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How many times should you charge a new phone? Is fast charging harmful for a Samsung smartphone? How to properly charge a new phone with a lithium-ion battery

Or tablets - batteries. Their charge is barely enough for a day, which worries many device owners. But often we ourselves spoil the battery on the phone, just starting to use it. Partly because we don’t know how to properly charge a new battery for a smartphone or other gadget. This is easy to do, but not everyone is aware or neglects these rules.

We have all heard that there is some special way of charging for the first time in order to “boost” the battery. But they all present different ways. First, it’s worth understanding what types of batteries are generally used in gadgets.


Today it is the last century, especially in relation to phones. And there are several reasons for this. Firstly, resource intensity. It is lower than that of modern analogues. And secondly, it is further reduced due to the fact that these elements have a so-called memory effect. It is enough not to fully charge a new battery several times, and after that the capacity will begin to decrease.


Almost everyone has come across the name "Li-ion". It is this type of batteries that are on your laptops, mobile phones, tablets. They have a higher energy capacity compared to nickel and are used in almost all modern devices. The memory effect on lithium energy cells is practically not noticeable. Today it is the ideal battery for a phone.

Rocking up

Overclocking or swinging is a special way to properly charge the battery on a smartphone. You need to swing the battery in order to bypass this very memory effect.

“However, why do this then if lithium batteries are free from such ailment?” - you ask. Then, it’s still worth charging a new phone battery in a different way, since this will help increase the usable capacity even with modern batteries. And also increase the service life. You don’t want to change the battery on your mobile phone in a year?

The same can be said about calibration. You need to know not only how to overclock the battery, but also how to calibrate it. It allows the device to access the entire amount of energy. In this way, you can make the most of your device’s battery.

The "overclocking" process

So, how to boost your smartphone battery? This is done both when purchasing a new battery and when purchasing a new device.

  1. We reduce the battery to zero percent from the moment we start using it.
  2. We charge to full 100%. It is also recommended to look at the instructions for charging the device and keep the device connected to the network for the same amount of time, adding a couple more hours.
  3. Do this 3-4 times.

This is, in fact, the whole process that is designed to “rock” the battery. After this, experts do not advise discharging it to zero each time and keeping it on the wire up to a hundred. It is enough to allow a balance of 15–20% to start charging and end it when the mobile phone shows 80–90%.


The process is less significant, but experts also advise carrying it out. It is enough to do calibration once every one to two months. It’s worth warning right away: owners of devices with built-in batteries are relieved of this obligation.

Batteries on smartphones and telephones have their own service life, but most often due to improper use, including charging, they fail prematurely. To extend the life of your battery, you need to remember a few simple rules.

Use only the original charger. They have a special fuse that turns off the power supply after the battery reaches 100% charge. Cheap and universal chargers do not have it, and overcharging significantly reduces the life of the battery. If you don’t have the original charger at hand, you shouldn’t charge your smartphone overnight. Usually the battery reaches 100% in 3-4 hours, but even in a sleeping state, the phone consumes a certain amount of energy and the rest of the time, charging recharges the gadget from time to time. This very quickly reduces the actual battery capacity and after a while the phone begins to discharge much faster.

It is best to remove the device from the charge when it is 90-95% charged. This will help avoid the negative effects of high voltage.

Full discharge is no less harmful to your phone; try not to take it to extremes. One discharge before shutting down completely can reduce the battery life by half.

You should not use a device that is charging. This also kills the battery.

Nowadays, modern smartphones use lithium-ion batteries. They do not require pre-launch preparation when first used. If ten years ago, after purchasing a new phone, the user needed to discharge it to zero three times, and then charge the battery to 100%, but now a brand new gadget can simply be charged once.

In general, manufacturers make smartphones with the expectation that after two or three years the user will replace the device with a new one. Therefore, even if you sometimes do not follow the above tips, nothing bad will happen.

After purchasing a new smartphone, the first thing the user does is connect the gadget to the network via a charger. At the same time, few people think that when charging for the first time it is necessary to follow certain rules. And then you will notice that the phone has to be recharged more and more often.

A decrease in battery capacity occurs for two reasons: improper handling of the gadget and violation of the rules for first installation for charging. In our article, we will talk about the main types of batteries and teach you how to properly charge a smartphone battery for the first time. In this case, the phone battery will last much longer than the warranty period.

On the pages of technical forums and websites, it is customary to talk about 4 main types of batteries for phones. However, in 2017, you can completely limit yourself to two types. The fact is, nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hydride were used in gadgets 10-15 years ago and are no longer used now. This is due to the fact that such batteries are difficult to use - they have to be charged only after they are completely discharged, and they can also be very toxic.

In recent years, mobile device manufacturers have used two main types of batteries:

  • Lithium-ion;
  • Lithium polymer.

Such batteries can be charged to at least 50 or 20% charge. In addition, they are much more convenient to use. The advantage of using lithium-polymer batteries is that such batteries can withstand a greater number of charge cycles, and thanks to the polymer electrolyte they can be made lighter and thinner.

Speaking about how to properly charge a smartphone battery for the first time, many technical experts recommend performing the so-called pumping or calibration of the battery:

  1. Completely discharge the phone before turning off the phone. This can be done by simultaneously launching several resource-intensive modules (Wi-Fi, GPS, flashlight, and so on);
  2. Connect the charger. The user manual should indicate how long it takes to fully charge the phone;
  3. Leave the phone to charge for several hours, for example, overnight. By the way, it is recommended to charge your smartphone when it is turned off so that the battery does not waste power maintaining the operation of the main systems;
  4. Carry out a similar procedure 2 or 4 times.

After such a build-up, you can charge the battery at any time, without waiting for complete discharge, and leave it connected to the network even when the battery indicator scale is 100 percent. This is another advantage of Li-Ion and Li-Pol batteries: the battery is not overloaded from overcharging.

Follow these simple tips to ensure your phone battery lasts as long as possible:

  • Don't let your phone's battery drain completely. It is enough to bring the indicator level to 10%, and you can connect the charger;
  • It is not necessary to fully charge your phone. It is recommended to alternate the charge from 70-80 to 100% several times a month;
  • Do not leave your smartphone online for a long time. Modern batteries, of course, can cope with excess charge, but you should not abuse this opportunity;
  • Be careful not to leave your phone in hot or cold weather. Lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries are very capricious in relation to high and low temperatures;
  • If you do not use the phone for a long time, it is better to remove the battery, since an unused battery may soon, as techies say, “fade away.”

Which smartphone with a powerful battery is best to choose?

A modern user's mobile gadget rarely sits idle for more than 5 minutes. Moreover, calls and SMS do not account for the largest share of active use. Accessing the Internet via Wi-Fi or mobile traffic, geolocation, working with applications, playing games, watching videos and launching audio - all this puts a heavy load on even the most capacious battery.

Considering these factors, it is preferable to choose a smartphone that combines large battery capacity with hardware performance. A big plus in this case is the accessibility of the gadget. It is wrong to think that a smartphone with a powerful battery should cost tens of thousands of rubles. Thus, the British company Fly has been proving for 14 years with each new smartphone model that it is possible to produce a productive and long-lasting device and at the same time adhere to the budget price category.

The most powerful smartphone in terms of battery capacity in the brand’s model line is. The 4000 mAh battery demonstrates high battery life:

  • up to 15 hours of talk time;
  • up to 350 hours of standby;
  • up to 8 hours of video playback and surfing the Internet via Wi-Fi;
  • up to 70 hours of music listening.

In addition, the smartphone battery supports XLife technology. This means that Fly Nimbus 12 can be used as an external battery to charge another smartphone or tablet. The smartphone didn’t let us down in terms of technical features either. A powerful 1.3 GHz 4-core processor will ensure long-term and stable operation of applications, and high-quality video and photo display occurs on a bright and contrasting 5-inch IPS display in HD resolution.

If the user needs a lithium-polymer battery installed in the smartphone, the gadget itself meets all modern technical requirements, and at the same time is accessible, we recommend paying attention to the new product for the spring-summer season 2017 -. Largely due to the use of a compact 2400 mAh Li-Pol battery, the smartphone in a metal case was made thin and light.

By combining various modes, for example, accessing the Network via Wi-Fi, watching videos, calls, SMS and working with applications, you can safely forget about the charger from morning until late evening.

Now you know how to charge your phone correctly for the first time. Choose the most suitable, reliable and powerful gadget for yourself, don’t forget about our recommendations - and you won’t have to think about buying a new smartphone for a long time.

A modern smartphone is a powerful device that requires a lot of energy. Users look longingly at regular mobile phones that can last for weeks without recharging. Any smartphone has to be connected to the network once every 1-2 days. And people are often told that newly purchased equipment needs to be charged in a special way. Is it true? Let's talk about how to properly charge a new smartphone battery.

Even in the store, you may be warned that you need to charge your new phone correctly. First you need to decide on the type of battery. Some advisers claim that you can start the charging process only when the battery is completely discharged. It's better to actually do it this way the first time. You can continue in the same spirit if the battery is a Ni-Mh type and has the so-called “memory effect”. But now there are almost no such devices; they have been replaced by Li-Ion, which do not need to be discharged to zero. Moreover, during subsequent operation this is even undesirable; it is better to keep the device turned on at all times. It is not recommended to keep your mobile device connected to the network for a long time - if you use a standard charger, this will lead to a waste of electricity, and if you use a random charger, the consequences can be even worse.

Smartphone charger

Charger characteristics also matter

  • The charger must be original or universal, but exactly corresponding to the characteristics of the battery. You can also charge via the USB port of your computer; this is a safe, but time-consuming procedure.
  • Pay attention to the charging current, it must correspond to the numbers on the battery.
  • It is better to use a special data cable that allows the smartphone to identify the charger.

Features of using the battery

There are several points to keep in mind regarding the use of lithium-ion batteries.

  • Such batteries are sensitive to low temperatures, so they should not be used for long periods of time in winter. Hide your phone in your pocket, where it will feel safe.
  • During operation, try to avoid completely discharging the battery. It is always recommended to have a standard charger or USB cable with you, recharging the device during the day. This will prevent the battery from being discharged at a critical moment.

We have listed important information for those who intend to purchase a new phone and do not yet know how to charge it correctly. There is nothing complicated about this, and manufacturers are trying to make this process even simpler.

Having paid for a brand new mobile device at the checkout counter of an electronics store, it is unlikely that any of the lucky ones immediately and scrupulously begin to study the “energy” nuances of the purchased device. Most likely, the user will not have enough time (on the way home) to fully satisfy his curiosity, in terms of “What’s this, how does it do it, wow, what a feature, etc.” - the battery will run out. It’s understandable, because the factory primary “electric charge” is usually depleted within a few minutes. It is likely that the seller will be somewhat vague about how to properly charge your new phone. However, the buyer will still understand something, but this “something” without the rest “mandatory” and “required” is guaranteed not to work. So after reading the article (rest assured!) you will have a chance to maintain the energetic “health” of your phone.

Running on wires...

Yes, it is the correct current, no matter how funny it sounds, that is responsible for what happens to your cellular “favorite” during operation. The fact is that the original charger fails over time, usually it is replaced by a device called, as usual, Chinese. Agree, not everyone’s electrical network in their house or apartment is equipped with the latest stabilization equipment. Voltage drops in our outlets are the rule rather than the exception. In general, the question “How to charge a new phone?” quite popular. Of course, the stated facts also apply to several outdated mobile phones.

"Mistress" battery

Today, almost all mobile devices are equipped with some devices with lithium-polymer energy sources. Alkaline technologies were considered very harmful: nickel-metal hydride and cadmium batteries fell into oblivion, leaving only memories of their insufficient efficiency. However, deciding how to properly charge a new phone has become significantly easier.

Today, autonomous power supplies have become much lighter, and their performance has increased significantly. But they still need proper operation, on which, in principle, the durability of the battery cells depends (meaning the full functionality of the battery).

How to properly charge a new phone: practical tips

Batteries whose type has the prefix “lithium” do not require “pre-launch” preparation. That is, a new battery does not need to be subjected to cyclic charging/discharging. It’s enough to come home, connect the device to the charger and wait about 8 hours (about how long the battery needs to fill all the containers with energy). However, it may well be that the phone will charge faster. It is important that the indicator shows 100% of the full battery volume. Don’t be confused by the fact that some “experts” recommend pumping a new lithium battery 2-3 times. Believe me, once is enough.

Proper “power” for your device

The answer to the question of how long you need to charge a new phone is purely individual for each individual communication device. It all depends on the capacity of the installed battery, its modification and the features of the components of the cellular unit. By the way, it also affects the rate of “filling” of electrical energy. That is, the configuration of the original memory is designed specifically for your model. You shouldn’t blindly trust convincing advertising: “Our charger is universal and suitable for any mobile phone.” Believe me, this is a lie!

Active lifestyle, or manifestation of modernity

It is a well-known fact that the transience of time is an incredibly tangible fact today. Some people are literally torn between things and often forget to “refuel” their electronic friend. And even after the “alkaline stereotype” found its application in 3-time pumping, despite the fact that the question “How to charge a new phone?” torments the user with doubt... After all, there is an opinion that periodically recharging the battery is strictly prohibited. Dear reader, this statement has nothing in common with the true state of affairs and cannot have it. do not support the outdated “option” of alkaline batteries - memory effect. If you really need to recharge or refill your phone, be so kind as to connect the charger when necessary.

A few words for edification

Opinions on the question “How to properly charge a new phone?” an incredible variety. However, it is necessary to objectively approach the general understanding of this process. The manufacturability of a lithium-ion battery is in no way comparable to the “training” of alkaline batteries. The only thing you should be wary of when using your phone is systematic deep discharge of the battery. It is also advisable to “fill” the containers when the indicator shows a “safety margin” of 20-30%. By the way, the correct answer to the question: “How long does it take to charge a new phone?” expressed by the definition - almost to the end (99%). Otherwise, everything is as usual - aging and wear and tear. Of course, the main accelerator of the “death” of a battery is the factor of intensive use. So you should not use the device while charging.


When covering the question “How to charge a new phone battery?”, the fact that people are often afraid to leave their devices for an overnight refueling was missed. There is no reason to worry, a special controller (battery device) always “knows” when to turn off the power supply. Therefore, charge your phone when it is convenient for you, but still do not forget that 1-2 times a month you should carry out the so-called battery calibration. This will allow you to update the battery volume indicator readings. So a full discharge/charge is still sometimes appropriate. Always keep your battery in good shape!

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