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Download the scheme of the device for the reminder to drink the medicine. Health tracking on request

When people forget to take their medicine or do not take it as prescribed by their doctor, it affects their health and can even lead to a crisis and unplanned hospitalization. Unfortunately, everyone is guilty of this - both the elderly, because of their forgetfulness, and children, because of their carelessness and lack of control from their parents, and people in their prime, mistakenly believing that this is all nonsense and everything will go away anyway.

Research shows that drug abuse costs European governments around € 125 billion and contributes to the premature death of nearly 200,000 Europeans every year. In Russia, statistics claim that 37% of people who are prescribed medication by doctors do not adhere to their regimen or stop taking them ahead of time. The issues of adherence to doses and timing of medication in accordance with the doctor's prescription and adherence to all prescribed therapy are often critical to obtaining a favorable treatment result. What to do?

There are several simple, innovative methods that have great potential to make a significant difference in correcting a situation. These methods have become widely used in developed countries and in this we can well learn from them.

  1. Smartphone reminders. Today almost everyone has mobile phones, in the near future they will be replaced by smartphones. For example, in the USA there are already more of them than personal computers... AND specialized applications or a medication reminder service works great for those who are too busy, distracted, or have memory loss. Research recently published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research has shown that mobile apps can improve medication intake even for seniors with no experience with a smartphone, computer, or the Internet.
  2. Smart drug containers connected to the Web... These devices monitor the number of pills in a container and can send text or phone reminders to patients to take their medication. Some studies have shown that these devices improve adherence rates by up to 95%.
  3. Gamification. Game-like apps that provide psychological incentives for patients to participate and achieve results. True, such methods do not work for one drug for a long time, nevertheless, they are effective over a short distance.

We will present you several of these solutions from the first two categories and, perhaps, you may find some of them useful.

Mobile devices long ago and tightly entered our life. They replace our computer, book, TV, game console, a camera and even a camcorder. With their help, we can communicate with friends, watch movies, play games, read and even learn. But, the list of their advantages is not limited to this.

Today, these electronic assistants are successfully mastering new function- take care of our health. They help to make an appointment with a doctor, suggest the time of taking medications, and monitor our health indicators. As soon as you start using them, you will be surprised to see how much freer and easier your life has become, how much time you save, how many important little things you have stopped missing.

Apteka.RU [ download ]

| Russian language

How many times have you found yourself in a situation when in the evening your temperature or pressure rose, your head began to hurt, and your stomach was twisted by excruciating cramps? Where to order the required medicine? Will come to the rescue mobile app Apteka.RU. With its help, you can easily find the required drug on the website. Russian service Apteka.RU.

The application contains huge base of more than 10,000 items. Has a conveniently organized search. You can search both by the name of the drug and by the main active ingredient. It is no more difficult to place an order than on the website, which is especially important if you need to do everything as quickly as possible. Prices compare favorably with the average for pharmacies. The service cooperates with more than 12,000 pharmacies located in 95 cities of Russia. And, starting from version 2.4, the location of pharmacies is marked on the map.

The application is actively supported and developed. Come out regularly free updates... The main thing, do not forget, before taking this or that medicine, consult your doctor and carefully study the possible side effects and the list of contraindications.

HD vision test [download]

Price: Free | OS: iOS .8.0+| Russian language

Have you noticed how much the load on your eyes has grown over last years? Not surprisingly, many are beginning to experience vision problems. And here, the main thing is to notice in time when your eyes start to work not as they should. In order to test your eyesight, use the mobile application "HD Vision Test".

The program contains a number of professional tests that will help you identify color vision abnormalities, check your eyes for ostigmatism, and establish any other visual impairments. The program is quite easy to use and is highly recommended for use by people wearing glasses or contact lenses. Especially if they spend a lot of time at the computer screen or constantly communicate with the screen of a smartphone or tablet. However, even those with good eyesight are advised to check themselves regularly so that they can take up treatment on time if the need arises.

Health control ONDOC [ download ]

Price: Free | OS: iOS .8.0+| Russian language

ONDOC is an application that can save you the hassle of collecting a huge pile of paper tests at home and carefully making sure that they are not lost. ONDOC not only stores data about your heart rate, weight or pressure, but also allows you to see how they change over time. The data is stored in the application and on the website.

If you are prescribed a course of treatment, the application will inform you about the time of taking your medications by SMS, push and email notifications. Thus, you can make the course of treatment more effective and predictable.

On this, the possibilities of the program are not limited to. The program database contains information about 15,000 clinics and 12,000 doctors. You can search for a doctor by specialty, experience or location. You can make an appointment both online and by phone. In some clinics, you can order a call back.

So ONDOC is complex system, which stores information about your health, monitors the course of treatment and allows you to quickly find the specialist you need.

ONDOC Dent [ download ]

ONDOC Dent is a database of 2000 dentists and 4000 clinics located throughout Russia, from Moscow to Khabarovsk. You can make an appointment both online and by phone. Chat is available for communication with clinic administrators or specialists.

After visiting the doctor, you will receive treatment data. About which teeth were sealed, which ones were removed, what treatment plan was drawn up by the doctor. The application will completely replace your paper medical record. If, for some reason, you change the attending physician, it will not be difficult for him to restore the complete picture of your previous treatment using the information available in the database.

Such an application will not only reduce your time to find a specialist and make an appointment with him, but will also contribute to the greater safety of your treatment data.

My Tablets [download]

Price: Free | OS: iOS .8.0+ | Russian language

My pills are quite simple, but at the same time very useful program... Its main task is to remind the owner that it is time to take the medicine. It may not seem very good to some. the desired function, However, it is not.

Of course, if you went to bed with ARVI and all your treatment is aspirin, you do not need to remind you about taking medications. Even if you drink the medicine 4 or 3 times a day, there will be no big trouble. But what about people who need to take their drugs regularly, several times a day, for a fairly long period of time? Especially if you lead an extremely busy lifestyle? It is easy to forget about the schedule and seriously worsen your clinical picture.

Here, for such cases, "My pills" will come in handy. The program has huge opportunities... It is possible to draw up schemes for taking medications by the hour, day, day. Schedule a course of admission for days or months. Count the number of remaining drugs, notify about missed appointments. Keep a history of medication intake in the calendar, which will be very important when you return to the doctor.

In addition, the program contains a database of medicines, allows you to choose the type of drug - tablets, mixture, etc.

Medicines and substitutes. Generics. Generics [download]

Price: Free | OS: iOS .8.0+ | Russian language

Generic is medicinal product which contains an active substance that has expired patent protection. Or a drug that is manufactured under a compulsory license. Simply put, a generic is an analogue of a branded drug. In terms of its effectiveness, a generic drug does not differ from a branded drug, but it costs much less. More low price due to the lack of the need to reimburse the costs of development, clinical trials, etc.

It is not surprising that generics are in great demand in our country. After all, they significantly reduce the burden on the budget. However, not everyone is well aware of what analogue can replace one or another branded drug. And then a mobile application comes to the rescue, containing a huge database of a wide variety of generics.

The description of each drug contains a full annotation - the active substance, analogues, area of ​​application, warning of contraindications. The disadvantages include the poverty of the application in terms of dermatological medicines.

Youwell - Your Health Organizer [download]

Price: Free | OS: iOS .8.0+ | Russian language

Youwell is a versatile tool to help you manage your own health. The program contains special forms in order to store in them records of laboratory studies or periodic measurements of certain physiological parameters, for example, pressure or pulse. There is a possibility to create own templates measurements, for example, if you have your own specific pressure measurement schedule. You can add results from past studies to see how the clinical picture has changed.

A color indication scale has been implemented, which shows how your indicators correspond to the norms. Due to its clarity, it does not require special medical knowledge. In addition, based on the indicators you entered, the program generates graphs showing the change in your state for certain period time.

It is possible to add a schedule of medication intake and receive a corresponding reminder.

When using the program, always remember that to clarify laboratory tests, you need to consult a doctor. Beware of self-medication.

i Medicines - Medicines Guide [download]

Price: 15 rub. | OS: iOS .8.0+ | Russian language

"Imedicines" - the program is a huge mobile directory that fits easily on your device. And which, unlike a huge medical encyclopedia, will always be at your fingertips.

The program has huge amount merits:

  • fully Russified menu
  • simple intuitive interface
  • huge, regularly updated database of drugs
  • detailed descriptions for each drug: indications, side effects, dosage, methods of application and much more.
  • for foreign drugs, their Russian counterparts are indicated
  • the ability to leave your own notes for each of the drugs
  • built-in internet search and much more.
  • contraindications are indicated.

Having at hand such information base, you will always find the medicine you need. But, do not forget that before taking anything, be sure to consult your doctor.


Is useful and convenient application for Android, which will be a godsend for all those who need to systematically take medications or any drugs. The program will promptly inform about the need for taking pills for you or your loved ones, which eliminates constant anxiety and the need for control.

The main MediSafe screen displays virtual medicine boxes for each day of the week. Swipe to the right allows you to go to the next day and see your medication plan. The containers are divided into four parts, which are responsible for different time periods: morning, afternoon, evening and night.

When a new drug is added, a scheduled or as needed appointment is selected. In the first case, the medicine will automatically fall into the boxes every day of the week. The second option is designed for a one-time intake of the medicine without entering it into the general schedule. The addition system is perfectly visualized and allows you to give each medicine its own appearance in order not to confuse anything. So, pictograms of tablets of different shapes, an inhaler, a syringe and much more are available. You can change the color of the virtual medicine to differentiate.

As soon as the reception time comes, a special card appears on the device screen and a notification sounds. When you press the "Accept" key, the message disappears. Conveniently, when adding a medicine, the function of synchronization with a loved one is available. If you forget about the reception, the application will send special message to the specified number.

MediSafe is the most popular application in its own way, which is fully justified by the convenience of the interface and exceptional functionality. In addition to all of the above, MediSafe includes a specialized social network, visualized charts of medication intake, as well as the ability to export data to an Excel file. In addition, the program is absolutely free and has no paid features.


  • Intuitive and extremely easy-to-use application;
  • Synchronizes family pillboxes in one place;
  • Provides timely reminders, even if your device is in sleep mode;
  • Choose your own reminder sound for Medisafe to enhance your daily comfort;
  • High quality graphics that look great on high definition displays;
  • Review the list of medicines "for today" and cross them out as you take them;
  • View the medication report and send it to your doctor in an Excel file.
  • Synchronization of devices of family members in real time.
  • Automatic and reliable backup and recovery with cloud server Medisafe

Download Medisafe Medication Reminder App for Android you can follow the link below.

Developer: Medisafe
Platform: Android (Depends on device)
Interface language: Russian (RUS)
State: Premium (Full version)
Root: Not needed

15 IOS / Android Apps That Will Make Your Life Longer

“Doctor, what have I got?”, “Doctor, will I live?”, “Doctor, write me some pill!” Before pronouncing these great spells, the ordinary human body most often goes through a stage codenamed "nothing, nothing, something like that."

Useful smartphone applications allow you to get a rough idea of ​​how much you need to see a specialist, to which one - and what your results mean. And then they help to be treated correctly. We have already talked about. Now let's test and control ourselves from a medical point of view in more detail!

Youwell - health organizer

The state of your precious health can be monitored using the graphs of pressure, pulse, weight, sugar level built by the application. You enter the data - and it, with the help of colors and comments, clearly and intelligibly shows you how much everything is in order with you. In the "health card" you can store the results of your research in the form of tablets or images - for example, copies of documents.

Health control ONDOC

Integrated with the Health application, so that all the received data about your health can be stored in one profile. It can be accessed both from the application and from the site (in a protected form). Such a compact and mobile medical card. There are sections with databases of doctors and clinics (with location on the map) - and the addition of new ones takes place with the participation of the users themselves.

A program that draws a picture of your health and plots graphs of its changes in accordance with individual parameters that you enter into it: pressure, pulse, weight, blood sugar, and so on. Motivates to urgently pay attention to your condition or keep the achieved results.

If you really want to sign up, but it is not yet clear to whom, we prescribe this application for you. The right specialist can be found by filtering by location, specialization, cost of services. And then sign up without leaving the checkout. V personal account You can store information about visits and doctors, and at your leisure, in the corridor of the clinic, leave reviews about them or read a medical encyclopedia. In addition to Moscow, there is St. Petersburg in the database, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg and some other large cities.

Eyesight test - iKulist

You constantly stick into your computer and your phone - and your vision inevitably reacts to it. But it does it slowly, so you won't notice it right away. The application will check your vigilance, and based on the results of express diagnostics, it will give a verdict: do you need to go to an ophthalmologist right now. There is also a mode for checking the eyes of children - in a playful way for the kid.

Hearing test

You will ask three times: "What, what?" - and you will think ... Here's how to understand: is your interlocutor having problems with diction - or is it you already have problems with hearing? Or just a sulfur plug? Yes, with the help of the same iPhone and find out. The app will arrange an express hearing test and give you the result.

My analyzes

Here they handed you an analysis, you look at all these strange numbers and incomprehensible letters - and you do not understand anything ... You can, of course, take the doctor's word for it - but what if one looks and says: “You are fine!”, And the second looks and poke a tooth? You can satisfy your craving for knowledge with the help of this program. Essentially, it's a pocket-sized guide that provides details on 18 of the most popular types of laboratory tests.

Cito! Analyzes

Detailed analysis, sorry for the tautology, the most important analyzes. “The program is for reference only and is intended for medical students and doctors. The program is not intended for self diagnosis and treatment, ”the description strictly tells us. And for us not for self-treatment - it will be useful for us for self-education!


Not just useful, but vital important application for a diabetic. Mobile system blood sugar control, insulin dose calculator ... An effective self-control diary and a tool for interacting with your doctor.


An application useful for quick and easy navigation through medical institutions and medicines. You can quickly find out how to get to the nearest dentistry, clinic, hospital, emergency room or pharmacy. And when the doctor prescribes a medicine - just as quickly find it in the reference book. You can find out all the necessary information about the medication by the barcode. Medication Reminder allows you to make up to 4 reminders per medication. You can create favorites from all sections, which will open offline.

My pills

A reminder that will not let you forget to take any remedy. From a monthly schedule to an hourly schedule, from a simple bell to snooze and reschedule reminders. You simply have no chance not to drink a medicinal drug - if necessary, the application will remind you five times!

Medicines from A to Z

An encyclopedia of medicines that will help you navigate the ocean of jars and boxes with not always familiar names. Here you can read everything about 15,000 modern medicines (action, indications, side effects, contraindications ...), find out their compatibility, and, if necessary, choose an analogue.

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