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Music expresses the state of a person's soul, therefore, very often, according to the music that a person listens to, one can determine his mood, inner mood and even outlook on life. If a person hums some melody or words from a song, then this can also speak of his complete harmony in himself and with the world around him. But sometimes it happens that a song heard somewhere and its melody firmly sit in the memory, but what it is called and who its performer is is unknown. But you really want to find this song, download it to your phone or computer and listen to it all the time. How to find a song without knowing the title and artist?

Search a song by words

Who is not familiar with the situation when from time to time a certain composition is heard on the radio or on someone's phone, but no one knows its name and artist. In this case, you can memorize the words of the composition, at least partially, and find the song on the Internet by the words. To do this, you just need to enter the words into a search engine and select the one you want to find among the proposed options. In addition, there are special sites that have bookmarks for searching songs by words. How to memorize words? As a rule, words sink into memory by themselves, because if you like a song, then it will sound in your head and excerpts from its text will remind you of the desire to find the song itself and recognize its performer.
Music lovers-friends will also help to find a suitable song, who know all the new items in the world of music and will promptly suggest the name and artist of this or that composition.

Untitled Song Search Programs

Modern technologies offer a wide variety of programs for searching songs by melody or by words. Some of them can recognize the song even by the most absurd mooing. The recognition program will offer several variants of songs that are similar to the one that was sung, and then among the proposed variants it will be possible to find the desired one. If there is an opportunity to hum the song you like for sure, then this is even better, since then the proposed options will be fewer and it will be possible to find the desired song much faster, although most programs and services still require a recorded fragment of the song on a dictaphone or phone.

Among such programs and services, the following should be highlighted:

  1. Tunatic is the easiest program to use, when almost at the moment of humming a song it can find it "on the fly".
  2. Autotag is a program that can find a composition by a set of characteristics in its database, which is a little complicated to use.
  3. Midomi Mobile - recognizes a song by a small fragment recorded on the phone; identification of music is complicated, but if a composition is found, then the user can even be offered a clip of it on "YouTube".
  4. TrackID is a service for Sony Ericsson Walkman series phones that identifies a song by a recorded excerpt for 5-6 seconds.
  5. - online identification of songs by a recorded excerpt from 15 seconds.
As a rule, the sites with these programs also provide instructions for their use, so that users can find the desired song as quickly as possible.

Not much time has passed since, and the International Consortium of Investigative Journalism - ICIJ, on the basis of these documents, has prepared a new grandiose "gift" for corrupt politicians. The leakage of secret documents showed how the presidents of large and small powers, their relatives and associates are involved in concealing income in offshore zones.

Largest Panamanian Firm Leak Reveals Corruption of World Leaders
The documents contain the names of 72 current and former leaders of states, including leaders accused of plundering their countries. This list contains the names of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, the King of Saudi Arabia, the President of the Russian Federation Putin and his close friends, Bashar al-Assad and the leader of the nation of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev.

ICIJ Director Gerard Ryle said that "the leak would be the hardest hit offshore ever undertaken." Apparently, someone really powerful and knowledgeable, having struck a blow on the offshore business, declared a war on corruption, concealment of income and money laundering on a global scale.

Why is there such a fuss about the Panama Papers
Let me remind the dear reader that this blog is not about politics, but about information and its search on the Internet. In this case, these things are, of course, intertwined. But, this article is intended only to highlight an extraordinary event from the informational side. While there is noise and foam seething around PanamaLeaks, we will try to analyze this event and its consequences.

It should be said that the withdrawal of funds to offshore, as a way to avoid taxation in your country, is strictly not a crime. Yes - ugly, yes - not patriotic, but not a crime. In those countries where it is allowed. That's right, but when it comes to businessmen or actors, as is the case with the football player Lionel Messi or the stunt actor Jackie Chan.

If information is found on a business entity of interest, you can enable automatic monitoring of changes in the registers that relate to this company or entrepreneur. Updated information will be sent to your e-mail. Service developers do not hide their plans for the development of the project. It is planned to add analytical information: articles in the media, the reputation of business entities based on feedback from business partners, financial analysis, the likelihood of bankruptcy, etc.

Of course, too little time has passed yet to draw any conclusions about the work of the search engine. Perhaps there will be more problems. I foresee, for example, the contradictions associated with the concept of commercial secrets. In general, we will see how the project will develop and wish you good luck with your endeavor!

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Well, and, as usual, a video, comments on which are absolutely unnecessary.

As the source notes, the information released by him is only a kind of trial portion. The true amount of data that journalists have at their disposal is much larger. Thus, the words of the representatives of the journalistic consortium that the quiet world of offshore companies is waiting for a real "earthquake" seem quite plausible.

Quite recently, French developers presented the new search engine Qwant ( to the Internet audience. The French themselves call their search engine revolutionary. According to the co-founder, Qwant is both a holistic and unbiased system. It offers information without making any search preference.

Development of Qwant has been going on for two years. As the developers admit, the main goal of the new search engine is to overtake and overtake the largest search engine Google. So, launched on February 13, 2013. This system is currently being tested and is available in 35 countries in 15 languages.

Among the features of the new search is the distribution of found results by category. So, you can find information on social networks - this is the Social column or, for example, scroll through the data from the news feed (Live). The Web column displays the most popular articles for your request, while the Shopping column displays the sales information for the product you requested.

In the very middle of the page is the Knowledge Graph column - there you can get a short description of your query - what it is, where it is applied, etc. - like a description in an explanatory dictionary. In addition, Qwant offers image and video output upon your request. There is also a big difference from Google, Yandex and other search engines, where you need to go to a special tab to view images for a search query.

Qwant can be called one of the most user-friendly search engines. It offers a large number of settings for a more convenient display of data for you. The columns of the issue categories can be changed by their location among themselves. For example, if you are primarily interested in a news line, you can move it to the left so that it is the first to catch the eye, and the list with commercial information can be moved as far to the right as possible.

Let's do a little testing of the search engine. Let's say we are interested in the work of Monica Bellucci. We open the start page, which, by the way, is very similar in design to Google. We enter "Monica Bellucci" in the line and see the following: at the very top we are offered a video and a photo of this famous actress, while you can scroll through the media results right at the top using the arrow, without going to the tab with photos.

In the Web column we see links to several of the most relevant sites that have information about Bellucci - Wikipedia, KinoPoisk, etc. In the Live column - news about the actress (recent interviews, photo sessions, etc.), in the Social column you can see people's reviews of Monica Bellucci from social networks, but in Shopping we see a list of sites where you can buy films with Monica.

As you can see, the system is aimed at providing answers to any user request, without imposing results on the user, but offering them in several categories to choose from. The creators of Qwant themselves confirm that the main emphasis was on improving the search for information on popular social networks.

Of course, cloud technologies are paid, because you are using third-party servers. But such a service has a large number of advantages, in particular:

The client should pay only for the amount of storage in the storage that he actually uses, and not for renting a server;
- the client does not need to purchase, maintain and maintain their own storage equipment, which greatly reduces production costs;
- all technical issues regarding the preservation of the integrity of the posted information and data backup are carried out by the provider, which does not require the participation of the client in this.

Why cloud storage is so attractive
You, for sure, used file sharing, of which there are still a huge number. There you could upload your own file, which becomes available to any user who can find your file by tag or name. In contrast, cloud technology provides complete privacy. That is, only the owner of the information can use the posted data, and he enters the system with his username and password.

Ordinary users fell in love with such technologies because now there is no need to clog up the computer with tons of old information - on any computer you can always find several gigabytes of old music, which may still be useful someday, a collection of films, revised several times, documents that are already have been printed and used.

But, nevertheless, all this information must be stored somewhere. Cloud services offer to clear directly the space on the computer by sending all unnecessary data to the "cloud". All you need to do is be willing to pay some fee and have a high speed internet connection.

Another feature of cloud storage is that you can get the stored data at any time and from any device. That is, if you sent a movie "to the cloud" from a computer, you can take it back to your computer from a laptop, tablet, smartphone ... The main thing is that you have a password and login with you.

Which cloud storage should you choose?
There are a huge number of cloud services, and they are constantly evolving, offering not only storage space, but also related services. Below are the most popular ones.

1. Windows Live SkyDrive - Offers the most server space. Registered users can store up to 25 GB of their own information in the cloud for free. Office documents uploaded to the cloud storage can be edited and opened right in the browser. Synchronization can be performed from several computer devices at once.

2. DropBox is a very well-known service among ordinary users, but offers only 2 GB of space for each of its clients. If you use a paid account, you can expand your capabilities up to 20 GB.

Graph Search (hereinafter GS) is the name of the Facebook (FB) update recently announced by Zuckerberg, which further "socializes" the first social network on the planet. The beta release of the new service has been launched so far only in the English-language segment of Facebook. Search "know-how" will become available to Russian-speaking users of the social network later, but you can add your account to the "waiting list" now.

Technically, GS is a system of filters that uses the Bing search algorithm within the social network and allows you to search for people, places of interest, music (in a future update), photos that are relevant to your Facebook interests. For a social user, Graph Search will look like a search bar at the top of any FB page.

When a query is entered into the GS search line, the search result is collected on a separate page bearing the name of the query (for example: "My friends in Rio"). It is planned to search by "likes", comments, media content, photo marks. The date of the next update of the intelligent service is still unknown.

Facebook Graph Search - How Does It Work?
The development was started by the statement: for a user, a friend's recommendation is more significant than the estimates of thousands of unknown people. So, using Graph Search, you can find, for example:

Photos of fellow students before 1995;
- squash lovers from your city;
- photos of friends taken in Indonesia;
- favorite metropolitan sushi bars of your friends;
-sights of Prague or Paris, visited by your friends.

Cause for concern or false alarm?
The first news about Graph Search raised some concerns among FB users. Yes, an intelligent service is very attractive in terms of search capabilities, but many are afraid of using social search by marketing companies, special services, criminal groups, government agencies, and unscrupulous owners of Internet services to collect information. Are the fears justified?

On the one hand, Graph Search does not change the privacy settings, therefore, only FB users for whom they are open can "give out" private data. On the other hand, transcontinental corporations, government intranets and even banks suffer from "information leaks". Is Facebook secure in terms of security? Time will tell.

Google Now and Assistant (old and new versions of OK Google)

This assistant knows a lot of information about you: the schedule for the month, the most important holidays and other events. He performs not only the functions of a secretary, but also searches for requests on the network.

Google Assistant is an excellent program that is capable of sending SMS messages and does a great job of navigating. The interface of this program is clear and easy to use; problems with learning the program does not take much time. Users appreciated how the Assistant makes jokes.

Assistant Dusya

Dusya is an intelligent assistant, which is available for free download on your phone. The program differs from others in that it is adapted for Russian-speaking users.

Talking blonde 3D

Talking blonde 3D is an assistant with cartoon characters who helps you control your mobile phone. The voice program is free and paid. The free version of the program does not have a voice function, information is entered by text.


An excellent analogue of Siri. This assistant is small but very functional. You can download the service completely free of charge. There are practically no errors in the answers to the questions. The plus is a pleasant and user-friendly interface. Users criticize the Skyvi settings: they are very clumsy.


Andy is an assistant who not only controls the smartphone, but also searches for information requested by the user. A significant disadvantage for Russian users is the lack of the Russian language; all commands are performed in English.


Robin is a program that can be downloaded to any type of mobile phone. In its arsenal it has not only basic functions: it has the ability to joke and tell funny stories and stories.

How to install an analogue of Siri on Android?

Many programs from the list above are installed like regular applications: through Google Play or other application directories. This method is safe, as specialists check the application's operation. You can also download assistants using a browser: type the name of the voice assistant in the search box. Choose the site you like and download it. Please note that this method is highly insecure: there is no guarantee that there are no viruses. We do not post files for downloading third-party applications, but links go to the official website of the developers or Google Play.

Five examples of applications that can not only replace the well-known Siri, but also surpass it in some functions.

Speaktoit Assistant

This app works in a similar way to Siri: you can dictate a message in iMessage, open a website, add events to your calendar, and more.

His interface, however, is not so universal: as an illustration, a drawn girl is attached to the voice assistant, who "answers" all your questions. The assistant works in conjunction with many applications, with maps, with applications for managing the level of productivity. In the future, the developer promises to expand the list of supported programs and tasks.

Google now

Most famous Siri competitor was created by Google, the application is useful for those who have a business account in Google Apps, since the capabilities of corporate planning and calendar management work in conjunction with Google Now.

Google Now is supported on iOS, Android and Chrome browsers. So for universal work, a browser on your desktop computer and a smartphone (or tablet) based on one of the 2 popular mobile operating systems will be enough.

Calendars 5

Powerful task manager and organizer of appointments and calendars. Differs in support of ordinary human speech: you just dictate in your usual manner (albeit in English) - and you get a calendar filled with events and plans. This type of dialing is definitely faster than manually.

Setting up this app is pretty straightforward too.

Meeting assistant

And this voice assistant is suitable for those who have business tasks and organization of notes in the first place. There is also a detailed meeting planner here.

The interface of this application resembles a good old notebook on a spring, which has a main calendar and appointments attached to specific times and dates. You can also leave notes and comments linked to social networks.


And completing our list is an alternative assistant for iPhone called Mynd with a tiled interface and reminders right on the home screen. It can not only create tasks, calendar entries and manage applications, but it also adapts to your habits and provides you with contextual information based on your current location.

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