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Active promotion systems. Active promotion systems Other methods of external optimization

Now I will show you the DIY SEO method that I used to grow my website to 5,000 unique visitors per day in just 9 months. Moreover, I promoted my website from scratch, exclusively on my own and for free.

I called this method “Shock website promotion”. It differs in many ways from what is usually offered as an “SEO promotion recipe.” But the main thing is that it works and you can repeat it.

In this article we will talk about website promotion using articles. That is, we will not buy any links. Exclusively white safe methods - wrote an article, optimized it, brought it to the TOP, repeated this scheme 50 - 100 times. That's all the promotion =)

And the very first step is choosing the right keyword for your article.

Step #1 – Select key queries “per million”

I hope you are already aware that you cannot write articles on the site “just like that.” Be sure to select in advance a specific key query for which you will optimize your article. For example, this article is optimized for the query “do-it-yourself SEO promotion.” That's why I put this phrase in the title.

Without this, search robots simply will not understand what your article is about. Although they are very smart, they are still robots.

And our task is to select key queries that:

  1. Have a large number of monthly requests (otherwise you will have to write 1000 articles to see any traffic);
  2. They have low competition (otherwise it will be almost impossible for you to break into the TOP);
  3. They have good prospects for “career growth” (more on this below).

Collecting a pool of such key queries is called compiling a semantic core. And if it seems to you that it is difficult and long, you think right. But it’s better to spend a couple of weeks selecting 30 queries now than to spend a couple of years writing articles and ending up with nothing.

The main tool for selecting keywords

Let's say we want to write an article about how having your own blog is very cool and cool. The title that comes to our mind for the article is “Why you need to blog.” It would seem that the topic will certainly be of interest to a wide range of readers.

But to check, we first go to Yandex.Wordstat. This is a free tool that will immediately show you the exact popularity of a particular request. Enter the selected key in the line and click “Select”.

As you can see in the screenshot above, this request has 0 views per month. This means no one is looking for him, and no one needs him. Please note that I put the request in quotes. This is how Yandex.Wordstat shows the exact frequency. If you leave the query without quotes, it will show completely incorrect numbers.

We conclude that the key query needs to be changed. But how best to formulate it? We begin to enter our main word “blog” into the Wordstat line and add question words – “how”, “what”, “why”.

And here we already have a very wide field for activity. We take each key query that we like and insert it into quotation marks to check the exact frequency. As a result we get:

Now this is another matter. If our article is in the TOP for 1500 impressions per month, then we will definitely get good traffic. But that's not the end of the story. Will we really be able to get to the top for this request? Let's now turn to another tool.

SEO Competition Checker Tool

To check the level of competition among requests, we will use a service called “ Mutagen" It's paid, but you can do 10 free checks every day. And paid checks are very inexpensive - a few kopecks apiece.

The essence of this service is that it compares many different indicators of sites that are in first place in search results for a particular query, and draws a conclusion how easy or difficult it will be to “move” these sites.

For example, we take the same query that we found - “what is a blog”, enter it into the Mutagen check line and press Enter.

This query shows competition of “more than 25”. This is the maximum level of competition that Mutagen shows. That is, it will be extremely difficult to get to the TOP for this key. We are not happy with this.

If your resource is not yet highly promoted, then it is better to choose key queries with a competition level of 5-7 or even lower. So what should we do with this topic? Abandon the idea and write an article about something else?

Not at all necessary. Now we need to try to reformulate the request so that the level of competition is significantly reduced, and the number of requests does not fall very much. And the first thing you should try to do is lengthen the key query with additional words.

Now that's better. Let this query option have only 28 views per month. It’s better to take it for the article, because it has a competition level of only 7. If you come out on top for this key, then it is likely that Yandex will put you in the TOP for a broader one.

Many people believe that the more words in a key query, the fewer views it will have (because people are too lazy to enter long keys by hand). But as you can see, this is not always the case. We extended our key even more, and received a competition level of only 4, and almost 200 net views.

This is the ideal key for writing an article. We stop there and move on to the next stage - writing an article that deserves first place in the TOP.

Step #2 – Write armor-piercing articles

The amount of money in your pocket directly depends on the amount of traffic on your site. And the amount of traffic depends on the number of articles you have posted. The more articles, the more traffic. Everyone knows this, but for some reason articles are still not written.

And here I’ll give you a couple of life hacks that will help you write less and get more traffic.

Should I write it myself or hire a copywriter?

I recommend that all owners of content sites write articles for their resource themselves. This way you will immediately bypass numerous competitors who hire copywriters for this task. Here's my opinion - a copywriter will never write an article well enough.

Firstly, he is not an expert in the topic on which you made your site. This will be immediately noticeable by the amount of “water” and banal advice in the articles.

Secondly, a copywriter is not the owner of the site, and he will not work hard to ensure that the article turns out to be of really high quality and sufficiently voluminous.

And thirdly, what is called “copywriting” today is actually rewriting in 95% of cases. That is, a freelancer takes several articles on a given topic, crosses them with each other, adds some water, and that’s it. Even if different services for checking the uniqueness of text show “95-100% uniqueness” of such texts, Yandex and Google have their own verification algorithms.

Non-unique content is something that search engines are now actively struggling with. And if you start doing what no one else does (that is, writing unique original articles with truly valuable content yourself), you will immediately be noticed and put in the TOP.

Should I write long articles or short ones?

One of the questions that I get asked most often sounds something like this: “Dmitry, why do you write such long articles for the site? Nobody reads them." In fact, they read. And the longer the article, the longer the average person spends on the site (within reasonable limits, of course).

I can name at least 5 reasons why you also need to write long articles:

  1. Search robots think logically. And if they see that your article is 1500 words, and all other articles on this topic are 700 words, he concludes that your article contains 2 times more information on the topic. It's logical. Accordingly, he will at least give people the opportunity to “try” it.
  2. The longer your article, the more words and phrases on the topic you use in it. And this gives what is called “tail traffic”. That is, 80% of your traffic will come not from the main key query, but from many small queries that users search for 1-2 times a month.
  3. Even just scrolling through a long article to the end takes time. Accordingly, this greatly reduces the bounce rate - when a visitor spent less than 10-15 seconds on your site. And this is a very important indicator of the quality of the site.
  4. By publishing long articles on the site, you immediately show search engines that this is original content, and not just another copywriting (more on this below).
  5. An article of 1.5 – 2 thousand words is very difficult to re-optimize. Even if you use the main key in an article a dozen times, given the overall volume of text, this will be a very easy optimization. And search engines will have no reason to think that you are trying to deceive them.

Regarding the fourth item on this list. My articles are usually 2000 words or more. This is an average of 14 - 15 thousand characters. Today, a more or less normal copywriter on the stock exchange charges 70–80 rubles per 1000 rewriting characters. In total, to get an article with 15,000 characters, you will have to pay 1,200 rubles.

This is too much for a content site. Considering the quality of the copywriting, you will need 300 – 600 articles to start getting meaningful traffic. This is too much expense. Therefore, all webmasters who write articles as “copywriters” order texts of 3-4 thousand characters, no more. And so search engines immediately distinguish them from those who write on their own.

And therefore, you and I won’t need 300-600 articles. My site reached 5,000 visitors per day with only 30 large original articles. That is, you don’t have to worry that you’ll have to spend several hours every day writing huge articles all your life.

It will be enough for you to write only a dozen articles, as I indicated above, and you will already have more traffic than others get from hundreds of articles. But to do this, we need to help our article a little more after you have written it.

Step #3 - Quickly get to the TOP

Turnkey article optimization

After you have written an article, you need to lightly optimize it (without fanaticism). To do this, take the main key query for which the article was written and place it in the following places:

  1. In the H1 header;
  2. In the SEO title, which is called “title”;
  3. At the very beginning of the article (preferably in the first sentence);
  4. In the alt tag and in image captions;
  5. In the URL of your article;
  6. In subheading H2;
  7. In the middle and at the end of the article.

This will be quite enough for Yandex and Google to understand what your article is about and what key query it wants to compete for. Now all that remains is to wait to see what verdict the search engines will make.

We speed up the publication of articles in the TOP

It usually takes 2-3 months for an article to mature enough to take its place in the TOP of search engines. But you can also speed up this process. Then your articles can be in first place literally 5-10 minutes after you click the “Publish” button.

For example, here is my article in the TOP 5 7 minutes after publication:

To achieve the same result, here's what you need to do:

  • Write and publish articles every day at a certain time. If Yandex notices that new material appears on your site every day at 12 o’clock, then soon it will begin sending its special robot to your site at exactly 12 o’clock. This is a so-called “fast robot” whose task is to quickly index new and relevant materials.
  • After publishing the article, go to Yandex.Webmaster and submit your article for re-crawling. This is the so-called “adurilka” of Yandex:

  • Place links to your new material on all social networks where you can: VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and others.
  • Send a newsletter to your subscriber base with a notification about a new article (if you don’t have one yet, it’s time to start collecting)

Actually, this is where the main work of website promotion ends. Now you need to repeat this algorithm several dozen times, and your site will grow first to a “thousand” site, and then to a “ten-thousand” site. There would be a desire)

I hope that this article was useful to you, and now you better understand how to properly do SEO promotion with your own hands. Add it to your bookmarks so as not to lose it. Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (a summary from personal experience over 10 years =)

See you later!

Yours Dmitry Novoselov

Hello, dear readers! Today I am publishing an article that you have all been asking for a long time. An article about how to promote a website and how to promote a website. I wrote it for a long time and after reading you will understand why. After all, website promotion (or as everyone used to call it SEO) is a very multi-component process that is difficult to summarize in one article, and in articles in general.

But I tried to collect everything from my experience and from the experience of those people who helped me and continue to help me. The result is a kind of step-by-step instruction or algorithm of actions that will help you promote your website. So, let's begin!

I'm not an SEO Guru, but... I'm not an SEO expert, but 90% of the sites I've owned have successfully ranked TOP in search engines.

I didn’t take courses, didn’t participate in cool conferences, but I just tried many ways to promote websites and chose for myself what really works and what has never let me down. I didn’t work with hundreds of client sites, but just worked on my own sites for myself, but most likely this is even for the better. I learned everything myself and only once did I even buy a consultation from one person experienced in this matter to clarify some points. Therefore, take the instructions from a self-taught person;)

It is important to know

Now, in order to promote a website, you need to take into account many more factors, and we will talk about this below. Well, the last thing you should know: website promotion is a long process that lasts for months. Therefore, get ready for long, painstaking, but interesting work!

Determining the goals of the site

90% of companies do not understand at all why they need a website. They heard that now everyone needs a website and ran to the studio to develop it. As a result, look at any 100 business card or information sites and more than half of them will be useless, either with a disgusting design, or with clumsy code, etc. So, such sites are not prone to promotion at all. If you have already taken on the site, you must understand that this is a big responsibility. It won't just work because it exists!

Before you create a website, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Why do you need it?
  2. What tasks will it perform for you?
  3. What benefit will it bring to people?

If a site is useless to people, then it is useless to search engines. You will understand what I am talking about after reading the article to the end. I will only say that behavioral factors (PF) are to blame for this. And the details are below.

Once you have determined the website's goals for you: it should sell something, present something, or simply give people information. And usefulness for people: useful information from your company’s experts, useful information from you personally, answers to user questions, or just a place for a pleasant pastime (entertainment site), etc. After that, let's move on to the site itself!

Site quality

If you thought that promotion is just about manipulating search engines, then you are mistaken, it was like that before.

Now, before showing a site to search engines at all, you need to prepare it. After all, one of the criteria for ranking sites in search results is assessing the quality of the site itself. So what needs to be done!

Clean and easy code

Have you ever experienced that you go to several different sites, but one of them loads quickly and the other loads slowly? So, how Yandex or Google perceives you also depends on this. The speed of a website depends not only on the code, but also on the hosting in particular. Everything is simple with hosting, use it and you will be happy. I am completely satisfied, but I am not imposing it, you can choose your own.

  1. When developing a site, I would advise you to talk with the developers so that they do not burden the site with various plugins, scripts, etc. Let them not be lazy and implement the simplest functions in code, and not when connecting add-ons. All plugins access the database and load the site.
  2. Try not to stuff your site with all sorts of third-party widgets. For example, I have only the VKontakte widget in the sidebar, although if you check the site speed in this service, then you can see that it also loads the site a little.
  3. Please ask if there are any changes to the site to delete the old code. It happens that lazy developers do not clean the code of old entries after changes. If you change your site frequently, it is better to have a permanent layout designer.
  4. Use caching. If the page is static and does not change, then be sure to use site caching. The page is saved in the cache and when you visit it again, there is no access to the database, but a copy is quickly loaded.
  5. Lighten images. Large images load the site, but if you resize and compress them without losing quality, this will reduce loading time. There are many compression services!

User friendliness

Your site should be easy to use. Any information must be available. If you have large catalogs or a large number of articles, then searching the site will help. The user who visits the site should easily navigate it in search of the necessary information. To do this, simply test on humans. On social media, ask users to go to the site and wander around it. You will be surprised at what kind of feedback there will be and how many bugs they will find. If the user is comfortable on your site, then the search robot is more likely to be comfortable too.

Nice and unique design

The website design should be unique, pleasing to the eye and thematic. When I come across black sites with red text that ripples, I immediately close them. It is impossible to search for anything on such a site. This point can also be attributed to convenience for users, so we won’t dwell on this for long.

Mobile version of the site

Nowadays, more and more users visit websites from mobile devices, and your website must be ready for this. Just recently, even Google warned everyone that sites that are not suitable for viewing on mobile devices will be lowered in search results.

This is just the beginning, it will be even stricter further. Therefore, force your developers to make you a mobile version or switch to responsive design. Personally, on my sites, about 30-40% of visits are already made from mobile devices.

On-page optimization and content

The previous points could also be partially included in the internal optimization of the site, but there will be other recommendations here. This is where we will prepare the site for further promotion, or rather, this is where promotion begins.

Compiling a semantic core

In order to start promoting, you must know what key phrases you will be promoting for. So first of all. You should collect the most key, hottest and closest requests to your activity and group them into sections. If you operate in a separate city, then add “... in Moscow” to each key phrase, for example. You must select key phrases for each page, each section or article of the site.

Writing texts

This is one of the MOST important stages, but many people forget about it. People come to the site for information and this is the main factor for search engines. If your information is useful for people, well compiled, well-written texts, everything is to the point, then you are more likely to rise to the TOP. Approach the texts thoroughly!

I find it funny when some clients provide website text taken from a competitor. This immediately indicates that the client doesn’t fucking need the site and it will never grow in search results.

  • Content should be:
  • 100% unique;
  • Structured (divided into sections, lists, headings);
  • Interesting and easy to read;

Fully revealing the topic in the title. In general, I advise everyone that texts for a website should be written jointly with the CEO or founder of the company. The business owner knows his business better than anyone, loves it more than anyone, and understands the topic more than anyone.

He may not be able to compose a good text, but based on his words, the copywriter will do his job better than writing “from scratch.”

Making a link Each page of yours should have a link to another page or several pages of the site. You just need to link to thematic pages that may also be useful to the reader. Thus, the reader and search robot, having visited the site, will navigate through it longer, following the links. But, as I said, the link must be “on topic”, because otherwise a person will not want to click on it.

Remove external links

When publishing materials, try to block external links from indexing, i.e. links to other sites. If you don't use links to third-party sites, then that's good, but if you do, then hide it. There should be more links TO your site than links FROM your site. But more on that below. You can hide links from indexing using the tag and the attribute.

Site Map

Be sure to create a site map for search engines and users. The structure of your entire site, all sections, articles and pages of the site will be reflected there.

Introduction to search engines + statistics

Once your site is filled with cool content, groomed and ready to float freely, it can be shown to search engines. To do this, add the site to Yandex Webmaster and Google Webmaster. How to do this, I wrote in. After this, your site will begin to be indexed by search engines. It, of course, can begin to be indexed without this, but this will speed up the process.

You also need to install counters to track site statistics. I advise you to use Yandex.Metrica, and for links in ratings you can add a counter from mail and liveinternet.

Tools for website promotion

And finally we got to the sweet stuff;) After all the pages of your site are indexed, you can start promoting or promoting the site. Let me clarify that ONLY after doing the above you can start promoting the site! But here I want to push you to one CORRECT thought and answer several questions with you, based on logic.

— Why do you need to promote the site?

— Most likely in order to rise in search results!

— Why do you need to rank higher in search results?

— Most likely so that the site has traffic!

Logical? Right?

Then answer me 1 simple question: Why is it that almost everyone, after creating a website, immediately rushes to buy links if you need traffic? What do links have to do with it? You don’t go for milk if you wanted to buy cucumbers! The logic is the same here. Accordingly, if you need traffic, then buy or get traffic!

I’ll tell you from my own experience, but if you don’t want to, don’t believe it! Only from site visits comes even more site visits!

But not from links. We will need links, but not now and not in the form in which everyone is used to receiving them.

Search engines also rank a site based on the site's users. If there is no attendance, how will they evaluate it?

A very important factor is website traffic, which can be used to track behavioral factors. Namely, how people use your site, how they navigate, how they get in and out, how long they stay there, what actions they take, and much more. This is the most important factor, because any site logically should be first and foremost FOR PEOPLE!

Therefore, below I will give working methods of website promotion and promotion that I have tested.

Social media

Nowadays, social activity is of great importance for search engines. If your website is shared on social networks, then people like the content of your website. Is everything logical? I clicked “Like”, which means I liked it. Therefore, social signals have a positive effect on your website in search results.

  1. To do this, I buy posts in active groups on social networks:
  2. VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Twitter (accounts). As a result, these are the pluses I put over this method of promotion.
  3. This does not contradict the rules of search engines because... This is not manipulation of search results, like buying links;
  4. This gives traffic (sometimes a lot of traffic);
  5. It improves behavioral factors;
  6. This is also a link (search engines take into account links from social networks);

This is the best feedback from your potential and actual clients and readers;

This is a direct source of leads that can be converted into sales.

I have my own public pages and groups, but I also buy posts in other groups. Their number depends on your wallet. You can buy it at least every day.

I buy or post articles under some other conditions on sites that are higher than me in the search results for my own key queries. It is more expensive, but many times more effective. The main thing is that this site is visited and has an active audience, because I need not only a link or an article, but TRAFFIC. Let us turn again to Mother Logic. If a site links to you that is higher than you in the search results, then most likely you are cooler! You can also get several normal sites from article exchanges, but all of them will soon become garbage dumps, because this is their income. From the exchanges I chose for myself.

Webartex I also post articles on blogs!

For example, I sell an SMM (social media marketing) service and post on the blog of a person who writes about SMM. Surely, through this article, potential clients and other specialists in this field will pay attention to me. If the author of a blog recommended me in an article, that means I’m worth something.

  1. Here are the advantages of this method:
  2. You receive a link from a thematic site that is higher than you in the search results;
  3. You receive traffic to the site;
  4. If the site is completely thematic, then perhaps clients;

You increase awareness.

Writing expert articles

This item is for those who are promoting a company website, and not an informational site, like me. On your company’s website, you definitely need a “Blog” or “Articles” section, or something else to call it. In order to post expert articles useful to users. For example, if you sell building materials, you can write articles about how to use them correctly, how to build something, etc.

In addition to products, your potential customers will also receive useful recommendations, which will bring them closer to purchasing from you.

  1. Pros of all this:
  2. You attract more traffic to the site. Because you write articles correctly, as I recommended. This means you use the key phrases that you use to promote. Therefore, you have another page that can get to the TOP and bring traffic.
  3. You become closer to your actual and potential clients;
  4. New content helps increase interest in your site from search engines;

You can also post announcements of new articles on social networks and subscription services to increase traffic. I wrote about this in an article about.

You can register your site on sites with reviews (for example, “Otzovik” and others), write a description of your site and leave the first review. As a result, you receive a link to your website and an additional page in the search results about your site, which can reach the top for the query “ your website reviews". Well, plus everything, you can get feedback. Suddenly people want to leave a review about you. I mentioned this in the article about.

Link promotion

I am skeptical about it, but I will definitely use it. Although links are not the main factor, they are one of them. If others link to your site, that's good. In fact, we have already posted a number of links: in articles on other sites, in reviews, on social networks and subscription services. But now let’s focus on link promotion.

I use it mainly not to increase positions, but to increase the status of the site in the eyes of search engines. No more. I didn’t notice a big increase in positions from links. There is growth, but not significant compared to what all of the above can provide.

But even when it comes to links, I don’t advise you to go to link exchanges. Nowadays it is not purchased links that are held in high esteem, but natural ones! To do this, it is better to use forums using the service Forumok and negotiate links with sites yourself. Exchanges usually have spammy sites, and you have to search for topical sites in search results and negotiate to place a link in already written articles, or offer to place a link to a page on your site for a fee in new THEMATIC articles.

Remember that the link must have transitions. If the site is not active and there are no transitions, then such a link will be useless. Try to leave a link to your site wherever possible, but not through spam. Fewer links are better, but they will be of high quality.

The advantages of such links:

  1. Natural link mass, which means there is no suspicion on the part of search engines;
  2. Traffic to the site because the sites are active and thematic.

As you can see, link promotion of the site is personally in the very last place for me, but it should be.

Full time job!

The growth of your site, like the growth of a person, requires constant nourishment and constant work to improve it. Nothing is perfect. You must constantly improve the site, constantly generate traffic, post articles, links, posts on social networks, etc. This is a continuous process. Only then will your website always grow in the eyes of people and search engines. Therefore, everything that I described in this article you should do constantly!

You've probably noticed that I always put people first, not search engines. And this is logical. After all, you are creating a website for them. And based on the reaction of your users, search engines will do their job. So, what kind of work needs to be done constantly, besides what I described above.

Working with users

Every day you should try to attract your visitors more and more and create convenience for them in the form of quality content, some services, surveys, competitions, etc. If people become attached to you, this will affect your promotion, don’t forget. Establish contact with your visitors constantly.

Work on the usability of the site

Behavioral factors are better not only from the content, but also from the ease of use of it. Monitor site statistics, look at the click map, scroll map, web viewer, etc. in Yandex.Metrica. in order to change the site for the better. Maybe there are elements on your site that are disruptive to users that they don't click on. They can be safely removed or moved to another location. You need to keep people on the site for as long as possible so that they visit as many pages as possible, and for this there must be all the conditions.

How to promote a website with your own hands? I will tell you my general work plan for an SEO project that gives excellent results.

DIY website SEO optimization plan

1. Statistics

Before you start promoting your site, you need to take care of collecting statistics, get a starting point, and understand how things are now. If the meters are standing, we get access, if not, we install:

  • (counter setup for Ukraine)

We confirm/obtain rights to:

  • Yandex.Webmaster
  • Google.Webmaster

If the site is in English, then don’t forget about Webmaster.Bing.

Pay special attention to the settings: region, main site mirror, check the list of indexed pages (compare with the list of existing ones).

2. Analytics 1.0

In order to be able to track the quality of traffic and conversion, you need to set goals in Metrica and Analytics. It’s better to do this as quickly as possible so that you have something to compare with.

Required goals:

  • View contact page
  • Filling out/sending the feedback form (call back)
  • Sending an order\application
  • E-commerce (if an online store)

3. Collection and distribution of semantics

There are two ways to collect keywords by which the site will be promoted and dynamics tracked. The first is based on the existing structure of the site (directory), when queries are selected for the existing pages. The second is when semantics is collected in general, everything possible in a given topic, and only then pages are created for it. Of course, some combination options are also possible. The simplest collection tool is Yandex.Wordstat. To check positions, you can use Topvisor. In the first case, there is practically no need to group and distribute words across pages, but in the second, you will have to work hard. I advise you to always adhere to common sense - to combine into groups not only words of the same mask, but also synonyms, and to adhere to the planned structure of the site. I don’t recommend creating a lot of similar pages and then racking your brains over the type of menu and linking. The more natural the grouping, the easier it will be for the site to continue to live.

I have never seen anything better than Excel for storing FL.

4. Technical work

  • 301 redirect (main mirror, from old pages to new ones, via htaccess)
  • Setting up robots.txt, blocking all garbage and service sections from indexing
  • CNC setup (if you have a custom website - via htaccess), all addresses are in Latin, translation of words is better than transliteration. The CNC should not be too long, 1-2 main words.
  • Clearing the code of CSS, moving everything into separate files
  • Cleaning up the JS code, moving everything into separate files
  • Checking HTML code validation, fixing errors
  • Implement breadcrumbs - helps the user navigate, participates in site linking
  • Micro markup: for bread crumbs, on the contact page.
  • : Each page must have more than 3 links. For product cards we organize blocks with “similar”, for services – “related”, etc.
  • For pages with pagination, meta link canonical works well.
  • Site menu: minimum JS, clear, logical, drop-down menus with active item highlighted
  • The template does not include markup with headings h1-h6 except for the content zone
  • Generated sitemap.xml and connected to Yandex and Google Webmaster
  • There is a 404 page that helps keep the user on the site
  • Page response codes are 200, there are no broken links (404) or redirects (301) within the site
  • Set up hreflang for a multilingual site

Read more about technical website optimization -.

5. Commercial factors

  • Phone number in the site header
  • Attractive favicon
  • Contact page with site map
  • Details of your legal entity on the website
  • Indication of the country, city - regional affiliation of the site
  • Current year in the footer
  • Feedback Forms
  • Calls to action, accents on the page

6. Content

  • Text on website pages is necessary, but first of all for people. Use keywords, but wisely: combine, dilute, include synonyms
  • Try to ensure that your page answers the query completely
  • Use pictures, videos, tables in the text
  • Valid markup – paragraphs, lists (no Word junk)
  • Each page must be unique
  • Check texts - try to write correctly
  • Select LSI phrases for your text

No one knows the specifics of your business better than you. Take your time, but write the lyrics yourself. Make sure that the texts are clear, useful and interesting to the user. If you don’t know how to write yourself, then don’t be lazy - make a detailed specification for the texts. The text should not contain encyclopedic data or be an SEO-footcloth, but sell exactly your product (service) and in your store!

A short guide on how to find a good copywriter.

Headings (h1-h6), title, description, meta keywords should contain keywords, but not consist only of them. Everything must be unique for each page.

An example of an exchange where you can order texts: ContentMonster (review).

Of course, if you need to improve the position of a site that is already in the index and has texts, then it’s better to start with their SEO analysis.

7. External promotion

Yes, the links lose their relevance, but they still continue to work. Try to act wisely, look for eternal links from trusted resources. If you have collected the SYNOPSIS well, then it can be used as an anchor list.

Start buying with low-frequency queries, it’s easier to get results faster for them.

Select sites with high traffic – this is the key to quality.
More naturalness: anchors in the form of URLs, brand names. More variety of anchors.

External promotion is not limited to link exchanges alone. Try to get natural links from press releases, links on social networks, blogs and forums. Don’t forget about both paid (Yandex, of course) and free thematic catalogues. One of the options for building a natural link profile is crowd marketing.

What to check daily?


Promotion requires a lot of knowledge, time and experience! If you are determined to do SEO optimization yourself, then be prepared to immerse yourself in it completely and do not expect quick results. SEO is an iterative process often with unpredictable results. Try, wait, analyze, make changes, and so on ad infinitum!

In recent years, search engine promotion has changed significantly: new tools and auxiliary services are constantly appearing, the work of which is aimed at improving Internet resources. Competition is growing significantly, which creates a need to look for something new and productive. Search engines, in turn, pose more difficult tasks for optimizers to get into the TOP. Now it’s not enough just to purchase links and place good content on the site - there are about 800 parameters that are taken into account when ranking search results. It is impossible to keep track of all these aspects, but among them there are those fundamental ones, by working on which you can implement successful SEO promotion (Search engine optimization) yourself.

Search engine algorithms set new standards that do not slow down development. We offer you effective tips for website promotion that will help you not only get into the top ten, but also constantly maintain these positions.

Step 1. Where to start promoting your website from scratch?

A novice optimizer is faced with the task of figuring out for himself the purpose of creating and promoting a resource. Most business owners do not understand why SEO optimization of a website is needed and how it functions. The knowledge of most entrepreneurs is limited to the fact that they simply aimlessly create online platforms and do not know how to attract customers.

If you have set yourself the task of creating and promoting a resource, then be prepared to work on it on an ongoing basis. It will not be possible to invest in a business once and let everything take its course, as this will be a waste of time. The Internet is teeming with sites that are not optimized for search engines and do not provide any value to users.

Therefore, the first stage of SEO optimization in our step-by-step instructions is to define goals and plans that will help implement the site:

  • determine the benefit that the resource can bring to your company;
  • what useful and interesting things can you give to your target audience;
  • how much are you willing to invest (time, effort, money).

The more benefits a resource provides to users, the more valuable it is to search engines. So be prepared to create something useful and algorithm-compliant at the same time.

After determining the main tasks that will be assigned to the resource (informing the audience, selling goods, a place to spend free time, etc.), you can proceed to the next stage.

Step 2. Internal organization of the site

You can organize search engine promotion on your own only if the resource is technically prepared. We are talking about code, on which a lot depends: from ease of use to page loading speed. If everything is fine with the code, but the pages are still freezing, then you should pay attention to the hosting and change it if necessary. You should have a permanent specialist who will correct the code from time to time and remove unnecessary parts. Such manipulations will help you implement promotion in search engines yourself in the future, since a reliable base will be prepared for this in the form of clean, optimized code.

In the code, it is necessary to work out those elements that make the site heavy. An experienced programmer will not overload the page with unnecessary modules, and will also compress all images (the quality should remain unchanged).

When you hit the page again, you can avoid loading it using caching. The page will already be stored in the cache and opening it will not take time. This applies to those pages that contain only static elements.

Step 3. Design

The outer shell of the site forms the first impression among visitors, which is important for independent promotion in search engines. The design must be extremely clear and created according to all usability rules. Color and composition solutions must correspond to the theme. For example, a company that specializes in the manufacture of equipment cannot have a website in pink colors.

Visitors should have pleasant associations with your resource. All important components should be visible, such as feedback forms, call buttons, etc. Readable text will be a plus, since only because of unpleasant sensations while reading can a user leave your resource and switch to a more comfortable one.

If you have an online store with a huge number of products, then you will need filters for convenience. This will win over potential buyers and turn their routine searches into an enjoyable experience.

Now it is impossible to imagine a good website without a mobile version, since more than half of users use smartphones to search for information and order goods. Adaptive design makes it possible to present users with a beautiful picture, no matter what device they use to access your resource.

Step 4. Content preparation

The next stage of step-by-step website promotion is content preparation. The text content must meet the following parameters:

  • uniqueness. Find a good copywriter who can comply with the parameters of uniqueness and at the same time write interesting texts. It is not possible and necessary to write articles with 100% uniqueness for every topic, since the presence of specific vocabulary can exclude this possibility;
  • structure. The text should be divided into logical parts, each of which has a title. Enumeration lists will also help you navigate the text;
  • content. The article should not only perform SEO functions, but also be interesting to users. It is necessary to reveal the topic of the article, write in simple and understandable language, and not overload the text with key phrases, and then the article will appeal not only to the audience, but also to search bots.

Articles must contain phrases from the semantic core, which will be used to independently promote the site on the Internet. It is necessary to analyze competitors before promoting a page for any request. All keywords are divided into groups, each of which has a main phrase. It is the main one by which the resource will be promoted.

Step 5. Help with navigating the site

Another stage of our step-by-step instructions for successful SEO optimization is creating all the conditions for comfortable and trouble-free movement around the resource. Creating a site map will easily solve this problem. It is necessary not only for users to make it easier to find the necessary sections, but also for search engines, which will take into account the presence of the map when ranking.

Competent internal linking is also necessary. By referring in one article to another published on your resource, you draw the attention of readers to other useful materials. Plus, behavioral factors improve, as users spend more time on the resource pages. Linking can be successfully implemented if you create a blog on the site and share thematic materials with visitors.

Step 6: Indexing

In our instructions for SEO optimization, the matter comes to introducing the prepared web resource to search bots. Before you open access to the site, you need to make sure that self-optimization of the site is done correctly:

  • the content is unique and interesting;
  • pages load quickly;
  • system pages are hidden and everything functions smoothly.

You can ask someone to test the site, try to order a product, browse the pages and describe their experience of using it. This procedure will help you determine whether the resource is ready for indexing and whether it will be to the taste of users.

When everything is ready, you can open the site for Yandex and Google search bots. To speed up indexing, you can enter the resource into the system yourself (Yandex.Metrica, Google.Analytics), which will also help track statistics.

Step 7. First steps in independent SEO promotion

Competitor analysis is where you need to start promoting your site after it is included in the index. A newbie SEO needs to determine how competitors attract traffic and through what channels.

You should not suddenly use all methods (purchasing links, many new publications, etc.), since such bursts will seem unnatural to search engines. Everything needs to be done progressively, the main thing is to move towards attracting the target audience.

To begin with, social networks will be an excellent tool, where you can directly communicate with users, answer questions in a relaxed atmosphere, inform about new products, promotions and sales. You can create a page for your company or publish advertisements in popular public pages. In any case, you will arouse keen public interest.

Step 8. Link mass

When the audience has already warmed up a little, and search engines have seen the first positive changes in behavioral factors, you can begin to build link mass. Here it is important to slowly and regularly increase your momentum, otherwise you may run into search engine filters.

To ensure that purchasing links is as efficient and safe as possible for your wallet, you need to contact a trusted exchange. SAPE specialists will show you how to promote your website for high-frequency queries and not go broke ().

Step 9. Work on a permanent basis

To remain in the top ten, you will need to constantly work on SEO promotion of the site yourself: create new interesting content and publish it regularly, which Yandex greatly values; also promote your Internet platform using third-party resources such as questionnaire sites, forums, and post articles on other sites. Communicating with users on blogs on behalf of the company will also bring good results, as you will always be heard.


In our step-by-step instructions, you learned how to promote your website yourself. Work with the resource must be carried out on an ongoing basis, the site must be improved in accordance with the requirements of search engines. In order for users to enjoy using your site, you should regularly stir up their interest and connect various channels to attract the target audience. In this case, you will be able to recoup the resources spent on independent SEO promotion.

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