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Download the program for programming. Choosing a programming environment

Modern computer world in its development has already reached the point that in themselves operating systems that computers run, you can use specialized programs for programming, which can be downloaded free of charge from our website, to create additional controls or advanced features. For the most part, programming programs that can be downloaded are cross-platform environments that use a language. Programming is becoming commonplace. Even without knowing the basics, you can create some pretty interesting things.

If we consider programming programs in terms of their capabilities, and precisely those that can be downloaded for free, then several aspects must be highlighted. Programming has several areas. Here it is worth noting the most popular. Among them, platforms for creating teaching materials(Lazaurus), free database programming software (Database Browser), free programming software related to the development and testing of new software(Free Pascal, Python), as well as modern utilities for those who use programming in the field of web design. As it is already clear, they can be downloaded for free even on the official websites of the developers. You can also download them in this section. Of course, this is not all, because programming now affects almost all areas. For example, programming can be used in modern factories with their most powerful equipment. But while we are talking about home or office conditions. It goes without saying that software developers know that many applications that can be downloaded for free are fundamentally not much different from paid analogues. The fact is that even the developers of such software themselves are simply interested in making programming widely available. That is why many applications can be downloaded for free, in some cases such products are even open source, which allows any user to change or modify the program that he downloaded at his own discretion. And the developers themselves quite often pay attention to the opinions of users or changes made to the main product.

There is also the simplest solution for programming. Let's say programs like Notepad can be downloaded for free. They, despite our howling simplicity, support many languages ​​and syntaxes. You can download the program for programming in the form of Notepad anywhere. Even Windows operating systems have such a tool. Novice users are very distrustful of this application. But in vain. Many programmers and developers prefer to work with Notepad because it offers a very wide range of functionality. To date, you can find a free download of a program for programming such as Notepad with support for programming languages ​​on the Internet as much as you like. The basic principles of operation for all programming software are almost the same. Differences can only be additional funds development.

In general, if we talk about programming applications, then you should not get hung up on professional utilities that cannot be downloaded for free. Even though free programming software can be downloaded for free at world wide web, their functionality is no worse, and in some cases even better, because, ajar source code, such applications are modified or made better and more functional by the users themselves, while the content of paid analogues is monitored by the developers themselves and often do not keep up with the introduction of innovations or additions from the rapidly developing field of programming.

So, in order to download free programming applications, just enter from the field search query"software for programming free download". All available content will appear in the search results. You can optionally enter the scope of the application. This is up to you.

IN this section On our site you can find the best free programming software that you can download for free. Each file has been carefully checked and is completely safe. With our software, even the most complex programming process will seem to be a pleasure for you!

We have prepared for you a selection of mobile applications thanks to which you can learn programming anywhere. Share applications that are not included in this list in the comments!


Khan Academy


SoloLearn is a range of mobile applications that teach the user how to program using special games. SoloLearn apps are available free of charge for the iOS and Android platforms.

Coursera: Online courses

Free courses from the world's leading universities on Coursera are now available as apps for Android and iOS.

EdX - Online Courses

We couldn't pass up these great resources, which also aim to teach programming in a fun way.

Code Combat

One of the most popular games for teaching programming. The application is often used in educational institutions for development training. Contains courses for all ages.

Code Wars

A service where you can compete in programming with other participants. There are different languages ​​available for users to write code and tasks to complete.

If these resources seem interesting to you, we advise you to take a look at our free online games that will teach you how to program.

Greetings to all readers of the site! On the Internet, there is one wonderful free one, it is about her and will be discussed in today's article.
Many users sometimes think about independent creation computer program, and there are different reasons, for example:

Despite the variety of these reasons, they all share one difficulty - to develop a program, you need to know programming languages. It takes a couple of months to learn the syntax of any programming language, but it takes years to understand the logic of the language and learn how to apply it in practice. But, as you know, hopeless situations do not happen! In our case, it will help us program for creating computer programs, which you can download absolutely free!

Looking ahead, I’ll say that after reading this article to the end, in a couple of hours you will be able to create your own simple programs. So let's get started.
Our program for creating computer programs called HiAsm.

HiAsm is powerful visual system application development, with which you can develop your program without the use of programming. With HiAsm you can create various audio and video players, browsers, online chats and much more. All these applications you can create without single line program code, the visual environment will do everything for you!

Before starting work with software for creating programs for a computer, I suggest downloading and installing it.

After downloading, you need to go standard procedure installation of this application.
1 . Choose desired language, in my case it is Russian.

2. We continue the installation.

3. We accept the terms of the license agreement.

4. Choose a place on your hard drive to install the program to create programs for your computer.

5. Specify the name and address Email(since confirmation of the mailbox is not required, you can specify any mail)

6. We complete the process of installing the program.

After you have installed HiAsm, you can proceed to launch. Running ours, we will see the following window:

In order to start creating your application, you need to click on the main menu item “File”, then “ New…", select " Windows» (if we want to create an application for Windows OS) and press " OK”.
Thus, we will get a form for our future program, which for now contains a single element called mainform.

The form is the foundation of the program on which the various elements will be based. To add elements to our program, click on the item of the same name in the upper left.

A tab opens with huge collection various elements. With such a large arsenal, you can create very serious application that will meet all your requirements.
To show how HiAsm works, I will create a simple program that will have one button, clicking on which will change the form title from " Form" on the " Hey».

How to set an element on a form?

So, we find the button in the elements panel (when you hover over the element, a tooltip with its name will pop up), click on it with the left mouse button, then move the cursor to the part of the form in which we want to place it.

How to change element settings?

In order to configure our button, go to the right upper part programs and press Properties". Now we see a tab with all the properties of our button. Now we are interested in the property " Caption”, which is responsible for the inscription on the button. It defaults to " Push”, we will change it to “ Click».

How to set an action for an element?

Now we have the most difficult part in creating an application using programs for creating programs for the computer- we need to make the button of our program start working. After you understand the meaning of this operation, it will become simple and logical for you.
In order for our button to change the name of the program form, we need to link the button to the main form (MainForm element). To do this, move the mouse cursor over green dot located on our button, then hold down left button mouse and start dragging a line to the center mainform.

Now you need to double-click on the laid segment and set the name of the form, which will appear after clicking on the button. After double-clicking on the segment, the " Data editor».

If you want to set the text name of the form, then select String, and if numeric, then Integer or Real. Select data type String" and enter the word " Hey».
On this, our program is ready and now we need to test it. To do this, we save our project - " File", then " Save as» and choose a location to save. To start, we need to click on the green arrow or press the key F9.

Our program has started, now we check its performance - we click on our button.

As we can replace, the title of the form has changed and this means that the program is working! In order for you to be able to run the program without HiAsm, you need to create .exe file. To do this, click on the main menu item " launch» and press « Compile».
Congratulations, you just made a Windows program yourself! To facilitate the process of creating programs, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following concepts from programming:

  • data types;
  • concept of events in object-oriented programming;
  • properties of Delphi programming environment components.

Knowing these concepts will greatly facilitate the process of creating programs in HiAsp. In this article, we reviewed an excellent free program for creating computer programs, also created their first application and tested it for performance. In order for you to quickly understand the HiAsp program, I picked up a few enough good videos lessons on this wonderful programming environment. I wish you a pleasant viewing!

Undocumented features of HiAsm

HiAsm Settings

Graphics in HiAsm

Do you know what free

Learning to program is becoming more and more accessible due to the continuous growth in the number of online resources who help everyone in this. The advantage of such resources is in the unlimited amount of knowledge that they can give and in the high qualification of teachers. Minus - no one forces you to study and the quality of the knowledge gained depends only on how much effort you put in.

Interactive online platform for learning 12 programming languages: Python, PHP, JavaScript, Ruby, Java, etc., as well as working with the jQuery library and markup and design languages HTML web pages and CSS.

If you need to quickly learn the basics new technology, then these courses are very useful and will help you quickly understand new language. But the knowledge at the output will be shallow and after these courses it is necessary to continue learning.

The educational streaming service offers you unique tutorials for learning programming. What is so special about The lessons are interactive, in real time you see the writing of the project and can communicate with the teacher in the chat, stream recordings are also available. contains a huge library of recorded broadcasts of all kinds of programming languages ​​and frameworks. Most of the content is available for free, you just need to register, there are paid projects, they are more structured and educational, a monthly subscription will cost 500 rubles.

The site has recently launched a Russian-language premium section, where you can find various training projects, for example: “Server implementation of the messenger”, “How to write a link shortener for Node.js” . Thanks to huge base educational videos and projects, the site is suitable for both beginners and experienced professionals. And any specialist who meets the requirements can become a teacher and create their own educational project here.

Service for learning programming, namely Full-stack development in JavaScript. Education is built on the principle of self-education from simple to complex. First, the foundation is given, and then they give a task that goes beyond what has been studied and you need to solve it yourself.

It all starts with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and continues with assignments for basic functions JS, tasks for algorithms, front-end projects. A section about React is planned to be launched. For communication there is a chat in Gitter.

This site provides programming exercises, specifically in: C#, C++, Haskell, JavaScript, Lua, Objective-C, Perl 5, Python, Ruby and Scala.

The idea is simple:

  • You download the exercise in the language of your choice (mentioned above) from client application
  • Add solution to the site.
  • Programmers from all over the world will comment on what you have done.
  • You improve your code.
Thanks to this learning method, when you, as a beginner in programming, get feedback from the experts, you can avoid getting stuck in training if you can't find correct solution. It also helps people who are shy or who are hesitant to ask questions, as there is no way to move on. Katrona Owen, the creator of, noticed that this type of training will help students at Jumpstart Labs in Denver, Colorado complete the exercises.

Pluralsight is one of the leaders in the development of interactive training courses for professional developers. Pluralsight offers subscriptions for individuals and businesses starting at $29 per month. The following categories are available on the site: IT Ops, Software Development, Data Professional, Architecture and Construction, Manufacturing and Design, Business Professional, Information and Cyber ​​Security.

Video lectures on English language subtitled combined with built-in quizzes and follow-up homework based on a "learn by doing" model. Each lecture includes a built-in quiz to help students understand the concepts and ideas offered.

Nanodegree Plus programs are also available. The bottom line is that Udacity guarantees employment within 6 months after graduation or refunds your money. Tuition costs $299/month. Big Advantage- code review, and very detailed. The program also includes: assistance in preparing a resume, github and linkedin accounts, test interviews (with real people).

Code School uses screencasts and video tutorials to teach about HTML / CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, Python, .NET, iOS, Git and other languages, delivering material through interesting stories. Most of the content is aimed at advanced programmers, but free courses on the basics of programming are available for beginners.

To access free courses registration is required, access to paid Code School courses is only possible on a subscription basis, the price of which starts at $29 per month.

Udemy is a learning platform where you can be both a student and a teacher. Udemy offers a large number of courses in such applied areas as design, programming, web development. Among the teachers you can meet Mark Zuckerberg and other giants of the IT industry. The price of courses on Udemy is from $10 to $200, there are also free ones. is a veteran of the online education industry. is a paid online education service primarily in the field of IT and design. The service was founded in 1995 and was bought by Linkedin in 2015.

Lynda works by subscription. Although some of the courses are available for free, the main share is only available with a subscription starting at $19/month. After payment, the user gets unlimited access to any courses in the Lynda database. To get acquainted with the functionality of Lynda, a 10-day trial version is offered, with full access to the entire library.

This is an interactive collection of programming tasks, solving which you fill your skill in a particular language.

Various tasks, achievements, tests, viewing the most best solutions, discussions, ranks - all this makes the service very convenient and valuable for those who want to solve puzzles in a particular language. The service currently supports the following languages: Clojure, C++, C#, Elixir, F#, Go, Haskell, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, Rust, Shell, SQL, Swift, TypeScript.

Coursera is an educational platform that gives you the opportunity to study online at the world's leading educational institutions. The project cooperates with universities that publish and run courses in various fields of knowledge in the system.

Students take courses, communicate with fellow students, take tests and exams directly on the Coursera website. The project includes courses in physics, engineering disciplines, humanities and art, medicine, biology, mathematics, computer science, economics and business.

Courses are approximately six to ten weeks long with 1-2 hours of video lectures per week, courses contain assignments, weekly exercises and sometimes a final project or exam. For $40 you can get a certificate from the university where you took the course. There are approximately 700 courses on Coursera in various fields of activity.

Code Avengers provides an opportunity to learn in an interactive and game form the basics of HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript right in the browser. During the training, you will be able to learn the basics of programming and layout step by step, completing small tasks.

On a free account, you can study the first 5 lessons of each of the courses. Some courses are available in Russian (currently translated HTML / CSS / JavaScript / Game Dev / Intro to Coding)

Site created by StackOverflow developer. The resource is a tour of the best guides online, which includes interactive classes, videos and reading materials. Bento is free and presents the material in a completely logical sequence.

Bloc helps you master the professions of a UI/UX designer and developer in order to create "modern responsive websites and mobile applications." The service is not quite conventional system payment: for a fixed amount of $ 3,999, you can choose one of three load options - 3 months for 40 hours a week, 4.5 months for 25-30 hours and 9 months for 12-15 hours. So training can be combined with studying elsewhere or even work.

CheckIO - a resource for language learning and practice Python programming. Learning is presented as a game in which each user needs to use their knowledge to some extent. For example, the first stage of learning "Learning" is a chain of tasks from easy to difficult. Moreover, in the description of the problem itself there is all the reference data for its solution. - service for learning various languages game programming. In each case, the player is required to solve a specific problem or fix someone else's code.

The highlight of our list. All video tutorials on this Internet resource are conducted by young girls. The specificity of such lessons is that as the material becomes more complicated, the girls ... undress. Each section has several videos for training. In the video, the girl who teaches the course explains one of the topics of a block to the user for several minutes.

Great place for people who want to learn how to create with code. This free platform uses video tutorials from experts covering a lot various topics from mathematics and physics to history and art history. Apps are available for Android and iOS that will give you the opportunity to take the platform's courses anywhere.

MIT OpenCourseWare is MIT's dedicated resource for many tutorials, lectures, and seminars. OpenCourseWare contains over 2,000 course materials. The site has audio and video courses, search by catalog, by course number, by discipline name, all subjects and degree of difficulty are divided into separate headings.

With this resource, you can view interactive presentations that explain how to write programs from scratch. You not only see the code being written, but you can also understand what changes each line of code makes to the final product.

The project is an online collection of documents from various sources that are dedicated to web development and are suitable for people of all skill levels: from experts to students and beginners. MDN is a wiki, which means that anyone can edit it and fix inaccuracies.

HTML5Rocks is a compilation free lessons to help solve various problems. The videos are often accompanied by various written instructions, diagrams, and useful explanations can be found in the comments.

Detailed learning CSS with the help of the big almanac on CSS. The blog now covers many topics besides CSS, such as Sass, JavaScript, PHP, and more. You can check out a huge amount of resources and even code snippets.

Helpful English educational portal with an audience of about 5 million users. A large number of free training programs in various areas of programming, as well as paid courses. Over 600 video courses and e-books. - training different languages programming and frameworks on the examples of successful startups. For example, Code4Startup suggests learning AngularJS and FireBase by creating a clone of TaskRabbit, and copying HTML 5, CSS and jQuery by Airbnb (later you can create a hybrid mobile app for service).

Russian-language sites for learning programming:

These are interactive online courses in HTML and CSS that will help you go from solving simple practical tasks, before creating full-fledged sites. Much attention is paid to practice here, each new material supported by examples and quizzes that you will have to solve before moving on to the next lesson.

Hexlet is an open, web-based coding learning platform that offers short, hours-long courses for software developers, from beginners to professionals. All training programs consist of two parts: theoretical and practical.

LendWings - This platform offers video lectures by the best teachers from around the world in Russian, but not all courses are free. LendWings allows users to connect to training courses provided by independent tutors (“instructors”) who provide instruction through recorded video lectures, text documents, slides, presentations and other materials.

This is an online school for teaching programming, system administration, design and internet marketing. Each GeekBrains course has detailed program and reviews. Classes cover almost all areas of development and prepare for a specific job in a particular area of ​​IT. For students, internship and certification programs are also available.

JavaRush teaches Java programming in the form of an online game. The game is based on the Futurama universe. The goal of the game is to upgrade your character (Amigo robot) from level 1 to level 80. In the game, you complete tasks and earn black matter, which you spend on unlocking new levels. The JavaRush course contains 1200 practice problems of increasing difficulty.

The purpose of the site is to provide the most competent and, if possible, up-to-date information about javascript and related technologies. There is a tutorial, tools and a large number of correct articles for general development. An offline version of the guide is available for download. There are several fairly complex tests.

A resource for online learning to code, offering not only video tutorials for independent viewing, but also free services that allow you to form practical coding skills. Each user has the opportunity to develop practical skills using the Simulator, communicate with other students on the forum, read interesting blog posts, and listen to free IT webinars. The video courses themselves are included in larger educational modules - "IT Specialties"

  • Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Git, Node.js, React.js and more.
  • English language.

The freeCodeCamp program consistently teaches the user all the basic aspects of web programming from basic concepts to complex tricks development. At the beginning of each lesson, you read the theory, then put it into practice: write code in special editor, and the system checks you. If difficulties arise, you can discuss them with other students on the forum.

At the end of the theoretical modules, you are shown projects on the basis of which you should create native web applications. The results of the development must be published on the resource, after which they can be evaluated by other users.

In addition, freeCodeCamp helps students get into teams and work together on real non-commercial projects. This is a good chance to get valuable development experience and portfolio needed for employment.

2. Codecademy

  • Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular.js, React.js, Python, Ruby and more.
  • Cost: Free or from $20 per month for additional content.
  • English language.
  • Difficulty level: easy-intermediate levels.

Like the previous resource, Codecademy focuses on teaching web programming. You read the theory, and then complete tasks in an interactive code editor. The user has separate courses dedicated to different technologies. The main part of each of them is available for free, but verification tests and project development tasks open after subscription.

Codecademy also has comprehensive paid programs that organize and combine materials from different courses. For example, the Build Websites from Scratch program teaches you step by step how to build a simple website from scratch using a variety of technologies.

3. Coursera

  • Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular.js, Java, Python, Ruby, Swift and more.
  • Cost: Free or from $49 per month for additional content.
  • Language: English, Russian and others.
  • Difficulty level: all levels.

On Coursera you will find many courses in different programming languages ​​from the world's leading universities. Here you can learn not only web development, but also the creation of mobile and desktop programs. Some courses are self-contained, but most are grouped into specializations - sets of related courses.

You can view the theoretical material presented by texts and videos for free. But most test and practical tasks, which require verification by a teacher or other users, are available only with a paid subscription.


  • Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java, Python, Ruby and others.
  • Cost: Free or from $49 per month for a certificate.
  • Language: English and others.
  • Difficulty level: all levels.

On edX, you can access courses from renowned companies and universities. Among them is, for example, the famous introductory course for novice programmers Introduction to Computer Science from Harvard University. Educational content is mainly represented by video lectures and texts. Some courses contain quizzes and other interactive activities.

For the passage of most materials, the platform does not ask for money. But you can get a certificate confirming the successful completion of a particular course only for money.


  • Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, algorithms and databases, C#, Java, Python, Ruby, and others.
  • Cost: free of charge or from 500 rubles per month for the services of a tutor.
  • Russian language.
  • Difficulty level: all levels.

The INTUIT educational platform catalog contains text and video courses from Russian educational institutions and international IT companies. The content of the site covers all major areas of programming from website development to the creation of desktop programs. Selfeducation free, but payable service, within which the user is assisted by a personal tutor.


  • Technologies: JavaScript, C#, neural networks, C++ and others.
  • Cost: completely free.
  • Language: Russian, English.
  • Difficulty level: easy-medium.

Another non-profit platform for which courses are created Russian companies and universities. Although there is not much material on specific programming languages ​​on Stepic, here you can learn fundamental knowledge from the field of mathematics and the theory of algorithms that will be useful to every developer.

7. Modern Javascript Tutorial

  • Technologies: JavaScript and others.
  • Cost: free of charge or from 6,500 rubles for an additional course.
  • Russian language.
  • Difficulty level: all levels.

This resource is dedicated JavaScript language and related web technologies. Here you will find a very detailed, well structured and easy to understand text course on JS. Tasks after each topic will help to consolidate the acquired knowledge. At the same time, the material is purely theoretical and does not teach how to create projects in practice.

You can study the textbook for free on your own or pay for advanced courses that include learning JavaScript itself or related technologies with a teacher.

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