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Weak yota signal. External antenna for signal amplification

No matter how rapidly technologies develop, wireless Internet, even of the latest generation, is significantly inferior in quality to the usual wired connection to the World Wide Web. Telecommunication company Yota provides its users with excellent wireless connectivity and 4G internet. In order to make the Internet more stable, you can use the Yota signal booster. Users can make this device with their own hands.

Why does internet speed fail?

Almost every user sooner or later has to think about how to raise the Yota signal level. When problems arise, first of all, it is important to find out what is the reason for the poor-quality Yota 4g lte signal. The fact is that a weak internet has several reasons. The main ones are:

  • adverse weather conditions;
  • significant unevenness of the terrain;
  • long distance to the base station;
  • many connected gadgets;
  • high network loads;
  • the presence of a large number of obstacles inside the premises, etc.

There are other factors as well. We are able to influence some of them, others are completely independent of users. In these cases, artificial amplification of the Yota signal will help to solve the problem.

How to make Yota more sociable

Antenna for Yota, designed by hand, is the best way out of the situation. The modem and router have their own antennas. However, an external Yota antenna will significantly affect the process of receiving the Internet on the device. With its help, you can improve the Yota modem signal by 5 times.

Users have two options of equal quality:

  • purchase a Yota modem, the power of which is better, or buy an additional antenna;
  • antenna for can be designed by yourself.

To implement the first option, you need to go to the store and, with the help of specialists, choose the right model. Be prepared for the fact that it is quite expensive, about 3 - 3.5 thousand rubles. The second option is cheaper, but requires a little more effort.

How to amplify the signal with your own hands

The first step is to measure the signal of the router and determine in which zone the Yota signal level will be stable and sufficient for high-quality Internet use. To do this, you need to use a service that measures speed. Checking the Yota signal level should be carried out not only indoors, but also from the outside. Sometimes, to achieve good quality, you have to install the device outdoors, having previously provided it with protection from the external environment.

Having figured out the question of how to check the signal level as a result of testing, choose a place for the router and build an antenna from available tools. Good amplifiers to increase the quality of the Internet from Yota come from ordinary lids for kitchen pots and pans. All that is required of you is to fix the Yota 4g modem on the cover and install it where the signal was strongest.

Some craftsmen build good antennas from cans. A household grill is also suitable. From improvised means, you can build a device that will catch signals from all sides at once. Another trick that makes it possible to improve the signal is to strengthen the modem on the satellite dish. Its own antenna should point towards the receiving station.

The question of how to amplify the Yota signal has found many answers in society. Many people come up with their own methods, which, contrary to the opinion of some experts, increase the quality of Internet reception. If you correctly calculate the factors that worsen the quality of the Yota signal, you may not have to think about how to improve the Internet and build an additional antenna.

Often, a noticeable improvement is observed after foreign objects are removed from the router. Electronics especially interferes. We also strengthen the signal when we control the number of devices connected to the network. Sometimes it makes sense to change the password from the default to your own to prevent unauthorized connections.

An Internet amplifier may not be needed if you connect and correctly configure two parallel routers. In some cases, this may be enough to strengthen the bond. Determine how close the base station is to you before taking any action. You may not even be in the coverage area. In such cases, no amplifiers will help to correct the situation.

As a rule, if your house is located in the "available reception" zone (marked in blue on Yota coverage maps), then this means that outside the premises you can have a stable connection, and when you try to connect in the house or during precipitation you cannot either do not detect the signal or find it very weak and unstable. This leads to the fact that in order to connect to the Internet, you are forced to look for a place where to place your laptop with a Yota LTE USB modem in which the connection will not break and the speed will be good. Usually such places are by the window or completely unpredictable in the far corner of a room. So you are forced to move your comfortable workplace to a completely unsuitable place due to the fact that there "catches the Internet". If all of the above happens in your house, then you definitely need to amplify the Iota signal for reliable reception throughout the entire area of ​​the house and the adjacent area.

How the radio signal is amplified

To transmit information, Yota, as well as cellular operators of the GSM and 3G standards, uses a radio signal that propagates from the base station (BS) to the subscriber and from the subscriber to the BS. Therefore, to amplify the Yota radio signal, you can apply the same principles that are used for GSM and 3G radio signals. To enhance cellular communication in places of poor reception, repeaters with external and internal antennas are used. The principle of operation of such devices is that an antenna is installed outside the house on the facade or above the roof of the house, which receives the signal from the BS and transmits it via the drop cable to the repeater, which in turn amplifies the received signal and transmits it to the internal antennas installed inside the house. ... The cell phone perceives these antennas as being close to the base station. The signal received by the internal antennas from the phone is transmitted to the repeater, where, if necessary, it is amplified and transmitted by the external antenna to the BS.

As a rule, an antenna with a narrow radiation pattern is used as an external antenna, that is, a directional antenna, which allows you to obtain a significant gain in gain compared to an omnidirectional antenna. Also, the fact that this is a stationary antenna, which can be raised to a height sufficient for reliable reception, is of no small importance and allows you to achieve reception where it is not available on the official coverage maps of cellular operators.

Features of Yota signal amplification

The disadvantage of the standard amplification scheme used in GSM and 3G is that subscriber devices for Internet access (PCs, laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc.) must have built-in support for the LTE standard. At the moment, only a small percentage of the entire fleet of such devices support LTE, but almost all of them support work with WiFi. Therefore, the solution that we use to amplify the Yota signal uses the WiFi network to communicate with subscriber devices. Thus, the LTE channel is used as the "last mile" for communication with the provider, and the well-established WiFi standard is used for home coverage.

The advantages of our equipment

The sensitive directional MIMO antenna is structurally made in the same case with the modem, which made it possible to reduce the cost of the design, since expensive high-frequency cables and connectors are not used - a regular computer cable (twisted pair or USB, depending on the selected set of equipment) goes from the antenna to the house. Data via such a cable is digital, and thus Yota receiving equipment can be easily integrated into the existing computer network of the facility: connected to a router, server, network switch, access point, or to one single PC.

The antenna body has a compact, simple shape, streamlined for the wind and does not create a lot of windage. Such an antenna can easily be placed in any accessible place and will not attract too much attention.

How to order the Yota signal amplification service?

The process of selecting a signal amplification solution begins with placing an application on our website. To do this, you just need to specify the exact address of the house or its GPS coordinates. Based on this information, we will check whether your house falls within the theoretical coverage area of ​​Yota and will contact you to clarify the installation time of the equipment and agree on the cost of the work.


Many who have used or are using Yota unlimited internet are faced with the problem of a weak signal, which leads to a low download speed. This, of course, is upsetting and upsetting. It even happens that it seemed to be normal before, but now the signal is bad. What if the Iota signal is weak and how to strengthen it?

Let's consider the causes of the problem and how to solve it.

What if Iota's signal is weak?

  1. Try to move the modem closer to the window, preferably towards the Yota base station. This may require a USB extension cable. It is not recommended to use a USB extension cable longer than 5 meters, in addition, cheap USB cables may not work at all with the modem.
  2. Try to move the modem to another room, to another floor. Thick walls, especially brick and reinforced concrete, impede signal propagation.
  3. Use a special ... In this case, the panel antenna will help to catch and amplify the scattered signal, and the parabolic antenna will tune to the base station at a great distance. It is recommended to use antennas with MIMO technology, because this allows you to catch the signal simultaneously in the horizontal and vertical planes.

Note that the antenna is a passive element, and there is no 4G LTE amplifier in it. Strengthening the Yota signal is achieved only by changing the antenna pattern and more accurate focusing of the signal. A quantitative measure of antenna efficiency is the gain (GF). The more KU the antenna has, the narrower its radiation pattern and the more difficult it will be to point such an antenna exactly at the base station. Moreover, it is necessary to tune the antenna in two planes: in the horizontal and in the vertical.

For an accurate assessment of the signal, as well as the selection of the necessary equipment for amplification of Yota signal it is worth contacting specialists. We offer the service " ".

Many of us use WiMAX and LTE networks to access the Internet. The provider company Yota deservedly takes its rightful place in this segment of wireless communication services. Of course, it is very simple and convenient - I plugged the modem into the computer, and if there was coverage, I got high-speed unlimited Internet. But quite often there are problems associated with a weak signal and low speed of the Internet connection. What can an ordinary user do in such an unpleasant situation?

Currently, the Yota provider carries out data transmission in two frequency ranges of 1800 and 2600 MHz, which theoretically should allow any subscriber within a radius of up to seven kilometers from the base station to confidently receive a signal. But in practice, ultra-high frequency radio waves, especially in dense urban areas, have a bad property to reflect from obstacles, fade and scatter. The signal strength drops, and the speed of the Internet connection decreases accordingly. Let's try to strengthen the necessary parameters together. Methods for improving the Iota signal reception can be divided into two groups: shareware and those requiring significant financial investments.

Method 1: Change USB Port

Very often, users connect the Iota modem to the USB ports on the front panel of the computer's system unit, motivating their actions by the fact that it is closer and more convenient. But according to experts, this is not recommended. These ports are connected to the motherboard with thin wires and there is a slight loss of signal strength from the modem at this stage. So switch the whistle to the USB port on the back of the case and you may notice a slight improvement in connection performance.

Method 2: USB extension cable

You can use a simple USB extension cable as an antenna. Any cable of this type up to 5 meters long is suitable, preferably with copper contacts and ferrite rings.

Method 3: homemade antennas

Using the tools at hand, you can make a homemade antenna to amplify the Yota signal. The simplest option is the so-called 4G colander. There are kitchen utensils in every house, we take an aluminum colander, place the modem inside its bowl so that the upper part of the "whistle" is in the central part of the dishes, parallel to the bottom. According to the craftsmen, the amplification of the signal with the help of this product can be twofold.

Another homemade antenna from scrap materials can be built from an ordinary can of drinks. We cut out the lid on one side, make a hole in the middle of the can, into which we place the Iota modem, connected by a USB extension cable to the computer. We are looking for the position with the best signal on the window or on the balcony. The gain of this antenna can be very noticeable.

A slightly altered satellite dish, where instead of a converter, you need to fix a modem, can give a good effect of amplifying the Yota signal. Then we find out the location of the base station. To do this, call the Iota support service and ask the operator to help you align the antenna correctly.

The scope for technical creativity is endless here. On the Internet, you will find hundreds of options for making an antenna for receiving a Yota signal. If you wish, you can check the performance and efficiency of the proposed structures.

Method 4: Equipment for signal amplification

Russian and foreign manufacturers offer the consumer a wide range of various equipment for amplifying the 4G signal. You can simply purchase and install an indoor or outdoor antenna, with an active or passive amplifier. But, unfortunately, it is impossible to guarantee that the investment of funds in such devices will be successful. Each separate point of the terrain has its own purely individual conditions for the propagation of radio waves, the degree of congestion of base stations, the level of interference, and so on. If there is a direct line of sight to the BS emitter, then it is wiser to try a narrow beam antenna. She looks like in the photo.
If there are serious obstacles between the tower and the modem, it is more advisable to try a panel-type antenna, which is effective in conditions of reflected and scattered signal. Externally, the panel antenna looks like a small flat box.

Summarize. It is quite possible to amplify the received Yota signal. You can use improvised means and special equipment for this. You can choose the method that suits your particular conditions and capabilities. Good luck!

Wireless technologies are far from perfect, so many users are faced with a weak radio signal, as a result of which the Internet speed drops or disappears altogether. Therefore, many users want to know how to amplify the Yota signal. Of course, you can buy special equipment to amplify the signal, but this pleasure is very expensive. Therefore, you can try to amplify the Yota signal with your own hands by assembling a special antenna. This is not difficult to do.

How to amplify Yota signal?

Yota is one of the operators that connects users to the wireless Internet. This provider is popular among the residents of the Russian Federation, but many of its clients may experience inconvenience due to the imperfection of the provider's equipment. Problems arise even in areas where the signal needs to be clear due to the availability of coverage. Therefore, manufacturers are also looking for a way, as they produce special amplifiers to improve the signal. However, their price can be higher than the modem itself. For example, a branded Wimax amplifier costs around 3.0-3.5 thousand rubles. And this despite the fact that the cost of the modem itself is below three thousand rubles. You have to pay twice for Internet access.

But this is the simplest way, suggesting how to amplify the Yota signal, so many users resort to it. But we will go the other way and will not overpay big money.

It is not always appropriate to give money for connection and then pay for equipment to amplify the signal. So, craftsmen came up with the idea to do it on their own. Users claim that they amplify the signal by 7 times, which is why the access speed increases noticeably. You can use these antennas not only with the Yota operator, but also with any other.

Types of antennas for the Yota modem

There are many options for antennas that are made from different materials. If you single out the basic and simple types, then you must definitely name the following: canned (made from an ordinary metal can), omnidirectional (look like a pencil), pseudosatellites (like satellite dishes, such antennas have a large reflecting area).

The simplest one is a canned antenna, to create which we need a tin can, an N-socket, a copper wire and a couple of screws. If someone is trying to find out on the forums how to strengthen the Yota signal, then they will first of all be advised to make a can antenna.

It all looks simple, but calculations are needed to create a device. We will write about how to make such an antenna below.

We will not write about an omnidirectional antenna, since its manufacture will require knowledge that you most likely do not have. But homemade pseudo-satellites are often used. Here, kitchen utensils (a saucepan, for example), foil and household items (for example, an umbrella or a metal grill) are used as a reflector.

Search for the nearest base station

Knowing like Yota is not enough. First of all, you need to understand where the nearest BS is. Even if your home is listed by an operator in the coverage area, the signal may not be available. Therefore, we are looking for the direction of the nearest BS and determine how difficult the visibility is. In other words, we must understand if there is any possibility of connection with or without an amplifier.

The fact is that in the city, the BS can guarantee good quality of communication, being at a distance of 200-300 meters from the house. And in a village, the distance can be at least 20 km, and the quality of communication will be excellent. Network utilization plays an important role, and in poorly populated areas it is always low.

Before amplifying the Yota signal, we determine where the BS is. We call the operator (support service) and ask for help to install the antenna correctly. The provider's forum can also help you do this. You just need to provide your address. There are even special sites where you can get this information. And if none of the methods helps, just try to find what interests you on the Internet.

Setting up a homemade antenna

Making an antenna is not all. It is important to configure it correctly. Here, the correct direction of the amplifier plays the most important role, taking into account the vertical and horizontal deflection. It is also worth remembering that the signal tends to bounce off surfaces, so sometimes it can be caught from an unexpected direction. You do not need to worry especially if you cannot immediately catch a strong signal. Perhaps, in search of it, you will have to walk around with a laptop and an antenna. If you live in a private house, then it is worth climbing onto the roof of the house.

Visually, the signal strength is determined in a special program from Yota. You will have it after purchasing the modem. On average, it will take you an hour to set up and search for a signal. Approximately the same amount will have to be spent on making the antenna itself.

Making an antenna to enhance the Yota modem signal

It is assumed that you have the calculations. They will not be shown here, since this is a completely different profile.

We will need: a high tin can (for example, from pineapples) made of tin, a regular N-nest, which is also called “mother”. You also need a copper wire with a cross-section of 2 mm and a few screws.

So, we take a jar with a diameter of about 8-10 cm and a height of about 13-14 cm. Leave the upper part, you do not need to cut it off. Have a plastic cover in there. Now we screw our N-connector to the bank somewhere in the center of the wall and solder a copper piece of wire (about 3.5 cm long) to it, which will act as a waveguide. If there is a plastic lid to the jar, then use it - close the jar. If not, then it is advisable to apply something else (for example, film). This will protect the structure from the effects of the external environment. But first, test your creation without a lid.

If you did everything correctly (and pre-made the correct calculations), then only then can you close the jar with a lid. If after this the signal becomes worse, then use another cover or do not use it at all.


Before you make an antenna yourself and try to amplify the Yota signal, you should make sure that you really need it, and you can't just buy an amplifier. If the calculations are incorrect, there is a small chance of just ruining your modem. As a result, you will be left at a loss.

If you don't want to risk it, then just buy a ready-made amplification kit for the signal. Judging by the feedback from users, the signal is significantly amplified and the download speed rises to the one declared by the provider.


Now you know how to amplify the Yota signal, and you can try to do it yourself. You don't have to spend a lot of money on equipment, although, admittedly, it usually helps a lot. If you are a little familiar with radio technology, then you can cope with this task without any problems. As a last resort, if you have a radio electronics repair shop in your city, ask there how to strengthen the Yota modem signal and offer to help you. An experienced craftsman will cope with this task and will not give up part-time work. In any case, it will be cheaper than buying a new amplifier or antenna.

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