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The default gateway is inaccessible to the wireless Internet. Best practices for solving the problem

Many users who have to work on the Internet sometimes face the problem of lost connection. In this case, the system displays a message about the presence of a connection without access to the network. In the worst case, a warning may appear stating that the default gateway is unavailable. We will take the Windows 10 operating system as a basic example for considering this problem. The methods for resolving the problem in the Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating systems will be similar.

Gateway: what is it?

Before starting to consider the connection problem, you should dwell a little on theoretical data and explain what a gateway is. Without going into the intricacies of computer technology, it should be said that in operating systems of the Windows family, a gateway is a special software made in the form of a router that allows you to convert network connection protocols among themselves. In fact, a router can also be called a network gateway, but this equipment receives, sends and transmits packets only over networks with the same protocols. Windows software gateways are independent of this. They are capable of handling connections that use different protocols. Basically, it is a means of exchanging data between PCs, servers and networks, regardless of the method used to connect to the Internet.

Default Gateway Not Reachable: What Does It Mean?

The occurrence of such a problem may indicate that the current network settings do not allow the above processes to be performed. Most often, the gateway error appears when using external and built-in network Wi-Fi adapters, and in Windows operating systems starting from the 7th version. Clearly, Windows 10 is no exception to this rule. On the other hand, an approximate situation may look like this: a tablet or mobile phone connects to the Internet without any problems, and when you try to connect from a laptop, a message constantly appears stating that the default gateway is unavailable. There can be a lot of problems here. The main reason for this error is the "flown" power settings, incorrectly installed network adapter drivers or Internet connection settings. In general, something is not configured as it should. As a result, the reception and transmission of information packets becomes impossible. The channel is unavailable or blocked. Quite often, blocking is observed when working with Torrent clients in cases where the upload speed is set higher than the download speed.

Default gateway unavailable: what to do?

In this review, we will not consider issues related to the penetration of viruses into the system. Such situations are extremely rare. It is worth dwelling separately on some of the most well-known causes of this error and methods for eliminating them. The thing is that by default the settings of the Windows operating system are the same. Sometimes problems can arise for this very reason. Don't panic ahead of time. Converting the connection parameters is fairly straightforward. It is necessary to dwell in more detail on each type of setting.

Power supply parameters

So, suppose the user sees a message on the computer screen that the default gateway is unavailable. In the Windows 10 operating system, you can simply configure the desired configuration. Anyone, even a completely inexperienced user, can perform these actions. To do this, you must use the "Control Panel", command line or administration. First of all, you need to pay attention to the power supply. Quite often, these problems are caused by the energy saving parameters. First you need to use the "Control Panel". Here you need to select the "Device Manager" section. You can also call it by using the Win + R key combination.

Next, you need to register the devmgmt.msc command. Then you need to find the network adapter and select the property line from the context menu. On the power management tab, you must uncheck the option that allows the device to be turned off to save power. The same settings must be made in the PC administration section. If after that the message "The default gateway is not available" still appears, it is recommended to make the appropriate settings in the system itself. To do this, select the power supply section in the "Control Panel". Here you need to select your wireless adapter. The set value of the parameter should correspond to the maximum performance.

Changing TCP / IP Settings

As practice shows, errors of this type are often associated with incorrect configuration of the TCP / IP protocol. So, in particular, similar problems are observed when the parameters for obtaining an IP address, mask, gateway, proxy and DNS server settings are set manually. To change these parameters, go to the Internet properties section and select the line with the appropriate protocol. After that, you need to view the properties. In the line of the gateway parameters, you should pay attention to the specified parameters. It is important that the gateway address is registered, which is indicated on the router or router. The correct value is usually indicated on the nameplate located on the back of the router. You just need to enter the correct address in the required field. Very often there are situations where the values ​​of the gateway and the IP address can be the same. However, this applies to single terminals, not network terminals.

Installing official drivers

Incorrectly installed or unofficial Wi-Fi adapter drivers are a common cause of the Default Gateway Not Reachable problem. How to be in this case? First, in the "Device Manager" in the context menu, you need to enter the properties section and remove the installed drivers or the device itself. After that, from another computer, you will need to download the official version of the drivers from the manufacturer's website. In many cases, following these steps will resolve the issue.

Possible situations

In this review, only the most common cases were given. Sometimes the reason may lie in the inoperability of the network card or adapter. There is nothing you can do about it, you have to test the equipment and change it if necessary. Sometimes problems arise due to virus software, as well as incorrectly installed operating system updates. However, in this case, these reasons were not considered, since the likelihood of their occurrence is very small.


It should be added that the error "The default gateway is not available" is nothing serious. It can be eliminated quite simply. If the above methods do not help solve the problem, then perhaps the reason lies much deeper. In this case, you will most likely have to change the corresponding equipment.

Many of those users who connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi networks sometimes have to face the problem that the system, in particular Windows 10, constantly writes: "The default gateway is unavailable." Many people pay attention to the fact that mobile devices work fine, but computers and laptops do not want to connect to the network. Next, we will discuss what a gateway is and how to fix connection problems with a few simple methods. Please note that situations where connection is not possible for all intended devices will not be affected for now.

What is a gateway in internet connections?

Before looking into issues with Wi-Fi-based internet connections, it's worth understanding what the gateway itself is.

Almost all respected sources characterize a gateway (whether it is a "hardware" device or software) as a means of converting different Internet protocols among themselves to achieve compatibility between them. Actually, even an ordinary router can be called a gateway.

And when the connection fails, the legitimate question arises as to why the default gateway is unavailable and how to fix this situation? But first things first.

What does the default gateway not available mean?

In the simplest sense, the appearance of such a system message during the connection process or when diagnosing a connection means only that for some reason, in this case with wireless networks, the computer device cannot connect to the router (router).

The notification that the default gateway is unavailable, Windows 10, as well as systems 8 and 7 are issued with an enviable consistency, which most often indicates a "flight" of connection settings or incorrect settings. But there could be many more reasons.

The main directions of troubleshooting techniques

So, I get a message stating that the default gateway is unavailable (Windows 10). What to do? Today, based on the reasons causing the failure, most experts suggest using the following options as the main methods for eliminating it:

  • changing the power settings of a computer (laptop) or wireless adapter;
  • updating or rolling back wireless module drivers;
  • changing the settings of the Internet protocol with the setting of parameters manually;
  • disabling programs that actively use traffic.

Computer power management

Consider the first case in which you receive a notification that the default gateway is unavailable. How do I fix the problem by changing the power scheme?

To do this, you can first try to change the parameters for the entire system by entering the appropriate section "Control Panel" or from the menu called by clicking on the battery charge icon on laptops. Here you should set the high performance mode, then restart the device and see what the result will be.

Power supply to the mains adapter

But the above method may not work, and again a message pops up stating that the default gateway is not available (Windows 10). What to do? You need to change the settings for the network adapter itself. Perhaps a circuit has been installed to turn it off in order to save energy.

In this case, the "Device Manager" is called. To do this, use either the "Control Panels" section, or the administration menu, or the devmgmt.msc command written in the "Run" menu. RMB on the selected adapter, select the properties line in the context menu, and in the new settings window go to the power management tab and uncheck the box for enabling the device to be turned off.

If the message that the default gateway is unavailable, Windows 10 will display again, as an additional measure in the main power section for the entire system, you need to use additional settings and make sure that the maximum performance is set for the network adapter.

Reinstalling and rolling back drivers

In some cases, this does not help either, since the problem may lie in the incorrect operation of the installed drivers of the wireless module. In this case, the same message will appear stating that the default gateway is unavailable. Windows 10 can use either uninstalling the device driver and installing the latest official driver downloaded from the hardware manufacturer's website as a remedy, or rolling back.

In the same "Device Manager" for the first option, an update is used indicating the location of the loaded driver. Complete removal from the very beginning is also possible.

For the second case, the properties section is selected, where the rollback button is activated on the driver tab.

However, as practice shows, you can use one more method, which not everyone knows about. When updating or reinstalling the software for the adapter, you can select to search for the driver on the computer, but do not indicate the display of only compatible devices, but display all of them and select the driver of the device of the same name yourself, and then activate the installation process. Windows will certainly display an incompatibility warning. We ignore it and confirm the installation. Perhaps, after this, Windows 10 will no longer display a notification that the default gateway is unavailable. After all, the system installs only the most suitable drivers, and only in its own opinion.

Setting parameters manually

In some cases, you can get rid of this scourge by manually setting the gateway values. This is done in the settings of the current TCP / IP protocol (section on changing the parameters of the wireless adapter in the network properties).

We use the IP assignment, enter the address (the subnet mask will be set automatically), and then, as the gateway, we write the address of the router, which can be found on the nameplate located on the back of the device. In this case, the entered IP should differ from the router's address in the last field by several tens.

As an additional measure, you can also set the addresses of the DNS servers, using a combination of eights and fours for Google services.

Enabling Compatibility Mode

Another drastic solution to the problem is to enable compatibility mode for VPN connections.

This uses the same section as for the adapter, but selects the status and properties view for the network, and the Security tab navigates to Advanced Options where the FIPS (Federal Compliance Services) enable line is checked.

Diagnostics of programs using traffic

Finally, one of the reasons for such failures can be activated programs that consume too much traffic. Usually these are all kinds of torrent clients, all kinds of downloaders, network connection protectors, instant messengers, etc.

It is advisable to disable them at the first stage, not only by exiting the program, but also by completing all related processes in the "Task Manager". If this does not work either, you will have to remove all of them from the startup menu (so that they do not start with the system in the future).

You may have to delve into the antivirus or firewall settings, disable them, or even change the antivirus (this is especially important if the problem appeared as after installing antivirus software). But as a rule, such situations are relatively rare, so such actions may be required only if all of the above methods turned out to be completely ineffective, which is unlikely.


From a purely practical point of view, the most widely used methods are to disable adapter shutdown and manually reconfigure TCP / IP parameters. By the way, the possible use of Google-settings also gives a positive result. All the rest are just special cases of more general situations.

Users of computers and devices that replace them often come across the term "default", which is used when describing software settings. They have a question: what does default mean?

It would seem that an understandable term that does not require "translation" into Russian, nevertheless, upon closer examination, turns out to be incomprehensible.

Let's try to figure it out. Is it possible to use the default operating mode of the software?

Why default settings are needed

Many modern application programs used on personal computers are multifunctional, have many capabilities, not all of which are used in practice by all PC users.

You can endlessly study MS Office applications, and each time new and new possibilities will open up for editing and processing words (Microsoft), spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel), presentations (Microsoft Power Point), etc. The same can be said for any other program: browsers, Skype, etc.

The above means that it is very redundant in terms of its functions. This redundancy is needed in order to provide PC users with a variety of information processing capabilities. For programmers who create this software, which is redundant in its functionality, this means that it is necessary to provide for many options for data processing in advance at the stage of writing programs. And all these options need to be incorporated into application programs, as well as provide convenient opportunities for their use.

The variability of the software is convenient because the user is presented with many options that are often not used by him. The downside to this coin is that a lot of settings must be made before using the software. Indeed, if the software allows a lot of things, and the user needs to use only a part of the provided capabilities, then you need to somehow indicate to the program what, in fact, the user is interested in in this particular case.

To make it easier to configure the software, programmers use the default mode.

What does default mean

Let's see the logic of programmers when they create (or, as they say, write) a program. Programmers proceed from the fact that in each specific case of the program operation, the following 2 options are possible:

  1. the program in this particular case can perform only one action,
  2. and the program can do more than one action.

As a rule, there are no other options. Where there is only one action, the programmer programs it. But where there are several actions, the programmer must write the program in such a way that it asks the user questions about what to do at a given moment, or the program itself automatically selects one of the possible options.

In the second case, they say that the programmer set the program to work in the default mode, i.e. the programmer himself, without the participation of users, determined by which of the possible options the program should work in this particular case.

If the program automatically selects one of the possible options for working in a particular case, then this means that such settings were set by the developer of this program, these are the default settings. The user, with the ability and desire, can change them to others.

Harder for the programmer, easier for the user

Determining when a program can do one single action and when there can be several such options is quite difficult. Let's consider this using the example of moving the mouse cursor using the manipulator "". If the user moves the mouse, then, it would seem, the only possible reaction to this the programmer should specify the movement of the mouse cursor on the screen of the Windows desktop. It seems to be the only action.

But you can move the cursor across the screen at different speeds. One user likes the fast movement of the mouse cursor across the desktop in response to small movements of the mouse across the real table.

It is more convenient for another user if the cursor movement speed is slower, but someone likes to work completely "with a brake". Accordingly, this movement speed can be adjusted (regulated) in the mouse settings (for Windows XP it is regulated: "Start" - "Settings" - "Control Panel" - "Mouse" - "Pointer Options" - "Set the pointer movement speed").

But after the first installation of Windows or after the first connection of a new PC mouse, the mesh pointer begins to move at some "average" speed, and the PC user did not specify anything in the settings.

This is what is called the "default" settings. That is, programmers have already, as it were, already configured the software to perform certain functions, while there can be a great variety of possible options for performing these functions.

Pros and cons of default

Defaults make things easier for PC users, especially novice users. They allow you to create a user-friendly interface for the software, making the process of using the programs convenient and comfortable. At the same time, users do not know what the default means.

Imagine for a moment what it would be like if, in all cases of multiple decision-making, the software would ask the user questions:

  • Do you want to move your mouse cursor to the right?
  • Are you sure about that?
  • How fast is this movement to be performed?

- this is from the area of ​​anti-friendly interface.

But defaults are fraught with problems for users. If the user works with the software solely on the basis of the defaults prepared by the programmer, then the user deliberately limits himself in the use of many other features inherent in the programs.

For example, when working with the "mouse" manipulator, the user can not only adjust the cursor movement speed, but also adjust the pointer accuracy, its appearance, the ability to use special effects when moving the pointer, adjust the movement speed by rotating the mouse wheel, change the assignment of mouse buttons, etc. .NS.

When default is not possible

Programmers don't always include defaults in their programs. Sometimes they fail. For example, try to create a new document in a Microsoft Office program (the main menu button is "New"), enter any text into a new "blank" document (even if it consists of one word), and then try to save this "new" text using the menu "Save" (The main menu button is "Save" or move the mouse cursor to the image of the floppy disk and press the left mouse button).

Alas, the document will not be automatically saved, in this case only the "Save As" option will work and the user will be prompted to specify the file name, its location in the file system, file extension option and other parameters.

Another thing is when a user opens a previously created file using a Microsoft Office program. In this case, after any editing of this file, clicking on the floppy disk icon (or the Main menu button - "Save") will save the changes in the same file under the same name that was opened initially.

The above example with Microsoft Word shows that default modes can be defined by programmers only where these defaults can be found in principle.

If the programmer does not know in advance what the name of the new file, created for the first time using Microsoft Word, will be called, then he does not set this "by default", but programs in such a way that the program in this case would necessarily display a question for the user, and would suggest the user to make his own responsible decision.

Should I change the default settings or not?

Novice users should be careful about the software's actions in the "default" mode. They need to understand whether the actions of the software are the only possible and do not imply any settings, or if this is one of the possible actions of the program, behind which there are various settings and pointers that allow you to expand the capabilities of the PC software.

It can even be said that the differences between advanced PC users and novice users largely lie precisely in the understanding of the actions of the software in the "default" mode. Novice users often do not understand whether they use all the capabilities of the software to solve their problems using a computer.

And experienced users have studied in detail and learned how to apply in practice all kinds of software settings (both applied and system), and thus sometimes more effectively use the provided capabilities.

However, I would not like the default modes to be perceived only as tools for beginners. Quite often, "advanced" users use defaults, not all of them constantly tune and reconfigure the software, and not all of them are "promoted" only due to this.

Settings are good, but besides this there are many other possibilities: program menus, icons and buttons for controlling programs, context menus (for example, by pressing the right mouse button), controlling programs using the keyboard, etc. All this expands the possibilities of using a PC, and "promotes" users from the category of beginners to the category of "advanced".

Examples of defaults

Now let's take a look at some examples of PC defaults. We have already said about the mouse. Similarly, you can configure the keyboard, or use the parameters that were set by default.

All other devices connected to the PC or located inside the PC work in exactly the same way - they can work in the "default" mode or they can be configured, as a rule, through the "Control Panel".

Default in filenames

Files in Windows are usually shown as a file name without specifying the file extension. For example, Name.docx will show the name Name, and the extension.docx will be hidden. Every file must have a name, and almost always (though not always) also has an extension.

File name extensions are not shown by default in Windows. This is done for the benefit of users. If you change the file extensions "like gloves", then sooner or later Windows will face the problem of opening files, that is, which program can open a file with an unfamiliar Windows extension.

How to make Windows show file extensions is described.

By the file extension, Windows automatically detects the default program designed to process this file. However, this file can be processed not only with the default program. Often, multiple programs can be used to process the same file.

It is enough to right-click next to the file icon and the context menu to see options, for example, "Open" or "Open with ...". The second option provides a different program besides the default program for editing the file.

Default browser

To search for information on the Internet, users can use various browsers: from the standard Microsoft Internet Explorer to Google Chrome. The user makes the choice of the browser independently if he initially launches it on a PC, and then starts a search.

However, the link to the Internet page can be received by the user by e-mail, or this link can be published in some file on the user's computer. In this case, which of the installed browsers should be used in order to follow this link? And Windows chooses the "default" browser. And these defaults are set through the "Control Panel", or using the settings of the browsers themselves, if these settings allow you to declare the browser the program for working with Internet pages by default.


There are an infinite number of examples of defaults in software, since this approach is a common practice for programmers to write both application and system software. Programmers are silent about how in each specific case it is possible to change the course of the program, optimize its execution, improve the interface, increase performance, etc.

But they do this not to “hide” the settings from users, but so that users can work both in the “default” mode and deliberately changing the software settings.

They keep silent about the advanced capabilities of the PC software, and users agree with these defaults, or change them in accordance with their requests, needs, habits, etc., which makes the software as convenient and comfortable as possible for everyone who decided to use a PC in their work , at home or on vacation.

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- (English default constructor), in object-oriented programming languages ​​a constructor that can be called without arguments. In C ++ and Java, if there are no explicitly defined constructors in the class, then the compiler uses ... ... Wikipedia

- (English Default gateway), the gateway of last hope (English Last hope gateway), sometimes just a gateway in routed protocols, the address of the router to which traffic is sent, for which it is impossible to determine the route based on the tables ... ... Wikipedia

- (English Default gateway), the gateway of last hope (English Last hope gateway) in routed protocols the address of the router to which traffic is sent, for which it is impossible to determine the route based on the tables ... ... Wikipedia

default gateway- Often called a router, an IP gateway that connects two or more networks or subnets and allows data to flow from one network to another. The default gateway is the local subnet router. ... ...

default printer- The default printer driver installed on the system and accessed by the computer first when sending print data. Information technology topics in general EN default printer ... Technical translator's guide

default assignment- Selection of default parameters, usually used in cases where the value of the original parameter is not unambiguously certain. [L.M. Nevdyaev. Telecommunication technologies. English Russian explanatory dictionary reference book. Edited by Yu.M. ... ... Technical translator's guide

default rule- nutylimoji taisyklė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. default rule vok. Vorgaberegel, f rus. the default rule, n pranc. règle défaut, f ... Automatikos terminų žodynas

default reset function- [Intent] Topics relay protection EN default reset function ... Technical translator's guide

default- CANopen object attribute defining preset values ​​for non-user-configurable objects after power-on or application restart. Network Topics ... ... Technical translator's guide

default value- - [L.G. Sumenko. The English Russian Dictionary of Information Technology. M .: GP TsNIIS, 2003.] Topics information technologies in general EN default setting ... Technical translator's guide


  • Freedom by default, Sakhnovsky, Igor Fedovich. Igor Sakhnovsky is the author of the novels "The Urgent Needs of the Dead", "The Man Who Knew Everything" (awarded the Bronze Snail Prize by B. Strugatsky, filmed in 2008) and "The Conspiracy of Angels", ...
  • Freedom by default, Igor Sakhnovsky. The prose writer Igor Sakhnovsky is the author of the novels "The Urgent Needs of the Dead", "The Man Who Knew Everything" (awarded the B. Strugatsky Prize "Bronze Snail", filmed in 2008) and "The Conspiracy ...

There are many quality web browsers out there now. For example, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Opera. Having installed one or more new browsers, users are often faced with the question of how to change the default browser. In this article, we'll show you how to fix this problem.

Changing the default browser is pretty straightforward. All you need to do is open the browser that you want to use as your main browser. Go to its settings and find the function "Set as default browser". After using this function, your selected browser will be used as the default.

In order to use it as a default browser, open its main menu and go to the "Settings" section.

In the Settings at the bottom of the page, you will see the button "Set Google Chrome as default browser".

After clicking on this button, Google Chrome will become the default browser.

In order to make Mozilla Firefox the default browser, click on the "Firefox" button, which is located in the upper left corner of the program, and in the window that opens, select the "Settings" item.

In the Mozilla Firefox browser settings, go to the "General" tab. Here in the "System Preferences" section there is a button "Make Firefox the default browser". By clicking this button, you will make Mozilla Firefox your default browser.

In addition, above the button there is a function "Always check on startup if Firefox is the default browser". If you enable this function, then when you change the default browser, the Firefox browser will inform you that it is not the default browser and offer to fix it.

To use the Opera web browser as your default browser, open the Opera menu located in the upper left corner of the program.

In the window that opens, go to "Settings". You can also open the Opera browser settings window using the Alt + P key combination.

At the top of the settings window, you will see a button “Use Opera as default browser”. After clicking on this button, the Opera web browser will be used by the operating system as the default browser.

After installing the Windows operating system, the default browser is the web browser. If you changed your default browser, but then decided to return Internet Explorer, then this is easy to do.

Open Internet Explorer and click on the Alt button. After pressing the Alt button, the menu "File, Edit, View, Favorites, Tools, Help" will appear at the top of the Internet Explorer window. Open the "Tools" menu, then open the "Browser options" menu item.

In the Browser Properties window, on the Applications tab, there is a Use as default button.

By clicking this button, you will make Internet Explorer your default browser. In addition, under the button there is a function "Tell me if Internet Explorer is not the default browser". If you enable this function, the Internet Explorer browser will inform you if it ceases to be the default browser and will offer to fix it.

Alternatively, you can set your default browser through the Control Panel. To do this, open the Control Panel and go to Programs - Default Programs - Set Default Programs.

Next, in the window that opens, select the browser that you want to make the default browser, and click on the "Use this program as default" button. Then save the result by clicking on the "OK" button.

Also, here you can set which files will be opened using this or that program. To take advantage of this opportunity, click on the "Select defaults for this program" button.

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