need to be merged are highlighted, using the combination Ctrl + 1, a dialog box for formatting the cells is called. Then you need to go to the "Alignment" tab and check the "Merge cells" checkbox. We confirm the action, the task is completed, the cells are merged.

Another method of solving the same problem using hotkeys is as follows: you need to copy already connected cells using Ctrl + C, and then paste them in the same format in the right place using the combination Ctrl + V. The inserted cells will also be merged. So you can use hotkeys to merge cells in Excel.

You can change the format of cells right away without opening a dialog box.

Ctrl + Shift + $ - if you need a currency format.

Ctrl + Shift +% -format for percent.

Ctrl + Shift + # - used when writing to a date cell.

Ctrl + Shift + @ - if you need to record the time.

Also, when working with cells, the following keyboard shortcuts are often used:

Ctrl + "minus sign" - command to delete cells.

Ctrl + Shift + Equal Sign is a command for inserting cells.

Ctrl + G, F5 - command for moving and selecting cells.

Ctrl +] - a command that allows you to select influencing (dependent) cells.

There are situations when the same values ​​are needed in several cells. The cells are selected (this can also be done on the keyboard - while holding down the Shift key, form a selection area using the arrow keys), enter the required value into one of the cells and use the Ctrl + Enter combination to insert the value into all the selected cells.

Keyboard shortcuts for manipulating rows in Excel

You can insert a row in Excel using hotkeys if you apply the combination Ctrl + "plus sign". If multiple lines are selected, using the above combination, you can insert the same number of lines above the selection.

You can also do without the mouse to select a line. Let's say there is already a selected cell on the sheet (the cursor is on it). To select the entire line, you must apply the combination Shift + spacebar. To select several lines from the keyboard, without releasing the Shift key, use the arrow buttons. You can delete a row in Excel using hotkeys using the Ctrl + minus sign combination. Thus, you can delete several lines, if they are selected at the time of pressing the keyboard shortcut. Ctrl + 9 allows you to hide the line.

Keyboard shortcuts for managing columns in Excel

You can select a column in Excel using hotkeys by pressing Ctrl + Spacebar. As with rows, multi-column selection is achieved by holding down the Shift key while a column is selected and using the arrow keys to expand the selection area. You can add a column using the same buttons Ctrl + "plus sign", delete using Ctrl + "minus sign". The addition will insert as many columns as are currently selected. The new column will be to the left of the selection area.

Keyboard shortcuts for managing sheets in Excel

To add a new sheet to the book, use the Shift + F11 combination. A new sheet will be added to the left of the one the user is currently working on.

The hotkeys for switching sheets in Excel are Ctrl + PgDn or Ctrl + PgUp. These combinations allow you to go to the right and left sheets, respectively.

Keyboard shortcuts for working with text

In Excel, working with text is not as high a priority as working with numbers. However, there are times when text is as important as numbers. It is not for nothing that there is a whole group of functions working with text. Hot keys are also used for this.

F7 - Used to check spelling and punctuation.

Ctrl + B - allows you to switch the normal font to bold.

Ctrl + I - Changes the font from normal to italic.

Ctrl + U - strikethrough text.

Ctrl + 5 - Will print strikethrough text.

Rarely used but equally useful keyboard shortcuts

In addition to the popular ones, there are little-known key combinations. In certain jobs with frequently repetitive tasks, they can be useful. Perhaps these Excel keyboard shortcuts will make your life a lot easier.

The combination ALT + = will replace the use of the auto-sum sign on the ribbon, although the latter is much more familiar to the average user.

If you need to frequently enter the current date in the report, it is advisable to use the combination Ctrl + Shift + 4, so that Excel will insert the date automatically.

The Shift + F2 combination allows you to edit an existing cell note.

Ctrl + End helps you quickly jump to the last filled cell on the sheet. Very handy for large tables.

Alt + Down Arrow - quickly opens a dropdown list

Changing hotkeys

So what are the most useful Excel keyboard shortcuts? The answer is simple: those that are necessary to solve specific problems. It would be ideal if the user could not only select possible keyboard shortcuts from the huge list available, but also create combinations for themselves.

In the Microsoft Office suite of products, some products have the ability to manually configure hotkeys. For example, in Word, you can choose to map the keys you want to a specific command. In Excel, everything is not so simple, however, the program developers are confidently moving in this direction. So, starting with the 2013 version of the program, Excel has the ability to add buttons for frequently used functions directly to the quick access toolbar, and then, by pressing the ALT key in combination with a given number, call them.

You can create 10 personal command buttons.

The ability to add buttons to the quick access panel is a good help for employees involved in economic planning and financial analysis.

Dividing hotkeys into useful and not so useful is everyone's personal business. Among users who are keen on finding new solutions in Excel (and there are quite a few of them), there is an opinion that knowing about 50 combinations makes work easier and does not overload memory. When choosing "your" set of hotkeys, you must take into account the specifics of working in Excel, the need to often perform the same actions. After all, it is almost impossible to learn hotkeys without their repeated use in practice.

There are several different tools for deleting a row in Excel. The deletion itself in Excel can be different. You can delete only the contents of the row cells by selecting the row and pressing the Delete key, while the cells remain in their places and continue to store information about the format (fonts, fills, and so on), or you can delete the row as such, when all cells of the selected row are deleted. and their place is taken by the cells located in the row below.

Deleting a Line Using the Context Menu

The easiest way to delete a row in Excel is to use the right-click context menu. To delete a line, you must first select it, then call the context menu and select the "Delete" item from it. The row is deleted with a shift up, that is, the cells of the selected row disappear, and the entire table field located under the deleted row is shifted up. Similarly, you can delete several selected lines; for this, when selecting lines, you must hold down the Ctrl key. After the lines are selected, the context menu is called and the "Delete" item is selected.

Deleting a line from the keyboard with hotkeys

A faster way to delete a line or multiple lines is to use a keyboard shortcut key combination. To delete a line from the keyboard using hotkeys, you just need to press Ctrl + "-", that is, two keys, one of which is Ctrl, and the second is "-". It should be noted that a line (or several lines) must be preselected. The command deletes the selection with an upward shift. Its use allows you to save a little time and get rid of unnecessary movement that invokes the context menu. You can speed up the process of deleting a line a little more by using hotkeys, but for this you have to do two things. First, save the macro in your personal macro book, and second, assign the execution of this macro to a specific keyboard shortcut.

1. Save the macro

The macro code for deleting the line containing the selection marker. Using the program code below, you can delete a line without using a mouse manipulator. The command determines the line number in which the selection marker is located (active cell) and deletes this line with an upward shift. In this case, you do not need to select the line before deleting.

Sub Udalenie_Stroki_S_Aktivnoy_Yachejkoj () "macro deletes the row that contains the active cell Rows (ActiveCell.Row). Delete Shift: = xlUp End Sub

In order to transfer this program code to your computer, move the mouse cursor over the field with the program code, click on one of the two buttonsin the upper right corner of this field, copy the program code and paste it into the project module on your computer (for more information, how to save the program code of a macro ).

2. Assign a keyboard shortcut to the macro

About, how to set a keyboard shortcut to a macro written separately. Note that you should be careful with your choice of keys, as some of the keyboard shortcuts are already used by Excel. In addition, the application distinguishes the alphabet of a given letter, so to ignore the keyboard layout when running a macro, you can create a copy of the macro with a different name and assign a keyboard shortcut to it using the same button, but in a different layout.

Macro for conditionally deleting rows

There are better tools for deleting lines that do not need to use your own eyesight and attention to find the lines you want to delete. An example is macro that searches for and deletes lines containing user-specified text, as well as Excel add-in deleting rows, with many different conditions and the ability to set these conditions in a convenient dialog box.

This article describes Excel keyboard shortcuts (also commonly referred to as Excel keyboard shortcuts) for Microsoft Excel 2013, but most of the keyboard shortcuts apply to previous versions of Microsoft Excel: Excel 2010, Excel 2007, Excel 2003 (except for the shortcut keys for the Function Ribbon).

Hotkeys in Excel are shortcuts or keyboard shortcuts that you can use to quickly invoke various necessary actions and navigate the program. With the frequent implementation of the same type of work operations, the use of hot keys can significantly save your working time.

In localized versions of Microsoft Excel, some keyboard shortcuts may not work.

Excel shortcuts for working with the Ribbon

In new versions of Microsoft Office programs, starting with the 2007 version, the user interface has changed significantly. The so-called Ribbon has appeared at the top of the screen, containing tabs with functional buttons.

Bookmarks and some buttons can be activated by keyboard shortcuts. To view these combinations, just press the Alt button.

Excel shortcut keys with Ctrl key

Combination Description
Ctrl + PgDnSwitch between sheets of the workbook from left to right.
Ctrl + PgUpSwitch between sheets of the workbook from right to left.
Ctrl + Shift + &Sets the frame for the selected cells.
Ctrl + Shift_Removes the frame for the selected cells.
Ctrl + Shift + ~Applying the usual number format.
Ctrl + Shift + $Application of a currency format with two decimal places.
Ctrl + Shift +%Apply percentage format without decimal places.
Ctrl + Shift + ^Application of scientific (exponential) format with two decimal places.
Ctrl + Shift + #Applying a date format with day, month, and year.
[email protected] Applying the time format with hours and minutes.
Ctrl + Shift +!Use a number format with two decimal places, a thousand separator and a sign for negative numbers.
Ctrl + Shift + *Selection of the area around the active cell (area bounded by empty rows and columns). In a pivot table, the selection of the entire table.
Ctrl + Shift +:Enter the current time.
Ctrl + Shift + "Copies a value from a cell above the active cell to a cell or formula bar.
Ctrl + Shift + Plus (+)Displays the dialog for adding empty cells.
Ctrl + Minus (-)Displays the dialog for deleting selected cells.
Ctrl +;Enter the current date.
Ctrl + `Switch between displaying cell values ​​and formula text.
Ctrl + "Copies a formula from a cell above the active cell to a cell or formula bar.
Ctrl + 1Display the cell formatting dialog.
Ctrl + 2
Ctrl + 3Toggle italics.
Ctrl + 4Toggle underline.
Ctrl + 5Toggle strikethrough.
Ctrl + 6Toggle between showing and hiding objects.
Ctrl + 8Toggle between showing and hiding document outline symbols.
Ctrl + 9Hide selected lines.
Ctrl + 0Hide selected columns.
Ctrl + ASelect the entire sheet. If the sheet contains data, Ctrl + A selects the current data area. Pressing Ctrl + A a second time selects the entire sheet. When the cursor is to the right of a function name in the Formula Area, displays the Function Arguments window. Ctrl + Shift + A inserts argument names and parentheses when the cursor is to the right of a function name in the formula area.
Ctrl + BToggle bold selection.
Ctrl + CCopy selected cells.
Ctrl + DUsing the fill command to copy the value and format of the top cell of the selected range to the cells below it.
Ctrl + EAdding values ​​to the active column using the data around that column.
Ctrl + F Search... Shift + F5 also displays this mode. Shift + F4 repeats the last search operation. Ctrl + Shift + F opens the cell formatting dialog with the selected font selection mode.
Ctrl + GDisplaying a dialog Go to... F5 also displays this dialog.
Ctrl + HDisplay Find and Replace dialog with highlighted mode Replacement.
Ctrl + IToggle italics.
Ctrl + KDisplays a dialog for adding or editing a hyperlink.
Ctrl + L
Ctrl + NCreate a new blank workbook.
Ctrl + ODisplays the file open dialog. Ctrl + Shift + O selects all cells containing notes.
Ctrl + PDisplay print dialog with preview. Ctrl + Shift + P opens the cell formatting dialog with the selected font selection mode.
Ctrl + QDisplays options for quick data analysis, for the cells where this data is.
Ctrl + RUse the fill command to copy the value and format of the left cell of the selected range to the cells on the right.
Ctrl + SSaving the current file with its current name, path and format.
Ctrl + TDisplaying the dialog for creating a table.
Ctrl + UToggle underline. Ctrl + Shift + U toggles the expansion or contraction mode.
Ctrl + VPaste the contents of the clipboard at the insertion point, replacing any selection. Available only after copying or cutting an object, text, cell content. Ctrl + Alt + V displays the Paste Special dialog. Available only after copying or cutting an object, text, cell content on the current sheet or in another program.
Ctrl + WClose the active workbook window
Ctrl + XCut selected cells.
Ctrl + YRepeat the last command or action, if possible.
Ctrl + ZUsing the command to undo the last action.

Excel hotkeys using function keys (F1-F12)

Combination Description
F1Displays the Excel Help Bar. Ctrl + F1 show or hide the ribbon of functions. Alt + F1 create an inline chart from the data of the selected range. Alt + Shift + F1 insert a new sheet.
F2Editing the active cell by placing the cursor at the end of the cell data. Also moves the cursor to the formula area if cell editing is off. Shift + F2 add or edit a comment. Ctrl + F2 displays the print panel with a preview.
F3Displays the dialog for inserting a name. Available only if names have been defined in the workbook (Formulas tab on the ribbon, Defined Names group, Specify Name). Shift + F3 displays the function insert dialog.
F4Repeats the last command or action, if possible. When a cell or region is selected in a formula, it toggles between various combinations of absolute and relative references). Ctrl + F4 closes the active workbook window. Alt + F4 closes Excel.
F5Displaying a dialog Go to... Ctrl + F5 restores the window size of the selected workbook.
F6Switch between worksheet, feature ribbon, taskbar, and zoom items. On a worksheet for which region splitting is enabled (menu command View, Window, Divide), F6 also allows you to switch between split sheet windows. Shift + F6 switches between worksheet, zoom items, taskbar, and feature ribbon. Ctrl + F6 switches to the next workbook when more than one workbook window is open.
F7Displays the spell check dialog for the active worksheet or selected range of cells. Ctrl + F7 turns on the mode of moving the workbook window, if it is not maximized (using the arrow keys allows you to move the window in the desired direction; pressing Enter completes the movement; pressing Esc cancels the movement).
F8Enables or disables selection expansion mode. In expand mode, the arrow keys expand the selection. Shift + F8 lets you add non-contiguous cells or regions to the selection area using the arrow keys. Ctrl + F8 lets you use the arrow keys to resize the workbook window if it is not maximized. Alt + F8 displays a dialog Macros to create, run, modify or delete macros.
F9Performs calculations on all worksheets of all open workbooks. Shift + F9 performs calculations on the active worksheet. Ctrl + Alt + F9 performs calculations on all worksheets of all open workbooks, regardless of whether there have been changes since the last calculation. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F9 rechecks dependent formulas and then performs calculations in all cells in all open workbooks, including cells that are not marked as requiring calculations. Ctrl + F9 minimizes the workbook window to an icon.
F10Enables or disables hotkey tooltips on the Function Ribbon (similar to the Alt key). Shift + F10 displays the context menu for the selected object. Alt + Shift + F10 displays a menu or message for the error check button. Ctrl + F10 maximizes or restores the size of the current workbook.
F11Creates a chart with data from the currently selected range in a separate chart sheet. Shift + F11 adds a new worksheet. Alt + F11 opens the Microsoft Visual Basic For Applications editor where you can create macros using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).
F12Displays a dialog Save as.

Other useful Excel keyboard shortcuts

Combination Description
AltEnables or disables hotkey tips on the Function Ribbon.
Arrow keysMove the cursor one cell up, down, left, or right in the current worksheet.
Ctrl + Arrow key moves the cursor to the border of the current data on the worksheet.
Shift + Arrow key expands the selection range by one cell.
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow key expands the selection range to the last nonblank cell in the same column or row, or, if the next cell is empty, expands the selection range to the next nonblank cell.
The Left Key or Right Key toggles between the Feature Ribbon tabs when it is active. When a submenu is open or highlighted, toggle between the main menu and the submenu. When a tab on the function bar is highlighted, the keys allow you to navigate through the buttons of the current tab.
The Down Key or Up Key selects the next or previous command when a menu or submenu is open. When a function bar bookmark is selected, these keys move up and down the bookmark buttons.
In the dialog box, the arrow keys move between the options in an open drop-down list or between options in option groups.
Down key or Alt + Down key open the selected dropdown list.
BackspaceRemoves one character from the left in the Formula Bar.
Also clears the contents of the active cell.
In cell editing mode, deletes the character to the left of the cursor.
DeleteRemoves content (data and formulas) from selected cells, does not affect formatting or comments.
In cell editing mode, deletes one character to the right of the cursor.
EndEnables or disables jump to end mode. In this mode, using the arrow keys, you can move to the next non-empty cell in the same column or row. The mode turns off automatically after pressing the arrow key. The status of the mode, if enabled, is displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the application window.
If the cells are empty, pressing the End key and then pressing the arrow key moves the cursor to the last cell in the row or column.
Highlights the last menu command when a menu or submenu is open.
Ctrl + End moves the cursor to the last cell of the worksheet (bottom used row and right used column). If the cursor is in the Formula Bar, pressing Ctrl + End moves the cursor to the end of the text.
Ctrl + Shift + End expands the range of the selected cells to the last used cell of the worksheet (lower right corner). If the cursor is in the Formula Bar, then Ctrl + Shift + End selects all text in the Formula Bar from the cursor position to the end.
EnterCompletes a cell entry while editing in a cell or Formula Bar and selects the cell below (default).
In the data form, moves the cursor to the first field of the next record.
Opens the selected menu or performs an action for the selected command.
In a dialog box, performs the default button action (a button with a bold border, often an Ok button).
Alt + Enter starts a new line in the current cell
Ctrl + Enter fills the selected range of cells with the data of the current input.
Shift + Enter completes cell entry and selects the parent cell.
EscCancels input into a cell or formula bar.
Closes an open menu or submenu, dialog box, or message box.
Also turns off full screen mode.
HomeMoves the cursor to the beginning of the worksheet line.
Moves the cursor to the very first cell on the sheet (top left) when Scroll Lock is on.
Highlights the first menu command when a menu or submenu is active.
Ctrl + Home moves the cursor to the beginning of the worksheet.
Ctrl + Shift + Home expands the cell selection range to the beginning of the worksheet.
Page DownMoves the cursor down one screen in the worksheet.
Alt + Page Down moves the cursor in the worksheet one screen to the right.
Ctrl + Page Down switches to the next sheet of the workbook.
Ctrl + Shift + Page Down selects the current and next sheets of the workbook.
Page UpMoves the cursor up one screen in the worksheet.
Alt + Page Up moves the cursor in the worksheet one screen to the left.
Ctrl + Page Up switches to the previous sheet of the workbook.
Ctrl + Shift + Page Up selects the current and previous sheets of the workbook.
SpacebarIn a dialog box, performs an action for the highlighted button, and sets or clears flags.
Ctrl + Spacebar selects the entire column of the worksheet.
Shift + Spacebar selects the entire row of the worksheet.
Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar selects the entire worksheet. If the worksheet contains data, then it highlights the current area. Pressing Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar a second time selects the entire current area and its resulting rows. Pressing Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar a third time selects the entire worksheet. When an object is selected, Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar selects all objects on the worksheet.
Alt + Spacebar displays the control menu for the Excel window.
TabMoves the cursor one cell to the right in the worksheet.
Moves the cursor between the cells of the protected worksheet.
Moves the cursor to the next option or group in the dialog box.
Shift + Tab moves the cursor to the previous cell in the worksheet or to the previous dialog box option.
Ctrl + Tab switches to the next tab in the dialog box.
Ctrl + Shift + Tab switches to the previous tab of the dialog box.

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