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Combination of colors in web design. Basic principles of using color in web design

Color matching in web design is an important discipline dating back to the Middle Ages and used to create outstanding works of humanity. So let's try to squeeze it into one small post!)

Of course, one post is not enough to understand the whole essence of color theory, but it contains the main theses and concepts of this discipline.

Here are 5 steps to take to choose the right color scheme for your website.

The first step is the most important. The main color creates the first impression of the site, and also establishes a connection between your brand and the emotions your audience is experiencing. All this creates your identity, so the choice of the main color should be approached very thoroughly.

Of course, if your brand is already associated with a color, then this step will be much easier.

First, it must be borne in mind that different colors evoke different emotions. And this fact has been scientifically confirmed. Even different shades of the same color affect the emotions of the audience in different ways. There is always some degree of uncertainty, depending on a person's personal associations, but in general, the same colors can cause the same emotions in different people.

  • Red: passion, aggression, relevance.
  • Orange: agility, energy.
  • Yellow: enthusiasm, happiness, attention / warning.
  • Green: growth, stability, nature.
  • Blue: serenity, openness.
  • Blue: safety, trust, professionalism.
  • White: cleanliness, health.
  • Purple: luxury, mystery, romance (light shades).

Unsurprisingly, many cans use a blue-based color scheme.

Remember that you are designing for a specific group of people who may have different emotions than yours. In addition, it is worth considering the different attitudes towards the same color of people of different genders, cultures or religions.

When choosing your main color, you should start by excluding your competitors from the list of considered colors. After that, you need to consider what kind of mood your brand should create and what emotions to evoke.

Determine the exact color (its hue and saturation)

When you have chosen the main color, you need to determine its hue and saturation. As noted above, the tone of a color and its saturation can change its meaning. For example, darker shades of yellow (for example, gold) give the impression of antiquity, lighter shades will not give this effect.

The general rule is that light shades create a sense of energy, freshness, fun, darker shades - stability and professionalism.

After that, you need to determine the exact numerical value of the color in RGB, CMYK, HEX or Pantone systems in order to use it in the design process.

If, for example, you have chosen a color that is already used on some web resource and you want to apply it or them, you can use the Stylify Me service, which will help you determine the colors used on any website.

Select the type of color scheme

Before choosing the rest of the colors, you need to determine how they will interact. Do you want a more contrasting color scheme or a quieter color scheme?

You can combine colors as you like, but here we have presented the most common color schemes.


Implies using different tones of the base color. Most often used for minimalist design styles.


Similar colors that appear close to each other on the color wheel.


Gradual transition from one color to another. More colorful than analog, but can distract from other design elements.


Two opposite colors. If you look at the color wheel, then the colors that are opposite each other are the most contrasting. For example, red and green or yellow and purple. Using this color scheme adds dynamism to the visual impact of the design.

Contrasts help in manipulating the user's attention, allowing more important elements (buttons) to be emphasized and less significant ones to be hidden.


Create images using only 2 colors. - it is not so much a color scheme as a kind of decoration of a contrasting color scheme.

To put it simply, duplex looks just great, it is a dynamic visual effect that "catches" the user's attention.


Three colors equidistant from each other on the color wheel. One of the most commonly used color schemes, triad is a reliable standard. It is difficult to use it correctly, just draw an equilateral triangle on the color wheel and you have three colors in your triad.

Split (split) contrast

Using a third color in addition to two contrasting ones. As well as the contrasting scheme, it is allowed to create emphasis on the necessary parts of the design, but has more possibilities for this.

Choose secondary colors

Defining a color scheme will help simplify the selection of secondary colors. But everyone will have to work on the choice of their shades and saturation, as they did when choosing the primary color.

The simple Paletton tool helps you visualize different color schemes. You can choose the main color and define the color schemes, and the Paletton define the background colors.

Decide where and how you will use each color

So you have a great palette of colors for your project ... now what to do with it? Applying colors on a website is where the art and skill of a designer meet.

Accents should not be used only on call-to-action elements or important buttons. You can apply them to different parts of the site. For example, highlight important words in the text so that the user pays special attention to them.

First, you need to design the site in black and white. Using the gray scale to determine the importance of a particular element, build a hierarchy according to the importance of each part of your project.


So, we found out that choosing a color combination in web design is an important stage in website design, which needs to be approached thoroughly. The choice of the main color is very important because determines the overall mood that your site will carry.

The type of color scheme also affects the emotions that a site will evoke from visitors. The type determines the number of tools that you can use when determining the order in which colors are used.

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Scheme No. 1. Complementary combination

Complementary, or complementary, contrasting colors are colors that are located on opposite sides of Itten's color wheel. Their combination looks very lively and energetic, especially with maximum color saturation.

Scheme No. 2. Triad - a combination of 3 colors

A combination of 3 equally spaced colors. Provides high contrast while maintaining harmony. This composition looks quite lively even when using pale and desaturated colors.

Scheme No. 3. A similar combination

A combination of 2 to 5 colors next to each other on the color wheel (ideally 2-3 colors). Impression: calm, inviting. An example of a combination of similar muted colors: yellow-orange, yellow, yellow-green, green, blue-green.

Scheme No. 4. Separate-complementary combination

A variant of a complementary color combination, only the neighboring colors are used instead of the opposite color. A combination of a primary color and two additional ones. This scheme looks almost as contrasting, but not so intense. If you are not sure that you can use complementary combinations correctly, use separate-complementary combinations.

Scheme No. 5. Exercise book - combination of 4 colors

A color scheme where one color is the main one, two are complementary, and one more emphasizes accents. Example: blue-green, blue-violet, red-orange, yellow-orange.

Scheme No. 6. Square

Combinations of individual colors

  • White: goes with everything. Best combination with blue, red and black.
  • Beige: with blue, brown, emerald, black, red, white.
  • Gray: with fuchsia, red, purple, pink, blue.
  • Pink: with brown, white, mint green, olive, gray, turquoise, pale blue.
  • Fuchsia (dark pink): with gray, tan, lime color, mint green, brown.
  • Red: with yellow, white, brown, green, blue and black.
  • Tomato red: blue, mint green, sandy, creamy white, gray.
  • Cherry red: azure, gray, light orange, sandy, pale yellow, beige.
  • Crimson red: white, black, damask rose color.
  • Brown: bright blue, cream, pink, fawn, green, beige.
  • Light brown: pale yellow, creamy white, blue, green, purple, red.
  • Dark brown: lemon yellow, blue, mint green, purplish pink, lime color.
  • Reddish brown: pink, dark brown, blue, green, purple.
  • Orange: light blue, blue, purple, purple, white, black.
  • Light orange: gray, brown, olive.
  • Dark orange: pale yellow, olive, brown, cherry.
  • Yellow: blue, purple, light blue, purple, gray, black.
  • Lemon yellow: cherry red, brown, blue, gray.
  • Pale yellow: fuchsia, gray, brown, shades of red, yellowish brown, blue, purple.
  • Golden yellow: gray, brown, azure, red, black.
  • Olive: orange, light brown, brown.
  • Green: golden brown, orange, salad, yellow, brown, gray, cream, black, creamy white.
  • Lettuce color: brown, yellowish brown, fawn, gray, dark blue, red, gray.
  • Turquoise: fuchsia, cherry red, yellow, brown, cream, dark purple.
  • An electrician is handsome in combination with golden yellow, brown, light brown, gray, or silver.
  • Blue: red, gray, brown, orange, pink, white, yellow.
  • Dark blue: light purple, light blue, yellowish green, brown, gray, pale yellow, orange, green, red, white.
  • Lilac: orange, pink, dark purple, olive, gray, yellow, white.
  • Dark purple: golden brown, pale yellow, gray, turquoise, mint green, light orange.
  • Black is versatile, elegant, looks in all combinations, best of all with orange, pink, salad, white, red, lilac or yellow.

People are still arguing over whether the content is the main thing. If you ask me, I completely agree with them, and my opinion is based on my own experience. Regardless of whether it is dominant or not, there is something that is equally important! What is this, you ask? I know everyone loves to say, "Don't judge a book by its cover." But how else are you planning to grab the attention of someone other than the original cover? Obviously, when you get someone's attention, you can spend the rest of your effort on content. It will be about the colors of the web design and how to manage them.

You only make the first impression once.

There is always one specific action that you want to force a visitor to your site. This is the action you put the most emphasis on. It can be a subscription button, a next button, or a buy button.

Whatever the button, always remember that whether or not it is clicked depends on how the visitor feels when they are on your site.

In this article, you will learn about the 5 most popular colors that will make your website interesting and intriguing.

Pinterest uses a variety of reds

Without a doubt, red is considered the hottest color. If you look at the Pinterest color palette, you will immediately notice that red is their primary color.

Red is often associated with love. It is a strong and dynamic color that can make you feel in love with anything that is close to that color.

This color is often seen in stock decoration, as its intensity creates a sense of urgency.

Above all, this intense color can make site visitors feel aroused or rewarding. But at the same time, it can discourage the desire to be on it, so you always need to be careful.

Use red to highlight your web design. It combines well with white, gray, light blue or silver colors.

A practical example of using red:

The human eye sees red when it looks at light with a wavelength between 630 and 700 nanometers. Light above this range is called infrared and is not perceived by the human eye, but it can be identified as heat. - Wikipedia

Wider use of the red color palette (by jimjim421):

10 associations with red:

  • blood
  • war
  • fire
  • masculinity
  • passion
  • seduction
  • compulsion
  • energy
  • bravery

Amazon loves rich orange:

Orange is a warm and active color, but not as intense as red. Orange is warm rather than hot.

Filled with energy, this vibrant color encourages, rather than compels or forces, people to act. Orange is only occasionally perceived as intense — it calls for actions such as buy, subscribe, sell, or follow. It is recommended to use orange if after visiting your site you want to leave the guest feeling motivated, joyful, creative, and enthusiastic.

A practical example of using orange:

Increased use of the orange palette by manekineko:

10 associations with orange:

  • optimism
  • definition
  • fire
  • warning
  • autumn
  • religion
  • endurance
  • compassion
  • Halloween
  • organism

Blue color facebook creates a sense of security:

You can find many business and corporate websites using blue. We associate this color with something reliable, safe, evokes a feeling of trust and experience. Thus, it is not surprising that every businessman who cares about what impressions he will leave from the website of his company prefers to use the color blue. Blue creates sensations completely opposite to those that red leaves. Blue calms us down and we shouldn't worry about too much of it.

A practical example of using blue:

I bet you didn't know:

A poll, which was conducted in Germany and published in 2009, proved that blue is the favorite color of 46 percent of men surveyed and 44 percent of women. - Wikipedia

Wider use of blue color palette by entitydesigns:

10 associations with blue:

  • truthfulness
  • friendliness
  • magic
  • guys
  • gratuitousness
  • police

The strength of green on

Feeling unusually optimistic right now? Let me guess - were you looking at something green? Perhaps you were just looking at a green plant - this, undoubtedly, calmed you down and made you look at things more optimistically.

Anyone who is somehow connected with ecology has more opportunities to use green in the creation of their sites. Note the $ 100 bill. The color green prevails here! Sites like Groupon also have a lot of green in their branding as they deal directly with money. Green is very refreshing and relaxing, leaving people with a sense of balance and inspiration. It represents balance and harmony in design.

A practical example of using green:

I bet you didn't know:

In some languages, including Old Chinese, Thai, Old Japanese, and Vietnamese, the same word can mean both blue and green at the same time. There are no natural sources for green food coloring that have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. - Wikipedia

Wider use of green by Skybluue2u:

10 associations with green:

  • money
  • greed
  • envy
  • nature
  • Spring
  • health
  • youth
  • grass
  • hope

Yahoo! and purple on their logo

The color purple is most often associated with concepts such as imagination, creativity, dignity, nobility and abundance. The vibrant shades of purple are associated with spring and romance in large part, while the darker shades of purple are associated with luxury and wealth. Purple is used in pretty and trendy bedding because purple is more soothing than any other color. It is considered more feminine and romantic than masculine. When looking at things purple, it seems clearly artificial, this is because this color is very rare in nature. Just like red, people find purple to be too strong and bright, it makes them feel compelled to do something, it kind of pushes them to take a certain action. Therefore, it would be effective to pair this color with black or white.

A practical example of using purple:

I bet you didn't know:

In April 2007, scientists suggested that early archaea may have used a purple pigment similar to chlorophyll to absorb energy from the sun. If this were indeed the case, then vast areas of oceans and coastlines would be purple. This theory is called the Purple Earth Hypothesis. - Wikipedia

Increased use of purple by

10 associations with purple

  • wealth
  • generosity
  • nobility
  • refinement
  • romance
  • art
  • exotic
  • spirituality
  • luxury
  • femininity

1WD uses monochrome colors intelligently

Typically monochrome colors such as white, black, dark gray, and light gray should be used as a background in a design, with pre-existing and well-placed accent colors that are brighter and more saturated. Take a look at the site, 1stwebdesigner - 1WD. They also use orange as a bright accent color - but only in a harmonious combination with dark gray and light gray tones. And, of course, white (the background color of the site). Black will always represent modernity, mystery, elegance and strength. Gray is a neutral color representing something calm and almost unknown, like a shadow. Since gray can sometimes look muddy, white will create the opposite effect. White equates cleanliness, openness, simplicity and minimalism.

A practical example of using monochrome color:

I bet you didn't know:

Digital monochrome photography only captures the shades of black that are perceived by the camera sensor. In post-processing color images, you can transform the perceived luminance by combining the metrics of multiple channels. - Wikipedia

Increased use of monochrome palette by munsteri

10 associations with monochrome colors

  • power
  • elegance
  • space
  • softness
  • innocence
  • pessimism
  • depression
  • boredom

What's your favorite color? And what feelings and emotions does it evoke in you?

Translation - Duty

From the author: a web designer has in his arsenal many tools for interacting with users using color. Color matching in web design is an effective marketing tool, however, it should be used very carefully so as not to get a gouge-out design that leaves users feeling uncomfortable and unsettling.

This is, of course, an extreme example. The main idea of ​​my article is that design should be not only functional and useful, but also emotionally attractive. To do this, you need to especially carefully consider the color palette of the site, which is a set of colors used in the development of web design.

Quite serious requirements are imposed on the color scheme of the site, since the combination of colors for web design not only determines the appearance of your resource, but will also be associated with your brand on the Internet. Most sites have a palette of 2 to 4 colors, not counting black and white. Let's try to figure out how to create the most attractive and effective color combination in your website design.

Choosing the main color

If you already have a ready-made logo, then it is best to use one of its colors as the main one. If you need to select the site palette from scratch, you will have to use another method. Analyze the target audience of your resource in terms of social or age-specific color preferences.

Take a wedding-themed website, for example. Our brides wear white dresses, symbolizing innocence and purity. In China, white is considered the color of mourning, so Chinese brides dress up in red dresses, since red for the Chinese is a symbol of love, happiness and good luck. Add more yellow paint here and you get the color of power and wealth.

With all of these cultural nuances, it is very difficult to find the perfect web design color combinations that will really suit your website and work for it. Therefore, many self-respecting companies make local versions of sites for different countries and peoples.

The safest colors are purple and blue. Purple is considered the color of wealth, power and high social status everywhere except Thailand (in Thailand it is a symbol of sorrow). Blue is associated with optimism, confidence, happiness. True, in Japan it means atrocity, and in India it means sadness.

Types of color contrasts

Contrast in tone. This type of contrast should be used carefully, preferably in combination with other types of contrast, and only when it is justified. The most pronounced contrast in web design is the combination of three colors: red, yellow and blue. The further the combined colors are in the color wheel from these three, the weaker the contrast in tone.

Contrast of light and dark. The strictest contrasting pair consists, of course, of white and black. Among the complementary colors, the lowest brightness contrast is between green and red, and the greatest is between purple and yellow.

Our vision is more sensitive not to the color gradations of objects, but to the nuances of their brightness. For a web designer, the ability to harmoniously lay out dark and light spots in the site design is the key to effective design.

Cold and warm. It is not surprising that cold and warm tones are associated with temperature in humans. This is due to the fact that the Earth's atmosphere colors distant objects in bluish tones.

Thus, the further away from us an object is, the colder we imagine it to be. This property is actively used by both artists and web designers in order to evoke the desired emotions in the user.

Minimalism course

Today, the trend is bright and dynamic shades, minimalism and monochrome schemes that do not distract from the contrast between colors. When combined with a minimalist style (using, for example, transparent buttons or white bold type), a monochrome scheme is easy to embed in a website and a pleasure to look at.

Most people in web design prefer to combine the same background colors with a contrasting palette of other elements. Therefore, it would be logical to use a palette of 1-2 colors for the background of the site and a contrasting palette for buttons and other objects that call to action.

You've probably come across the Twitter web service at least once and noticed that its color palette consists of several shades of blue. You already know that blue is the safest color to use on the web, so it's not surprising that Twitter uses it, especially considering the global popularity of the service, its support for a huge number of languages ​​and, accordingly, cultures.

Color as a navigation aid

Another winning way of using background and accent colors is to create a kind of "color hierarchy" that teaches the user that a particular color means a particular action on the site.

Let's summarize. Color and the ability to combine colors in web design is the most important tool for a web designer. If you use it correctly and do not forget about the usability of the site, then you can profitably highlight the content, gently and unobtrusively "directing" the visitor to perform certain actions.

Imagine that your site will be visited by thousands and millions of people - that's why you should do everything possible to make its use as simple and comfortable as possible.

I hope you found this material helpful. Subscribe to our blog updates so as not to miss all the fun. Till!

Modern trends and approaches in web development

Learn the fast growth algorithm from scratch in site building

Color theory in web design is a vast topic that requires a lot of practice to understand the specifics of its application. The choice of color also depends on the environment and the specifics of the work of the web designer himself, since we look at colors and shades a little differently than illustrators and artists.

We have already partly devoted our materials to color in web design and Photoshop. But today we want to talk and look at colors and color palettes a little in general terms, where and how it is easier and more convenient to select their combinations, what to look for and more. In general, we have collected several resources for color matching, found interesting ready-made palettes, and we also want to delve a little deeper into some points of color theory.

Multi-paragraph color theory

When designing a website, we have 16.8 million colors to choose from. And all of them have to be combined and selected, and if you imagine how many variants of such combinations exist, then ... it's almost endless. But the colors make sense. Imagine being presented with your favorite thing. You are pleased, you are glad. Now imagine that a thing is a thing, but its color is the most hateful to you. For example, a shade of mixing green, yellow and gray. Oh, you will be excited, you will be strong, but the joy will fade away.

Colors make sense. They give tone, emotionally affect in the same way as the font has a huge impact on human psychology.

Primary colors are the main colors for shades. The human eye perceives three basic colors: cyan, yellow, and magenta. Any color that you see in front of you now consists of a combination of these three, but in different amounts of brightness, shades, and more. Yes, yes, printing occurs in these colors.

On the contrary, the Internet uses RGB (red, green, blue) and its hexadecimal values.

RGB (59, 89, 145) or # 3b599b - Facebook blue

RGB (0, 0, 0) or # 000000 - black

Every two characters in the 16-digit code indicate the base color: red - 3b, green - 59, blue - 9b.


Also, colors last for cold (abundance of blue and green) and hot (many reds and yellows) shades. Hot colors in web design evoke feelings of warmth, passion. They are aggressive and bold, but they also symbolize the fact that some things need to be stopped, so they are used for critical messages, icons and more.

Cool colors bring coolness, suitable for winter themes, night, sad or water. They carry in themselves loneliness and cold, fear. But meanwhile, they are non-aggressive and soothing.


The temperature of the images can also be changed, resulting in a change in the orange color level. Thus, we turn the picture into a warmer and more joyful one. Just as the world looks happier when the sun throws its yellow-orange rays on it. A decrease in temperature, on the other hand, makes the image colder and less attractive, as if conveying nature on a cloudy day.

Shades and shadows

Tints are obtained by adding white to color, in the same way you add black when creating a shadow. Tints and shadows let you create monochrome colors and palettes by adding different amounts of white and black.

For example, let's take a foreground color of # 8dbdd8 (light blue). The image below shows a monochrome palette in which the two shades on the right and left are the result of adding different amounts of black and white.

Saturation, tone, light

Also, colors are distributed according to saturation, hue and luminosity. Saturation makes the color richer and darker. When we say light blue or dark green, we mean saturation.

The hue determines the difference from the base color of the rainbow (there are seven of them). That is, for example, "greenish blue". Neither that nor that, but just the tone.

Luminosity defines a color in relation to pure white, how bright or dull it is. Something similar to saturation, but depends on a different parameter.

Color schemes

If we consider color schemes, then there are only four of them: monochrome (shades of one primary color), complementary (of two colors that are on opposite sides of the color wheel), analog (three colors that are next to the color wheel), triad or triadic ( the three colors that are at the corners of the triangle drawn on top of the color wheel).

Designing a layout of flowers

This is a brief theory and subsequently we will simply refer to this material. But also at the beginning of studying web design, this theory is important, although often your eyes can understand that something looks completely different from what is described in the numbers. Kind of blue, but you feel that it is not saturated enough. These are the features of the nature of the development of each person. This is why many web designers go headlong into color palette design, much like some people devote themselves to studying typography. They experience different hues, saturations, temperatures in combination with other variations and see when, what and how it works.

However, when it comes to web colors, there is a concept like "web safe colors". It appeared when displays could not yet convey 16 million colors. But if there are such safe colors, why else is there anything else? But, you see, it's nice to know why they exist at all and how they affect the choice of colors in general.

It should be understood, because we can use any color, the best web projects are obtained using the main group of colors. And yes, trust your eyes. If they don't like what they see, then try changing.

When help is needed

If you have any design difficulties at the zero stage, then ideas for color solutions can always be found on the Internet. Just visit the site with color palettes and customize it for yourself, then collect the colors you want and work with them in Photoshop. For example, study webdesign-inspiration or awwwards, sort by color, and find inspiration.

Color explorer

It is a library and workshop for creating a palette of colors. The library contains sets of palettes for printing and the web. You can pick up a color and see multiple shades and variations in tones.

Сolor son th eweb

Selects all colors and shades for the color you specified. In addition, the resource offers colors for combination and combination, monochrome palette, analog, saturation variations, tones, luminosity, and more.


Allows you not only to pick up a color by operating with several parameters at once, but also then to assemble a palette according to a given color. In the first version, we created a color, and in the second, we created a palette and a range of color shades and tones.


This is one of the few mobile applications that allows you to work with color palettes on your smartphone or tablet. But there is also a version for the PC browser. A feature of the project is working with color in 3D. We are offered a cone of flowers. Each point for mixing a shade moves within only its own triangle, and the cone itself can be rotated as conveniently.

In addition, there are sets of ready-made palettes for Christmas, monochrome, modern, citrus and others.


The site has long been a catalog of custom color schemes. As a rule, it includes flat design colors, as well as numerous patterns, textures, backgrounds that are freely available.

Color palettes can be selected from photographs and images. We have already talked about this and the resources for this too. The idea as a whole is interesting and very useful, read it at your leisure.

Color profiles

But in the meantime, the selection of the palette is still half the trouble. The hottest topic in web design is the choice of color profiles. We touched on this topic a little earlier (link at the beginning of the article), but here's what we want to note now. Each monitor can be calibrated for a specific color profile. This is done, for example, in Windows 10 -> Control Panel -> Color Management. Accordingly, certain colors may appear differently on different monitors.

The topic, as we said, is confusing and therefore many web designers are not always sure if they have chosen the right color. SRGB is recommended more often, but not necessary or absolutely the best solution and choice. This also applies to images that are saved with built-in profiles, and website layouts. In other words, this topic can take a long time to understand.

But, meanwhile, many designers try not to think about them at all and work with the settings on the computer and in Photoshop by default. And this is also true, since even if you agree on colors with the customer / client, you still won't be able to affect the colors on the end-user monitor.

Material UI colors

Google, when creating the rules for material design, also detailed the provisions on color. However, the rules are so simple in general that they can be easily applied to any interface, which is what made them popular.

When it comes to color choices, Material design follows a style similar to flat design. Material constructions for applications and sites are freely available on the Internet, and therefore you can see sets of colors with your own eyes, create palettes and much more.

If you decide to work only with a set of colors from Google, then we recommend that you test both tools to see how and how they can complement each other. Then you can additionally use the resource 0to255, to match colors in terms of brightness and saturation.


Color on the internet is mostly simple and doesn't take more than a couple of weeks to understand its fundamentals and theories. But if you decide to delve deeper into this very theory of color, then you will learn very, very many complexities, features, patterns, influences and solutions. Perhaps some of you will have your head spin from the abundance of information; someone will decide that “ he doesn't need to know this, poked the logo with a pipette and colored the site". But someone will decide to look into the theory again, and again; decides to delve into the "basket of flowers" and shades, decides to start experimenting.

We just hope that our color materials will help you a little in the future in your work on your projects. They will help you find that simple way of understanding how web colors work through practice, repetition, trusting your eyes.

There are many resources on the selection of color palettes, sites for inspiration too, but when you sit down to "draw" your own project in your head somehow ... it becomes empty. You sit and think: “ What shade of blue would I take ... a little darker or a little lighter ... eh ... and the customer did not want to think about such trifles ... for him, something that, of course, ... little things ... "

New Year's days and leisure are a good reason for creativity, light imagination for your own pleasure, when, for example, you no longer have the strength to go out and have fun.

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