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Touch typing: free typing trainers online.

Many office workers, bloggers, webmasters, accountants and copywriters are looking for ways to learn how to type quickly. Speed ​​typing makes it possible to significantly reduce the time spent on writing materials and less tired eyes during work.

Studying this business is not difficult and short, but to get the result you should have one quality - willpower. Unfortunately, many have the desire to learn speed typing without having the strong will to force themselves to do two or three weeks of special exercises.

Typing keyboard. Learn to type faster

At the very beginning, you should choose a convenient and high-quality program that can help you master cursive writing on a computer. Such assistants can be the famous SOLO programs, Rapid Typing, Stamina and others, as well as online services. Each of these programs has both its strengths and weaknesses. To understand which one is best suited for learning, you should download all of them to your computer and test them.

Advantages of fast touch typing

What makes a person learn to type quickly? The simulator is that indispensable assistant that can provide additional opportunities for working with tests.

Main advantages:

When typing with all fingers, the number of errors is significantly reduced.

Typing takes place in a mechanical mode - each button has its own finger.

With the ability to write blindly, vision is preserved, since when typing you do not have to constantly move your eyes from the keyboard to the display, your eyes will not strain to such an extent, and therefore the amount of work can be done more than usual.

When completing the training course, it is possible to achieve a result of 400-500 characters per minute, due to which the productivity of all work increases by 15-20%, and the quality of typing only improves.

Mastering this skill allows you to focus not on typing characters, but on the correct presentation of thoughts.

How to quickly learn to type on the keyboard. Finger trainer

All of the above programs for cursive writing have the same teaching methodology. First, the student studies a series of letters located in the middle of the keyboard, that is, from "F" to "E". At the same time, he begins to learn to type letters randomly with certain fingers. Particular attention should be paid to the development of the little finger and ring finger.

After mastering the middle one, they move on to the upper and lower rows. Naturally, everything will not turn out well right away, but the student, having gained patience, will learn to type quickly. This will help special simulators.

SOLO Program

The most popular simulator for fast typing is the SOLO computer platform. And this is not just a training program, but a whole training course. It includes both typing and various recommendations, detailed instructions and a variety of materials that help to overcome the course, coping with the first manifestations of irritation and the desire to quit everything.

To master the entire SOLO course and learn how to learn how to quickly type, you need to go through about 100 exercises. If they are mastered, then this ensures that the person will now be able to type sentences blindly with all fingers. Each exercise consists of several tasks, often repeating the material covered earlier. For easy relaxation and raising your spirits, the authors of the program have placed funny interesting stories and anecdotes in the exercises, as well as the opinions of people who have studied on this platform.

Upon completion of each task, SOLO puts a certain mark from one to five.

Stamina Trainer

This is a free keyboard program. She helped many people learn how to type quickly on the keyboard. The simulator has a fun and pleasant interface. Training is carried out by step-by-step tasks, whose complexity increases with each time. All exercises are performed to a pleasant melody and funny sounds.

Rapid Typing Program

This is a free application in which you can learn how to speed dial in both Russian and English layouts. The simulator has a nice menu and training statistics.

Speed ​​typing school

This computer program was created to learn how to quickly type in a ten-finger blind way. The application has a variety of fun additions:

2. Blind typing - imitation of the operation of a printing press, reinforcing and strengthening the skill of cursive writing.

3. "Falling letters" - a game that helps to get a little distraction and take a break from the exercises.

4. Step by step instructions for learning the keyboard.

All of the above programs help you figure out how to learn how to quickly type on the keyboard, are installed on your computer and work without an Internet connection. Next, we will talk about online simulators showing how to learn how to type quickly.

SOLO on the Internet

The process of learning to type is almost the same as the main, installed program, except that here you can compete with other students who have also visited the web page of this application.

Project "All 10"

A new service for those who want to know how to learn how to quickly type on the keyboard. After the initial introductory steps, the student will be asked to take a test in order to understand the speed of typing, and then the tasks will begin. The project has two versions of the training course - English and Russian. Also in the menu there are detailed instructions and tips for performing all the exercises.

Educational game "Klavogonki"

The rules of this online application are very simple. The game randomly selects some text or sentences, and the student, together with competitors, tries to quickly type it without errors. Of course, all tasks are on time. At the end of the tasks, the winner is determined, who typed texts faster than others and made the fewest mistakes. Thanks to such an exciting competition, a person will learn what a high-speed typing keyboard is. Learning to type faster will be both easy and fun.

Time Speed ​​Online Service

This is a series of courses on teaching speed typing using touch and ten-finger typing.

No matter how good speed typing programs are, there are certain rules you should follow:

1. You can learn how to type words blindly after the habit of constantly looking at the keyboard is removed. To do this, while typing, you should cover your hands with some kind of cloth.

2. It is necessary to “teach” your fingers to press exactly those letters and symbols to which they correspond.

3. You can't rush while studying. Haste is not the most basic requirement for a student who decides to learn how to learn to type quickly. All simulators are set up to teach a person to type letters and words without errors without looking at the keyboard, and the speed will come by itself with experience.

4. You should study in a non-irritated, peaceful state, because if you start learning "on the nerves", then the exercises will not teach you anything, but will only sow even more discontent and anger.

5. If, nevertheless, irritation takes over, then it is necessary to stop classes until the desire to continue learning arises.

7. If a person has figured out how to quickly blindly learn to type, this does not mean that this skill cannot be lost. It is recommended to re-use keyboard trainers every six months to hone your abilities.

8. For those who type a lot of texts on a computer, a special ergonomic keyboard is suitable, where the keys are divided into two parts: for the left and right hand.


After training, the student must constantly practice fast typing, not "rest on his laurels", but work as often as possible, write something, most importantly, correctly. After all, simulators help to develop automatism of typing, but only constant practice can give coherent sentences that make sense of the story, without looking at the keyboard.

Such practical exercises include intensive communication on forums, social networks, chats, and so on. Thanks to this, the habit of writing quickly, but competently and accurately, will develop faster. And only then you can move on to the practice of writing large and complex texts. It is important to wean yourself from looking at the keyboard. If this is difficult to do, some users are advised to seal the keys with non-transparent adhesive tape, thereby provoking themselves to use the ten-finger blind typing technology.

You can learn how to quickly type texts and messages blindly in a fairly short time. The main thing is that there is a desire and perseverance. It's like riding a bicycle - at first it doesn't work out, you get nervous and worried, but with perseverance you learn to ride on two wheels and keep your balance. So here, with everyday short lessons on keyboard simulators, a very useful quick typing skill is developed, which will not easily save a lot of time, but will also help your eyes not get so tired while working on a computer.

Every Internet user at least once wondered: how to learn how to quickly type on the keyboard? There are a huge number of special online services with simulators that help you quickly and efficiently learn this craft. That's just one software simulator will not be enough. It is necessary to follow certain rules and tips to achieve a positive result.

Before you start training, you need to understand their essence. Many naively believe that if you practice a lot, while not observing the minimum set standards, then over time this skill will appear. Unfortunately, it is not. It is necessary not only to use simulators, but also to do it correctly.

First, it is worth learning that all ten fingers must be used to type correctly on the keyboard. Those who use only two indexes will never succeed.

This picture shows the correct diagram showing the binding of keys to certain fingers of a person. This principle should be learned and, if necessary, printed out for constant repetition. You should also remember the main rule: never make mistakes in this scheme and always print correctly. If you learn this well, then learning will accelerate at times.

Do not be surprised that with such a set, your usual typing speed will drop dramatically. This is quite normal and obvious. At first, you will have to train hard in this direction, not paying attention to the speed of recruitment. However, it will gradually increase.

Proper posture in front of a computer

It may seem strange, but this aspect is also important. Firstly, if you follow the rules of sitting in front of the computer, you will take care of your health, which is only a plus. Secondly, with the right fit, typing will only become more convenient and practical, this can be easily verified by your own example.

Blind printing

Indeed, typing blindly, that is, without looking at the keyboard, is very important when typing. However, this is not possible in the early stages of learning. In any case, you will have to constantly look at the keyboard until the location of all the keys takes root in muscle memory. Therefore, in the first steps, you should not try to look at the monitor, and not at the keyboard. So the process will only slow down.

Rhythm and technique

Most likely, you will develop your own rhythm and typing technique on your own over time. Just try to do everything in one rhythm, without sudden accelerations and decelerations.

It is equally important to press the keys correctly. It should be light tapping without keeping your fingers on them.


Of course, special software typing simulators enhance the effect of learning in practice, but sometimes you can do without them. The fact is that most of these services are designed to hone the printing of complex designs in order to quickly learn how to work with all fingers.

However, if you do not have time for constant training on simulators, you can do without them. The main thing is any practice, print any text and the skill will improve on its own.

Popular practice programs

If you do not have any practice in typing on the keyboard, then we recommend that you pay attention to. If you already have experience, then programs and are more suitable, their main feature is the adjustment of algorithms to the user, so that training is better. Suitable for school or other group activities, because it has a teacher mode in which you can create and edit lessons. For children who need motivation for learning, a children's simulator is suitable.

So, if hook hands (when it comes to typing and typing) are you, don't fret. You can easily improve your typing skills. The average person can type 38 to 40 words per minute, while professionals with larger keyboards can type up to 65 words per minute.

If you don't have much computer experience or if you've never worked with a typewriter, then it's normal that your typing speed is slower than others. However, it is never too late to improve your skills.

You certainly won’t become a typist overnight, which is why you need to be patient, don’t give up and follow the helpful life hacks below. Simple and effective tips will definitely help in improving your typing skills and typing speed.

The best way to learn how to type quickly on a keyboard is to use your ten fingers to the fullest. You won't get very far if you only use your index or middle fingers while typing.

Changing the way you type is not at all easy, especially if you've been typing the same way for years, but you need to place your index finger to the left of the key to get the correct position. F, and place the next three fingers on D, S and A respectively. On the right side, do the same with J, putting your right index finger on this key, and the next three fingers need to be placed on the keys K, L and; respectively. Your thumbs should rest on the keyboard. Everything is as in the gif image below.

It is also worth paying attention to the useful and interactive educational game. Dance Mat Typing, which you can use to improve your typing technique. The game is aimed at children, but it is also useful for adults.

Tip 2: Try not to look at the keyboard

Looking down and following the keyboard is slowing down. We do this in order to find the key we need, but if you want to speed up your typing skills, then you need to learn touch typing.

Memory is really important for correct and fast typing, so try to test your abilities. Do not expect that you will succeed the first time. Touch typing should be practiced gradually. For starters, reduce the amount of time you spend looking at the keyboard, and try to blindly find the key you need before admitting defeat. This will help in developing memory and confidence while typing.

Tip 3. Proper position and stretching of the fingers

What most people don't realize is that their position (or how they type) can affect the quality and speed of their typing. The correct position while typing is to keep your feet straight on the floor while your wrists should remain at the level of the keyboard. In this position, our fingers rest in the correct position and - believe it or not - this prevents any injury.

On a note! If you've been typing for quite some time, stretch your fingers to relax your joints.

Tip 4. Online games - keyboard simulators

Learning how to type quickly can be quite a tough process, so to keep the fun and passion going, you can make the process more interesting.

To date, the Internet has been flooded with keyboard trainers online. All you need is to choose the most interesting and suitable online game.

keybr is a great website to help you practice your typing.

typeracer(, which provides the ability to race other online typists from the keyboard in real time.

Free Typing Games to improve typing speed, they offer a set of games based on typing. To do this, follow the link and upgrade your typing skills while playing for fun.

You can get more help locally or at home. You can consult and find out if there are any paid typing courses in your city. If there are no such courses, then there is no need to be upset. You can study on your own or take online speed typing courses from the comfort of your home.

For all those who want to learn how to quickly print, sites such as:


Touch Typing Study help speed up typing skills and teach touch typing.

If you are fluent in English, you can also enroll in a foreign online typing course by selecting it by going to

It is also worth paying attention to Alison offers a free online course that you can take from the comfort of your home, or you can try the deeper learning CDs available on Amazon, such as: Mavis Beacon teaches Typing.

They perform certain functions and can be found in any operating system. If you remember their basic combinations that you use most often, then you will not have to spend time on the mouse.

Since in most cases these keys can be found next to the little finger, it will play a major role in pressing them.

This may be the most obvious tip, but as with anything, practice is probably the most important way to improve your typing speed.

Don't fall back into your old habits - position your fingers correctly on the keyboard and try not to look down while typing. Your speed will certainly decrease, but this is only at the very beginning of the journey. As you adjust, the new position will become your second self, and you will eventually notice a difference in typing speed before and after. So a little patience won't go to waste either.

Video - How to quickly type on the keyboard

Want to become a speed dial master? Typing 100 words per minute and typing boring documents faster?

Fast typing is almost a vital necessity. Proper use of the keyboard greatly affects our productivity. By quickly typing texts, you become more productive and "keep up with your brain." The speed typing skill allows you to write down the thoughts that are constantly playing in your head before you lose them.

In addition, it reduces fatigue. When you type a long text and constantly move your eyes from the keyboard to the screen and back, your eyes get tired very quickly and start to hurt. The thing is that they constantly have to change focus. And if you add the difference in lighting, it becomes clear why unpleasant sensations appear even after a short work on the computer.

These 7 tips will help you type quickly and efficiently even when blindfolded:

1. Get rid of bad habits

This point is the most difficult on the way to the art of fast printing. And I'm not talking about eating cake at 2 in the morning. Although it is also better to get rid of this habit :) Most likely, you are typing the same text that you used when you first met the keyboard. Right? This also applies to the position of the hands on the keyboard, and peeping.

If you like to play games, then most likely keep your hands over the keys "C", "F", "S", "V". And there are those who use only 2 fingers out of 10. If you are one of them, you have to look at the keyboard all the time to hit the correct letter.

But you want to work at speed, don't you? You urgently need to get rid of this habit and start using your hands correctly.

2. Use all 10 fingers

You ask, What is the right way to place your hands on the keyboard? If you look closely at your keyboard, you will see that the letters "A" and "O" ("F" and "J" in the Latin layout) have small protrusions. This will help you find the correct place for each finger without looking at the keyboard.

Place your fingers of your left hand on the keys "F", "S", "B", "A", and your right hand on the keys "F", "D", "L", "O". This is the middle main row of the keyboard. Place the index fingers of both hands on the keys with ledges.And then look at this diagram:

The colors indicate the keys that are convenient to press with each finger from the starting position.

There is an alternative hand position that many will find more comfortable. Place the fingers of the right hand over the letters "Y", "B", "A", "M", and the right hand - over the "T", "O", "L", "D". In this case, the hands are in a more natural position, but your little finger will have a good time.

Choose the position you like best. This factor does not greatly affect the speed.

3. Learn to touch type

People who type large amounts of text every day remember where each key is located. Looking at the keyboard only slows things down.Learning to keep your eyes open takes practice. And it will take you more than one hour. But if you train constantly, you will notice in a few weeks thatyour fingers "remember" which area "each of them is responsible for".

Even if it slows down your game a lot right now, try not to look at the keyboard. Try to enter some suggestion. Remember where each letter is. You can stealthily peek at one symbol. But you do not need to look where each letter is located. Every day it will be easier for you to type.When you remember where everything is, you will only have to choose the speed of typing.

4. Remember basic keyboard shortcuts

Not surprisingly, each operating system has a set of "hot keys" that perform different functions. Your hands are already on the keyboard, so why waste time and be distracted by the mouse?You don't have to memorize all combinations.Only the most basic:

  • Ctrl+C - copy;
  • Ctrl + X - cut;
  • Ctrl + V - paste;
  • Ctrl+Z - cancel;
  • Ctrl+S - save;
  • Ctrl+F - find a word;
  • Ctrl+A - select all;
  • Shift+→/← - highlight the next letter;
  • Ctrl+Shift+→/← - highlight the next word;
  • Ctrl+→/← - go to the next word without highlighting;
  • Home - go to the beginning of the line;
  • End - go to the end of the line;
  • Page Up - go up;
  • Page Down - go down.

you can use some keyboard shortcuts for quick work with pages in browsers. Here are some of them that will be useful for you:

  • Ctrl + Tab - go to the next tab;
  • Ctrl + Shift + Tab - go to the previous tab;
  • Ctrl + T - open a new tab;
  • Ctrl + W - close the current tab;
  • Ctrl + Shift + T - open a tab that was just closed;
  • Ctrl + R - refresh the page;
  • Ctrl + N - open in a new browser window;
  • Shift + Backspace - go one page forward;
  • Backspace - go back one page.

Most of these keys are located near the little finger, so he will be involved in a set of "hot combinations" most often.

5. How to learn to type at speed online

It is not necessary to turn the art of super-speed typing into a boring gray occupation. There are many programs you can use to make this process more fun. Here are a few "allies" to help you beat the keyboard and enjoy typing:

  • TypeRacer

This funny program will teach you how to quickly type on the Latin layout. Your typing speed is shown as a typewriter. You are given a small piece of text that you need to type faster than other users. It's like racing. The one who does it first is the winner.

  • Touch Typing Study

This application allows you to learn how to type in a wide variety of languages. There are even hieroglyphs. You are offered a list of lessons. With each new task becomes more difficult. It all starts with memorizing the main row. In the first lessons, you are offered to type a meaningless set of letters. This helps to concentrate not on the meaning, but on the arrangement of characters, in order to print full-fledged texts at speed in the future.

  • Stamina

One of the most popular simulators in the CIS. This little program can be downloaded from the official website. Adds some fun to your workouts and offers a selection of different letters and words.

  • Sense language

Also provides you with a set of lessons. First, you need to print a set of letters, with an increase in complexity and speed, words and sentences appear. You can take a test to test your typing speed and choose any language, or print a piece of text of your choice.

6. Practice the rhythm

The typing rhythm is the amount of time between keystrokes. The smoother it is, the faster you will learn touch typing techniques. Return your fingers to their original position after pressing the key.

7. How to learn to type quickly

Take your time when you first begin to master the technique of touch typing. Increase the speed only when you feel that you have learned the location of the keys and press them out of habit without thinking. Take your time to keep out, and always keep 1-2 words in mind that go on. Gradually increasing the speed, you will not only print quickly, but also begin to do it efficiently.


Now you know how to learn how to type quickly. You may ask if there is a difference on what type of device and manufacturer to type on? Not!Of course, there are several designs, models and layouts. Choose their design according to your taste. And these recruiting rules are universal. The only thing that changes if you have a keyboard with a layout other than the standard "QWERTY" is the location of the letter "Ё" and some other characters.

Probably, many users are interested in the question of how to type correctly on the keyboard with maximum efficiency. After all, the speed and quality of work on a personal computer largely depends on the ability to interact with this input device. It is known that in order to acquire a particular skill, a person must constantly train and improve his skill. The ability to type correctly on a computer was no exception. Being constantly engaged, a person acquires the necessary skills quickly enough, after which it remains only to keep fit.

Where to begin?

Knowing how to type on the keyboard correctly means saving time significantly. This is the main reason to improve your typing speed. However, before you start learning, you should remember that you do not need to rush and force things. The most important goal is to develop good finger muscle memory to the point where the typing process is almost automatic. First you need to find out how fast you type text. A good typing speed can be considered a value of 200-250 characters per minute. Compare it with yours. To learn how to type correctly on the keyboard, you first need to master the art of typing with all ten fingers. Moreover, it is desirable to do this without looking - blindly. To get started, position your fingers correctly on the keyboard. The keys on which the left hand should lie are "f", "s", "v" and "a", and the right hand: "o", "l", "d" and "g". Some, however, use an alternative option, in which instead of "f" the left hand lies on "m", and the right, respectively, on "t" instead of "g". Be sure to remember the location of the remaining keys and only then proceed. Do not rush, because. the main thing at this stage is to develop the skill of blind typing.

Today, there are many special sites on the Internet that will tell you how to type correctly on the keyboard and offer so-called simulators that will teach you touch typing. You can also find applications that you need to download and install on your PC. A good way to increase the speed of typing is to maintain your own "live journal", blog, chat with friends in chats and on guestbooks, set voluminous texts (for example, doing rewriting or copywriting), and so on.

Learn keyboard shortcuts

Also, for more efficient use of the keyboard, we advise you to remember as many combinations of "hot" keys as possible in the programs that you use. This will give you the opportunity to use the mouse much less often to search for various functions in the application menu. Keyboard shortcuts can be used to save or print a document or other file, copy and paste text and graphics information. In general, knowing the necessary combinations, you can work without resorting to the mouse at all, which saves time and increases productivity.

Functional Assistants

It is worth mentioning that in addition to the standard ones, modern keyboards also have function keys, a special panel for quickly entering numbers (NumLock) and a navigation panel that controls the cursor. For effective work, you should study their purpose. So, function keys are used to quickly perform certain actions in applications. For example, pressing F6 in Total Commander corresponds to the "Move" command, and F5 in any browser is used to refresh the current page. The navigation buttons "Home" and "End" move the cursor, respectively, to the beginning or end of the line, and so on.


Now you know more about how to type correctly and use the keyboard effectively. Of course, in order to learn how to quickly type text and navigate in all the variety of "hot" keys, it will take time. However, it is worth it to put all your efforts into mastering simple, but very useful subtleties.

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