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The smartphone constantly reboots what to do. Spontaneous hard reboot of the phone on Android: saving your favorite gadget

Despite the stability, “glitches” periodically appear in the work of many Android-based mobile devices. One of these bugs is a hard reboot of Android. This material will help you figure out why this happens and what to do in this case.

Why does the phone constantly reboot itself, what should I do if the device cannot start after rebooting?

Consider the main reasons why this can happen:

  • mechanical damage to the device has occurred, usually due to its fall or impact;
  • occurrence of failures in the operation of the software;
  • failure or problems in the operation of the battery;
  • the reason may be of a hardware nature if there are malfunctions in the operation of the printed circuit board;
  • moisture on the mobile device can also provoke a forced reboot of the smartphone.

In practice, users often face the problem of restarting their smartphone as a result of a breakdown in the signal power amplifier or battery. This leads to an increase in energy consumption, due to which the system resorts to an emergency reboot of the smartphone. Failed components can be replaced, it does not take much time and money.

The reason may be the appearance of failures in the operation of the platform itself. Programs and utilities installed in the memory of a mobile device may conflict with each other. Sometimes the reason lies in the installation of applications that do not match the version of the installed operating system.

Actions in case of spontaneous hard reset

The problem of cyclic reboot is familiar to many users. The following are effective ways to solve the problem.

All the time

As we reported, the cyclic reboot of the device may be associated with a damaged battery. In order to verify this, you need to remove the protective cover and remove the battery from the phone. Place the battery on a flat, hard surface, then rotate it. If the battery spins quickly and easily, this indicates that there is a bulge on its case or the battery is starting to swell. Replace the battery with a new one, since the batteries cannot be repaired.

If the battery is working properly, then try updating the firmware of the mobile device, as well as all the programs installed in the device's memory. To do this, go to the official Play Market store and select all available updates. You can click on the update all applications button, this will allow you to update everything at once, but it is better to view all updates, rather than delete applications that are not used. When programs and applications are updated, the platform itself needs to be updated. If there are no changes, contact the specialists, as the problem may be software in nature.

At the moment of switching on

If an endless reboot of the mobile device occurs when it is turned on, then first of all, you should reset the configuration to the factory settings. In most cases, this method solves the problem. The procedure for restoring factory settings is individual for each smartphone, detailed instructions are indicated in the service manual.

Alternatively, you can try to remove the battery and reinstall it after half an hour. Often the reason lies in an overheated smartphone, but there may be a problem with the activation buttons getting stuck. If these methods did not solve the problem, then you should flash the device. Flashing is performed independently or with the involvement of specialists (the video was filmed and published by the NTS Setup channel).

During a conversation

If the reboot is carried out when you are talking on the phone or when it receives an incoming call, then it is possible that the battery is losing contact with the device at that moment. When used for a long time, a small gap may appear on the back of the battery, namely the gap between the connecting components. Intensive operation of the device leads to shaking of the case, and this contributes to the separation of the contacts.

To diagnose this problem, try shaking your smartphone several times, this will determine the cause. If the device automatically reboots when shaking, this indicates the need to re-solder the connecting components. If the smartphone is no longer under warranty, then it must be sent in for repair. If the cause of the failures is a software error, then there are several ways to solve the problem:

  • return the phone to factory settings;
  • update the version of the operating system and application;
  • seek help from specialists if the above two methods do not help.

After update

If you have updated your mobile device, but after that the phone still reboots, then try the following:

  1. Turn off your mobile device and remove the battery from it.
  2. Wait about 15-20 minutes.
  3. Replace the battery and reactivate the phone.

If the device still reboots, then keep track of what updates you put on the phone. Sometimes applications automatically block the optimal operation of the smartphone, in some cases programs may conflict with each other. If the phone was working fine before you updated it, then revert back to the factory configuration and reboot the device.

The problem may also lie in the installation of malware or virus applications, in the absence of an antivirus, this can happen along with updating the phone. You can solve the problem by following the above steps to restore the factory settings. If this does not help, then the smartphone must be reflashed.

When you turn on any app or feature


If the mobile device reboots when the camera is activated, then the reason may lie in the fact that one of the applications has caught a virus. Install an antivirus program on your smartphone, determine the cause of the problem and restart the device. If there are no changes, return the device to the factory configuration, if necessary, before performing this task, back up files - photos, contacts, documents, etc. If the reason lies in the operation of the camera itself, mechanical damage to the device, then it is necessary to disassemble the phone and look for a malfunction. Often the camera does not work correctly due to the fall of the phone, the cable inside the gadget could move away, you can install it yourself (the author of the video is the Pavel Sak channel).

Try formatting the memory card or replacing it with a new one. If the problem is not mechanical, then usually the reboot is due to a malfunction of the memory drive. If your phone has been dropped in water, it's entirely possible - turn off your phone, remove the battery, and wait for it to dry.


If you restart your phone while activating the GPS function, you must do the following:

  1. Check how your mobile device works with a new SIM card. The problem with many modern smartphones is that they do not function well with old SIM cards.
  2. If the reason lies in the damage to the board associated with the fall of the mobile device, then specialists can solve this problem. Better take your phone to a service center.
  3. Try changing the memory card and check how the device works with the new drive.
  4. Restore your smartphone to factory settings.


The problem of rebooting the device when the Bluetooth module is turned on is more relevant for owners of NTS mobile devices. To get rid of the malfunction, reflash your mobile gadget. In principle, you can not use this function at all, but this is not an option. Before flashing, try to restore the factory settings, but not the fact that this will help (the author of the video is the channel HELP IN CELL REPAIR).

If you want to turn off Bluetooth, then this will not be easy. As a result of the fact that the user has a few seconds to disconnect due to a reboot, you need to act quickly. Turn off the smartphone and remove the SIM card from it, as well as the memory drive, this will make the device work faster. This will give you about ten seconds to disable the feature.

When launching applications

This problem is more relevant for Nokia phones. The search for the cause and its elimination is carried out as follows:

  1. Turn off the phone with the button.
  2. Open the back cover of the phone and remove the battery from it.
  3. Check if the battery is working.
  4. Wait about 15 minutes, then replace the battery.
  5. Turn on the phone, then run the application again, upon entering which the smartphone rebooted.
  6. If the problem persists, then you need to reflash the device.

To avoid this problem, try not to use registry cleaner applications. Also, do not install very large programs on your smartphone and, in general, use only official software (the video was shot by the Master Android channel).

When connected to a PC

The appearance of a problem when connecting to a computer may be due to malicious software. Run diagnostics on your mobile device for viruses, if this does not help, reset the configuration to the factory settings or flash the device. In the absence of results, it is necessary to seek help from specialists.

As for the scheduled reboot, in order to ensure the normal operation of the smartphone, it is necessary to diagnose the date of the latest updates. We are talking about both programs and the operating system. If you are the owner of a Samsung phone, then try starting safe mode on your phone. If the phone does not restart after that, this indicates that the problem lies in the operation of one of the programs. Install an application on your phone to clean up excess software, it should find the cause of the problem.

Often there are situations when mobile devices have to be rebooted, but there are also cases when the phone reboots itself.

Let's try to figure out what you can do on your own to bring it back to life, and in what cases you need to rely on the experience of specialists.

Possible reasons

There are several main reasons for rebooting the phone:

  • mechanical damage (due to impact or fall);
  • software failure;
  • battery failure;
  • malfunction of elements on the printed circuit board;
  • exposure to moisture on the device (getting under the body of the device).

Quite often, the reason for a sudden reboot of the phone is a failed signal strength amplifier or battery. Energy consumption increases, which eventually leads to an emergency reboot. The replacement of these elements takes place in a matter of minutes and does not hit the owner’s wallet much.

The next leader in the number of calls from mobile device users to service centers is a software failure. Applications previously installed in the phone may conflict with each other, or the owner of the gadget made a mistake in choosing the firmware that did not fit this phone model.

Ordinary moisture ingress can cause the device to reboot, along with mechanical damage resulting from a device falling from a height, which often damages the main or printed circuit board.

What to do if it reboots

A fairly common problem with modern smartphones is a spontaneous reboot. The following describes the steps you need to take to restore normal system operation.

All the time

The reason may lie in a damaged battery. To verify this, just pull the battery out of the device, put it on a hard surface and twist it. If the battery spins easily, it means that it has a bulge somewhere or the battery is already starting to swell.

If this is the problem, then you should look into the nearest service, since swollen batteries cannot be repaired.

In cases where the battery is in perfect order, it is necessary to update the software, as well as previously installed applications. If the gadget runs on the Android platform, it is recommended to go to Google Play and select the updates you need, the lazy ones can just click "Update all", but it's better to look at the suggested applications to avoid garbage in the phone.

After updating the applications, you should proceed to update the system. If this does not help, then you need to contact the service center.

When turned on

When the phone spontaneously reboots when turned on, you can apply the following methods:

  • reset to factory settings. The chances of returning the device to working capacity in this way are very high. Each device has its own method for returning the default settings, all this can be found in the instructions for the device;
  • take out the battery and then put it back in 30 minutes.

Perhaps the problem is that the phone simply overheated, there are also cases of the device's power button getting stuck. If none of the proposed options gave a result, you need to reflash the gadget. This can be done on your own or contact the service workers.

When talking

In the case when the phone restarts during an incoming call or during a conversation, it is likely that the battery is losing contact with the device. This is explained by the fact that during a long period of operation there is a slight play on the rear surface of the battery (gap between the connecting elements).

With daily use of the gadget, the case shakes, which causes the contacts to separate. To check if this is the root cause of the failure of the device, you need to shake it several times. If the device rebooted again, then you should re-solder the connecting contacts. It will be easier to give the device to the service if it is under warranty.

The next reason for the incorrect operation of the device may be a software failure.

There are three possible solutions to the problem here:

  • transition to standard settings;
  • firmware update;
  • service center (if none of the above options helped).


After update

The mobile device may reboot after accepting the necessary updates. However, there are pitfalls here as well.

To get started you need:

  1. turn off the device and remove the battery from it;
  2. after 15 minutes, put it back in place and turn on the device again.

If this procedure does not work, then carefully monitor which updates you install.

Some applications may block the normal operation of the device or conflict with each other. If before the updates you did not notice deviations in the operation of the gadget, then you need to return to the factory settings and restart the device again.

The reason for the incorrect operation of the gadget can also be malicious software that got into it along with updates. In this case, you can also use the above tips, if they did not work, then you should give the phone for flashing.

When turned on

Another common type of problem is the smartphone restarting when you turn on any application or function. The following describes the necessary steps to resolve it.


It is not uncommon for mobile devices to reboot after turning on the camera. Especially often the owners of advertised iPhones suffer from this misfortune. The cause of the problem may lie in some application that "caught the virus." It is recommended to run the antivirus, find the cause of concern and restart the system.

If this does not help, then you should return to the standard settings, but before that you need to make a copy of all the necessary documents and contacts. The problem can also be specifically with the device of the camera itself, after being hit or dropped from a height, the phone may come off the cable.

The method of treatment is to open the gadget and put it in its place. Craftsmen often do it on their own.

To understand what caused the reboot, you should remember if the device was ever dropped into water or other liquid. In such cases, the device may reboot periodically, which does not greatly annoy the owner, but this is just the beginning.

If the phone has recently experienced all the charm of water procedures, then you should disassemble the gadget again and dry it thoroughly. After such tests, rebooting when turning on the camera is not the worst thing that could happen to him.


What should I do if my phone restarts after turning on GPS?

There are several options for solving the problem:


This problem is quite common among owners of HTC phones. To solve it, you can reflash the phone or simply never use the multimedia transfer function. However, after flashing the device is guaranteed to work as before. You can also use a simple factory reset.

As for disabling the annoying function, everything is not so simple here either. Due to the constant reboot, the user has only a couple of seconds to turn off the bluetooth. So, you need to turn off the device, remove the SIM card and memory card. So the gadget will work faster, thanks to which the owner of the phone has 10 seconds to turn off the bluetooth, after which it will reboot again, but for the last time.

When launching applications

A similar incident is often found in Nokia phones.

To understand the reason for the reboot, you need to:

  • try not to use registry cleaners;
  • do not download too "heavy" applications;
  • use only official software.

When connected to a computer

Rebooting your phone when connected to a PC can be caused by malware. Check both devices for viruses. If it was not possible to eliminate the threat on the phone using the antivirus, then you should reinstall the software or reset the settings.

Do not forget that the artisanal flashing method can result in a breakdown that can no longer be fixed. If the problem has not been solved using the usual methods, then you should contact the service center.

Phone keeps rebooting on Android

To return your Android phone to normal operation, you need to check the date of the last updates. This applies not only to applications, but also to the system itself.

Happy owners of Samsung phones can conduct an experiment - try to switch to safe mode. If the gadget does not go into reboot, then we can safely say that one of the installed applications is exhausting the device.

This is the effect of malware. After uninstalling the app, you need to restart your device.

Try to treat the equipment carefully and carefully, of course, mechanical damage can be corrected, but they entail more serious problems. Ask for help from service center specialists, only in this way you can be guaranteed to get back a properly working device.

Let's look at the main reasons why the Android phone reboots by itself: what causes this and how this or that problem is fixed.

Interestingly, both Chinese “NoName” brands and famous flagships like Samsung Galaxy, HTC One, or Sony Xperia are affected by the deficiency. Let's understand the reasons.

Mechanical damage

Let's start with the leader of all troubles - falls. This also includes blows, negligent use, use of a smartphone for other purposes (opening bottles, hammering nails, etc.). Kind of funny, but they happen all over the place. The phone is designed for calls and work, but not for such events. Yes, there are shock-resistant models produced by companies like CAT, but they are few and far between.

Methods of "treatment" are banal to disgrace: buy a cover, bumper and protective glass. Protection is flimsy, but periodically saves. This will save you from damage to the motherboard, processor blade, memory, camera module and vital cables. But it's still worth going to the service to understand exactly the reason for the reboots.

Firmware and all about them

Often heard from friends about "firmware"? In short, this is the replacement of the “native” smartphone OS with a more recent version, or a modified one. There are 3 options:

  • official;
  • custom;
  • test.

If the native firmware of the device starts to slow down (too many applications, have not been updated for a long time, viruses, residual cache files), then you can reset the settings to the factory settings - it should help in 90% of cases. It is also worth looking on the Internet which version of Android is relevant for the smartphone at the moment. The update process happens on its own without your intervention, so no skills are required.

Custom ones are more difficult. The only stable foreign firmware can be considered exclusively Cyanogen Mod, but this team broke up, and the remnants of the team renamed themselves Lineage OS. Their work was really worthy, but had one significant drawback: the firmware was installed at your own peril and risk. Also be prepared for reboots, CPU overheating, unstable battery, GPS, modem and other key components that affect stability.

As for the test ones, which are laid out in abundance on resources like, XDA and analogues. If you are going to use your smartphone as a "guinea pig" and know about the problems in advance - install it. The rest is categorically not recommended to do such things without knowledge of the materiel. This is the easiest way to turn the device into a "brick", not to mention the cyclic reboots.


The battery, like any storage device, is designed for a certain number of charge / discharge cycles. If you constantly charge the device, then sooner or later the battery will simply lose its full potential and will not hold a charge. A similar drawback is typical for Li-Pol models with a "memory effect". Ying must be charged to 100%, and then discharged to 0. Only after that you can put it on charge. Li-Ion drives are devoid of such a flaw.

Critical moment: you need to use only the "native" charger. The point is the current strength indicated on the charge. If the manufacturer indicated, for example, 1A (Amp), then the value cannot be exceeded. Therefore, you should not use more powerful analogues of 1.5-2A, since you can “kill” the battery much faster. She's just pissed off. The average cycle with proper operation is limited to 1.5-2 years. In the future, the battery begins to lose its properties.

Another factor is contact oxidation. If moisture has accumulated inside the device, then this may be the reason for the reboot. If the battery is removable, remove it, dry the smartphone, wipe all contact pads with alcohol as carefully as possible and insert the drive after 30-60 minutes. A swollen one must be replaced.

Motherboard defects and factory defects

This category is the most unstable due to the fact that there are many reasons for the breakdown of contacts, loops and other elements, only a complete analysis and verification of each component individually will help here. Often, a defect is caused by a fall, “curiosity” (opening a smartphone to see how everything works there and subsequent inaccurate assembly), moisture, dust, and more.

Less common is a factory defect, which affects no more than 1-2 gadgets per 100,000 devices. The manufacturer often indicates this himself. Also look at thematic forums, look for a topic with your model and see the characteristic "sores". If you didn’t drop, drown or open the device, and it reboots, then something is short inside. It is better to send such a smartphone under warranty. You will lose time, but you will get a workable analogue.

Memory problems

Installing a large number of applications is highly discouraged due to the conflict of certain files with each other. This is especially true for programs for working with the camera, GPS, data, antiviruses and "cleaners". Each has its own algorithm of work, so reboots are not uncommon.

There are times when owners of Lenovo phones encounter the problem of spontaneous rebooting while taking pictures, talking, launching all kinds of applications, etc. Why is this happening? Let's try to figure it out.

The most popular reasons

The device may reboot on its own for a number of reasons. The most common among them are:

  • Software failures.
  • All kinds of damage due to external physical impact (cause may be a fall or a strong blow).
  • There is moisture under the phone case.
  • Failed battery.
  • PCB damage.

What to do?

In order to normalize the operation of your device, you should take a number of actions that directly depend on the nature of the breakdown.

Reboot at power on

In cases where the phone itself reboots during power-up, you should restore the factory settings. Often, in this way, the operability of the device is completely restored. Each model has its own reset method.

Permanent reboot

A similar reaction can be traced in cases of a damaged battery. In order to check this, you should get the battery itself, put it on a hard plane and twist it. If the battery spins without any problems, then you need to replace it.

During telephone conversations

In cases where the device reboots during an incoming call, or during a conversation, you should contact the service center. The reason may be the loss of contact between the battery and the battery. You can also solder the connecting contacts yourself, but without the proper skills, this is quite risky.

When photographing

It's not uncommon for a phone to reboot on its own when you turn on the camera. Such a breakdown is usually caused by a malicious program - a virus. You can get rid of it with an antivirus.

If your device rebooted itself, but you managed to find out why this is happening and solve the problem, write it down in the comments. This information will be useful to other users.

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