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Buying a Samsung G 3 phone. How to sell an old phone correctly: collecting money for a new one

The phones we sell have already been used. However, they underwent the most thorough diagnostics in our service center, and our certified technicians replaced all the parts that required updating.
Now these updated smartphones are completely ready for a new life. We are confident in the quality of our work and guarantee that all our phones fully meet the stated conditions.

What will happen if suddenly in a month something goes wrong with the phone?

Bring it to us, and we will instantly give you the same phone on the spot, and take the old one from you.
These conditions are valid for 90 days from the date of your purchase of the phone (if you have not managed to break the phone in half during this time).
If more time has passed, we are always ready to help you with diagnostics and repairs at reduced prices.

Can I return the phone if I don't like it?

Yes, sure. We give you a week to evaluate the device and understand whether it is right for you.
If you don’t like something about it, bring it to us, and we will exchange it for another (taking into account the difference in price), or return the money.

I can buy the same phone cheaper on message boards!

It's a delusion. Firstly, no one can guarantee that you won’t be sold a fake on message boards; there are many Chinese copies and refurbished phones on message boards at inflated prices.
We carry out quality control, do a large number of checks, and provide a guarantee on our phones; none of our competitors provide a guarantee.
All this is the work of people: appraisers, couriers, service center employees and our technical specialists. This effort costs money, which is why our phones are more expensive than those on the message boards.
When purchasing a phone from us, you don’t have to worry that there will be something wrong with the phone - we checked everything for you.

Samsung Galaxy phones (especially the S series) were originally designed to compete in functionality and popularity with Apple iPhones. These smartphones have good RAM, unique design and improved graphics.

With the advent of new smartphone models, people are thinking about selling their old Samsung at a good price and getting some money to buy a new, more modern one. If you are faced with such a situation or urgently need money, we suggest using our purchase of Samsung phones in Moscow.

One of the significant advantages of our acquisition is the convenient location of the office almost in the city center. This means you can easily reach us and resolve the issue of selling your device.

Why is it better to sell your Samsung smartphone with us?

Over the years of work in the purchasing market, we have accumulated a lot of experience. It is better to sell your Samsung smartphone with us, as you are offered a convenient service with the following advantages:

  • Efficiency. Our specialists do not waste time, but try to do everything as quickly as possible. The whole transaction takes up to half an hour.
  • Fairness in assessment. It is important that the device is assessed in your presence. You can see for yourself what influenced the price in a positive or negative direction.
  • Honesty. The amount named by the appraiser will not change after the documents are completed. You will receive it immediately in your hands in full.
  • Convenient office location.
  • Security and privacy. The office and personal data received from clients are under 24-hour security.

When the idea of ​​purchasing a new phone or tablet comes to us, the question always arises, what to do with the old one? There is an ancient tradition in our families when an old device passes from parents to children (a cool career for a device to turn from an office steal into a school puck). Someone, succumbing to sentiment, prefers to keep the old device at home, and according to the custom of fairy-tale dragons, like an unfortunate princess, the device is locked in some “dungeon” (desk drawer or mezzanine), finally depriving it of its connection with the world, rearranging it -card into the new device. And there is another option for the development of events: sell your old phone, add the accumulated money and buy a new one. That's what we'll talk about. There are two options: sell it yourself or take the “old man” to a pawnshop. Although the second option is fast, in the first case you will get much more money.

Preparation for sale

The first thing you need to decide is how much you are willing to give your device for and how much a potential buyer will want to pay you. This will be influenced by two factors: the number of similar offers on the market and the condition of your device. To do this, you need to look through all the offers (city stores and sites with sales advertisements) with the same type of device in your region and decide on the average price.

After this, you should evaluate the condition and completeness of your device (usually this takes from 5 to 15 minutes, longer to read and write about it). Here every little thing will be a plus for your equipment! So here's the list:

1. Availability of store packaging with documents for the device. This point is one of the most important and accounts for approximately 30-40% of the resale price. So this is the main and only evidence of the non-criminal origin of your device.
The fact that your device is still under warranty service from the store will have a positive effect on the price. If the device is “foreign” (purchased and brought from another city, country), then there is a reason to visit (you can just call) the service center in your city and find out if there is any hope that repair services (even if paid) will be provided if necessary. This will help reduce the degree of “anxiety” of a potential buyer, usually aimed at “bringing down” the price.

2. Complete set: instructions, charger, flash card, spare sockets, etc. Basically, everything that was in the box when you first unpacked it. If something is missing, then there is a reason to either find a replacement for the “lost” ones (you can buy inexpensive Chinese components), or proportionally reduce your price, because The buyer will have to purchase the missing items at his own expense.

3. Cases, replaceable cases, additional batteries, more capacious and high-speed flash drives. Each owner of the device gradually becomes comfortable with this goodness if he values ​​personal comfort. There is no point in taking care and storing these gizmos if they are not universal and will not fit your future device. Either include them in the price, or the famous “as a gift”.
Remember that a future buyer will not be able to fully appreciate your efforts to decorate your phone with rhinestones and personal stickers, so it is better to remove them. If your creative nature constantly requires an outlet and often leaves marks on the phone body, then spare panels or cases may be an ideal option, on the surface of which you can show off your talents. They are easy to remove and replace if necessary.

4. Some owners sell the phone with a number. This aspect can attract consumer attention if: a) the number is beautiful, b) some rare and very pleasant tariff is assigned to it, or c) the operator gives bonuses every month. If the number is really beautiful and respectable, this is a huge plus for your phone; decide the price yourself based on the market value. And if this is a promotional or bonus room/rate, then call it the famous phrase “as a gift.”

5. The presence of “combat” scratches, “manic” abrasions, “tragic” chips and cracks on the body of your device, as well as bacchanally designed holes in the charging and headphone connectors can only reduce the value of your phone.

Check out how you can change the situation. Carefully open and wipe the inside of the case dry, blow out the connectors, in general, remove the dust of time and do not show the future buyer what color your pet’s fur is. In particularly tragic cases, there is a reason to completely replace the device body at the service center, if the cost of replacement is more than covered by the profit from the sale. In easier situations, you can get by with polishing the case - this will return some of the former gloss and hide small and minor scratches. There is no need to spend money on polish; you can use an existing ordinary furniture or car polish (transparent waxes in the composition and a manual processing method). Sometimes they change the film on the screen: 45-47% of the surface of your phone covered with new plastic will make it look neater. The main thing at this stage is to remember that all your investments should not exceed the amount of 200 rubles. (1000 tenge), otherwise it will become an economically unprofitable enterprise.

Well, externally and completely the phone is ready for sale. Now there is a reason to prepare him for the “presentation”. You understand that the buyer will look not only at the case, but will also want to check the functionality of the product. Therefore, here is what you should pay attention to:

6. “Reset” the phone to factory settings, delete all personal information, I think it will be superfluous for the future owner to know that your account is on Google [email protected] or [email protected], simultaneously finding out the phone numbers of all your friends.

7. Custom and firmware will only attract a teenage audience - this is not bad, but this part of the audience does not have large quantities of money, so get ready for capricious bargaining for every penny. Among adults, standard shells and OSes have a greater chance of successful resale. But high-quality wallpapers, launchers/themes are a big plus, although they don’t play a special role, but they will help form a positive impression on the buyer about your product.

8. Bring all installed software up to date. Install the latest versions of programs for communication and surfing the Internet, update your navigation program and book reading program (there is a reason to download a couple of masterpieces).
You can please your future buyer with modern and high-quality games. Remember that during a presentation it is better to show a bright, colorful and fast-loading application, because... Waiting for a minute (or even two) for some level to load (in your opinion, the most gorgeous toy) is comparable to failure.
To test/demonstrate the capabilities of the audio/video part of the device, upload some video or movie in excellent quality so that the buyer can appreciate it. You can also give a lucky recipient a dozen new films as a gift.

Working with an ad

The most tedious moment, because... all you can do at this stage is wait patiently and actively offer your product.

Take one(!) photo of your device; it should show: the front of the device, the box/packaging and the sales kit (charger, cords, etc.). There is no need to arrange a photo shoot, your phone is not a porn actress, I doubt anyone would have the desire to scroll through 20 photos and get to the point where the back cover is removed and the battery is removed. Try to include a minimum of your home/work interior into the frame with your phone. Moreover, there is no need to take a photo with the cat.

Place an advertisement for sale on an advertisement website, on social networks, describe in detail all the advantages of your product, try to keep it within 5-7 lines, because a person looks through dozens of advertisements (attention is already occupied by a lot of small details), rather than looking for a work of art to read before going to bed. Write with restraint, without emotions and personal influence, try to avoid the words: “URGENT!!!” and “ALMOST FOR FREE!!!” When communicating with people based on your ad, beware of any rascals and schmucks, but, in any case, communicate with the utmost politeness and restraint.

Moment of sale

When a real client appears, arrange a meeting and decide on the place where you will conduct the transaction. It’s better to immediately abandon all “at home”, “around the corner”, “behind garages”, because... Your goal is to get your money, not concussion or penetration. The best option would be a place in the area of ​​your residence (you are not going to pay transportation costs), open/with a good view and “under the gun” of CCTV cameras or even under the watchful eye of the external security of the facility. It is better to set the time close to the lunch break or the moment when all employed people return from work, but also during daylight hours!

Tell your family or friends that you are going to a meeting about the sale, as well as the contact information of your potential buyer, just in case. Arrange for a friend or family member to cover you. When you approach and see that the buyer is alone, then ask a friend to wait aside (about 5-10 m), there is no need to irritate the client. But if the buyer also decided to insure himself against a possible “divorce” on your part (yes, yes, he is also afraid) and came with friends, then “stomp” to a meeting with your friendly company.

During the “presentation”, try to make sure that the client has only one item in his hands: either a box with a kit, or just a phone. Moreover, nothing should fall into the hands of the buyer’s “friends”; there are options when the devices are replaced and the sale is refused. Therefore, manage the so-called “presentation” yourself, seize all the initiative. Show the documents for the device, but give it back after you receive the money.

It remains to wish you a successful completion of negotiations, a successful transaction and a sea of ​​positive emotions from your future acquisition. I hope the tips will be useful.

You can read about how to buy a new phone correctly.

In our troubled times, there is such a very interesting occupation - selling counterfeits of popular smartphones under the guise of originals. Mainly two smartphones are counterfeited and sold: iPhone and Samsung Galaxy S series of all generations. And this advantage is widespread on the Internet, where you can’t find ends, and you can push something in no time.

Why on Avito? Because on specialized forums (HPC,, etc.) there are mostly technically savvy people. It will not be possible to sell a fake there, so cunning “entrepreneurs” crawled to Avito, which everyone visits.

Where do fake smartphones come from?

From China! Every year one or another flagship comes out and after about a month and a half, our market begins to slowly be flooded with the first “swallows”. This applies to both iPhone and Samsung. If other brands are counterfeited, it is not with such care. They are designed for people who are far from the mobile device market, have heard about the latest models of cool gadgets like the iPhone 6S or Galaxy S7, and maybe even seen their photos a couple of times on the Internet.

Frankly speaking, I am not interested in these fakes, so I did not set out to search for information about where exactly they come from and where they can be bought. Here's where to click, how to pay and how much delivery costs - all these things are uninteresting at the moment.

If this article collects a sufficient number of comments and responses, I will make a continuation. And then I’ll tell you where the fakes come from and how they are brought to perfection, that is, how they become similar to the originals with specific IMEIs, which were actually sold through some official Russian dealer. For your sake, I am ready to expose myself to hatred and, perhaps even very partially, to undermine the market for this disgrace. Or maybe train a new batch of cunning resellers. We need to think about the morality of this whole educational program...

How to turn a fake into an “original”

Back when the trees were taller and the grass was greener, that is, during the flagship Samsung Galaxy S4, everything was simple. It was very easy to deceive a buyer who was led by a low price. We did the following.

Enterprising citizens didn’t sweat it and either didn’t put anything in the box from the device they were selling, limiting themselves to a simple “This is a gift, so there are no receipts,” or, if some piece of paper was found, they said something like “I bought it at Gorbushka a couple of weeks ago. I didn’t like it, I’m used to iPhones.” Moreover, that same piece of paper was a printout of anything: like a sales receipt, like a “guarantee”, and so on on the list. Once I saw a seller’s stamp printed on a color printer called Glavsnabsbyttorgprosvet LLC (something similar) and there was even a fictitious OGRN number around the perimeter of the stamp. The scammers got confused, I must say. So how? They tensed up a little.

Below are pictures of one ad on Avito. I am one hundred percent sure that they are “fake”, because I was holding that very phone in my hands.

Now everything is much more serious and many people know about fakes, or at least they have heard that they occur. However, many who saw an advertisement online about the sale of the Galaxy S7 at half price have never held a smartphone in their hands. “Self-entrepreneurs”, of course, understand this, which is why they are now focusing on documentary evidence of originality, using all possible means to distract the victim from the pipe itself. You must definitely remember this!

A couple of weeks ago I met with one of these “entrepreneurs” who tried to sell me a fake S7. Actually, it was this meeting that inspired me to create this material. Next I will tell you what I encountered personally, but let’s start with the documents - the first thing you need to check.

I didn't even expect that this was possible. In the counterfeit packaging you will find not just the original warranty card of this or that store, but also a cash receipt with all the details, and even a receipt for payment by bank card with the transaction number and other details. In this regard, it is impossible to find fault with checks. Frankly speaking, I don’t know how these frauds actually happen, but, apparently, these are original documents about the sale of some real device with a real IMEI and serial number. It’s not for nothing that in the advertisement itself the seller said that he would easily remove the serial number, which hits all the bases, like the original S7.

However, what is being sold is a fake, which will display in all menus exactly the same IMEI and serial number as indicated on the receipt. What technology has come to, as they say.

How to distinguish a fake Galaxy S7 from the original

We sorted out the documents and understood the main idea - that you shouldn’t rely on them. Never at all! Go ahead.

Let's say you find an interesting offer online. You are satisfied with the price, description of the product and its condition. Arrange to meet with a salesperson near a shopping center that has an electronics store with an open display of goods. Why there? It's simple!

Arrive at the place before the appointed time and go to a communication store, an electronics store - it doesn’t matter. In any shopping center you will find one or two salons. Find the model you plan to purchase secondhand at an open display and study it thoroughly. Don’t just turn it in your hands, but pay attention to literally all the nuances: how tightly the screen glass fits in the body, is there any play in the buttons, look into the camera’s eye, what are the curves, what is the surface like to the touch. Literally absorb the appearance of the device with all your senses. Believe me, all this will be very useful when you inspect a used one. smartphone.

Within an hour, you will have the freshest impressions of the desired device, so you can easily recognize a fake upon inspection, or, conversely, make sure that this is an original product. A used device should also be examined carefully. As soon as you doubt any detail, start studying the device twice as closely and turn on your tediousness to the fullest.

Personal experience

I made a mistake because the last time I held the S7 was two months ago, even before sales started. I tested and prepared a review of this smartphone. Since then, the impressions have noticeably faded, but something still remains in my memory.

Real advertisement for the sale of a fake Samsung Galaxy S7

In my case, I was confused by several things.

Firstly, this is the back cover. It was smooth, even, there was a feeling of glass, but it did not give the impression of quality. It is important to remember that the body of the S6 and S7, as well as their Edge versions, is beyond praise. The assembly is excellent, the tactile sensations are uncompromisingly pleasant. Therefore, as soon as I had some doubt, I became wary.

Secondly, in the upper right corner between the metal bumper and the glass, a remnant of a self-adhesive gasket was found sticking out from the inside. Absolute nonsense, which cannot even theoretically exist in the original Galaxy S7. However, this could also be a sign that the display was changed, moreover, by a handicraftsman who simply could not install the panel evenly and without gaps. Let me remind you that the S7 is protected from moisture and dust, and under no circumstances should such devices be repaired in a service center near the metro. At best, you will lose moisture protection.

Thirdly, the Samsung Galaxy S7 has an amazing display. It is bright, juicy, with a resolution of 2560 x 1440 pixels. The dot density is so high (576 ppi) that you cannot distinguish individual dots or pixelation of fonts with the naked eye. I also have doubts about this parameter. The copy that they wanted to slip me seemed to have a good screen. However, “it seems to be good” is definitely not about the display of the seventh “galaxy”.

Fourthly, this is the camera. Another praise for the South Korean flagship, or rather, for the capabilities of the built-in camera. Believe me, it takes pictures better than all smartphones existing on the market and deserves to bear the title of leader. And of course, all this is visible right on the smartphone screen. You don't need to upload photos to your computer to be convinced of this. I fired up the camera on the S7 I was reviewing, took a few shots, and found that the exposure was inaccurate, the frames were blurry, and there was too little detail. Test completed! This is a fake, but I wanted to go further.

What happened next turned out to be even more interesting. I wanted to install the AnTuTu application to check what kind of hardware a particular device has. To my surprise, AnTuTu was already in the device's memory. Obviously, it is here especially for those who have heard about this program and know that with its help you can study objective information about all the insides of the device.

Without hesitation, I launched it and saw something I had never seen before. It could be anything, but not the most popular benchmark in the world. There was some kind of bunny on the screensaver, and in the menu, instead of the usual icons, there were three-dimensional icons of menu items. It is likely that this is just an old version of the application, slightly modified to suit your own needs.

Of course, the “Info” tab contained information that all the hardware was original: Snapdragon 820, 4 GB of RAM, and so on on the list. If anything, in Russia the version is sold only with the Samsung Exynos 8890 processor, so the presence of an 820th “snap” in a smartphone purchased in one of the domestic electronics networks is no longer an impossible situation.

Of course, I didn’t trust the unknown utility called “AnTuTu”, so I decided to install my own version. The seller, by the way, did not mind. And then it turned out that my Micro USB flash drive, which I had previously connected to probably a hundred Android devices and everything was fine, was not identified as this fake. Believe me, I tested the Galaxy S7 and OTG works exceptionally well on it. All this was extremely funny, so I decided to stop the inspection.

I’ll add a few other tricks on my own that can help you get rid of the scammers.

Go to the settings and look at the software version. Galaxy S7 running Android 5 is nonsense. Out of the box the device has Android 6.0. If not, then here is a copy.

One more thing about the menu. In the same “About device” menu item, look for the “KNOX Version” item. A fake will most likely not have this item.

In my case, the seller put the case back on the case whenever possible. There was obviously something to hide. There is reason to be wary.

Another fairly simple way to check the originality of the device. Go to the official website of the South Korean company and download the proprietary utility from Samsung Kies to synchronize your PC and smartphone. Bring a laptop with this software installed to your meeting. Try connecting the device to your computer and see what happens. If the proprietary utility does not recognize the connected device as an original smartphone, then this means that this is a fake. Very simple.

Forgot to download the utility in advance? Not scary. Just connect your device to your PC and see how much memory the new device has. The original should have approximately 24 GB of memory. If a 4-8 GB disk is detected, it’s a fake.

Indirect signs that should alert you

Personal sign. Samsung Galaxy S7 is a very expensive device that not many people can afford. A person who will give away a practically new smartphone worth 50,000 rubles for 25 or 30 thousand rubles is a wealthy person and this is a fact.

Usually such people have little time, so they will try to invite you to drive up to their home or work so that they can quickly jump out and sell you the annoying device. In extreme cases, the seller of the original device will come to the meeting in his car, most likely an expensive one. Taking the metro or meeting near the descent to it is not for such people, and in this case it works to your advantage.

Let the seller know that you are ready to meet him in his car (drive home, go to work), the main thing is that he is comfortable. Believe me, no one will argue with you. Considering all this, the scammer will either take the metro (on public transport) or a car, but she will insist on meeting not there, but nearby in a cafe or park (in my case this was the case). Is it enough? What if you later find and leave a note on his car with a rusty nail, saying what a bad person he is. This is very confusing, because the business is on stream, no one wants to take risks.

The last bastion of hope is the price

Based on my experience and reviews of people on the Internet, buying a Samsung Galaxy S7 for cheap is a rare, amazing success. At the moment, the smartphone is sold for 49,990 rubles. Gray tubes are sold for less than five thousand. Accordingly, everything below 30,000 rubles is most likely a fake. Look at the screenshot below. This is the first result for the search for “samsung galaxy s7” at the flea market. In 6 out of 8 advertisements, sellers discounted more than half the price. Nonsense!

However, a high price is not a guarantee that they won’t try to sell you a fake at a meeting. Some unfortunate entrepreneurs choose this way of protecting their “reputation” so that the victims are guided by a simple rule: “Well, a fake can’t cost that much!” Judging by the reviews on the Internet, maybe even so.

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