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Skype noise during a call - How to remove background noise in Skype. Eliminate noise in Skype

Skype is a modern means of communication through which you can communicate with friends around the world. To make calls. You need a microphone and headphones or speakers. For video communication - an additional webcam. The quality of communication is a very important parameter and depends on many factors. A common problem for most users is the hissing microphone in Skype during a call. In the article you will find step-by-step steps, following which you will learn how to remove background noise in Skype.

If you or someone you're talking to hears too much noise and interference while talking on Skype, then the problem is almost always due to the speakers, extraneous noise, or your microphone. Especially the microphone. The higher its sensitivity, the more sounds it picks up, which creates interference in Skype.

Before proceeding with any serious manipulation, try turning down the volume of the speakers. If you communicate without headphones, then the sound from the speakers may be picked up by the microphone, and your interlocutor will hear his own echo. In most cases, this helps to remove noise in Skype. If the noise still persists, or if you don't have external volume controls, check the audio levels on your computer.

Step 1

Type "sound" in the Start search bar and then click "Sound" in the results. The Sound Options window will open.

Step 2

Click the Playback tab in the Sound window if you hear too much noise at the end of a Skype call. Select the speakers or headphones you use for Skype, then click the Properties button.

Step 3

Click the Levels tab in the Headphones or Speakers window. The levels use a scale from zero to 100. Drag the slider to the left to decrease the speaker and microphone volume. Click Apply, then OK.

Step 4

Click the Microphone tab in the Sound window. Your microphone may pick up ambient sounds in the room during a call. Select the microphone you are using, click Properties, and go to the Levels tab.

Step 5

Move the speakers or microphone so that they are at least 30 cm apart. If the microphone picks up sound from the speaker, it can cause a feedback loop, creating a build-up of background hum and noise.

Drag the Gain slider to 0.0 dB if it's not zero. Now drag the Microphone slider to any level between 80 and 90, Click Apply, then OK. Check the connection quality. If the quality did not satisfy you and it was not possible to remove the noise in Skype, repeat the procedure by moving the “Gain” slider one position forward.

You can check your settings by making a test Skype call (Echo sound test) or by calling and talking to another person for a few seconds, then go back and change the levels if necessary. If the sound is fine and the microphone is no longer noisy, you can close the Sound window and enjoy your Skype call.

Gradually increase the sensitivity while checking the quality of the connection. The purpose of boost is to make faint sound audible and to remove microphone hiss. Set the level at which your voice can be heard clearly with as little noise as possible.

Note: Before calibrating the microphone, move it so that it is closer to your lips and further away from any potential source of noise, such as a PC cooler or TV. Many microphones are directional, so if the microphone is on a short cable, try turning off or removing the noise source from the room, if possible, to fix the problem.

Step 6

Close any applications on your computer that may be using your bandwidth. If your internet is slow or your bandwidth is almost full, this can cause strange voice distortion during your call, and this can lead to words being unintelligible, as well as lagging behind the video, or vice versa.

If you're using Windows 10, it's worth pausing updates, especially if you have a slow Internet connection, as they take up most of your traffic.

Step 7

If the above steps do not help and you cannot remove background noise in Skype, you should make sure that your equipment is working. If the microphone wheezes, this may indirectly indicate a hardware problem with the recording device. In this case, your interlocutor has a wheezing sound in the speakers. Try connecting a different microphone to your computer, calibrate it following the tips above, and try pinging again. If the problem is solved, then you should replace the microphone.

Ask the person you're talking to to check their microphone and speakers if you're sure the problem isn't with you, but with the other person.

Now you know what to do if the microphone is phoning in Skype. These are the main ways to troubleshoot call quality and microphone noise issues. They work both on Windows 10 and on other operating systems, including android.

Not only the comfort of the speakers depends on the sound quality, but also the degree of understanding of each other's speech. If the interlocutor is heard clearly, then everything said by him will be clear. In the case of noise and wheezing, speech understanding is greatly reduced. For good hearing in Skype no expensive microphones, headphones or speakers required. It will be enough for budget devices, a stable Internet connection and not the oldest computer.

But sometimes, even in the presence of all of the above, the sound wheezes in Skype. How to fix this problem? Consider two options: the problem of a microphone and speakers. For each of them there is an individual solution.

Microphone problem

Noise in audio transmission is most often associated with excessive microphone volume. You can lower it in the parameters of the program itself. Don't forget to uncheck the auto-configuration option.

You can also configure the device using the internal system tools. Open the "Control Panel", there find the section "Sound" or "Sound Hardware".
It needs a "Record" tab. The window will display all audio input devices. The one currently in use is marked with a green checkmark. Open its properties. There you can turn on the noise reduction mode, as well as lower the volume and gain.

Also take into account that sometimes the problem is simply due to the wrong placement of the microphone in the space. Nothing should block him. Therefore, make free space for it, then the audibility will become cleaner and more distinct.

Speaker problem

As with the microphone, the problem that the sound is wheezing in Skype may be that the volume level is too high. At the same time, many headphones and speakers begin to significantly distort the voice, various noises arise. First of all, in Skype, you need to turn off automatic adjustment. You can do this in the program settings, tab "Sound Settings". There you will need to uncheck the second item, and then reduce the volume of the speakers.

Can stem from a variety of sources, either from your side or from another caller. To completely solve the problem, you must first determine if the sound is calling on your side, and then check the program, computer and internet connection to determine which is causing the destructive sound.

Test call

Placing a test call will help you determine if the problem is on your side, or if it's happening while talking to another caller. Plug in your microphone and speakers when you logged into Skype. Select " Control call” from your Skype contacts list, and tap the call to make a call. You will hear audible instructions that will prompt you to record a test call, so follow the instructions and take note if you hear noise during a test call or when viewing your recorded test calls. If you hear noise, the problem is most likely something on your end. If you don't hear noise on the test call, but hear it while talking to the other party, the problem is most likely on their end.

Check the microphone

If the problem is on your end, being by checking the microphone. Test that your microphone is picking up sound correctly by going to the menu Instruments then select " Settings", and then " Sound settings". You will see a screen that includes a volume indicator that changes when you speak into the microphone. Make sure the volume indicator is responding while you speak into the microphone. Also check the connection to make sure they are safe. Keep the microphone away from speakers as interference may result in echo or gurgling sound.

Weak or faulty Internet connections can cause the transmission to disappear into the lease, which can result in noise or a murmuring type of sound. If you are using a wireless connection, make sure the connection is strong and move closer to the Internet source if possible. Do not run multiple programs or downloads while using Skype, as this can drain your resources so that your web functionality is slower. Make sure your Internet speed meets the minimum requirements for what you are using by reviewing the official Skype website.

Further Troubleshooting

Running an outdated version of Skype may result in audio disruption. Updating the program, go to the official Skype web page and check your version and if necessary. Keep your computer's operating system updated and check for updates to your audio and video drivers to know that the problem is not originating from outdated hardware in your computer. Make sure the sound isn't caused by background noise by holding the microphone near your mouth and using Skype while in a quiet environment.

You will need

  • - Ability to work with your sound manager.
  • - the skill of using a sound recording program in Windows or another OS.
  • - the ability to check the sound settings in Skype.
  • - the skill of checking sound settings in the environment of your operating system.


The first reason is poor quality internet connection.

To protect the microphone from the wind, use a special cap, which is called a windproof cap. It may be included in the delivery of the device, and if it is not, just wrap it with several layers of foam rubber with a total thickness of about 10 millimeters.

If there is crackling, try to find which part of the cable is bent when it occurs. There is a periodically occurring short circuit or open circuit. Eliminate it.

In order for the microphone to be sensitive only to the speaker's voice, but not to extraneous noise, change it to another one with a narrow radiation pattern. Good results are obtained by differential microphones DEM and DEMSH, which are not sensitive to sounds that equally affect the membrane from both sides. In particularly noisy environments, use a throatphone instead of a microphone.

You can also use a differential microphone or a throat microphone to eliminate acoustic feedback. But they are rarely electret, which means that the solution is unsuitable for working together with a computer. Good results in this case can be given by a laryngophone that develops voltages of sufficient amplitude. It must be without fail well electrically isolated from the neck. If using a conventional microphone, try making the speakers smaller or placing the unit further away from them. Finally, a radical solution is to use karaoke instead of speakers during recording or performance.


  • how to remove background noise on a microphone

The cause of noise when listening to speech or music through headphones is not always obvious. It can occur in the signal source, in the amplifying path, and even in the headphones themselves. How to eliminate noise depends on where it occurs.


Download the program. If the download was not made from the official site, check the archive for viruses and proceed with the installation. Follow the instructions of the installer menu to set up the system and the program in the way you need. Before installing, make sure that your graphics card has updated drivers installed.

Familiarize yourself with the functionality of the program, because in order to perform video editing functions in it, you need to be able to freely navigate the menu. Once you've mastered filters, download fft3dfilter, the most convenient and fastest growing add-on that will help you eliminate video recording shortcomings.

Please note that if the disadvantages are related to camera shake, poor quality shooting or shooting in dark lighting, you will not achieve much results with any program.

If you often have to, and the recording quality does not suit you, replace the equipment with a more suitable shooting conditions, because if the video quality was poor initially, no program can fix it. When choosing a camera, be guided by light sensitivity and image stabilization, also pay attention to the manufacturer of optics.

Do not use the video recording function on digital cameras, it spoils its matrix. Video recorded with an additional matrix of a SLR camera will also not be of good quality, it is best to purchase a separate device.

If you want to improve visibility in poor lighting, increase the ISO value, but note that at a value greater than 800, video and interference. Find a balance between quality and light sensitivity when shooting so that noise can be easily changed in the program.

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Useful advice

Set the camera manually and do not use automatic mode when shooting.

The microphone in computers is most often used to record sound or to communicate over the Internet. Usually, if it is set incorrectly, various interferences occur, and it often happens that they are not related to the microphone at all.

You will need

  • - sound card driver.


If noise occurs in your microphone go to the audio device settings, which are available in the driver program for your sound card or in the control panel in the "Sound Devices" menu. Turn off any sound effects used while the device is running and check the box for Echo Cancellation, then apply the changes and check for interference.

If you experience malfunctions in the microphone when communicating in Skype, Mail Agent and other communication programs, check the device settings in the program settings, and if necessary, increase the volume of the transmitted signal.

Please note that this can be done both in the program and in the general system settings in the corresponding control panel menu. In the second case, it is best to set the maximum volume for all programs, and then adjust the volume separately for each element of the system that uses the microphone.

If you need to remove noises when recording sound through a microphone, use a special mixing console. If you are unable to do so, keep the room as quiet as possible, and make sure that the noise is not caused by a loud fan or computer hard drive. It is best to use special programs for working with sound when recording, for example, software from Sony or Nero.

Also make sure that your sound card is capable of providing the level of noise reduction you need. If it is integrated into the motherboard, buy an external sound adapter. If you are going to use sound recording often, get a professional card, and best of all a mixing console, since standard means cannot provide good sound quality.

Useful advice

Use special equipment to record sound.

To enable video in Skype, you must first configure the webcam settings both at the driver level and in the program itself. To do this, you need to install drivers for the camera, run the output image configuration utility and make the appropriate settings.

You will need

  • - Webcam;
  • - webcam drivers.


Connect your webcam to your computer's USB port. To install the driver, insert the disc that should come with the device. If the installation disk is missing, you need to go to the camera manufacturer's website and download the driver for your model from the appropriate download section.

Run the driver installation utility and follow the instructions of the installer. After unpacking the files, reconnect the device and open the program installed with the driver.

Adjust the picture settings using the various menu items. Change the brightness, contrast, white balance and lighting settings. Additional options may be specified in the configuration utility. The functionality of the program depends on the software version and the webcam model used.

After making all the settings, start Skype and log in with your username and password. Go to the menu "Tools" - "Settings" - "Video Settings". Check the box next to "Enable Skype video" to enable the ability to broadcast images from the camera. In the "Select camera" field, enter the name of the connected device.

When calling a Skype subscriber on the screen, press the " Turn on"So that the other person can see you. To make the video transfer mode automatically when you start a conversation, check the box next to the item “Automatically start video broadcasting” in the Skype settings menu.

If after making all the settings, the video connection still does not work, check the driver settings. Try restarting your computer and restarting Skype. Otherwise, try reinstalling Skype.


If during a conversation the image moves jerkily, you need to reduce the quality of the transmitted video. This setting is also configured in the driver options.


  • enable camera on skype

A noise gate is a device that interrupts the signal if its level is below a predetermined level. As a rule, the noise level is much lower than the useful signal level. All sounds that are noticeably quieter than the useful signal (sound from a guitar or keyboard amplifier, drums and other powerful sources) are cut off when the gate is turned on. During the passage of loud sound through the gate, the gate is turned off, but the noise is masked by a useful signal. The threshold level is tuned manually. Thus, it is possible to achieve the absence of leakage of noise into the recording.

When recording quieter sound sources (vocals, acoustic guitar, violin, etc.), you can use one of the digital noise reduction algorithms. In the case of large professional studios, these algorithms are implemented using expensive digital devices, but in a home studio, you can use a regular computer and one or another plug-in for adaptive noise reduction or pattern noise reduction. Both algorithms have more options for adjusting noise reduction parameters and, as a rule, have an option that allows you to listen to both the signal after cleaning and the clipped noise. If a useful signal seeps into the noise removed from the phonogram, the settings can be changed.

If a mistake is made when soldering the microphone cord and the polarity of the wires is not observed, this will also affect the signal quality. If incorrect soldering is suspected, the polarity must be checked and corrected if necessary.


Find and download on the Internet one of the video editing software with enough features, such as AviSynth. This application is well suited for removing noise, as it supports a special filter and allows you to perform many operations on video. Learn the functionality of the program and its menu to freely navigate it while editing a video. Download and import into the application the fft3dfilter filter, designed to eliminate noise and other common imperfections. In the filter settings menu, you can adjust the Noise parameter, as well as several others, to adjust the amount and volume of noise interference.

Try an alternative way to process audio in video. It takes more time and effort, but the results can be noticeably better. Use the special VirtualDub program by downloading it from the official website and installing it on your computer. Together with the application, install a special software package by unpacking it into a folder with VirtualDub. Open your video through the application menu. Separate the audio track from the video sequence by opening the "Direct Stream Copy" tab in the "Video" menu. Save the audio track in WAV format using the "Stream List" function in the "Streams" menu. Save the video with the cut track as a separate file.

If everything is in order with your hard drive, this means that the cooling system fans are the source of noise.

Ways to reduce noise from PC coolers

Noise can be eliminated in many ways:

Reduce the load on the processor;

Replace the cooling system;

Forcibly reduce the speed;

Replace small coolers with large ones;

Lubricate fans;

Check fan settings;

Clean the radiator from dust and dirt.

How to remove noise

The more heavily loaded the CPU, the more heat it generates and the more its fans work. And if the program on the computer also freezes, then the load increases further. To fix the problem, just close the frozen program.

If you replace the cooling system with a liquid one, you can improve heat dissipation. At the same time, during their operation, you will hear only the sound of a running pump and flowing water.

There are special programs for reducing the rotational speed of coolers. One of the most popular is SpeedFan. It is good in that it can control the speed of the fans in automatic mode.

The larger the fan impeller, the better the cooling effect it provides. At the same time, the number of its rotations is less, and, accordingly, the noise of the computer is reduced. Bearings in fans are also different. Among the two types - rolling and sliding, it is better to choose the first option, since it is more stable in terms of emitting sound effects.

Sometimes just lubricating the fan is enough to make it run quieter. For these purposes, sewing machine oil is suitable. If you want to lubricate the CPU cooler, pry off the sticker that is pasted on the bearing. Put some oil in there and glue it in place.

The fan setting is very easy to check. You need to go into the BIOS of the computer and check if the Smart Fun Control options are enabled in the PC Health Status section. Depending on the type of motherboard, the name of the function may vary. It must be enabled, that is, have the Enable status.

If a lot of dust has accumulated on the radiator, this disrupts the system, the fans have to work with a vengeance. To clean them, there are special cartridges of compressed air, which can be purchased at a specialized store.

If you know how to reduce computer noise, you can easily deal with this problem. But if your device is making a sound that resembles a squeak or whistle, then your PC needs a component replacement. Monitor the status of your computer or laptop and fix problems in time.

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Not only the comfort of the speakers depends on the sound quality, but also the degree of understanding of each other's speech. If the interlocutor is heard clearly, then everything said by him will be clear. In the case of noise and wheezing, speech understanding is greatly reduced. For good hearing in Skype no expensive microphones, headphones or speakers required. It will be enough for budget devices, a stable Internet connection and not the oldest computer.

But sometimes, even in the presence of all of the above, the sound wheezes in Skype. How to fix this problem? Consider two options: the problem of a microphone and speakers. For each of them there is an individual solution.

Microphone problem

Noise in audio transmission is most often associated with excessive microphone volume. You can lower it in the parameters of the program itself. Don't forget to uncheck the auto-configuration option.

You can also configure the device using the internal system tools. Open the "Control Panel", there find the section "Sound" or "Sound Hardware".
It needs a "Record" tab. The window will display all audio input devices. The one currently in use is marked with a green checkmark. Open its properties. There you can turn on the noise reduction mode, as well as lower the volume and gain.

Also take into account that sometimes the problem is simply due to the wrong placement of the microphone in the space. Nothing should block him. Therefore, make free space for it, then the audibility will become cleaner and more distinct.

Speaker problem

As with the microphone, the problem that the sound is wheezing in Skype may be that the volume level is too high. At the same time, many headphones and speakers begin to significantly distort the voice, various noises arise. First of all, in Skype, you need to turn off automatic adjustment. You can do this in the program settings, tab "Sound Settings". There you will need to uncheck the second item, and then reduce the volume of the speakers.

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