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Fast typing on keyboard learning. Video: "How fast do you type on the keyboard?"

In order to learn to type quickly on the keyboard, many sign up for fast typing courses, take training, and pay money to purchase various educational materials. This is optional. In this article, we will show you how to learn how to quickly type on the keyboard for free and on your own. But before proceeding directly to tips, tricks and an overview of programs for teaching quick typing, I would like to say a few words about the benefits that a person gaining this skill gains.


The main advantage of fast printing is time savings. For people whose daily work involves typing a huge number of symbols and texts, this skill is simply invaluable. In addition, the technique of fast printing has a beneficial effect on productivity and earnings in such professions as copywriting and rewriting (however, there are many professions where this skill is useful).

By learning how to quickly type on the keyboard, you will be able to enter text more rhythmically, which in turn will reduce the degree of mental and physical fatigue. You will even get some satisfaction from how briskly and freely your fingers move around the keyboard, which means, in general, pleasure from work.

When trying to find a job, this skill can help you get a job as soon as possible. It will certainly be a good addition to your other skills and abilities indicated in the resume and voiced at passing an interview.

Another significant advantage of fast typing on the keyboard is the logical presentation of the full volume of thought. By learning how to quickly type on the keyboard, you can easily keep up with the flow of your own thoughts when you write something new. After all, sometimes it is enough to be distracted for a split second, looking for the right key so that the thought leaves you.

The eyes get tired faster when we constantly look from the monitor to the buttons and back. Therefore, mastering the method of touch typing, we also take care of our eyesight.


First you need to remember the location of the keys. We can suggest the following exercise. For ten to fifteen seconds, look at one of the three rows of the keyboard containing letters (it is better to go in order and be the first to memorize the top row). Then try to reproduce them in the correct order on a piece of paper. This exercise should be repeated several times for each of the rows until you can reproduce the order of the letters (mentally or on paper) on the machine. Then you can try typing the entire alphabet from "A" to "Z" on the keyboard. Do this until you get it quickly enough. Bad memory? Read, or rather watch and repeat - " Exercises to develop memory».

Also for those who want to start learning to quickly type on the keyboard it is important to choose the right tool. For a professional or someone who aspires to become one, the best choice will be an ergonomic keyboard (where the buttons are divided into two areas by an empty space, for the right and left hands), or in extreme cases, a regular curved keyboard will do.

An important role in mastering the high-speed typing skill is played by the correct position at the desktop, posture, posture. You can find out how to position yourself correctly and comfortably from this article - " Organization of a workplace when working at a computer».

Even the honed skill of typing with several fingers will be very inferior to modern typing methods (for example, techniques such as ten-finger typing). Therefore, in order to learn to type faster, you need to use as many fingers as possible on both hands in your work. Some quick typing programs define a different key for each finger. Of course, at first it will be difficult to tune in a new way, because retraining is always not easy. But gradually you will forget the two-finger method and start working according to new rules. The main thing is to notice in time the moments of transition to the old habit and return to the mastered one.

The blind method of typing on the keyboard, formerly known as the American ten-finger blind typing, was developed by the stenographer of one of America's ships, Frank Edgar McGurrin, in 1888. Basically, at that time, when typing on typewriters, people used the eight-finger sighted method. McGurrin, being the only one who uses the method invented by him in order to prove its advantage, offered a bet to a certain Louis Trobe. By winning an argument and five hundred dollars on top, Edgar McGurrin proved the superiority of blind typing. And for more than one hundred and twenty years, training in fast typing for secretaries, typists and people of other professions has been carried out using a technique invented by an American stenographer, which has made it possible to increase labor productivity at times.

When mastering the blind printing method, at first it is better not to rush. Try to avoid mistakes and typos. Of course, speed is the main thing here, but it will drop dramatically due to excessive haste and constant text editing. In any case, speed will come with experience, but for now, keep an eye on the correctness, write thoughtfully and carefully.

Regular practice is the basic rule for acquiring any skill and ability, including the ability to type quickly. So if you decide learn to type quickly on a computer keyboard, do not be lazy and exercise more. If you want to achieve a good print speed, don't try to learn the method in one sitting. In order for a skill to form and gradually consolidate, it is better to work on it less, but more often. You can start with twenty to thirty minutes, gradually increasing your daily work time.

Blind ten-finger dialing method

As you may have already figured out, the basic rule of blind typing is to type in text with all ten fingers without peeping into the keyboard.

This method involves placing your hands on the keyboard when you type in a specific way. The base of the palms should be (rest) on the front edge of the laptop case or, if you have an ergonomic keyboard, on the wrist rest. In this case, the shape of the brushes should be such as if you are holding a tennis ball in your hands.


Certain keys are assigned to each finger of both hands. This is no coincidence! On any keyboard, the arrangement of letters and symbols is planned specifically for the ten-finger typing method. The use of the principle of the highest probability of using one or another key in determining the keyboard layout makes this method so popular, profitable and durable. This layout has remained unchanged for many years.

So, the buttons on all keyboards are located in six rows. The top row ("Esc", "F1", "F2" ...) can be forgotten during touch typing, since it is not used and is more auxiliary. The next row of numbers is used by some, others not. Some, instead of the top row of numbers, use a number block, which is located to the right of the main one. They explain this by the fact that the fingers have to stretch far, and this affects the speed and an increase in the number of typos. Well, it's as convenient as anyone. However, it is still worth mastering the top row with numbers.

Learning to quickly type on the keyboard begins with the initial placement of the fingers.

There are several known ways to arrange the fingers, but the main one you can see in the figure:

  • The fingers of the right hand should be located as follows: the little finger - above the letter "Ж", the ring finger - above the "D" key, the middle one - above "L", the index finger above - "O".
  • The fingers of the left hand take the position: the little finger - above the "F", the ring finger - above the letter "Y", the middle one - above the "B", and the index finger - above the "A", respectively.
  • Thumbs are positioned over the space bar.

Initially, in order to control the correct position of the hands, the index fingers should feel the small protrusions on the keys of the reference row - "O" and "A". Gradually, your hands will stop feeling these keys and the need to rely on them will disappear. Fingers will hover over the keyboard, at a distance of several millimeters, this will be a consequence of the transition to a new, higher quality level of typing. However, it is not worth forcibly speeding up this process, it can only harm.

Memorizing the buttons on the keyboard with your fingers should be carried out in the following order: First, all “own” letters are studied by the index finger of the left hand, then - by the right; then we work out the action with the middle left finger, then with the right; after that, you should study the location of the keys with the ring finger of your left hand, then with your right; the last "own" buttons are fulfilled by the left and right little fingers. You can immediately go the other way and try to work with text. However, the best option is to select texts from dictionaries for certain fingers (such dictionaries are available in any online trainer or program for quick typing).


All tutorials about how to learn to type quickly on the keyboard, begin by telling you the correct striking technique. And the beginner understands that the touch on the key is made with the pad of the finger, but not everyone knows that not only the finger should be involved, but the entire hand.

The basic principle of the touch typing technique is the clarity and ease of jerky strokes, with the fingers constantly returning to their starting position after each hit.

We hit the gap with the edge of the thumb of the hand that was not involved in the last blow.


Rhythm in teaching quick typing plays an important role. It means that pressing should occur at the same time intervals. By following the rhythm, you are more likely to achieve automatic typing. And even if you think that some keyboard shortcuts you can type faster, still stick to a certain rhythm. We recommend using a metronome to develop rhythm and learn to type quickly on the keyboard. This function is provided by some quick print tutorials.


The following programs will help you learn how to type quickly on the keyboard.:

  • "Stamina" (you can download it on the official website - is a free keyboard simulator that will help you learn to type with the blind ten-finger method.
  • "SOLO on the keyboard"- a training program, the author of which is a lecturer at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, a well-known journalist and psychologist Shahidzhanyan V.V. According to the official website (, this keyboard simulator will help you master the skill of fast typing in a fairly short time.
  • "VerseQ" ( is another popular program for mastering the touch typing method. Here is what the creators of this simulator write: “ In just an hour after you start exercising on our simulator, you will be able to type using the blind method, and after eight to fifteen hours you will be able to type at the level of a graduate of the blind typing courses.».

There are other less popular programs: "Bombina" (, "RapidTyping", a free keyboard simulator "iQwer", a keyboard simulator for children "Funny fingers", "BabyType" is one of the first keyboard simulators, teaching quick typing in a playful way, etc.

You can also use the following services to teach fast printing online:

  • ( is both an exciting online game and, at the same time, an effective simulator for quick typing on the keyboard. This game has many analogues, but Clav Race is one of the most popular.
  • "All 10" ( is a free online simulator.

And also: "Time Speed" (, "VerseQ online" ( - an online version of the famous keyboard trainer VerseQ ...

There are a lot of simulators and online services, but I think that those that we have listed in this article will be enough for training. Moreover, our list includes the best.

Let's summarize. The touch typing method is based on the fact that each of the ten fingers has a fixed key zone that it constantly serves. The process of learning fast typing is reduced to the development of "muscle memory" of the fingers. Knowing how to learn to type quickly, you just have to want to. Regular classes and the rules described in this article will help you master this skill in a short time.

Once again I will repeat my advice: read all 3 lessons in advance, and only then plan your training in touch typing.

Memorizing the correct movements of the fingers to the keys

Sit up straight without tilting your head. The hands and elbows should be level with the keyboard, parallel to the table surface, and the legs on the floor should be bent at the knees at a right angle. The shoulders and arms are relaxed. At first, pay special attention to the correct fit. Blind typing with ten fingers is based on the constant position of the hands relative to the keyboard and pinning the fingers to specific letters. Only touch typing allows you to type quickly on the keyboard.

Place your right hand with your index finger on the O key, the middle one on L, the ring finger on D and the little finger on F, and your left hand with the index finger on A, the middle on B, the ring finger on Y, and the little finger on F; thumbs over the longest key - space. Raise your hands above the keyboard by 0.5–1 centimeters as if you were holding a tennis ball or an orange in each hand, and relax. They now occupy a basic position, that is, a position that must be maintained during work. Lightly tap the indicated keys several times with all your fingers so that the letters do not get printed. Move your hands away from the main position, then turn them back and do the exercise without looking at the keyboard. Return to it in the learning process over and over again until you achieve automatism in the performance. It is with placing your hands blindly on the main position that you begin all the first lessons. The landmarks in this case will be: for the fingers of the left hand - the A key, for the right - O. They are marked with small bumps on some keyboards. It is easier to learn with them.

If you have no bumps on the keys, then you can create them using any hardening glue or melted nylon. Place these small but palpable marks on the edge of the keys closest to you.

Type the letters of the main position one by one. Under the left hand you will get FYVA, under the right - OLDZH. When typing, try to capture the sensations of the movement of your fingers in your memory. After each beat, reproduce it mentally. From the main position, hit the P key with the index finger of your right hand and return it back. The finger should make a sharp hit, rebound and return to the basic position. Non-working fingers are relaxed. Make sure that the brushes do not move to the sides. In the same way, punch the index finger of your left hand on the P key. From the first lesson, you should understand the importance of the position of the fingers on OLDZH and FYVA and the obligation to return them here after each strike. Keeping your hands in a basic position, repeat the exercises in your mind.

You need to quickly memorize the location of the letters on the keyboard and assign them to specific fingers, for which we will use ideomotor training. It significantly improves the quality of printing work and significantly reduces the training time for touch typing. Ideomotor training (ideomotor) is almost an ideal tool for effective (that is, for fast and high-quality) training in other activities.

With the index finger of your right hand, hit the H key and return it to its place. Repeat what was done in your mind. In the same way, punch this finger along the keys G, T and b. In all cases, including in subsequent exercises, immediately reproduce the movement of each finger mentally. With the index finger of your left hand, alternately hit the keys I, M, K and E. Try to imagine the whole process of typing each letter literally until the muscles twitch. Print with the right middle finger W and B, left - U and S, right ring Y and U, left - Ts and H, right little finger F, E, Z, X and b, left - Z and Y. Return to the letters of the main position again ... While typing them, strive to memorize finger movements both visually and in muscle-spatial sensations. But now repeat mentally not once, but thrice. Repeat the exercise with all the letters: strike once and mentally reproduce three times, keeping your hands in the main position. Make sure that only the working finger is tense. The hands should make only vertical movements, otherwise the fingers will lose their main position. Perform all exercises rhythmically, without rushing.

At the initial stage of training, you should achieve the following:

firstly, to be able to put your hands in the main position automatically and not to move them during work;

secondly, to know the arrangement of letters on the keyboard perfectly;

thirdly, remember the movements of your fingers to each key;

fourthly, all exercises, including mental ones, should be performed only rhythmically, that is, at the same speed.

To quickly memorize the keyboard, we use our imagination and senses. Imagine that your index fingers and the keys attached to them are green, your middle fingers with their keys are red, your ring fingers are blue, and your little fingers are yellow. Take a look at the picture.

Perhaps the best color arrangement for you would be something like the colors in the rainbow and physics. He is suggested by the famous phrase: Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits. The first letter of the words makes it easy to remember the order of the colors.

But in this case, the keyboard is painted in four opposite colors. Green is the opposite of red, and blue is opposite to yellow.

Repeat the exercise with all the letters typing and mentally repeating three times. But for now, you should try to represent the fingers and keys in color. Imagine, as vividly as possible, that the left green index finger strikes the green E key and returns to its place above the green A key. Repeat the exercise with all the letters in the same way. Do mental repetition with your eyes closed. If difficulty arises, look at the picture. After finishing the exercise, repeat it again.

Use the following technique. Tie (not tight!) Your fingers with red, yellow, green and blue threads and work with them. Do not remove them after exercise. They will remind you to practice regularly without the keyboard. You can also mark your nails with pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, or varnishes.

Imagine that all the keys in the top row are triangular, below them are a row of square keys, and at the very bottom are round keys. Work both on the keyboard and mentally in accordance with the outlined rules, trying to fix in your mind the difference between the keys. It will be better understood if you draw letters enclosed in geometric shapes on paper. Also, let's use the rationale again. A triangle can be thought of as the outline of a cone. There is a circle at its base. In the normal position, the cone stands, that is, at the very bottom there is a circle, and at the top the point is a triangle. Let us reinforce the above with the following addition. To translate a triangle into a circle, you need to add a fourth angle to it and, having received a square, round the last one. This means that the square in any case can only be in the middle.

Take a look at the keyboard and imagine that the bottom row of letters is cold, with icy ridges like needles, the main one is smooth, pleasant to the touch, and the top one is hot and soft like cotton wool. I think in this case it will not be difficult for you to guess about the course of the logical reasoning. Liquids, including water, have colder temperatures in the lower layers. The surface of liquids is even, and above it is evaporation, steam, which is easy to associate with cotton wool. Use a logical reasoning that is convenient for you, easy to remember. So it will be remembered faster and stronger.

Do the previous lesson again. Do not hurry. Try to create the necessary sensations in your fingers in full. Remember to repeat mentally three times. Our exercises focus on motor, visual and tactile memory. But perhaps you should also attract hearing, smell or taste. After all, every person is different. Think about which feelings you use to memorize better, and structure the activities in accordance with your personal abilities. In doing so, rely on your own logical grounds, which are indisputable for you. Be sure to achieve a distinct difference in the feel of both rows and keys.

The sooner you learn to evoke vivid and accurate mental images of finger movements to the fixed letters, the faster you will master high-speed typing. And vice versa. The longer you cannot imagine, the longer it will take to learn, since the mind controls movement. Create in your head in a day or two a clear picture of the actions of all fingers with precise muscle and spatial sensations during their movements - you will be able to type quickly.

Let's move on to an activity that will allow you to take a break. Stand up straight, bend your arms as if you are about to type. Imagine yourself as the yellow little finger of your left hand. You are hovering over the yellow square F. Key. Jump forward and, as it were, a little up to the yellow triangular Y key. Linger a little and imagine a big soft and hot key under your feet. Return to your original place. While jumping with the little finger of your left hand, perform a movement similar to what you do when typing. Jump back and, as it were, a little down on the yellow round key Y. Feel the cold of thorny pieces of ice under you. Go back. Jump up and imagine that you hit the F key. Do the exercise with the imitation of the movements of all fingers. If you are not tired, repeat again. During the exercises, the fingers you simulate are exactly the same as the actual movements behind the keyboard.

Do not be afraid to look frivolous when doing the I-Finger exercise. Do it regularly, and you will memorize the position of the letters and the movements of your fingers faster. Unusual is one of the most effective conditions for rapid and lasting assimilation.

In our lessons, we go from memorizing the location of the keys to memorizing the correct movements of the fingers. Until you put (as musicians) your fingers on, you should not type anything other than the exercises in Lesson 1. If a student starts typing without first setting the correct movements, a blurry picture of actions is created in his head. After all, every wrong movement of an untrained finger leaves a mark. The mind, where many inaccurate movements of the finger are captured, and not one verified, cannot send the correct commands. Consequently, in such training, both its duration and numerous errors are programmed. I hope you now understand why traditional touch typing training is so long.

Without thoroughly setting the correct movements of all fingers to the keys assigned to them, it is impossible to start typing words and sentences. When teaching, use the most effective memorization techniques: repeat everything you do immediately, then after 15–20 minutes, then after a few hours and a day. Plan your classes according to these guidelines. One lesson should last at least 20-25 minutes. Spend at least an hour every day studying. And it is better to have two or three short lessons a day, separated by time, than one long continuous one. Don't overdo it. Alternate keyboard activity with the I-Finger exercise. Be sure to fulfill one more condition for fast and lasting memorization: be in a good mood! Get rid of negative emotions - they contribute to longevity in any learning. Smile more often! Ask yourself (especially on the road, in line) funny questions like: “Who do the green fingers go to? What red keys warmly welcome the red guest? " Tune in a major key before each exercise.

When your hands are tired, clench your fingers into a fist and straighten them sharply, lower them down and relax. Do it 8-10 times. Massage your hands in a similar manner to wearing tight gloves.

In the process of learning, shift the emphasis on memorizing the space-muscular sensations. Looking at the mark to be printed, you should already feel it as a perfectly precise movement of a well-defined finger. And the basis of these sensations should be verified real movements behind the keyboard. Only the alternation of work at the keyboard with mental repetition will allow you to put your fingers quickly.

Sitting at the keyboard, type all the letters at a very slow pace. Concentrate on the working finger. As if enter into it mentally and remember its movement from beginning to end. Understand to yourself: how far to the left (or to the right) it moves from the main position, which keys it passes over, which muscles are working at the same time. Feel and remember the difference in finger movements as fully and clearly as possible. Recognize each finger as a unique personality.

You need to remember which finger moves how to which key. Try to make the memorization process active, that is, through remembering, with the help of ideomotor training. Do it at any time, even on public transport. Make sure that a picture-diagram is clearly outlined in your head: the connection of a particular finger with certain letters-keys, that is, the finger is its letters and the accompanying muscle movements. During the day, you probably have at least several periods when you can do ideomotor training without prejudice to other activities. Do it several times a day for a week, and you will learn to type quickly in a short amount of time.

Let's move on to punctuation marks and numbers. Let's use the imagination and the senses again. Look at the drawing of the colored keyboard and do the exercises as you did earlier. The arrangement of the keys may be somewhat different. But, having before your eyes the scheme of their distribution and knowing the basic principles of learning, you can correctly place your fingers on any keyboard. We will now use both hands. The fact is that there is always a space after the punctuation marks. Let's say you are typing a point. Hit the key with it and immediately with the other hand (the edge of your thumb) - on the space key. Repeat everything in your mind three times. Do the same with all punctuation marks. During the lesson, try to memorize the space-muscular sensations.

For many people working at the keyboard, they often have to type English words. Match Russian letters with English letters located on the same keys. And you will increase your typing speed for both keyboards. The more connections a letter and its corresponding key have, the faster and stronger the memorization. Connections built on many feelings and logic are the most reliable, especially if they are developed consciously through the active activity of the mind. A huge mistake in the existing techniques is that they do not create unmistakable and solid differences in keys and movements to them, either visually or in the space-muscular sensations. In the student's memory, all keys exist as a homogeneous mass with subtle differences. But with extremely weak reference points in the subject, it is very difficult for a person to remember and extract from memory what he is learning. As a result, a large amount of time is wasted, and the skill acquired in this way disappears rather quickly during a break. Whereas with complex and poorly distinguishable movements, it is necessary to rely on the creation of various connections in memory, on a significant expansion of meaningful differences in it, in this case in the arrangement of the keys and in the movements of each finger towards them.

For all the seeming attachment of learning to the keyboard, in reality you can always practice without it. Do this in any setting. But be sure to follow the rules for successful ideomotor training (10 points), which are set out in the introductory part. Keep in a good mood, and success will be! Try to make learning fast, but also rely on the strength of memorization. After all, you do for yourself and forever!

What is the first thing a copywriter should be able to do? That's right, quickly type and type blindly. If you do not learn this, then it is simply unrealistic to achieve noticeable success in work. You can get this skill at special trainings or typing courses, as well as purchase textbooks or discs with information. However, we suggest you learn how to print quickly and completely free of charge yourself.

How to learn to type quickly - choose your method

There are different methods of typing on the keyboard, if you choose for yourself and use a convenient and suitable method, you can significantly increase the typing speed. The two-finger method is most often used, although it is the simplest, but not the fastest. Also, 8 fingers are used for printing: all except the thumb. This method is more convenient, because the hands above the keyboard move much less than in the previous method, naturally, the typing speed increases. The most popular ten-finger method. It is the most effective, albeit the most difficult one.

How to learn to type quickly - the ten-finger method

It may seem to many that it is unrealistic to apply it in practice, but having mastered this method, you will be able to type with all your fingers, and most importantly, without even looking at the keyboard. The essence of the method is simple - each finger is responsible for its own specific keys. Having mastered this printing technique, you will have the skill of rhythmic text input. You will enjoy your work because you will be less tired. The main thing is that not such a strong load will go on the eyes, because fatigue appears precisely from the frequent transfer of gaze from the keyboard to the monitor.

The first step to learning how to type quickly is to remember how your fingers should be on the keyboard. In addition to the "home" keys, each finger also has buttons under and above the original one. It's hard to remember everything, but if you have the desire and with constant practice, you will learn it.

How to learn to type fast - helper programs

There are many programs to improve blind typing. However, not everyone will give you the desired result. You should not grab the first link that comes across to you, go through long registrations, wait for an account confirmation. It often happens that the time it takes for these programs or web services will be wasted by you. The chosen program will not pay off, and you will not get what you expected. We will recommend you three proven programs designed to teach speed dialing.

All 10

A high-quality new program that will help you get rid of the habit of typing with two or three fingers. First, you need to pass the test for your print speed, then you will receive the jobs. By doing them, your skills will grow and progress. You can select the keyboard option in the options - English and Russian layouts.

School of fast typing

Not only is this program useful, it is also interesting. Here everything happens in games that will distract from boring workouts. Remember school dictations? Here and here in the same way, the voice will dictate the text, and you will need to type it as quickly as possible.


Unpretentious and simple program that can be downloaded for free. It contains the exercises that you need to do in order to get good results. There are a hundred of such exercises, after completing them all, you will be considered a master of speed dialing. It is up to you to decide whether to end the workout at this point or continue and switch to more complex programs.

  • If you own a printing method, although not the most effective, it is better to improve it, rather than try to learn new things, because because of the memory of the hands it will be very difficult to retrain.
  • In the early stages of training, decide on the level of speed that you own. Special programs will help you with this, there are a huge number of them on the Internet.
  • Do not take up workouts after stress or when tired, this will not be effective.
  • Take advantage of free programs, the main thing during training is not to look at the keyboard. If you have previously worked on the keyboard, then it will be difficult for you to break this habit. Alternatively, tape the buttons and practice.
  • Do not spend more than one hour per day on training, it is advisable to divide it into a couple of parts. This will help you avoid overwork.
  • There is no need to rush, quality is more important in typing, and then speed.
  • Optimize your workplace correctly - the position of the computer, chair and table should not give you any inconvenience.

Now you can learn to type quickly or improve your skills. Be prepared for the fact that for a good result you will need time and constant training. The methods and programs we have proposed have helped many to learn how to type quickly, we hope they will help you.

One of the most important tasks of a blogger, webmaster and even more so a copywriter or rewriter is learn to type quickly on the keyboard... The high speed of typing can significantly reduce the working day of a person who spends most of the time typing. The sooner you learn how to quickly type on the keyboard, the sooner you realize the beauty of touch typing.

Training, as a rule, does not last long, but in order to complete it you need to fully realize the need for fast typing and naturally “gather all your willpower into a fist”! And, as it turned out, not everyone succeeds in doing this. Therefore, if you are not ready to pull yourself together and spend a week or two on intense exercises, then it is generally better for you not to even start, since you will be wasting your time.

What can help us in learning

To begin with, we recommend choosing the most convenient and effective program as an assistant. This could be the popular SOLO software (a favorite of office workers), Stamina, TypingDr, or VerseQ. Of course, there are other options, including online services, but we have listed the main ones. It is very important not to make a mistake in choosing a program, otherwise your desire to quickly type on the keyboard will fade away sooner than you learn the basics of typing letters and numbers blindly. Objectively speaking, each program has its own advantages and disadvantages, so each of them must be downloaded, installed on your computer and tried to work with it. But, as we have already said, not everyone has the patience to walk this path, and even more so 4 times to start it all over again in order to be able to evaluate each of the proposed programs - there certainly will not be enough strength. Therefore, we decided to do differently, immediately choose the VerseQ product, even if it be somewhat subjective, but most of the people who tried this program liked it and even many of them learned how to quickly type on the keyboard, and for free!

We cannot recommend the famous "Solo", since, in our personal opinion, it has already outlived its usefulness, today there are already much more effective ways to learn how to type on a computer. The main disadvantage of this program regarding VerseQ, again in our opinion, is that it is mainly aimed at office workers who literally have to learn a computer keyboard anyway. But for an ordinary user who just wants to quickly communicate in ICQ, Skype or on the VKontakte social network (for example) - the program will be absolutely useless! The point is that learning should take place in an easy and relaxed manner. It should not last for hours or months, as is the case with classes at "Solo".

VerseQ, on the other hand, helps to memorize not individual letters on the keyboard, but whole chords (letter combinations), which makes it possible to apply skills immediately after the first lessons. You will not need to go crazy with multiple keystrokes of the same letters. In addition, the visual design of the program will help create a rather pleasant atmosphere when studying a set of letters with all fingers of both hands.

How the Blind Typing Machine Works

The essence of the VerseQ simulator is quite simple - a line of letters or letter phrases (chords) appears on the screen in front of you, which you need to repeat from the keyboard. By pressing the first letter or key, the program will start keeping statistics, recording your typing speed, rhythm and the number of mistakes made.

After typing the entire line, you will be shown statistics (skill, tempo, rhythm and number of mistakes). Having studied it, you can continue to study further - print the next line. However, it will already be different, since it is generated automatically, but takes into account your past mistakes, that is, if you make mistakes in certain letters or combinations, the system will put the letter row in such a way that you can learn well and be able to correct your own mistakes. When the shortcomings in your printing have been eliminated, the program will continue to complicate the learning levels in accordance with the language characteristics.

Now let's get down to the immediate guidelines for speedy keyboard typing.

What to do when it doesn't work out, learn to type blindly on the keyboard?

Often, people trying to learn how to quickly type on the keyboard have a problem with the fact that they cannot learn anything from learning: they forget where to put their fingers, which keys are assigned to one or another finger, quickly get tired and generally cannot withstand the minimum load from learning ... If you have similar symptoms, and you consider yourself a relatively healthy person, with a good memory and there are no serious stressful situations in your life, then you need to urgently turn your attention to sleep. Since it is he who is responsible for the efficiency of the brain, and also (no less important) for the work of the nervous system.

Therefore, if you want to get a quick effect from exercise, then first of all you must enter the normal regime of the day, namely, sleep as much time as your body requires. It is most correct to go to bed between 21:00 and 23:00, since after this time biological rhythms enter into completely different phrases, and a person's temperature drops by an average of 0.6 degrees, which the body needs for a deep sleep phase. If you miss this moment - going to bed later, you thereby do not have time to enter this phase, which provides the brain and nervous system with better rest, in connection with which your sleep will last longer, and you will sleep worse.

And if you think this is a joke, you are deeply mistaken! This tip can go a long way in not only helping you learn to type faster, but also be successful in other things.

So, you yourself already understood that there are no difficulties as such on the way to learning how to type on the keyboard quickly and blindly. It is enough to run the virtual simulator several times a day and type all the letters that the program shows us according to the rules. But we would like to add that in addition to this, you will also need to remember about practice, because it is not enough just to print the letter combinations that the program offers, we still need to print whole sentences - with punctuation marks, capital letters, paragraphs, etc. ... Of course, we could advise you simply, to reprint any article from the newspaper into a Word document, but we will not do this, because we ourselves know that it is just as boring as practicing every day on any virtual simulator for fingers. Instead, we recommend that you do differently: start intensively chatting on your favorite forums, ICQ, Skype, social networks, etc. In other words, combine business with pleasure. After all, communication, as a rule, is short messages that need to be written at an active pace. Thus, you will quickly develop the habit of writing faster, and, of course, correctly, otherwise you will not be understood.

At first, this practice will seem a little difficult to you, because writing quickly and according to the rules is difficult, but in the future you will be very grateful to this particular practice. We do not recommend practicing on documents or abstracts, where speed, absence of errors and time are really important.

Another way to practice is to participate in various services like Here you can organize virtual, group competitions in the form of speedy typing of letters by the blind method. However, instead of a character, a racing car appears, which moves at the same speed with which you can type. That is, on the one hand, it is a game, and on the other, it is a completely effective online simulator that helps you learn how to type letters very quickly.

If you cannot get rid of the habit of looking at the keyboard, then take an opaque tape and seal all the keys on your keyboard, such a situation will simply force you to remember all the rules and tips that you received from this article and on the virtual simulator.

So, after you learn how to quickly type on the keyboard, your work (if it is related to texts) will largely advance to the top, because now you can perform much larger volumes of typing, and therefore get much more money for them! By the way, I advise freelancers and webmasters to read our articles on "How to learn how to do a rewriting" and "for an SDL".

Now I would like to ask the blog readers a question: Do you know how to type blindly and quickly? If yes, how did you learn it? Please share your "recipes" and tricks.

For those who spend a lot of time at the computer, especially online, it is important to master the procedure for writing text messages. So how do you learn to write quickly on the keyboard? Standard keyboards are made adapted to typing texts with a blind ten-finger method, we will tell you about this.

How to learn how to quickly type on the keyboard. Step-by-step instruction

  • Remember the location of the keys with the letters, especially those who are just starting to master the computer. Looking at each row of the keyboard for 10-20 seconds, move it to the side, so as not to see at all, and write letters on paper. Once you have learned each row, you can easily follow the next steps.
  • The keys of the middle row with the Russian letters A and O should become your points of support. Note that at the bottom of these keys there are convex "risks" for feeling them with your fingertips. Putting the index fingers of each hand on these keys (left - on A, right - on O), without pressing, place each finger on the next key of the middle row from the support keys in order: the middle of the left hand - on B, ring - on Y, little finger - on F; the middle one of the right hand - on L, unnamed - on D, unnamed - on J.

  • Search the web for the color typing keyboard for learning quick typing that works best for you. You will see that above and below the buttons on which you put certain fingers, there are keys of other rows. They are colored according to the color of the fingers: for the index, for the middle, for the ring and little fingers. The distribution of keys is not uniform, but in accordance with the frequency of the use of certain letters, but it is possible and necessary to understand and remember it.
  • The space bar is pressed with the edge of the thumb.
  • To develop practice and better consolidate the skill of touch typing, it is worth using the services of special servers, free or with purely symbolic prices. These can be: "Solo on the keyboard" (can be downloaded, can be used online); "Klavagonki"; "All 10"; "Stamina" and others. Any "tutorial" is easy to find in a search engine.

  • If you are relearning rather than mastering, it will be more difficult for you. You may have to start by slowly breaking the habit. Act carefully and slowly, if you can't keep up with the programs, just learn to type text by pressing the keys with the "right fingers" at your individual pace. The speed will increase with experience. But if you started to master this technique, you need to type at least 6-8 thousand characters a day in order to consolidate the skill. When doing this, try not to replace your fingers. You will have to correct the typos at first, but if you try, it will go away very soon.

  • If you started to master the keyboard, using it competently for typing, master another skill - the use of "hot keys". The list is easy to find and learn.

Good luck and early learning!

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