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The charger broke how to charge the phone. Is it possible to charge the battery without a phone

“If there is a possibility that some kind of trouble can happen, then it will definitely happen” - this is exactly what “Murphy's law” sounds like, or “the law of meanness”, if in Russian.

Especially often the “law of meanness” manifests itself in the case of telephones: when we urgently need to call, write down a contact, take a picture, almost always at the most necessary and important point the phone sits down, but there is no charge as if evil with you - the situation is unpleasant and by no means the rarest in our life, what to do in this case?

But there is a solution, and therefore in this article we will analyze how to charge the phone without charging - all the ways.

Charging your phone at home

Since all modern phones are charged via a USB port, it will not be difficult to charge a smartphone at home without original charger, but only if there is additional media equipment such as a laptop, desktop computer or even a tablet.

All you need is just to connect the media device and the phone via a USB cable, then the phone's battery will start charging.

The speed of charging the phone from the computer, of course, is not like the original chargers, but it is also quite fast.

There is also an option to charge the phone with another charger, the main thing is that the charger is unnecessary. This method of charging occurs according to the algorithm:

  1. We take the charger and cut it off, and then we expose its ends so that only wires remain instead of the plug.
  2. The next item is to take out the battery from the phone and bring the ends of the bare charger to the "plus" and "minus", respectively.
  3. Just in case, we fix the wires of the charger on the phone with electrical tape.
  4. Charging has started.

If you do not have the original charger for your phone, then in a good way its charge will use universal charger, or "toad", as it is also called by the people. This device it costs real pennies, but it can help a lot in the household, so just in case it would be nice to buy it.

"Zhabka" works directly with batteries. All you need to charge your phone from it is to take the battery out of your smartphone and connect the pluses and minuses of the battery to the ends of the terminals located under the holder.

If you did not make a mistake in the polarity of the contacts, then the color indicator will light up, symbolizing that the charging has begun. The disadvantage of this method is that it will take a very long time to charge compared to a conventional phone charger.

More ways to charge your phone

Considering all the ways to charge your phone without charging, it would not be out of place to mention the possibility of charging your phone from the car's cigarette lighter. The cigarette lighter can serve well not only for smokers, you can connect a car charger to it, to which you can already connect your phone.

The method is convenient and accessible to all motorists, but the charging speed from the cigarette lighter will be much less than from a regular home outlet and a standard phone charger.

There is a cigarette lighter in almost every modern car.

You can also charge the phone from absolutely any wire, the main thing is that the correct polarity of the wires that are connected to the battery is observed. Any socket with 220 V will serve as a power source.

Charging your phone with alternative chargers

External battery

This is the best way to additionally charge your phone, especially considering that they themselves are quite compact and can fit in your pocket, and the battery capacity of the most latest models can reach 50000 mAh. So with them you will have time to charge your phone more than a dozen times in a row. An indispensable device in case of long business trips.

Some external batteries pleasantly surprised by their capacity

External batteries are:

  • with built-in rechargeable battery;
  • battery powered.

Each of the types of external batteries is good in its own way.

Battery-powered power banks don't require outlets and can keep your phone charged where it's sold. conventional batteries, and this is practically in all the civilized world.

Such external batteries do not charge the phone at all quickly, but it's still better than nothing.

Solar charger

An indispensable device in case of hiking and traveling far from civilization. Such chargers contain a battery that can be charged from the sun.. The only drawback is that the battery of the charger is saturated with light energy at a very slow rate.

An indispensable device for lovers of long hikes

Charging with wind power

For phones, there are many different gadgets that help charge your smartphone in extreme conditions, such as this Chinese device that charges the phone using the power of the wind. The charge is coming slowly, extremely slowly.

Such a charger can also be used when driving a car - it will be enough just to stick it out of the window

Extravagant ways to charge your phone in nature

These ways to charge the phone without charging are dangerous for both the person and the phone, and therefore use them in extreme cases:

  1. With a knife and fire. We heat the knife blade on the fire, and then touch the battery contacts with it. The battery will warm up and there will be some energy in it, which is enough for a couple of calls.
  1. Throw the battery on a rock. Although this is not the most attractive way to charge your phone, it is very famous. It is worth throwing a small battery on a stone and a little electricity will appear in it. The main thing here is not to overdo it with the power of the throw.

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Who has never experienced a situation where there is still a whole day ahead of you outside the house, and the phone has 19% charge? Perhaps, with almost every owner of the phone. Going on a trip and knowing in advance that there is a long road ahead without a source of electricity, many take external battery, aka PowerBank, and don't worry about anything. But on a typical weekday, hardly anyone does this. Everyone should know how to charge a mobile device without charging, because absolutely everything can happen in life.

Is it possible to charge a phone without a charger

Of course yes. If you are within the city, then the easiest of options- go to the nearest coffee shop and sit there for an hour, taking a place at the outlet.

What else can be done in such a situation:

  • service center - if you do not have an extra hour to spend it on coffee with a croissant and charging your smartphone, then you can leave your device in service center, asking to connect it to the network for a nominal fee - such requests are rarely addressed to such establishments, and in fact, this is not specific service center, but its employees are unlikely to refuse to receive some money just to charge your phone;
  • special terminals for charging - today in cities they are installed quite often, as a rule, in the center, and their location is indicated on the city map.

Many establishments make an offer to charge the gadget as a competitive advantage

When you start charging your phone, turn off all functions in it, set the power saving mode and add airplane mode to this. Thus, the device will only absorb energy without spending it.

How to charge your gadget via USB

Many cars, hotels, cafes and shopping centers have USB connectors next to regular sockets. They are designed to charge phones, tablets and other modern devices.

The advantage of terminals for charging in shopping centers is that they do not require a mandatory order, as in a cafe, and are able to connect at the same time a large number of devices

There is only one big “but”: in this way, the gadget charges very slowly. If we talk about the specific ratio of time, then using an outlet, you will speed up the process three times.

We use the frog

The "frog", also known as the "crab", can also help with charging your phone. It will take up a minimum of space in the bag and will help out in a situation where there is an outlet nearby, but there is no charger, or the charging socket does not work in the smartphone.

So, the features of the "frog":

  • it feeds the mobile phone through the battery directly - in the process of charging the gadget, you will not be able to use it and also will not see how many percent of the energy has been added, and the owners of devices with built-in batteries will not be able to use the “frog”.
  • this universal device- whatever "crab" you buy, it will be able to charge your phone.

The advantage of such a device is that it is universal for all batteries.

What to do if the charging socket does not work and there is no frog

Such a situation within the framework of the modern world can be called extreme conditions. After all, not a single day is complete without a mobile phone.

So, what needs to be done so that the device starts working again if the charger has no contact with the phone, and neither a frog nor usb port with the necessary adapter wire nearby does not loom:

  • hitting the battery is an option for emergencies, since after such manipulations it will need to be thrown away and a new one bought, but still it will be possible to make a few most necessary calls before that;
  • use the battery terminals - turn off the phone and remove the battery, expose the two wires of the charger and attach them to the corresponding terminals on the battery with electrical tape or tape - it is important not to reverse the polarity of the wires, paying attention to the "+" (the blue wire is connected to it) and "-" (red to him), otherwise you will be slightly shocked.

Wires can be attached to some batteries without additional fastening.

If you have the slightest opportunity to charge your mobile phone in the usual way, but for this you need to get a charger or PowerBank somewhere, use it better - it's safer and more economical.

We charge the phone in extreme conditions

Running out of battery isn't that hard if you're outdoors within the city and there are plenty of options for charging your device. Another thing is when the percentage of the battery is melting before our eyes, and you are in the forest, for example. Of course, if this “thicket” is a small landing near the city, then it’s okay, but in the case when the phone was used as a navigator and suddenly stopped working, a real problem will arise.

Here are a few methods that will help in cases where you are far from home and civilization in principle:

  • use a knife and fire - heat the blade of the knife on an open fire and apply it to the battery. Then we return it to the mobile phone and get the opportunity to make a 5-minute call, which in extreme conditions is worth its weight in gold;
  • for physics lovers - 2–3 metal plates wrapped around copper wire and burrow into the ground, this design is sprinkled with salt water and connected to the gadget using wires from the charger.

Of course, it is far from a fact that every hiking backpack always has such a set. But if you have to go to nature, it's better to take all these things in case your mobile phone runs out.

You can not bring the knife to a red-hot state, because when exposed to too high temperature the battery will simply swell, and may even explode.

In practice, this method may not last long: it is just a way to squeeze out all its charge from the battery by heating

These and other "wild" ways to charge mobile devices are best seen in action.

Video: how to charge your phone in the field

Yet the most convenient way keep your gadget charged in the forest - take with you an external battery with photocells that can absorb the energy of sunlight and transfer it to any device.

Even in the forest, where there is not much sun, such a battery can be fully charged.

Charging features depending on the type of phone

Some still believe that to keep the battery of a mobile device in good condition, it must be periodically brought to a zero power level, and then charged all night. But this trick was relevant for very old devices. Modern devices require that they be recharged a little each time. Have you noticed that there is only 20% battery left? Increase this figure to 50%! Of course, there may be exceptions when there is a long road ahead and you need to get 100%.

A good solution is to connect a modern smartphone to a computer or laptop every time you work on it, especially if it happens daily

As for alternative methods charging, most of them are suitable for phones from which the battery can be removed.

By the way, high-capacity batteries have been created for smartphones, which will allow you to be more confident that the 90% mark will last longer than usual.

If you are dealing with a mobile phone that has a built-in battery and the charging socket is broken, all that remains is to figure out how to hold the charger so that it contacts the gadget.

There are no hopeless situations. Even if you are far from the city with a dead phone and a non-functioning charging socket, you can always do something. It is worth using one of the above tips, and the problem will be solved.

How to properly charge your phone? Should it be discharged to zero before the first charge? How to carry out the first charge? How to choose a charger? If you search, you can find hundreds of answers on the Internet, which sometimes contradict each other! Where is the truth and where is the lie? Let's try to understand this difficult question...

And so, the first thing that needs to be divided is the types of batteries in phones. They are divided into:

  • Ni-MH (nickel metal hydride).
  • Li-ion (lithium-ion).

And it’s worth noting right away that nickel-metal hydride batteries have not been used for a long time. Overwhelming majority modern phones use lithium ion types batteries. If you are interested in all the details about the difference in technology, I found enough detailed publication on this topic on Habré. And I will tell you literally in a nutshell in the most simple and accessible language. Actually, due to the misunderstanding of these two types, various misunderstandings and myths about charging went. Because more old type really had a "memory effect", while Li-ion does not. But first things first...

In fact, the rules for charging modern phones have become so simple that after reading these rules you will laugh in the face of those who are still thinking about how to properly charge it! :) In fact, I tried to decompose everything as detailed as possible, as a result, I got a rather large text. Therefore, I divided it into two parts. In the first, below, I painted everything in detail, trying to justify each item from the technical part. But If you are not interested in this and need only the rules described in points, scroll down the text, there I left the list of rules without unnecessary "technical garbage".

The first thing to remember is that Ni-MH batteries did have a memory effect, but if you bought over the next five years, then with a probability of 99% you Li-ion battery and you can forget this rule (I'm talking about the "memory effect"). Li-ion, on the contrary, does not like deep discharge! And moreover, if it is "landed" to zero, then on the contrary it is very difficult to "bring it back to life". But the phone's smart electronics know this and turn off the phone before you reach it. complete zero. Although, of course, human factor should not be forgotten either. And constant attempts to turn on a discharged phone can lead to the fact that the electronics will not cope with their task. In this case, you should find the most "strong" charging, connect it and hope for a miracle. The phone will not immediately respond to her. I had a case when, after a full discharge, the phone lay connected to charging for almost an hour and did not show signs of life. However, then he came to life and went to charge. So do not bring your device to such a state.

Although at the same time, too long a "recharge" is no less harmful. If you long time keep the phone on charge when the battery is 100% charged - this will also lead to the death of the battery. And even more! Not just death, but to its swelling, and sometimes even tearing! Of course, the smart electronics of the device is ready for this, it prevents it by everyone possible ways, but no smart electronics will protect you more effectively than simply turning off charging at the end of the charge.

So how do I charge my phone? Reloading is impossible, unloading is also impossible ... What should I do? In fact, everything is simple. Charge your phone not when you have 1% left, but when the charge level drops below 20-30%. Charge to 100% and take out the charger. Of course, you should not run every five minutes to the phone and check, as soon as the charge has reached 100% - immediately get it. If, after the end of the charging cycle, the phone lies connected to the network for half an hour or an hour, nothing will happen to it. The charge controller will simply disconnect the phone from the network and stop charging. But as soon as the phone is discharged by 99%, it will start charging up to 100% again. This constant full recharge just harms the power elements. Therefore, you should not leave your phone plugged in all night. But an hour of lying after full charge- nothing bad will happen to him.

And since we are talking about the charge controller, it’s worth telling you that you shouldn’t forget about it either. In fact, over time, from such discharges to 20-30% and charging, it can go a little off and show not entirely accurate readings. Those. for example real level 30%, and he will show you 20. What to do? In fact, everything is simple. Approximately once a month or two, still carry out the cycle full discharge and fully charged! Yes, of course, this harms the battery a little, but it’s not so critical if such cycles take place once a month or two. Thus, you will periodically calibrate the charge sensor so that it shows the correct values.

Part 2. Briefly about how to charge the phone.

So what do we end up with? Let's deduce the charging rules from all of the above mobile phone:

  • Don't overcharge. If the phone is left on charge for a long time at 100% charge, it harms the battery.
  • Full discharge is no less harmful. Do not allow the battery to fully discharge. Put the phone on charge at a value of about 20%.
  • Once a month or two, carry out a full discharge / charge cycle to calibrate the phone charge sensor.
  • Do not charge in short bursts. It is better to charge once normally than 10 times at 8%.

That's actually all! You see a small charge - charge, when finished - turn off. Simple, right? :)

And further. On the Internet, I often saw advice that a newly purchased phone should be charged either all night, or 12 hours ... I would like to ask why do this if the phone turns off charging when it reaches 100%? we will talk about this separately about charging your phone for the first time.

At first, I would advise you to drop the phone you just bought to zero. This is not difficult to do. While you download applications, while you get acquainted with the functionality, while you insist, there is already no battery. Then charge it to 100%. If you carefully read the publication, I think you should guess why to do this. It is desirable to do this not for battery operation, but in order to calibrate the charge sensor. In principle, the same procedure can be repeated a second time if desired, although not necessarily. Actually, everything, after which proceed to the regular use of the phone, taking into account all the rules written above.

Part 3. How to choose a charger for your phone?

Today, when choosing chargers, there is such a choice that you don’t know what is better to take. But in fact, it is still easier here than with the charging process itself. Today, fortunately, the days when each phone was charged through its own charger and when each phone had its own connector are gone. Today, the micro usb standard dominates, which successfully replaces the newer USB Type-C. But the connector does not really play any role in choosing the charger itself.

The first thing you should pay attention to is that the output current should not be lower than 2.1 A. Why not lower than 2.1 A? What is this parameter and what does it affect? In short and generally speaking, while charging the gadget. On the device, the output current can be marked as "output" or "output", the numbers indicated next to it mean how much current the memory is capable of transmitting. Charging a smartphone usually requires a current of at least 0.7 A. For a capacious battery tablet - about 2 A.

Very often you can hear the question, on the "native" charging, the current is indicated for example 1A, what will happen if I connect the charger to 2A? Will the phone burn out? No, it's all modern smartphones are provided with the power controller already mentioned above, which does not take more than a smartphone needs. But on the other hand, if the phone can "use" this current, the gadget will charge faster. So it definitely won’t get any worse, and maybe even better.

In a nutshell, I want to say about charging from a computer. It is not uncommon for many to charge their jn PC gadgets. Is it correct? Actually yes and no. Those. if we are talking about charging small gadgets such as watches or old simple phones, then there are no problems at all. But if it's about top smartphones, tablets and other "heavy" devices, then everything is not so simple. At the time of the development of these ports, it could not even be thought that a charging function might be required from them. And therefore their output current is only 0.5A. Now compare it to 2-3A tablet charging? Therefore, when you try to charge your brand new tablet, you cause a huge load on motherboard computer.

Part 4. About data security.

Well, in the end, I would like to say a few words about security, not in terms of hardware, but at the software level. Haven't you thought that easy charging may cause non-working smartphone not because of a burnt board, but because of viruses? Let's talk about this at the end.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the fact that both connecting to a computer and connecting to charging in phones have long been carried out through the same port. This is of course convenient for the user, but also convenient for intruders who want to get access to your phone.

A very illustrative experiment was carried out at the RSA security conference, which was held in San Francisco. Representatives of Authentic8 assembled a charging station at their booth and offered it to the participants of the event. About 80 percent of conference attendees took advantage of the offer without even asking if it was safe.

"They were at an event where security issues were discussed, and they should probably understand such things. However, for some reason they did not suspect anything.", explained the authors of the experiment.

Of course, the authors did not aim to steal data, but to show vulnerability. Therefore, the data was not stolen. The hack consisted in the fact that the inscription was displayed on the screens of their phones: " Please take care of security and do not connect your phone to unfamiliar devices". However, in the same way, you can not only play a trick, but also steal almost all information from the device. From personal photos to registration data social networks and data bank cards. How to avoid it? Just follow simple rules:

Best not to use public charging stations. Well, if there is no other choice, do not use the "built-in" wire, but find a regular outlet and use your charger. This simple "life hack" will allow you to save not only battery power, but also your personal data.

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At least once in a lifetime, the need for emergency charging of a mobile phone disturbed and puzzled every second person. How else, because in modern world without communication, as without hands. What to do if you were not near charging wire, sockets and suitable conditions to increase the power capacity of the phone? How can you “revive” a mobile device, at least for a couple of calls?

Safe methods to charge a mobile phone without charging

If you unexpectedly stayed overnight with a friend, stayed at work and in any other situation, when, as luck would have it, your “native” charger is not around, you can use some tricks:

  • First, you will always help simple USB cable. It can be found in almost every apartment, any office, and even in some public or entertainment venues. Connect it to your phone and then to your existing gadget (laptop, tablet, etc.). Voila, your mobile device is charging!
  • Secondly, it is necessary to drop constraint. In situations where the existence of a connection is a matter of life and death, you can turn to others for help. Today, almost everywhere you can meet young people with chargers and portable batteries. Guaranteed, in the end, no one will refuse you the desired service.
  • Thirdly, in all salons mobile communications You can purchase an optional portable battery to fit your mobile device. Thus, you will forever forget about the problem of emergency phone charging. In addition, these gadgets are quite simple to use. Made of almost weightless materials, they won't take up much space in your bag. However, do not forget that such a device also needs to be pre-charged!
  • Fourth, if you drive a car, then you are familiar with such a device as a cigarette lighter. With its help, it will not be difficult to “revive” a mobile phone. The main thing is to have car cable for recharging, which can be bought at any branch cellular communication at a nice price. Remember that the phone will charge more slowly from the cigarette lighter than from a standard 220 V socket. If you want to speed up this process, then turn on the “air mode” function on your device, remembering to turn it off additional options, such as GPS, Bluetooth, etc.. If you turn off the phone during recharging, the energy accumulation will be a hundred times faster.

Emergency measures for charging a cellular device

There are times when there is no civilization around, no conditions for searching, the same, USB wires, large shopping center or cell phone shop. This happens, for example, when going out to the forest for mushrooms, walking with friends for a picnic, etc. But staying in touch 24 hours from modern man requires the usual fussy lifestyle: work, business acquaintances, etc. What to do under these circumstances? It should immediately be noted that the following methods are unsafe and can lead to disastrous consequences. This extreme measures dictated more by desperation than sanity:

  • It is possible to charge the phone from someone else's device, even if the connector does not fit your gadget. To do this, just cut the cable so that the blue and red parts come out. Then, you need to carefully remove the battery from own phone, and determine which side is “+”, and which side is “-“. After all this, you should very carefully attach the blue thin wire to the “+” sign, and the red one to the “-“ sign. If you do everything right, then the phone will start charging.
  • The next option for the most desperate, suitable for those who are stuck in the bosom of nature. It is necessary to have a steel knife and fire at hand. First of all, you need to warm up the knife blade and attach the battery with contacts to the metal. Thus, there will be a slight accumulation of energy, which is enough for several emergency calls. Note, do not heat the knife too much!
  • If you have scotch tape or insulating tape in your arsenal, you can try to seal the contacts of the telephone battery with sticky material, and then put it in its “native” place. This will also contribute to a slight accumulation of energy.
    Once again pay attention to the fact that all the methods of recharging a cellular device presented in this section are extreme and dangerous both for the phone and for your health.

The best way to charge a mobile phone without a "native" cable

Whatever one may say, but the best way“feeding” a mobile phone without a “native” charger is the purchase of a portable solar battery. Such a gadget does not require additional attention, it is easy to use, easy to wear, and most importantly, it is always ready to come to the rescue of you and yours. cellular device wherever you are!

One of the most common problems modern user smartphones is fast discharge pet.

In order to endow the built-in battery with an impressive capacity, you will have to sacrifice an elegant appearance.Humanity has not yet invented thin, but capacious batteries.

And there are only a few devices on the smartphone market, hallmark which is a high indicator of autonomy.

We recently talked about one of these devices - Oukitel K6000, great overview which you can read here.

The battery has a capacity of 6000mAh, which is already somewhat impressive. But much more impressive is the older brother -.

As you probably already know or just guessed from the name - the battery capacity of a smartphone is 10000mAh Accordingly, the dimensions of the device are far above average, such a long-lived tank.

That is why now at the top of popularity power banks. Many famous and not so famous brands trying to release power banks of their own production.

The principle of operation of the devices is extremely obvious: charge the bank in time to always be able to portable power up your smartphone. But what if long time no way to charge your little power station?

How to charge a smartphone in the forest, on a hike?

Let's try to figure out whether it is realistic to revive a dead battery without the help of sockets.

1 . Charging with vegetables and fruits

Certainly, this method charging a smartphone can hardly be classified as serious.

But with due diligence, it is absolutely realistic to achieve a charge of 4-5%, which is enough for several calls. The most popular in this field is lemon.

But given the low specific internal resistance and, accordingly, a rapid drop in voltage, a minimum of fifty lemons for more or less intelligible results. British student suggested Alternative option- use onion.

There is one caveat: you must first moisten the bulb in an energy drink. And only after sufficient impregnation, the vegetable will be suitable for the role of a natural power bank.

The connection is made directly to the bulb through USB cable . In 2014 the British division of Nokia organized the project potato battery". To generate energy, 800 potatoes and apples were combined on one stand. And the result is really amazing!

An installation about 6 meters long produces a current of 20mA and a voltage of 6V, which is quite enough for complete charging a smartphone with a 2400mAh battery.

2. Charging with

In 2013, a post appeared on Kickstarter with the idea of ​​​​implementing a stand capable of charging smartphones from hot and cold drinks.

The process is similar to the Stirling engine: with periodic heating and cooling of the stand, a work cycle is formed, during which energy enough to charge your device. Personally, my opinion is that the idea really deserves attention, being an adequate replacement classical way charging.On the this moment necessary funds already collected for the project (more than $ 100,000), and the announced cost of the stand itself varies within 110-140$ .

Unfortunately, the development and implementation of the project took longer than expected, so the final date for the sale is still unknown.

3. Charging with kinetic system

One more interesting way smartphone charging. The principle is quite simple - when a person moves, vibration occurs, which is source energy. Development similar system several companies are engaged simultaneously, but the existing results are disappointing: despite the simplicity of the design (a conventional coil and a permanent magnet), there is a problem with too large dimensions.

However, the development process does not stop, so there is a very Great chance, what the modest any user will be able to purchase such a useful device.

4. Charging with

Great for charging field conditions. A cute device performs several functions at once: in addition to the usual capabilities of a stove for heating and cooking, you can use it to recharging your gadget. Any burning materials can be used as fuel, so there is no need for an additional combustible substance.

CampStove already available for purchase at a cost of ~160-190$.

In general, a completely justified price tag for such a multifunctional and at the same time compact enough device for a stove - height CampStove 21 cm, width 13 cm.

5. Charging with solar panels

Solar panels with the ability to charge smartphones are gaining more and more popularity.

This solar charger is specially designed for travel enthusiasts. Device battery capacity 5000mAh. The device received protection against water and shocks, equipped with two USB slots and an LED flashlight.

4 indicators indicate the level of charge. All materials used in the device are environmentally friendly. Price only 13$ !

next model solar charging It also supports charging two devices at once. Even with dim winter sunlight, the battery of a smartphone is charged by 2-3% in 10 minutes. Panels fold flat for easy transport. The cost is $50.

  • current: 2.5A, 5V
  • folded dimensions: 232x160x13mm
  • unfolded dimensions: 800x232x1mm
  • weight: 488gr.

Recently, an improved modification of the device with a current of 3A and a voltage of 18V was released, the cost of which has increased significantly compared to previous version - 180$ .

Of course, this is not the whole list of developments in the field of wireless chargers.

But precisely these devices have riveted the most attention of users.

What did you like the most? Which of the devices would you like to have or already have?

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